Downers Grove Reporter, 6 Dec 1900, p. 1

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- ummtwnwr.-mvmnuyummmnmq.b unmamcm , L II. can!" he. I“! 0' 1M gluing-t 12 o'clock. Ila-on- afl- :'.n:1-.nw.'. II. M i "vmmw‘flfl-‘DMW doofl’ucyworimiubhfwchfi- g‘mm‘hm‘ Ohm-'0‘!" Ma'- car-“‘2 umbdflhofinflfumh- vied. I‘m P". M o. “colt-.97 nu tor “nu-u! m "cm-- Jummmmm. ”Mm" “m” M m: "Wmflmbfil’" “‘ [Mela-monk may llv- hmm'lb-fll hm www.mmvwmm Inn-mm hmwm u“-'mmw'm-h ‘mgenuprmu-formhd- -muao'elockfonfoofflonh. ""59“ km anon-I In, or men-fl- nova-0‘ momumahmm u an whhm’" ..; Mncmt’ ..,.,...m.., "imam. manna-autumn.‘ V -bnlmwntym ' mnmcun mmfioflflcdhm ' he 7. All um for m nun mm Anon-u an“; a- M In... No. «I, m- ‘flhwutomcumbym “gouacwnmmm Horus-ammu- ' ' M of tho villag- on or Hon «ad-g. [MWM~ mum-mm fifihhyofqummatfl nu. ManhuMwflflol-difihm " ’ "' gimmonddnmgrmp pinup ganglia-9. Pani- 5'chme ' mmmmmmm é: “I uâ€"nv- m-u-, “r" 2' he. 2. All um mm nun 1...’ t. 1. El clito- 19 I. ‘3‘... «I. :3 I!» 1 all. plea-o... 3.3.; II. 33.3112. I9 BI- O. 41.30-- ‘2... E It... a... to... an 1033'- 20363 .n iilifiatIi-lo-IQ :0: 338...! > 32:31 ll. :31 .3! =5 3. g «.033. part.- sOa 2. 2‘59... .833 2.9â€" o- 303.. I... 338 It! ‘33.. p33... 3!. 13::- III. .12. 31.52.... 1! 3:31. .3 8.0 ‘05 pl 3'... 3'38! 2....- ii" :1 0. or. 3.. 13; g :8 '0 ca grtgfag‘c‘oat .1053!- 538 .- Ill... 3'. .3 2.3!. «3| 5. In... to. A 4â€"83"; E. w... s? «gig-11.2.1... z tau-832.80. Elna-r0 35!}153-3.‘ St, boosting-pro II oa [earl-no.0! trill (a alien.- 1...‘ 0. as: .- 25.... 80:01.: as 35.2.. it... at: 1...! .3 .u ‘0 3.2.3.- ; «3 F. :3. gig. I: g .3 i .0 .53 ‘- a; .0 or. 1-3 ca 5- olvruanp .38 .3. .3... Ca :8 ins-.33.. to. 1.0. g: $31193.- :8 not '00: 0‘ a... I an... 5 .5: I... 3.0!... iqgozr’oaog I33... :8 :8 :5. .3 :83 9.; It. to: [I 1:. =3 3!. 3.8.3.... .3. ‘I. 3...... 0031...! II. ‘33.... II it stoli. II. it 3.... ll. 81-... o. g E II. 53-12... >!-. 1 Sol-2.. :33. I n .13" in. in; I 5.3-... in 83s a. u 133 I338 I. .53 I 38.41 p to! 013 0. £53.. :35 703.333.031.21. 8.2.13: 3 :8...- 12621. 35.3 :I... I!- sotr. .31 3:... n. a. 3:3!!! Ito I. r!- flib .IL .> I'- m. which an «0!. III N on We! Tm Dung. all It“: An «flu-co u M Man i Ind?“ noun-uncouth. vim” d m “to”. [In-oh. amid “A. “Inna cue-nus m m fight 9-" u... n .v m. panama of an ordinance. amending Us. “hum: “fl“MIIDE. and which. tho village aulIuI-‘ltlo- think. III! plan. 3“ run on an oqulublo huh a: wall u 9vaqu uniflcient "mm for mailing the «null»; "Inns-- of the plum . This was "no pylnoiplo Mum-I of m moth-u. Tho now ”can or 'nui‘ wu lulu-led on mommdlflonot ”It In“! and light mmmluu. 11w opal-u ‘ “In: ex‘m of mo lehllag plan: It. Alton! .235 n menus. but. hold“ and“: can only 0167. Th. on“- M intro-Ina caudally tho nu A mum nu hoard m- Dr. w. W. (hurl-y. “has {or n «Hum! um It.“ .- Honk mv- I!!!“ Haul Van-a 1mm us! huh"- and. The "guano. wn Mon-ll In on m and light con-Mu. Tho mm and "(M eon-mu In- W an following «diam; “In W 5 And 7 0‘ Mult‘ Inna. min; "I. define IQ“ dlcovc-uctitivuouollofi -. tout: «'83,. .0 .33 IF gllg3§3§ It‘dâ€"'3 ”Stilleuoacolnlgue .3390! .I .3â€" 832: I; ' "or. famous? rm 'I'IIII AW Arlene-rim mom. «pt Reverted “Mom .‘ - v For none time the village bond of v truetem‘ has been continuing the adop- -ttoo of- a new oyetein oi ohorgel for oohnemlel electric light which would ' eqoellu the retee churned meter eon- eiuleru wllh the tint tote token. lion- 'tluy night this was accomplished by the “6mm! of an ordinance. amending the exhutiuu onlinonoe. and which. the village uuilm'ltlee think. will place all rote: on no oquitoble belie on well no mvllcle mlllcieot revenue for meeting the orienting oxpoueel oi the pilot. Thin we: the grinoiple huelneee oi the meeting. The new uyeten or ruleo wee e-iopiml on recommendation“ the weter nml light committee. The oper “in: rig-em of the iixhtlog pie-r In About .235 o month. but mth'e noolple were only .167. The oldi- ueeee increuee ueterllily the not rota. end mm o groin-lei ente- efdleooueiu tor neior retee which will lower the root to oouunere. 'l‘rueioee luoge. Klein. Kueeooi. VI. pie- eed Wolfe-luci- were preeeetwh. Mont Boot rolled the meeting b order. In them-wool clert White 'l‘reotee Koo-rel noted oeelork. .. w clum- Amounthi to comm-Ac- . 1% ma km he ollowed upon blile (or lint rates. if any electric light not in not paid within ten doye from the do; it becomes due on eforeeold. the village eholi have the right to cut 0! the electric light from the our» corner in deieult without notice. Ami the board of trueteeu shell hove um! re- eerve the right, power eiwl euthorlty to cut oil the supply or electric light at II] time without incurring no, lie- Iilllty or come of notion for den-gee ol‘ our kind. any permit or regulation to the contrery ootwithntomllng. 'l‘ho ~ village of Downer: ilrm'e nhell not he litble [or any Ion or lion-go resulting directly or indirectly min eoy coo- oectlon or etteohment to the electric light wiree oi the village at Dowoon Glove. il on, consumer or consumer- c! electric light under not nice ehell weete electricity hy keeping the our- noet lure-cl no aiming the entire night without any mum [or so doing, or eholi in any other manner one“ eerily wule electricity. then in such oneoroeeeethe hoard oi tronteeo re- eerre the right. power end euthorityto cut oil the apply oi electricity tron ouch customer or canto-ere elur the giving or live (loy- notiee or their por- pheeotodo. lo ell cuee where the m ehell be out all iron the use el electric lieht tor on, of the reeeoee and in thin action the note eheii - ,, noel L- uau-I uni.“ Ill Ole. hat “In. Sofie cheese at Noah's cu; mu, m3». : ‘ Fresh Blamerclre et Range. ' No emote: no more dintchluiueve. White Rose mu... Ruth's. ihe heat oil in town. only Mo perni- Addlfionnl local newe on lifth m_ Ion. no. 3. Hughe- l Co}: Mom Aheolutely pure buckwheat flour. A} fltole. ' Heller'e. V W. W. Berry heo returned to Dowuoro In. George Barr hue been very sick Grove from Riverside. “'0 PI" '0"- New York huekwhoot flour. John Darby-hire of sandwich. is here more old kind at Noah's. “8mm! 0“ friends. .Ilr. out lire. C. 8. Hughe- epeot iii-e Edna lierr in galleria: l’n-m the mental-ring with friends in Get Peril. dram «Hurrah-ed ankle. - hung u». huby em! 3.: e pun-m Ire. h. B. Dicknon and family are the picture for holiday present: at Home: goals of Dr. R. R Pewter! and family. filmllo. I c. E._Blehe,ol‘ Chlugo,wniinguut lin'Dr‘. i-‘ k, ‘ of ur. end tire. John H. 3mm... Suo- he» oi m2"m.?'u°3°i‘3'c':$ do]. “laughing any. Arthur '1‘. ilelleni. of Ohio a violin! " Ir. end it . hie Aunt lint. l". ilehlen on girth) of who have Mtvzfiegztxa‘lg? lent week. returned home ’I‘ueuiey. ’ Ir. end lire. ii. E. White were the lire-re. l.. Klein. Ghee. Rachel, It. I}. sue-to of "hikes in mlnwa over Bloomer“ Letter Berr attended the “laughing. , (at stock show in Gringo yuurdoy. We on ehowleg some lieu-lune Ulleer Hodlerweethe victim of loot motto;- for the holiday tmle. llet- heii Tue-do, oereeeitetlo‘. the union terceli eerly. llul‘ 0o. oi Dr. ilourloy. No eerloue rennin. Judge Lewronoe Y. filter-u. of tie; M'V“ ' cont. will he the out theater of the , B. L. iieouoe. the lie-ea who wee illiooiehomol repueeetetlvea. injured by bole. otroet by e ewiteli 1»... MM,“ .0... “a", ,. de- eegieele tlie yeuie hero. hoe rotor-oi man u, at» a.» .m night. “Ml-wk: . 14... mm; pertlellv mono by io- - For lootâ€"light, ease for. et York The ' v For none "In. Ihc villa." bond of mm has bun contacting the adop- no» or- a new system 0! our“! for animal cloctrlc light which would oqnlflu the nu- (shunted mum- eon-1 mom «uh u»- an: an “hrs. Ilou- diy night mu- wu accomplished by , -..._...n-- i Etna-001nm alum-kin: on m lino: “m“mdn. I. m | l.“- 1-. mu-wwumlfib“, “Hacienda-email“ vic- ptuflnk M. C. WHO: “"5..." ‘I "'0 Amm“ "i. m.ll'-IP.I-fih:hâ€"m. 9" mun-mud until all must ran. out. and law. It any, mu have ‘50.. FH.Wr um. tho an o! be don-n [or coco-muo- with "to MI. “(In mu. at tho rill-go. he. t. This out-am IN!) to II 0109‘ In. ad am «a mad I“! mm M Oceania I. I“. Am”! Daub-r 3. I... ”70. Will". I'. A. loot. ‘ val... mm. vs“... Pm. j in am of. two dullui up to had {n- cludlnz hill» or .15, and g dlnoouht of 25 per. cent upon all bills ovgr .16. _ I’m AT mm. r". '; mun-raucous”)... neural. mm mm“ highlighting. ”hm lambrhnou'mnllthhm ”'50 “lion-puma. Mantra-b. mm denials. MIRA”. ‘ F. H. Munro-t, rho who... by say of «twinnfldlnm bofiifikiS':finéVs;..nuradg Ecofdn ' thou-uni In. In. Vac-Id autumnal In. VII-Ion. lb lam. VIM-u. In. In» M In. law-u. or Mo.‘ and ”"- 1”“. Anna. 0! Donn 00". u I hm My. I.l:.aluI-...Illlclll .altirl-Izi‘ .IIIIIII. ijiiz‘ilrlsrfsgatarilv agar-null. 33...![3 lira-{ital lull gnift‘lggu‘roa'uiif gout-Ii!” 33. ?§E;.I§Ir31§lԤtgiii~;£. at. gal}, igr<igigtlloiui ‘. foul-InvitaiiEiiigsiggil.g[ji‘7z . 11>|lyx ' liltuw Punk‘ IP‘ ‘ IIII Aunt In. I". Bold-n ma Rama-uh) of Int weak. fir. and In. 0. E. White wan “I. (“all of ninth-u h: “mum our flank-giving. '0 m mowing IOIII Ina-hols. non-ung- for the bomb, undo. ll»- 1 local! and}. mud; Go. ‘ nut-Om least-um vanadi- ifih 11% :53 33 gs f 3: “M" Ma. HR if?! H: tgti it! Elu'llliiiiill ...... :3... a. .....i... .. ... flgfiuufiiitn n... 83:38.33 [Sloan- II. lib-.3311. 1.0“... 23 iii; .70; . nili‘iguu‘: lug-0.3.103 Id 308. II. t. , gong-Pb; runs-at! ...-ingii. {33 Ill-93:1. £3!!! ‘3553013â€"“33'! Inna .ii‘uloi Digitizing-Filo. Sigi. 347.3? Baffiioltl t ‘ >.,. . b .,. ! a or mica." Anna M m gong-M Imglvmdilu-q inc-n 0' my na- dlflfl’finfl “180m“.- ImKnE. 7mm. vlll humid I. mm‘. m. 0.. But.” do,“ In. 0“!th- IIIHQ mica! hi.“ "I'm “yon-lamina...“ he‘ll- Awluluu. Dov-m Oven. Vol..- lumymmugvoudlua Mahmud.“ to 3m llmuluncbbhnlsufly map-”Hound... Mum. l.. Kloll. Cull. Rocha. II. B. Wand Lulu Barr «um ”so (a! stock show In uric-go guard”. mm: Hock: In. tho victim of loot hall My nun-luau the union 0! Dr. nearby. No canola mum. WWII“. , ~ ,7 ; ; ~ "qu «I may trog;.thc Ami-"ol- ou. mu, sum. vlth whoa to m .wmfi; lieuâ€"9? 2.1;“ No smoke: no not. amount-un- {Inn by _e‘ml},"â€"m 0;“â€" m. but all in mm. only No pars-h u. u» Audltorluu, mm. Minna, n. n c. 8. Hugh.- 5 Col: MW". 3 o'clock and Q o'clookp. m,» «MW on. ' . til-plea o! “to Down". “nu-W W. W. Bury hll nturud to Downer. 09'3“]... I‘m chum“ ":9”?! Q W n..- 0.... m___-1;, . , - ._ ., ' AMbp-fihdmfilfl‘ an. nuns-u m M nth-«unil- mean. no 9’0““? “mmwummu ”In“. ' , ., Riggs" mmhumunu'pm; mum " ”"’ ' MhJWolmmm-d.“ “thwfifl Immunity on... W . I. m um. Yuma tympani on.- M‘ u‘hug' Ion-mum's!» luau Dana-'- uu." . mm as; In. bod .defiwflw‘ gamy in! mi mg. 1“,; Adam.- I M? M. um nonâ€"uh! mu , or um. m an “3.”? II! luau-nu; m > ' ‘ lit-wag. lull um bud-Mp. alum 35%} $333.2...“ A.

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