ï¬ll-1:3:â€" Eli's“! 28350;. [Edited-caries: .p. Galâ€"Inn .33.... §.flugpin§rno-=§1 liar-3.13 In... anonâ€"Innovati- “as“. Eggnog-.08. £31.33: gall... in! lulu-At:â€" ‘ 1311i? Tm Janna Icahn. TM 1m cowl-t ll mum to Mmâ€. "(I a. nut an Mum-mummJ-d mmmawpmuudm lei-mm loo-tumou- ullhouhn butwnoonr. ‘11:» Ml bun Ind lull .3!" I’ . Inclu- ln Mnnchurla. Rwy :11 the larger nllrond ,- ,' II luchurla. Ruulln nettle- ' I". nude their appearance. , unload omen Ind house." for then m .150 many private . ‘- M in one Impodlmout . a. nip-union of thou settle- ’ it. hr no result:- In!" of lot: no M for. It In um, however. * (It. will be I regular auction Ch 1 In“ mixed next you. In ' I. m. prints perm- ue 1|- ’ “I“, to occupy lou umponrny. Am» locum Mn. Wam- Tho hrs-n no. factory In met an only Auction anal-cry. The M a! m. Imminent! I! phe- md. â€on In. Paris undue- «nmnummuvmmfll .0. mm only Ire-ct nut- . also. an n no her-sod u- mus-mounts.“- (bomb W ‘iï¬'? $3- fligi'a 11%;; i 5:335? gr. wan own up: up... I-alt at actual: luxuriant-l1 doct- Chm-IMMI- FARMERS ORGAN III. " ‘ The†intend- Hi; Eek: O. D.,lnd It the purchaser “my ï¬le wud: he ï¬nds that ï¬le which toed‘how wk lo hurt-g: . Hagan Watch Com :1 b. ' w o are oonotantlyluox’: than ads. will furnish “no (jig â€tutu-tum who m In “an. men of a urloul '3. V k tan-amp: can ’3" United States does ‘ ‘, undo out of gold , 001mg“) the fakir. b "in“ t. “HEIRS o gunmen some as ,V jumping or mutating " ;"‘?'s§8mm mu 1. t o own :- 0 rpm Mind :0 n Iona gold gmgwuty ox: twenty-ave M. OOFPIR 11â€?" that he hat was: of spurioul rhuriimi V V TWV '0- the bile. It is siln that hehns Ils watch case. kwmtagp'tucase urlous a Mod States does nede out of gold Ind the fnklr.b the pub 0 mt adsomethinx or guaranteeing watch (ski:- is to led no a solid gold »y or twenty-live watches ere gen- If the purchaser le finds that the led the watch to Watch Compn ny e constantly†ea’: rill furnish the were who are in l. Inehurla. larger railroad Russian settle- yir appearance and houses" for 0 many private he impediment these settle- sles of lots are said. however. eguler auction next year. In persons are al- lmperarily. seas Pew ‘- L Dept. of Alf. "rim. End in lent. hit“. it will hisWheet and ry sanguine! ewandfattsn flout-found. sum laedOepu us-III “A â€"- CHAPTER XIIâ€"Continued. Yet huge and menacing as he stood. the ï¬gure opposed to him was still more formidable. Juan the mono over topped him by nearly belt a heed, and was as broad or broader in the shoul- der. His body. a dull brown in color, showed smoother than that of his enemy, the muscles not having been brought out by unremitted exer- cise. Yet under that bulk or liesh there lay no men might tell how much of awtul Vigor. The loop of the war club would not slip over his great hand. He caught it in his ï¬ngers end made the weapon hum about his head. as some forgotten ancestor of his, tail Navajo. or forgotten cave dweller, may nave done before the Spaniard came. The weapon seemed to him like a toy. and be cast his eye about for another more commensurate with his strength, but, seeing none, forgot the went, and in the sheer ignorance of fear which made his bravery, began the light as though altogether careless of its end. White Cali was betore his people. whose chief he was by reason of his personal prowess, and with all the vanity or his kind he exulted in this opportunity of displaying his illness for his place. Yet in him natural bravery had a qualifying caution. which was here obviously well Jus- tiiied. The Mexican made direct as- sanlt. rushing on with battle axe pois- ed as though to end it all with one immediate blow. With guard and perryhewasmoreeareleesthanthe wild ballot the Plains. which meets his fee in direct impetneee assault. WhitaCeltwss notsorash. Home pod quietly back hem the attack. and asthamosoplunaed torwerdfromtha Impulse of his unchecked blew. the ladies swept sternly at him will the fill force at his extended arm. The eeetionofthechiefand thalnehefa little thing. each In turn prevented the Whito our planned MI rapid mile! hmmenu,mdn¢ozenu-a Mublowwhlchstmtonnofl. Bo gum mundane. and dad char h. H- hinted and mu flo- IMO I. Ildc. m and little mud. H!- ï¬nâ€, mar waiting of his mum to nwful. The 'hhporotthe wings «mum on the liftbofltlil'l place. The fuel of flu unit. an fluxes-m the anaemic m an" Jna the mono stood fluent notion- laglhmchbwfmm gnu uncle- of M: m to. moving morn. mn-muhodm hard the day «an of the van. an tending-I for elem wu In one «- mino the he oflered. nu brute emu» ago had no menu] tide. â€no whist- ling of this threatening wanton m unneeded, since It did not hurt him. nonmmmumudm.but nu.†his arm madam! mu raised, his hot but shined. aide stepping not turning only enough to keep him with from toward his magnum. The dc:- me.mm¢hmofue «ms nmmcmi'll‘mkm cmll.m*“"mmm gun ml, for no hum ah“ could nan wit-mod a. launchâ€. 9"“ a! 1m mulled 5! In "- '° â€'9" Aal- tho two cum. White all now seeking to «lament the lulâ€" enn, when In amend to In lea .3110 um llnnefl. Dara-g In and out. jumping npklly (mm aide to tide, and uttering the while the aim m an of his var all, be M “out Oh. lam, In" circling and Mm lug. hi: m and nil-night upon me Wmudu-wclnbanh and un- hurtling dam!!! clone to in menu head. 0“ shade more at and went down Indian. A nun-at â€on from the ludhu, who than: :1 Int tn: their Isadora blow in: proved um. A than all [you Only mined tn bring the Halal to his foot u once. The Indian lost the In]! mom! which In. M. a". Coii;3ii}ll. llfllwb D. Ali/Hon 6' Clfllll’. 1V4- Var) The "can 09p.“ to HIM W. "I" Mm Formldabk. Tiéba u. 4 0111731 If" 3 The horrid spectacle m our. like the blade of u auger. With the lot, at 3 win! bean be I‘m“; min upon his foe. White on: but turned. but the left had of the gin! caught him In hold him up mm the flu! unto. The aim; shift of wood struck the Indhn'ln the aid. than the hip. watering through cm the Make“ mkmhmmfluhm ltcu‘hlmd. “hum-ammo victim ctr-listened and fan brunt-d. m of pale. end he. rpreu heck. preset-g Me hand against hie aide. there hlood came from bottom hie hue-n. The male: hed worked his left heed to the sheath of hte hello. and dubbed the slut who hed to nearly overcome him. Stem-x. the twent-etooderecteedyetenln me the crie- frol the may red ree- eea the llttie heed of white: who were vitamins thin heheme led brute! Mule. now. were heading hung the blankets. but the four ï¬les now pointed steadily out. One more- meet mid here meant death to may hit that movement was fore-tell“! in the am more repld humming: ot the? uletehed combat. For oneâ€"hell tee oedthemflshtihg-eeetooclem the one stunned at his unexpected me. the other etertled that the me had not proved teal. Beetle hie “than-tat still on his feet. White ;Celt for the ï¬rst time lost courage. With the hits um held In hte left heed, he heeiteted whether to join huh the meter, or himself to unflaaleuthehtteekotefloeeo proof to Injury. He hit turned and are heck for e pece. The In: pursued by e foe looks hoet htn quickly for that weapon hemattohleovn heed. Thedreeql of Iteel drure Juan to hethieh him- relt at I venue. Be new it at his feared-antennae likeneegry tell. his «range had hle purpose elihe Inch-aged. He etoaped end clutched the broken wer use. maple: the stone heel In the peln at in great held. the â€aged end lronllhe eheft 1’: 5191377703 nu; cownoi Juan cut away the bit of rod still in his hand and rushed forwud minst his enemy, looking to throttle him with his naked angers. White Cult. quicker-witted o! the two. slung the than 0! his I": club (m from hi! crippled right hand, and, grasping jtho weapon in his left. still undo play with it about bin bond. The giant none the ion rushed in, receiving upon Mn nhouidor n blow from the in“ hand 0! the Indian which cut the lie-II clean to the count hone, in n mat brniud wound which wu covered nt once with I spurt of blood. The next inatnnt the two (all together. the in: Jinn bone-tn his night: too, Ind the two writing in n hotriblo cum-nee. The hand: at the now grippod the India’s thmt. and he nttcrod n my int. nun rent of triumph. non mum tun inn-n. u In uttlod to defend his head. On the instant his arm was beaten down. It tell helpless at his side, the one only hanging to his hand by moons of the loop passed around the wrist. A spasm of pain crossed his face It the racking agony in the nerves of his arm. yet he re tained energy enough to spring buck and still he stood erect. A cry a! dim may burst from the followers of the red champion and a keen yell from the whites, unable to suppress their exnltetlon. Yet at the next moment the partisans or either had become silent; for. though the indlsn seemed ‘ disebled. the mow stood before him wesponless. The tough, slander rod which node the bundle at his war use bod snspped like a plpestem under the force of his blow, and even the row- hide covering was torn loose from the head of stone. which lsy, with n foot or the broken hardwood em! still ettsched. upon the ground between the two antagonists. CHAPTER XII. mothhsufll" man why are you am not uMMmentoo-amam mm?" “flung, mm m! an Inn. in“ m at aim-(mm m "You mustn't can It s blunder. and. You how‘mr father has Monty o! you sari-led him?" "You know a good watchmeker el- wxye wants eeveral deye in which to regulate a timepiece. The: la beeaaee the only way to regulate it properly laineoupareitwithachrooo-eieret the me hoer every day. Otherwlee the variations in the epeed of the watch will hale hie etorta. "The In to when l m â€prevaile- ed told no this, and 1 mm the idea absurd. We were working late one night. and he celled my attentioa to a lot of waiehea we had regulated and ready to deliver. it was near IM- night and every watch wee flow. The better timepieces had lagged behind eome aeeoods. The cheaper watchu were a minute or more out of the way. Next morning every one of the ‘ lot wee exactly right. “no feet in you can regulate a watch to make exactly twenty-{oer hour- a day, but you can’t perm“ it to male jeet sixty minutes in each at the twenty-four home. Why thie la no one an tell."--N‘ew York Times. WM“ Om at Night â€You know that a. mu nettle- In at lower ebb at night than II the daytime," mm m old watch-net. "Would you believe that 00-. "tel. oâ€"eavecmlr the cheaper outâ€"m nlnlluly timed? â€Your" I May nor! 0' taller. Cup,“ ma Curly. "but It you'n go!" to m um hm you'd Inna lam: penin' It out. on' m to m on It." â€I’m sorry for than." an mum. lhonalflnlly. “1m think. I. an lab In; lily {mm mm poplo "mum. to a. work] tiny but. They won happy I! n m-hppler, mum- ud they had their mu. “mm Ibeunouwo Mum. Won. )rivlng than II†Inn um: old country. III over the West. «am It I. birdhmvknthqunm.“ hold In all that: own. We arm the. ud I‘M than Ind km them. All thenâ€"veil. than we forgot than." “Howdidmcommnnama MI». I: you could mt mat with '01- baton um Int.“ “Odd- Iu a hundnd to on W m, um." um Bahama. outing “Yommlmoblzboyloeomrvm luv 7. like. but In man: '0 w lanolin. An'uumtlum'u didn‘t a. mum pm ll mnlloï¬nttctthotrchtdh-thh mutant†“no. Chm vu pint: hot at I- m couln' In on thd: m mun." sud Curly. “u‘ on than mutate". Ida‘tmultvu whtmmuldtotmm Id thou but no. )nnptl‘ u. not tho m: .1- am. W: I blame um‘ nonliholythtthynotlmo‘ notion In that: bad- tlut Jun vu‘ had medial-o. It tau not It In their mind. that . an ta loco. In‘ par tact“ by Iplrltl. n’ that not! 0' thing. they won't mm Mn. hr (at o' no III' the wont of It. mt'l about I†'0 got out 0! then, I mun." E one .- Mn. But didn’t he cu and In the ma. men!" 0‘ Mn! You ammchmmlmam “But. by the var, Curly.“ um Fruklln. “how 1- Jun thi- morning! We Inven‘t heard mm m tor a any or two.“ "Oh. him?" said Curly. "Why. M all rltht. He'l Just been lnyln' 'mm a mac. 1le a do; um'u been out up name In I Vol! Istanbul: ho'l Ill right now. Shoulder‘l then! well. u‘ h an lune-cut. It never did amount to “You might 51! Jun to tan you all one or two,†said Curly. “He kln an eg good ez try Injun over wu.†One morning Franklin, thinking to have an additional huflulo robe for the coming winter, nnd knowing no mm- ner in which he could set the hide tanned except. through his own eilonl. set about to do this work {or him. self. ignorant of the extent of hi! task. and relying upon Curly for «- vlce In to the procedure. in ell the em oi mains one’e eel! comfortable in n womnnlese end hence a homeless lend both Franklin end Bettersleigh, experienced cementum ‘ es they were. found themeelvn mush aided by the counsel at Curly. the eel- reliant native ot the soil who was Franklin's ï¬rst sequsintsnce in that land. it was Curly who helped them with their houses end in their house- hold supplies. it was he told them now and then of s new region when the crop of house was not yet lull] gathered. It was he who showed then: how to care (or the little number 0! animals which they had hem to asth- er about them: and who. in short, gave to them full knowledge at the best ways 0! exacting e subsistence fern: the laid which they had invaded. yet denuded In ml- onvltonmut when each mun In truth “tool can of him-elf." and but small dependan- npon others. , - â€Wuhan-mm.†m «In: and mm ï¬lm aolï¬uhmmmmrlhud thou than! Mm.‘ Tho-mm magatufluuflmotmmw (To be counted.) mm Different. n have any money 7m Besides. I would do tho (Granulated) 95 cents wortho oes as far as 50 cents worth oany bar soap. WISDOM SOAP -- M 5. .mubmdl {WMCmdm mi- \‘mublo' Com ml has don. for I'll": Iimiy yum. â€In. nun Inn. anothD, no it. titan-fun. hollow-d in, all m who an in that Lydia [-1. Plath-'- Valu- table Compound I- lino medicine they .mm lake. It in: um m mt of “no. and it has hudyods of thousand- of an. to Ito nod“. “onw- abouid cot-id. i0 unwise to «so any other medicine. Mn. Haiti-on. when oddnu- in L . â€on. will mover cheerfully and vi moi oil lotion oddrooood in her by nick women. Pom nine In. smuohowmom 'm holy you conâ€"try hr winâ€"B A...- gall-l-- r. A. lumen. amoral PM" Agent, CHICAGO. I" Had unload Ii mu, m 1 damâ€"(37'; ii '61.": B‘u'o‘u fl Bro-I“? he no. [Luckntm one! menmiorlwuhbd â€dim-ad] on: Don't ououhlo Col- pound {or and," In month. '0- boforo mum wins . “chap. from tie-pd pair (nu-.1 Ibo lo “I. hudnloulféthl «hum-It!- 1001:: health uny- bran. ï¬nal not c Golf-n. your Vac-table (hi-pond II 0 [and undid... "1an MmmflWthmd-d'~oz um gm 31"," o. I... Worm, Templar. IMO-h r o! mmmm «MW u Mquhw ummmmm mam "Wm†mummm mmymmnm mmmm human gm mmmwww m3 3mm. Chicago, Milwaukee 0: St. Paul Railway. Lydia E. P'xnkham's Vegetable Compound. pendent Order Good Tem plats, of Silver _Lake, Mass., tqlls of her curg by_ the use of $33 to the Pacific Coast Mrs: Haskell, Worthy Vice Templar,_ Ipde- WA NTED. Tickets good in tourist sleeping cars. Rate for double berth. Chicago to Cali- fornia. only 87. Write toâ€"day for complete information. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Pottland. Seattle. Tacoma, and many other point: on the Paciï¬c Coast Low rates to hundreds of other points. Choice of routes if you select the From Chicago. every day in March and April.’ 1904. Only 833 Chicago to “mung-nine} In. mun-z, which Dali-0d It. won l mu 0. Vegetable vapour]. dun-dd “I. up)!†of the mural period any month. u I. mt much "can" .“mrm III-o “a. a. low wu wry manly a other: u can po- hn. hm num- I bud and "lotto-MM two mouth. I henna regular and "unkind I. l manned until I M palm-u; well. and the pans won «numb: to I!" am ‘ho m Wuhan: :1“:th and an m.- - Illu- nt Woman now. whore him I did not can I. live. and l on pill-mg! Io fey", _u |»th (on! also. Iona I39- 9- pnnolua i F = u 7-.â€" rg‘lgngan. n. gill r2...- < .50 calves! - It Iii 18... .2 5...... 1:: 13...} :33...er “Dun In. Pun-AI: I II.» CIN- and In: Pew-1°! “It'd-I -MJILI. U cantile Dunno... Thousand: are making bigmouey Be an iii lend your aunt and anti: addreuwithdolhrto _ '7" Manta-“42 ' Staru you right in let-