Downers Grove Reporter, 20 Sep 1900, p. 3

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In Pm or Vol-nu. _ the price of this «moon's walnut on» «m be 10 cents per pound for “I MI and 9% canto for standards . M fines having been established ' If a ionlu at Los Angela. Cal of H “can committee of the South- ’3 m Wunnt Grover-3’ uto- ' H m h n m; Increase mt tim- boon 88.15 am} .» will nud- for the two " to Ditties in the Empire 0! China. 3.9-. 3:55:33 .83..â€" 8 28! .09.: In 8 3.5.9 b.1093. latch 2.» al.1- .:.3 €3.33? .- I: col; 39:3 .0 «glen-2.5, anal The central idea I: to establish a government for the "happiness peace and prosperity o! the people of the' Philippine Islands." The great prin- ciples which have been made the basis 0! our governmental eyliem are to be respected and the Philippines given a government that wm inure to them a nonunion at liberty Ind safety such a] they have never enjoyed hitherto. Aeumling to in: president's express Instructions, this commissinn shall mbli-h I system of secure and et- fluent civil government. Including regâ€" uhtions for the raising of revenue. unremitting and expanding nubile funds, organizing an education! cys- tun. and organizing and establishing municipal and departmental govern- mu . Prawn! HerIey‘s Instructions to the Philippine communion inv'lldé the nuhllshmnt o! a civil govprnmcnt In which the natives shall (akr part so hr us they show and“ to do so. Inn-rm In ”any!” (man's-m. W. WW II. LI Nun (‘luu my. lhc "mm of I» datum-v rmprru um! rmporor to film! IM "no "maul n! Prinrv Tum and Ms follow": The nun-n min- lnln It Shanta. urn»: a gummy“ pu- mmnl. Mum: nlnmlly Hun delay “I! mrmhm of "In rmfirvo Among II:- hmrr "(HIM In (‘hinn wrrn nev- m! mlulnvmnm wlm wen gradual!" o! ("m-"n "rile" II "born". 0 Run- nll in am to have seized valuahir runway pmpvrty at Tlmum. despite the protests of Hm firmsh. M Hung Chang I: tram"! co M at Tnm Tim} lain oak-m: do not MIR-w he in! go to Hun my. American troop: MM I.” [101"! near Priln and kill 200 Ind... lowâ€"nu It. I. do Biowuz. Paris mrrmpnndont 0! London Timon, said unlm [10'0” Wily mma In agreement In proâ€" led (mm a world-wide war will elâ€" poo. Rpporml troops gathering in law mum-or: (mm all parts of than at Stan F", rmhknm of "I“ pariah. Prince flung informed ntntel Cowman" hp in ready to hum we malignant. lamina pawn: my now- as Mm Irwptvd u Hung (‘hnng I8 methtor. Ian Dunn nlaru: Chum ollchiu u Nunlml; lb" mum 8.000 than and Intona- var ’unh; world um H In abandoned await-Inn“. Japan.» mud Cblmm-n who common! Io Ihnou Von Kane!" by fimparhl or- der. it"! u uum north Prldny‘ ”01. “Wfl~' M. Autumn lumps In play In l‘ohln AI bola In Chm" [Mala ls nanny IAN" Irma "u flux 1, Walt" Inwrtc um of lawn» ul Pan-Tum. Town at Tu Mn aunt-d. looted. And human! w mum ooldkn. nonm’ In an (know InlI-Iou autumn; Inner di- m-lm hurl [J k“ ”ugh“ [or Poll». THE WATERFRONT BTflKWN WITH WRECKAGH 0F VESSRIZB AND BUILDINGSâ€"FROM A PHOTOGRAPH Wednesday. flora-liner la. The United States are suspicious of Li Hung Chnnxand will watch his pre- liminary arrangements tor peace ne- satiation. Five million mole in the linemen!“ bank' at Pekin are conflm owed by Russia to insure payment or its indeinnity. Boxers and Big Knives join forces and defeat imperial troops 'Iorth of Kilns-Sn province. Four thousand allied troops march from Tlenuin to clear the country of ma- feuding Boxers. my. lepton-her 13. Prince Chins told minister he could not negotiate without Ll Hung Chang. 1 Letter urged to hasten to Pekin. Brig- adier General J. H. Wilson arrived and reported to General Chaflee. Ger. ”ANY NATIONS TAKE A HAND: . 9-... B. An“! I‘M- . 8m B. Anthony munch up Im- lul- Oeolm hula-ill). The Ruuo- Chinese bank. which, as announced. closed at Pekin and removed to Shanghai. will conflu- caie. as part of the indemnity to be paid to Raisin. the lmperinl university fund of 5.000.000 incl: devalued with ii. “mm which the Chinese drew for ill! pane“ of their troop. lfllmu for fun teen. Frank H. llitchmck. chiei n! the. section of foreign markets or the agri- cultural department, has prepared a bulletin showing the value and char- acter 0! our agrimltural imports from 3 each foreign rnuntry for the five fiscal yearn, 1895 to is” it shows that our agricultural imports have had an av- erage annual value oi $366,964,708. ot whlvh more than one-halt came from tropical countries. Brazil, the leading nourve of our rofl're supply, sent he is per cent of our total agricultural importa, the United Kingdom coming next with 9.3 per cent. Cuba was the third country, sugar running her per- centage up to 7:5 per cent of the total. Japan and China were fifth and sixth. respectively The Philippipne lalands sent on 12 per cent of the total. Bra- zil's exports to the United States aver- j aged 854.116.897 a year. coflee exports alone amounting to “8.700.000. The United Kingdom sent us annually 834,- 131,835. of which wool averaged 812; 975.000 a year. Cuba'a agricultural exports to the United States averaged 827.4017”. Hawaii's exports to ua averaged “3.616.189. Canada sent yearly 810,149,241. having Mn l mre "reador" for tho,I Bentley: and having rejected her first book. "A Hmnnnra 0! Two Worlds." which the publishers accepted in mite of him. She dtulaima any tnumnto knowledge of tho Murat movements of Mr. Calne‘n ganglion mm. and finishes him outright by flying that the has not". n n manor of principlm read I NM 0! his writings Miss Correm's first book was mrhlishad In 1m. At that tlme Mr. (.‘nine had pnbltahod MI "Shadow or a lirtme" and two other works. one in 1882 and the seroud In 1m. "The mam-I City." In Mr new book. "The Manor (ThrlmunI' um! "on but- rowad (lu- namr u! luv nova! from In widely rad book. "The Cherm." Mm (‘orrnlll mlhlmly Iran the veil any Mm Mr. (film’- put by that.- II: M- IIlh the Minors. alt-nu of Cull. "- CmiIL Hall Chine. the great British novel- ist. is dodging little thunderbolts from tha red right hand of Marie Con-rem. who haa been roused by the assertion that she has anticipated his story, creams, daisies, 11611540: Young America. new. 11611560: (wins, new. unsung. Em â€"Lous off, runes returned. fresh. lie: at mark, cases returned. range at 7:: to flu. as (0 quality. Green hullsâ€"Apples, fan- by Alexanders. 7mm per bu: barrels. oot to (air. 750661.26: good to choice. 1.251(3215. Bananasâ€"81.506135 par hunch. Cruhngglekâ€"Wfific per bu. Potatoesâ€"â€" ' Poultryâ€"«Iced mock: Tur- New. " keys. 10% 'hlckenu. 810/85“: “Hum. ”51': rouslers. 5141:; Reese, ducks. 7W. c: No. 3 yellow. . 41 ' No. 2 white. 41c. ateâ€"No do. . : No. 4. ”55¢: No. 0 while we: ‘ go. a. mac; R0. 3 white. madam No. 2. 1'. ,r (rattlerâ€"Native steers. “£50530; stockâ€" er- llld feeders 8.6004436: butchern' cows and heifers. 8865.3): cannon 31-5001: (ed Welternl, “04.60: winterod 'l’enns. 38.156 3.85: (runs Texans, 81. 76. Calvesâ€"36.25 98.10. Ho hlieav nn mlxedeLflMtiflfi: I ht. sufmm: p l. ”.ZMHJS. Sheepâ€" C 0100 to prime men-era. 817004.00: trie- dlum m choice mixed natives. gfim‘s; Gran Texas and weltern sheep. . 3.90; “gm ewes. coarse lots and leaders, 8:. 3 : cum. buck: and poor stock. 81.1 . ; poor no choice yearling (cedars. lug 3.30; poor to choice tat yearling, 81.7 4400; sprlng lambs. r to fair. £005.00: Spring lambs, goo to fancy. 65.106535; feeding lambs. poor Io choice. “mt“. Bunerâ€"(Yreamer . extra, if” ': dairies. fancy. lflc: pack nx. Mu. C easeâ€"Full «realnstqglsies. [16115545 Ygung‘fimeflff,‘ A SCENE AT GALVESTON. ' 31""! hind 3:31”. ] _l‘lo.l. jq'umlfl HALL (‘AINE rennin. umccrnu III (III! mum, VI. ammyed by fire. The Ian I: “u- muted At between $350,000 Ind m, m; mum-nee, $252,500. Am i, I. not. .. Ala-Io Got a! Hulkyvlli. It. D. Iel'ornn Co. in- Wed by fire a non Huron, film-IL. can!!!“ I 108 of “Mono fully mm by hi m A min of an Ill tutu rlro Mm mg «m mu. The larch-nu and Hanten' on mm M Houston. Tex, one of the lug. at cottonseed on manufacturing and rectum: concern- In the when, wag destroyed by fire. The Ian I: am. mnud at hum 3850.000 and m, on; Insurance. 3252.500. , Luau a! Bohemian MM. The seiamcr Hrrodoi brings to San Diego. 031., ihe story of a quick suppression 0! 1m inripieni insurrec- tion at Salvador. Minister of Wm- Castro was the instigator of a plot to remove the preridem. Thomas Regula- do and have himsel! proclaimml pro-i- dent of the republic. in his plans to bring aimni the inlurreciion Cut-to deemed it necessary to remove the col- onel o! the barracks and shot him down in cold blood. It "a not known until utter hi! strut for that crim that the murder was a part of the plot to overthrow the prmt government, but in the lnveniigntion that followed the whole scheme was unearthed. Cu- iro was found guilty of murder um! on Sept. 3 he was shot by order of the president. Win: the death of the lender the threatened lnsm'rnclirm nub- sided. i' i i i Nearly 500 pnsnngnrs on P. Q P‘ M. No. 4 passed a Mg!!! 0! [fin-or on hate Michigan. ton being injured. The stunner Lauren?!- crossed the like ”Ire! times. goingfim mik’s on thg trip {rom Milwaukee to St. Joseph. Many ulllng mach: wen- slrlppod of canvas and blown ”harp Doll. m l.- II I... It". Twelve wrwns mm- dmwnnd in "In Men In Tnmdny'n gulp. eleven going down wllll steam" John B Lynn In [Ale Erln. Tlm follnwlna an "In mim- lns. and no hop" for tlwlr safety are entertained hy the survivors-z Alanlon. Ma'lrd; Brown 0! Cleveland. second engineer; Nestor. Mich-Pl. wttclnmnn; Oscar Olson. Elm male; ('ant. A. It Senna.- of Marlne (my. erh.‘ muler ol the Manner; Gonna Tyler, pound mute: Tyler. wucllmnn. mum- of the wmnd male: (‘llnrln Willows of Cleveland. (Mel englnwr: two donk- lmnrly, names unknown; fireman, name unknown, ‘ m7, Ind VII In rommnud ll the (Inc o! "u- dntrurtloo a! the» NIIM. TM ‘ rnIr IdmlrIl wII on of the but u"- orn In the any. "2 Ind IIvod on quI lulu ever mm M Inn )5 you." old. In use he III I Ila-mount Ind when the in broke out Ian and VIII: tho Wuurn (all bIochItIInl Iqmnlrol. Mn helm-d In bomb-rd Pom Jul-on Int! 3:. PhIIIp and the ('hIImoIlo Inl- larIn. Ind IIdmI In "In dalmatian of (III MINI MIIIII Old IrIIIporII on AMI N. "0:. Hr VII IIIo II": I“ am “III mud n..- VIc-Iulbum batter- Iul Ind mum I'm: "to ma ArIlIn- III. In In“. vhlh I "who“: rom- mnndor. he took part In Ito nun-In on Port I-‘I-har Ind I’ll mm In the IIVII and had Innult on the mm for! In Jmunry, I866. Ind IIler Iumm In the bombardment at Fort Alida-non. After Ihr Now of (In war It» "I Inlgmd In rim: II In! NIVII m‘ndamy. In Augun, Hm, ho hem-c I ramnIn. Bur Adam: smml ulna. Rear Admlrm Slcard died at apo~ play at 6 o’clock Friday mornlng at his summer home. Weaternvlne. Rear Admiral Montgomery Slcard was born in New York City Sept. 30. l8“, and “MB appointed to the Naval academy In 1851. He was appointed to com- mand the north Atlantic squadron In The strike at the coll minors in the anthracite region is one 01 mt Inci- nitude. President Mitchell '0! the United lune Workers says it is the greatest strike tint was ever ordered. enacting directly more then 1,000,000 pepople. whose earnings are more than 110.000.0001 week. Nor does the re- sponsibility assumed by Mr. Mitchell and his associates stop there. Fred Dilcher, an Ohio man, who as a mem- ber or the executive committee of the United Mine Workers is directing the strike at Scranton, Pm. issued an or- der Sunday which if obeyed will close every factory and furnace and stop every industry that uses tuel in all this busy country, including the street: railway and electric-light plants. Thirty thousand men went out at the mines Saturday and by Monday the number had been swelled to 125.000. 3W I'm Ino- Moor tar-0d. The dental- plant of the Helomn mum: coup-u. Port Huron no Noniweuem Elontor company and Gov. Sum states that u m u panama he will prepare I Ila: of In!» scflptlon by antes and give It out. It m winded the (out mbccflp- “0; Inn to Friday u Austin tad It Galveston ha ruched 81,100,000. man Seek-y of ihe Ion! commiiiee ni Galveston in such quantities as ll"! re- united from time to time. The tom- mitiee from Galveston staied that Gal- ve‘tton would most certainly be rebuilt. Another relief committee from Vein- eo, headed by Louis Brno. reported that 2.000 persons were In dealtute cir- cumstances, without food. clothing. or hornet. Crops have been totally tie- stroyed. ell farming implement.- were valid Away. and the people hue nothin‘ It had with which to work the Heidi. A relief committee from the Columbia precinct reported 2.590 destitute. Other sections sent in col!-§ mime: mi an a mm: a! nil Gov. Btyen ordered poem-ate shipments of Inpplm. Gov. Sum- hu had mnhrenm with relic! commlllen from various point: along tho storm swap! (out. Among the nut committees to nrrivo won one tron: (illusion. comprising Noun. stlnuer. (Rom Ind Spencer. A- a molt of this roulerotu‘e it I“ decided that the note Adjutant-lon- orll. Gen. scurry, uhould be lo“ In comm-mi of the city. which in Itill to be considered under mlliiory nilo. old that be In to Mn the exciulivo cou- troi not only of tho patrolling of the city. but of tho uoiury force- on- ‘ and in donnin- lho rity. It In do- ;cidod aim that iii-tad of looking to tho inbminu main oi Olive-ton (or work In thin smug-my no importa- tioa of outuirir inborn- to line number of 1 000 would ho made to conduct tho ‘ unitary worn whllo the mole of 0"- vnum worn (inn an opportunity 0! looking Altar tin-tr own loom and m- building their on pmoorty without giving any lino to tho city at hm. It i- holimrni "in with tho work of thou- 1.000 oninido inborn: it will ro- quiro shout (our in” to clean the my of debris. and in the unntime the citinm run be working on their mm pmooriy and mmirlng dim-n than. (tun mniriimlioun not to tho covernor will be turned over to Choir- "loot generous contributions Ir. Galveston will rise greater and, betâ€" ter than ever. The activity, energy and pluck displayed in the streets during the inst two days is n begin- ning to make Galveston greater than ever. On every corner Is the sign: "Clean Up." Stores are open and we- men are uhopplng. Tremont street is Open iron: the bay to the beach. Me- chanic street. the Strand. Winnie and Church streets are being rapidly cleared. The city is reviving under the stimulating influences o! are. lime and cnrboiic ncld. Linie is everywhere and more is wanted. it is spread on the streets, poured in gutters, on side- walls, an% in cellars. There are no more dlntreeslng ohjqete in the busi- ness sectlone. Thousands of men are at work removing the debris and burn- ing it. The millionaire \and the negro work side by side. The rich woman hae donned a wrapper end with sleeves rolled up is teaching her maid how to labor in an emergency. Busy an bees hut faintly represents the spirit of the people of Galveston. There in so much of hopefuinese in their manner and expression that the future is certainâ€"- Galveston will rise greater and better than ever. Even the laborers and the workmen are full oi this spirit. The thousand: employed burning the wrecks do their work with a will. (an. Inn:- Hold. Cour-mu an! Local Vacuu- cam-um... m- a. stun- Ilium Tennâ€"«hum law 00 no in Work It (lulu-WI. “CLEAN-UP" IS THE mono. Manse of a New City on {hi Island. in I hallo-f- mm Mn. Hutton, Inc at Dr. Button. 3 lending pmflflb‘nor u Vim Inn, vu found and on tho Mil whim. momma-ulna. team...“ I mun-rm” in“ Ace-u of Ail-sung OM. Robert Hands of Grand Chlil. "L. I. wanted It Poplar mail. In, on a churn, of abduction. Hands, who went to Pop)" Dial a few month: no from minds. «Happened lut Wed- nesday with l!- Addie. the 12-year- ol'd daughmr of Daniel hm. 'n min-1n at the me 1130.?» mph no Happened to have cloud to 1m- non. "nab mu" m o- .I......... Mm Grace Porter. employed 0: Port Bods. by line low. TelopIon. company 00 0 "hello" 3m. M0 probably hllen heir to OLMM through the death of hot nut. In. Ilary Adams. of South Bend, Ind. In. Adam. was very weplmy. In. For. our In her only nnr relnuu, and '00 0 mt fluorite wlth the accused. She ha. [one to Incl... to look all" her Interest; She is um um young. and counted from her hp...“ 0 than than no. 1 In! in. mm. "Ln.“ Grantham-Jul I‘M“ Venn-flown. 0. .44..“ Nwfldlonl. Ila-1'01“! (human. JIM-.11.!“ Rel-flu, P1. ..... 73.)“ nu rap-loll.- "an.” The nlrrh o! the mum ole. but completed the counllu o!" Inublunu. Ind I". coat“ I.“ ro- luru a! 29.945 unucntofl. Tum were 63.000 nut-onion. m III. a. populnllon of tho Unuod But... I! In "eru- Ia uranium, III] In about 15,610,000. The follow!" mun. Ion unmanned Thur-dry: Bold-p In. on Burlingto- I'Iyu. auroral Claimant, passenger- on the Burlington nyer. which mulled Denver Wedneldny, are conildonbl! poorer n n mull. o! the vial: of I holdup nun. who levied tribute on the train near Haighler. Nob. The robber secured about $500 in cull pad prob- ably twice um much in ditmondo Ind. wntchu. and than made hit «up. by bringing the train to :- uop. He went through both sleepcrl. but did not moist! the chnlr can. Railroad otâ€" ilelnln ofler £1,000 {or hit aware. and none: have mmd out in I" dim- :tionu. Dr. H. Building. chief medical ‘ expert at the Chlcuo Bond 0! Hum. was robbed of 88 In cull sad 3 no Watch. In the 8!. boul- Ileopar T. K. Smith surrendered n 1150 flu. I 810 total: nnd $5 in cash. He in n Ohi- ruo merchant. C. A. CW 0! Chicago. representing I [love In. co- cnped with Hm long a! only $6. snu- ly hidden banana his slain to u. more, which the holdup nun did not discover. C. C. Bonn" or Nuhvulo. lll.. surrendered 5100 In cumncy and 825 in (old. The rubber left hi. :1 can“ only. "in broth". R. Donnell. wu deprivad oi m in out Ind n I” vouch. In his hula not! working ulnâ€" ula handed the hluhvnyrnnn overlooked fully 02,000 which the puunuro in the urpar hartlu pane-ed. Iniqrmniion nu been received tron the penitentiary Authorities at the convict arm on Clement mutation, near Valance, um autumn convict- had been drowned or killed during the storm, and two-other: were badly in. Jared. The penitentiary omcllls elu- maie that the share tum: of the It!“ have been inland to the extent oi! $100,000. and 1 Mn no “mil tho firm convict”- tlut I um,» action has already lo: M. M tut. In Ishort whlhthocltywfllhm .I Manson to rename n- mm! In!!! prom-vulva poamon h: mm 111.. After a run warm with In mum-nod commlmb I‘m-I damn X In. more than convinced thIt th- pooplo will be sue. with the Inm- Inoe Ilmdy given. to hind). the manual: successfully." haiku-1m 70.01! “fill “J“ ”.11! II." n." am nan-on 1am- ,. Kimmamm_fifl mumnfi‘ Maw If '. AID-0t Ind hum-tubal” m. In In reliably. 8-9:! _, mumamw '- 85”. It e'uu “I! flhbma‘ «a mud. Tum-.1; mmlyquOU‘ nu. Althntcllbvm‘ chum-uni. no-m “n..m“=‘ younthnwfl‘lhmh now Dov My ch ““31 mm aural-only , Morton-"uncut. ._ m mull-ht. M"l. ammmmmmwi xmltmmwfli mtmuam-‘fll nvmmI-m-mr. ntunvtuh-uanm-1 Ihbdtyhfiqfidb Q with IM- MW 1‘ huh-4'5 but. loll o ' Cannot“ and IN! lb . «the m mm M N. fig. n7. tum to M I” “g! ml. Hot-no- m «kl m to...“ chm-,fl a In. Fueono eon-plant" ' mm: was undomlnod. HIV, ‘ ' bouhthornueknhm .. Flu-it. and lb. IIIM M April 10.11:... mm but fit bud IwaIrI to wound MI W his brother, who "mil 2% lulu Inaugulll'lh “I“ upoIMon with GIVIIIIfl. , “1,35 films. I Ihon “II In. I. hunt-Ian {In and“ VI; but to am country to m. ien-I, Ind In the ham ‘ ulna-4.110 IlIo NM I mug!" MI wile lullu III I“ a» bum boeIuII a!» but in no loan and for In N Cumin! Inlnd II M Yak, (an :30. Tho I“ «data human-J“, _ nem hub-r a» in m ‘_ " soon hum. Mandi: wm'w; V V Cannon-I om: W - ,.t_ homo. and. according to in oonplunt.’ hoe-no I (action, I! II um and m ward hr tau-bud. who , for two you- MI wit. each! bor' dlnncr ad out it h It; At the “II. 0:. husband ad- -'fif_ viii "0.0.0" DWI-V Moon. In- brunt, I!“ Into divom Ind his MT: who I. vanity Ind um‘fle’ Thirtlcth mat, to: ”0.0.0.? for aloud Autumn ai-MI- ... alum...- mu; III-1“

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