Downers Grove Reporter, 21 Apr 1904, p. 4

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thou-mute. we. a a. Cancunâ€"«mouths (m . mm-itnn ml, unp- ' 'uhmmmm b'bfloupthmmyud “hymn. the you A“ um h inching ' “uncanny...“ . I 8. ti. 5:31.131: [rip-Luna! .3.- 3., i'IiftIlr 3:: .r. ,l’ltiil.i - ‘83-?! xi! .13... .- ‘ilii II... t F. to. ‘Ilii...l.xi.=u I? Nils-.53.... .7. It... vet'ittftiirzl... .9- Is it! i it: iii-3!. it .‘Itl‘gs I}; It'll-I!!! I: I! 3. » Ill-33.1.33. 3.33 . Il‘oqi i .03 3|. T ’l'prnlgu. Q! n =3? 1.133.533? r1. ‘nI-lnalnliii‘ql I!!! if. 1:... ti! ‘Ii':‘. 3 a...“ .- ‘Is'igtlz. In .04. [title‘s-5:! £3 "a.:<§ .11.. O! it‘l‘iii pro Etitatlnv F- 'r 'Uf'ti 353-1313: iii-Elna! huh-dd m b. a... c. n- .‘dl-U-hulhhu-fi oomâ€" “Ian-pub. My own In “m-bw’mofibvd l- Fae-la... {It .1! L .r it.~lll.-|I3!£Fo I. "llloli ills. l 5. {Irritant-uni. t "ELI; r: and. " ‘ti .0 .333“ 2! Ins-cl Fiat-33.1.... Iii'ofitlou‘l...’ iii-1: 1553‘ i 5- !Ii..o‘iooafrt E! it‘ll-II 1:... at... 3:... in.l§t1.8.7l. [trial-33......» i'l‘l‘I-i {It (iii-[Piani- II-IIILB. I... 1 r8. .0. iii-lanolionf‘ut. ‘D'IE-cl‘lilofl .":'93 13503.? III-cl. I 311. t 2E til-to; i 5- I!!!=1= I}. ll. t'F-Iz.’ it!!! t I. -0“ villi. bond, the an", “aw-Wallaby Ibo IM duumwu I“, u “put-0 bu nib-clunk- hfiofldw'. ”burns! tho [and]. In.“ -IMOua-mbylhbuul M N 5 WI. Tho Donu- Onnm-uhu-yL and u. “O‘IMWMB I- nor” ~“m§,9§f “In to handing patchw- N be IOIIIII cl now-paper adver- “I“! “up pm ”umbw-uhw with _. Mnynryudvdlloy- Ind park- "lqoull-p-nmloohdyoupnn - llud pupa, owur hops bin- ”mumwucthpaenlnpâ€" menvohmhh- tbe majority imu “I. don-cutie mm, ;“$|'h this not. nunl. 0. H ”hit-Inland [or state’- tit»:- im-I o. 1'. but. lot elm“ cloth Wm boo-m cl an: pupa-mom to cum to Balm: and the Wflmlfldmmm my. *WJWOfllhpun phon- “club-lurch... wfll -ww-h it will tidy. out I W in 1-“! d In Hm flm-fidad innu- flak h a point want or tholr molt ‘3‘!“ “Dov-on a“ if iput minimum-Inmate:- balm. hill-uh MAY. APRIL 21, 1904. lulu-luau ammo-mm Dow-m (luvs an. ' I M.- QoClriIMla flaw pn . W as: m o 9 ......................... 9 7‘ Iain him to Herbert Batu“ lull.“ Mk 0 Prices a“ D Grove ............... 5!: I I Salton! to 'II Cream Inn 2! Mock 6 Columbia purl: add Turner ............. 275 recown malhrmt 1M 4 Mock I: smug dd Dov-m Gm .............. an Brig!“ Code“- *0 I I'Irher' lu- I I bl! Illlmrth add Napnilk .............. 130 Peter Man to W J "chunks! m ! cmbupltnanflvsnn... mm GthctntoG l‘ Bun-lay will It 3 I I7 ntnmnommmwmcm ...... 5K) 1. a In“ a: Ann-r Bowman n 3 blk I Eli-wont n“ Hamill... .. Ill) Intro: mum to Scan Bun- Im :1 Mel: 2 llokhu ua Hamill: .. 5|? Inna-ulna: Bond pine,” n no; lull! lam (o C B ballot-Ian H 6 Mt nun-umber"... an» 'IMIu-Iuol Pollen-“aunt 10 yuan L .. m1 ll'odmhaollln Woo-Iva“ yr! .2339. m I thy u lot: Janu- m on m: ‘ {om-naming». an 6 ugh-aunt“: ,, W Ordinance Too um. layov Fred i: Levin of Allenmvn, ‘h, In vetoed a curfew (refinance passed by the city Iathen pmfldlng um aft. 9 o‘chck children under 1‘ 7m old must keep on the sheet; m- iolor objects to a penny clause novidlng for fine or lmpflommem In I). county Jail. bowing that to send a boy or gm to prison for such u: of- M In unreasonable. hm "Mia's .00 a W Put "new!” mm. m a! the m: M lint-MIM- M Ma Anod- m 'lfo. has bid a play mm II on at the M theaters. When mo young In in m 3 mt Dom an .m alto-t the event by an." you. One Wm" “M the new mill- ‘ean chm-flu haul no' Hm In mum to threeâ€"Pore flurlnlhe. Ms V". “a the baby. Some “no later the" was loch Venmot'n wmichm when an man photograph wu ”hushed. much!“ It M9 mat mm 'm! his mm as if he could thus curly unit-Io Mu father's "name "Ind mfmek MI!- 99"!” "0“ch A Wall-min who unnbd In A)... an“ no Inc cum to- no nob-4mm ”than “I. m In“. "You on.“ I. 0-H. In. hr duct-L h (to p by It. unto mum y a In}. load- ..or a. 8:: In: .- 3! 0. pro stat-too. v: :09. a! ‘0 I I331! =0; 30-3. 3.0:.- 90 or. is. 03:30.. .359 ’0 i a: proâ€"lgfâ€"I. Dr. 05‘ ”you“. spot. bib", .1 the opal-a ol tho Inn-ton. no Ian.- 0! u» 'cnouh tout :- ”a no-lpla no. "a lunch... It Inc-no", top“ that other In. umu- u, 6. be“ hot. frequently l- Ib (nun Tho, hip to d-vclop u Inn-t In cine-non! cum: an»! ll. 0! (ml «In. lea“). At “melon 0! ch. unio- "solu- tions In honor and out. of runpr (or Ii. Boni- A. Boil-ad won mod. ll- Houaod, who "coolly diod, had Duo (or nu, you-n anchor of this county uni town. Tina "solution rill to published later. Ruoiutiou Gouda) pond flanking tin people 0! Donor- (iwvo for their hospitality and oil ”no. who thin! in uni-K Iin “do; n moo... ‘l'lu piano solo ol li- Gueo fluiing '- oljoyod by oil. ”in phy- with tooling nod scour-c}. The Mic. o! tho Coogngnllonnl church unwed a. luncheon to flu touch on In the human of the church. of exp-using thought It Is the foundation for ell industrial OdUCIIIOG end en indlepennlble aid to almost ev- ery subject now taught. in the scheme. tanning ioliruw well in learning 10‘ eee correctly. Drawing ie at great benefit in all, physically, lntellectuully end withetically, and should be re- unded use mean- end not. an en end. The neoeenity [or concentration buildu up ohencier, 1nd teaches the unthink- ingtolhink. What does more for I child then the study 0! draw-lug? li develope- Ind culilutee observailon, pueevmnce. patience, individuellzy, reason. judgement, skill, ingenuity. eelH-elienee, power of concentntlou, epprecieilon of the beautiful, and there in en elevating efleci- on character in the desire to expreee the beeulilul. Ill-I Gum rad u pupa on dnwlug lo the human. Btu «in In put: The hm during vary loadoqnnnly ox- prum tho nun" o! m study N. Is Mable lo luv. hught In our whoola under that name. Duwlng is only a (stun In the important. study of 1mm, will}. In th- appllculon a! form know- lodxo. It Incomes Ibo pflnol‘ml means mt 51’“! mm. wmmmm. For pale school ‘rls and invalids and for l whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a flemnt and rich blood food. t not only feeds the blood-making organs but gives them strengt 0 do their proper work. Scott’s Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats. the pure cod liver oil. The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are lull of fat. L ike the running brook fl ( red blood that flows through the veins has to come from fiomcwherc. Then 'maugmcm in Lannie. [-1, who- W. H. Bun- ol Hm rho. ah an and»! I. an, “mm. and by ”V. King‘s New [in-0m In can-mot. llo writer "I end-M unleash In». M- um, but you No. Din-entry an no hut-dine «Immanuel-nae! oimnl a one Mean." mam. mm a may “.mmh. mun-puc- uni gr!) mums. fl‘nch rule.- My hunky-u n-d Om Ito-Men. Pricefir It! .1. "mod by all «Ought. Tris! hula free. 80H C02? A «nu-g lucid-M .- Ion-H by Jo.- Wm cl mama». so fill-v: "l on b not“! audition, I, nil. tn .1- so. you... on. min. long-o mud. pk cacti-u", In he. and “do. I. 1’ pun», Inch. mm in, my uh" ‘ “applauds-H.171... 9} n...‘ I In min-d I... M llama: to cyprujoylhflmbuh In... I it- M i-WL l mun-ed OH! a fit line '00.! “A on on. n no" a... I In. lbs-y Mud the [an at who! “run." So no :MM tail to h, "It. Only 3*, mend, at an um. um 5.. r.- E In... eel???) to} on 20".- o<oo 13‘s.... .5- 7.. to. E On :3 32:35. 82.... = II. 8. 300: 5.35.0: '0. an. 1.09.: P: on 5.3. :8 no: 1 .I. goals-.0. o 13-1.: 3...: lunar :‘Esgf I Fun. 32:... :1 0. pro any: list I .35... .u as 3...... g s. I. 3:3.4 3-. so; 502.. Oxalateâ€"10.! 2:. .0. on: viz-00:13.93. .0 vi. 3 t a soul?! .01.!!! 3'33... .3 or: 1: no. .8 3'1: .0 I: .9... .0 in. 2.0.. 236‘ r! I 33‘ o. :8 cost. 2. 259-... 3 I 3.3:... in- .3... 20.03. :8 >5»! :3... 9:39.. Bury hometown should know um it “my wlll buy Dollauco cold water starch lot the laundry use they will save not only “no bonus. It. never such to the law. but. bocauso each pacing. (0-!qu l6 ouâ€"wllllo all oth- or cold tutor latched no put up In 5 pound mung... and no price In the tune. l0 «all. Thou mun bot-am Duh-co stuck la In. from i" lngur- Ions chock-la. If your your III. to all you n lean. luck“. I: la bounce john-luck on hand whlchho um 10 dupe“ o! baton be you lo Donna. fl. hon that Donn-co lurch ltu pdaull on .7", pang. ln lug. let- un and laws, "ll-on." Doom! 0.85m and non uuch “no and non- oy and m. annoys.“ 0! ll» lmu nud- lng. Dull-onto our" Illch. iii-Wm Ina-fin: anvmuomnuusu To hasten tecovery. keep the liver active and the bowels regular vmh Aycr's Pills. All vegetable. Ask your 00cm what In think: of this grand old [I'll medicine. Fallow his Idviee Ind I. v I be unusual. If you feel run down, are easily tired, if your nerves are weak end your blood is thin, then begin to take the good old stand‘ are! family medicineâ€"- Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It’s a nerve lifter, a blood builder. Ila-tuna. mm have taken It every spring a a blood-pom [ligand mum-mayh- enin me Icine.”-â€"S. 1‘. Janet, Vic n. Kins. “I first used A «’3 Strand“: !n the Igll of_18 8. Since then I Half-Sick A Glut mnon ‘_'_l ll.n_t_ used Azor’n‘mgnflllg MIR GRAVE OEFMNCE NEVER STICKS. J. C. IVER (30.. MIG". um. > 'I- ha

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