Downers Grove Reporter, 20 Sep 1900, p. 1

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klPUBUCANS OATHIR AT BUR- LINGTON PARK SATURDAY. ' no Do. and III- Reflection. I Member onoe having heard Mr Mr Reed desu fiber. that Intelligent ml: by telling .1 story of the do; ‘ l Itmm upon a plank. car- , 650 home market a bum in ”I. and as he advanced over '- he an Mn reflfl’flou which .‘9 her dog. the in month t “mans ‘ D! gonna .yau : tend to heilttle the issue of lend money: I do not intend to overlook my of the great questions Involved. hm [ respectfully insist and our history chow: it to be true. that when those who labor with their hands are emâ€" ployed and receive a fair day's were: tor I felt day‘s work, the muntry ls was and happy: and also. when peopie are unemployed and protective duties are alien Away. and we pnr- time the product of the inhnr of other contrien, dinner and min come to the people. and every time we have tried it the ptnin Mk have been clothed with the hedge of pnverty and often fed themselves at the. public soup houses of Democracy. I” o! Pmlm. No matter how many. millions of bushels of min there may he in the outlet: of the land; no matter how many millions of dollars of gold and silver there may he piled up in the. "nits in the. hanks: as im- as the great body of American people in can med the wheat may retain! the honey may rust nnleu we are. offered the opmvtnnlty and the profits of la- 'oNowIn‘ Jud“. \‘nln. Jouph Month. “Moot tho llnaolu 8mi- ‘mm cum-m. an In the “diam I. a spoon «Mob In con-mu, Inter-put! by ups-Inna. l 0. 'mnml. mama-lo [or flat. ‘l‘n-um. was Inlmdml uni mud. 3 good lupin-Inn upon Mn undflnn Tho watch-shag don-d am. an «mm-- In. T. 'l'. Ilium-«ll o! (I'm-nun. nun!" “now-wood: worn“! with Idling M”. “d Imam! caudal ("or flu: moon-d. ll. an In put: ‘l'h ml Inw- M Mr cflupnlxn arr fit-cm", "w mum- n "my won- In 01. and Ih- mt ham lmwwn "w two punk-a in now M M was the". when." I‘F In to [he [be him of m: min", to "w Int-Mn. pimple at this country. I do not In my way Inâ€" Judg- Yutu, ”mud by And-um. (Jo-on! Ito-got Cupoutor of mo Bur- lington «all. and accompanied by uv- on! muulnua on the mu ticket. urivod 0n n lpodll lulu It 7 o'clock. II. can not u use lulu by an Duh:- oomuy ham! and the own authoring ”duh-m a turn wokolno. llomlng chur- xmlod the nmflduo when ho noun-I on “ml-oak." stud. “Anon kt" In max by Us. ontln Indiana “at «MM: Judge Yuk-w pmcoodod with M- upon”. Ilo ”Ml MI mmpll- nut- lo “to lug. numb» o! "cannu- A-orh-m pro-mu. uni so u Muno- Illuu all mrlndoxly mum-ml u» Manna manna. Jud“. \‘Aun un- hoom In. mum "mm“. but 'I [all n! canny and had 0V." an. II M: awn-m with Ma [mm slut to Conueseman A. J. Hopkins of the Eighth District was the first speaker. lid (or an hour kept the.crowd ap- plauding: hiucleverhitn. lle wnii fol- lowed hy Congressman Reeves of Stream. who elm scored neverel tell- Inzhltn. Ben-tor Mason who "rived during Reevee' addrees. In a half hour speech “eyed Brysn [or his contradlc- iory attitude upon the question of the poem (nut, wIth flpdn end expoeed the Democratic lnconnlstenc, on the "not question. ‘l‘ho campaign in Dque county was {oi-many opened at Burlington Park last Saturday afternoon and evening. with a big rally and plcnlc. at. which Judge Yates was the pflncipal attrac- tion. Cunt. '1‘. S. Rogers of Dumas Grove noted as master of ceremonies. nml q-Jnllml the crowd to order at 2 O'rlfluk. The Illinoin (Jun-tone: of Au- torn open-«d "Illinois.” Yum, CAMPAIGN IS OPENED SEVENTEENTH YEAR. 70,111“ mama Speakem nun Him with the crowd. mt Ill)!- the proxhim by 5‘95""? Addison~WlllInm Hanan“, Emil Bohwonitfcgor Bloomingdaleâ€"Mn Burk, Edward Sci-spot. Wino-Rom Rea. Winfieldd. 0. Our, J. T. flou- ford, W 1‘ Reed. Miltonâ€"E Glam Emil Bilingu- imam H. XOR-A 1’.than w, Folioning Ira numb": of the (hand Jury, summonod to 3pm for the 00/ too" tom': of Circuit Court: V AtCoontowl 3 Picnic. . . .......... .Llue The Merry Ilium-cl lath Bernice, Schmtilche. The Penn :CahwalI ...... In Green n larch ............ Saturday Evening, 39M 29, at u». Fan-Ive Tenet Hatch. Earhart 3“- Sand Oven-re ”Kn-Ia "an Wain. . .. Union Porn-ct 'larcIn Nearer I; God to Thee. . Ten Min-m Inter-lam. Bunch O'Blukterrlmu National Oven-re “Am" Zena: Sckmlncle.....4 ...... Amm- Del Con Waltz.. Marching Tum: semi}; .. Friday Evening. 8091. an at 7:3). [mm Forever March. 9 Reina Renal: Oven: l-‘ntaauc 'am .. . The New Cum Mm Hope Slbflueâ€" at! 1‘2- fllnne Inert-imam AICWIICOWI' a Pknic. . Tfieflcrry Mlnntrel V. lath Bernice, scram-cue. The Pom Cahwallu In Greer n larch“ (1,8. lluglne 5 Go . have prepare- llom almost completed for lloelr second ummalhuvat fostlval whlcll will be held next reek Frldey ml Hehmley, Sept, 2m. end 29m. The one glue lent year In: well 3 mm um ll» pmprletm deurmlned to mate the ell'elr an ennnelocrunnre. and "a de- nlgned primer", an that llve people 0! Donna: llron eml ecljeclenl territory‘ any come and med old friends end‘ make new acquaintance-I, wlulle uklng a two «lays holiday. The More wlll he deoornled with the nurtured from of ‘lhe kennel. and exhibits of nrloue klmln wlll bechlol Among lhe film» Hons. Durln: the festival refrai- neuu ol‘ lcecreem. celre. and lemon- ede will be served free medulla. Each evenlng the lend. orchestra, under the direellon ols. H. Frey. WI" give the concede at 7:!) o'clock. Other feeturee wlllmake up an “menu which Hughes 00.. prnmlee will ecllpee the" former festival. Every- hcd, is in med :0 “lend. The pros-rem for the concerts follow: mivwr ”"0 81min haul in the Phil- ippim- inluudu we bought RIMI [mid (or. "may or in thought she lmgl no title; many 0! an tlwuxht uln- lmd good title, but In ilu- treaty of pwm- we bought and will minimum in gold and u- nlined (lu- dvmu of Spain in American ciibenl In ('nlm. God did not buy the Island» for u: or comwi uu to buy that. A (0011 many llupnblimnu did not want In buy them: quite a law Democrulu nilul not want to buy (new. It 0008 two-mirth of tho "all“! flint»: male to minus! the mat; wllh ill-i numb-ling «law in it. So one mm in or out of public ll!» maid hummus I0 many min in hunt or ill-i pur- chalc u did Willi-m Jennlnu "run. mad the fuel in that be In: no unruly to! flu: tmly that he rum to Wuh- lngton and In person ulviwd the rail- flcuion of me many. which not only made In purchase a! lip-in the title to "to l'lllligpiM lulumln. but under and M will we» cult-Nd Into solo-um obllniionn to give other union of "In 'orld «main mulls-[n lilo-m ("r u «rt-In numb" at your. Without m. llrynn'l lnflmm lino l'hilimmm inl- and. «mid not In." M pinch-ml. '1'):- imnly mnuiulng (In: tin-r lulwd a mi nun] mm uniil lw cum to Win-illusion. H In: bop-s! that we could mud Nu» lmiy. "(In wan luv-0W I am not "main. [to question 0! wMMllz-lm Int-Mona not; ilw («law will Inna-r many qmlioml (m- ull of an, but the {act romain- lloli by (in aid. miviw and ur- (in «mum or Mr. llrynn. the truly wan conilnm-d and ilu- l-lnmll par ritual. nmi (mm Ilml lumr mull iMIL (lu- [mmkla-M of llw l'nllnl F‘Qll'l has no mon- riulul lo pun will: ilu- 0m» in one inc-l: u! llmi mum! Hum M has in allrlu-r fur ”l0 ulv u! (be (“II"IIJIIA mm. of "limit. Ami now "m I am on thin nuluofl. on» mum which l have lw-rn no mm-lo misunderstood nml an wiliniiy Iniumolml. I am Inn- "ml ilul- fur"!!! will nirv mv «me milmin (blind '- n- Inl yup. I will be Pxpfl‘ted to speak upon the subject of Innmrlnllsm, whereas. inl- porlnlism, mm- nud simple Is not In lhls (“a-mum). limb pnrtlex In their platforms “and by the n-pnlm' and condemn lmperinllsln. and If tin-re was any man In the [Yum-d Hum-s who bellevc-d that l’resldvnt McKinley was even tainted by lnuu-rmlhnnhis course upon the ('Mnem- quexliou long after theI adoption 0! tlw plnlfurln Inuxt lnlko clear Intlewl Mn donnlun to the doctrines of tho [)llfc‘ repnhlh: "v' 01' course there are many things to be talked nbout In this vmunnign he- uides the tnrlfl, including lnnwrlnllmn, trusts, militarism. (ret- silver. eta, and you will notice as the campaign proceeds how one party is looking for; praying for, hoping for prosperity, while the other party is full of dis- mal doubts and dispnlr. The hum of the threshing machine is music to the m-publlcau lwart, while it brings tours to the heart of Domocrncy which can only be unnforted by the weevil, cut‘ worm and chinch bug. Drouth and crop failure brightens the eye or Demm-mry for it foreteils sorrow and disaster and Is an encouraging sign for Democracy A good [Drive for hay. com, outs and wheat adds hope to the Republican heart whlie 40-1-ont wheat hangs her loving arm around the nm-k of the and~eyed son of Nebraska. ANNUAL HARVEST m‘nvu. GRAND MY. .znolr ”Brute Barman! . . . Kant: Begum .fioouwu Brother: Stu-ion God {my DOWNERS GRQVE, DUPAGE COUNTY. ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 71"”: L lyneeiedinpmmt. 1”. it. de- ll- now laid in Illa ltreet be teIel up lnd relaid, and home connections made before the pering is done. This will are for the lain lireec' avenge ibr ell time m‘pm end lhould remove any ohjectiori property one!- any heve hen to signing the petition (or peving um ihoronghfere. llpeoieli, in view of the! i. that the width of the roenwey ha I. reduced from u toQOIeeCMIeelen ih'ewelol the im- provement. Property owner! would OW. Will b. at long GIMUOI. I! and In. J. D. Fowler celeb-lied them mailer-er, of Muir marl-(l by inviting their friends to their home lutMy evening. The tried- in burl-a1 agreeably urprleed their hound hotels by patenting the. Wham: dinner-let. Al em- ing oflociel eejoymeetw‘elqat, doe- in' with e Minty 00th Then. We; in the If” m le‘l lad let-amen V. 3. he". noibeliillelongeriolecuuibhm§. 8.1m.“ M MW null-.11.! iii- L, livegl the accultueIoI’llIe “.'.O.Lleelnlr.'l- I“, A. 80m. objection to the prom-Mon to pave Mun mt. Infon Iowan wan «flushed. has been In“ by H). cog. mm. In chug- ol the mum. h, pro. mung that ch. two 154m at. tuna Hominy caning In. A. L. Tunney, not with u bad man: In tuning ‘down “light of shin. Dr. (hurl-y was called on oxlmiao Injuries, amt thhough very pnlnl‘nl. they will not prove serious. Mrs. J. B. Pugs Md Ila Juno Blrdof Rinaldo, will opt! tholr regular or... in; clm Ballard-y morning. Oct. 6, 1900, at the home of Ila Hui In Him-3 dlle, corner Fourth strut Ind Gum.“ "cum. flout-I. an lotwolnflgtumy mornings. Toms. $5 for huh. I... JIM Pontoccy nmrnod loads, from 3 trip through the west, flsltlng Denver. Solids, Grand Junction ‘9‘! Suit but. City. While In tho latter city he not Prank Shape and visited with him for seven! dnys. In a II. "Auk. o! Lanna”. h mnklng hot ponnls, Ir. “Id In. A. L Tenn]. 1 tun-weeks VII“. 8h. arrived here In “mow Quintin mining her mother, through hqr lujmlcn. Tho omen: o! tho Drum-“c CU!- for the year tn: 1. R. King, Dlncwrud Bun "name: PM Ennn. Ma.- In-gor: F. B. Illlor. Murmur, and property Inn. A dance was “in. M ()Iduld "all Friday Inning which was cull nth-d- ad. Tickets non wants. um: "Omb- mulln "in. A (Miran arch-uh: Im- nlshql tho music. lmk~anuaNo scotch milk: color Nari: long Mummy“ I‘mm prank-n of Minor loudly loan. Ronni lor‘ nlum In M. ”Hannah A'Onlll. [hit on Oren. In. noun, 0! Chicago. In: bun mm" but “It". In. Chwllu and ailing on our" hind- for the put low days II. I. fiohlor. hu "nun! pan otl. Woohnl'n Mg” [mun]. (or IM pub pou- ol manufacturing M- "(on Ink- “and. A Chlmgn Illllnov will an. Ind Mn “th0: mu Unll m [loam ovum. or ulJn-n ll- Goo-upon. Villm. ll- Hunk Mund- luvu ”N am of lull rock for ”M loath. OIMCII. to run-u nu, during thowhool you I». Not“. Tonny. who has he“) opondIng the autumn a Bay Wow. I.- tumd homo Sunni”. suit. In. Minn A "anon offline-IMO. “up“ “to dance l-‘flday ovnollg unl spout the ml of Ibo not with IM- [4 than. ll. 8. Good-pad o! I’hoobuu, V... Ipont'l‘hunulny with In. J. J. (flood. up.“ sud (mllv. Dr. Ind In. I". ll Kant-on contam- plnu oxbmlvo Impmvonpnu on their home on Prune. "one". John Hall returned 'I‘u-sduy from his visit. In Pennsylvania. Mm R. D. Parker has 'lwen mum friends In the city the past week. The Somme-1s Alarm clock, 4]. fully guuauuod. Scanners the Jewel". Atund tho man; u. the viii-go lull Ballard” evening wor‘nniu local npullmu club. Odd slut In ladluo and chlldrom rut- bon It 10 cent- pcr pair at Hula-'0. Friendxhip Hearts, 25 unis, engrav- ing free at Somme"). Q Lester Bur visited the Drum":- canal on Sunday. October New [den Fashion nlweln now ready at Muller‘s. The finest watérmelons on ice It Raug‘m Herman Stremlor has gone 00 laun- vllle, Colo. White Rose gasoline. Nash's. Burn Muzzey's Pennsylvania oil. Additional local new- on lll‘th Drlnk Gonn Mocha and Java coll’u. H. 0. Burr is at present mm: at home‘ It. and In. J. D. Fowler “lob-id the ”in unlumry of their mum‘- by inviting their triads to their hon. lutMy «wing. The Mod- in tin Vial agreeably urpriud M Inc-tad Mote-s by patenting lin- mum: Mann-(u. AI cm- in; oincm njoymntmqnt, aid.- in' with I “My 00th Tho-o. WI»; in in. new m. I” and loam. W. B. m Luna-that. a 8.1m,“ 1d,} 9.1: arcâ€"o, w. a Jon-.11. I as: I That pct-com who luv. not Md In ‘Mwllhr supplyof communion. I, Wag Oh. on.“ tho firth u the “tune!“ ulna will In" on the loci and Ink... been dad-n Inn nan-cod thou- pneuumty-anoquu sun, but at“. any do not think tho ”I“. will b. of long duration. } The Downers Grove balling: bu! n gun scheduled wuh u.- Butler Pspn Comp.” nine Suturdny. but flu or- gninflon failed a: ahofi up. and A gas. was arranged andplnyod rm- 3 pickod nino. The regal-n won by 3 Icon of 18 to 6. In", or 157 Washington IMCNcI‘o. land In. W. W. Pout Md .0- no hot. making their cm." vial! with unit aunt. In. D. H. Nun-on and cousins bolorn leaving Auntie: for their homo In Camunfinopk, Tur- lay. Judg- Baths Is bon- nmu h N:â€" "mm. A patent nun-roe with M- Mflullnflllcflon. My hm. Although nnc Inuptclhlod from attend"; to hnlnmâ€"Clndon. For Baleâ€"Cathy. bun, Ind 50 to“, .000; a lens nan-In M; an acre tum land cheap. Plan-o cull FMQIM‘I Ru! Ehhto agoncy M lulu “not VII-4‘ F. 0. human, diior of "I. Rumi- wich b‘m Pm. wu- hm A (at how- you'd” culling on Moods, uni uni. M" ”M h.“ ' M.” h" this nine. 5 plot-uni all. ‘ Ed llnnungum uni Frank Wiiilni. ‘And My um" Lulu Ram. ud Jun flit-vi. am! My. Imi In. li-iinp took A trip in El Joe. Mich . an Raunchy.â€" Damn. 11mm” Hunt. 27. the [Allies Aid 80- cioiy oi the I. E (thumb. will mu him-boon at "no home of In. Christ Cuponior. 154 Honih Mun “not, iron 12 until 2. Jmip mm. in homo min in Nap porviilo, a [hunt talent with Mo mnnni-Mlcflon. My hm. although not inmpccihiod from “tending to hmnm-Citdon. For Baleâ€"Going; bum, Ind 50 foot, m; 2 tom mar-in 8326; ii) men farm land cheap. Pica. mil Fruit-WWI flu! Ennis Isaac] M Ida “not Vil- lngo, or 157 Washington ntmi.Chimo. land In. W. W. Poet uni no. In h.â€" ranking than» lnn-dl .5.“ Hudshm.d|n¢1|hnol 0.0.0 WWII“. whim hrri- coup. W with Nanny-Minimum of I0. “I In. K D. Mu. on (mm “an. ' Tho, um In. In] Ion-ill o! In“ I“. dolph. N. Y.. In. lion. '01th of flumnik, "L. In. link Wright of Chicago, In. Fun-i. PM" a“ In. Phoebe Dali] 0! Down" Um". 11min“.- nn Ill nun oi "and. Now York, and can. want with uni! pumi- below “i. captain; in lab county. Their "in; ion TMV was the iini “no an out". nun-tor had not mania truly-nu you: Tin day In. spout pica-nu] in run imi count-nun. and I picky. cl meg-map. no Mon tantrum-Ion, unit of “‘0 day. Soul. id“ M “I. Obi. Idiiy o! "to gathering any in ”in“ (vacuum combined Inighi of ”up”, abuts Md hmhldsâ€"whioh win on ion. or an "can. of no pounds each. Tin gnu...- of an M] um: Moan. I. P. lorriii, Olin. WWI-I. aha. Wright, 0. 1 Daily. And It D. Part». "Immune! my mum-uncut: mum-hull um In. In»! mm ”I"! Md JIM. dolph. N. y“ In. M 'flhn 0‘ Mai, Ind My. I'M In. "Illup look a nunflu.‘ "L. I... III-M Wright trip to fit Joe. Itch. on Banduâ€" of Chicago, mm mm rum and Down. In. M Dull, 0! Donna (hon. human, a"... 27, u" 1A4}... AM so. 11:0!qu in nu nun- 0! 110'“. ct“, mun. l. E Church. um my. low Voting“ «no not with than Mllununglmn Md Pm! mum. Anathema” Lulu 8am» and Juno "ml, Ind It. Inc! In. U-lhw tool a an» to Rt. Joe, Itch. on Bum].â€" Damn. F. D. human, dltor of an M- unch I'm Prov. In Inn A for how- yqunlly mm"; on Manda, Ind and. um onion I pic-MM on". pot-moo with the all. Ion-Dinah 0).. st ColoMo flpdnp. Colo. In. Ilium-o Rayon of lump. Ion. who bu bun mm" In! sun. In A. J. "my. mums-d homo PM”. I- In. Murphy out-1.1mm. nod II- pm." 0! Chicago. won It Dow-on in" with w. w. Burgh-mm lug. In. A. ll 00!. I! Dunn. look all.- uo with Mr plum Honda, alum .- bor In, £0 ”alumna, loan, for n Ihpn VII“. D. 0. (Inhun ha: been appointed ul- nun-mu» o! um am. of tho In. John (luv... doom-0d. In. 0. K. Ro- nturud Monday from n mu 0! tour-l Inch with "lulu- II. "and Rnpldu, llch. Illa Laura Hugh.- hn sampled I [Adh- Shoo, Rumor Too. flu- “. 8. sod 4. Pom-nor Price 03.15, now “l mu It "allow-'0. Ask for Osnet'e School Boy Ihoee they stood all klnde of weather, at Heller'l. A fem“, Mined Bottlee hue moved Into the Bertie house on South Wuh- lucton street. In. II. 0. Post And II. II. E. Pout. luv. ntuvuod to Chm-go um Vilma; Mn. 0. H. Wood. We do high grade watch null-Ins only. Bonn-non the Junior. Bu y Velvet Starch and naive I but “Yul pron t0 Rxllor'a. ] Ill-.and In. G. H. Bung. uturuod load” from that: vlllt. In Ncbrukl. Call at Muller's and m the new mllk cnn washers. The boat. and Int-gal Iuortmaifo! homo baked goods at Rnng'l. Dead shoe stock at your own prion. J. W. Nash. 0". Family Baldy. No smoke; no more dlm- chlmnon. The heat oil In town. only No pug-l- lon, at c. s. Hughes a; 003: hardwm stone. ' . J. R. King M. Qulncy. Goo. "0qu Is spending a two wuk’l vacation in Minnesota. Fancy Jersey sweet potato“ at Hul- lor’n “'00 ID- -I WWmlm? a am: a John Gum. I woll-knqwn lad-goin- . , . 5 Mo emu-actor of Donna- Grow. who ’ --- ""' for yum. ha and. M- hom on North lubed Mun-t 0'! r. d.“ chlmnon. mun aunt, non tho Plank road,- dlod cumin; kiln In. only ,"c p0! 8‘1‘ Thursday ovoltng from drop). and“. Into! '1! ' "‘ °°' ' “"6"" luflrmltlu or ok‘ :5... land .0 your. V .â€" llr. Gram. and boo: connuodu M. W School 0M“ I " WWW“ at 3"" alum}. a. monhv but had but: nulhlo to a“ an g... m got about. ulna an woldont" In the «Homudioolflc mm, 934:: Sand-y spring when ho was thrown from bid and pm .51.” wagon and Injured. "mm.- mm" aluminum”: MW“ Board ”jean!“ numb-ll“ Chair. llama“ . Confiscation of round of muting tho you by I‘ll! mi mumnm: On muo- of sugar. on... an. In nu. “ visor Both unfolh'ng lanai-non to. whithfihmfl I-ungtounmp lands. Ill gnu-cud fl. Amuu‘ ' “a nu clerk ova-rod toe-rm, the “(DMD hi I» Motel-achflmungou. MIC“ ' Raolvodfihuluncn. Hm ho. not nun-“ain‘t In honby wthorlnd under the rul- [Ind-OHIOIIQ’MOJ Magnum” of tho M an ”pd-OI“. omentourufyuut IM- co-My In: “a...” V I: comphudlhukcflol ol ampul “mum ‘ onrflowod Ind-,1!» to In!" Ibo hibmcl ' " claim of tho county to Manta-p ha! ha "I m up; “locum which on gum-60: In M‘ ' round to ho "tum arm, or m “MMOQ A ._ nond wlchln m. min; of It. h-plu-dlhdvâ€" ] .mPI-adamm mud. " OI nodal of Samba: flail tho .1 . .‘md ‘ ‘ Ina-ntmunbnmdbym m]. .- ' ‘ Tamar A"... III “mule... “-. lotholuounuhd “Ink-1| at m hm“ for new" ,I I m 1- .- ‘ ,nn“ .,,-.,......., Mr Dun-bud». hold a nuk- Inn May-imbue ol It. A“ In It D. M». on gum ova-0.1%., am In. In, low"! at In“ I“. do... uoopt dun-g I. “no It [III-44.0391“! “M with NI. money was I. I“. yuan not II m mam». lav-taunts. m. wall 3, (and lot Man the "pantie. o! I aloof. though IM- l. «hold by tho.- non Inland, mull-M with MI. [a nu! wu- Ma coon-Ma“, VI Inuit-Id. able! at which II. M- nil-pk run 01 um... M o! thud-nun...“ with (a. wall. In tho-3M II money than um: I» spud “on Man", ud mm“, llnd In: very nl-plo hunt. I. fut M- mrrondI-p war. not no to In! on to cuppa-hi. kw John Groves wuonc ol tho planar- ol the county having «mod ban on n form not Link In 1880. 5nd bu nine. undo thi- county Mn homoâ€"at um. Into: at Belmont, and for the pa» nin- yonn in Downer. Grove. Born In Now York mm, Novombor 24": 1810. ho was mnrrlod m lulu Upmht Ind an- IM to "Hack. Ton ohlldnn Inn born wthom. though Ill mnow (land1 an ono. In. Lucy Crnwlord o! In- huun. llL, who nu hot. n: tho fours ‘31. Thu. manual»... on all an roman of the one. lug. fully. 'l'hoy nu: In. W. E. anr of Dow-cu (hon, In. Ind. Ban of Joli“, and John Gavan of Tons. John Gnu- hoonuu of his mom «humour, wnn porhnpn them: widely known. though [out nationhood of no, nun In the county. At an. “no ho wu cndlud inn bola. on. 0! lb mum.“ woman, but much of hi wlfom-Houtmukébhl M Donny wo- ID I“. you! “III II 1 The tun-rd wu hold from the homo Sum-day morning at ten o'cl'ock. and Interment mad. It the Condor, u Lisle. Rev. 1'. R. (ire-n conducted tho urvlooo. OUPIRVW "06m!!!“ mmofium mm: or some alum REUNION 0' m Aaron. mum!"- all. manning-u Dun-.7; mum-aunt“. nun. mmufl um mm 0! than n; no" mutt-Mi: uncut“ AH‘IU «pa-tumult 1’! ”mm Mhflf ‘1! W O m “A¢dgi I- «gut. M an I ‘- forwnkthOo d uh to «- Im at “10.1 mmmnuqu (Mum Mn- W amt-mum», b1 u» ulna-u, nub»â€" almbythooduolho 4 Uncanny at UM a moth-0M“! v“; manta... aw mi WWW“ tact wort In on! 1"! WW“ I! r «a nu flu and thhfl school omod M ‘ _ tho all an. “gany: «Homuduoonflu ' 1 ' and MI mom ol- orythiug working ' ,. lmdlnltholdmd- " ' ‘_ |I oxpooud um I M unit. The «Min-nu- dly was“ which will I94 eon-mommy manila W undivided u lollowlx__ ‘ In]; W, HIM" _ _ Ion'u hill 48 _ south building 1”. Mi 3 In tho flntdq' om , you or 0, who. “I. In. moat wu 5M. filo W] by an olnonoo o! I m who no “Mu It. “'9'" school. A W m m country conduct- “to Mi In an (on-con. m fl land I. the slur-con. - m {mum at. «bod-(4‘1 am. not um. a. m Ii flu no“. In cm i, and-I coon-nu mu .0 0! “Hook. which Ion. a. g In. 1M mum: Univ-IQ“ not. This 006m“ “Ill lllgh School lelg I... Ind and mud. M- “III-I by the (nanny 0! MM Univ“

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