Downers Grove Reporter, 6 Mar 1908, p. 3

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WI? Spirit in By Orlaon Swen Mar-den. 'I' ought not to be necessary to ask a man it he likes his work. The radiance or his taco should tell that. His very buoyucy and pride in hit work, the spirit at unbounded anihunialm and sent, ought to show that. He ought to be so in lpvo With Ml work that he would find his greatest delight in it; and this in- ward Joy should light up his whole being. A tent or the quality oi the Individual is the spirit in which I0 does his work. it he can to it‘ grudgingly, like a slave under the lush; ii1 he feels the drudgery in , it his enthusiasm and love tor it donut Hit. it out} at comnionness and make it a delight instead u( o. here, he will never make; a very great place (or himsalt in the World. The man who does not look upon his vocation an s grout unfolding. enlars. the breml-aud~butter question mum not um um. solved by One great creative M1. instead oi every man's being obliged to wrench everything he sell from nature through hard work. the man who does not see a great newlines: design and a superb necessity in the principle that everyone should earn his own living-has gotten a wrong View oi‘ ills, and will never get the splendid results out oi his vocation which were intended (or him. The man who does not look upon his vocation as a great untoldlug enlarg- illl. Cultivating. educative. elevating proct‘ssâ€"«tlle results or which could come in no other mssible wayv-has made a very poor guess at iiie's riddle. Multitudes of people do not hull respect their work. They look upon it as I disagreeable necessity for providing brand turd butter. clothing and shelter.“- as unavoidable drudgery, instead of us a great man builder. I grant lilo uni- versity tor the develoyment or manhood and monlonh . They do Wt 390 the divinity in tho spur oi necessity which compels man to devalov the bolt "IIIIG in him. to untold his possibilities by his struggle to attain his ambition. to conquer the enemies or his prosperity and his happiness. They cannot see the curse in the unearned dollar, which takes the spur out at the motives. Work to than is sheer drudgery-an unmitigated evil. They cannot under stand why the Creator did not put bread ready-mult- on trees. The! wild see that the best thing in man has ever been «loveloped by the necessity 0! “bar. They do not see the min, the grit. the nobility and the manhood in being tort-mi to conquer what they set». “’1'“ I Vitishla sight to see one at God‘s nobleman. made to hold up his load and to he a king. to be. cheertul and happy. and to radiate power. coins about whining and complaining oi his work, apologizing tor what he is doing and «Morin; the fact that he should have to work .1 nil.~Success Linguine. America’s Mountaitgs By Robert Dunn. , { ORTH AMERICA nu "Ra-ed shnmomlly from Alpine arrogancc. [(5 mutant have looked upon xlulerleus Colorado, the Man‘ WWII: runny Above the continental plum“; upon Powell:- peu and his shun-r (luau whim; lulhmuu-urd; upon the no!!! dead cute" of the ('a-cndea'and pine-J u» Amertcnul an! out l-ndu alt-rod mountain upon. for nom- but wont-n and 0“ men. Vulcanm? An lulnrlur nun. o! moumnin. The Aupuluhlnnl? 5910mm}. But on lIu-lr ruminant are now» [or climbing. srouL-r In \‘Irloly, win 1‘ Dwell to Hwy nor! at mounuunm-r. ulpIIIl-l Includml. Ihnn on any other at no world'n m are“; and among mum-nu "huh-ally “humble. womb" "I? burden in the truth]. The Illumtuu. wtlh yeah-r rrul olvutlou. hum bum cl ulna dhruuummly huh. and tho» urn-sum! 1-10. (on nun nlr prawn!- rllmblnu um'r glam; 100'. turn their “mop-n. ll Huulll Ann-urn nun-m 8W0“! lac-lulu. nn-l hrmlv mmlhwr, Alma «quire» ”’2!!an m I wort qutm wrâ€" wb-Arrur nlplntns, lur whhh Mm umrh ll'tulnl and rmlun‘ ”In- a polar (rm-- clot. work aw and row. mnlol ur pan-k («\qu It‘lmfl tundra ".1 MI at mnrv Inmmlu [Mum-u 1.1mm and gum": [1-44, mourn! aw “rum". ulwuu htl‘hl. (hu- lunnml now" and Irv nlopm. m m» «ml-I Ml hut mm 5:, mm» and ML MrKlul. r, 20,300 («‘1. [km Muhnc on "an mount-«l. 1".- Hana. MI Luann. H.504- furl m lhr IcwM'n n-umuln. alpine pmblrm, mm lmlnIm: ulnar will um Iln ll I‘m-mam hun- momml All-In. uric-M Irrl'l'U'IK thalIms-w lmm [\qu um! Hm huh-u, Mumuzn um». Ill“ f-‘WI In lhiu ulfllluh‘ firm, «r Hmw (u Ludunwul [ur [hull nmdn-‘vnnluu. Al“ I. lurk-t uuh' Hm pmhnmn. uh-mllom {m- “Mv-ln nu: ma» u \wll lmln In I labor-Inn ”mums-hum 'Alonnmmo-v-rlng In Mum Alumna." h: Thu ‘3 «0"- ”undue. ‘77Ie Greed of Woman. By George Hnrvey. , “I: cue-nun“! gum! at Iuman. mural but amaurr to "cord. I“ «we «mm! our M "w maul IIIFJI'IMF mumm- M a M“ no total-IN that "My flvlnlly Ila-I! mmhl haw MM nu ban"- hlml In kirk It “In O‘Iflaflrv ll mammal In am also to "u- ;tnltmy n! ma Ia "upon m (and of drunk M "w man 0! min u in Inrldly ml! “1' Omn- nku Inn" A "anal ‘50 mold mu. [or nmwunrv "In. rum hm amwuu lot Mus-1mm mac": Inn!- um: may-arauw am; an mo, L! n umnhlr Flu-mm tho fall: (a Mars um Mary more (lo-«Ir than n "In." rmuld "11-9!ny do In Mn "an 9hr:- II Manon-Mn Illh cum datum» noun-km: NM mu mu mama In by nun Ibo mon- pmq In [mm H. .11 In mu“ nuns: I!» h Ina”; but In lug- Inn in Imam-m in man, ‘lwr and Imlurflw at an" anvil Ira M or" am- uw more munâ€"mo- In" n! "w Inn-u man. The [tn-«l of woman ”mam ls Morn immuulv Uun Ihl M man. but R MI Motor tot-IN. and but up mu! alum-I "harm-h m pin-mum m Mv' m Donna by M "an Inn" The "My tun". snaking hm-lly. uh» lpoln (of I." M In? “rum. aml smh man an Inn Hun that [or "h- but Ill-l "I k by! for an“: rm 1!. 6-. In mnvnuin, an! vN'v-Hn'. but maly smmuu, Ind Won In“! M “on“ knrl’ ("alum v-Tho Nm‘h anvlran Benet. HOS What Gravitation is Doing. By Henry Smith \anlncnn. "F. via“ 04 gram-lion Im- so 11mm” as In Jamaal only (ho inc-(«M mum; yo! moat at us, (-rham. scum“ flop to coal 1M" how far madman Ibo” plum art- nut '07 nur‘mlkm Iho tun-I: wnuhl not hint, (hr «n'orl would not .lvsrxnvl Mn! "w mmmm low «mm («It crumb!» Into 0m Talley-V Path mrHrP‘ M uulwrizml rnrk Imlhl yomnin than n «In («Hunt and "torn wnuM hr- nn amt-h min: an a mural an" "m as maunrs arr mummy arramzwl xravlmtinn h "\rpntuahy nttlt' and awry [unlrln a! "mum n ham; oI-‘mrle mum at and “WWI m (ct "car" In 3h» nar‘h': nmw so no snunl‘r :Ioa-s a fragmom nf rm.“ ,3 . mmmuu tract lwmnw Ion-mm»! than Enn'émtinn hurl! u Hashim: ulnwn Infu (M valk‘y. "unprmg n mm Iraqmlnh‘, pwrhnpd. n" m "In wry load grln‘IA .U -- -m. mrtlnnc nr i1: surlm-a as m-u as 0‘ (hr Mzrfmn M “w mu lying! unlcn n n: mum... By mh means and with Hw- hmhnr an 0! In hflll'mfl'v'"!, wind mm v.4". gnfluuon works In unrmslnx mum.» of hrnnnx la» snrfm at the firth. In I low brie! trolofiral rmmwmg it rm‘nls the maiden of mg hunks! “rennin; mod, [Own fin» M‘mflh. u um bring M'N‘y "rude of net W! m the m bed when” It mixinanv spring. Short 0! (MI. as n ma»- mu. 6' in forever mixing the «Maren: an" rmstnuenu on the mu m I“ mm (In-m out lab: on the onion-Prom Amflflm's Mwme. 77w Deeper Cause of War. By Richard Barry. “05!: who write history Ire want (a min» turn my thn fedora-y of rulers. the rlnmen a! Status and national love at ago-sud!» meat. The! form-t "sunny to soak tho damn canm--~that primal love for combat which animate: all flrll» mums, whirh makes even our supposedly pnrnful Amorir‘a ”In Inspirod Aaron» of room" Inc! the prize nut. 01 these nations none now "mm-m h more virfle [Ma Japan. 11pm: are aumoflues to show from )m and MM! and nrchaeotogy (but the Humane Is not a para Mon- hn nee. hut a mafia, In which the Aryan element In strong. Neither II and nor h hotly are the 13mm only Mongolian. From mere personal , -- 77~-~â€"_.â€" â€"- --._--.- ...u nu um “ma Van mm chastise I In: ofl some portions of iw slirlva. as m-u lulns’l which It is clashml, By such means and with Hw- hmhnr an valor. 37“!le works IN nut-mains mums. unit. In a low brie! gmlofiral mm'm-Me‘ it mightiest mnuln: and. (hen first month. net W! m the m bed when" It original! - ah . Aulnr II nine Ior nu my n. ma "Wm,“ -..., .. . ,, , _ "patience the employer: of servants mini toil "no name. You run an mm» in your heart's mum, uni he hits in the dad; you an anal find abuse a Filipino with tongue md boot. “M to win nhmiuivoly tom; the East Indian in I (all ant-amt to am clam Drum! adventurer; but nine one finger against a Inmnosa. and. if )9 does nu! inn-km on the spot, you will have a. fight on your hands that win int until we or the othet of you is everiuiingiy whipped.»â€"me TM cam. A One-Amos Man's Work. Archihet and builder 0! III: on designs, as won as a [aver oi Mull ad projector o! elm-Ines um! pinn- nropiea. I! Chnphhx John D. Ions. o! No. 1‘65 hm. um street The n I. the owner of In.“ Ian I“ «fled one at the w: construct. N concrete porches II the any, and Mlmmmflimflt in m than no mam, ' '_ unu- m ml! two old Which You Wcl‘k .mp3...» v with btoken w. a: rock. the who" bolus neatly pzsa'um! over Imh can cretc. The poflorwd tnuanloI o! the porch In made by mulls ml vooden (rumor): run of null «we holes and mun to each hole 3 wooden peg. When the com .A‘ ‘ wai- bum. 770‘"! the out!” hooked “It 314-. gal ”p.71...” 332m m a. ammu- j. on; Igo- m hm Supreme awn-Em 11} mn- IV .A..., A mwm AmaaalW-fim Awwmm W" wand. III and“ ill-(flaw win in mud-â€" And me? Well. I rum with l“ But. hing Mar. m. 'au up ID I. To WW" lut- mthln. 9100’“ a“ null. ' And lo I .4». “Hello. Queen Mu! wm box (or Pun-qt Mun m'n 0* in; well.” And mu responds. 3 Irina an but not. “She minds Im- blmeuâ€"hopo you End a. 1 don't think umber’ mend an out n- aflu‘m‘: "523:“...qu And 11:33:52: sir! would wear I: eon-3| u. 551:} I’m m m pill! with u a?“ max. mu, m u- l'v. wk, WI with Mt. h M a 1 «two... bmuo I an m n. unhinwmmnlmqnb met (hulcmdeymuu-rfldblb' Immcxmumrmhdn Mlefitholdtflll I" 'mwlfl’l‘fll'dmh *â€" Bolmbuul’flnruptohrml l'aulmodwlaabwflh-i max A «:3, vision cum and fluted 0' ta am (out: “Huh-run! 0 M. 0 r glut! mrmlilonhlrymlm wmnu. "m. m m 6M" WM ‘“ ”we! Inn-doth". Mimi-cull! “at. nun-amplr-uohm-bm u an“. _ lidwhh-tu. 3.1“de luau. “How‘s 31-1” Show “Galas-0mm" [Mod-qua cu mums-luau“ mummmmnuum Thu oh. "Ml-d. out “Inc-Ina ’X‘wmhnwtuhobyont' amm- Irwlu. In Sorro- mall... muumgti'oh-mmfl- mamanummu of a. pin Iilh bud mud at 0 mm “lb. vat-tom. all m nnd lung watery dnln maul. nun «cry mm mm o! no my. II In clan Mb it". In Ink! I (You! ml M: M up I mammal-t M of van. was. that». "on-m all one. and In a mt Hum Nun“ that a! m lim- Ind Ml In. (in um "out In bl- l-lr mm. In: I an. W In yet to b- at... d Mm. Ina photon-m an an no hm at Ibo um, curl" [no a. mud don-l an «mum had: “hr-n (I. and but. at the on” a: «mm at tho mm! flu. or a. W all: owls: and Mn. m AL‘ I.._a_.- __._ -vv, , 5mg 17‘. no mulc- do. "5" Mammoth! "IL-um” . A _.A I'm-r uâ€" -â€" -...v7 him no" II In mum of out that In! ”whim" I’. mm. In 010‘ Imxlno. am... m- . that. In. I'll-ow. hut-cud m m .ngd h p In New You On with. nml (nu-cm): did mt mri M. has. will the am"! M the 1‘04an mm Mn m had been In the hub" d new!” Wally 1.! than "run will- , . L...4A.n_ I- qu- yuan”, , one tour. at a manic a! mum I. (M 1:91an during one of he nah-Ma mp to New Inn: m lb “Mud Iver «In. On the night M MI Mm Mr. W"- mn mu “all" awfully up flu.- from “at". us was his «out on m m along m "m M: wm mm m In wakmwl. than he! Mun] Im- wok-q. Mg" and strnlmfl, , "I don‘t know «mm mm In my husband or I Imrgiar.“ mm the ox- mnl Conn, "MI! I am min: to he on the ufe Me and sham. on I! you "I "at: ym'd hum get on! of the Inl-td-l-I “hub“... It ll end-mt. by an nth-Mote “In mm the lmlon Min-«r. that than no me persons who mm amount I nnmdnndnotuamenm. Nam the ten! of lmmhormmtm m a chance and" (In 93'- M ant DI). “Tendon!" he rflod m M- gamut “Quick march! [Ml when” "I!“ Ttke “won't lame for talking In tho ranks.“ ‘Bwt he wasn‘t hiking,“ mount-d I ml. who m stand!“ near. 'th't he?" rum! Sergeant my. Mmltautandpmmmlnm gmnhonm m- devolving me.” “OI! Wsltd. m M! a device to mix one brad. And one to stir the aim: ‘ fire-Ian more and l Men India. And on. to broil the not. AM lam Im- ['th 09 app-{hm H's I plenum. lads-0d, to look: But the funny‘u bonrdhg mm. It. and. A mam-t who an cool. â€"-l4lpnhnott'o. PI‘IIIVO [name-u. '1 W ynu'll be sorry.” ma tho groom-tone. “when It mam tins for your Mg sister'- wedding." “55.01;...“ replied he? and um mm. "(barn gimme u! egg-9‘» b’a‘iéi In"! mg}; m lulu». uâ€"I-OV mmmeӢ'“' M3, 0".“ ‘0 ‘h WV. Cleveland u about m roe-In it W'Vl-u-v- â€" w..., W lapel-an Mum to W PIP! cute-n since the uncommon or Rocke- feller boulevard. Embflflnl a (not or 125 acte- In the valley or Dunn! Brook. the new gm wlll «actually no come 3 houlevnrd of excqnlovul bonu- ty, two Ind one-halt miles low. cou- nocllua Gordon I'm-k wlth Fore-t Hlll. by way of the Lake Shore boulevard. A first-clam Ipeedwu. three quarto” of a mlle lu lenmh, the dream of Cleve- land horsemen lot many yeats, will be the must slrlklng (allure ol’tha clty'l “one“ park. -- “.7 -n n...- Fallon-lug closely the course of Dug~ my Brook. the new boulevard will have n Batu"; nusutpumunl by any or the parks Iu (‘lo\'eland. The lamp rnphy or me country will Inn) “524! rendlly 10 um lumlsmw- gdl‘dt‘lll‘l'. W, “4.. lien or all. flu.» necessary property. valued at nhmn 87:04]”. will cost the city nothing. having [won nearly all donated by annex-ans laudhukh-rs. Ev- ery laudhohler has bum nakvd to 1‘!)- note what Is uvflll‘d 0! MI! oslnh‘. aunl not I. single with!” has bum n-glxr tend. Those behind me néw parkway are counting on the donmlun of Form! "In to the city some day. Only than t-zm tho Duxwa: “rod: boulevard n-nllzo Its greatest manure of usefulness ns 1: two Rot-h In with of a pawn; which llmlll (Ru-Ir good Inn-minus. llw luhnblunln or Cculrul and Suulh tin-mrul Ann ul'm. pluy a ell-mum; hmpllaflly. Snell. at Mail. by In» mum-mum Kuhn-«l from thvmflh lluulluuluu'l hum; Incl. “TM Pulse or AIM." A! Mun-an. I leInn in the pram-o of ladlkh. the Mlfllubk- punk-u of llu uupvr lmlm «my. 1 lrlmnfly mum-r Invllod .\lr. Mummy-m In an» tluuu from the rum «bk-h mwml right at Iva («I M III-w lulu l our-Mun human Tm: u’u a! nu ell-mum: u! um “um- uud un- hunarnl trot. MIN-tub ll \rul ,mu ll. lhl‘ mow. fl‘l-M m: n lm‘cl. wu- bl-dmr Hum uln- Iapd of llw “me. WNW ll I'M hum 1‘ nlwwlvd ul :1... Dill No“, It (unm‘ll hm: lumlu. [W‘NH'HHI Ila-m l'rmn Ill" ulna. Ind mun. llu'In 1hr lucrrllr nll mug mum ll IhM mum. nml I'\'-'ll In ulnlw, [M “at unfillur la alum)- nonu In "wt dry, rchk-I run-aw. ‘ Whoa lb:- Illllv Nut-l rm" Ind hm anm. Mul yullnl out a! up In). “I. ‘ lluommm drum-M lo a nun-ml ‘rm‘l lubed mun] lav ll!- Iwo 0' Hum haul: dun-p and man. nun! an unb- ‘pml, Ilsa-nuns. In": I dun um: um- laluln‘ I lIlllv "my. film. III» I" J”. “hula. non-ll». Inc m m. 1 to. mm. m" n um an. m n. I. \ the «am. chm “null; llfln‘ m. ‘ Liam nul alt «In I. (hr-nun :- halo WI we run! a (on! nun. lawman-l ‘by 1 Hum ml I fowl Mall. mack ‘0! llmv ammo-n ml up In tom ml Ibo pm. A l’rw um a! "an! rlull an m» mod mm fur slaving wanna, - bl"- clnln moul llnnfln. In] nn lm [ml hm o! “inn-yon In. In“ mmu mu lump mum, «nuptial an lbw "will. ‘(qulml fur butlwplm. ‘ Mm n» MM had [womb-l .‘lr. llanllnxlm In M” 3 ml on the law. a mil-”HM an «anal name-l III-M ladllu all for Nu I Inn] at In“ u an Infillâ€"lug), pod In an of up land Hm O pa»! grade «I mu Iona Md mu Mm. lull! an In" M M «1m mm. hull". null and and”. In ml»! tum-s Mr. llnmlnnm was Mum urn-l «m. m which load ham hams! Ivy [plug themed flak-1m] )- q dentin. [mu Mark v-Imrn. (cu-My lnrln law: by font In dlamlvr. in nt- 4m lo mh nu rnm~k| halt" null mlo lb:- mmpnnnd NYW n In. "mm! mm the drinking howl; Sm Hal-Ila A.” Long dlrlsl-m. n urifnr In "In Now York Sun «Inflnrn. is the “Hunk-v 0' mm! of "l' mid-"nap“! mvmpn who nwiy for (My "milk-Is. ”no 11ml!" took snme “me at! (m Wufk fu ham hm: u do lung divldon. The Much" told it: a million "men. more or but. that whorl the divisor would mt no Into the dividend she mm pm a dpm I. m- amt. one My "n mam ram “MK I!" holed over her flank!" and mm mm- ten or fifteen Hyman In (M m". while the norm nmwwr mm! MI have Ind morn than mm flgnm In It. The teacher I'll pullout with her. am! asked her when I'D not a“ that» flphm. “Why." the said. mm; tux-fly tot- m. "you cold me am than tho di- uuon wouldn't go to put down u «when Imvl It wouldn‘t m .n (In! noon. and I ham" got tn the end yet. and don't It! as I'm plnlng on It 1 DH." Can't. Aubrey do Vote, an Irish wt and pntkmnn, mentions In his “le190 Hons" that when ten yum oId be had a tutor who constantly imitated In Mm rootltnne, pnrpme' and emu-3y. The lutor‘n praise M energy was ex- pmsod by me saying: .1 . A.A_, -n _..- I: I m-m‘lnw? Count-0ne million Manxâ€"41) right; I‘ll till! I check ;nnmely. x n a." Counthnd how not: mil 1 mm mg- amt"? “foxâ€"0h: you won't turn her; Imfiummmt‘numnfl an up In M301 matâ€"l4“ ' v ';'*h;m' are three“ Mm: of man mine than a" the rat In (In niphabet mun!“ nosmwn. 3 Who- I In” "E lulu-oo- h I‘M-on. .wahnt “a your low-t term won! I in! .3 u I! dongs-r033...” Inglis.- un... :- TI r103 3‘. 23‘: it! 3.3 s... Ila .- Ii. 1:... 2! .3 :61 3-. .233...- in. at. .13 won it. as... 1.. !‘ cat-I III. n 1.31 In! M an an, nun ufi Inn-M In IIII um "'0. living 0.; Thu vb. nun cm. Ml hi 0“ In «mm In do. But I‘m "min mu yam "in, H (h Ind- m'" than, on“. TI“ ll! My Ila M W mm W ut-I a tidal In. m u nun! "firm-Nu um “‘2“le mm "a rm about Ind they “mm may «gather “l hue In «mum: at the drug. maker‘s." lb! exphlmd. ”l! mu ”1 aha. I'll I'm m. and lhm m- ran an a win out in tho part. There are m a! thing! I want lo um to you n rm m It“ «My: M and *0 in you will." In in that?!" It“ mm M h}. m'nlmuhtaomwm Kim Il- do you m. Han; Ag, no hay vim Ibo: MI out" mâ€" min I tidal an. Wm dun um“ A vncm sum ~W~Ny W 7 Do?“ m arm; plump; It tn not often are china-ed an hour'- rec-ren- uon that their team. And the m “rem-pl you He madman why I mi .0 1m." XI. Wellmflon murk- d with a uni-Int little Ill“! shout her "an "Sh!“ I to" you?” pect of I tnlk with Endor- We'lluton Ill not! snarl-u M M. AM the mm to tbs “Napalm mam. bud been Impim tho, We '2"an in mm: Imp. hold- at for Central purl- Dorls mum «on. wltl n rem-ml" (team In her mm m on. “You new not II] I word." the slid. 'l'vo m In Im. ton." When the word- and left rm- llxn a um shadow tell out her fur-e nd the tears rushed to but eyes fie-pun "so am the III mailing tow-I'd cheerful“ The MM girl turned and mm lntn her In tardy. “if I an!!! help you. I would. I would!" she mid 1mm» I), and M own eyes wcnt aim. Dori- took her had Ind and mm. “So an. curâ€"m," the pur- sued uncanny, “you Ice. 1 five him up m", me nun It out of (he quel- mwlmmduunyordolny- Trunpdom in I dlnloct at In om: which nobody bo- yoml the pile run understandâ€"«a woken and written Cla- Iect which In some curiou- wly has grown up In a. “mind Ind In: land-mod Jun, olhrr mm o! m- llunlmu“ Menu. The mydefloua sign- that one sometime. lee- on fences In the will cm" and town! Iuly fmmcufly he umb- mud to the tramp (mummy. In mu lulu all: "new lim- Ire “mm. for (la-m the hobo don-un't luv. nu leeway an! urban and mini “to given him. um one trump a dinner and you give I mien. 'nn grateful m‘lllk‘lfl In fairly a rmlu. I! be can the oppor- ___,‘L-| A... u.- “nu-nth":- ‘nuruu nu-lvuu. ... .-..., V tuufly. Io mat» a mm dull: whol on the philanthro- gun'- fem-e, perhap- memly a ruin (In-h. Im an emu-«nun lulonnhu mm oil-v! mm of MI guild um m boost-homer h m to (and a «ducal. It the tramp on M- In; up a: but walk III or manual I lively «mum of ma build” "all! In I. do an: maul. dtvr he sum-d- lu ecu-nuns. to Isak-In In my mar-arr ou an In! arm'- rm'o or at. m we at ohm-p tum Imw. I! ma sun-want o! a hon-n Mr: I um. dunk. to: trumâ€" Iud am'z bun-In. nu nw ullglalvd panorama. to hand than our to n» "it”. um»... ullng palm to dentin than: of Ibo-Ir Ilhrny In“! the "an: atrium. In. an: lump lucky enough (a 1mm glue tuning to In. comma" by Irrlllng ‘1!" on an C’W c-IIM'I ”In. If uuly Imam: live In the Imam «In "Imp “In th- llhrrty of don't-b. Ila-Ir m by "an me 0! (he Idler ‘\’," lawman; the m-mm n! the lame- by “u- "mu" ol ""1“ Mutt-d; gut-l ram-h to (In It» Int mid!- nnl a I‘m [mu-hm mun“, [an mummy-tun! by w ”pl-u! “Ia-"um“ at the "nu mark.” an. to! Imam. I hand. rub . dick an" lflmw nu. ling-n. A“ 1! (ho Wt pmlvn can: woo-1 for a mum! Mp M "to lnmu'u “how." "no nu» hfl'fim ”I II- !unkfnlm by and»; on Ch- gun‘- an n in nu _ ,. _L_-I_ “-1“ In... I Infill. ‘uu . '11-. w.-- the W: pull"! M m (or a nun“ Mo to an Inm‘l “bow.” Ila- flu- mm“ ”I II- Iunkfaluu by tuning on Ibo gun‘- on u M .- I "an pm". a! u main or a who!» win. OM manual. A nub mm o. Ito dumm- at I rot- !nu Mm“- IMC «In Wall on um put to but an m «M: in! mun-Hm I "01sz hint mania" “a man was. any}! land. wall but min i' O. " Hurdle-«0'! tumâ€"HM mun "um. lot 1‘. it find (n- (h and that to ‘H no! m. m In um II} 10 In Cal-44 3 nthâ€"40‘ mu In "III! l- l. ”- . “mun It I «Ml Ila "mason, ”Imam-ml!- II- Ind-II. “I N '0'“ Id 1:. mum m1 5" ""' «at No n. m «an! «Iv-'1 'I' W . ".1 mu my tin-8m! '! '- giiigg nun nutâ€"4 coma-d hut-holy. ”hlpnlblplln nil-«ml m can“. I'm: "In: N- In“ No «In: and M“ u- l“! I an it! to" II- II’ II". I Im II“ It" I. to.” aim It. 01M. and IhI~ that anything mid h on um” and In! I i“ done n1 MJ-â€"'Ifl I mm M". I‘ve not inn! fu- llncmhl-fm-Ihnm will. I m In h lira-l: -m In and mclwlupoddlhmb- WdanWIhld-nnh «or. n.“ "at m "MM to | GM. mmInluwmmfieam find n no In be than. If wu m "up hum MI. '0"- mxm am». When a» db! "um um I mum-m Me In an ml”, and all "u- [mm] pm Md Mod am .4 in rhl‘fllt “H us find «I yam." uh mid. "tn- rudy bard. RM M wrote nlwnn - ham-Irv. Dom; I know "mt your! an I know I! m. m than am.“ To! IV“ In“ manly Ila-ear ,“ 1 mlmmu It“! In! her Nb {on m on FIG, #4] lmfflodhflflbv H.- .... ,, 3,; ‘ i" “mm um It II the roamed count to M I.“ h_ V, banana in any I: Matt; 11:. will I”, (barium. or. u an up den-aqua; u w . than Met a pen-IN. Inn-ton. nu III! I“ Ibo mu a contort-Ila ml. WW II; , of the mid rewudn loot W by «my. j . m of mm on the noun! t he what I: mean. luv 10¢»th W m. qumfiwhnhlmmtdnl Q nu cm“. and I! one. w MU(M W! bL-tlutlho“lodyo!tuhoun"hm um we Inn-bond and». nor-Ina at M likely to be only. * I i 'ruamuw'c undudlnbnmfl hmm-hnuoddumotlw _- Mher mainland {awn at It m at M um am, too. tell- «oq (mu m I... 1 «mm In m. Muhammad II (I. but up 4,, Nothing I- no" «mum to III m n plenum let-tun on who a!“ (I D ‘ (at. o! unnllnd. mm». M. I. M “I Mr Ian particularly «Win! an! (In M, ' Food Ind mum. ~an I In ' A.-.. .5 le-l unâ€" “WVV. ' v latent Inu- (Ir man than u m d ~ (um m1msz.wbw-K now- Only (a “It (MIG - M ”shrug ”will. mar an at m 4 a flaunt. man-Imam”! .‘M m.-. -_7, . , flutmhlndd‘li dum‘ macho-Munch- f loHIIOIhm:M“I guy-III" “Oi-R!!! u all m with n M. W than Doll 'I'I- . .. mumw‘otoltIIHfl-l . ‘ ‘ w..." an an. ‘hll In! ruched up on! m “ me n w my“ its“

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