Downers Grove Reporter, 26 Apr 1900, p. 1

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EB TO COUNTY SELECTB DELEGAT NTIONS AND SENATORIALCONVE REI’UBI ICAN C AUCUS The repubHean towaxahlp caucus to soled. detegntes to the county and son- atorial conventions was held at the Auditorium here Saturday afternoon, and delogxnes were chosen to those conventions favorable to we candidacy of Repreaentativa Bush and State‘s At. torney Slumr. though no instructions were given. - ~ -- ,-u.. on“... Bush and State's Attorney Reptesenutive __ .,___.n um. m Hold If you wmI. In [I wnn'I. Inn-I, you People used In think cabbage hung huvy In their unmet-In. Ann- ouch mot]. mmnuor whnI you «M. take a demo! Dr. Oaldwell'a Syrup Pepin You VIII. never suflqr from vousupa- ISM. Indlgnudo, sick headache or “9th frontal... For ml. at Bush a Hawk drug hm Chairman .1. N. Redl'ern. 0! me wwu committee. canal the meeting to order. Capt. 'l‘. S. Rogers wns made chairman, and Joseph P. flush, of “tumble. sec- rebry. J. N.'Redleru moved that delegates he selected to the county convention as follows: Seven from the Hinmlale pro- , ‘_.4 may... u... . and Joseph P. Bush, of llinsdale. sec- rat-I‘y. J. N.'Rodloru moved that delmm be selected to the county convention as follows: Seven from the Hinstlalo pro- ducts, xix Irom Downers Grove and two from Lace. and to tho senatorial convention live each from Blundalo and Downers Grove mm! on. from Lace. The motion prevailed. and upon the motion or W. B. Carleton a recon of ten minutes wan ukon to Mloct Una dologfiw- Vyond. Big.” c-heokgd through. ”coping-car berths "served Cu" at u'“"“"" Upon "convening tin following “an of delegates were reported and unani- momly adopted by the caucuu: To the county conventionnc, V. Car- ponur. C. B. filodgolt.Chu|n flochcl. P. C. llullup. Hugh II. Whlh, I". A. Down. W. B. Cnloton. W. flayed“. E. P. Hinds. J. I‘. Bush, R. A. cum, I. In -L â€"l__ Tho popular par-sonny conduqhd as. «unions to Canton-Ma rm tho Rum»;- hmlnvo Chicago every week.‘ All through tming will stop M. Downers Grove for manger! holding that“: In Dubuqna. 3|. rant. Mlnnmpofia, Kansas City, Unmlm. Dom-er and In- ticket oflico formation. An I compliant to an! “Manual 0! Ropnunuuvo (In, L. Bush‘s candl- dncy In at. Ioginlttun he an on Inn-Imam: you pomnud w slant Mn own dolognw w the “worm conun- IJon. Ho u-hou the loilowlng “at. which run uloptod by an em: To the non-tonal mnvonuoaâ€"I. 0. Ruth, Junoâ€" IrCllntotk. W. R. Curl.â€" lon, “com l-L fimllh. J. N, mum, C. V. Capo-nor. 1'. ’4. lingo”. Invl 1x, 1'1. Woounn. Hugh N. Wlouloom Ii. "am. A n'mbllo'nn hum m-ulun nu uppofinw « Inflow»: (3w!- Iorhoh Jana IcCllutonk PM PM AM“. l . v. ‘-...._' , . Duos. w. n. Cumin». W. 52314;... a. P. Hindu. J. r. Bum, R. A. Chuck, u. L. mum. J. N. Redforn. Chm er konflno Ind Frank Cram". could mlko reports has. McClin took ("and holding tomep convol- UMIs and electing delegslea thorfio frmn each precinct In the township J. N. Rull‘cm Mun-lured a rmlnllon lawman; the lone mutant-o to ar~ mg. for lunlqlmz prllnrlon'ln mh pnclnct in the [Man lo m. the place at canons”. Tho resolntlnn mod Ind 1n: M follows: "Resolved, Tlml “smaller thug“. to all conventlons shnll be selected ll primary eloouom to In held In Downua (lmn. fllnsdalo and Lace. llvc town ran-mm..- alarm May to be. ad they no. instructed lo strung. lo hold such prlmnflc! and to sled Muir snc< censors. The lawn commune shall proportlon lo Downers (ll-ave. Ill» duh and Lava the number or delegate ouch plum shall Mammal lo. laud on m. have representation as In used by the county or «her mmmiueo m"- lng the cpnwvlwn." u. 0. mm. “mama-«V a melon“ luau-noun; no. dob-pm to no mun-'5‘ mnallon to mo I" hon-WIN. mum to noun tho Humiliation M 1!. Nm‘u an nhu‘n sum-y. TM! in cutout! In, «van! pmnt» not Main. "a vmwm wu unlriomfly In Mr. fllnmr. but 'm‘nll” M "I. nullpflhy m m- Impact“ of any nntnn. um! Iho m»- lulkm was amended \n “no adamant 0! Ms roam! u and-- mummy. The his“; was discussed u some length. many favoring and some op- posing on the ground Nut then would I» no one to whom tho primuy judges l'pon mnlbon "m John": to III. ”alumni and munty conventions WIN maumztal m MI nn vat-and" nml ml “I. I‘ll" van 0' [he 'lclogaflnm at up mnvonuom. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. Epl'lull‘lu v- â€" __. Slur-set Axe Endusedâ€" â€"Vote to Hold Township Ptimnty Elections. EAT A WHOLE CABBAGE GOING WEST? I‘m- (my otherdeflnd in- NEW ELECTRIC LIGHTS TESTED. Brilliant Showing Hide in we Test Snurday Evening. Amid the cheers of the spectators the muchinery in the new electric lighting plant was started Saturday night. The throttle was thrown open by John T. Burke. the general conq tractor oi” the plant, and the immensei wheels began to revolve. There was an whirr and buzz, and electricity for the first time displaced oil street lamps in lighting the village of Downers Grow. People all over the town thronged the streets and generating plant to witneu the test mode. and ofliciale were busy showing the machinery and explaining ite workings. The are circuit on Main street was turned on, as wee the incan- descent circuits all over the village. and made a. brilliant spectacle. The are circuit on Maple avenue was not completed and that thoroughfare was dark. The street lighting clrcultcom mm of twenty-two arcs and eighty in» undescgntswnd, when all are burning. Downers Grove wilt he the best lighted wwn in this vidnlly. The gonerulug plant consuls ol' the Vll'y but machlnery maneycnn buy. Luger upplinum may be procurod. but non. bolt". Th. urn lamps and u. of the luuhuMn muko‘ 2,000- candle pow-r. tad give a brim-m light. My Mud wlthout lllckorlng, and are «pulled by those 0! no other make. 11» lmtlnducon'. lamps In or the Bul- Ion “Horn. witty-twocxmdlc power, Ipoclnlly unpud l’or utmtâ€"llghtlng putpous. Th. angina ll 3 "Buck-yo." lwhom pow“, um. I spud ol 2‘0 nvolutlom pot mluulo. The dynamo II :Gououl Electric nlumntlug gener- nmr o! ulna, Illa-lull. cap-lacy. Two bollon. «ch 0! any-hone power. fur- Illsll um “um. All doctors told Renlnk Hnmilmn. of West Jefferson, Ohio, after sull’enng [8 months from Raoul fistula, he would die “Mani I costly oponuon wu- per. formed : but he cured hlmaolr with Bucqun'n Arnlca Salvo, the out In tho‘ world. Bun-l. Filo Cum on “run. 25c : box «Bush A Bluomion’a drug «on. Owls; to ion. mar-mm "mm" In tho (oundnfloa to the «min. the phat wlll not In t. opcruuon for u row nook: y“. bearing order, pour, apple, cherry um peach trees, also raspberry. Murry. current-v. stnwberflm. ”mm" mm rhubarb. wm nuke awry repaint and mat assemble to a good tenant. D. (I. Nahum. I have the lmfi'ath pm. for mt. ad- joining the vll‘aga on use south: unn- room mango. one Ind threw-fourths arm or good land. 2:» mpevims in Nut brick chm u th‘ 1-. Arthur null pop" It Buck' 1 Carp“ paper in M yum «M: rur' . 'ur it Mom. A Ila-Mi- T'IO only pin. in law» In buy MM 0... a" I! It Nuh'n. any: luau mam 25- .nov,; ~u‘on. .. tn L1 your»; “Jan” A. A CMcun mllllmr a“! nut- and (mm «yum lulu. Adan-II Ml.- "II-y flood-9.04! l' H Inn 4 ‘4. \HIllngo mum'mm grass lama sand 13 cents per pound. Don’hume labor on poonood buy of Math. a locked and got the best. “up ymn tubing 0" no ground by tiling the u!jmu.blo cloth“ "no Imp mrl. 2i» oath. “to (or .‘s‘n‘. M. llollor'n PM Raul. Conan. ham and hm um. mmr Hut Hmvo nation. Rut. um I yum \‘. P'ralonhnpn. M I‘d» «mi. "m Hal. M Rent lilghtnmm house. newly plnkml Md punbd: 50 [at 0' ground. Prim. OLW: wm nut rm .9 per month. u. H. Burma. For Rant or Me.~No. 1m Highlnnd nvenue.uvon-room brick house: city 3nd cistern water; mmenud I’m-amount: well drained: hardâ€"wood floors; shndon. screens, storm windows. Rant, $12.50. V. Fmdonhmn. 64 Main street. Time for pinning gras- suedâ€"«boat lawn seed per pound m cunts; 15 cent. in 5 pound louzbest. while clover 15 For flolo- Hood molt won. pale-I flour Mn am! who mum-«l, launcher unto! household WI”. nllin nul- loot condition. luqnin 0! Mrs. J. R. Iuwcll. A Can [of Rheumausu:~â€"Tho (inst Blood l'nrmot. Kidney lid Liver Regu- latorz‘JOOGayn Ire-uncut. on. dolhr. Cu" or “dress A. I. Pulsar. again. 78 Fail-mount “2.. Dow-on Gm", I". D. (I. Graham hm ml blank: and nll {admin for "oration or III": and m had nus o! sac-cast"! expert-um In that "no. Hive M. am". Charm "annulus. Want It? A “led, mud building kn in Human (iron. Add!!! Humor. 1M PoMlu- banding, Chicago. and M w“! null. you: prion um you will agree is : Mrgsin‘ HE FOOLED THE SURGEONS. wn'u rm: uncunn‘rs zoo-l cook «on. pale-I DOWNERS GROVE. DuPAGE COUNTY. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1900. Initial Garden seeds at Nash‘s. Cream flour at Muller’s. White Rose gasoline. Nash's. Additional local news on "MI page. Henry Paul was taken suddenly "I yesterday. Doucious (loan. Java and Mocha cof- fee at; Hallar’d. Miss blipnio Smith of LnUrnnge spent Sunday in Downers. Mlns June Bird of lllnmlule wan the guest. of Lu 8mm», Sunday. New Idea May {union sheets now ready. Call and got one at llnller‘a. To obtain good brand buy Seal of Minnesota Flour. Fer sale at llnller's. Try a can of those famous (1mm apples at. lung'sâ€"300 per gallon can. J. 8. Perry. who mine: at H18 High- land avenue. will remove In the city May In. Mrs. I“. L. Winsor 0) Hannah. “L, is visiting her btouwr, E. J. W Dun. and family. Mm Mal-um nuplay is visiting Mrs. mus 9nd In. “CR-um“. Mar home In In Plathmonth, Nob. Mr. and Mn. Jon. Collin- of Chicugo no visiting with tholr aunt. Mn. 1.. R. l'ofl’or and other reluu van. Ilul. Bonn-H. of Munich, "L, In with tier daughter»,- Mn. Harry flnydor and In. Watts. for a nhorg. Mme. J. I". Eds-oral. of Chime. occupia "n Prod-Mug“: home on I-‘nirvhu “cum. mu mau- M the [autumn uuuonl In. Peri, thkcr. of Platlnmoulh, Nah, In .pondlog n slum. am. with hot nlulvn and "tend: h! Donna“. A. V. Knickorbockar has mind his oommisoion n manor-tor at tho cou- cus of the township of Link. 0. W. Simblor In vested with summit] to count moon in that port of thorvilia township within tho corpontloomhllo Thoma new will perform the sum duty in the run] district. They will begin tho work June I. E. Woohrol has opoud soim foc- tory in an building lama-l] occupied by L. G. schoilold. just south o! the depot. Mr. Woohrol '- ronnuly onâ€" mud in the business at Aaron, but sickness in his family moaned n- moving his factory hon. Ho mun- hctum a choice lino of goods and con- ducts a wholmlo as well as. retail business. Injor Cooper‘s “Instr-tad loom" on thc Cl"! Dw-Ilon Timothy "on“; In an Auditorium van mun-sly Intonat- lng and instructive. An inquiring mind Islost in woudar and amt-h- mont while gazing It “”01"!!!“ habitation: located thou-Andi of foot than tho so: lovol, haunt): ,onrhang- hag rocks. an» lantern- tannin un- solved In the undovdopod "gm: of Arizona, New Union. Utah and Iii-ho. 1’. 1‘. Timmy-on In nlnkln‘ I wbulu we" on M- rum wall: In! town. and [man-g Mu hon-so and making nth-r Impmvommtn. ‘I‘lu! hunt connptlou In mm; mun“: In ul-plnyui {or you: col- nMar-uon u Hougu summary mm. Low prices pron“. Pour Llcbundguu. hu [non with; out?“ "pain on m- Inn Man con or town. The Mum hu rot-dud I (rush on“ of punt. W. ll. banana 0: mm“ «am; no. In Mo but. olm Inc-l. Btu mark! by "one. 0. Doll”. H. J. Du", In doing tho Inch. Tho IMIQ' [and of Rt. Andnw'l‘ am" will hold a when" m: tron ! until l0 o'clock tall, In tho Mun buildup. on South lulu “not. In J. H. Known" will mom to Ir- vin; Pull In the mm of two or "I". tech to an. Mr hona. "or any trio-4k hon «m In tony In In her In" Downers. For the best nml choupat '1" war an on W. N. Norah-rt. Moo 3 full lino ot pllnu. om. vmlsha. awn. ml «such “any: on hand. Ab. ml can“ renting and Ins-Inna done. The democrat- um hold Mr con- gressional convention for um mu mm (llama la Aaron on July mm. The nonunion convention for Kano And Pour Shah-ski, a pauper, who In. In” m with "rpm-1mm at the home of John (Inna. on North lun strut. for some fine post. was aha to the county hm Honda]. when M w"! undergo In oponuon. Jody- Bdten com-hind Jouph Gha- ”(g-r. of miners Grove, to (heal-na- wood “Mush-It! school Ffld‘]. The boy's punk mound his eon-minor» and “small to Ms lmrrlclblllty. (loom Hahn and John Edam: were also aim. Dam cont-Nan win ho hold on Au 3-” 26, at “out". '1' 4f! on. Family Safety. No smoke; no morn dun chimneys. Th- bost on In town. only No par fid- Ion, at O. S. Hughes Cola MN». More. « Jonas Foster has bean III for mural days past. Apples Sn gallon cans, for plan and sauces, 30“an por can, at. King‘s. Mines and children's hats at Sollg'n millinery store. Frank Chilvem has been ill with throat. trouble for neural days. A horn belonging to John Urn“: dropped dead on tho strut yeahrday. For Balmâ€"Two w-barrol oak churn tanks; '25. [nqulro at M Mala Itnqt. Drink (ions. Mocha and Jun can... For sale M. Hallor‘s. 20 conm pot pound. Chlrming and dainty effects In spring and summer mllllnory at Sollg'n mllll- nary awn-e. For Haloâ€"One slwroom ho“... neatly “0'; ‘00 hot 0! ground. Prim. 01.000‘ 0. H. Bangs A sister of Headline- J. D. loVun and G. H. Bung. In here from 81mm:- mnklng them A visit. For. dollclou- bunt-at drink try (Jon; Jnvn and Rocha coffee; only We per pound at Hullor'l. The Womu'n Ill-don aim]. of ”I. Baptist. church moot: this afternoon It 2'10 o'clock with In. Hahn. Help: for Mon mklngwuulul [Max- for ma flanâ€"opulent. hon. mica etc. um am: A lochcln. In. 1nd In Funk (3mg, 0‘ Into; Wk, with Ilr. and In. Holy”. of fill- cqo, wont Math, «ms III-u. J. B. lawn". â€"'_..- .H , [mgr-m norm: In my: ho don’t ”for onions. been. not poo, but nth“ work his much npthu Ml, Mk. II- nu. ma goal! 1M- «Alla ”Mandyâ€"ah. doubts the nasal. It"). beam ho had to go to (Slum on carpet cloning by. Ind on M. a- uni ho round no Brut-II «sud at! w down. and acid“ "MP - In. "mum-huh”. a! Nmnflb. lg MN m. wall VII-lulu no: man. In. Hoary Vanda-M- And In. Iv“- Shah. ”1‘. db- llyh Isl-i; um «unr- || an pun-hulk loll.“ puukhd In (Va-Muno- with ”a 01mm. Journal. Dr. A. R. Wuhbnn, M CMugo. h. nah-i u» J. W. Rog." homo. M IAI- ud Warm «mu. 0! v. Prado-Man. and um comp, N no“ wait. In. J. B. lulu" has gold hr hi- ory bushe- to In. Alla Johnson...» will u. chum nu Mum-y. In. Johnson will occupy put at "no “"04 in; I.“ dam south MA. lfinnp- son'- atom. Iltdo It Barber’s Conan. In K” In for may yours I former Incident (2an CA!” mum-non. 0' “'1' co‘""!- [ac-l pm- a! the Chimp 1H. Schooi election swanky trough. out phono comm, m expound-3 can. only I "3M. vole. Tho mucus ticket IIW WHO OW! "pally" wit. a van cloctod. being the only on. In tho A man of mo opt-Mo- of tho decide mm. n comm MW. 3. Town», for ugh: paw. 'hon tho win. at tho praldut and J. W. Worlcyud Cu». «to plant m- punlhl In clan. pro:- 1. A. Kuhn, for mambo" of the but!!! In“, fo‘r fly mm diam in- ol mention. analo- from Ibo hum, mun. .47. A“ A: AI.- n...n.4 nhanml. Inn. “mm ”I.“ whithuohphouo pm;- Ml Mann houn. with run at W h dglvu and am: sad think. 00 A 1A.__nA Ila. Duh! Dunn was and a: York- m». "l, Wetland-y morning. to M- m the tunonl at Mo cousin. Hm Kflon um». flan Incl. nu tori. an am by w lug Quick In! Win. In». at Whine "mum"... Hutu Mocha! m an!" numvunpr‘waoa on wall" nova. lit. and In. Funk ”horn a! Clue“. vmm Moods ud (than: hon Bum» day and South]. In. Rhu- "Id-d out to extend hot visit with Mr mt Ind slaw. In J. 0. (Mind ad ma Duly (Mp-0d. new; , "all. 5 mill: can. 2 out. A: ll. Martha KM died It union (“1“. fl“ 5. “ton gt tho door Cu Sunday, Apfllzsdm! Much ROI-NO. tray up,“ Bolt-huh um Futon! was hdd Woduosdayud hurt-l m “a g good an. to “W [Jule "carious Vodka-hol- nur- Mind A party a! Mond- ‘l‘ucuhy In. 4 an!” I o'rlnrk on tho unlvomv of Mr MnM-y. In flunk“! lulu- wfll no" in! rm“, to Chiugo Wu. The, at" room at. "35 Mon, “cum. lla- nsldancooa Pooto “to“ Inn has “to. for an manner by J. 3. Dawn. of GM. who Is 9-3pm”: u nun-nun John H. Wan-n Dian HI- Hm in "muâ€"m My. John H. [' [and um: at his homo in Humble, at. nun-n1. ht- urdsy mousing. Hh dam up an.» ”abandon-nu: Inddon shook“ hi: friends. u tho d3: [envious hop.- wm mum-m to! Ms noovuy. The «and van minimum in all-duo budnou chain. huh; run 0 adol- shop thou for any yarn. Ir. Pup“- human wu born In Nhnborg. than». corms-y, Swank: $8. 1831. Amun- In: muhood hound m u» w M- tuun Uormuy m Donwk. In 1871 In can. to Ammo. III-uh; In Down. on (iron. arm-ud- moving to PM: linburg. In l8“ In mud on Btu-1 duo 3nd 0pm I. mm shop. HI- businc- pmpoud und in [$7 In him I "humus! block on tho corner at thinflou first. “not. In 1803 Ir. Pspcnhnuuu untied “in In} Bum. Ind uvou child": won bow of mu union, nll but. on. 0! when curvln Ihoh tuna. Tho 4M nu: mu- m M tho “emu Luthmu church. ‘Tho tun-n! van hold Tun-dug and the 1 manna not. low In on: Forest ‘comkry. A aumbor from Dowuon Mirovo “and“ the (aura. A npocm moon-(o! 007ml;- bond was hold Bound” owning [or the pm» pm. of cannula; flu chanc- Mum and to about. phat-g Imam on boll“: ud unable-q I'. "l. W “(M plat. All “hon won pic-on oxoopt Trunk“ M. The bond mended u: can: an each! Man. of the abatto- boat which m .- (anon: Mahmud I‘. A. I-OJMMLEE Dunc. "Matador!“ W, 6.".Imluim ............ .. W.H.Wnu-.loumm.,, ,. . ‘ . .. {cl-unldonuuu.“ . H H .. .. ., r. I. lanai-u. b0 um- ........ 4.4;.anlu "um. saaiifiéh Adjourn-d to WOW "3M pow. hon-o to Import an author] In opo- nuts. The nation “pond In and w- .m: (TI-uh”. mne- umnm‘ W.olmlmuha.h"1 duluwmanlhn-h until MdW‘Q Whatfdttoflutu mmmnmu ’ moundwumfl Wuhan-Illa] ‘ A lunch-AW“ “hula-“III.” “Mu-Om got-tow - 4...... who. run my no. 00me who luau Mt plane! Md... WWI as. «me! new kilo. mum in plan. up. 5 I‘ll... MW. “a last (h mot-«ct w) ".0 Mom-lug chain cyt- Indonul pflMmhn-l Ilium Chalk-dds all. was m. at Jmmw.m Ila-um“ do» uwvwvâ€" -.v_ -.. wlm can. mobi- vino» ”who" 0- mount 0! u ‘Mi than. The “kph“. «yo-pay n work-of unwind-lanolin w mmwn‘mmycmngo Loud; am w wont-communal»; mHonM Mdfl um Wm: “M ”3" “fl" . . 1! tow, a» i; in “ Wu. 8. hob”. upon-mt o! Tum, "fin” h M ' man it Ms W hat upwind ache! in“. “w Mono 8. 0001163131. m mum ’ tor for Dow-on Grovotnwn-Mp.wlueh‘ has two. on 0! when -m to snow- d tron: III-duo. ‘l'h spa-tummy: in our, my .300! can“ an Manda g1" . “hard “.01" nodal.” vouch all m cordlslly lid“. ‘7', 0.. mm In ctr-ad ill bud-uh. an» tune. a m folio-h; III. vi" 50 Input MI, I." droid, I; cook; um um. I out: Md can“. 8 call: aw cult. ‘ cub: punt 1.30000. 10 mm mm... brooch-u. M, I out: flip. 3 can: null. 5min: chum! each. A- of- foflugwm humus “clouded.- tny up,“ Mrah-uh um I» and no and union”. ________..__._- _-.._..â€" .1 Am nan-m nw ”Alem Tho-«nupmm 0:000vaan ’ ‘ Mug with ugly-uh. In“! niacin-I'm M My “00“ petal-4min h u and fl mibmam-.M~ hum m MI t” i“ main-«Mu mt " sun-yum mm mm duo-(nuns. 0" tum to“ «up u] “ punt Man. 10 cub; such”. Manchu. M. a mi: flip. Q can: "tell. 5 min: each. I can. A. of- toflug will huh-3| mamma- tray asp,”- Mmh-uh will In M “a A not! an. to «new. of Hr. boulimjm m count-hung Mu In min-3 tho Mb. m. duun um eon-um in. I». Toma ”mum-u "to to“ d ’0'“ Ir. In! In. ””0. on lu- «not. “it an Bum» Young We? A0950. all! 0“" Wanda-fut 9n 0!? QmPLMI SPECIAL ”AID mun. manna-mm DI“ [CONVENTIONR Bopubllcnnmdldnfillnflmm and flu unmfld nil W dutnou no actively on.“ ma: unoc- :3”qu to m oh: Nona whlch will I» hold 611' j caning nook. Tho 1)qu ' convention will be bold .hhim Who-ton. Tho ”undo-II“ norm at Aaron I” Id and “'0.- Ipoctlvoly. E MWC‘NIIII Chub my» ,( “ma-mums: m WWW In theoonnty thrombi“ ceedldeue for aim" deck. “I torn-y. coroner end surveyor 4 Bull 0! Who-ton. Ju. '1'. W A. B What of “re-Em “I dete- for flute paltlou. L. 1'“ and D. I. Gun-nee unredeemed“ but were ado-ha at their W cueee lent week. A cum II“ the Winfield aucue leevee the C. than between Word III ‘ eull In don“. Their m I“ m Wedoeedq. Wk». w leuvflle were mmh' not? m your menu 1mm pun... mun. “Mnm‘ ‘, I. III". wum «a Buford an ‘ ' run In vou- cub. no ; j wan-mamma- W? V , ho “db-mu. Hull ',, , mum-um Into. “them In! Mm. ' duo In" about-“do “d I uuotmvmm u “slum-“WWW" lacunofbow-uIM' ‘ opp-0mm...“ MW.“ nuts-no- havoc-Id ”11‘ m. otmlummnfint amtoroomuJuh-uh Ion Ill. We!" Whunfdthoflnu emu-Um. "w I'I'AI' lam All gain. 1 ea: hang and In a Anon»: cum-I Monty-IQ, mp. ad nib m C “I mum mum my“ bf; may W n“- fov 0‘! “h. ,1 boon In“ undo-in“, mom um. i: ram!‘ «thrill-g! zmnm m ‘1'?"

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