Downers Grove Reporter, 21 Apr 1904, p. 7

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Doubt. Inhale“. mm In omclal examination has been made it rm be Invaluable to «fine the enct cause or the ace!- «Ill. Briefly. the facts are these: The Mlmurl was on the target range with we Tenn and Brooklyn about noon. The entire m1! vn It m “gums. Three shot: Ind been fired ly th'e twolvolnch m from the al- umot. flommbolngloud- calorifowth shot; Buddauthou m it. turret M a an m. mem‘dd’o discipline and coolness damned by the commanding one“. mm W. 0. Carla. '8‘ a non awning dis duet prevented. Not lines the him-ship "line unit hfiohmdflanuhunmm may menu- the American .11. mnwumommm d the his battleships of the American I." u go lilo commission. Re- altly it '18 ordered to the gal! [of brat Mice. Madmen miles on Ml the magnificent vessel Ind tun engaged in this watt far two days. and m achieving d Millant mud. To the intense keen“: at Its an to excel is attributed the dinner 'hich has suddenly am I nudow‘ our the nation. ¢ Pena-min. Fla. dispatch: Through a unaccountable accident on the new ‘Iaulaalip inseam. vine It 'aa en- gaged Ia target practice 0! this port Wane-lay. m oflcers aad “eat!- out men were usually killed my Ive m an (rightfully Injured that they will (In. Only by the perfect Lieutenantâ€"W. 0. Davida», E. A. “gleam and J. V. P. matey. Mldalllpn‘unâ€"Nl. E. 1'. Mel-mam! and Mn Wald, Jr. Ordinary Semen-we. Moe. c. J. Kilian, J. Gem-II. J. F. Kennedy. J. P. “arr. J. 0. than Md c. H. M. Franks. “menâ€"H. 8. Chcmhl. B. J. Mllllgan and J. M. Roach. Shaman-J. F. Rowland; Gunfir'u um («and dudâ€"A. Osmanâ€"w. J. award. 0. N. to» in and E. a. H. Allaon. Thirtynthree Sailors on United States Battleship Missouri Die at Their Posts of Dutyâ€"Officers" Coolneas Saves the Vessel. KILLED AT TARGET PRACTICE ChM Gun Captainâ€"5r. E. Ima- 8031mm. Mala (nut clamâ€"J. NAMIS OF THE DMD- n. ”lull-r to the which overtook gho‘mmwmdmm BATTLEOHIP HIMURI AND IT. COIHANDII. Ordnance 0115ch 21mm"; According to him, about noon the second pointer had fired the third shot of Mn string. The fourth shot was hem; loaded, and from I" Ind!- catlons the first half of the charge had been rammed home Ind the m ond section was being rammed homo. whefi men from the shot previously fired. or portions of the cloth cover, Ignited the powder. The brooch 'u oven. and I dull thud gnu not!“ of mulling nun-mt. No loud report m undo, Int lane. were can t» I.” In- W portion 1 ti. tu- Then have been seven! reams ndnnced for the accident. on u use cured from the 017ml: stating that the breech of the 124:.» m in opened too soon. Capt. Comes, completely overcome by the dinner, referred all newspa- per men to um. Hanan. the ard- name other. The latter gave out I “Item! of chm explosion nd It- prohnbto cause Admiral Barker on the Kamrxo ("mud [hut tho llmnfl he ordered In for m and (main of the dad. and this m navered «horny. M 3 3. III. the Ingmar! arrived II Penn- cola bu. Immanuel! being sighted the 0mm him-mam tn sire-d tn all the naval ships Ind lags went to hallâ€"Inst. lerclnnt vessels In the harbor and business Mac: ”on; the water front {0001er the am enm- Ne. The m n! the alas!" run so!" tn the laghlp Kearurn at noon. “In smal that an null-mm had alum place. and at am It was «and um but on men and Non HIM. Data 3 m0 mm was rmnfived by the firm 1009;:an flat the nlnher would be me “an agree (lure: the orig/flu! figures. Captain Cowlel' first order fins to flood the handling room and map- zlna chamber. Had this not been done upon the usual,“ Is banned all! In ‘50 IO]! 10V Seconds t um Jinn-r to that which overtook the In less mu five nomads utter the first explonkm every man on the Ihlp was at his are nation.- The most perfect dhclpflne prevailed. although It was apparent from the smoke mt batched from the turret and handling mom: that a cumuy o! nppnfllnr proportions had ocean-ma. ~ Captain 0cm!“ Quick 06 Act. ”unburned thmuxh the charge hul- dlln: room. Before the «no at the second explosions Ind and away the ofllccu and m crow- iu the turret and the man In the handling room were dead. with the excéplxon of one man. 81.0:th gydguhnddlnmum “Nonsense!" tanned the mom. ‘1 {etc infinitely “for In that little voldt village than I have ever done slum my mum. I!" better far to b. m by a the“ that III ntomobflo. no “What strain? What hardships?” he asked with a mane; ”Why,” said M- tflend. “the col- atunt strain of being exposed to mn- nnd bullets and things.” A Mend asked him how long It tool for his troops to recover from "I. strain and hardships of the slash. ”on mm. Than War. major General Baden-Powell. the defender of Matching, think! that Hf. In cities I: Manuel, more clum- uun ever It was In flanking. If he had any doubts concerning the amp te‘l‘ his visit to New York Ian ”I: removed them. Carnal: Cowlea caught up a dylng bluejacket In his urns Ind staggered to the deck with him. The Mac- hck-t. with two others from tho handling room, had envied partly ship. the Missouri would In" no». cannot Rucuo Comrldn. In let: thin ilvo second- utta 00 In: explosion two strung of mm were being played in the rooms. uni when volunteers were culled lot every min of the thin responded. «gar to gointothotumu and mono the crow. Camila Cuties gave his con- mmdl. and but for his presence of mind and that o! m afloat-u o! the photon. somewhat more Moo “"617“: was I: the bundling mom below. when 1,600 pound! cl powder, or tour charges may to Do hoisted shove, had mum. Flu quarters Ivere sounded and every In. of the thin responded. an! the Inn- sine and bundling mom um flooded with Inter. hll plac- of duty '39: ovar- when" Loon Hi. Paul.» My. 0w Taylor, an old uoldht. to rad“ um ported m the Quincy pone. um he :- lcftgflv. :0“. us held up and robbed of as m Join High School Lug-o. The students of the Trenton list school hue joined the St. cm: Coun- ty Hm new Milo“: and Mg)!» ‘.53V§3°‘ i 3 Dmon Adopt teak. The Alton Medical society nu adopted I resolution to withhoid the unmet and other Intonation peruinv ing to the practice from newspapers and misc established uniform fees 0! 31 Got once work um 32 for "tits. Ulnar I. Inland. Frank Hack. A miner. was caught uderlhllofmllnthekmdlo mine It l'reehurx and Mandy lnr Hamlin Inn a Form. Attorney Omen! Hnmlln has pur- ehnql «other mm near Wlndnor. muting Ma total land holding: them cg"... Cinder Track. . A nan-mus cinder truck for uk- hfle purposes In being made on the campus of mine“ college at Jack- mvifle. Enngflhfle Iowa... 397. J, W. laflm is conducting a node: of enngelisfle meetings It as Jmeyvme amnion” for the Christ!“ unification. Police and Fm Alarm. The Jacksonvme city council has decided to purchase 1n electric Ms- nalplmne mflce far Ire and mike Purpose; m Mom. to"... The Ink-than residence at loll crummy". mt Cenmlh. m 00- strayed M Ire. Only 3 pm at the toast-loll! elects m and. honey by “known gems. Quincy w Tu. ll ' I. Inc-- mun-ruined that l levy «zigmmtmmm'flt won of my I. Quincy wln In linden: toy Iain-Mu m ”NI: m in mim In. (tot. (”l-nun Ilka. I M" M 0904 0! vamn, in hat to" m alt-«M co Um Men nl mnr 0' Nut- hm M. MM'M a My d I" «in. Wm to 1-6.. Into. MM "do! l’oflrr 0! With its Mn when"! u on. cl II. Mm a! music tot the am an.- 1: high when! «union to h I.“ h Wblu- "all an hum-y. In. 7. m Knight. Tm. Dr. A. A. mum. at Quincy. mu must!” '0" the Kiln“ Tm- pht o! lllluou, mum Cum omn- ”Ma". No. 23. M (3min!!- and m an M! Ins-prelim. Iluy Icahn tram Idiot-ta; h)" m Cu- My Mon. The (.‘uu county look-l Inocu- no. held I mu" n Vial-h ud ahead the lotion“ clam: Prou- «u, DO. I. J. Pal-u. MIMI; m mum. In. I. ll. unor. MN land; menu. Dr. J. A. Mam. VI:- ulh: Irv-“mt. Dr. Nuth- mu- “. Chucksnmo. Win caudal Puma. Charles Doncun won the am Mu yd mu Bntban Cm. the second prize at the annual [Arrow onto!!- ul content It the Springfield but school. The Inn who In 020 In con! nod a sold mall). I“ the no and prize in no In gold. [Win by III-In; ml mm: um mm- unt the Springfield mi about“ Ihn Con Boll chukka! count at 01hr Co- unt month. to BC Worth W- A target: In 3n intern-l stock bond Wed to bus been Issued by the late of Illinois vu discovery! In the cane of State Auditor McCullough at Springfield. The bond was sent from Chicago by Attorney H. P. Tomlin (or Identification. The bond. which. If genulne, would be worth $480. In sign- ed by "D. Calla," governor. M. the “mo of the Issuance at the bonds Thoma Carlin was governor of the late. Othér signature. numbed Ire also declared to be target!“ QTATB ROND SAID TO BE FOROKD } Mmylng Fum- mm to Have Taken Hold of Old and Young. several marriage- out of the oral- wy have Mon place in Jemyvllle. Stephen G. fllrmon or Weldon and Miss My Duenport, were married. The no of each wu given an lumen. Both were pupils In school. The sum day Caleb 8. Rickey. 68. 1nd Mn. lary Jue Yocum. 65, were hurried. Wr 1!. Terry. 41. and Hrs. lahaln .1. Terry. 86. were also mama! tho “me day. On the 28th of limb the Ten-ya were mated I divorce. A low days thereafter they settled their diner once. and decided to tantra. Full. “mm on Paper Putnam. ODD WEDDING. AT JERSBVVILLE ILLINOIS NEWS t NW M Into 7m wmlnm Wagner “a John Unfit. mm.wmmm Vou on High School. Pm ”my 0! m an; The prommm which 'n nun. Hon. mm s. 1W. {HI ted to the voters of nochbfldn and mayor of Decatur. m but ' Rubicon townshpn to Jointly erect I In: home He W 'fi' township hm. whoa! mum: In lcxhney mm m It ~ ~ Greenfield aimed In Roekbfldgo. but In” and manual no ' a 1 was dole-ted In Rubicon. much that I. up _ . forlclhlu’. . -. - um. Dung. co Pam. Inching In W M ' - Horticulturist: in the mum: at cannon mum at m "mm-M mte that the recent cold who is 0 MM m of no“. wonlher has done very mm 63mm Hanan, In. 1-1 m u. u: to the fruit Mala-y. - Grandchildren not Franny. The will of the nu Abraham suites: at Springfiem disposed at 81.- 000 personal property by bequeathlng It to his grandchildren. Tom-I'M. The Three-l w mu m In Donut a first three allo- the loam (can. i National Namely-O Long... The tenth nnml meeting of the Na- !lmm municipal Dengue and the eleventh national conference for good city mam-rem v"! be held I! CM- ugo. commencing April 21 and end- ing on the 29m. Com Ion Mum... The Corn Belt Ilhleflc lunch"!!! 'm he'd In annual nesting at Clinton on May I. Teams from Dec-tar. Ht nut. Springfield. Tulonflle. Chm: pain. “catholic and other «um um puttelpale II "to «mind. Odor to the M. m «an butcher: ad M of an m. [min have doomed Io keep the" store- ovm mu sand-n dun-k the summer "mun nntll 9 p. IL, II taxman to a Mum-(mt (Mt I III.- her at houelreem could not clan! in pay lee mm. “the cloth have “so named to the rule. In cit-(m to the winheu of the people. hyacin- lieu M m curl-0“ M I“ D My In chew the M“ [or the "Hill year: m k. W. 1'. and“ mm; ii '9‘! made-t. Dr. Ina-v IIII; and vice mom-1. Dr. 10.- C“ Pan; man «a m .v'. r. Noah. Taylonmo. 0..“th TM mum and mm" M m m “Mk-Md o! numb not In «ml hm norm: In Mnrphyntmu. in M. M! II..- nnlna min M m MN! for no year. 1'» nub In not his: mankind by n mu mull-o and will an M materially mm. Only minor dll’emm am. The acol- hg m Imam by {My om a: nearly so. Ille deletion. I‘D“! Idom b Work. 11. «mm I- Ch ml slu- M mummy Au «cl-Hy nun mm In work It the ml» and I” by “In hm molt-m a! (be lulu»!- amnion IM ntnon' "manna 0. Male“ Apr" II. which run 82.01.40. Thom-mum» Mvnm the sale at "GI. ”H a 4-1. nuannm-nlm-nflu d". I“ mm In an an». um: um PM In. Anna (hum. who in m mid!“ III! In Alvin lu- doo I! Mull“ [at It. you! “our ,uuu bu ant-o In Aubu- to "I. In km with In. Ian-don'- m. "mm. to ummm at in NM "mm! In In. lamina, who at“ I am "no ll". Ibo (Mm d In land". at and I won at 01.000 to In. (M.- um. mun pans. but "total tun lot in union. Cam Putin"). The «In. pie-Inn”, Mew-«M luv. W. l’. Ila-Mn- o! Murphy-baa lo“!- uur to: we cot-ulna Inn. "0 no- cmvlu nor. (2 It. Ha. Ma. 0., 0! Cor mm. Ulhm clean circled In: sum: emu. luv. 8‘ I. Benton-o. at Cunt: gas-mum: clfll. Rev. II. B. [knoll-II u! Hutu“ Vernon; (ems-inn our“. In". W. N. lulu- ul loom Vanna and Rev. Hum “mu d Bur-mew". [ Mimi: Olflun lulu». Adjtnen. Soon bu received the minimum:- of (km. Funk nmllton and first [Jeanna-nu Lowl- on] and Charles uuphler. o! the axiom company at Hurlnglold In the Illinois nnllunul guard. The company will In I“ probability ho mustered out a! the service. Tho {Allure of Capt. Humil- lun lo nlo. bond wanting curl-In mp- erty in M2: mum-inn In aid {0 be Um ammo that ha led In the (coder of Capt llnmlllon'l w-Iunnlloo. 1'30 other our": have rained out at condo-y lo Ibo «pull. ? Finn lo Cooper-to in Haunting Price 1 of Thvlr mm The farmers or Richviow mot oi the Modern Woodmen hall and organ- lud a fol-inert union and elected the lollowing onsets: President. Clyde Whiitenhurg; secretary. lidw. Toto; treasurer. J. Vaughn. This in tho fourth place in Washington county that the former: hove organized. They propose to reguluo the price of their products to an‘éxtem. The! in- tend to hold their grain and Ihould the market not justify to no". should j n slngle member need money the our; ion will advance him money and hold his grain until price: advance. Ind inns hold all the groin. Another way the union intends to help the tumor! in in buying his machinery. They will all place their order It. the some time and procure a unload at one chip- ment and secure their goods at. an un- der price by purchasing by the earl “an!” ORGANIZI A umou Won-h land. a While In Cl MICK-Ite- .' Quincy-mayo." earmw-Ulg InnMumooh-um mbernum.eumnc oH-oh hardening. Show. "ml-l- ed mum-comic. 8M0. anon can and min turd on m» Yam. .0; A um do. Mnmfly w 0‘ Ix-ymold to- o! I. m. "on: mm ten mm went a! “a hflletovl ma- m In um um. More the do: could to I“ 1‘ MI fillet. I m I ltyeuoldl boy. In.“ 110.. “um an u». mm In. lock in m .1 Allan. “all! on Ibo luck I“ to Mu none In. no. lain In, tun. PI”.- and can! no my a I. li?i {fist i! mum-mama... “a (ban M V. C. H!) I. hum n mum. “In.“ tun-u. Arm :6 no! s, In vile. m I). “I much" a no mhafluo m cm a. mall um pump-M 0- Intonation [union ’0 I). “I " In: In my. W In a". mu:- anon Ila! M nub. In I. I. Em o! W h 00 w» i; 8 no In! chm-r in “I “Mu «u vu haul II and" u uuuuuo. A! (I. Ibo an: «In at John M... M- u- lnlu tho houlu cl .7: OF'B-h'. In. W. I. “In C‘ In. "a It nu (on-um um the Ian" Md Md 0. lat" m. hm" m I“ mm um ot an out. 5‘ manom- la- Mo-d u how clllnmllo Ill. “OM-O "cm rot-u mm: m on.“ at no “.0013.“ :, f E: m I I" (In “no cull. no In" col“ “8“ than anew-lee. not. In. H h (M pollen awn. Don-rm ”QM. John Ich-hun and J; Alton agreed to an: I d Imeulh and Bella unsel- to old unulxn. Wham I and la Ibo pmom of a a i3 113:2 5 blue at nun who “the!“ to on th' struggle: the "to non m ~ ithWlm 01 a hour. wu- I once: Arrived boll: m thl C (3 around ext-mud and moths b mum: to Ill-h the Ml. Md gluon chewed oil (to Ibo thumb on lhlu' loll Nell-boo“- lm in II Tim mm: planed to ho ESE: g: :1 uyvllle. T. C. Wilson a! , 11052.8. Hammer 4- ,, 13.: '1'. r. mmdUMDr-l-» McConnell o: Bum, I. 1.0:"; lmhhn.lo.; J. A. M“. my, Ila; J. 'r. Donn at m In; Dr. J. R. IAIN“ d and” Edward I. Rnodhoulo of m Hon. Funk L. [hum 0! mm 110.. um John a William at I; Innis. Mo, vtwprenldenu. V Hundloy of Quincy. - urer; c. H. William.” ' 0‘ Col. Richard Dalton 0! 38m 8.D.Nokeoolltfiudlui.'. . 1.. Wood of H-uburc. .1. W2, otC-nwn.lo.:zuomw 1mm. um: I. D. We!!!

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