Downers Grove Reporter, 4 Oct 1900, p. 3

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F5- SEEKING NEWmLm ... Thi- luct in. this la a big world. What. ii: our rehoolhoy an. Ire team-«l the tunnel-Ir and “renal“!- t‘llfl‘ at this planet. we did not learn. hall. It In the latitude and longitude and Ilmmrlri’ and rirruulereuco oi mint and one and min that no Ilium can cal. lOlJlt‘ Thu one wlrltunl rou- llntnl ul art-lihcdnmi rem‘lusa nrroaa 4" mm: and ii i Irma called to ulvr iii flt-‘I‘Jpllirll hooaiun I would any lt III-i I-uundul on I't' north and earth and nut and went In tho areal hum of Grain umpathy and low. Oh. it In a are." aorldf lllnm O o‘rlorlI thin Iornln‘ '20.!“ pvt-one have he": horn. mu: ntl theor- mIitipllr-l spannin- lionn Jr" to he rnrhwl by the unopnl. ln Enulwnoi or In our MM"!!! Moorl- ran Ilrlrl vrr are bring Illll'h vrumlnd. Mill on mm 0! ground in of [real ”rim, 8in in wralarn Amrirn .300 nrrn i: ll small tarot and 20.000 III-rm is rm umminl pour-«ion. There to :I rant lit-til lwro and ntnrynlwre "nor-i rnoiI-Il lvlrnly u! wont more not hulldlur on anoilwr man a Ionmlaiion 1 (Ir Mr" or trauma. ‘ “'r iw-l in thiirrhm ‘0 Han hour. I herding the "M lrnnrmi rlnners that! have tr un moot against 30 )nr: oi; ('hrlniiou a: «tall Alia for at Ilmrrh ‘hllh larlu the spirit mol' rranzrl'tm worming on one rhonvle‘ i "or rnuugh to light .00 soul. to glory l and in vo- tarer pillar enough to' hero mail: In tho trend men "pillars in the hum» at on: God lorrrer" and do- ing lean good than many n log mhln ! meeting house I‘ilh tallow until"; stmlt In wooden aorketh and a min later elm has never won a college and , does not know the dill-ran" hoiwoen . Greek .Iml (‘hortnw We need its (hurrhlw to get into rimmthy with! the gran outside world and M them: know that none are no broken hearml or hardly hestead that they will not he wolmmed. "No!" hay: me..laa- tidions ('hristinn. "i don‘t like to be crowded in rhnrch. Don‘t put any one in my new." ly brother. what will yon do in heaven? When a great multitude that I no man «an number assembles, they will put an in your pew. What are the 903- -9 few today assembled in the Christian churches comparzd olth the mightier millions outside or them? inns- oi the churches are like a hos. vital that should advertise that its mtlrnls'mmt have nothing worse than tmtharhe or‘ Wmmnnda, Ont no ! broken heads. no crushed ankles no trariured thighs. (live on for trextinent moderate sinners, velvet coated sin hers and sinners with n [in on. it, is as though a man had a farm of 3,000 gem and put all his work on one acre. He may raise never so large earn of ram. never so his head. of wheat. he would remain poor. The church 0! God hna bestowed It: r’hlet care on one acre and has raised splendid lien and women in that small inrioenre. but the field is the world. That arena North and South America. Europe. Asia and Africa and all the islands of the sea. It is as though alter a grent halite there were left 50,000 wounded and dy- l" in; on the field and three surgeons: gave. al': their time to three patients! under their charge. The major [ED-l eral comes in and any; to the iloctoriifI "Come out here and look at the nearly 50,000 dying for lack of surgical nt- tendanre." “No," any the three doctors, I Reading there fanning their natienta; "we have three important. case; here_ and we ore attending to them and 'lClI we are not positively busy vill- eom it taken all our time to 'tnll‘ei cl." In this awful hob Ham ”10w. Where iallnonn =ro on millions. do not let an In! all: I taking care or a 4 l l I 1 l l t t G t l f. f t fl ti (I 0 Ice d. al N cl in laying out the plan at his mis- sionary tom- Paul sought out towns and cities which had not yet been preached to. He goes to Corinth. a city famous tor splendor 4nd vice, and Jerusaivm. where the priesthood and the summit-in were ready .to leap with both "‘1'! upon the Christian re- ligion. lie feels he has cspeclal work 10 do, and he means to do it. What was Ihv result? The grandest life of usefulnvsh that a mu ever llwd. We modern Christian workers are not an: to lmi'lutv Pnul. We build an other people‘s foundations. l! we erect a church. we prefer to have it tilled with (aniiiils all or whom have been pious. Do we gather a Sabbath school class, we want good boys and girls. hair combed. {urns washed. manners attrac- tive So u thill't'ii in this day is apt to ix- huilt out of other churches. Some ntlnisleraswnd all of their time in flshv mg in ullxr people's ponds, and they lhrow lm- line into that church pond. and they jrrk out n Methoulst and throw me line into Iuoiher church pond am! E-rlng out a Pres‘lyterlun, or (here in :1 religious row In some neigh- boring «nun-h, Ind it whole school 0! fish huim all iron: that pond, And we take them all In with one sweep of the ncl. What is gained? Absolutely uulhlm; (or the cause of (.‘hrlnl. What i utrvugtlmu' an army is new Ici'fllufi-l Whilc- lam-won: to thou- cumlng from ‘ ulhrr "00.5, In thould huiid our | rlumlw: not out o! otiu-r churchflmj but not u! the world, lest we Imlld on - lunlhtr mun": inundation. i (Copyright, law. by Louis Kiomh.) In his discourse Dr. Talmnge points 10 fields of usgtulnesa that are not yet thoroughly culuvuted and shows the need or more activity. The text In Romans xv., 20, "Les! 1 should build upon another man's foundation." on. TALMAOB DRAWS Lessons rn‘ou PAUL/s ac‘rwrrv. - I“ I'll“, Occupkdâ€"Nud of I." WMOuâ€"“D Chum-h :- I “(.4 ' ' fi-"bi'cholco" cam. and I III busy vs LCSSDNS' team at themes." M an mul- OTIVITY. . figudu toduy who Mn'unrhad any , Chrlnuan worker look mm In the eye and with earnestness in the necenlm ”"h'w 5“ vutlou any “Come," or they would long I Othen hare‘oone into skepticism ill-om a natural persistence In using. l the reason why. They have been fear- 'i'ully subbed oi the fatal intern-ops (Ion point There are so many things I they cannot get explained. They mn- ; not understand the Trinity or hair Goa can he novel-nigh and yet man a free agent. Ncliher can I. They say, "I don't understand why a good God should let sln came into the world," Neither do I. You say. "Why was that child started In life with such disad- vantages, while other. have all physi- cal and mental equipment?" I cannot tell. They go out of church on Easter morning and say. “That doctrine of the murrectlan confounded me." so it in to me n mystery beyond unravel- ment. I understand all the mm by which men get into the m. I know than all. I have mule! with burning feet that buttered VI! The mmnacclnmmmm I! ma “It 1 till! be :m t «if m m rut-tutu m cum Ion mm up to nopll‘ rllll (mm lulu: Huron-l; Oman hymmmnuhorflmdtobrn Human. Thu l“ a aorta-r l- lmgtuu- who turn-l out to In A Iru rum- uouudnl. than” I not...“ : . ammo may your. up that, Ian 9m [with by what Munro-d I. n on {mummy I'Ilrh In tom“ n-ld tln prtromun otcltomnt. The company 5mm nu land. or u um dld than i mu m1 nun n! all produced; but Illa ; |ITV'.\"'C‘.( ol the mummy I‘ll n Pru- t~ytorlnu older. and the (manner was all Ephmwllnn natty-In. m: an. :ltrntor was I llrlhodl-t clan lead-r nml (lu- (.tlwr turn-ton prowl-ant marathon of Baptist ln’l (‘onrrnzkm nl church”. ('lrculnn were cotton ant ‘ telling that “balm prawn: W I l l C I bdrm this company lawn-l on :90 women who had I mun my to must. and that little their I", ma. "1 do not “0' “null: About this rmnvnny but to may good m n... It the had at It that It and to ex. Inner". and Milan stark II it haul its almost a: good a: plum; "ml ‘v-hurrl." So they bought the dock Hm! perhap- received one ("Inland so :as to hep than um. Mt after a whila they (and that the company ind room-nixed and had I diluent president Iml dln‘mnt treasurer and dllorent dlrretors. Other «moment: or Ill health Md causal the former of- lens at the mm). with any re- mu. Io man. And all that the subscriber: 0! that stock had to show I {or thelr Invest-mt Um a beautifully r"ruminant-cl «dilate. annulme- that run. honing over M: on ”part comes across that certificate. and n ls so suggrstlre that be rots he ma none or the religion tht the mint 1nd trustees and director: a! that on company pron-ed. 1 l I 9-â€" lm hr my... Remember. skepticism :lnn has some m. good or had. for existing. Goethe‘- ”religion sinned when the news came to Germany of the earth- quake at unison. Nov. l, 117‘. That 00.000 people should have verified In that ogrthcuake and in the after rh- ing of the Tam river on min-ed Ms syrup-thin ah! .he threw up his he- tief In the goodness af God. You would not be to rough on tlut man i! you know how be [out ll: llltla in (‘briutllnltn l have known not: skeptic“ lrom the tart tint the! new up in house: when religion In over- done. Sunday I’ll the moat nIlul day in the tech. 1'be had religion dtlv- en into them with a trip Mum". They were lufldlfll with punt noct- mu Tiny wen stalled and choked with alumina; my can often told that they were ilu wont boy- tln unnu over luv. beam they "de to ride down Illl lactic! than to "'3!" Buoy“:- “l’iluin‘o Proum" Winona lather uni mum tilled of n-llginn. they tint «ion In comm o! thoir mouth and rolled up their run. it In, on. thin; will and n in,- or xitl to ruln W tun u:- nib". lint ll ii. I! 1 Inn! at) I In. um um! number I [my I should have imm an lull-kl. Donn-g with “option. Comparatively little eflort as yet has Been made to one that large class of persons in our midst called skeptics, and he who goes to work here will not he' building upon another man'- foundation. Theme is a large number of .them. They are afraid of us ano our churches [or the reason we do not know‘how to treat them. One or this class met Christ. And hear with what tenderness and pathos and beauty and surcess Christ dealt with him‘ “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with nil thy mind and with all thy strength. This is the first and great commandment. and the strand I: like unto ltâ€"namely, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyselt. There is none other commandment greater than these." And the scribe said to him, "Well, master, thou hast sold the truth, tor there is one God. and to love him with all the heart and all the understanding and all the soul and ‘ all the strength is more than whole burnt ollvrlnsu and sacrifices." And‘ when Jesus saw that he annwored din- crcetly he said unto him. "Thou art not far (mm the kingdom 0! God.“ ago have been In the “union. My friends, religion II either I shall or a [rent reality. I! it be a sham. let us disband our churches and Christian usuoclatlona. u it no a reamy. then great populations are on the way to the bar of God unfltted for the ordeal. And what are we doing? sun-uni fade! out»! or man nu A.“ norm-U... shanghai. the Chinese seaport con- trolled by Great Britain. In the honint nod tickedest city in the flowery hing- don. if not in the vorld. lt is the largest foreign settlement in the fer rut. with 2,002 Brithh, ”1 French, 387 American. and 2062 of other white nntionaiities. in the British settle- ment, on the river front. are manil- cent publlr gardens. and “joint. them is a great purl In which tuna the the British connlnte. The British and American cont-anions. lying lid. by dole. are now one international vet- tlernentmnrier the municipal contra of a board of foreign consuls; but ih French colony. with It: “I hhnbta mm. will have none of he hated An- glo-Saxon. and he: its me- nd its :quals. and at its street cornern the 1 well-khan tenures of n streehcorner in the Quartier Latin. Yet lte street! are thrmed by a motley crowd at Chine-e. since it directly adjoins the Chimes quarter. All three foreign concessions were originally "Headed for exclusive foreign residence, lint the Chinese who fled there during the Tel- ping riots discovered the ndnnuge of foreign rule and have now invaded every part of the settlement to the' number of 295.000. They Inner-tater! ’ the immnnlty from mandarinv "tor-i tion. and also being amennbie m n ‘ mixed court for their offense.» ButI the more material hygienic advantage» ‘ of civilisation do not appeal In them. _. and. at one charming mm no Int- 1' ly put- it, "they I'm an)": II the houses. overflow mam _ whammandenmflfll, 1 iii 197'!" SW!“ 33*” u-m. auu ulw "cu-a «unculule [u l i '0 m . “ll-fid- mmmm ' "we m“m""m m at u the temperance Album hate}. I have . of civilization do not appul to m m. ' and. as one charm!" lam-o apt-1 M t° a“ ’ '0‘" °" ”:m’m“ '1'?" ‘ I] put. it, ‘they sum as j". 1. M ind M "-07. convhm . the houses, overflow Wdhfll a“ - window. and are Cling. I; a. M _ word." Shaun! I. q'. ' , 1 , m Th: Mann can!" Ions“ by n!- u" "Mr Nah! foot Into lho ulnn'. while an Amorlcu mum DOOM I) ”may lhnr 19!! tom Into lho rump. I do no! mo Im- ynu count not car than" u you only not Into (hlo Mule lav God and In (In. m. mm ulrruo m Ml mm» or no Im- mp at .n‘ The unoccupied laid: an all around n. “-1 thy tho-Id n , mum rm anolher mnn'l lmdnllon? l ,u». heard of what was «Mod the y' Human!“ Ionian" ll uh: "I m. a put n! m. Rowan nm; In which some (in-Ham bvhnm and their nuns. It vu md to" answered by "mud" Ind Nahum. and h." and Icmmt. which morthn' an lining on»; um! and ma enpm, And I would to God lhat m" flown-Ila night In no ”3th In my" and worh that (My would Meme 3 thundering lemo- hctore which the (am: 0! III am! In routed and the sites 0! he" licht tremble. imam-h the ”pol III. for another royago. "can any '0', ‘ has! Shnho all the mfg II the m lava-II! Cone. 0 heavenly VIII. and In the canvas? 1m: um)“ am no- nme not safe". Jeans on the on will Melon no (onward. Jam on tho than will ten-one us Into ham. 0! Incl. whoa wocllvllln In Ill right Ind who could m to Ian- ptnylnl Ind Ilulu In (Mr «I home; It l: o- the haul to help the dvornlu. Thou land can In the out: um 00!! Ilia to an low at. III «I an I bl; ulnar II voll II I mull duet. Ind no. I on cam urmlly to God lot help In vlll so out w dollar Inch I on. It II can mean". God would can-o don from [he I". [allowed by I" ll. Ir- IJIny ol nun: IN I nllllou Ina-II I". In“ IIOMI. 0“ no balm such modem an In your and“ IN! mlllu. can“ mud Mom I“. to: met an. In [our-ll, ur- ammo and Iullnaluuc. No lot-II "Inn lm. No haula- Ilntlu lhol. No mm counsllouluun Ital flu Chunk u - Lifeboat. The churches 0! 601 ought. to be I0 many We saving stations, not so much to help than who are In smooth we< ten. but those who have been Ihlp- wrecked. Come. let In run out the liteboau! And who will In them? We do not preach enough to such men; we have not enough (I!!! In their release. Al», I! when they com- lo hear us we on laboriously lulu. to show the dlflereuce between noble»- mhnlsm and eupnlepeululbll. whlle they run a hundred vlpeu o! remorse and dupe" com“ around and owns their Immoral ulmn. The church In no: ehlely (or noodle. am it i more” such. men not! M todny. I throw out nooooit. I imd them by the memory oi! the (cod-old days when at their mother'l that"! said. “Now I lay me down to limp" and by those days and night- oi‘ ocu- lot fever in which file watched you. giving you the medicine in loot the right time mud turning your pillow when it was hot and with 'hondl that ‘ may years also turned to dust soothed gnwey your pain and with voice that ‘ you will never hear again. union you Join her in the hotter country, told you to never mind, tor you would tool but tor by and by. and by tint .drinx couch where she looked I0 pale and talked so slowly. catching her bmth between the words. and you felt no awful loneliness coming over your soul. By all that I be; you to come back and like the some religion. It was good enough for her. it is good enough (or you. Nay, i have I hotter plea than that. l plead by oil the wounds and tears and blood end groans and ngoniee and death throes of the Son at God. who Approache- you this moment with torn brow and low- atod hands and whipped back an saying, "Come unto me, all ye who Ire weary and heavy noon, and l wm (No you rest.” um Mo one hour. ANOLOâ€"SAXON CITY. Bends. the execution at Cordua we believe to hue been I under. 1: VIII Incite the Boers to more delve- rate resistance and Non the agony of the South African My. HANS conmu. lcmzamutmlmw m man have I“ will“! ”no to an m the '1“ °' Gordan. HI. mission to? the us- mmdlhemmmhnotn mm: with 0. general MIMI tuned at him. The" II no Ibo-Into! m lad that Carin and MM 90m In W: "(and into the mummy. m 0. mm "m I! 1.9M louvre. and. he mvnml rm- directing alum the mun pin 0! nip-0n mid to may mined. an In In de- m eon!“ advuced no due-en! on: the conspiracy m not at m I‘m-urn. It was according to II- cooeonml by mm. mm nonle- nel and u 'u not until grant "or an m brought to m ”on III: mu I. mate-nee! It and hen-o . My to it. In the nu: of m. The pro:- ot Baron I. am In In tom-anno- o! On, lam M fat but" urn-Hun! m. aloe-lion a! "an ('onlu. m Dov-r ole-r, Ito 'u comma! on In than. d In- lu mind I. In“. W m and other [mutt M in no Ou- lnun at the Boot also. The lost [rut coup or P. D. Armour wu undo In connection wIIh to. Lou-r what corner In 18.7. This corner wo- montlu In mnurIu. It sent the prIoo o! ("In up In India. The value of I loaf o! brad almost doubled In Cole-nth, In London And In New York. Joseph mm m I ho worthy even or P. I). Armour. It Is now a matter 0! common history how Armour wriggled out o! o P. D. Amour o! Guano. “m old an: o! the nut-u." ha. I mlnct from the nmm our to lilo 1.000 cattle to that country from in Far elm. It I. my enough to «can the cattle. but the question 0! Inn:- pormlon I. III enormous. mil The" no not boat- enonlh on the hello coat to carry thy cattle. Tho-a who know Hr. Armour. however. an eon- Mont um he will solve the problem; It not. It will be the first time that tho are-tell trader In the world am no- celved an order um was too bl; (or him. . I'4 ll AIIOUI mlmmumothyk'mu vunlllm,nmm ton- bmmmmnemmm. and um min up tullhnd lot- lufnnmlhtomnukvm all the an. 'flh nae-him nar- tcy. Damn-unhndm ply.- lolouenl a... TI. menu can vmmuuobh-uenctm'm Wyn-m 'io til-taro "mamgmnmmm minnow-nor who-what manna-r to murmurs-fu- loocIo-euomlmuonotlm 11. very well acquainted with the netball of telling the gm 1:, looting It the eflectoflhmoumy‘nqqnd than tho two-t1 van a“ m «It. ”Hui-ate nnd could not tell tho tl by a m med co mod to method for «warm (lira-u at any. I have and! repeatedly. ml In unmanaanmtotonthfl-o In {hi-mmmnmmm dead for If. u it!" It! on the clock. Octalâ€"Mm n In: it made! that In no qualms! arm-um, fill Mal I'U- soured-hu- lk cunt-maul alumni-1mm Allenulon mkmlthndmnenelnfl autumnal-00.10.!“- ll mm In mun; M" an pom-g «In '0' tan-lust 51 Ma“ gather-nu" Mainlandâ€"ll- ”thallium-Iona. Vanni-Io that (in an a. con-mm“. «I! Mr um «a all ma no! tub I" and ml... The, WI but. it h lhhddlltlhdknWfl tau-r. mu «to also «a up. noo- for a. colon m I "an 180'”; no nm at Mt. In riled m to (Ina and-y I! 1. Slum. no Dam-n Inn hula W. 0.. I!!! III. M h I “Malamnllauucfidm II“ We no to nun-a Mm‘ ~Knm Olly tour-u. ”fin. 5 A: enormou- upon-o In Ind Inl- ciont when: unwed to China) and tormnlly dollvnrod It to mm. It "amped tho litter, tho corner in when. was broken at! Amour nor. Hun recouped himuu In the clear “P mum-o" that would hon noon l. ouclll anu- tn an MOI out 0! Ho executed I (root coup Io trou- potuu Inllllooo 0: bunch 01 who! from Duluth to cum by booth the wlnur moon. whoa mutation was ouwoood to be cloud. It won II axon-In null: (or In. Arum. but In the and u smashed It: Dollar, M .- Ur. Armour Ind W I: would. Hr. Armour could In" mun MI lam mu: mm (or shoot coo-hon wlut It cost him to bring that what to comp. and It In uh to our that to II about the only on- In tho trod. who would not ban soiled tho oppor- tunity m at on u chuoly u poo- olblo. But Ilr. Armour II not that kind of o man. ; IV CAT‘I IVE.» it...“ Ill. II 0* ““""‘«-'L"""‘J pupâ€"m m amen-m CW. Ian-u. portion or an hum not. «fl earnest Una I’ll-ll. m] muchwflu‘ Cato-Md rm nu. Wu no“ look up our on gnu-mun. WIQ turn them. (to. tholr on M an when u were chlfll.._fi chum uni-b man out: Input. «4 m cum-um an tom-o. In} poulbly no bean. u: I 'ed!" Lot imam-Inuit“. u man, to can in Which. Ill! ”I‘M curry 1 tom of m l“ . I flame. of m >_ M has expanded but -' power mm up In this- An exception"! In!!! . known to do mm ‘ work 1: MI mum _. two all n lull Ilium 1 nt- exhausts I1- Inn-611.155, .f‘k ul suppose 100 such IOI- _ ‘ nucqutnm DIM Ct m or crowlur; u (”7- M m faced and “Inc. to breath: I. might Ills!” black lump flying to“ M; do I. much u yum-I Itch Q And than an “and! lb? ”I! _mluutu boar before I I.“ 1101’ IN 'IOIUI

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