Downers Grove Reporter, 23 Aug 1900, p. 3

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» Municipal Recumbent The efforts of the London comb conflict] towards establishing a r steamboat write. on the flagâ€"following the (Mime of m enterprise In respect to ma ‘tavowsedbonm-hnof ‘ j ‘ gum-am m m: UMP- ‘ " Th". Riven manic. Modern [mar-aria". During the heal your which ended on June so Int 841111 forum eu- tmd this country through the port of New York. Fromm the total Inm- much for the year vrm not all far short of memo. The noteworthy and not altogether agreeable dlflmneo bo- tw’oe'a die lamination of 1M 9“ M10! flirty yea! I“ II new not: at the norm-on m from southern and' m, while they used to be . tenor-n ant northern Europe. 1 ‘ ‘ ""“‘" """““ In I“ 81 um tot . lent-lion. She or huh-d. 'lo In the non of a with: Paris pl!- m medicine manufacturer. "mm their item under the mm, or the [alum 3mm of Spain. tip wu the guest or the any at bump «mm the World's Fur In 1893. Prince“ '0": ”Mm. Hut-1e of Mariam-Stella. who no: (or a divorce, um the Royal Lady who was march-maker. may than. queue and other ml pawns are art-m In the married nlmou. m (or m of state must but the Crick“? Von: In new Cricket I. am to In lulu m vou- hflt! In Rubia. II moral at the Dam newspaper. on In dun-nod n n ant-Minna fu‘ I“ II II all to to m to ”mount a. nun. ms (In In. led to to m. o! huh." In the 1mm sum. In: n have profosulmulls- in mind the union! me, no no an. all can: b have arisen In Dov-n1. It teens that m but «lent unh- no .41 n. of professions). and OM mour- vho are really pron-1m ad do lime one than plly the me and rap Innncm benefit thereby mm or Ian mrrkumsly. Mfr" Forbidden. In con-Morin. A am man. the m CI” of Rocha“. "madly to build and own. municipal Inn- 'ln. the Nlco and Salem eon- .mn ol the Hon. 0! MI. nun; on lb own nouon. may “do! u manual formula; as. applia- tlou o! my prolu fro. the ammu- m to the pun] arm at m city. or to in tarpon other an the no“. of on unto. no! In. Macao- ol hm. This mun In not without one or two mum". mu Ind m cm: the prmulu pantie. o! 0 I All! non other new“ In:- Ila uh- In their "municipal lnd~ In“ enterprise; PRINCE BU] WHA. [man [option .1 Wuhlutoa, who I. acting as Int-rpm tor the row 0:1qu. dark. resembling the Japmeao in his mom characters. He is In the cm 0! Bin 33 Too, second secretary of the :K'onc': Crown faint-c. Prince Eul Winn. second son 0! the kin: of Kent, and heir apparent to the phone. has Just come to this coun- try‘mr the purpose of mastering the English language. Eui Winn will prob- nbiy attend the University 0! Caiii’or- his or Leland Stanford, instead of go- In‘ out, as was his unit intention. The prince is of small stature and very i?“ ”0b,: " t Imment the Catholic grim Im a rant flue: (m- theu a. right to [find I an hem n Inna-flu. It“ hen laid um um Mt In. m: to Inch on emu Lb! "It when. "it s m m an]: hr which he could ho Md." nigh m on the subject, "he mm a to n calm: “my and be annual. In return tho masonry would plaid M: can, uni MI hind..- II IQ- oy with _ n! mm mm [0' ' . an is“. from than why»: ax" mn- magnum; . _ I mm on the part cf. I mural-dumb Hon“ will-blunt. In the nu tonal. of the Macon- of the In. Me no that“ non- ns, who m m madam a cerium mat for the mvflm of dnwlu an the comphlnu And statement: 0! the m). who [my have Maul In an noun an: which the mam foul. colony. Although Hons PI Una van and u “not. Iowa-mot rut} aiq.‘ our 9:er are, strictly mingle hint: Lat-m in ana. Tbmnnnldtohlouvnnll China. nt Hon; h u... who In mm recently dim lb! ION-5 u Them; In I vary clot. Inn-non of one. Hon h LII; ulna 5 '16. mutation not: the fondant: I! no Chloe-n any and m clone- to rem-1 than [numb II {In mm who-«er M mnnd. I. proved III-salt capable all faithful Ind In mu. ml. a flood” .00 .1".de of New. A urn-r In the Imb- 1‘1nn an m the "mt Hot" on tho conduct «momma-nu rum-uh. have: won "union: any “and." my lulu! food I“ M for mu Incl homun- “N W! In! “poo- llhly through Imam Ignorance of that dude.” not Ind. punt-nou- for giving m hon-l Mutant food to hop na- am. isos- about without um nun ‘booh In bu pocket; Tutu; on al- most any but: no wlll any: "Ami-o. 0! that. 1'" Jud In. minâ€"1' And will dlu Into I poem and bun out I book. and "at I! ll I'M no win-o In In In «ml: at and so for “other pocket, “a no on unul to m :5. book In Inn” 00 I.“ In and. In "on m ton-cm, than an. to b. I boot at out. an. so much at a reader that I. no": Tb: Amm- flalc Contra“. The navy Manna-t In Jun adver- tised again to: bid: on the 0mm amount of over “.000 (on: of unu- pkm for the new butluhlpl and crulaars author-Ind by the In: two unions or Consuls. It Du acted whely In so doing. Hitherto two um have monopollud the ulnar pl!!! Maine-I. but the recon! bids have brought out | third, tho maul. cou- Dlny at Phlludolphln. cai attachment is V so made that it tit- Musical Wheel. exactly into that or . an ordinary bicycle. On this franc are stretched piano wireIJMch m struck by small hummer- ioumd on the cross-piece). These hammer. m util- ‘ ated by a small cylinder, which in turn sets its power from the crank am. By changing the small cylinder any number a! diluent tum mu be blind. and the this can be mtflo In! ‘ or flow as the rider drive. his wheel. Perhnpo the moat impomnt put of the enuro lunatic: I: a device by which the music on be entirely shut 0! il' dalred. vice I musical blâ€" cycle. It consist- ‘ot Ill attachment to an ordlnu'y wheel by means of which an a bicycle rider pedals along his wheel thmws‘ out I succession of musical airs. The' frame of channel- Governor Cram 0! Want". ll Mmic a: you filial. A chlcago man is responnlblo for an Invention which. It generally Mont- od. 1: destined to turn the boulevard- !nbo temples of mule. The Chicalo man calls his de- vlce l. muslcu blâ€" cyclo. It consist! of In attachment to In ordlnu-y wheel by means of which an a bicycle EONO I'D HUG. fi'MCE‘é‘mfi I. It generally adopt- turn the boulevard- :uslc. The Chicago Muslcal Wheel. ”qt-"p"; «Tania 15.5.1...“ Tin Law? 1115! to V . TM Jinn-o court of Tenn-co «lo-Md muchwormmfldnb Immulnhaammmofl jury,-l.llnct.mmul!hm PROFESSOR luau-m under on [lot trustees II It”. For turn year; Q nu] no (ran-let at tho W tn the “Iver-1:1. 8 cm Hal on the than mice nd In“. All and“ no of the 91.11)!me K” the M. m Jun: I Koala. (I. cul- nut M for th- mt tn um Ill-cor at m 1.1:: 0mm. up“! Human. 1M Inn root In an much-n. Prob-m Koch. no .0. c “an Illinois“. In Imu lb and mun-"Icon! “at om nary. no In the In! ”usual u- tmo- In In. hold of IL hvlu mo than u "um-onion chant" Oman-numonnbmm mp. nonrandom. Hill humus Ethan. and bran a! nun. Hui-dulnhnobnvuom 1mm:lodoanotvhlunnnn W413. world In not Inn. at B'raiu cf the Draw». Peter HaoQueen send. to WWI Weekly ' iron the burgher cub o! VII-them, in the 'i‘nuul, a picture 0! the Boer army in the ninth month oi the m, which nun recon- mend that devoted body 0! puts-iota to the esteem or freeman the world over. Nint and morning in the lawn to Jul. there is heard the chem o! ‘ mine Ind hymns. One night he in"! 2,000 voice. singing sacred Ions! anon; the IOMOI. The] have no ides of reprinti- minnt theh English too- or 0! cm to the primer: and woundedâ€"(hoe stern. dminod hut comic-lio- Ishtar: for a principle. “Ani- Al um.” we thin writer. “l have let. them «totally attending the m wounded on the heme field All chut- ting in Madly tone- with their prie- ms's mwm'r. many threatening loner- from the southern people when she has reviled tor thelv‘ treatment of the neuron. The Ijeverd II properly regarded as 0. lane “I“! Go to War. .- L'°bl A The low soldier lune-a It. It.» up at colored people. umw'u‘h Jhl‘ fil- ult II VIII“. 8):. has been holdh‘ indignant: pump in Boston om lfna the mat lynching in New On- louu. She has long poled :- the ma 011M colored I'M}. Ind bu nodal EW" ‘ a W cm“ 1,: 01 Ill misfit“ We mm. or 'mm: '1'» 0mm! muck m the can" m 0" ‘l'fll COUNTRY am nix-ram m m. The Grand Bootjack A ‘ to tbe duln put- tho hand: outside the city to remind tranlon meant «In of tho (no that swans ovlldoon. Talo- mpl polo. div-fatty the honor: with bond pol... Anoum' earlo- futon main- or row. 0! bun. (mu-qua elephants. use" and other ulna]: carved In wanton. Tit, for. n m o! mum-I menu-fin. Thou no "can: of that lulu: ludlu to (I. ace. Small hamlets In scattered everywhere. The lendecepe develope my unnge tuturee a one ep- pro-che- the terse:- tom cum Anon; thee. ere huh pole- wlth de- uplteud humen heed- stuck on top or them. This I: the common» {one of punishment In China. end the men- Then are hardly any wood- hon. but (non "no to time there no man. thick clump. of arm, which give Ila-do and have a poculluly Chinese appear athei- vegetahlee they [not an the finest In the world. The Chine-e cultivator: ere Independent of allure end the elements. They depend neith- er on rain nor eunehlne to rune their vegetables. The work goon on lull- tetruptedly III the you round. The land In given up almost entirely to the cultivation of mill-3t, th- prin- cipal Chinese train. and to truck n:- denlng. The truck nrdenl m the most interesting. The cabbage; u- m‘gm. pen. tomatoes. pumpkin- and The mm in shallow and very brand In places. The channel I: only mind for light draught vouch and i! we to follow. The China boat. at. poled up tho river and all or drift down. The Chinese have now blocked the channel. A large pm. of thc coun- trymhouoododbymumoliho Grand Canal. This rile. high above tlu surrounding country. L. .Mfifiwfi Tho "(on toad 1mm Tint!!!- co Path crosse- the 8-day” loop- 0! the Po! Ho (river) at mum point: between an two lemon. The .oountr! :- very Ian! and devoid o; Metal-“qua features. ‘ 'no-ugm :m PENN u 7")“ i§§§$§ifl _ a; . . gm” giiێig§§§35§§§kzrfi Il-om‘hmummm «launch-almi- npponhumlolnltflo. mm and no mu.- m m “a: tmrlmndtho'oru. 0.: nuumnauuB-uodofi Late. than! thirty miles tron Titl- ‘uie, is 1 more impatient pine than ‘ moot o! the other: melanoma” The country in lonewlut rolling here. This place is the neat or a: important minder-in.“ flip headquarters. or no men, in - big building 0: blue brick. augmented with dracon- Ind cum Chine-e beau. The entrance is up- pmrieuiy decorated with the heed. of comm-m criminals. in I pound dons-Me it other criminlln m be Inn adorning nrioue form 0! tot- ture. A common maul-bun! that is inflicted (or the non mm! olenoel hihemehuneoimwwooa. nimouioheevytobebombntee amazed am it mm“ prisoner from im am Forty miles (ton finish is the inâ€" :omntvidled any at he: has. which is non the army'- rouie. This piece in about (our thou-mi you. old. ‘I land I mailer experinae lien in what is dmtibed u e Int-cle- Chic has hug which mm;- twenty Moll. or no“. lululu as God at Wu.uo00dotltnlm..fln0uot M. ll. 00‘ 0! Int. tho God cl Fertility. and othm Follower. a man and Confucius no thus go- WWI]. imam-Tmmd‘l'm mm. and an may I: dynamic. gn new“ of tho mun; around amen-commie; Mm mulmuabhhotmudmm‘ hmmmmmmfim munmmmtmotmuud union. ' After Nteflunsllrnr'huh. um- mnllntm‘n'flntfln. m mum: :2. Nut a: mud bruit. ml: gnaw. Thu "0‘ guns comm-bl. bu alumna: Yuflnnw' m u a]. nut“ dud. 9 _‘-9_”

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