Downers Grove Reporter, 1 Oct 1909, p. 1

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l" * roan AGRES ; m Irons, Shrubs, Pennies, Etc. u On at no when no" to m M «MN! ll Ibo Inuit upo- umolnlholol but no. mm W "“"' “ °“"'-" r'in'l lid. “it to I do. I... II Ilium" I. IN W and III II‘M try In an in "lo. II. I." [or lam. at In mm no In: tn the and lulu alto. " very plenum company or lrlends \rod ot the home of Mm. Helen rvl'lm lu't Monday evenlng to wit.- "’1!“ the marriage or her Meter, Mine 33. Edna. Burr, to Mr. Jerry Wilson Young, both 0! than: realdenu or the ,.\'llllae Ind well known and popular “young people. The guests assembled - were not only l'rlends or Miss Ben- i. Inc Mr. Young ln the vlllage. but were " ‘allo Meade from Aurore. Chlcego. La Grange, Lawn. and Janesvllle. WIS. ‘Tpey came vlth beautiful presents and 'nppy greetings Ind good wlshes for tie brldo and groom. TM pro-Idem o! In. udnu‘ AM Go- «My or the Communion-l Chunk un- noum u may min: (or In: Thur-day, Oct. 2. M (II. tan-Ion It» nonhu- II" he aunt. 0' Mn. any Bil-h. u in how. l0: (1!an "um. All menu" In named to Jolt: In an. day'n "In; and lo fourth“. «ward the plate Inch ll noon. A «Mutual Um I- “min-M. The bride carried a houqet or while asters Ind In nulred In a beaulllul sown of lnndambmldered whlte ollk trimmed wuh lace. the gm or Blshop and Mrs. W. I". Oldlum. The brlde If“ ”(ended by her ulster. Illu- Ema! Barr. who wore a gown 01 Ink yellow ulll VIM-la Ind curled yellow flun- lmlwmluul. llr. Harry 3!. Hoover. I lllolou (Mend o! (M groom. «led u but nun. Alter the ceremony dell- nlo ”(Malena were tuned. Mr. and Mn. Younx loll Tuscany "ulna tor a (rip thrown Sabra-Inn and (‘olo ndo‘ . Immediately after the song. “Prom- in Mo." 51 Miss Ruth Hallgren of Austin. the hridll puny entered the parlor to the strains of bohengrin's Wedding Mun-h. played by Miss Elude Lamb. The marriage ceremony was pertormed by Rev. Dr. John'C. Floyd 0! Chicago. nmlsted by Rev. Dr. F. F. Farmlioe. and the impressive service of the Methodist Episcopal chum-h wu rendered. The docorntlonu were green and white. ferns and while uters being tantrum-1mm .Nurseries and make person do m plunging. Grant in this lOcality for this locality. “Pl"Y-TIIIII VIII. AT [1' " our expaimental grounds insures you against 1 umtisfutm'y results. . SWING WEDDING layman Plan-ting Plans made. meat cand artistic in Margery co. .hAâ€"‘n- thepla-inz- if a "mac am in}. fl. troll“ I‘m-ulna! «it. on Alcoholism. m In In”. cu nun-dd by About 1,400 month. In- mam mu hull-Ind film“: In. lhmd. will. TM- .hov Ivlll Do "15' untrue“... and no one an AIM to am- II. To hr thorn ll Ilklo'n Null. cl Oct. 1. All Ibo above. Ind much man. In hm a conned-d plain. will be then 01 lbs I'm-Ion plny. Ind I ml" speaker M- baon abut-0d "on Chla- uu, who has undo a may 01 I» lurlnu Ind uphill!“ Ibo I'll-Ion nln)‘ At Dicke's'l‘loll October 1-8-9. The Passion pity, on most of us know, was originated during the thir- teenth century, and In shown every ten years In the town or'Ober-Ammemu. which is in Bavaria. Originally it ill a vow on the part of the terrillod our ‘ river: 0! a nloguo that was then mv ‘ in: in Bavaria. All the inureraonoton that act In this world-wide mar/nod theater are people th-t reside In and around Ober-Amnmruu. Even tho hum that the Rout-n centurion rides w the amm- of tho Crucifixion is hitch- ed to In oxpreno wagon an hour before the ploy. All of the following biblmt menu will be shown: Adam and Eve ‘ otztnide ot mndiu. Christ going to Je- rusalem. (.‘hri-t luring hilt mother. the Inn supper. tho Mlnyor'o kill. Chriu taken rlptlri, tho matting. [DIMIIK the thorn: Into tho doth. on tho toy to (‘IIII'L 69ml from tho rmtut. Wlll be Illustrated by the ‘l’amoui Monograph Saturday. Oct. 2. Now,“ the tlme to see how the Suite of II"- nols cares for 30.000 prlsgmers. Mr. Elunyer of Chlcngo will explain ple- tures II! ‘shown. Admlmlon. 10 cents. All mention! 0! Grove Lodge. No. 824. are cordially invited to be pres- ent. Euclid Lodge, No. 65, of anervlll'c, will celebnlo It: nlxtleth anntvemry Friday evening. Oct 8.1". the Masonic Temple In anarvnle. In the evening {hey-will repair to Scott's Hall, whero‘tln} annlvomry will be celebrated. Thin-e will be Important work. start- !ng at 2 o’clock ln‘thofit‘umoou. Imam now. no. on. A. r. «a Admin-Ion m'u new; no «In sum. Mambo [or on. glam. ' P3180)! LIFE ll JOLIET. THE PASSION PLAY . Bum]: Path-r, vs than! the for mmaarnnywmmm net-01m minus-mn- mummeMu ' nflclnlnddnllypnfl. Hob. mummy-amusem- and the joy of Thy alum A: II 1 ‘ (‘mgmuoml (‘hnrrho-Momlng worship at 10:30. The regular hour 0! manila: worship will he xlvm over to tho hmlsm and rmmlon M nn mom- has. followed by the sacrament M the Lord‘s supp": n will be In “cord wl-‘h (ht.- nledxe of lhe church that rvery memhn should endeavor to ho present at this service. Sunday school at the regular hour. 12 In. All chases um nee! as usual: C. E. It 6:30. lend- er. mu Clan Ltcny. Evening lei-vice at 7:30. "mm. "The Yonng Ruler and 123111" The pastor will preach In the evening. ~8ervk-a at the Evangelical flmrrh on West Musk "bum: Slur day than! at m a. In; German g"- k-n u 1| 1‘ m.: Junior Alllnm M 2.30 It. “1.; Y. P. l'. at 6:45 p. ll: l-Inxlhh preaching sunk-n at 7:30 n In You an- nlnn tolmme to “tend mm service. ~11". Bulwark II" punch ll tho Dam!“ (‘hnrrh morning Ind evening. sad-y nrhool u I: o'clock. B. Y. P. l'. at 62.1». ‘ »finvlm a! 8L Androvr's Church ‘Sunday. on. 3. will In a “Howl: I0 I. m. Sunday «hook 7.30 v. Ill. "ruin; "my" mm! mm. mm. DAVIS ADAMS â€"â€"M. E. Charmâ€"(11m mum at 9:30; lmhlk‘ won/Mp m 10:30, on! Vaughan M the "slated street 42“"!!!1 will priloh the norm. Sunday school ll l3: I'Ipmmh lane at 6:30. ~(mnq m are. I'm not II MI. hall 8...] It IO!“ n. I. 4!. Jmh‘u l‘nn‘. la- n 0:” I. -. "mu-mound“; Met 1. A. loll-n. Wynnhnrohhdhmolm cloth..." “4 «In. um In «In tantra! d m mm. but may Mn Mammolvlow-Mmiof am that notion: Mun lulu mm but Inn but: hard no.“ on mid. one In mry Inn (“y In Amrk-l. illum- MVP mind the mom-n o! lilo (mm MI "In Chic-n In human lo Dan M: ovum-um to but and not him. not b no- where ape-I'M "noun a more rol- nrnlod or mm human". l'p m that lime he Ind never slam In a bed. nor eaten at a table. nor did he klgow the uni of a tulle and dork. m: custom 1nd manner were thou ol the gym-m. and he was al- molt Illllento. Po: some your: Infl‘ he Nun punchingâ€"M- am sermon wu dellvond In I lurnlu Goldâ€"Mu only boolu rm the Bibi. Ind an numb dlrllonnry. BI! he run quirk 'm lam. und by Improving the op ‘oonunmn Iluch were unsealed nd haul" Mu eye! and can open In tho than with! want on about Illa, In Im- nmulml nun voter And poll-h tMt-h have gm" hlm I pint-o In Ibo [whom 01 emu-Hun. It In M:- Mud "pot-lure comm-mi run Mn utunl gran. plea-nu tandem. ol’ woke W nlmflly at man" um dnv punk m Mn and ulvc hm mu unm- mu ova! me am! "I! m that Mr his work. Ginny Smlth is one o! the marvels oi the age. That he should have come in} out at the rough. nomadic life of the gypelee to n pocltion 'oi' 'unchnl- longed leadership in the held 0!. mod- ern evangelism, is nothing short or a miracle which can he explained only by direct reference to the power or ‘ God. Like Moody. who came out trom Ethe shoe stalls. .lilte Bunyan. whose ”lane was first at the cobbler‘u bench. he was raised up out oi the upliu' tent at the English roadside Ind filled with the memge of Christ. It might well be asked of him. as it won or his Master. "Win-nee knoweth thin man lettern. hm'lux never learned?" tor Rodney ttllmy) Smith is not edu- cated in the ('lllth‘lluflllll sell-e. His perm-t i-mxiiuh and wonderfully in- spiring thought have been developed in the yum since he began hi. preach- ihlt. at sixteen. ROI GIPSY’S rm T0 rum. Among M: Church: I Some Interesting Facts From (In Lite 0! the World's Greatest Eva-[cult BIPSY SMITH. Arumlc. one of the bum thick Is and In the 0M Tannin“, no the Seal“: diam woken by the pawl: non!- of Canals when a. Inn-mo: tool that cunning In. no in of th Babylonian aim. Arman m not a the medium of mun-lam button Jon and mm Sumac m ply at! month mud flan-cw J‘Award Andm has a fine patch of Ms mw strain at Rocky rm no}- ons this year. He is nutty proud of tho-m. In otder to meet them from roving hands of Gypsies he has erected a tent near Ms patch and In guarding them with do: and Kiln. Therefore. .1 anyone sees a lame Gypsy walking around he wm know the brobnmny Is he In carrylng around a pipe fun 0! Mr. Andnn‘ Mn! mt. VBII’VQIOV‘! Ind nut-mutating M "n- nnw air line lmerurhn. Chicago 1 Jolie! 5 South'mm Railroad. are luvs; arranging for (In new line. Tho] have unnamed the Lace mate. The now mute um pass I!!! Jacob Incl“ rnmn Iron Him-dun in a south- wpslerly Martin. Mu mt 0t- c-haflls' rrnmvry. «hm-sh Hr. Ander- man's on m lmkmfl and Joust. ~Mn. Rm Oldfield and Mn. MINI: Powell len lat anarchy [or n vlut um» mum In low. for 1 mph «I wants. The; upset to vlsll 3mm uh. lm lake and (I. hum! Banks 0! the Mia-on" on (Yr-Mm Sound, made rum hy mm! was by the slum lndluls. 4!". )Ir. Ill-Ho. mid I!- In! pm ion In: Indy. Iii-Ina In llm your m It Inland I. my he rec-mod Ion noun year. It. "In“: ha ha! I hm! nd coo-em- nou mt". lonely Inland by in "Inkk. I'll Than onion If. {anon I" through Cool Gully to: their W :1th IN MI “(you gun'- um mou mime mun-{u Ia an. - Inh- mnnrd thin!" m h (‘3.- lor Mn Voila. 0M0 all-o IM- -J.P.BIII"|I mill-front pun-h nu! lrlnwny to In cola-OH n-Hnn on Maui. "not. (3-. Mm: III-Dd III: In on 0! II. mou "le m! In an. ~ Monty hum. tom“ Mr John "car“. In "lulu (I. m vol-II- lnqln Nominatmwnu- “6li mm! fly I mourn II on Mad- of n roll" "than. town. In In“ In: m an" a net'- VII“ ‘0 [rind- m trium- m. fl Can Corfipmdenu -me Klein. Inland u u- lull o! unmdkm In! Salim]. ll not around an“. f -Mr. Noam-n 0! Uncut vu lay- Imt tome roofing N," Int not (or Erwin J. Oldfield. ‘ ~ muss!” Columbia (‘ollm' ‘Expruflon. Chl- vuo, will give I I In elocuuon. mm development.“ and phnlml club (are (‘lwu tom“ undesired. 158 .\'. Main um! ”when 68!. V. I). I Any person. or nu; passing on the Fl unto. with and sun. In punm .-.ol' we or 01119 _ Notion- tum nab am!- «at. as a wurnlng. Fu rmore. I row-rd w'lll be paid to an giving Inform- mm of party or on loan killing any sumo. John 1'. ry‘n bu chug. a! the woodl. WALTER ,cm'r BRYAN. Ion next Tad-thy up. Hll sketchu Incl mfi‘oh‘; humor and pathol. 'l'o Igu- hlm will be to lose Q’ up does not often comb. no invited. Adulll. 25 cents: childru'l under 14 15 cents ‘ Miss Loulne Sh "nab when I rmore. I 11 giving Inf: “onto. :3"; J. H 01‘6”“! Mule spun Fri-y m â€"2-Ply Rd Soul m Paper n 70!: per roll. at lens A w -â€"Wnlm M 'Gl'. to Annual Wad-clay {or I m and mm. «In. wm W a! Chap h min; n m will In A. Wes-l. «In -A a Burt and In. “do Mocha! won v” n (I? m, -â€".\tr. Henry ml m has mm lick the any part of the ”at. L4” to In. Huh Winner: for .V'apervme runner-y htur. mmtoflmmCIrthnnu â€"fln. B. W. mm mm In A. rm ha and". â€"lmry Brim has me Downers for Sam R. l. ~<uh Puma Vernon has been vh- ltlng In hadflefi. Ill. ”Amour: button-e for In): at I. Klglu's. â€"1, A. mehde I: "mm with the 3H. ”gunmanâ€"5.-...- MM-nludfl n-" dun-nu. “finâ€"-1 .â€" t MAI-t “linen um natal-d Insulin-rill. A... than being C. R Bah-och. the conductor. and III-col nod. m m o! the 'Q.’ In". hum of Am and h the noel and Iain“ mm m», \Mwu-Hmup-u‘ "Q." away sum .1 Nil ulna. The Anon "an, (no at Ila Ull- [m u “:05. lineal Ian Ill-Io “mull-g. "and Into a “mm a any Alton mum Mun-My u m I. mu. lb. and mu." ll- )Ind hit. In I‘m Mull. rm 0! male 8mm V. A Man of 'A â€"â€"ll- m II “dung her inter. A 60000103 mun! m‘l'. Totals .............. I t 31 28 a Struck out-w”! Dunn. B: by human. 5: by Hillard. )0. Walkedâ€" By Danni. O: by hauls. 0; w Hm um. :. Two Munroâ€"Anton. I. Joan. cf Woodcock. :5. Bruce. r!..... Total- ..... A. F. N... 0 Kenny. If Eulx. lb ..... Enlanan. 2b.. Austen. 3b... win-on. lh....... Janna. «1 and ‘p. ”manner. 01.. . . . . Rah! 8b ....... Duncan. 9 uud It Sunny. ll. Weill. r! ....... Greenwood. r1. . Parker. 0 ........ V Hand In: the pitcher all «mush mmmm ‘Jvt'ungoucol lilo .tl‘ht m‘ struck out ton cv- .» ’ Downers Grove.. shun-brook. II. . . Binder, 2b........ ‘Dgynera amvo tut Minty: mm sun-d out an it he won coin; to mm M: head on. as he Itruck out five men in the um um Llama. than flu bal- loon went up. Local Happening: “All-UP 0. “Q." 3-") "but I... he I!!! smut-nib. want? In Mala-ulnar fill-n _A~munflhfivmb‘ .mmahmnmhmflvfl" mun-npuum-mm nutmmwllflmikm dm-orutbek-odhl.mfl mn-nhthooeunI-Ihlum "thunnmm. bur-menuhumm Mumldmumrfi uni-1mm; . - Autumn'q-NMMM' Jam-«and filmâ€"b ammunition-"Ml! luck-n. m mull” Dual-um”. All» mmmcn-hmm a. on an lanolin-Judd... K. . "wan-uuqmmm In Mdm~m, loll» I... film. 43¢. ham 9- Mn wall at lp' am In no "any,“ -Commdor Parr: «mm W: ward Uncookm'uthusma- Mom my be I wry null nu. ‘ -ur. I‘m-k In!» M bully moved from Dun-Ion to that now home o- M ”an. Int. Tm. -Ilrl. L l. Cook ud amen! dun mind our In“: with In. Ju. Lon-Mn and bully I.- Alum. â€"'no In: min “In 0! tho Amdlucubvfllhhuulh o! J. ml” and" mm_ 2nd. -mluumllo-nh‘nul abound-uh. Dumb ; nianIIIII-uulthlfl fMMdHWOI" nun-6: â€"â€"Bmeo Whit". o! Cour-do. l con-In or D. C. sunny. m c m or the Bunk, km on Sunday. 1 3 4m. nflfi'fiwvfim‘l? {f Lynn. of Bayou-WWW: ' ‘ mg: Mn. Banner on My. v. (1.. - ”f. I 1â€"MnchWhlt'olmln instruction It Alma. Chum-,0. o.“ - at Naporvlllo u Thur-“1.; â€"Mr-. George W m culled ”my to Metal... '0:- mm a! Mr mother's Innu- Int My. ‘ Pink kin Tam-«Dr. snoop. no» lie-dubs. would; plan. m min. union. In no ulna-Linn. Formula an the no box. “flour drunk! or doctor about M formul- -â€"It'u nu. ~11“ I linoâ€"Ion. . 1 o 4.3.mumbnmmm «has: Oak Forest Comet (POIUIIOI fl PI“ 5) ,fll '1'th umuau-m'» n’hfmwmfi oaths mint-0.1 WEI. VINE“ the" mm may 1|:an m unqu- null...

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