Downers Grove Reporter, 17 Mar 1904, p. 6

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1.1.3! this overwhelming duke of ‘W Dove there wu mind but ‘0 W00 enduring rmlmnre of i m" will. nlhnt_ not strenmm‘ ' ' , but nm-hnngm. To IN med pie-ding: the girl almpiy I that [In had no heart to give love of Impurities: My buried m of Wuhan-g. In the (It "I Ion troubled days. 119"an a Ind. Med. pennllesn. her m» M m: at the Very pom! of ' »- ,Mfflndl www.m- = holes and anti-eyed. her ' wofll mourned. Ihe Md ien a! hope of 1 liter lawman. ‘ Mod to her only the mem- :_‘ [I put. the honor that the V 7 7” traditions which she mutt 1-H. m- «an 219 in QMPTER xvaâ€"Conflnuod. the swift current of humanity “training up uul down the cattle m. the reputluon of the Halfway . wu can-led tar and near; and ‘ It fit! Infle- an: and west, for on; W mile: north Ind south. the Mt! of the girl at. the Halfway Home was nutter 0! general story. About her there new I saga o! the ”i “no. Ind also was spoken at with m from the Brno: to the Blue. W a rude ‘cowmln made long pl!- I'fllm to verify rumors he had W of the personal beauty. the per- 10.3! l'oetneu of nature. the personal _ Meal 0! heart, nnd yet the personal We find dignlty of this new god~ “u, whose like was not to be found h all the wide realms of the range. 1*: to lower. an came the mmdnte I huh: m that undying speech lochnnge from the begin- cum “commuting. “the“ girl. Her tune in .W Mai Im the city In voiced by m the Mr“ It :71: Indeed her in on bond Ip from the pflnted ”a. He dared to! bow. um yet fink fro- th. thought that he must I... having '13:: lethargy must also ”It In- ml. He heard so clearly .- "oot. imperious summons which fi the wound minimum put upon ul- ‘u ”are; nm to mull. to I“; ma. In love, to mrvlvo. A: i. “live" unto tree, as lower bf lam lm Ikm mm Mar 0! “a. all this wu mklln'n hale con- dmuu. Yet .n day n ho mm M. '11 mt In M- Inhcnnsclous- II- 0. mm of this proud and 000.11.. «a an Mm. In. B": tho necked mum 'IIh um- Ild In file: cerium, nun ”mg-ml Yet. fun! run. ”my never ran fm her min-m when _hef lint I'flnklln wn taming. am ‘5 “I" better "in ) human!“ h. Urdu It)" mfofll'n Influ- Inhedldmudunhntbe ml mind, fmklh Iona no. In: I *0 "mum-d nick-at main“, b not 80 I'll! Mane" 0! and: ulna- * a mu rem-Ind; at! In re- “ [than that be '0‘!!! mum n- C I! but he had boon muted n I‘w mb of these rude, ullent, nwk- ‘m my riders. who summered in Ill speech except to men or horses. old 'ho stumbled In all locomotion but M of the saddle, Mary Ellen had a an“ loot In her soul, never ceanln b wonder :- also did it the customs “l Winona of thelr Ill’e. Paln they how not. fear they had not. Ind duty In. their only and. They toId her, «fly on children. of deeds whlch In cloud I shudder. now set ting- Ilg the full blood of enlhunlum, and "load up unoonu-Iounly to her vlew o M. field of hnlxht-ernntry, who“ pumice not umgely clone with lho .0“ human o! her own euller land and this. They were knights-amok. and hr all on the Kllluvlllc lnll (hero on but one lady. Al [or Edward Frnnklln Mule". he an“ no! In his moments of tilde-t mush nun hlmu-lt to n pl-co In, honor than um wooded elch mm. D. of tho clam who rallied about this “or: Indy transplanted to tho Valera gluon. napalm-a In his am mum, lawman Munro; hurl. in“. out w the quick on much II M- m (la-aloe“ uud lluure Io make M “60mm . u'oiicu. AUTHOR out THE s'ronv or 'rm; cowuoi WWW. WHI‘MJ. u l. h D. Anti-Wu- a- Canuaau. Win )0" 'l am am a “homerâ€"om um - mu" .1 ll Ibo Iclul Everywhere was shown the Anglo- sum: love of land. Each nun had his querteroection or more. Even Non. the weitrene at the hotel, had 'Med on a quarter,” and once In per ‘mm A month or so would "reside“ there overnight, n few faint furrows in the no" (done hy her detoted admirer, Bum) penning an thone leul “improve- ments" which should Inter give her title to e portion of the earth. The lend wen penning into nevereuy. mm- in; into the hand! of the people who Inhaled It. who Ind lflven out thnle who ’m ind been its oécu pence. The lndienn were now cleared V “A ,’ . '1’"! In"! nm In lllllnflnl!!! qu-uun: ul all“: and precious stones in the region which in known by the name of the "Valley of Kingn.” and there the first excavation will be made. The their will not. be easy since the country to be searched extends over 00.000 square lengneni I Mil-lawn Typewriter. The smallest typewriter ever mnnu~ tutored wu nude in Almeria i‘onr- teen years no. It wee tonr inche- hy threeinchen end weidhed (our end a halt ounce: Tale. union: Grew. Unionist: 'H ”on United Butch " ‘ hum“ a. n9“!- ”0-000 The railroad mun} which lonnoi. on Ellinllh hut within itu hoard of nth rector! a availed "Land and Improve ment Company." which latter company naturally had the tint knowlmlav M the named location 0! the dilerent towns along the advnnrlng line. When iht' sale of town lots was thrown open to the public. it was always discovered that the Land and llnprnvement (tom- pany had already mnrml the. heat ol the property in what was to be the business portion at the town. In the use 0! Elllavtlie, thla inner corporaâ€" tion knew that there wan to he lo cateni here a railroad division point, where ultimately there would he car shape and a long pay roll of employee. ‘ Such a town wan sure to prosper much ‘ more than one depending solely upon agriculture for its support. an was to he the later history at many or moat of these hr Weatern towns. Franklin, given a hint by a friendly ofleinl. in- vested as he was able In town prop erty in the village of Elilsville. in which truly it required the eye of faith to see any prospect of great enhance ment. Betimen he became owner of a quarter-section of land here and there in «mm of mmmluions on scales. He was careful to take only such land as he had personally seen and thought in for farming. and always he secured land as near to the railroad as was possible. Thus he was in the rank. oi those fnreneeing men who quietly and rapidly were making plans which were later to place them among those high in the control of aflairn. Ethan" and laying the [mud-Hon 0! Inn Man. In: aim to had "pfiflfil up” In- clam nd med an In“ perm-on"). having nflea and minor" In tho grunt (km! not»! which was the dude! o! the (one: o! luv and order. of m and clvmn- tlon In (M: In“. Poor medicine as it is. work was ever the heat salve known for a hurt‘ in; heart. Franklin hetook him to his dnily work, and he saw success attend his labors. He felt growing in his heart the stubbornness oi' the man of property, the lnndholciinx man. the man who even unconsciouaiy plans a home. resolved to cling to that which he has tnken of the earth's surface (or his own. He knew that this pvrlervld time could not endure. knew that the sweep of American civilization must cupy all this land As it had all the lunch; from the Alleghenles to the plains. lie foresaw in thin crude new ‘region the scene of a great material lactiviiy. n vut industrial developâ€" ‘ment. it needed no great foresight to reaiiu tint nil this land, now In wild And cheap, could not long remain valid and cheap, but muut lollmv the binary or values as it hut been writ ten up to tho edge: at Ihlt time and‘ pince. J 0! In bull-ea 01 an actual sort there was next to none .4 Ellluvllte. all the tranmttonl beta: )1: "ltd, Ind: Ind Illd cutlo. but. In did I“ IttoI" my: 0! the flue, Franklin becnme broker baton be new to be prom» Mount mull Fortunate In m-urtng the handling 01le nllma lull-I. he mm block utter block a! wild tum! to the nothing men who came out to the “front" to mm; of (Iran and cattle nation, m- on pmflta 1m law-stud ml: In land. Tim. M curly lunml blmelf making much now than - llvv “Providence dld not bring me lmre to marry you," she said to l-‘ranklln keenly, "but to tell you that I would never marry youwnevor, not even though I loved you. as I do not. I am at“! a Southerner. am all] a ‘rebel.’ Moreover, I have learned my lesson. I shall never love agaln." destroyed her people. and banished her in (Ms fa'r wandering from the land that. bore her. Mil-lawn Typewriter. The smallest typewriter ever mum» fatal-9d was undo In America four- teen years no. It It: {our Inche- hy “"9011ch m wetdhed (our and a hit one“ ":3th Trauma. While studying In the British Mu- seum a papyrna which was published 4.000 years before Christ. an Egyptol- nxist menily found I clear and con- else amount of the treasures which the ailment sovereigns of mm buried in various part; of the Libyan desert. and now an expedition In belng formed In London for the purpose of searching for this wealth. The nec- essary lllnda have already been re cnrerl and in a short tlme a few skilled explorers will start (or the desert. where the technical work all“ lye prosecuted under the supervision oi Meant. bake: and Currie. two Eng- lish engineers. The vrlter o! the ancient papyrus can thnt the Phar- aohs hld an immense quantity of gold and precious stones in the region which la known by the name of the "Valley of Kings," and there the first excavation will he made. The task will not be easy since the country to be searched extends over 00,000 square leagues. A almllar (on applied In Rome bad dllrronl manic-quanta”. The bond of "w Russ!“ pollen nmnlm-d there for n whnle tvek without his arrival ho- ln: «woven-d. 0n the evening of "m slxlh day M called on Conn! .Volltloll lo report Mame", to the great Islan- lshmenl n! that nmlnaudm. The, boll: agreed that If the Roman police had no! muted out Ihe head oi the mutant polka force In the world they mm not be depended upon to know much about the nolnxn on of march Is" and nlhlllats. This In alleged to he the (me rum why the car do cllnod m trust himself In the lug of luly‘s domlnlom. Confined uncle's tmmr Tint TM, Wan Awm nod Adm TM l'urh MMuIIdan of [mm Truth M'- (M: “my 0! lb. Inn-Mt In vhkl IM- Rmhu mum-n! Inc. n! no olcmky M mo‘l‘nuch Mm II" pone. I'hl‘l the car in: thou: In VII“ Full. The chic! a! the Run- aha pollen rut act-Ml, In In. Front-h «pull. um. anter- In No quietly by h 3 hotel and out] to m- pod Maul! ll nw 0mm" may a any at - vet-I. BM in mm um been Ihree hour: In PII’H before, "m we? (net of puller lumen 01 Ma nrflul (mm I French detective. At 8'. Pc- Ienlmm they thought IN: a nan-lac- (my malt, lad the Mayor“! pair volt-red m m to Pins and strive down the (Tim-m my” Ilium: an!" Imnnvl lhcll’ um. l-‘rnnklin rebelled from the technical side of the law, not so much by reason of its dry dimcuity as thwugh acorn of its Idmitted weakness, its Inability to do more than compromise; through contempt of its pretended beneiioenceu and its lrequent lnefllciency nnd bunn- tui'neu. in the law he saw plainly the lluh oi the tnkwnstgr, driving all those yoked together in the horrid compact of society. I water inexob nble, unwound, cruel. in it he iuund no comprehension. seeing that it re- unded humanity either an a herd of silver: or I pack 0! wolves, Ind not. ms brethren laboring, whoring. Wr- iormiu; a common destiny. yielding to h common lute. He saw in the law no Actual ammunition o! the individual, but only the ukuowledsmont ot the nminl body. ”than. not down in I «by tuinculotuly rim. plum-d among ulron‘ character: who had nevergyet yioldod up their mil. witnenniu‘ that time which know the in: blue ot than Ipirit or men nluoluicly tree. Franklin Mt hln own noel loop into n punt tor the continuance ot thnt any. soo- lug tin-n that thin might not ho, ho tell nullfllnu'n in tho tin-attain: at how hi~ might mmc tiny. I! himwd by tho pining Ind nunlentnmiinn spirit at thinn. bring out lbmu- iypru. per- pomnia' ihun timvn. and no at lui not them lovingly beta” I mum whirls might at lent vomit-r. llumxlt Ii dill nnl unuivrwtnml‘ Burl: urn his unto sin-um. uni.-rmulntml; tmi, tummy. mmniimo in- nu nugcuniom mun-ix in drum The West was a noble country. and it asked of each man what nobility there was In his soul. Franklin began to grow. As he looked beyond the day of cattle and ioresaw the time of the plough, so also he gazed far forward into the avenues of bin owu life, now opening more clearly before him. He rapidly forecast the possibilities of tho profession which he had chosen, and with grim sell-commence felt them well within his power. luyond that. then, he asked himself. in his curious self-questioning manner, what was there to be? Wherein was he to gain that calmness and that satisfaction which ought to attend each human soul, and entitle it to the words "Woli done?" Odd enough were some of these anil-searchihgs which went on betimcs in the little omen of this plainaman lawyer; and strangest of all m Franklin's mind was the ieeii'g that. as his heart had not yet gained that which was its right, neither had his hand yet talk-n upon that which It was to do. herds of the buflalo.’ The raw or m- ture was changing. The tremendous drama of the West was going on In all its slant “lion. This torrent or rude lite, against which the lands of the law were still so weak and unnvuiliug. had set for It in the ways at things a llmit for its flood um] I time (or its receding. PAID. ILIUTNO WERE .LV. (Tn be mun-NJ ”OWNERS GROVE REPORTER; _ Valuable man. There Ire seventeen news which no more “Mable than gold. pound for pound no pouch of the new pelicnn la hm enough to contain men qutfll Thou Who HIV. Tried I! 30-36 BALI. mm colt! In the hand throat and chat “E am “In Ind pain mummy Don‘t the drugs-m. M can“. Dummy they don‘tmbo hammw-mmmoamkh In!!! of 12 ct. bands. whit-h any know mute-thhum “Huang; Mane-8mm flow from”. The Okmmlo of Rome commun- um. the trolley: of [but city are hr behind those of American cities and that they are often slower than omni- To Supply Comments! Need.- A project Is being prvpared to n!"â€" he systematically. as sources of doe trIc power. the non-nuigabie water course: of France throughout tho country. “Io-suck anmu mm Won't will, break, from» m spat dome-I. Coats H) mm: sud nuts ‘anla warn: of my other Hutu. I your pan-r do“ no‘ keep it send me (or sample in TM laundty Bin- Co.. 14 Mlclum 3mm. Claim. Chunk-ruin It Vonnm. Hr; Ch‘ambeflaln I: Mk! to be u re- matkahly pmflcielt political am manger, ”prodding and knovlng the nine of I dramatic cntrlnco quite as well In Sir Henry Irving or Ir. Beerbohm Tree. My'l m. Mm, nu Luge. A good may editorial [magnum no help; vfluen on the theory «In! Adam-l Dewy In to get the whole at nm "29.721 win money [or m- Snnlsh ship! sun]: In Mull. My. As a matter of (act. II: than will N n“oflicth~020.fl133. no '- Picture-Putnam A Parlslln lady hll no («not than 11.000 pletumpoucnrdn. Slu- conlm‘ plates hula; "cry will and calling at hu- hon" covered win them, and In just nuanced mm It In In hr (mm- and“ no out In yum Io mild-ct 30,000 more dlflerut Ind "Puhflc Oplntun" an of "hen. Not Mad " the Inna work from lhu won or Kllflhl 'l‘n-k. m. P. Putnam'- Ilonl): “It In nolovtonlly lot In ala- nlurly unmcumlwmd (om. Ibo pm- “, Ind malty at m (reflux and the union, (humm- nu ruflm'd hint"!!!- "on o! [In mum“ of human can) “out," Moon and Weather. Spain" or the nnpcmluon that the change: of the moon Innuenco a. router, Prof. Picket!“ point- out um nlnco um noun chins“ "or: seven ad I bl" dun, every change In the weather nun coma wuhln tour any: of n than In the moon. Ind (Mt chum:- will not-mur- lly come within two any: 0! n lunar change. TMy All Iogln With 0. Ever think or the numbct 01' word- beginning with D that are “(mount to the old? Dlstreu. dole-t. depressed. duxnr‘o, degrade. detestable, despond~ out. dull, death. don‘t, down. dark. db- hoanonod. duvu. dtuppoiutod. dreary. donkey, dolly. dun. dunce, deserted. duplicity, diuurbed, dlubled. decay, dunno and dozen. or amourâ€"Ment- lon Globe. We will I!“ 0» llnudn-a Don-n for no can at lot-«(cwum by cuurm thal Hams and flu” Cut-nu Cum. hflnl 1., :r amnion. rm 7 CIIL‘NIH' l (30.. 1051‘. 0. by ken wpmuh-I. u “my cum nub nu dip cued pom-m o! the an 'Lnenl- unlym n I. more deunvu. AM (ha II b umImuu-m-l rem: In. Dolmen ln tuned by All nfllnml muluk-n 0! mo mucou Nola: n! th- Euuuhlm Tube. “Mn lbll who I. inflamed you hum-rumbling «mud or luv pence: hurl... All when I: In anllnly emu-l. Dent- uu II "no result.“ unlau mo lufllmmllhm m b. “In mu, Ind nun who tunnel! to In nmmu candl- uou.hunlx will b. dun-Jed turn"; my. use. out at In on unset! by | ourrh. winch unolmu MIL-u manque-l 901:4!!va on; nus-nu- MAI-tun Burrow Through Levon. Engineers are alarmed at the In- mads that crawflsh and muskrats are making 1n the levees alqng the M13- slsslppl river. The crawflsh burrow Into the levee and the muakrats fob low to catch and eat them. Then tho mnskrala burrow right through the bank, and make so many holes of this kind that. In time of flood a break is likely to occur. ALI: to: BL"! no man”, vrovldlng you will return thls notleq. and I! you will send them 20c In post- age. they wlll.udd to the above a pack- age 01mg itamoua Berllner Cauliflower. 07v. N; U.) '1‘!!!- Ia a remarkable otter the ’0!- A. halter Seed 00.. La Crone. Wit. makeu. They wlll lend you their hl‘ plant and need catalog. together uni enough seed on grow 1,000 fine. solid (:51me 2.000 dellcloul Carroll. 2.000 blanching, nutty Celery. 3.000 tlch, buttery henna. 1.000 splendid Onions. 1.000 rare, lusclous Punishes. 1.000 gloriously brilliant Flowel‘l. This great otter 13 made In order to Induce you to try their warranted seed- -lor when you once plant them you wlll grow no others, and Iota b Dru“. “ht. ur. hunt rm- lov «mun-uh. [fatness Cannot Be Cuted lull! on Golfing n. 30.000 may to. I“ («uncanny-I! J. M. ROUTSON. FIIILA‘IM “Mn-m 00.. “I'Lflm BID BLOOD Can-plea hnrnetlo'n'n 'm an den: I mam-acute o! h an r: slso v mule inform-mm in In ad md nu ind kind In». 33;... go}! ma; "Instr-led. PM M. Loam Hypnnlism Mull}. Innrnnlnnn in "m «lavâ€"Imm- (Omani-Md) 25 cents worth goes as far as 50 cents worth of any bar soap. WISDOM SOAP Don't mm- to write to In. Philo- l! than in «you. about "damn-“mum. Showman“).- vItlkEd-e-udhrufleohtno. lam-em mmmmmmnlmm Mare-14ml... I Finn-0mm“ gamma-aw. mamwwlmni, “cum-yum 4 “Dun Mu. Plummâ€" l-‘nr wvoml mum} was In Mm! mth nvnrun In-uhla and 5 pain mm! In ‘mu'd mmmu. \shivh In [It nw in but put 0! Hm mm. I did so nml u Hugh .1! nprralloo. “I ”3rd lhm‘n'lll h'lmwl‘uw [Untying hr 4 MM? inn. "I!”linK awn-ml In lunu: rv-ln-l umi I Idem! Mm haul Inn-u nun-«l u! mnrlnn ""qu. (h “In NW at our mnnlmnul, fimlurwl am to! IL. I Imk u [an ntnlly {ur llurw munrhu. and It I no end a! um mm mm ghul tn 11va that I “an n we“ \wumn llrallh La "Mun-‘5 hm gm tom and i! you loan It and mu 1mm ll. . . ”mm In Lydia F. l‘lnkhnm'a Vrgflnblo Com- }; um I fwl that I" sunning «nun-n would , xx "fine now u! (NIPâ€"Mat Lawn "cu.- Conj- hr...“- x" nu, (bmmcrchl non-1, Nashville. Tenn. 1. Rural: "um-M hrztzhtztwnrnhmwMoo-ad mm. mart w u 0"nuu ', loin “£3le «Mgr udmxhu noel. 5 Send 4’)! emu”:a Ln“. 3. M" “'0 Velelnblo (Io-m“; “apt no other unJ you will in (bi. Another Case of Ovarian Trouble] Cured Without an Operation. 4 .- “l but nu uhn h. 'hf‘ \m took it H! Um mmur m ”I ‘ _',-.4"\ r1 ”3“. _ r .”r I; “Dun Mu Pnumw :-I am so pleased with the msults obttlnod' tron Lydia 1-1. Plnkluun’l Vegetable Compound that 1 {ml ls a duty: 3nd 1 privilege to write you about it. I “I lullemd {or more than flvo year- with onmn troubles. min-i night]: unpleasant dischufe, 3 great. weakness. null at times a mutua- wo come over me uh oh no amount. at nudlcme. diet. or excl-duo: seemed to gorycct. Your Vegetable Compound found tlu: mk spot. however. mthm a low weeks-mud and mo tro- un opt-muonâ€" I“ my trouble. luul din umd, and l louml mysell once more heath: And wall. “70"!» {all to oucribo tho real, truv, grateful {colitis thu In my heart. and l mat to tell every sick and suffering "later. Don'u dolly with medicine- you know nothln “mm. but take Lydtu E. Plut- Ian'l Vegetable Compound. and min my wonl for lt. you will he a different woman tn a «hurt tinn.”â€"â€"Iluu. Lu n Elam". Wolbru .4“- ALL Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetAbIe comma! .Two severe cases of Ovarian TrouBfe- and two terrible operations aVoided. Mrs.‘ Emmons and Mrs. Coleman each tell how they were saved by the use of Om Adm on la lune om 0%....“ J M.“ «m ‘ I. M pm" lath Gigssua m... "2..., m- M.“ "£14me ...... . . ‘ -.â€"~---- gnu-W's"; Ramona-lo aims-enema; .n all Ilium. I! III-m '01-. Ian. Wm Into price; p m i: mpuu'mvmlrwl. u . . anmomnm‘m 3mm 491m Your Grocers At

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