Downers Grove Reporter, 10 Mar 1904, p. 2

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be! emu-(ant which vm give -v / It the It. Loan exposi- m for St. 1mm. , he m1!- nd banding: at the Be. no. Wm, hit and DrMng associa- .. flatware sold u auction for $13,000, I‘m! ofthe mortgage. The Inlr .m will be malted and the . ti! «Mail on .1 int]. "13-2 “(on email, Canndhn hinlster Uh Int-for: In. Emma. Mrs. Kidd ‘ ll:- hem... daughter of the _ ‘ mm of flnnnco, ire In Louis «to: I month‘s vmt through 110 «actor! oi the Auden" of fin. Arts n Phil-dolphin have “an? no no!!! medal of honor in John a Alon-am of Chicago. The medal. in John E. Converse. is me’m’ for high Artistic I to In American painter or Icliptor exhibiting at the undemy U meats! in It. permanent ml- ltcflol. Ir. Alanna-rs contribu- th in the current exhibition is the his. cum "Memories" with (our mm mm in his chancterlstic 35 . rah-m, thick rel-Med verdict u the Int. 0th under meg of dot!!! (1 II the murder. unto-.0. Harman-previou- um magnum- me, in In . unoc- condition. [All- 0. Humo- m cultured tn hmudlml‘lmlforth. wm lei-Ink vu shout lash-fly III“ .l Ill it“. In. Whit" “I! do! by MI mm. I am W. A! Emma. Ion. Whit. Is .â€" h-d. Io. he chanting oc- W I n loam hon; 'MMG‘I’MIGW ”(Midway‘s-loaning“ d nun-m. W. Vs. Clad of M. h- {M W m Kenn. Ion- _ “.130 mm; dooeeud mil- .. I}. lamp, who bu -. Man 8:. 1mm, am. from . “Kenna Bey, governor m Pdeatlne. has prom- lo M In. world' I Mr. Keazlm ’ 0. Ion of the governor of the Km city of Mecca. Mr. m; 3‘. Ipont three months in “It! Back. sand 0. wu mull- h killed in n elm-tor at Helm. I. HI- elotblu in man In I not an. on the bolt III III body duh-d b m h a. revolving nut flm H. mm:- ol Gale-m la n “ID-r o! a eon-nu. “would by m: mm 0! Win Col- “- b mm a ”30.000 [Ind {of dam It. 5‘“de [or that mum M" Barri-m- lnlu placed . (to find II on lineu- mm”! W a: Clutch. 110.. Ind nun-led ID «on of m tugged unlit on He- an: and himself at not!“ by Ian- undry employ“ In Ill'luloo Inn may become mum at tho lam Workm' lam-flood Ink): and Inn and. A don-Id lot n my- MMIr run-t and w for mom-u TI. lunar, own" on. have In CID-hum. Ind I! In tho Inclination d the union" to "(no the do "A. hots-1M1 boom-nun- By the largo-l vote for pmldnt In 00 history of tho luoclnuon John P. Whlu. 3 young labor loader from Oil-loan captured ml. ollco and M Maul! It the head or (no 03!!“ llnovorlm of [own Rev. Russell H. Conwell, D. 1)., w tor of the Bonus: temple of Phllndel- uphh. docum- Ont modern churches are dying Ilowly, but surely, because a! Indlfloronco or pastor- and congro “that "There Ire too many mou~ mu,” he an. “too may ounce!- and duet-Ins phones of creed. The Mull . tint the parent church to 01:1. The only rouon that. the m mu goe- (o church novmdur b because he knows that his but [m h than The Young loo'l Christi-n mention I: more prosperous nun the church, became It 1- undo turns. the mu: in book- and "mu-luau m . true Christan lptrfl." ' wamemu John M. Glover has I!“ am to! $150,000 damage: tor ~:fibp: pprleonment Ignlnst Governor I'm-lovem mining companies ’3! of the Colondo mum: as "e use]! or his arrest during the min- strike. me exceeding 33, 000.000 against the defunct E. J. Arnold Investment (bunny or St. Louie will be qnuhod I! the order of the referee In bank- ruptcy In the test case or D: A. W. Wmhnn of Little Rock to recover In Investment of $8,250 In ensulned. home at Baltimore and In .vho m allo shot. I3!!!“ f JAPAN RULES THESE‘A Mung tho Vllu Riv". Shanna, March T.~â€"1‘here In a con- mnt movement of urge Rm: force: along both hunks of the Yllll river. when miles of fortifications are being constructed. The Ice in the m a mu than: enough to but m This gronuy {Inmate- oper- Rania Maul", Troop. I! this was the object of the Jam new It is believed to hue failed sig- nllly. u the batteries did not fire a shot, and if the squadron is In port It couid not be seen from the Japa- note posmon in the bay of Umrl on account at the hlgh land which rises from the coast on that lMe, obstruct- ing the view of the harbor. It I: “parent the Jam-«e wen fluid to risk exposing thdr chips to the plunglng fire of the lund hatterlos, and It Is considered probable here that the stack was really for the pur- pose of drawing the fire of the Run- slan tom. compelling the Russians to dlncloao the postman Ind caliber of their guns, and also for the purpose of lscertalnlng whether the Russian squadron Is in port. Later at night mute dispatche- were received to the else! that In nasal-nu were killed. four alien and the wife of n engineer. “mum-drum! d Walkman Did um. Hm h Rush“. St. Peter-burg. lurch 7.â€"nrst an patches from Mimi denied In! losses to the Russian forces on the Inpume bombardment. Later In the evening It was unnamed that ”up: 0 low Chinamen no been Mt. Thematic: «Wuhan»! m manommmmhoflm of- hostile fleet “(I the We! ntuck duriu the any. M It refilled mace". no Rum. but cost the only M.- 000 ruble- (SIOOM) In uni-won. lost 0! the "cinema can u: and "eluted. nholb. Th mug-{Quezon l m The James. In toned I'l 2:10 p. I. and the enemy rented In no di- rection of Auto“ hind. Bmmlm only two tarmac) but! lumen up neared mt Auto“ III.“ and ('0 nor. near (by. land. The Jay- I- slips wen muted in) ice. no nus-m mums. eon-mad by 00in. Verona" Ind AW. 1!. not reply. unsung - char ”met: at the enemy. The nest approached from the d!- recflon ot Askold Island, at the cut entrance to that! bay. ubout thirty two miles nouthetst o! Vladivostok. Entering Usurl buy the enemy formed in lino of battle, but did not A fleet or five Japaneu butloshlps and two‘lcmlsen nppoared on Vlad!- voumk Inch 6 and bombarded the town and shore batteries (or fifty-five minutes. Thanh. lurch s.â€"-There has been a three dau' bombardment. at inter VIII. of Port Arthur. on Monday, Tues- day and Wednesday. The Japanese amps first fired 1mm e range of fifteen kilometers distant from the forts, and then reduced the distance to seven kilometers (about tour and one-third miles). Isolation of Port Arthur ls Complete â€"â€" l'likado’s Forces Advancing on Strategic Pointsâ€" ' Chinese Becoming Restless AMERICAN WARBHIPS IN EASTERN WATERS. no naval nomination mum. ed In (ha-o “quiche- v- pun-ll! decided um today. The. mun pmlnm of human lunch. Vntln~ Penn and Urn. no included In the plan. (to m an!“ being no Bay. on m out «out 0! ammo": Kant. no launch; toward Mann. m Ille- fmm' Onun. wllh the la- leutlou o! ultimately ranching Hun- chu. o- "to m bank at the Tnmen river. than :00 miles west of VIM"- vonok. and threatening the num- Ilnk. In order to cheekmue [his now no Run-n mm. 1,500 strong which neatly created the Tune: ls tan-cm to occupy Koyryoug. on the Timon river. . walled city command- lng the mm “on. which the hou- “O DISC ml. in than tut :- to ho curled by , ' army I: um. I- the u no 00:0” IMO Mn. loam. lurch 7.~lem from vudlvouoh m m: the 2,500 up an. troops who had“ at mum The Runslan forces at Linoâ€"Yang number 68.000 Infantry and cavalry. The only troops at Port Arthur uo much embarrasses the Russian mili- tarruuthorities st New-chiming, who thus find themselves short or rolling stock. There are other signs 0! Chi- nese disanection. Native merchants are withdrawing deposits from 'the Russo-Chinese Bank at Peking. and Russian notes have not been accepted there or in Shanghai transactions for weeks past. Russisn agents in Tian- Tsin, Choice and other ports are try- ing vainly to obinln supplies, and there is an increasing shortage It ell headquarters. The Russian troops at Mukdon and Newchwang also are auflerlnx severe- ly tron: the intense cold. SACRED INA“ TO “COMPANY fiUOSIAN ARMY. JEBMEBDVE REPORTER. tom the picture in coward with in» atom tunes. TM- (km E 11“qu that accompanied Alexia, Peter the Gran. Ind Marauder l. at m with not! Ilium in my M: We. The died at. tom's um to I an In often to render her more be underlngly elusive, u neglect o! l nimble blow between an em nae: one no "than" mu. Putt Armor. Vlmflvmtok. the ma Inverted by the lint Chlnm m!- mod Inc! the Blmvntchemk and Tumult-l Incl Amm- lenunflos have been doelanw! In n «no of shun. 0m. Dnmniml, former mvorum general of Kiel, declares um Port Arthur Imm be vacuum by to“: "my and any. He an m. u Ill opinion when mum“ began. on he in; summoned to BL Manna. but his new. '9“; not ”proved. In new of (his much Hallo ll attached to Viceroy Male! {at his conduct 0! thin at Port Arthur. at Pumhm. In!“ tâ€"Port Ar- thur II to In Abundance II tho In“! rumor hm. it the how- lu-r mom in (in rough country when the Contact cavalry la of mu. value, will noun the Inn ilmvlud mm at tho China. who will lead u no“ tad halving bud. for their Inc-hurl“ Domain In him. Dollar and bran-r rldcn uni Ishtar: than the Goal-uh. Rumor Thai PM Adm" The am bl; had victory fur (ho Juana-e. which I- won (an likely Tbo occupaflon by the Japanese! or the (armory am may in naclpcl- In the meantime tho lap-nun sec-m to have decided to mnke an advance In strength along the Pakin roadway tram Seoul. Her ion-en already han- advancod iron the Korean capital and. lining secured the Yaln river, may will threaten Klrlu. cutting "in railway and menacing Viadlvoatok. whim another lore. deal. with the Llaoiunu peninsula whim tho.rixur of winter bu modonlod. hi I. Beyond Dispute. Choi’oo. March 4.â€"-1‘ho military and naval position 3! present is briefly as (allows: Although Japan has lost one small cruiser and the machinnry o! n battleship and another vessel hau- been damaged, these latter no prob- Ihly now fully repaired. In any case. Japn‘n possesson complete command at the Yellow am, and will through sea power effectually blockade and iuolnlo Port Arthur. anan‘u Supremacy on The can"; condition in causing grave anxiety, as It. In feared that his mind may give wu. St. Petersburg. March 5.â€"â€"Tho czar and cwinu are reduced in a deplor- able state of mind by the war. The czar is constantly praying with Father John of Cronatndt, the mira- cle worker and the most influential personage religiously in the Greek church, sud is sending propiilatory on'erings in xii direction to the la- mous shrines. Fear Car's 'Mlnd May Cossack scouts report that s Japan- ese column from Piaksin, Bay. on ur- riving in the snow~hlocked defile oi the mountains separating Korea from Manchu-la, was Iorced to halt owing to avalanches and other obstacles. The scouts any thnt one~third or the strength of this column is invslided. I! is now supposed that the column is returning for the purpose at seeking an easier mute. strengthening of the crew- ot the Pacific squadron. am Why Under 3min. n to lo ADM-Coma. Hull-id cablegnm: An Andalusian engineer nmed Joseph Hernando: bu 111mm Ill electric photographic MIG which in Iblo to prlnt 10,000 pm my In electric curl-nu. New York dispatch: Miss Sandal Iflllken. the actress, was muffled to Cuba French Stoddard of New 5% van. She Is the daughter of Judge . L. Klmken of WIahlngton. She ro- tlrea permanently from the sage. ‘ Tho House had tinder considnatinn the indlnn appropriation hm. Durin the [antral cit-hate Mr. Martin (Hfip.. .. D.) spoke on his resolution directlng the SM:- rotary of Commerce and Labor to invos~ tI ate the onus" of the difloronrms w ich exist between the price of live cattle and dressed ML He Oppos-od an appeal to the forfeiture clause of the Sherman anti-trust inw. Mr. Stanioy tKy.) maria In urgent 3pm] for rv‘iint at the bonds of Congress {or the tohaoco own-s and toner! in the tobacco firm-i. ie claimed competition hm! been ria- ntrnyed by combination: of capital. Mr. Robinson mm.) declared n monopoly ex- lsts in the coal business in the imiian Territory. and laid the subject should no Investigated fixative Departmmt of (Tommi-ca and La . Tm- contravened features of the main trill went over. The Home confirmed the right of Mr. on one ton-er mm, my!" m'mw’é'r below In! mm me "Mann“ denial. A am Cl QM nu amnion («In low“. dnlnc which Ir. "Nathan. m- mlmnfly no". «menu Waldo-n: “mull to? having Invited Booker T. \Vnam on to n I!" .1 Ms (INC. er romnul n Webb lull Ir. (’lewlnml had boon l man of the negro. but nevar had held on! to Mn! the no of mlnl «unalâ€" ‘hyml‘r. I'lltl’l'm In obprllgn’ h) the ‘np nnwn lnmlomtmwu met um- "I: mate-non! out llwro run"! he no 4mm. but umfled mat a cumin-nu would not be amlntd I posh inns!" on the PIcMc mast. The home tanned I DH?!“ 01 ColumMa appro- prlnmm m and took up the lndlan ap- prlallon N'll. PM, March 4. Prune-ll the entlro um of the 9m- Mn was ven Io mama-mum M (he qumlnn of the Momma of n me for a naval tnlnlnx Mallow: on the es! lakvx A blll was pas-9M ave-ending C law (or- ornln leaves of absence of pom-ma cm- ploy In the oxmluve Omrlments. ll women", rxclndes Sunday. and legal holldnn rum "to lhlfly days' annuaL lonve of mrh mplayn. and ”tenth «he law an M (n make n cow-r the rlorln and employe! M the ovornmnnl printing om". Mr. Foster ( ash.) lmrnducml a hlll mnflrrnlnt the grant of fight of way to m» Northern P-clflc Railroad and It: “ICOFSFOTS. In n». house was road I bmv {mm Orr. r" Cleveland 00 Rey-mutant. W'hh n! Norm Carolina don mg mm 1. H. 1‘ Taylor mam. had that with Mm at Me ":1! on” ville In was [urn-l- ck- gen ‘0, no «enlulw mm Jog-n. r M! en! Ma npulngv rnr alumni four hour! I)» a: mu- uh": lutmlmll on an! an the mu M an"... mhlkm ", Mus-ml :- IMa ”nu n! lvlhkfifl. IM'MW IN pollrr at "w- !‘nlu-d MIN-n "I IN I'M'Ipplnvu Anl Ih- Nnuo-hmnm war. Mr "an Ir. uh-I'm I»! mo mnnl hm. crmdoM "yo plane M ”w Mtfl haunt up lending In .m nub “ Inynnd the Mn 0' Mn- enum- tn: M7 Inlne. flr‘ 1m. and Mr I'm NM dorm "I- mu-nl amt-v". My Lady! tied-rd a burn "Ivy '»<slnll;~l to tho manning-nu n! n. ”r Hun-y MM M GM not m. r "n- hhl awn» mam". mn‘m, "ma! by "In M". an "one!" and" nut mm mm I‘m-r 0mm. no. Mam. nun-4nd I at ml- Orv. nu ma om" Mar-us fueling In I. r ans-um. Ir howl-mu ol li- «mnu "(Mural :- molmlun Much": mo and." M mom and bah-w to "mum! at M" and Iwhflnuv W "n- um- Mr 1-! ‘0' ml: rm Ibo l‘rlh Inf l-hn -, u-Ia Ilr “mu In! urw‘ .a um "mum: "not. of no! .II‘V‘N‘H" I.” Inm- uhlrh on Inn-h I. mu war! It Iva-Al h- IM" OM [Mufti-um runny»: "min 0! 1M I'Impfim. cunt“: w MM:- I. .m u-‘lnry. Thu tum-o durum! M "Mr m rull'quf- um- o! "M mum-l a! Human“. um"... "mm M" In rmmmurr u! "14* Inch nu did on! ram-luau Arum! all Ihn an I" an. ll amends-d "w- bill by ‘Innnhnnu' "no no on to In lhc Inn-"mun nun-n \I'Mrh ”It! In rimmed ma DI-uk! of "Mumm- or tom-Mm ”twin or [or «I- (phwl In pm.“ rggkkgfrf u to? )5 The senate ed iho hill requiring the use or Amer can vessels in transporting government supplieu by a. voio of 35 (o 17. Mr. Cal-muck altered a series 9! unendnmun. .u of which were tabled. as was also one b Mr. Newlnnds. Al he request of Mr. .odge. the bill requir- ing the use of American vessels in trans- porting merchandise between the United State. and the Phill pine-s and relieving vessel. engaged in i. o interlslnml trade or the Philippine. iron the requirrmenia at the coastwlsa law- oi the Cu to}! States was taken u . An amendment fixing July 1. 1909. as t c lime when the nut shall take effect wu voted down, 13 to 33. An amendment deterring the time in July Senator Oallinger introduced a hill in- croanlnr ihe nudes o! the execuiivo at- ricer: of the government and senator. nd representatives. The house concluded general avhaio on the District of Columbia ammmrmiiun hill. A variety of subjects oiIn-r than the bill were discusud. Haprcso-mnlive McDermoit or va Juncv liilri'iliii'iul u nwulullon nmcndlug the onusliiuimn by llmliiuz the number oi‘ i-nprcm-nuuius In congress nfu'r wit to :0. lei slum io have at least onr. ltvpn-n-"ileivn anherd (310.) introduced a nmuhuinn directing lhiv [muse commideo mu i'licr- line and forelxn commerre in immu- rule "in charge. of «hi mom or “\I‘ "U'k‘k liml they are no! fairy lrmini M the rullroml comnnnimi of the that, 'i -r hill ulrin ihr um.- I u! ruuurI-un in rp- imwa ni' ronirluiiuns fmm iI..- MiL nl‘ i-mmi Inn-in on (In‘ I’m-nilup IvfldrlJllill iil “’nnhlngmn wais pmwml. Wndnuday. March 2. Th! unziio look up the lnii i.r llm all 'lllllll’lll u! Hm Linn Hill‘ in ' tho '1 ry hilllllfflfl In llw INFHI‘ i lulilll' 1-10, 1nd Ii wan drlmlud n! i‘i, 'i'iw hill (or ihi‘ reguulmu ul i'i.Il' llu mlp. ping uni Hm [Wino nil .ul‘b'i'! .-1 man -i- vii-(lull. ll hmughl up u min-uni! r-n- rml din-uninn n! 1hr I"|.“h|-llll‘ «pi-«unn‘ nml Inn-a :unvn-lml mi .in in “"01 in!“ I \.1r llir limi- uh". ih.~ lull rim” him what. .\i Mr )i-‘lar, u mug-.41.”. ”Iv I-ill wru- m il'l'iilv’l'tl .u m .x :m pup- pl].- rnr Ilia mmv 4m! uuy m. .H In pm. \t'ill rr-niik-i ultii lin- l-ill I».nll.|ll|isr um durum. m u( gnu rqu-‘m mu...“ .. .\ i-.,;n nun-inf n' |.(n.u.~ [nu-la" in! q -u~ luv-nil rim-Mar iilqir'rh Ii'lll- . mil [I- m-Iiilnr: ilw l-mflnn ”I Inn]: In the while 11' V-iul-ILI ' m: luirpuu‘l anti imr -.i- mm- Ihr Mn «1 . 4 "ml mnirvui by our pry-an umirr iiw film‘- u ul LI.‘ 'rhc unnn mm |"-- I‘II'I“ ”in" uni-inn u- p-‘vnuu )lr Fp’iv-v In u-nmvi Ilia i‘ulmn INA'V hum ii-- awn: minn- an tun-inn uni-nun.- Speck] Correspondents Tall of the Buslnon Transacted by Senatorl and Reprucntatlvn In Seulou I} the Clplul. OUTLINE OF DAILY ROUTINE Review of the Legislation Be- fore Both Houses of Congress. ENABTING [AWE Fflfl THE NATIIIN Electric Photo Prlnflng. Actreu Man-kn. ”uni-y. luv” 1 Tuenday. March 1. Paris. «Magnum: The 1.1me M "shes a 111th tint am 3'1“ Ind hound hem" not tom mtfl’ Indapendnu at “that and M‘. It In! m . mm m Chfllicothe, “0.. dispatch: Gordon Kiles. aged 28, shot his young wife twice In the bend end once In the If. and then fired two bullets Into hf.- selt'. one entering the bend and no other the body. Kflu will dto. Resigns College Premium, Oxford. 0, dispatch: Dr. Lent 3. McKee has resigned the presidency of the Western Female college. 8110 will be succeeded by Dr. Lillian W. Johnson of Memphis. Tenn. Dr. no Kee 'm be married In June to J. I. Welsh of Kama City. Prominent Cont Operator Declare. That Fear 0' Stu-Ska It Over. indianapoits. ind‘. dispatch: A prominent Indiana coat 0mm In Imlmrity tor the stntement that tho miners and npcrators cf lldinna. m1- nois. Ohio and western Pennsylvania have come to In ngreement- on tho wage scale (or the coming year In! that there is no chance for a strike. He stated that the agreement I“ reached, Imt rr-rrory was maintained in order to arra‘nge the details for It. ratification. The terms are said to b. 'a reduction of 5 cents a ton from thc present scaie and a decreaso in the! labor of aimut 6 per cent. Lfluny Denim tn Canadian ”can“ Came Main. .0 PIN In Torr". WIunipc-x. "an, dispatch: Tn} you Ind (rulers coming from (Do not": remfl tmihle “nevi-x amon- tho Indiana (mm lick of food mm! . mrge of smallpox. M Isl. de Gran um, deaths are rovoflod. Goa-ml.- ulna" lam! n' ”In Indian department MM I relief expedition. lemma!“ by mounted police. under the mullet! direction 01 Dr. McCllloIflI of 81m. ford. He his sent back word um (I. epidemic Is 0! mam prmrtm than It fin! rewind and request: I larger supply of vaccine. The Innu- In fleeing from the Infected drama and an spreading the disease. M'NERS REACH AN AGREEMENT OMALLPOX AMONG THE INDIAN. Only mmmu 0' sum Aunt. “on. In Now Body. New Yuck dlupalch: humus" «In: have bun at m for the (mm.- “on o! I mm! body (a be manna. n! (bound-r10")! nllthaomplnnn‘ “Manon- In New You. Tho pio- mu In to bring than Into clean no mention In dull-l with the labor unions. to that (be handling 0! all Inn-actions bet-"n Ibo amnion" and the taxman: may be It“!!! «maimed. I! u- mnond am union mu (hut um man I’ll I). In! nap in um Mrrcflol o! no Imu- nmukm 0! a" "In omnhycn‘ no rlathml In New \‘mll, but Ihh VII nmnmnflnlly «mun: by leading a- Mayan. The unrelum In the no. .ruMuHcm 'Ill mm! Invalid ram“! 00 ”00.0%.000. . EMPLOYERS‘DENV ANY MERGII/ Romantic Color Given Sequel to (M Sickroom o! l Sanitarium. Baillo Creek, Michigan. dispatch: Nurseai the husband, was nursed II! the wire and K0" hi married to the widow is llw unique record 0! Will .1. Johnmm. lie wax once nurse. at I nanitarium here. but now is the hill- bumi or the widow of J. W. 8am. I wealthy n-al oat-lo denier n! ”on? ion. Tex. Sum came to liw mun-r- ium two yours am in! lrculmonlq .lnhnunu unx unlined In his cu. and Sam crow gruuliy nlluhml in lb. yum: "mm When Sum returned (0 Newton ho Mixfli Johnson lo ‘0 with him. Julmmm h-ll ill and Mn. Bun mmuwi Mm. 8.1m dim! and Joint nun n-lmm-ni here. Mn. 83m lulinwod lmi ihe'y wrro mnrrimi. 'l‘hny luv. lull [or limhlun on liw In! in italic inrnil. nits-m they will live. Julio- um in :0 year: and ill: wit. u. rlbes 6h; point of order. There was a spirit comes! over the question or the maln- lemma.- af a wan-housi- nt Omnhux 'l'h. poslnflloe aflmopri-ulon hm was repay-led. Abill far 4 v relirf of seniors with!" "I. llmlts u! lhe pram nf land to dim Azlnntlo and rum" Runway company in NI. Ilexlco "an pasted. NURSE MARRIES AGED WIDOW The house passed the Indian appropria- tion bill me: some controversy relutivo r to provisions «fleeting tribes in the 1113‘ Glen Territory. An unsuemsful effort was made by Mr. Ste hens (Texas) to eliminate the provision or coniinuin: "I. Dawes commission nnoihor year. Amonl the important amendments adopted were those removmz restrictions on (he dil- position of lands 0! Houses in the In- diun Territory who a e not of fuii indiu blood and vesting authority in the necro- lar of the interior heretofore resting wit the Dawes commission in the mat- ier of the saio of lands belonging to (ho Creek indium. The provision authorit- imr ihe rentingr oi' cerinin lands in RM indian Tex-rim which have been allot- imi la (nil-bin indium! oifi number of v‘nuvu vuuv wuuuu lvw vu- executlve and judicial up opria'iion bill- A bill wu pulsed author sin; the Proli- ilent ta nxtend an invitation to the nur- national can at hygiene to meet in! Wauhln on a 19m. The nuv-lagpropflfi tion bil was taken up and the d Icus untamed I. fiolltical expect. Mr. clay “01 that the onroe doctrine was not danger and that nothing in so likely to make trouble with other power! as .- immense nav manned by mnny am tioua men. r. Depew replied to Mr Clay and declared that the country wllii have a [at merchant marine some tint. and ehonl have a navy b? enouwh t grotect It. Mr. Hale nsserte that uhou span be succeulul in the present we! the United States would ilnd more dun to commercial internsts from that am i- tlous power than any other. The amend- ment proposed by Mr. Qunrles to the committee amendment for a. naval lu- tlan on the great lakes wan accepted. an the orlglnnl amendment as amend agreed to. Mr. Fornker gave notice thnt on ’l‘huredny. March 31. he would ask the senate to conuider resolution: of ream! lag: fienpior Hanna. , ‘ Illn- on!“ run. to h! I. mbflc‘a‘n’t hid «mg-ted I: m ‘ 8D Saturday. March I. The lull-to agreed to the "port of tho cor-torque. committee on the ! mauve..- -v.-..n... .na (“mam nnmnmln Inn hi] WI" Not lion-co 70mm. Shoot- HII Young wm.

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