Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Feb 1904, p. 7

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TIMING [MS Hlfl THE HATIIIN W'f'“"""sféhdf Home mn- oult 110.000 for the purchase of an ,“ Lheoin IOWII bmnplncorot in.» 3 public with. Ir. Ya“ In Mm to the pres:- denl'l |cy 'Ith "(cram to the has. nu canal. A! mu p. a. the mate can! "In "mun “on to resume comm- union d tin Plum canal "any. but no flat '3! may to speak. I In" can t number of nominations] n mum open fission u 2:! . m. III! ringing the treaty with “we Indian- o! the or! Lake reservation In Ilium; mu tor an combo of so,” acres 0 [heir MM n! posted. The M" provld. (er the ply-mam 0! mm) to Queen Walnut. formerly of Hamil, :1. sub «men of “I claim was amended so u not lo re no any claim. and tha mm of w. III vo'ed down. Mr. gum Introduced mohfllon {ruin the mlnl club 0 Chicago favoring 3‘ mt "bill-um treaty mum t.” l‘ rusted sum and Great Britain. . km Introduced I M" restricting cova- Iwn curve" as to the mamm- of mm- ?! “mourn. Al I 3). II. tho yam»: M cup-to ad earned an!" "many. the home Bunker Cannon took (h. In Ms teeth and ran mule"! :qny .lMIvc em. Inc! 371M"! m m he broke an prev oul record: in tho als- mch p! arm-new 29):..."3‘35: w-n u-vâ€" FI-th Feb. 12. 'no man we‘d Io on. renal" I! of “reach red by §5._m§'m 01-point»! :0 {he mou- A..- ..._.‘..A A‘ AKA huh 7". "" "'i'u'Tm'"3F"o'¢"¢i."'mm“““ "to W 0 mm the omclalc of Michigan and m lulu In taking l ”mm o! man-ha!“ At A! p. I. m. ”In am‘u In amen: with me "man: mg mg ugh-flan ”Lawn“: I‘ll.- m mm or the nun! «Ham cm- :fluyo "an"? naval n prlauon. fig-'- 3 c n “‘8‘. was re" v by QM love. 1". loud (Elan) Inim- «and I H" mvÂ¥ln Int nn'nm pm- Qlon of Arlmn or ton lying and» and to“ of "I. Color-do fiver shall h- Inmd to "I. auto or Ulnh. The {oi- lowln mm '1" rod: Amending "no, "um I let I. I to II: nu "fie fur math I: on him» Ilnlisflt‘s; nine n. l mic hm authorising In! lab at I ”I" of '11.! I! known as the Rec [Aka Indian rmrnuon, no that I! Isl. «In! on the due of ”an”; 9"" ”In. for the milmuon lnd unend- fun} .1 In among yllmlhglndign‘s In. an. m l mpkflon of m.‘ 1.1. (arson ”will obj.“ IMAM! mad (mm Charlene-um, Va. On Mnml elm nu- mn of 1m” Joanna. in. T-"rr handled a hull Ipmwiullnx "Juan {of "to (“muo- M - hulmlm: In Wank-non tot on mlomml mrrq. A: 0:" fl. ll. Q). Den-l. ndjnurm-d. m mm of mg mnl ufiagn an. (ml In van-"(Iva Mn. L and I_I 31!! umr‘nm. 'ufiEnmmha-bunumuhawmmrmntm mdeflmMm-ulwu mamm MM comp-r.- muumnmwlmomnummuymmur ‘iOUTLINE 0? DAILY ROUTINE TM house alarmed o! the Connoll- Howell olecflon mules! from the Tenth Panmylvunh district by voting to rent Ir. ('onnell, who mun sworn In at once. 81-h- Ind um sewn-j mum n‘hnlve (o A! In o'clock um huuue adjourncd. Thuruny. Feb. 11. no Ion-lo Adopted I Jolnl. relolullon wthorltlnc I lul‘voy lo den-min. Wheth- n . “downer lhlp canal ‘crou l-‘lorld: {I hulble. The greater rt of the day It:- awn: in a comment on of tho Plu- Chlplnln Hale referred to the oriental w In his prayer at me openln or the innate. Mr. McCumbor In a up ch lup- fled the Panama canal treaty. A num- ~ 0! pension mm wmr puma. Mr. llaCumber presented the vredenunls a! his nieces-or. mam- Ituynor. us senator {rm Imrylnnd. Mr. Gnmble reporter! glvqrnbjy from um etymmmcgon Dunno p. Nun: 1“; tennis wegtumlo'3xecuuve neu- Ilon. The, doors were n- «merged M 4:15 at? and u 6. a) p.10. adjournment Ian had iii: i'péi- ‘éé‘r'u r'ih‘e“r£idli- tion 0! accounts between (he Unned the din smon of public lands. At 1:50 n m, n n manna. umm lnln axecuth’e neu- Special Correspondent. T0" of the amino-I Tran-acted by Bonnier: and ‘Rapreuntauvu In Session at "to Capital. aniew of the Legislation Be- fore Both Houses of pongress. ' in u U'u‘ Lmn In war. Wednesday, Feb. 10. :Abmm THE IIG 1'!!! E8 ARE MFR. Dinner «0 Young Path. Washington npeelnl: President and an. Roosevelt gave a dinner to twen- ty-Innn of the younger element In Wuhlngton society :t tn. mm non-e many night. The dining-room m Gianni-ital! decorum. cm shown "Incl. invention TM! mun ll. Saw. New York 3mm: The marvel at the nnuonn auto-ban: emiuon. n in am. In a new ntenm engine “tented by 1 man named Weeks. from Cam: Mt. Week: has n nix-hone puwet steam engine that Is about the size or I done: watch. It In made of old boiler tubing and in applied to A tenâ€" lnch circular saw, wMeh cut: through cypress or oak several Incite. thick. A arty-hone power engine 1: nude of ‘ nickel steel, Mr. Weeks nan. could ; be held In n to". bend or carried in the pocket of a net cont. It. Branno- a n «Inca-dam of no Vandaveuter family, In; when: In New Jenny. and In a man- at 1mm: [1. deeventer, founder of the nut Nitrous] 8mm. Although any 23 year: old. he in tons been rated a a millionaire. NEW ENGINE I! OIZE 0' WATCH In which he wns working In met. Dr. mm 1. Kipp of Naval and upeehllm from Phlhdehhb held I mutation and announced an no Maker's night was destrnyd fatter. talcum of Chemical. nature me Sign! of Am J. Irma». , New York dispatch: Augustus J. "mason at the first National Bank of Plalnneld. N. 1.. vice president of tho \‘lndevenwr Came! Manna-flan Camp.” 0! Green-hon. N. 0., and known a one or the wealthiest Mal- aeso men 0! the But, I: n n ml- tnrlum here many bllnd u u mu of an explosion of chomicnls In I "ma ubontory on the ounml of the any. journal. .ANK PRESIDENT I. BLINDID Inwmmnl hm"! lo nmmn mo Immo- vnvm. \'n . "pus-uh" m rm. l oak-Ma- lI-m or! flu- fmm nnnhrrsnry a “in am Itnpuoh x-p all": n-‘ul'mmt In Nor". Among. The Must- M 12:. p. "I. I4‘ lu‘lull ..-. 7’" :wllon‘wnl the Or“ can on when co u member has ylvon up his not for alu'h :- reason. mud Mr. Sharron“ wan cheer-N1. A rennluuun was mum sealing- Mr. "any" e. lhe contestant. Mean. "It! NIL). damn (l’nJ. «nd Dinnmore (Ark), 4nd“) out no uwujuon pauuoudu dJBM mate and mnuulur appropriation bl“. I". Maynard Hm.) eroducod l but IP- ptonflnlln. ammo and providing {or a 1ho Custer battle in Montana; providing for the opening a! a portion of the tab ervatlon .of the Lower Bruin lndianl In South Dakota and regulating- the. use of reservoir sites on the public Inuit. Mr. Caramel: introduced an amendment to the bill regulatln chip In trade tween forts of t a Unt Staten Ind the Phiippines. extruding the time of tho 1 piicaliun or the coaatwln laws from my 1. 1504. to Juiy l. 1909. At 8:“ v. m. the senate again went into cucu- tivo session. and at 3:19 p. m. adjourned. The house was furnlahrd with - unan- tlon during It: forty-minute session when Mr. Sharroth of the district of Colorado voluntnrll relinquished his sent in the lmuse. l! acknowledged that his elec- viun had boon tainted with (rand. but .in-clnroui timt he was in no measure re. nponsllfle for it, nor was he Iwnre that it had been pvrprlmted until an investi- gation or the haunts hud been made. His 7 . A.A, _.. __-.‘_1I hr'lnr. n... n... . ..... -.......... than to no fl 0! legislation. Italy utter tho contain-ion of the on or the sonata went into executivo "no and agreed to vote on the ratification o the l‘nnnmn canal treaty on Feb. a. Th0 doors were reopened at llzfl n. Ill. The bill to pay $200,000 to “Queen Liiinoka- lnnl rm ammied to reduce the 8W0- prlatlou to $150,000. but when called up (or gums. was loot on I tie vote of 20 to 2 . Mr. Proctor. from the committee on agriculture. reported the agricultural oppropriation bill. The conferenca re- ort on the urgent doflcioncy appropria- lon bill was agreed to. The home bill authorizing the alrector or the censu- to co-operaie with the state of Michigan in toiling the venous of manufacturer. of that state wua passed. Other measures pnssed included tho follow/int: Permit- ting the construction 0! a dam norm the Misaluinpl river in Wright and Sherman counties. Minnesota: providing for the payment of $8.!!!) to' Jenn Louis Leualro on account of his services in re- turntn Sitting Bull and his followers from 5mm!» lortho United States alter the Custer battle in Montana: _prpviding "all!” fit. 18. e a. “Imam In t t :00 3““ InnIn I canal-ho III-n3 «hm ’I‘ngro war- no spunk madman utm- qua m clvon tho_ _1_rogl_1_ent bulletin! In!!!“ Indian ‘I‘ruly. -â€"(’Mruo ndeIenId was on Trim. wmI-m Wmoul. I (Arne? of Onw- lcn, no In. Nellie 1m, n young widow of the tune pine. m mur- MonuBulumorotOMouulb was: Tm:- mu, m Pan. luv. ”mo-m. $0". Electric Ham. Union Vent-m to NM. John L. Solomon 5.3 mm the elec- n is financed that the next nail Me plant at Greenfield to Arthur Soi- Bttto meeting or the Union Vam' anon of Pumee. The purchaser will if?!” :1“ be he!!! I! the Stat. M Tnveun to am. The nation! ’convemlmu o! the Tnvclm’ Protective mm will be hard In Springfield Juno HI. mm! It I! expected that 8,009 Galena: will In In “madam. .Smallpo: Epidemic. It Is “1me tn: the Tum-vine pub no school- vlll be closed on account 0! Imnflm. Forty pup“: who have been «pond to the «ls-cue have been minded (tom schooI. Vlllago one". Hold Over. The lateral!" discovery ha been III“ um unler a recent enactment of the min legislature u! yum presidents in the cute elected last ml ‘11! hold their ofim ’t'o run. Vanda": Pmmq. A meeting of the Vammlu preshy: can has been called to he held In um Alton Cumberland Mshyterlan clutch. beginning mm. 1, and will In In mm two «an. Action my in Intel DI the question of uniting the Presbyterian and the Ctnbcflud fishnet!“ churches. (tanned L. N. Kn". C. 1. menu. Funk achuru. II. C. "-13.1. H. Vnwm. Charles It. Hull and H. 1. Roller dlretton. luau."- Man that. The sum Bushman Men‘s Anson-Ja- lIoa nu olecied the" once" for on- uhg year: 1. H. Vnwter. walnut: (.1qu E. Hull. vice president; I. c. mun-ck. noel-earn H. I. lloucy. '4an the: Man. The U. W. A. of the unnlll nub- flmlcc bun elect-d the [allowing ot- flm: President. John Conroy at D»- mln; vlco pmMcuI. am: an- ts" of Murphy-bow: "cm-r1 and W, Plinlp Dam of Duquolu; new 0! Male board. w. 1‘. Hom- at Wu. The «mm; one": will to Ice-ted In mam». om Fun" In lack. AI Ina-wt to min-lo John A. 8min. a prominent rm 0! Now- Iunvlllo. Can con-u. wn undo and 1". Drum In in a Invention condi- tion I! NI homo with n land of Mel- 5500 In M. hell. No In wnyhhl III". on mm Iron Newman". to "so home at a “Ishtar and ma upon by son- unknown pot-Ion. No «no ls known [or the lunch. Coal “In. Rowena. Tho eon! also It Greenfield m cloud down lot nun! du- on no- mnt o! n disagreement. Mum the ”W0". J. L. Solomon and Wil- lhn llama. A manna-t 1n meld udtholnluohu boo-n- omad. A. Y. Collins. on who“ Ind an ulna u unwed. will an charge at on also now lurch I, IMI‘ um Willis-I 8cm“ will mm mm! d It. Maccabu Megan. At the dlatrlct Mmabeo conven- 0011 held in Decatur. with amt Com- mander J. F. Dower present, the” delentes to the state meeting. to be held at Joust on Feb. 23, were chos- en: W. P. Carter, Decatur; Funk P. Bauer. Springfield; w. I". mum. Po- Iln; R. W. Stenzel, Blomluton: Chum E. 0nd. Springfield: 0. I. Brown, 1mm; 0. r. Cnppo. VII? duh; E. M. Vlaconcellm. Juno:- vfllo; 0. Bumruxer, Giannini: F. L. Plum Hoop-ton. Dune (can! from Bloowlnnom Decatur. Well! and Juliet. will coup“: for 8150 In cash when u the slate convinuon. Footer Parent- Abuu child tor Billllfl After 4:80 A. M. ' Alton Police Matron Demnth wa- celled upon to interfere in a can in which Emma Levi. n 10-year-old girl. pretty and Intelligent. was being beat- en by her foster parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grady, who are mntes. The child was an inmate of the Cathednl orphan-3e. in Alton. until the Grudys tool: her to teach their own child to speak. The girl in the daughter of Edward Levi. whose wife cloned with a neighbor several years ago. aban- doning her husband and little chil- dren. The girl's face and body bore marina of brutal chastieement. She told at being beaten became she nu- ed to get up at 4:30 to start fire- and tar other delinquencies cherged to her by the two mutee. The condition at the child aroused great indisnntion. and the police matron will prosecute the couple. The Grind]- did not deny the stories told by the girl. An chart to being made to ilnd the father. MUTE! MISTREAT LITTLE 6"“. ILLINOIS NEWS 6; I flan Home It Quincy on In. C. 1 Anmurm‘houbn. Andrew Sheets. and 11. who 00- nyodtoplnymnmotum'q mmoMmhnvhmye-nno «um bra-gm lam! lam a. albummmuflona n mum-7. now-mum “(MIDI-m”...- lnq-oh Fm View». The Wynn)“ daughter of mm.- 01mm of Chicago. died of twine. received in the Iroquois theater In. puking the 57m victim of that cull- Lawyer 'lfl. 0nd. Attorney 1. H. anneno avowed deal on the area It Plfll. no bud flopped to make u pun-chm. um I: he use out (all [see downward o; the wall. gave III we rat 0! his mm to la vita. Elizabeth Wnllwork, excepting bequest. of 85 each to each at m three clmdm. 3"an mmm was named an executflx without and. Law” We to value. The 'In of Thom: wmm has been presented .1 111mm bf m bate. Alter making provision [or «m by selling a liquor culled "hop ms.- whlch In said to be very u-mr Io Inger he", found the defendant ‘Ifll’ on one want. This Is the Im an out of an the village o! "flow“. In Gully d lama. Hop Mo. After being out for mum: hours, the jury In a.» one of the vlflm of llllomllo anal-st Frank Guam. charged with mum-mug n lulu-en Dam hr Charity. The charity hall given at Ibo! IQ. "um: um. Armory u Brim“ under Iho am of the Damna- rhb nu one or o. no“ mmou Io- cltl events ever given In rental Ilflo min. Then,- um than! 1.000 dancer- I'll the floor nu! 2.000 sputum In the 3:1ka .A mm o! “.000 m noun! (or the (imam-d elm-men of Emil-mid. laden“ and In“. M. I mooiiu at In. Quincy mm or Conn-m ihn ambient 0! mod md- w:- mania-mi non lulu “wand-u. Tho monk. bill. now pending More Cannon. was mai- nmuly boos-uni. Ind . committee "I umiuledJa mm- with "an Mann County Bond of lnporvimn on the advisability o! maul-Mm: - pum- wnt good mod- omniuliul. 000. The dint-ton an: 1’. Inn-u 1mm OM. Tho director: at the Anode-n 'l'nc- uou Company. vhkh col-my will contract a Intel-uh: nlluuy In an In cumm- County, not In Tu- «mm. and «dd-d to lacuna (In «and "not no- mom lo ".000.- l. W. Volllnuan. w. A. Pond. Joh- nny. H. J. lunar and C. A. Rhoda. unnm mule out or the Inn usu- umandulnoaumluubonotm automuphoodonnnhnua the "no tor (In completion of Mr business llama. wm Law Amend-d. The county elem. supervisor- and comma-toner: In mllon u can thou Oslo-Inn}: In tho next you”. unsung pine. The convention paid! no "solution. one nun; um th let to: the rolls! of nut blind ho Rallway Veloolpcdo Jumps the Truck While Going a High Speed. Burke Scull-ea, non of c. B. Squires, agent for an Alton. wu level-e17 hurt by the derailment or 3 film” velocl‘ pads he was riding. The boy wn putting out sign.) lunpu between A1« ton Illd Alton Summit Ind lull nurt- «i (or home. The machine bee-mo nan-usable going down the new gndo 1nd Jumped the luck It I lhnrp'gndo near the tool or the hill. vhlle min; u I high rule of mod. The boy in. thrown a long dime. Rollo From Under Car In Motion and Misses the Wheels. Wfllllll H. Bell-rd n Chicwo '4!- ton broken-n, saved‘ his own life by I remuksbie silos-t ll Godfrey by roll- ing from under I moving height on. Ballard was uncoupling the 'sir hose while the train wns in slow motion nnd tell, Ind the (award truck of the car passed over him, severely hurting his luck. Although almost. helpleu from the injuryjo his heck, Bollard threw himself outside just before the wheels could pass over him, end is: there an- ill picked up by his companions a tow minutes later and taken to St. Jo- seph‘s hospital in Alton. His home in in Roadhouse and he has I. wile. His escape from deem is considered most remnrksblo. BOY 18 HURT ON THE RAILROAD BRAKIMAN'I NARROW uom John H. Colt Clyde mum. Joseph H, mull. t mm dealer of WHO. W W a, has Mod a petition n mm scheduling in mums. a cm”! In his am a “.191“- - mmr a mud. Edward Gunny of W mums-m Ian-amt! lint Achotlrodbytleflov-halnn umnnmmwmmfln “amenâ€"mum”- 70 mm Guy. The Decatur clmbcr a! mum In narcotic-«dumbbmflfy "a t-vrov- Mr M. in 0(- read an Man for the W lawns. the WM '0'" '0“. “0 not! haunt me. and M m up: man. no Wong-'0 all! me with no m h M a! To Vote on Home. A muo- maul-Ina an up. at sums-Indwdmw’d Vandal: uklu that the m d "can or no "can. In mud to - votonfuucmceu RIM cloc- unn m mm without a alt-nun: votes by the my mun at a nuke Mu at that body I“ an m ordered for tin urn-o. to h lull no new“ from!” In luau. nm on. n driver. m um fill. 4mm homo from Cum". when I. Md delivered 3 lo“ a! but. u was GM "W that Din I“ to. lulled In I mourn. Inland“ M m. allege that m" I“ mm In Oink-ll and via follow-l who. lo tuned homo. 8mm 0! lb. womb onDlno'nleMlendlolm been Idllhhlofld by a Hat Mn- imam layer Alba! III-ur- u .- Milo! Ind M lab: 0! m vltlo. [1].. n In hum-u nu. umnonuboouwlu. ‘ Aulcuunleomhldu mwmmcbm “ruthenium Rev. J. mum mm. “Wm-u. mama-mum DI. meommm pol-totvhu. momm- mmmmcdhhm. M.I.J.Alunuum.ciu. «Era? d’ Mmu-hal-rJImeW.” ”Match-amdQMI-n Another Coal Lino. Another new rum. to be known In tho Gnu Western. a. bolus allied o! It Hurt-burg. The proposed road I- to run from Hurt-buts to Quid Tower. on the Okla river. mam through union. A map of flu and u- been made, and the mum II which the pronoun m In!" About. the lunar m n putty oat-In M tho you will to built. All pull-Ill- nry work. which has been In W melimo,huboondonoon00 quiet. B. 1‘. Johnson. who lulu ill Chm. Micah and '10-le- not. b bound the enterprise. hauls. no cicada rad, um will am but rum that In to In mm a” sum county with u View to mm the out ml button. The council ol-o voted to «limit to the people a proposition for issuing $25,000 in bond- to pay I judgment for 817,850 Ind interest tor ' the Alton woterworll company and other bills. Judge Humphrey o! the United at- district court in reported to hove that in ovont of o (more of the bond ineue.the council would ho obliued to pay the VW bills in some oth- or way oud might be sent to Joli for contempt. Alton City Celine" Diem-I00 De. ' of Dell Telephone. new» citycouecilheetehee-Iv the fight at the electric“ wot-W III- ion ueieet the Bell telephone in Al- ton. end hee decided to discontinue ell public inetmmnte. including the In devertmente end the police heedcur- tere. This ectiou will deem! one o! the principel iire elem eyeteme in the city. The. roe-on eeeined ie thet the Bell eompeny has declined to ecceht e prone-Mon or the electrical workere’ own No To umo'n wouxuma film. In Wu um mun. Au 5 cut «a mum. Mummu m wwwmmmwmr m4” . 13”me um mum“ WM. n .q .. § 1 up... _ num' huh ' til m’m t out w hows-plug. It“ _, urtuoutdgm tuna-tour boon Mi ‘ ”mambo-My “ lnuudmwm ‘ womanly-ornate WWII-140W * in; thoflhyflfllllll: . “Juuouuldomm 301!!de tu- mm m M? um wlmouttumm. Manama”. cu: Mono than minutes to 1 EM an un mfi mg

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