13'. have observed that men [on ev. except at um when In†mud. and not]. “No; found (me. Fen Into the sewer Inneb."â€"Bnltlmnre Amerlcnn. â€tor-l â€lactic-e. "hm you over we saw): an unlnm follow an Smith? He u always get- ting in a how." “Yes. saw him (min In one." "I suppose. as maL be bad Just missed a good queuing.†Hennaâ€"Hm wonhln annual he cradle-led from humanlry. It In well that It In an. n la a splendid thlng to have hem†In hlxmry as doflnne ldmln, It Is a grant thing to have also some llrlng her-m as m! ideals of nm‘ daily llrn. nut. alum-0 all. It In «urn-91nd; Important {at us‘lo keep I» fora our mlnds the Divlne Musta- mu 1 [In-perm] hlonl. lmklng up In lllm m- grrlw toward Godsâ€"nor. (11le1 Hut-RM. Congw-uullonnlifl, Baltimore. 1 Ullverml POI~.#'PPP‘IMIN‘H‘ and nlveml mt! II the dfllum of the m not. PM u the «him of "('5 Cam and tighten-noun. and than. when" for the Individual at my na- the, hve been obtained M mighty «I. Whether by the short of «at or M- mmm Indlvldunl paw-so: hard-won rm and rlgm go hofm an told!" MN.“R". J. H. "ask-m. 3mm. Phllndelphln. in. Every prim-mic M falru-« knmx n to ma (1": to! mun-"mu mun: for an m life In wink-1| "one may Iv lern o! n mu hull-m that «In rm"; m»â€" Im mum-rflev‘ W, A. Stanton. llamht, I’luflmrx. Afln [kill ‘7" 1.9:": Hub all (Mr- h “In!“ but mkrry in Hr â€mug!" of ti! mmiuus «In :II‘P hrmnm mm the world only to and it a (mu wihlwr- R‘- d I'fl If!" Whh'h mime-t nu“!- Irv-£41", w. u. “arm." â€MIN. Annuln‘ Vlilnfl'» Jinn! nwu 'aHV' law: ml Ina low-um Hr} Ina. .mt Hm .u-ui - "U“ M "er DUI-m2“. N ,v '\'n u . [In-m lb" on" I" 0'" l IL- ;I unhl ul mnnmm «m In": I. m run-.64 IL-n the cum! 0' n» mnmxnwmvu dam nut flvo lb! urn-rm: llww mud .tlm lg "to flunk-Hun u! slhwuvh. lh-V II. I}, 45ml. "thL Imhu‘n, I’ny".â€"- hum-v "n,- .muvr cl.-~ In! "M" an «Ma-Hu- nnsvuvr sum you: My In. nlnp "f pup-r Mm min. That Is 1in- clfluin: â€:9 mm†M ltflmflm Innâ€"nos- mum («Mr-H III! I. (Mum Np I'Pfln-d "an.“ Tum no «mam Ian-nu l-w "hurl I“ min!!! In h- umuditd WN'I if; {h ".3" «r "P rlzlnliux an» m mail Mt» um. l‘Imrk-n u I'uhlu'n. I‘rnhynrnn. 3". \ur'. on, I‘m. -’i|l h In ormliun a-f 1"."qu '1‘. rh'flMNI-ï¬i. In" at «I'vmll‘ll' Ll-I l: dummy.- law mural hum-- at m. “I I" ll! crwmur. v“.-un'< h an U {m I|‘. r‘lmgIH-ln4 M ‘PIIH'J I"! and mahrm Ompm'l I» :0" w um; . ION-Q «I ll.- I".V"1"UII.".Y‘. I: x \ N Markham-I. pr’owqulmu I ' â€Mom. 4'»:- mum-p I. an u-r. «0" am: "It h-‘l. h In "mun-.- l ul A‘Mtl'rr ï¬ll a Iva-l dril'sv Inuwul- m “I.“ I†"9‘ It! II‘HL: KL n '. a! nimn. In Mm run one .-t In: H m.“ mwfn Irma-m nu! w ngm mm. H .|.m_ m L lam-nuns, thlhlu. a, blunt "mum; u )- 0hr IulIh flaunt: In l-nJl h.l"L \\«~ 1 m nun-u In “.14.“. 2 II"... n In prmhflnz u" hu'h'rt .I .- m. The qw-H-u n: ma on. that hath vufrfnl II‘O'} km. Ah. Watchtutb 44“! II Hui ylun‘ululfl'v. II has In olu um. Ilrru “mun. IL. ml wnMo-nm‘ uh- ‘Jnv. In“). wr- flc‘v. Jud flu- lnu'uhl-v-l Imu- "pl-mum flu fur lbs-u. mo-l um. L'Irw :. Hu- chum-Irv unnlcunl Ilml hm. nm ""0“. ll. .\. I:r â€Mllhvlhx Inns. Fidelity.~l"ldemy I: l virtue, not a (raw. It II a phase or col-dud, not of feeling. Our love must culminate In ï¬delity. else n I: u delusluu.-~l(ev. llvr met J. Yea-burgh. Baptist, Uuklnml‘ 8uccc-ss.-â€"That mum-st lesson and Inns! Important an culled success In learned prim-um": by making mlstukcs. ~Rev. Funk Crane. l.‘-ul\'eruuusl, Wur- [Abel-ins Men.~â€"\'ou laboring men Ibould put Christ on your pluu'orm. It you will stand behind Him yuur case In wonâ€"Rev. Charles Steltlo, Baptist. cute-go. Edemaâ€"Better have a wire fence It the edge of u préciplce than a unlgnm- mt bosplul at the bottom or IL~â€"-lcev. J. 1). Adams, Reformed. limoklyu‘ Writtenâ€"«We nae creatur- of our characters. and charm-tors are dun- nlwâ€"Bev. J. 8. Thomson, Independent Church at (Ru-hm Xew Orleans. ‘ “v |In m. "up“ nu In ‘ h Inn cl. t‘..|.;|‘r.:.. In in I :u- H .l,\' I.‘ 1' "am- u In ‘ll .lh: Pmblyoummndo‘hmchl mm «undo: Inn hmltmn n- "Yes‘m." unmet-ed Tommy. "[ cured It by mun" “B! Willis? I'm glad to hear you my tbnt.†"Yetta. I liked the Lord to take I! away from In. and [he tt to Dick ï¬lm. and Dick's [at It. :11 right." Paul Cm. "Tommy." said his Rand†â€my teach". "your cold ls much better than when I aw you last." 1am. when!!! each flmn mm. 1. mud and an application M II?!- the fad n “roadkill: remand a I dhl. 0mm: the mm "mm the number of mm pro-urn. . nave. ctr. In using IM- Invention three home- for mntnluhg dim tonic. are employedâ€"«me for My mm, 0-0 M hir tonic m pmbabl‘y one (or I shampoo tonicâ€"and. mum], a. m shaving. hair-cumin; and 1mm M8- A mute register In provided for each mun, In order that In recur“. Indication wm be made of the d."- Irork. Theowueroftbo‘hrberm‘ an Ull- mdily amt-Ham the nmm of manner: mmmodata! during Ma gm Ind the amount each mu. Muir. and king the up. the luv» m In amused the lamb-alum of u. ‘ r»... In.“ at Ann-«mu: CRIN"... 0.0 “1‘. V“. I An "Mink at.†GRIN for un- InhMWI-anohh-h Inn In Ibo mu! inn-Hon M I Tau man In all mm «mum; Inna" m I! In nut-Inn In (In one. m mm mm?!" a an" an sputum a! My nun. Illrh mm M «In MI! who may no and to! II. mu: and pod worn: Philip. W adult-bl. mu: PM: W. I'll-on. rumou- ad on Mt- 3W the] m “that It- tmmmulmdmuflu «tauâ€"no. tho and M or In lau- «mum mm “In. unï¬t-I. u on. who servos that tho. m “MI 0! 1.0 m It ton-nod well an“ m l- M Milli-dull ‘hwlmmb um" "I .1qu or. mud aim um 10 "than. and! in. «no mum! Io gnu-I Ind «to b no air-ulna and: To an m t- un netball-t [plan- .“ Chm-L “can In «ski-Id by I. huh-1p .06 W on. so (until. â€can Ins-uh- mm“. and Id- walnut no m at hum-u. In tho (mutual um IM m M but and and u m In In. at.“ of the My, Ind humbly ,aumm lb ohm-In at Ito a. mum Mon-bomb“ 3- Alma If“! no talk. a! I» Mn- .“ Philip. “a I. a. lun- ar. w to W n tin-loco lb ’m at (it cunt la 00 wry only Ann M m MW no; M. n u- .an mu] Iii-end ,nmmuy an an! «by will mu!- Id In â€It pawn up." In. and!!! MI "no on... mm Ibo «Mn .- um mac-ulna! In (Way. and b I "and I w. and?! Although perk-pl mm forni- Ou. it if I (let, naively surprising to that. given to investigating the at [In of mm that widows In di- rectly minim. for an earliest op- ooinunent a! chunk Micki. of tho cin- we have in mind. When the apno- ‘ (In mined the none-It! of providing lhodliy sustenance for those who was in Iflendance on their ministration- tliey made the requisite 1mm mu; but apparently the distribution wu umumuiul. and lyre-outlying Gi'eclan- I'em and on by their widow toll: to complain that the Hm: were obtaining more than their hit mm of (be mvondcr. Whompou the tweln took coon-cl and decided mu. line. it Ill beam then u Ipirmul teacher- » am the tables. the nppoinunent of mu: brethren of mood "vote to .0an the bullion in in every way did:- norm-nu: been). met and not. duty or well. except In â€In; (no nt MI. and. In the really old dIYI. at u» handful]: Il-ple homo mule. known u “(1me prawn" But. a the nplrlt at lmmm Mull: yu- ‘mted “regenerated d1â€. mic- or uncouth humor were spun about the damn u a central um. mic pa- ou'l depicted um chiefly :- mam mmwlllklngtorlhom nu. mind. all In all. the um manual u lot. In. tome:- dignity and autumn. until lam-Impnmld. Ithnotouly â€lo-«2mm: warmly; voided. l ltuuplmltw-nnoorhd.“ th- ofluddmonhumnd to In ‘lefll tantrum-tutu:- PM“ church. In No- mind. mw'mmmmn â€mu-Inulmolb â€"9me dnm I, uncu- ad- No American city or mmmlm no ever at In worst morp MW." In the map of [falters than Portugal has been for yearn. TM Winning class plunged thv tax-ridden mmtry I“ "mum the muse: ware metal for Mink amnflnl mm. National debts ‘,I-ere [mod on national 09m and ")9 mm: treasury «an the prlnte packet- Dnok of mnm‘lmr-Mm Men and dlulmnm plum owners. Pnhllc m demented m genteel Minimum The dvll sen-Ice wag honeymmhul wlth uln-l ecurea. and the «Mn! trade of them holding oï¬ce was to omte untied po- Iltlo- devoid of work. There were two great partiesâ€"the maven mamummmmmmum b m Ind duty an an other. and an arr-w existed wine». In mm flick m In «and. flu ‘- m run-ad In the but of OI So tyrants (hm. hnt met: who our» fled Imus hum: of muâ€" mm, either through Inmm or am. and mm: the but that m in than no the mflm of the rum n my new It 4m!)- in die by anger. by bomb or by bond! In our mm ("and Amie-a. 1mm. (3an MrKlnh-x mum-rs Qn ham â€laminar! manna malimmy. a. Int Imrrlly. And ma- (‘nm M Portugal! A 7mm mining with mix?" ml min trains! mankind chm-t mind twin"! and Mam-n mfl. min-t ch! ppnllmlm M "up “may": by MW pflflmvflgmmg. por- hp. In I wrong way, In! mung hm» .uyJMflvothhemwm he vim-ed to urn! I‘nlr Iva-rt for Quantum, he curl mi lm’m. 1 he" on. (In-at What more lmNo Indy unn tumour. of Am"!!! um- m of "My. (Hunt hurt "I (in! (fl-e; mm and mums. min the laugh ! In.» Pm Ibo "a at m sir than. so lulu own «no to at. mm 1 Tom, with s cm." bro luv il- uhm w n um!" dam be M! mum and an»... m‘n wow lo. a Ilu‘c mm Ayn-u can" w I. Am"... ll â€an an iron; a! nu lhu "w- hud at n.- nuu-um Humid.†«mm to row-l anon-t mo won-m mm Ik- Mn 3' hunhud II"! Ibo In: MI at In. p-q-Ig- IM nun clam In mum-.1 “nun! nu manila-nun» 0' up" mun Hun. gnu-u Ibo â€mu flu: "In um. I min! In»: and I. [mp1 «I "My by ll. tan a! no!“ [mu-r Ouch-ml) ham Humane-nun gum lo MN“ “I; MW! DOUILI MIDY MAGOGIC ADVICE 01‘ LITTLE VALUE. By John A. Harland. One of Un- Imn mlvrublz 0! III Idl‘Ilt-fll or ,1 ï¬ve young man 1- In: “no (mum MI hang. mull"; Im- u! "um'u." The» Inhlmlluu- uu [hr “or n! than an Ill the law of the Mull-II and l'vnslnul. l‘n-suuulvly “no: In to m emu nun In «very |Imlllun In «wry cunt-t- “PIN" Iu llu- annular. Hunt 0! than an fauna nu. "fen-um Io lamina-Hug «he on ~ -- play". mwm o! Ilse mum-lulu at m- plqut and «nylon. mmw- o! the mm or demo-m: of - I‘m-“on. um! [herd-av utterly tum-nun of that" or lot tho and nah-II t'lolnfluu of M» pardon-v â€Don't“ mm he the Ian-nu palm mm In a. we a mu pu- tkulu you-l nun. Oahu-my. Iu lb row at n» yuan: m Inning out I tho mm I: III «aware. or In Ina-Inuâ€" ï¬lm-ml! will: a. ooh-t a! WM 0 mluwnry. ha ha: mum M It In not Inn- m were u-mummwn to make them do Inch work In no hrh-I n )u-rlml. (ltlwr nation: have seen this plain truth. and (hon-lore mmle the mummnmeuw plan of ï¬nding out [he (nu-u upon whirl: Ilmlr lawman». an act with Iuwwlnlgo and “him“. Sn Germany and Japan. wbmw [arms an- the must r-nrvl’ul at all mm». had I body of tar!“ t‘ll‘t'l‘lfl ï¬nd out (bu fuels and then nude [heir tnrifl'u m those hm». that must be though! of In making 1: mm. )‘et It It phln that ." would be hard (or even experts to learn I“ the has In In short I (hue. In say nothing 0! the otherwork our mun-alumni mumum-u are now turned to do In linking - L1rln’ luM'. Yet. A: we run made our tnrllfu hen-mm. commu- toeu of Conga-.98. worklu‘ I part at (be “me (or I [on months. not only have to ï¬nd out than Juli. but nun to m dutln to those facts. study but those duties wlll work nut Wm: foreign (ulna. haw our trade wlll thereby be lmlprd or hurt. and all other thlnzu duties «mum be ï¬xed without a knowledge of the tum upon which ï¬ery one of then dutie- In supposed to rest. A. I. mum“. man or name may. l‘OIlTL'flAI.‘fl m‘mmmm KIXG AS" I"! “"le)! QEEEX "than... Therm": nearly 4,000 nuns named In our mm! lawn. Ind every year new articles In put on the market which are not named, but which lie covered by general lem- of the law. It In plain that Just tad Intelligent We must miss our brill. Ind that II a My thing; we must do more»â€" we nmlt now make net-Ibis up»- date plans for reunion, and that I! By Scum A. I. Borodin. . HENRY FARMAN AND HIS AEROPLASE. The most alum-:1 font yet pertain! In th Inflation at the at! m «complied at 1-: near Pull. when m- Henry Fur- m t. mlukflmwlflhuman ltunotmlm'ï¬uu mum-umummmm _ mummmm pun-ll: Thu «humus! mum m h tho mo. of the month; of Man'- dmntnnMp all nil-«I I «m an In Mm. In! the King M Mm Wham farm: "volition. cm! In anmhm Hamishâ€"d and harm. in of- l'on-d to mun. I‘nflm Maud. myth: that in thv "I! "my man nil-"mu .0 mm». but not Mfr!" may m4 rm; mgrlhrr. Franm's run- In! Hourly ll Ian! and "at King urn mm hymn Mg («mutational rights. but I! m a «nutty tn In Ind of a handout 11am Path: .06. Inn! I‘m l’vlm man-m nu GIN u n»- Pun-o uh- I’ullaml) I- [-1 kink! .- mu Ind Inn-nub Inn-IN n tar-I. M mm. an to “iv-l no Hana MI. I u- MI-o In! when I. to“ I»! you“ I at no. on! the pm". hi MI 1. up pun“: In nth-v «(in It. been not. 110 (Mn- Ino “M. and In and. raw Illa-ht d u. in“... cut fl" you". 1 n3:§atl..l 181 a!» - ulnaâ€"xi .\ 1.54:1. a". 9.5... Ina-52L. I: .a 90:. £332.: :5 32.1: I31 .3: 5. :1..- 1 I63... Lave-3:1. 3.... :3 iii: as ti: 95:52... ran-- bud. I'M “mind. In "la "a «a M- but In In" in. IIIIIIMI. Nu not not a“ In In. (Tm-«l WI. Til mum all: -IIMI nun] val 000 mu: mluu I" In than u: pron-be! aha-d In (lino day- who can I: hour In tho utopia in“!!! no In lull- [In-nu up- per‘! Would “a nus-my Mo to mun punt. lat-nu? Would [by rule ho lull-Illa". wit-In cuu- Ihlcl m lun- nu-u Du mm "Id? "PW!†Would this run-u the "In" at It. «and .33 .1 38:! 225?. YE .4. i! an)... 3.. 8a.. I... «I: .3:â€" I.) Itl so i P- 3 :2. ca 33...... it... gal.- 38 l..â€" By 83-01». Black at How York. It must be rant-muted that the people on Illâ€"wwerml. They can do wbltm'et they do- clde to do. The-y an now «hacked by their con-mutton. but they made even the multim- tlou. and they can unmakc It. There are It least two methods at doing till â€"â€" one by amendment and the otth by revolution. But the prayer at every patriot In the had will h“ rlmt the mntltutlou shall not now In changed. The ideas now most popular are ullo most danv gen-um. Tin- t-laulor II for llulltntiou of fortunes, (w gettlu‘ that that nlw menu- the limitation of Industry; for the mnalinwnt oi‘ the lvuvrer o! the rourim (mailing that that tut-am “Path to the "Mom 0! the individual; for the equality of mm by urbitnry rule. forgetting that Lliiu‘nmum to ring the ituluxirlnw IIMI help the Inn. '1‘!» qpirlt um: abroad. It gin-u min. Would luck. the la- aupetwt «goal by in! to the ukiilml. the (ll-mutate emu! to the when the cheat and the shirt «will to the ho.- t'Il mu. The lit-owe. when lbs-y try, mu nu everything to th- gmmt They ran Inmate or Monk;- un-lr Wilma“. They mu. Ir tin-y likv. shall-h lhrir mun. and Iain» Ilium out! (In the rela- I-f mro-nnucut dim-u, In their own mush. ’l‘lnlo tun-am nut-huh»; but on than no tit-«drain (or m‘oluiiwl mmmormmm l'nlm you nre willing to becam- an nutmton mm. a: upon you: purpose In life. sound wand! and ya»:- capabilities. and one your china for mu. upon that nnd upon your Judgment of men and thnn us you new who to your environment. Thanh. vacuum in unworid'lwolt when“ oilin- to viriuo in the carrying out to tho blind letter the dict-ta or his superiors. This (we in pro-eminently the product of the doctrine or conventional “Davis." The "at majority of these men either are residing at Inn-ah. A: weakliup they In- the men all lead con-o- quence in any work requiring Initiative and Will- mem. A: mesh they n- a mm mm to 'htfl'fl' inuituuou their (ii-loyal men-iv. mm J!!! “to albumin“: Do u D II W to h; 'u anMthmuaMn-Mhmm I. all»; position. the yuan. matflculnte In m. an: a.- neat! upon an: Judmeut to right him In the and. Wm an [mil W «m nmwm.lMMIVQM“ Mum amt-en. "lull-um!» drum-beam. use of In our-"Mn: "Mr lamb†mums JVMMM M. 0.. a I). fab-no. 0n. Mum Pan-in! '38 In". In "- run up" hm, our" in In I: mm "m m In, my". on our um; Mun um. [at m a an .00 ‘tm he In"!!! it in “Inflow no «My tum-vi um Mon "I'MH‘ In adult“, ‘ym are rim: I low my Md you in alumni" I‘l m It I. mun-O.“ mil "at «cm. “I" m â€a who Into l form by phylu- no no mm. II and I! m rnm‘ “Won." and mum». hull». Mn IU‘ mm taro. "I‘M m m mu m mtmmmvhflmmmufll 'm 3!" m ulnaâ€"coon Inn-I241 Cam-fl arm I. lbw. TI! Inst Ink-rm an Inn-Md m w", “an "um um Th- an "we Had van-1 now would ml- W .a in .1 lat. Kit >1... bolt: In 3. .3315 I}. on! as 12.34. 311:"..1 9-} =- I. .1 I. 3! ail-l. :3. as €33!) 3'. I 3...: 2 3: III III? 3.341%.‘3. I!!! 3.1!: .9 gas 3 p.705 3! ll 2. 3 I... I3... it I Ill. ‘5‘). 1‘ i I .llln. .19? a! ti- 5 It... 2. $974 .0 I nil-ii 3 ï¬t“ 1.3 1.3!. 3 not... on 3.. I13 I5 .3313 .? :5 n '53 1.3. n... 3...: 3:13 23": 3, 3:.â€" .3 2.5 as if .3233 .19.... rt 1.13: av 13 no 2!... ‘24:: 1.3.5.: .3 31": :1 3.- -.l. u 1.! 11:2... 3 3‘! l n. 33.1 1 l. 5.... I13. 2.... 3.1.! In. 5 ‘33 an I, :- l-nnlIea-hf rig-JP 3-5.3 K :3... Elli 2. o. 2:: 2:. at... .l 2.:- .â€"§ 9 .1. 5.1; i t.- .i! .3 .G I. u! 3i- 8... u. 30“, and Inn-W dirt-m u I. M III. Mm! «um: won In. I.- D'rlum‘n "lo “I ll. K". In I. "mull; tun-Irma. undula- I. lam]. but Irv IMHt-ld (I. (“III thin-h mm with anvil; doubt. a III-lulu. "YMM'IQEI S‘Inrizizdostti salvagingâ€"33! Canaan; adult-massag- «anâ€"Illa- Rlisi 3323!: i'lolotilflpiioiâ€"a tizliioislmi 3 ii!» 3 blue»! 0a I: i: II 3:. 1345.53»...- 3:53.!lliliw 331§i_.§rrliÂ¥ m- can but. put-u con- un- Bum-MM lu- tb use via an willed emthmmmnqa an: m with use 1.0- n.- Wlhmmlfl “lbw-“Mb!!! mw-Iwmwh mm: was "IIâ€"ult- m‘ucmmmcu-m v-u- um. V...“ “undulations-hunted. hq-Iumtdmnb bylaw-((DWH‘OMH 35...!Ifil-rai ié‘ai‘ig Sig-aniloogg tall-3....asna‘2fl? gzgiS.Il_-S waJEES'ai giltgqigri .5 Raisin): i. in Improper mule-flo- a! food In all. I (nut!!! all. 0: 0mm: discu- In "Ono mum at :m- mob-bl, I- (but wind blowing "noun I drink elm-I I mom my“! current 0! air and m- chb the pan or the body lull-t which It Implant-- and: non quail: than lll’ noun; MI, and um non thin alt whlch II no! noting at III." “Atihilmomnluldmm lultln‘ room In a III-nu." um “I mmmtmmumtuxm “I'm- occurred with sud: malaria thutlthdltooktomluthhp o! a. hook with I windo- 01 «none acid It“. using it†Chill- and mull: local chill: an to be guarded lulu-t. “Wind which com fairly in ow- tnmblinhmhmm "wind umbeoonoflthhekoltbwk. behindthoeuoremntbddod the head It In much more Want “Largely open windows Ire comp"- Itively nu, but I chlnk through which tho Ilr More with bro: I! to be enn- rull: avoided. â€I‘ha may. at NONI" It: la.- "Cl" VIII. M induct. ï¬nd mama-II. an“? mm“ mam rm-WI-gï¬m cal-Dick!!! {En-Ion 1!. . 1:53.. Elna-853.83.: SEE-11:55.. . .3 inc-3!??? 35:! ultraâ€"=89 confluent ho um om takeaway-u. wanna-hm“ If!" um ï¬rm-â€â€œ323 menu â€I 0mm