Downers Grove Reporter, 20 Sep 1900, p. 8

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' “It I. such I out city,” she wu "cock I you city. I did not It would be I0 dincun to find an. I thought am than once . h Englud It would I“ be well. liq! I has been in England more ' lit-r. uni l Manet-eon him. ”lmwminxwmhlm ”In. and to Ibo-'hln our boy. in up" In mu be! How know In: than he! Thou weary you: )0 u naught. um I null target ”1:09th unn- round 3 In!!!" 5" Mm-Monmmln. Vor- v- be boll-c?" cried Ver- ‘0l. .1 darn-1. my darling! “I at no we month- an? '0 than dig of Mwim '0 en.- tn'othcr min!" ”I.“ I“ Emu-m. "Doe: d a. toy?“ ,. fichyvubonfln months “.0 m l have toId you VI. lnnohwurepartd :v‘bnt this room was. though mulch-11 Jutland tidy. u m final!!! with n (in news". qfl- actor“ princ- hm upon ”It. A woman had a child were u heather in the one In“ ch11: ’ mm. The woman. anulljonnx. and utouhhlnxlv - : the «slum' one 0! than . nutty-halted children. with blue ,1!» have sprung from pamu Mr nations. The womnn'n we have seen More. Now the "nation In It. and hue It was K m not arm her bewty, was A w Mum, except when lhe spoke “no child. and then her whole two ~ y}. you In. I ulna m. vi- m Inn W “F“ “‘ “1" In W Vomlu'u .hmmnoucodunt ”a! mom. "1 -' 7°“ 3" .mmmxmu‘nu you 0h, "Ha I. here, Ehummmm" mun; Mouths-go! luau-t latmseehlm u w mam-«winch.- 52.“: Ididmknovyon h on" I?” the ma uld dry- “! fill you you should have Ind .- u m” B“ ' » . 'Ho' do you not?“ w a hat. "Who told you?" to“ In Inn-ll." and an [m on “union (bu * Hand. '1 would not to all mf“ we and. Wu to um a L pmmmmuuxm dmmmm-uur.m m u! .1 hue," and Ver- Bmmtc‘I-Ir'mod Hm Vania hmhhmll no can backward. W the mic. covering M: be. with his hands. I- It to shut cut the fight at 3 gm: horror. She stood trembling More Mm. pm- II: he child‘ln floatation. Iflho mud to ohliwrato her-alt And a db- trndo the child: but he “and tilts. link!“ All 11va moaning it Will. "Vanilla! 0 God! 0 God!" ant-Mylomm: hand It I“ work. or m but In 8h. tattered to her feet. holding out the child. Ho looked at Mr wildly and an I grant cry. a it body and soul m be“: not made. "Vor- onia! O God! 0 God!“ Wm I- «ml-It.- 10". “nu. ma. And at there quietly straining her her can for the eonnd at Me loot- nm It took her but to her girlish den at [4 Pa. when eke had one: wetched (or him I: ehe wee doing now. Truly, there lied been no year: or eeperetlon from him. end no boy beside her. Ae the time drew unrer the strain grew elmou too Intense. She put her hand over her been no u to atop in wild beating. and the rich color that generally flooded her cheeks left her. and ehe wn pele. And lud- denly the beard foam in the field the: wee before herâ€"manly foot-(em. which III. land not bend (or four years. but which she knew at once. “ten 3 figure united over the stile end Alan stood before her. ban. The «In vu- Ihlnlnx ad the sky Mao. um eon wu vnvlu II the fields; and It in under the all-do o! . leafy tree that Veronica: 1'1““! thc coming of the Inn the loved. Hutch- lnsou Ind discovered what train be sunny came by. It In no Important that Veronica nhould no him “one! And no It was derided that Veronica should go down to autumn-n and an“ tho comm; 0! Alan. It was I love?! day In only July, who: the mt am, with that Mou- poo-ao- don. bar boy. hound clone to but (Mimi-III!“ m”honld. “no urn-u am! no! "Amman It. You II“ tor II- n tho lulu put“ ”Very well.” a“ Von-kn. doc”. a “can. an mid no! («a that Hulchlnm‘n one [car was in! Ibo nould no“ Joyce and to man In. viola pun. Ho hul mu Into Joyet'l “to u m VII can“ with All: one tiny. and he could no. Inno- cence And portly 'fltm upon It. Joy. in not the won-n to consent to the any!" of! o! the am Ulla. "Oh. yes. he‘- a pod-looting and. lluml I an no Mn." on“ tho Inn. In his hand I. 'u "mun. plum. “I would not so am": I, to "Ya.“ uld Vomnlcu‘ “I In paid for my lea-on: yntudly. I must it“. to her when I In" not: Alan ml; No my not wish no In so on flvln; W." But I" no (In. no upon hnr rm 'vu tnulnnd Tho fooling (Ml anon In vary an. o! woo-Una would b. onr ru lilo-l rum- Mr. HM Ioolod Illh pride II "M Mnnllflll boy, 15013 In. still hold II he: um. "Will not his tub" In wood 0! Nu?" a. naked, long!“ for l mu. hum ”nutty. '11. In Madonna. In In not?“ o! misery for the young w. And 1.: the and than would be Hutchinson'- dnnor for his hurt. But the whole thing noodod careful bundling. and Hulchlnlon (all that be In the nu: undoubtedly who could hand]. It an- Nlly. Even If u the and anla pruned. :- In possible. to come to:- Inrd and male Mun unbnppy, nont- lholn- he would have to pay tor I]. “lance; "He lives In I ale. mu. Donn In ll. country,” Hutchinson said u Inn. “1 will give you the scam You Md but" go by tnln. Hue you my money?" o! the mun-Inge. Alan untangle would never glve up hll belufltul wlfe. Vemulm would have to Do puld 08. Joyce would not be Alu'l law- ful wife. It wu going to be I Illa be made to pay for his silence. He must feel that he, Hutchinson, could hold the sword over an head. that ho could let I: fall at my moment. Ha ha rubbed his hunds It the publicity More he began his work of destruc- tion: now he had to make sure of Veronica. He would have infinitely have preferred a women who would have hioetered. snd have sworn thst she would have her rights; but Ver- :onies wee the eort or women who would shrink sway end he lost to the world rather than hurt the man she loved. He had shrewdnees enough to nee that the girl would say thet it was the only way to act. end that she would sacrifice both the child Ind herself; therefore it was lmperstively neceusry that ehe should know noth- j in; or Alan's marriage, of his love for ‘ another womn. That must come to her so a surprise. She must he led to expect that Alan we: longing for her. and would he overjoyed to see her again; then would he hie. Hutchinâ€" son's, opportunity. He knew men so well thst he fancied they must he Ill nuke. Alan would not give up Joyce â€"he telt sure 01 that: then he must linen-nee twelve. Oueoiiherueuuoiihewnrinaouih Atria in en outbreak of mane mnee. l‘ehieuu int-nu horn u or ehoui. the line at you ere-were ho- in] ehrieuned utter the events the- eeivee,uwelineenermmproni- nenl individule concerneIL Redeem Boiler “mono-1n. need I few den ego, end Dundee. Olencou end linde- lugu hnve nil been girth. A! the Cape. enonz the hen) enticeme- ere Mun Kinda Smith, Bel-cum (in-pane lodderivvo’ Brown end Penn Synon- While Robinson. A Boer named 'l'roehle. reeidiu in the Cruidoch district in Gene cum hie eon baptised lninnnuel Stern Trioulphue. The nannie nope“: to here men South Weie- in I very Acute form. A iew den ego louder River Jones, John Redven Bullet Tho-lee. Harry While Redren Joesph. . Harold Beden leaking Powell. nnd‘ Ezekiel lethuen ludonnld Baden Powell Willi-me were the neme- given to helpless intent: by patriotic pnrenu in Neath. At Poutypridd there are poor hehee culled Rich-rd (Jolene. Soot!~ Oliver Coieneo Willinu. Kin- heriey Cliilord. Cherie- Reduce Jenna. end Badenâ€"Powell William; uni It lountnin Anh. View Ooienec Wen-en. Wern- sendlord. Mould Cinnamon lethuen Phillipe. John Sunley Ieihuen Willinm, Ind BM.â€" Poweii Price. Hr. Shandy, tether u \iheinmoue'l'rimitwillhem ‘.bered heiieved there wee methin: menu in e name. The world teen. to here been blessed with l ancient number at individual: of opinion- einliinr to this. else how can one no- eount for such mun no Peter the Greet Wright and Willi-In the Done queror Wright (twine). - Kin: Devil Haydon. John Bum Pom King (loom Wedgie, Merlin “the: Upright. Geneni George thincion Iona. Lord lichen Putnam. Emprâ€" Eu‘enie Aldridge. 1nd John Robin-on- Cruoe Benton? The nerenb. no douthuiepioulhopethutheehnd- ren no neaed would grow to be worthy “banana-nu... AM than for a ton “no then m muc- bun“ than. (To be emu-nod.) And banal]. mun-nu but to can hot u once. ”I thought you we. and. lhmdmnuln-mm lhnyw; antenna-.30. my mldmdlmhoudmdmud. mlmldhur nothing a! you. What room an. I noun you wands“? A-dwlmVCb onla~l III union now!” ' She turned. walking “may. holding her child's hand “(but And then a (rent temptation united Ainn Innkeneie. The temptation to let her go. to let her be [all to him. to any nothing to Joyce; but to so on ne it the day's work Ind never been. And then he new In n iieeh whnt his lite would be. How every moment or heppineea with Joyce would have its eorreepondinx moment oi hitterneee when he waa elone; how he man live a double lite. alwnyn on the brink of detection. Not worae. when. thet the lite outed from Joyce; but then he would be an hone-t n. end not I traitor. He put notation em from him. thnnhiu God that he could do no. knowing that Joyce would not love a nun who wee dlahonorahie. Bo baton Veronica had alumni e doun etepe away he called to her honraely to come back. she turned et once. obedient ea alweye. end for n' no- neot he hated hineel! lot hie intel- ity to no gentle a woman. Ker teen were tailing down the beautiful teen She looked up et him with the old look at mum love. etill mu“ ‘ the child towarde him. "Yen." ehe aeid. questioning hil. “whatin iL Alan?" "Alan!" The nngulnh In Im- vole. matched MI. “I: that will; lath" to say to Inc.- your win, the mom of your child, who has undergone all hardships, and who has Jul! lived on because you were in the world! on. Alan. 1: you do not vnnt no. I had better so." Then Alan uncovered MI W taco. “Glad? No! It hu man my lite!" he cried brawn. But (at the moment he could think of nothing but Joyceâ€"his Joyce. 11th whom nun-a begun no joyfully. and who“ heart he mult now break. In his own had ban broken. "I wish I wort dad!” he said, with a lob. mind. she thought nun th‘ ' ' losing her had Mon too. thathewut’rylnxwrmuhm the shock. new no (In 13,00: soul at 11L He loved but, ' ' her coming to him must be [mung- nlble Joy. IAPTIIHAL VAOARIIC- tit Inning link In in mom I: the t “fiflmflfltm‘ I“ 3 :mm' "of you: “71-3. pm my. "711711;;th men-are the study of the known ape: end when Inn been dluwointln. to summits, who would hue made men 1 direct descend-m of the ape group. Four of the best rep- enuuvee of the group now known Ire the corms. emu-mm. anu- outnng, end am. But no one or the-'0 ”punched men more den-1y MI author. and I.“ Ml hr gum ape; only that!" back In the history of world bulldlnx the ulna-brunch o! the ape stock diverged (tom the nor- ms]. And that u confined through Ages to develop flan; the llnel of m dit- fermtatlan. Brlefly, the Darwinian philosophy holds that nil nnimai lite bean with a few primitive tome of living orna- ime. Granting that of all these preeâ€" ent form: than in at the top, the ques- tion in. How did he get there and from what lower order? i Darwin heid the: men m not necessarily a developed In the latter PI!“ at October. Prof. Ha He at the Un varsity of Jen. and one of the moat noted aden- mm of Europe. will leave Jena shout the llt 0! October on the same quest. nnd the race may he to the "In. Several of these are llld to have been seen In the torch of Java, ma every ef- fort of the t'o men will be bent. tonrd coming a specimen. Board: (or the ptthernnthropus. the "mlâ€"tn: link" in Darwin‘s theory at the evolution of man. Is now under way with the money at a Vanderbtlt bohtnd. David J. Walten. A student at Yale, barked by George VnndoerL left New "men the other any. and aspects to title up [Its still hunt on the Isl-ad of Jan flFG’E’R GHE MISSING LINKIJV JA VA. The mum length or thefl'anrtle river in not known, but it is estimated to be 3.000 milen. The ball: or its ‘ drain-5e area may be taken. moon-ding to the best geographical information. .5 extending tram the nipetieth m' the one hundred and wentxyeeeond meri- dian 0! out longitude Tend comprising about 660,000 mum: «lilil ' and a population, one of the peaceful and industrious on eerth. estimated from 170,000,000 to 180,000.000. Geo- graphically there can beno mistake about the limits or the Yang-tee basin. it is the finest and'm'ost valuable ol the Chinese empire. it lathe central division oi! the empire, separating the happened Russian “sphere ot‘ innu~ once" in_llanchurin and the north of; China and the German “sphere oi in-‘ fluent-e" in the province oi Shun-Tong from the French sphere in south China. This quiet appropriation of the choice bits of the carcass. assum- ing China to be dead and in probe»: or being carved up by the British lion. moat not only hnve been pleasant reading to the Chinese state-men, but niuo to the representatives or the other powers named. it '38 Is it the Brit- ish lion, never noted for modelty in such matters. hid said: "Hon, 1 take the breut and choice parts 01 this fowl; the aide pieces. the wings and Ian 1 leave to you, the Ruuiuu bear, ADVANCE GUARD OI" ClllNl-ZQE (HOXER) ARMY ON RETREAT FROM PHKIN , Alahcmm ant Pncu: The New York Commerchl Quote: “I. well known dealer In mice." a min: that In the one uncle of pepper “attention has gone on for that the consumer can now buy a pound or tint purport: to be pepperâ€"ground, patted In A tin box and Inhomâ€" chant than the wholesaler conic buy a pound of pure unmnnd pepper 1! he mold purchase the who]. dock In tho country. Hence he an that there I- [m]. announcement for the whole “at to be hono‘ot in the “mu at provide (or the large number of chil- dren seeking admlnlon. it is stated "at 13.000 children in the boroughs of minimum Ind Bronx must be put on half-title instruction. In Brooklyn 50,000 Ind in Odes!!- 10.000 will also be pal. on short time. In other words one-third of I" the pupils of the city will be deprived during the coming school yam- ot their full slum of edu- cational “vantages. The public nrhooln of the New Yotk (fly boroughs are 0pm spin. and (mm more the» 9009!: of "an! rlly Ir! mntmnlml with (he pmblem how to “In much talk." she says, "about ‘open doors' and 'spheres of lufluence‘ and “mien-st: In much greed for our- selves, not always dexterounly clothed and much Jealousy and suspicion or our neighbors, and In much Interest In the undlgnlned scramble for conces- sions In which we have been taking our share at Pekln then I: risk of our coming to thInk only 01 markets, ter- It is this reglou that has excited the cupldity or the eastern nations. An English writer, a woman, administers this caution: In this region, with its wealth or ,natural resources. there are to he found vast works or engineering skill (or purposes of irrigation, magnificent roads and bridges, constructed before the Christian era. The organization of the teeming native population, so- cial and mercantile, is described as a marvel, with its system of trade, trade guilds, trade unions. charities. bank- ing and postal systems and powerful trade combinations whose history dates back to a period when Europe was steeped in the barbarian of the; Dark Ages. the German W0". and the French fox." No wonder that the present ax- temlon or the lion’s plan In the direc- tion 0! Shanghai, It to pmmpt its claim. has euclted a slxulflclut pro. monitory grow! from all an other beasts of prey. Edmund Huiltnd Burke, n «mm lineal descendant of Edmund Bum h min trying to get Into tho parliament. Hmong]! um a _ m. be In moving: of In m no". Ha ha may m M ' mg“ n n Pundits, m For Dog: and "on“. Dr. H‘ H Kane. president of the New York Road Drivers' semi-lion, hos issued on appeal for the establish: ment of dog cemeieries is each of tho lsrger cities of the United States, end he slso urges thst sn institution: for the care of old and worn on: harass be established. Both of the idene Ire practicable. In London and in Perl: there are not dog cemeteries each of ‘ which is self-ensuining. There rained nets are buried and tombs end monu- ments sre erected telling of the faithâ€" ful services that they have done their austere. The institutions ere up- ported by the sale of burial lots int n are those where men sad women are hurled. The ides appeals to lover- oi dogs. There are new dog snd horse. hospiuls in the chiei cities; Chicago has st lees: three. 80 there eennl to he no reason why an institution for old horses should not he sell-sus- taining if it were established, with I slight endowment which light well b. nude by lovers of animals. The all esr sud drsy horses might can b. shot. but sentimental reasons was“ be strong enough to wsrrsnt my peapie in sending their faithful out. pets to n place where they might fins their declining years in rest and cine fort enrned by long end inithiul It. maml for chmpnm ltu hrmuht It about. or tether the dnholest I‘ll- terauon en-hlrd I cultlnn of prime thnt gradually hnvr (alien lover I“ lower until the ndnllented article he become the standard. If the coma-er bun an ndultrntrd Article In Ihould know what he Is purchasing. Parley. If the pepper‘l uctul cannula '0" known the consumer would. cattle“ to buy It at the lover price ll It lud been Mllnlnctory In the past. This I. the case with oleomnrnrlne. which people buy under in ml em. I. I aulntltute for hotter. but vhlch. were It not for the oleomlmrlle lava. nu- ncrnpnloun dulrn mlgllt sell as butter It excessive prlcen. titer! and railroad: and at our V ing the men who for 3,000 ”on been making Chins worth my! " (or. it may be that we no ‘wlth a light heart, nlonx with '9 European empires. not huitgunt._ the sake of commercial “mm. to break up. in the one of s Eartha! the human race. the most ancient o] earth‘s existing clvilintiOn without giving an equivalent. In stunning. the position occupied by the inhibh, _‘ tnnts oi the Yang-(u valley, u or the _. rest of China. it is essential for us to; see quite clearly that our western ~ ideas find themselves confronted. not with barbarian or with debued the‘ ries of morals, but with an elaboratij and antique civilization, which yet in . . not decayed. and which. though im- \. perfect. has many claims to our "- speci and even admiration. They meet with a perlectiy organized social" order. a system or government theo- retically admirably suited to the coun- try, combining the extremes oi.’ cen- tralization and decentralisation. and ~ under which, in spite of its tremendoul k iniamies 0! practice, the governed on- ‘ joy is Inigo measure of peace and prosperity. a noteworthy Imount at individual liberty and security for the gains or lnbor, and under which it ll possible (or n pessant‘s son to ring to a high position as in the American ro< public." ' with alt-tint _, “mush. ; fourth Qt ancient a! _|LK.'_I

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