Downers Grove Reporter, 26 Apr 1900, p. 2

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In (his; wbllclly to no or mach-n named by lard In. not 0! no nosing! [ma-‘1 In Death Atria. Willa “at (In W in h M” “IO-M. u I. "may unpuy shut down n dill. liming W hen out o! , t nu Mining n can! . it in In! loco-Ivy um any : aha-u now. he finds mt .- ,9’ W opinion nnni-ouaiy Em”- m M to u inside plan to m Met in quite ancient. N that no men on the which Mu followed the mum of the "III In perfectly randy to be- ‘ M tin uni! mil-oiling coterio CHM-Md the induury in tin ‘ of A nonâ€"john“ ache-o M m m and furnishes Aii‘ M that in nmry in the] I , A run In". ‘ ' MN! nobody mum of - mall W mm M will mt knot M m a. “mum and ma 5‘» ‘ mm emu; k. “AI! 0"! BflNlâ€"ud tho "um: “m llâ€"unl to nthot ”mod cl tho Salisbury morn- lw II 3171-; whflclly to no or mach-n pan-ad by lard I” not: 0! no pro-inn! M II noun Atria. Will. i g: W at Wuhlngton to be pro-on! ;Q m calehntlon soon to an plu- J. Chic-80 In honor of Admiral Dewey. ~ M m the Invitation to the but. * (been m an overnight. All the oth- d ”plants In Wulunnon were to I. at“ to nmr. a. the clerk who um- tbe lnvlutlou out one to the ‘zau alum" without thinking at ~lmr1uy o! nuns that elem A v but. m In [0.11le m commem- m u «at which in abutm- I".h)flmltfl.1'bomlon which bu . v.“ I.“ I“. by the Amie-n all- . “PM to the 8m!!! [oven- rm ”to It plain to Spain um m banded. an. IA! "I "not. his a full of muse-nut at m .1 It. finch lulu I nation 'wmhnolmkolunum. WM than k the magnificent . ~ fix” coined by Charte- , ti- hmut Md nut unkn- " ' ‘ ,, ll existence. It sund- .. ,_ I (be mm de- Capudm an“ wig-a n. tun-teen ', rfim nut-ma 1:: 1m, 1: ‘flfifin cost. Including the pur- ’ “ *1 (to m; nearly 910,000,000. v m aunt-"Anna Irnonr. , Mm Inn often scanned Amer- } man 0! legion! of the dlplomtc pro- ” Ind the charge I: likely to be M now. In VM' 0! the Invita- ‘lhl which I“ sent to the Bpnnllh \ 51”, 10.65 are or other cltlunehlp, w. 115.8111" In suspense. The was neatly outnumber the blacks. M In only 111,398 ml. 119ng , m 121.740 female negroee The mixed number 115.600 melee and 146,- flemlee. There ere leel then 15- ,» '0 Chinese. W17 All cam-o! . ton. of "n .0000 lo the Min: Illonn- 3;. m In mum- at the with for the dinner: 1 i) 0m: Brluln Dflo: m m at In. low. but that It.- l-fl-n. I! :- mun-my mod. on m by we!“ (III lulu- htdllctueo bra-dust? r33! 3 L:I.I......,AOODOIIIIC' x m an ummu. Wood the military governor of 1m intormeq the we: dew» V ; tint June 16 in the ante finniiy W” Wot the municipal elections of the __ . ' This action in the direct re- . “t OR the Cuban census taken under «3mm or the mmmy muon- up. The Rural supplied by win: in " to he the first mun-ate enum- _ out nude in Cuba nppeu to e satisfied the war department that V. Dunlap-.1 oloctione might be pro- .. with in the reasonable expect-- ' ‘0! III outcome ausnicioun (or the ‘. The total population or Cub. _fl new 1,572 707â€"81611” mic. and up! remain 01 um tutu mm fillmflnflhh citinenl, 1,296,167 no Ou- WhCMnmm “Wt. I. capturing I" the fl; v“ :‘Jnnmfiuluc- midtown!” 7 1: W1“ my other vow- . mmtunmuu at] "k museum-y mm in nest m- mm (and calm and It! D-mukldorledflthoculp- mmom DI!“- h your” nouns-M. u I- fill M II- count-u an mil- O it til mm nu. Tho In An: III-ruby of Climb In! clan to a share at the 81.000300 mate o! the Biron m Glshn. Pry-kn ol Aumlh meet to re- [If to Matt. den-yd tot unend- gym to no cadre-mu m. The! flame”! to taunt hm (huh-cl for western Ind-grant rall- rouh “who min mum the govern- ment to recover on claims for hauling New York ml pan 841.500, the highs“ pdce'ever paid. for a seat on the stock exchange. Two more men are named {or al- leced canyllcity In the Goebel murder Tho estate of the late Cornell“: Vnderbflt It now cam-ted at us.- Stranger Men for a consldernuon to Int-render to Toledo police mu: ac- cused of stealing $30,000 worth of mu- nmndl h Ckvslnnd, Ohio. Rumor um CIrnegte. Prick and other: till try to have President cm. at the American steel Ind Wire comm deposed. Germany in ordered a warship Iran the All-tic squadron to Tutu I: I warning to China that foreigner: nut Women at him are ludlgnant bev um America‘l cmb'omen are not gain; to and debates to I Part: fair mum P‘rench upon continue criticisms of the America manna! lacunae 0! Its dealing: with former Quinlan col- The United States government In mu mnsldeflng (he question of using force to male Turkey pay the Ar- menhl Indc-Imy. , Fords:- delo-nts u Wuhlngtol, It In said. 1m dccllne Cllugo’l Invita- "on In Join In the city‘s Dewey celeo Inf-Hon lay I. Heavy ruins canal further loot! In llululnl and lmlslnu. Three an are blown to now. by the explosion of n dyumlm plant at Kain-III. llcb. (II-y Lona elm: lumped or tell Into inter Iron pier :1 Old Pc'nl (Io-fort. Illinois Supreme mun decided Ap- pellate court to be lul arbiter a lo hcu. 139nm 1:an Imported and" mutt-M till be returned. Anu’nouo consul-Ion. "(horned by (I. Chimp cm council. amp-mm ordlunca to In" the my qukL Nearly 2,000 colonial to mastic-l I'll-flour, mun-cc nnlvod In New York. Pope Leo Non-ad 15,000 pilgrim: and ”A“ (“than flatulenc- unnu- od hlm no that he muted Melt-rd. Amour t Co).“ electric power plant at Chicago dork um Qulal mtond a! anapore. burl-x proton decade United Slam pMucM In" a! world's cougar mp- My. Earl Ila-cl“ new Inc an Ind two other husbands. Brmlh troop. an! to check null" mm; In Cam-n country. In! A!- nu. Turklnh patrol stacked Servhn boundary picket- nnd not. thus. WIldecl-Rousmu may reopen Drey- fus cm to bring dun-co on (on- Frau-h pm: hopes Brynn will be elected president and Intervene In "at floor war. Italian government bu taken onl- cul cognizance ot strike on Crown workl. Russians expect Po" Arthur and Vhdlvostok will be connPcted by rat) not later than August. Frank Collier of Chicago notified tho police his bride-elect. Miss Carrie B. Hayes of Eikhorn. Wm. disappeared on Wednesday from Moline. Ill. The annual réport of the General Electric company shows I profit a! over $6,000,000. Mlchlsan defeated Northwestern If. Evanston. 8 lo 3. The directors or the American Steel and Wire company have ordered a cut In prices to dispose of surplus stocks. Ex-Pmldent Harrlwn announce. that he will not discus. the Westmin- ster contusion at the ecumenical con- grass. President McKinley places lilies and immortelles on the grave of the lam Vice-President Hobart. Robert P. Porter. in a speech It Philadelphia. declares tar”! laws must fit the Islands to which they apply. The New York state dcmoeratlc com- mittee decideb to hold the convention In New York June 5. Marie Rosalie Dtnse, starvlng womv an. jumped from the Brooklyn bruit. Into East river, 125 feet, but will llvo. London any prohibit Idle] 0! F‘lre destroyed the town or Edln~ burs. N. D. Two women were burned to death. Dr. Canfleld ct Kansaswlll be pro- Iesaor of Roman language at Ann Ar» BI: camel}: plant near La Salle, 11L. was burned; 1033. 8350.001' Opinion 13 expressed In Paris 'that "Yankees mean business" In deallnfl with Turkey. German immigrants to Rio Grande do Sul are forming military companies. importing Krupp cannon and-Mauser rifles. and appareutiy preparing to make trouble tor the Brazilian govern- ment. PILI Wfi‘ lick. it the use at a. BIG no born in Ireland. and an. to this tbvn with he; husband none my yam ago. Neighbor: know that she had money. but no one In. In" much or where also kept It untll the any be- !on she died. when no make the In“. piles after mm; lnr will. «In were all“ IIIII over 8! no mmufimtfithopfla. ltm‘ a... Death. Anne Brown. It yeere old. while re- turning to her home from Sunday school at English. ind.. took the ruli- road track as the shortest wny. She had reached the middle 0! e trestle that «pans e ruine about so. feet wide when n tut freight turned the curve neer the trestle. The girl new it would he immune to reach the mum side helore the treln would he upon her. ‘snd. with relnnrknhle presence of ‘mind, she stepped to the edge of the trestle end. he the train ease up. swung heme" down by her humhnd hung from the emetic; The engineer ‘ nw the glri. and I! soon as the train cleared the treetle he Jumped from hie uh and hutened back. He found her strualtng to nine herself. and she was nllnoet exhnuete'd when the en- [liner taught her by the hands and pulled her up on the trestle. The reâ€" vine over which she wn suspended was seventy-Ive feet deep. m ~ __ gov " "n int-oi trim. Girl lain ho- III'I front.- to loouy. Apm n. Boon harmed Rundle‘n adv-Ia- to relieve Wave-er; Prom-ll nd Pole- Cnre' drove back attacking party of ‘80:?! at lmv Kan. Brim tom- wlilin eight allies of Warner. I“ new. at relief expected momentarily. Roberts reported lientrnnnt Ind (an men 0! Seventh Dragoons n nlulu; no details. Dr. IlcN-nnn bu Ion Chimgo ambulance emu. being I'M nested with their conduct Thirty- aix rebels trled It (‘npe Town and pen- tenced (or all months to live yours. Boer prisoners at St. Helena wish tonic-en of a clergyman and n neutral consul. Robcrts reported to have M‘\ matured the Bloemfontein water works. Boer- moving from Walker:- SAVED BY PRESENCE OF MIND ‘aml! mm of nun pct-alum! to ou- cnnor ladle-Io Boer. halos!“ Werner In «roan tom. sud [Jr-but I. "mud to nllfle um. Boer pr:- ml-nln nmxbllnn tom“ [(5.- OOO. of whoa £0.00. In In Pre- Bul- nnd MM h: manna-rt. noon am to In" mlrvlo mac-mum to mt- wnni m a area-en! {on-anon. an Clark- Warn: may he upwind pv- enzot of the We owe. 03.400 0'8 of b 00rd... Hrs. erry O'Neil died u Rockland. Ind-1. April to. Schalkburger succeeded Joubert u vice-president; Louis Bullm I: lcllll‘ commandant general. Ouldn In Nuou Antelo‘ll declared Joseph Chamber- Illn In responsible {or the war. Rain In denying Roberta' operaulonl. Boers planning to harass his advanm. White may be mlde governor of Gibraltar. Boon ullna guerrilla method: In NI- ul. No new: at Wenoner'l nlIoL April "-10. The 20.000 British soldier: on their VI, to nllue Woven” mm 'llh check In two battle; Lord Kahuna In towed to all". And hh euur supply Inl- nmwly mm capture. An; oflchl Boar nouns remand. Ill bomber: ll Grlquhnd We“ to join the Amy under pulmhumu by lur- tluI III. The lrllh brludo undo. baton Pmldonl Khan“ homo u Prelofll. and In min A much to then. Among me dead Ind wound” no": and thou! lulu-n prhonm the hulls! Ind many women around II In. It In «on In London that Lord Kllchmcr hu bocn unnly In! upon by Lord Robert; The floor: around Wemer an neuron-ed. and be." null" I. "ma. I Walla-day. April 13. Publication of Lord Roberts' criti< cisms has caused a loud demand in London for the recall of Buller and other generals. it is reported Warren has been ordered home. Half of the members of the Chicago ambulance corps tore ni‘l Red Cross badges and Ac- eepted Manners. Stalls of Buller and Warren have not been on speaking terms since Spion kop tight. Blockade of Wepener continued. Thursday. April 10. Clara Barton said it Chicago Red Cross corps have taken up arms “bu- mane world will not hold them guilt- lens." Those who equipped expedition doubt reports from Lourenco Mnrqnel. Col. Crolton retired because of Splon kop disaster. Other "blunder-ins com- j’mnnders" likely to be relieved. Queen ‘Wilhelminn gaxe audience to Boer peace commissioners headed by Dr. Leyds. Renewed rumors that Boers have retired from \Vepener. con-ing- ton‘s bushmcn reach Beira. The larg- er part of Roberts' army is delayed at Bloemfontein by heavy rains, and the troupe are suffering hardships. Large numbers of foreigners are reported to have shouldered rifles in the Boer cause. lnlou Errol-I lul- by English Gena-I- I ~Chm‘o Auk-lam 00m Ionic!) 1‘2" on Red Crou uadguâ€"Stah of Ballot and Warm Do In: Oprah RAIN DELAYS BRITISH ARMY. The Boers Are Still Holding Out in large Forces. mu M mm mm mne- ltollgio- In col-us Denial Freeman, n politician of tome prominence in Gage county. Nehru-ire. who claims the distinction of being the Int homuteader in the United States. some time no began unit to restrain the teacher of the public school in his unmet from using the Bible. olefin: mm or slum loan! hymn- u pm of the school exercise. The (little! court fit Butt-ice Mined the infanc- M. If. m h- m!“ th eh i. the lune-e Elm. ‘ PM at m Io a. lip. The Western Ansonlation of Stove Manufacturen. which closed its len- llon at Columbus. Ohio. Monday. anthoriaed a further advance in the prices at stove. of 5 per cent. The Western association is composed at all the leading manufacturers of the northwest. it is expected the notion oi the Western association will he in- dorsed by the national association In New York in May, and the advance will go into effect about July 1. Inner. Idea. n‘l Win: A Incense from Allentown. [4.317% the new: of a murder. nicide and donbie lynching. William White had pension to reprimand lei! Toleon. n negro. and while White‘s hack '1! turned the negro dellher-tely sho! his. killing him instantly. The leu‘ immediately ran to his home. about a quarter of I nine distant. and he’ll! a posae could apprehend him killed himself. Another message any: that two othet negroee were taken by a non and riddled with bullets. they having admitted kmledu oiToi- lon'e intention of murdering White. and witneaeed the deed Their names In John Humely and Ed Amos 1 am. ha... a! Infill”; A dlwalca from Baum: any: axmr alon alum" New England. valllci baa hum the subject 0! a anallyoa Iran. has anlved here from “vernal, aad Jun given a clear bill a! ham». All trace at the «any: baa disappear“. MI! not so (he ladlnuloa o! Illa tu- aeanera. "The fan that all our Iag- gage waa pat ashore at Naples la a unto of diam-«let wan only a tailor Ira-Me.“ tall Col. Fuller. one of (he Isa-dangers. "It was Clarl'a (the ox- cnnlon manage" arllon la aha-pun; to Induce the captain lo allow me m‘ lens": to come aboard the alalp agnla and Ma leaving them In the lunch. many of them vmen. [practically atranded, when the ahlp sailed wmmat then. that has floated the outburst ol' lndlgaallon. " The board a! pardon- recommended w 00v. lemma of Truman that In union Mum (‘unh Colo. Ibo col- ored nun who” rue In: “(rifled wldnpmd «Italian in that United Sula. The application Ill “good by the governors 0! MM nun. layor Cum H. Ham-on a! (fill-um. "- Oov. Alta-M 0! Illinois. the («any of (be Normvnun 14-!"me n Chl- cuo. a dorm (Yuk-m hank pro-Moan. ud mural hound cluuu Colo us In the Team unmmllry Ind" nuance mung Ihlm nun. when M nude M- m-pe. going to Chicago In In: Me "formal. 'u‘ and by the Pun-nu mum”. and hul In": in cm: "anionic-l hum! mm In" apt-Ind nd "turned to the Team mm. p35] muueson TIMBER m FLAMES linihlan-iâ€""Jifin'u. m w bu: "I-hmn. m. M'll‘fll ”8r: Kiwi. :0"; rank, Sm. mind. ”05: var a. l)’ [mu bud. mun Invluulrd. P" «int. and mu» "It'lluh-d. Il'u': due . In". gum. fir. Poultry-Live lurloyn, choice. at p" lb; cobble". 75c; rhlrllcm‘. fir for Mn»: ”Mun. 9c: run-urn. 5t: ant-kl. M: arm. “(4‘ p" 60:. Drumâ€"Tur- krn. rholw. In; 1-1:. I' Dr: l'hltl'fll. ham. 0.0%: ups-«mu. I001 ; «huh. M II ‘ amt. \w'f, A “A _ v-nâ€"rnvunl. llllll auu lllll‘l‘. ”.W‘W- nutter-Bum creamer); be; I'll-Mi. m 1.1-; nomad». “ma-- (mlmuon vrrum- «- . Hmfu'; «lllnm. hour. We. llnllfl. 15c. lam” good In lim- 13mm mollul floral. (NI-II 13-; rolls. no. l-f gt Bidet- Caulrâ€"Mnrket steady. nnlm- uhlpvlllfl and export steer-I. “50113.18; dram-d bra! and butcher «Irena. 344-06550; Neon-K un- tlfl' I.” lbs. ”Jilin”: smokers and (Md- gnl. 3.50054”; cows and hvlreru. 82.50 9.0": alumni. 8|.50ii135; hullu. uMNJS; 'rrnu uml lndhm steers. ammo: town and lwIIrrn. I‘meu Hawkâ€"Market 3'3 :uwvr: plus and Nuhlx. 3.011.150: packers. 85400100; bun-hon. (Lamaze. Sheep-fle- n-lnlu. MOO; market alums; Illihrt mul- goqg: manna): lamb-I. llw3.8: vgrinli. com. mammal): lamb-u. mums; :- r $‘._Â¥HI1W;_5'HIII and bun-Du. “M. _ Winder \\'he.n~ln moderate mm: and steady. No 2 red 1. o. b.. at ”he: No. :2 rod, 67mm No. 2 hard. HMO: N0- 3 hard. $3506»; l‘ornâ€"Flrmer and val- um he better. Trude moderate. No. a about 399w: Nu :5 yellow «1 Me: Noâ€" 5 M 39% : No 3 yellow. Marne OMIâ€" Slow: at”; No.1 “While -". Prm (“Ionsâ€"Steady. Mess pork. "gull?â€" 8121mm.“ ; old. mwmzm Lani. vice. r ".153: old. 8720015. There has been no loss of life in the bush tires in Manitoba so far as known: All the persona missing have turned up. Fires along the Southeastern were still raging Monday. and the exact amount of damage or loss of life is not ascertained. The drivers and bushmen have scattered in all direc- tions. and out-0t 200 only about thirty are known to have reached a ulnce of safety. The remainder are doubtless struggling desperately through the woods for their lives. The total loss is estimated at 31.000.000. A report has reached Duluth from Lakeside. a suburb six miles eat. that timber a few miles north of there was burning and the fire appeared to be widening Its area rapidly. The Mad ls from the south. but not strong. inun- nu- ma- nunsâ€"nu of lul- MI BuI-o- Illa-ugh. The area In northern Minnesota are not yet serious, as little property has been destroyed. but the woods are dry. find unless a heavy ralnlall come: great damage ls llkely to result. The condmons are slmllar to those of the early part a! 1894. the year or the Hlnckley are. Wires on the Great Northern near Stony Brook are rev ported as burned down. . CURRENT MARKET PRICES. finnl bond of contraction decided min mm turm- tor normat- tunes exerting m on Tur- key to ohm: ruin-d cones-Ions In Contractor: will not hue ms for cont Men-e may on time. Pope lent klng 0! Spain his min“: taro and an autograph letter. Diamonds discovered in British Guiana. Clerical leader in' Baurian home at damn; opposes indirect election. Pliyciclanl il Cncow hospital threaten to strike (or increased my. Prince Ferdinand will not attend the Wedding of Prince 14mm of Sue-Co- burg-Goths and Princess Hanna. of Bunk beans: Prince Regent Lun- pold doesn‘t like Ferdinnnd's proposed change of religion. "In Nollie Levis Is ntnrdod (1.1m- m In 860,000 for breach of mmlse against Millionaire Sam Strong 0! Cripple Creek. Golo. President McKinley on his way to Canton. Winona!) rivers are In flood and great damage is fared In muence. Steamer Jase apaldsng II the Inn to pan the Strum of Machine mu layer skied bill authorizing cou- utmrtlon of No: York mnnectlng nllroud. Chille- A. Carver of ($10130. at Yale. bro” Intercollegiate record for uracil. , W. h Elihu 810.000. his)!!! coach bone. Allla "night to be Marga"! “tuned sulfide. Moe of momma. mlmvd m ”M! In more beam» of competition. Thrive won Turf Congrm Makes. Mrs. George M. Tflmble of New York rlalm share of 82,000.00. cam. Ien by anl'lg Fischer of Holland. Illinois 901mm! contention met at Springfield Tuesday. New (on will guard mm": M Tia-m Cabal cabinet nodded am to min. Duke of Amy" died. l‘oraler. Nash. Gum-mar and Dirk will be 0M0 dolnatnoat-larga to Philadelphia. Elan-mn- Mum: wklmnod n “mum-om Am“ lull“ mun um lung-nus nn‘ common!- manna at Napkin. first hum M "u- lmm Bun-r- ann'u m- MH-pnn daily. haunt "uranium in Indh. Rom! nun-no. Nanny mam" maro- you; London Hall praised Viceroy Cur- rm In Baum. mmmm u Pm; ammo» I‘IIIM urllrml. but no 00m“ parliament mom-an Home in and rural hill ”war Inn" "I" no“ prime m U"- «min 0! Mills will nymom luiy In Div-run when um" moot. (urn-n mmmtuIa-rr I'M In Ko- Ilu. vim-1- populnllou (Imus: Jew: lemon! n! rltuallulr mnrdn. Canadian- “up?” a Pent-n plot In attempt to annoy Wound «1qu tort by drumur. “rain banal": noncr- It'd. Hvr thou-and rual mint-m In tho lpfln; Valley mmpany'u nhntu wlll be ordered to null“- Thursday. llnmpollu but the White Black- hlfl IO to 'a'. lulu urn-"um: Org-ham [mm plu- lng nl BL lmh. "A Century of Mil-Iona" I‘fll mo subject din-nun! by (he «tumult-l manna" a! tun-Mn mutton- at Now Yotk. Corporzzl Harry Matthew-I. Flue-cum regiment. Mluunk. Ill., shot him-salt and after wounding max arena Hum- Illon u! Bonn-cal. The llllnols Sue] romwuy‘s Iod mills a! Jam-t were ton-ed to ”spend operations by Klu- (-mtluu 0! work In [he who uust‘s plants. Many men are Idle. Emperor Prancls Joseph of Austria. it in said. has determined In resort to drastic 1110.15qu 10 [mt an end lo m.- long quarrel between the Germans and \he Czwhs. Spain ls reported to be persistently seeking political as well n5 commer- cial alliance with her former mlonles in the western hemisphere as an offset to the United States aggression. Inventory of Silas B. Cobb‘s estate, Chicago, expected Io show properly valued Ill “5.000.000. Capt. B. M. Shaflner relleved from command of the Illinois naval mllltla. and Albert A. Mlchelson, protessw 0! physics at the Unlverslty 0! Chicago, appolnted to succeed hlln. Bishop Merrill may ask the general conierence of the Methodist church to relieve him of the acuve duties of (he episcopate. General strike or journeymen plumb- ers ls ordered at Chicago. Building trades strikers expect 5,000 to 8.000 briokyards men In join their ranks at Chicago. James Harms of Spring Valley, III.. nfl‘licled with smallpox. was arrested in Chicago. and locked In the dog pound for six hours before being sent to the isolation hospital. COM PLETE N EWS SD M MARY. Record of llnppcnlugu of Iluch or Llltlo Importance from All Part- ol’ u.- CItlllud Wandâ€"Prim of Farm I’to- due. flu “(Item Hark.“- MIWRVWIMS M "II WK; Items of General Interest Told ir Paragraphs. MM Red Cloud for prin- ever paid for n a widow. who claims lather: sister, Ilâ€" tllflifllflflfl..m PORTRAITS, TIE Ml“... Ml. ”Fall... STERLING DUPLEX SLICKER WILL KEPYOUDRY. Frames, Modding: and Cola: Prim. -’ TEETH ”i=3. to law .11» above mtlmoulnl I. very much can- bmed mm Mn. Gucrlnot’l letter. A. nun] mother: will be Interested in refill. the full letter. we will land It to nnyooo who and: mm! otuuonupooulcud. Mention this paper. mach-m gnu less. lnflammulon went down. the skin took on a healthy color. and the nu flesh begun to mic over Ind a thin skin formed as the scales dropped 08. Len thin two Donna at Hood‘s Sump.- rllli, nlded by "000': Medicated Soap and Heath Olive Ointment. Accomplished this wonderful cure. I cumo! pulse that medicines ball enough." Mu. Gum. )1 Myrtle 8L. Rochester. N Y. m m- uummuw 69nd hlm [- wouldcry. renllzlng what pain be In! In. Illa plum] walling mu hennqendlng. I had about glven up hope of uvlna Mm when 1 VII urged to [Ive hlm Hood's Scru- pcrllln. I" olhet treatment having filled. I waited the more: with Hood's Neale-M Soup. applied Hood'u Ollve Olnlmem and “vs hlm Hood's San-pull“. The child nomad to get better every day. nnd vary loan the change was qulle notlmblo. Tho "I Would on Ivory tune I mum fly nay." A flaunt-'0 Tm. .1 MAflLIIflKD "chm "on :9" mmnm Ant mm “A r. ”w '0' NM Wm; onwmm1mso: '"n'i'i‘nfii ' "'b'IEM'r‘oJ“ '51 a- us“ no"! to! an mi. N OUYIKO ALARARTINI. “-1..." mud ”on :01- !” cw ham and 3"."34: 'K' "bam‘ilfi‘c'co. an“ M IRI- LL blow-Inn an chat (0-- nllol. a". :‘blllnl culls. all". ¢ ma suit-II on II”. with 00â€" ngunnI-ul m ALARM- } 11 I to not I WM "All u 1 «we "0 ho '0‘.- .OIHIIJ Mm ”I M N! I an“. hula- M on. '7 9.39,; and my!” “'2‘ my", ‘5?!“ Via” “feat-V “shuufiarmz'uw. KI INTIMOII WALL. «- u-am. mm.” 53’...“ pin-«1“: u" .‘4‘ LABASTINE In the MIMI and only durum VI“ cont . entirely dulcrem from all - “mun“. "My (at un III while or fourteen be-umu nun by Adding cold water. ??u£faҤ3%.f"’."m A“: with. Put up Ii dr’ pom “Mammary”! I‘d“ 3331mm (or 6-71. {in un- arc-nu I! u pun. chm. Quays. P9! 3’ In on p02. i‘tii‘fiflm ' ' “nu" ‘tfâ€"Tfiiuiéowc?

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