H. F. uwmceï¬onmy melt. clerk's neg tanks-n June election ................. Wm. J. Damion. demty fees. . wnmm Colmom, dewty teem . 21m Your committee to whom was re- ferred in» claims for rm and sul- nfles. hon leave to report they have examined all mm nrmnted Ind reo- mmneml the payment of the following. and that the (‘er be directed m Issue orders to the several rial-nuts for the neural amounts, town: H. F. Lawrence. County Clerk. court fees remitted by order 1'?» claim 01 C. D. Bartlott. smut. 27!.27. for the care of county Inmates to June 1. I909. motion!†mtd upon the 0. K. o! the county tam mm- mm». wv have enmtmd and ï¬nd correct. antlnlly submitted. W. W. STEVEN. Chalrmnn. The {0110th report of enmmlttpo on 1995 and alarm was. on motion of Sumrvisnr Hammemhmtdt. approved. .“r. Chairman and Gentleman o! the Board of Snmvlmn: H. F. barrow-e. expenses 09""- rrm: hallo" Juno flmtm.. 13.80 The tors of me has†lml clerk: a! elnuon In (hr 92va via-Non dis~ trio"- in "w manly as per bills [we "mod and rot-mud hy the County Clerk. we have examined and llml cor- rect andmemmmoml allowed and or don drawn for the mm! amounts. mrnva .................... Th0 .Amvflran Law MI: (‘1. (ï¬n-1mm“: 0! L11 Vol 11.. Whmmn Plumbing I Homing (‘v-V. plumbing. on. n! mm: in†. . . .................. C. D. Rar‘len. sum. laying Mac at tummy [arm ............ . rmi .ledrmwyov. 3am . Wm. Nammruhmhll. mm Amm- (‘VuliL «no ..... W. \\' .‘lww-n‘ nine ....... livoru- A Roller. sum (‘ ,\l Humeâ€. mmh (‘Mrloq l‘. mnnflufl. on» main pmvkm â€urns W )I Tomlhmn mm ..... 1‘ I! "min-m mmifln tart rl I 00.1 . . . ......... 4 WM. Ian and W P. run-n "um“ um dam M mm W .. .. I‘ I‘ On a Cu. u-Iunhlu u «um bum ....... W K Hull‘s 8-0:. thr In run-I! Inn. . . . .......... flunk. I‘. Mr. In." for flu": Inn-um ............. 1‘ SI "all. (‘r Uni. mum. mum. ctr. Io June I. I!†I‘m 0' “mum. mm In Jun I. Iâ€? . . ........... . . .. . (‘hlmcn Tvlrpbm I" I0" Io “ï¬x â€a I†......... Rm II mumâ€. Naval 0' In Immm rMM â€In-p“ .. Northern Illinois Writ puMhhSn: nvflm hulk! . II I-’ [Awnm-o. (‘0. (Work. "can" 1-0-3111. out. to June It on Tnvwmrr (‘0. MI (warm-r Cum, no". \‘oimm II: ..... llmmh Anlum [or "N4,“ â€)0an (‘Mhlrrm rdl‘c‘ al roum'. "Inï¬ll!" m Jam I. Mom ‘ . ................ "Mu-u. Induptrlal ï¬rbool (or mm. run- 0] «man iuuln lo Junr ) um ............ Illlnal- 110mm) Tnlulu Din-hoot Farm. ran at «only mung In Jun» I. um ............ Ballard Numb-y (‘u ‘ trgulu [or mum homu- .............. Dr [Lt per M'I . ....... (‘1!) bun-l (5 Suppl) to. ammo. (‘Illaflmn a ('u. Amwllaw Rt- .\1. Hum, (‘r. Clerk. making Nat m4" .................. F. Ponibono Q 00.. sup-mm {or mum! oflru ........... II. 1'. Morgan clerk Mn (or May. I'm!) ................. Brhlmdt ‘l'lmrnnu. on mm Vila" lnr rounu' {nun ..... C. B. Horhum. ~1u-rm. rlrrk hire :0 Jluh- I. It“!!! ........... P. E Win-«hm 1 ï¬lm. roal an county (arm A. L Wei-st". sunning (own line helmet) Millon and Yuri: ton-mm» .................. The ('n'auwry I'Im. Mm (‘0‘. galvanized tank and rolls (or county (arm ............... Your committee to whom was re (erred the claims beg to report they have examined all bllls presented and rH-ommeml the payment of the follow- ing. and that lin- clerk be directed to Issue orders lo the several claimants lor the sewral amounts. to-wit: A. L. \Vl'hstvr. surv yan at aml nu: hm 0n reconveulng the following renon of committee on claims was. on mo~ lion or Supervisor Churchill. declared approved: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen I)! the Board or Supvrvisurs: 0n mollun ‘0! Supervisor Hammer- uchmldt. me chairman o! the county board and chairman of the county 1am: columlltee were ammlnted dete- xmes to amend the fourteenth annual convention of the Slate Confluence of Charities and Correctlon to he held in Peoria, "L, October 9th to 12th next. 0n mmlon o! Supervhmr maven. the board took a recess to 1:30 today. All hills and communications on ï¬le with the clerk read and [he claims referred in the respective cummltiees; r n. V lmv. wrrlm an comm Mun-Inn to Jun l3. Meeting called to order with Chair- man Fun-bank presiding. 0n roll call all members present. Minutes or last preceding meeting read and declared approved. H Human-r, mum. and up pm- [or roam, alt-n ..... DuPage County at Its regular met- ing held at the court house in Wheat- on on Monday, the 14!!! day of Jane. A. D. 1909. pursuant m statute. lifflï¬lAl PBflGEElIINGS ' BF THE 80AM 0F SUPEBWSURS 13M for 13,40 00.00 8 30.00 I†73 ll ‘0 am 6‘0 8|" M2. IO 33 GIN 7-!“ I3 1'! 8,44 70.0" 30.00 52.0" 30.00 I)" l8 loved by Supervisor am that the Board or Ravi" be author!“ to employ m Mutant cm for BI Burdofkmhwforlmul-hn Mtomoeduurm. Resolved. That the building of A. D. Grim! at the corner of Adam street and North avenue in North Elmhunt. "L. be and In hereby ï¬nd upon and established for the plate or holding elections In uld Election District No. I. Rmolved‘ That the Village “a" in the Village 0! Addison, m. be and is hereby fixed and established to? the plum of hoiding elections in aid Election District No. 2; and be it far- Miami»: at the â€then" tumor at satd Addison township. being the south-st corner of cation 3‘. tul- shipwmh.mpllentflthe third primlpnl nertdhn. and manta: gunï¬re north along the eat "no of 1906 township to the northeast rer- nrr o! and settles 38; than west along the north line 0! all ear-Hon 36 and the north line of sections 35 And :4. township and range aforesaid. to the quarter past In the north "no 0! mid section 34: thence south prune! to the outline of said sen-tin 34 to the quarter past In the south "no of said section at: them-e out “on. the math line of aid much. 84. 35 IM‘ 38 to the plan of beginning. Ind whlrh «hell he kmn I! mention Dh~ ‘ Met No. 4 of Addison dectlon ore» vim-t. Be It further M vii Remind. Thu! In"! Bunion Db mm No. 0 he ï¬nd I. brow mamm- ed and "and. ad that the sum shall Wu the mmry dost-HM z. of Addison Eta-Hon Pminct, and‘ be it ("flier lint-Mu u Ila â€Inc-u man at all Adm-an «own-Mp. Ind nun-m "no" as a. II: noun: "'0‘ d “H loin."- In th nun" pal \I the m1. III. 0! know 30. Team». W San. linu- Il. want at m 14 PM.- dpl serum; III-w um palm an IN on! III» a! Hill gun" to vb- mnn m M Ibo mlh "no a 1-H 80-mo- 20; than an pnlkl cut me man Hue of «M 1"â€th up Mn mum «mu-v n1 Roma- 3:. To)" my and Ram an alumni; 1m Ian» on "I! n" "In a! Mid mum 2‘. in "no muons! mm" M an: m Now 2‘. "view In! that the Iofll "In of all Sodium 25 and Forum 3?. Ta'nshlp and Inns "outtaâ€. m â€to; umnpr "an In I): M")! "Iv of mid mm :7; mm norvh to ma mr. «or my in "no norm "up at Mum. 3:. TmrnsMp and Rana? Humid; urn-Mr tn! ahmg mo norm mum lino oi “It! Scrum! 1": and semiann- 2!, m and Is. annsMu aml flange aloft» said. to the cm lim- 0! saw TflII ship; â€In the north-est mfuor 0! said Snub. l9 atom“; them â€um um Ibo «Ml line 0! said tnvnsllp In (In mm at Min-mg. m b:- known as Emma msnm .Vo. Iltnolvod. nu .H Decib- mmm S; 2 to “I In Mn» manual I“ «and. ad Ital tho I... cull mum- na- urmory bum-rd m min Ind houndx II MIMI. tovll‘ Rowan-d. Dy lb ('ouuu “non! of um â€I has Comm. Wm m. an! tamb- 0mm So : In. and II. um I: 30M] mud-d Illa no the- ck. (lunch. to b “alumna mue- Ilvvl)‘: tau-u.- â€mm! .\‘o 2 "a! lat-cue. 0031ka X0. 0 01 um AMI nun I'ndld II. I! tumor WIN-nu. I: Input: m flu and roomy than] Ila-I N VI" In! (M In. cont-unm- and but tuu-rv-l or IM- wlvn o! «H I’D-rum [DI-arm Sn 3 lo cum.» and mum: III-v am «we» (so: damn law um via-non dia- 11!“; not. linden. to u Whom“. ll. Appear-s Io Illa Count) Inward o! Du Page foamy. lllluolu. lhll l um! may at m. town at Ell-«ton Maurie! No. 3. o! Addams Elm-Hon l’mlw. In an Du szv Foamy. l|ve u nmolr mm of me I‘m duct and considerably dlnlam-r Iron Ilw [-ollluu plate. and. AMOS CHURCHILL. E. H. M'ClilcaiNBY. E. F. ADAMS. J. D. u'cumxm'. THOS. 0. NAODLI'Z‘T The loiiovins resolution n-mraln. Hu- divisiun or Diuricl So. 2. Midi-um Prrrmrl, I'll. on motion of unwrrlnor \‘hun‘hiii. declared urn-rowed. Your petitioners would must respect- fully request a division of Milton EM» tion Precinct, Second District. begin- ning on the north town line. and run- ning south on the Bloomingdale Road. and connecting with Main street in Glen Ellyn. and continuing south through E. W. Zunder's Subdivision of the Kuhn farm. and running thence oust along the south side at said unb- divisiun to Little street; thence south along said street to the south line or the township. The out side at said :ilnv shall be known and designated usf Milton Election Precinct. i-‘Ittii Dls‘ HM. and the polling place John Rent- itk'» Barber Shop. in bank building in Glut Ellyn. The west side or said uuhdlvislon shall be known and desig- nated as Milton Election i'miuvt. Set» and Distrlct, and polling plow Villagu linli In (Him Ellyn. (Signed) The following petition. pmnented by Supervisor Churchill for the division of Election District No. ‘4, Hilton PM clnct. was, on his motion. declared granted. Whenmn, "L. June 14m. 1909. To the Honorable Board 0! Supervi- FRED NEDDERMEYER. Chairman. 01: motion at Supervlnor Cranmer the rules for the past year govern“): county (Inn were approved and adopt ed for the ensuing year. mes and bonds as (claws. to- C. B. Gotham, sherlfl's as per bill. ....... brulnu to June 10. 1509... 1‘. ll. Hull. Cr. Clerk attend- lnx court to June I. 1909.. H. F. Lawmnoe. County Clerk. Intending court. board manna, 0th to June I. Wm. W. DoWoll‘. um Wm. W. DaWolr, 31hr: an H- mrham. sherlfl's lees r bill. . . . ........ . . . . 2.01160 Rupeemilly wbmltmd. 192.00 54 .00 â€.50 After the serving of delicious re- freshments the nut: departod at the midnight hour. with this conviction Innly Implanted: "n. n good thing i belong to the Baptist choir, and u ’ to count as friends than oi Ming qualities as llr. and Ilrs. “porter." while Mn. Ame Edwards demonstrated Myand A doubt her row» ï¬ght In the "Music-I Ronni-A." A lumber of Scotch air: om men by Mr‘ and Mrs. mane. A song entitled "Solomon but." by the has: himself. 1nd n piccolo solo by Mr. Greenwood were most 1ny rendered. Tannin evening. June '22. the choir oi the First Baptist Chiral: oi our village was the gm of .\lr. Ind Mrs, Waiver Swarm-out. at ilioir bountiful main home In who oi ills ierriflc norm and navy downpour of rain which medal iheir visit. ample pro vision was made by the hon for trans- ferring the sevml choir members {mm the sidewall: limit to his mt elem, Games testing the skill 13 sculptors. and ille brain as well. in I min; must were indulged In, And the menu“! contestants were "- warned with suitable prizes. Mr. W. B. Towsiey proving Mme" a me ar- tist in the fashioning of a “curl" o! White‘s Yucatan into a promising 0n norm M Supervisor C‘IH‘DI". me mnl adjourned to n" o! chit. M. F, LAWRENCE. Clerk. TIMI DMrM: David Knight John Alum-urn. Am Banmm, Pom“ mate: Barlmrs Barnum! slog Bola. m. 9mm: DhmM: Geo. kflkr. Mm "lhfhlrd'. our" Stmbkr‘ Polling Mm: John “mama shoe "mp. 47 Van "area anâ€. .‘Zamfllle, ï¬rst mum-n lac. Lawn. hater mile. George Wander. Polling Mm: '28 Water «m. Naprï¬lk. 39mm! liislrlrl: ID. I) flamrd. I.. II mum. Adam Kathy. ram“ 0an: "Y' Miller's carpenter noâ€. Lisle. M811: ï¬rst "kind: ["1" erh. we. I: Turner. l‘nn ï¬n; Poll!†Mare: Prank uvlm’ pom shop. In "num- noun. Nawrvme. Ill mn- mun": "envy I‘flrfl. l'hu um". r H Pram". Pom" phat hm: "all, (‘ IAIE Ill. rflflh "Mritl: Thin. ï¬lm». '7 ' .me. J. (‘ loco. Mllu More: \‘th "a". "I'mâ€. In. A P1253531 MIAMI TN"! lucid": (5 n M". L :- Strut-m. t’ It (‘AMIflI Nun pun: Um“- um. 00am "mu. m. TIIM man": I" W. nun. Wm. Ida-nah. r 4‘ Malawi, Ohm». ma: Noel-(I Hula-NI» when. rulknhm. mm. Int-um: lulu I Know. W J mum-1. .le Kan-h Nu“ Man: John Pnll‘c am" no. u.- lint. "0'3!†()ROVI. ï¬n! hmrm: N. 1m. them "on". an, r. Rarity, Pom-u pun: ummm an... an." ('Ikm "e um and Hard. and. "lo-ink Dam-cl III-um: r A. Ila-p". J W. Turk". F. (7 H'I'â€. Pulling IMN' Tmln'n 'lIl «(an *0. "can". an". m. rim "hum: lira-t Blush-l. 1min H not-«mun, WIIIIMII mun. mm. Marv: “Hm "I". Simian-l mu 1mm": VIM-n “le- Iflmnldl. [Mar AMHL V. 8. Rabi. Pout-3 mu: [mt-M land mu. lmhud. m. th mnrm: Anon "II-I’l‘hfl'. w. H Lulu-r, Hunk-y Wag-ct mum. Mam-z John upmlc'n humor alum. um- Ellyn. Ill. b‘uunh m-lrh-t: W. W. Blcvfll. W. .\ "mum. 1. ll. Cobb. Pam" MIN: :07 North “INIMII ulna. (Worn \\'tmlrm. Ill. Thin! lit-"IN; A. H lhl’molouww nu: l-luw: In.) it. \\ union. Ill. Semnd IMIIrh-l: B. u. “N'hmmy. A. u. Hi. Frank Wagner. Polllux plant: VIII...“- Ilnll. (Hal lffllyn. Ill. MILTON. Finn mmm: Jone 8‘ Fox. Georg.- lineman. Adam Mouth. Polllng place: Hulteudorl Granite Work», 1:8 Km 30. R. n. "ml. Wheaton. Thlrd manic-l: A. H. Fnlrhlnk. .l. ‘l' Hoslord. Thomas Hilton. Jr. Poll~ In. plum: (‘Ity Hull. West Chicago. Ill. John Bohnmer. \Vllllam Art-us. Henry Harmenlng. Polling place: Towï¬ Hall. Wayne. WINFIELD. First District: A. H. Hills. Michael Dieter, John Robertson. Polling plant: City Hall. West ChlcngQ. Thomas Smflord. N. M. Trlplen. Poll- ing place: .‘Irs. room's Building. Warrrnvllle. Ill. Second District: Nick J. Klan-k. Henry Harhmelster. NM: w. Lies. Polling place: Charles Tedmhn‘s store. Clorerdale. m. WAYNE. Third District: A. a. Che-3mm. William Rosenwinkei. William Pieper. Polling place: J. H. Sonne's more, Itasca. Fourth District: 0th A. Fischer. A. D. Gnue. M. J. Curran. Polling place: Grane's Building. northwest corner Addison street and North are nue. North Eimhurat. ill. BLOOMINGDALE. First District: Fred Neddcrmoyer. Henry Grupe. Fred Ehiers. Polling place: Town Hall. Bloomingdale. Second Blatrlct: August Weber. L. H. Ruthie, George A. Fucker. Polling place: Village Hall. Addison. lll. 01: roll all motion Minn-q: curl-M The supervisors of the various town- ship: mounted the tolloviu Ila: or name» or pomnl selected by then to let u judges of election. and naming the polling place- lu the «van! dll- trleu for the ensuing you. which nu was on motion 0! Supervisor Ham- morachmldt dzclared approved: ADDISON. Finn District: H. F. Hornbostal. Louis Schmidt. H. H. Korthnuer. Pom In; place: Vlllnse Hall. Bensenvme. éetond mama: Réhert Knrmnn. XAPFZRVHJJ) VUIIK .\lllo J. iluuerbeld. r2. 1. um». you NV knllnnd “er. nouns am â€my" vâ€"Rev. Dr. CMI'KP Elliott. of CMca- gn, whose masterly address all the last “Washlnman banquet" no dellghlorl all the guests. has very kindly «rm seated to visit us on Wednesday evan- Ing. June so. and sin In: very best lecture. at the Methodist Church. Ev- erybody la Invited. Admlmon tree. noun open at 8 o’clock. About mud" young people not Min heathen In the out vellum! for "Home! Goons and Hot Gallup.†which occurred In! My. How ever, but a null number at um were mm. 11:- rut mum will u give: out on Tim. lb unho- Paln anywhere stopped In 20 min- mes sure with one of Dr. Shonp's Pink Pain “Me's The formula Is on the 2.". cent him Ask your donor m- drug- gm ahmn this formula! 8mm wom- anly pains, headache. pain: anywhere. Write Dr. snoop. Racine. Wm. for (no. trial to prove value. Bush L Simona)". â€"M 8 mm Mann. mm the mnxroxanon M the Evfllgolml numb. an W's! â€up“ 1mm. of this my. sold In entire church property to Mr. 3 P. Haner. Plans were also adnmnl :6 a nun-ran. to ho mm on the corner 0! Main um! IM Ma- me avenue, m In in! m nhlte. No Idle-s 2! or 20 min-Inf tom's. Made hm pure [‘rv‘m min... nun. ms, etc: Sample rm. 1‘ W. m. W mflbutllbudmb hlt haunt-WWI yum-commutation.- mmgmmuuu that “hull-plu- «Icon. “bu-«lulu? than. “I. h (at Town Booming ‘l'bo viewer“! Imlulm of real rol- lw are! yet nud- l- 0'. Shoao'u Hell": ('olce. It In an In flavorâ€"Ind I- â€".\lru. J. C. White vent Io lA-l-nd. lll‘. on Saturday. June mm. to an .m- vrnuou rmmlon tandem! me grand 0|!er of In: 0. [-1 B. by Mm. Ida u. Cove. Grand Adah. Ind In lhc even- In: numb-d IM oak-III Minn-Hon 0! Irina! Chapter. «Airs. .l. C. Whltc attended a dim nrr and mamm- tendered the Wotlhy Grand Matron of (be 0. E. 9. and her routs or one": by Normal Park Chun- tor on Tuesday evening, June Huh. at [In- I-inxlvwood )lnnonlc Tomplv. -â€"â€".\lr. C. W. Kemper. o! H": Unlur- xlly of Chicago. will ï¬ll the Baptist pulult Sunday. He exnecls to punk.- use 0! the lollmvlns subjects: Mort: mg, "Chrm, the Moral Magnet :" aven~ lnx. "The Courtroom ol Christltm hx- lwrlenre." ed Friday Ill. ll. -'l'ka lieu! of the Tuble vâ€"No wonder the Ladles of the Mao oalwea are such a popular order. They show a true Internal spirit and some or the “the? benevolent mletles would beneï¬t by follow-lug thelr exnnlple. â€"â€"».\llss Shel-borne Rand. who has bot-n vialtlng her sister. Mrs. C. A. Bush, for several months. also attend- im: the Chicago Plano College. depart- Don't drug the Stomach, or stimu- late the Heart or Kldneys. That. la wrong. I! II the flak nerves that are crylns out {or help. Vlmln that weak Inside controlling nerves with Dr. Simon's “about!“ and see how quickly good health will come to you again. Test It and m! Sold by Blah Slmouson. -â€")lr. and Mrs. W. W. smith ana daughter. mm Sarah E. Smith. or East Charlemtmt, Mass“ were vluttors at Mr. L. P. Naramore's and Mrs. John Smuley’s thla week. Stevens. ll Ian! at work, and it I: III mun-ed not that. "Huber Gonna m Her Gosljnss" will be too good for you to miss. (W MP1, 0-0.) Helps for her home In Carthage, by I!“ A visit was paid to Riverskk. Ban Brmrtfllo and Haikuâ€, 1 short time since hy hm Gunï¬re“. Franklin Hnling and John Hnling. The ï¬rm and last named mm are mr-mm ‘hennty moi: of Bow-morn California. ‘SInllny Helghi‘ in Mantis. Ind Mag- nolh and Victoria avenues in River side were the mile points at (he ‘irip. The lnnrinns lounge on Smiley Heights and [he hanllfnl Canyon (‘rm Link» on the top of ihesr. Mums it!“ never he (men. Mme". av- ohne is lined with thra- rows of "res palm. WM)" and other "Mien. Iml along ihe aide run: I reimhing Irri- niing «mm; This country was all n barren desert nnill mnwned into a literal order! by inflation. The boys rem that It m not confluent for Fred Aliord. 0f Onurio, to accom- pany than on the trip. Mr. and Mn, 1‘ H. Clamp"! wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their [mane- nnd sym- pathy ohm them In an" bereave- ment. They also wish lo thank the following lodge: for the lam album 0H" hinders. M hos Ann)â€. ml- "min, "5 called um Tami-y 11an June I}!!! Inc. M mm tom Datum 0mm. Jam Guam". and Main- um! John Ruling A wry mutating evening tn mm. rum-Inna form" thy: in Dunn: "an and (ohm no mm '0 had Inna! comet-ling ï¬lm!" mum-l friends "yo are null In than"! Grave at thumbs-ts. mu hag-x. "n Um and "II- In soak. annual up mu»; vb“ tern mam-nil Thursday to 2 trial p, m. u "w M It flunk he â€'7 m In: mm“ by I» "not. W. H. 0|â€. Tho min! corp Diurnal In "I. Sapnllb may. "on Slu- mle am" mm: m.- "mm! rlvm~xamnmv Harm. \ m. m. in MI 0! blur Hi I." and III-any mama; In no um“.- hr Mun-H a! a mum! I... I. '1'... «not In" It! In! In "in M Nu m- †no“. I. III In!" at â€I? I» M "mi um; Ibo Midis! mm I! IN. em. "and“ noon-"Inc! ~00.le as m full .0 In". I. no "my and 9am at nm A lam In.» a I)» Marni“:- rlfltnlk. MIME" um monk" d 4!. :33... Ca in I: :3: 3.1.1. :1 .11 32.3: X 2! 31...... 3:1 .3 .3 to... .1 13!! a. 3 .7. 3:2; The ham 0! the 11mm. The Hon! Nelghbon. The Ron! 1m. The Knight- ol Pnhiu. «It... .3.- ..3 no»? r. In; I: 1 .0. in. I’ll 32.32.... I 2.3:... not :1 700:3. I... l... 2. I... at... oâ€" ;- gluon-.3. .3... It'll!!! mum nun-u «on. ulna landï¬ll"... I" mid“ In Summo, m; a†mum. mu tun J, In Mao-Cu 0! than: “my. 1|]!an and Alb-n u Napv with. man a mun-u. (3...; Ohm «nun. Andaman-b.0080! â€Milo, and M... hâ€. d M 61040â€wa Alt-â€Mu In hn‘ In! um nnly u". 1"! "wound-tr “haul. mm. } In llt'knt‘ll. If I tort-In hidden nerve am wrong. that the cm. that (Mu nerve control. VIII ll:- surely run. It may he a mount-I mm. o: It mu have 3|". “mum and up- port to the Hour! or Klanâ€. It In I». snoop that ï¬rst pointed to this vital truth. In. Sheep'- Rutontlvo in not Mada to that tho mound no! to amp-nutty Ill-wt.“ "a "can or Kid-or; Thu Ola-Inflow“ not“ I: I" wraps. Dr. My“: Rana-nun In" dtrwtty to'thno tum-l quk non/n The "nut-Ho am at m- pnurvlptbn demo-unta- tk II. dam of tmttu the utul non of that hm“ unu- AM It In I“ -The Klnograph Co. was here again and had a very good program as man]. Mr. Bob Roberta of Chicago. the great ronmly song singer, bud the andlenu )uughlug some. Mr. Roberts ï¬nd to sing ï¬ve venues to “My Brudda Syl- veal" in order to loop the ludknnce quiet Yes. Mr; Robert; ls coming back with us next Tuesday. June :59. I909, will: new mugs und an: pk- Ium. We wish lo ummunre lo all of â€owners Grow [3qu|! [ans we will haw at our next Inerlornmnw here a pin-mm Hunk-d "Thr Baseball Pans." I! la n good laugh 1mm mart to nnluh. (‘ouu- and we [or your-sell. â€"â€"-A surprise birthday party was given in honor at Mr. Rudolph Elia- worth at up; home or 0. J. Dewey. u: Samioga avenue, Saturday even- ing, June 19th, 1909. The guests were «a (allows: Florence Willard. Mabel Dewey. Maud Dewey, Bertha achuIIL Mildred llrlggs. Mia Bessie James of West Hlnudale. Frank Kldweil. Harry Rayner and Frank Williams. A very enjuyahle time was spent by all. -â€"'l‘he Navel-ville Dlulrlct of Y. P. A. come-aunt: of the llllnolu Conlemnce ol the Evangelical Assoclnuon wlll be held in Aurora. "1.. Friday, Sntnrday and Sunday. June 25-27. Rev. J. S. Blamm wlll preside at the conventlon. The (Magma: from Downer: Grove are: Miss Len: Palmer. was Bertha Dlener, Mlss Martin. Penn-r, Mr. MIL ton Rudke, Mr. John Dlencr. Tym- urer of the District. wlll also attend. ~A WM] mum M the mu- tben m culled Int many night ‘ax um home at the secretary. Mn. Funk Lower. A number 0! Important matâ€" legs were attended to and a plum: ant-m (lme enjoyed. Next muting wlll be held at In. Gunner‘s on July 8. Instead 0? July 5. A convey-nu has been engaged. Further notice will be glvau memben by Illa Iceman. la delighted with on nun. monk who seem to faï¬ Into "no no many-â€" and In very good looking. too. Menu-0d In. Put Ono) CARD 0'! ms. camolm ms for comm maltr- n-lllp '- whlel m u M II I“ I mention I ’- {b _ Mild tron All porn-:51 Jam-Inf iiy amt an mâ€" Marian: and man their Mann. Inn-d [Ma mm (by of Jane. A. n. mmkmthymvhtn hm. 0»me mm M "0 m “nu-4m and MM M an Iran no" main. cm. hmmzdmfl "how and Mr- †win». in a n Benton ave m m inâ€! am “an.“ mm. 11! “H m": M m (have. In Parr (mm-1y, "mos. Immn on spatial Amt-M In. an. int hat-a WM :Irm urn-nod by "up than! 0! [ml In- mmn M and VIII." M hum ï¬rm-p. and â€m In“ MM at mm In- prowmn has n: mun-ave a! new! and Wm QM I'm-1mm. In In. r'numy Fun at Do Pan County. hm! that 1». ma clay M Inâ€. A. D. mm. M IMMMIOn'rMn‘m.Mum (mm-r nn WI um ho board. has mm-ntwtmmtmmmm of nlvl emit-ate of out and «mm. mmm to ck approval of and mumâ€" vmo 01' mat and Winn. Ind In tho‘ amlmtm M the Board of [MI lmw mm:- herein. may no mod at an." mm- prim to lo «rt-hot a. In. on the nm on, 0! July. A_. p._ m». _ l mos, ' ‘ Dnvnm Grove. mm. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT N0. 30. SPEWl ASSESSIEIT VEGA numn "'0‘ 2n. 0. E. M- III-1w! III. mm Myst. l. N. arm-n. W‘ I: In. (for: I. R I M far “mm m WHY")! I . l1. DLUUUBH â€victim! 91:". â€VII ammnuv '31:"; =1: ‘Iazyh: ~15! 00-. Mom at arc-tun. ‘ . ' mu lamb-ununnluy mumuiflwh n...- Lou-{m " A“ ",7. Quit "W" “ ' (-‘i . 1mm nuhnmde tumultuous“ my QM)!†golï¬ng-kw IAI. an "'ruiw‘i'uii 6'00" "mum run» â€It". “'2'!!! 1-92-9an a 1"; flag 2-? n3. ii" Ii». gun! I I. It 'um nu r I“ .1 v 1 non null. all I I ' CLMW‘Lflfl- -l Titanium in aid to In t» Olly nu. Nu . 0. All «nut-um or mm M unn- nnnwu umflk‘uuu wlm the provisions "1 [Ms walk-am um Why nan-um). and min unlmunn- null he in mm from um] all!" In pawn. «normal and pubIku- I an. Kw (L All Imcxnemlï¬l lullnnm, at any "0m nr Items at any appropriation mndu- Iny this ordinance may he ean-OHI (m- "mum: up any death-mien In any Ito-m "(In-qt: of 13m: nppmprlauon._ M " Ai-pmvm m.- mh day 0' Jane. A In", mm. M rywuhnl um- mh any at Jane. A‘ [008E BIREBIIIIY. 'l‘mnl ..... ................IK.065.00 Run 2. Any sum of momy lwn‘lofurl‘ "nun-printed um] no! hrroml’um run-«dad um! nuw in lhe lrmumry M Iln- Village or lmwnem nun-2. m that may lu-rmflnr «mm- u ilw tnanury or the Vlllnm» ul' linwnnn. Hmv is hereby um-nmrmted by um «mum mu mug-go In. Lying, ur 'l‘ruu m n! the Grove. Du Pam County. Illinois.- Kecuan I. That me followhu sum- of money. or u- lmch Ihmol :- my be authorised hy law. he and the am are Mmhy nmmmrtuuu! for mu ohm: nnd puma-w. herein mulled [or the municiâ€" pal vim-«I year commencing the link my M M1I3zA. 1). "mi. an Inflows: I-‘o or lehllnu at mum- and alleys. 02.250. 00 For repulrlnu “(TWIN and alloys. l,ooo.oo l-‘or mlurkâ€"u u! I'm-IMO. Truth cent. Clerk. Wm, Attor- my and win-men o! and v“- Inge... ...... H........ 4 . l-«r «Mark‘s or heard of 1m Inumwmwni...... l-‘ur wagon at other rmployc'u and lulum-nx um! mlurellnncoun vlnlnm . .. . . .. . ........... l-‘ur lumen-l on Gem-ml lmpmun 'Ill'nI Mm!» ..... . For Hlnklnl Fund and pavment M Gvneml Inwroveuwm bonds 2,000.00 100.00 495.00 700. 003 I 5001.0 An OMIIIIOO Providing hr It. Anna-I Appropriation ct an Vu- Ingc ol Dow-an (Iron. Du Pup County. "until. . l'mhld-M "I \‘lllakv iii ,igl-Wâ€"IVIHIINIVO‘ Alla-M: "HUT 1' WHITE. Vlllum- (.‘le. l‘h-wd min lulu «My 0! Jun». A n.- 1“!» IMM I. occult-v. Ih‘ll'. laughter And can mien. MIME“ ammo-m Them WHEN VM Hm AND MSIBLV m You new: «Nut d m on. who. you In in“ by «lamb: light. ll you and [u you would an LIN'DLEY. . HANDY. . H. mm. 3. ml‘. W J w. J. mmmmwrm . [if You’ll Need I". D4 IJNIILBY. W" I" was . ’ cum-nu Inmanr'. †KL. Confluent.) L I. l: Cairo. "ms the NW the an»: w my cure. The 1mm ol’ I or ewe, mm In no“ ‘ would eat “out 819.. nun] In I M York VII . “and. nut. 5" «amnmm. m a y;mm£¢h;1m‘â€"m mum mu unï¬tâ€"7|. I. mm a 5‘ a 753;. lnm'I h- annulu- mu mun w 11m una- a? mun-I, mm hug; WI. MM-u'lï¬ll- . II A hug-yuan by ï¬rm- I. “.mohuumâ€"u'iiin Wyn-l “mum T. H. 81.08853 AWN" A? LA. Inn «A laud p10“â€" ' 'l“ “I. y. u “*1... IV. ruc- voui in" um um vl'llol’l' mun. I an palm-Gan In?!“ 5' M| ,........-~_.._ _â€"_ "DH um ~ LANâ€. 1“ mu I‘ll! - Mun. m an. m pun... m I‘m-aw. In I. m u. M ogno own noâ€... not. yum Au Motown-want burial-nu with. All)!!! autumn-mm â€ï¬‚u-hum... umtmmhhï¬ Hill Musâ€"Jmuwaml- A rum-u. Uri-an I.“ III. M V0“ HAWâ€"VI"! roar In}. con- nt! I I- M u u IDO' Pt?! 03- wt. y. my. im' 53!; W. _ It and I-VII. m I. M II; ' mnuummmm V Isl-ow the but I- ainâ€"m M If“ my. 'I'Iv w my. mu!“ ‘ â€d "0% Dr. Shoop’o Honduh. Tablet. m a m. "mam u ' 00mm: .1 “If. I... m