Downers Grove Reporter, 1 Oct 1909, p. 8

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‘5‘ M. Plevka Co. ‘7' .. Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables * SCHOOL SUPPLIES Em, _ ,- :. :1 Price! for COM Goods ' . FOR ALL SEASONABLE HARDWARE .5951 hm 1m Vi? WAlgéWflflfl 30 SOUTH I‘ll STREET nlno Hamilton-Qtto Bi~Product COKE, which fl 1 very econom- ical fuel to ads for Furnace and Steam Heating. Would be pleased to have you send u. trid order for name ,‘ PROMPT SERVICE f. GERWIG ‘ALL K‘INDS OF HARD AND SOFT rzunbm Tolcphono 233 Livery and Feed Stable 0. E. BAKER MERCMMS BANK IOTA-LIOI .- - FARMERS ESTREET Feeding 'Iolo Cir-la. Ballot“! No. 242 of the Mkhlgan Ex- periment 9min“. Mien come our: data upon the "we" at feeding whole min to cowl. holler: Ind calves. Who: who“ [run an fed (a can, 2: per colt m “Muted; when fed to Mtg”, 10 not cam; when fed to calm l par cent. Chemlul Imm- Ilovd no change in composltlou or the unnamed turn. so It Is a are mum” (In! the tnlmnl (la-Sm no man: from [rain that page. through an digedln tract Inland. lam-c mun. When Inkling poultry for movie: It. to in! dry met (ha Ian. so 1 my will not loom-tr“! no piled It me "at om! cunts color Nelthc not the (out should touch a. m a. ”at. no 'utor mm to be u no» tho boiling point an pot-mo with out tom!!- E3 :1 by one of in own hens with a trap nut. BM in In“ two eggs I day for period! of five days In games-ion. Ind frequently In parlodl of three or (our days. The writer mo runs trap nest: on NI farm. and an certify that every your N has an or two hell that pm (In. tvo can In one (flyâ€"one is laid only In the morning Ind one Inc In the Incl-noon. 1'... It. Ila. gno- ud .ll Ml [M n mud for mmydx Inn; the. “In ink CI in! "In. In the ma! 'ny. um all“ cl mt m hide all m on" M Quin an In elnr mnlu tun; Ila new. and clean at. For I this of «din-tr am du- nno (hm mad: of mm and (m of am In man sum (not not) tuner ‘Io cover I. I’ll. In Md. and [one five «kn. curring "on day. At the end I! can [Inc an out and put Ill vessel um. mouth flat water to cover; kid I“ an pounds ol‘clean brnlsed red oak hrl. Let lhla stud uu de- sired cola? II 30': then like «It. wash II that "her and lung up‘ When hull dry begin working and work an dry. Scull We: In mutualâ€" Southern Culuntor. he lip-'- iayl-g Pmltfllfleo. The In!” Experiment sum»: 09} clam (In! two out 1 day (rum 1 hen‘ J: In detail poslbmty and proves H" I!“ to “no"! (huh tn I. an ml.- a mm or non no «In. any um Ill“ Illh n-uu a! nun- Iom No: .l. by “I. M I. Glut OI nvml II a In coal-lulu “do a all). on tin-I hat you n. you. Ou. and A and! can at uni- And an. mm In Mu an no m damn! I“ will. tor-l. IN cull 1war... 15 «will». ad a w (ill- ud hold) Illcl I“ bu All" II no in II. nut out than non- m but "wt-bin II “outrun bun In «a did In. Inn-lion. Ann" IIIO'IIM «lethal an In. min “and ”.00. will. Ion-v an mt- In I duh run. I! m- u cor- nct. It in a um; urn-cm In {not 0' nulllplyllc ruler than duh-ulna ggrstg lak- Mwy l'm Icon-loo. A thin-bu nlunllu carefully ”In! no owns-n a In“. Ifla um: I. dllcnu balm-fl. the harm! of Bordeaux mixture. Tm lot-yin: an be don. qulu rhnuly‘ The out at (out Ivnylm II calm-led ll OI.“ mt urn. This Include: the to“ at labor Ibo. In Vermont a mu vu «lulu-lad by no. hundred In!» m to In! nu ulna a! this upny. Th you“ mar-d In nun. Ind the rt III: In tho Inc-mu at 70 per «M II field. The Ill! ulna 0! Wu: um." u - mnmm of only mm In Ina mend my "not. and link not no annulled by “you who um. I. III. I nod cm or ”DWI. In order,lo km the potato beetle at It the same tlme. unrlounh of a pound of Pun green my be added to Ilium cl POI-lo... Brli blight In a‘ potato disease which anus more or loss «muse lo the ‘crop every year. The trouble is most. marked ln unuaunlly dry sea- Ious and is caused by a fungal; which now: and spread: rapidly The spores of this [unsu- wheu seen through a microscope have the lppetrance oi‘ icluba. Thoy enter the vines and the In: thing one uotlm‘ls thnl. the lava. nrrturning yellow. The dlmu |I likely to come during me first or second week in July. It may be eully‘ prevented hy apmlng with Bordeaux} mlxturn bolero the disease get- a hold on the crop. After ii. has a start it In of no use to spray. because the spores are Already inside the vines. iii in“ "flung mm the rest? a “M; [cm In and!” with With the as: In test l9. will be post “No foamed out the poor choc-o awn on the June principle m: we have used the Baht-och humerus! to teed out the you! but!" on". laden] of keeping curator cheese Viki IVGP' m 70 pound of end- an 100 mat of Int. we mu bred ms that win prudm ‘mllt maul-c clou‘ m 10 pound: 0! “II M 100 mm of (at. We not to ‘ "n In cheese just a bullish“! Ind artfully n In butter production. . Weeding (he ! nor-lint“ Cow. Dulry farm are conum‘axiy munc- In; In ulna. which should he reg-ardâ€" ed as the part of 1M profits. Grain firming In hard an the 1nd. Many hard run min farms Mn “can brought but to I good sure of tortill- ty by changing to cows. ringed I.’ the (01) m: n we drain u 1M 30'" «Me to any 0‘! wan-r and Mimi: cool air. “no ulna! «not Nd. I“ I! In: an trouble-In and muse her to mm Mr ml. the host pm In to "the! urn, ll lo he: lea or mm It Io m of tho nan um. a pm M card. the the urn- cvery "me the unlmll Is mlllod. um um (Inn-e can or an opt". to awn-In than.» n n ma has be" clotted of notm mu. Farming Mum. Ink 30m. II“... This npph storage homo Is In"! In 1 Mllfldm The no! In mverni 'flh brush nml earth. A vouHIMor to Ir; Irina II. «an o! Inkling can I. up“ In VIM u an Inn.” In! nun. "no known In". nnnmt will to [and new. I“. n "u an. "at. am. samba. elem". Inn- plmu uni anally nuptial. A um About one Int 'Mo should burned an.“ and Mad Ian I Huh up" In hurl "Ideally light to roam the banning. v. M‘- uu-uu run. 1". can I lit-Mu an In can : dlt‘ mu II‘ um. Ink. and uh- u-o no.“ at war-lull; (It. ho- llcllu In Mow-d non ha nul and! m mull “rough um um. Tic anon nllhlu also mu m "all u Injury ll no.0 [on- or «hot. Hullod on" (or younx chkkonl an" they are mm or (our "all old will help mm lo mute Iron. and match (um than my other one feed. and 1M. In the noon dnlrnblc elm-ml :1 ml- period c! I'D-(h. For you or Indian '0‘“ I. luv. nun-a math year (ad on ma 0! cu- d-lIy wul uont annular (on mall». VI- huo m Iona ou- flln bolllu (boll [or an "a Illtu Judi-5. but (boy "n a! poor qualny. and II. hom- in lo nation the Ian. nun IM- bornuu ll. MUM .4404 any other value Co the on“ led “an Boiling t- ut wry with load out- ncou by war cl HIM] In lua- lu. TI- I-u fly I: to (0d (ham In In. mm. «Inland well and MI; no the {nu um In. u: do coo-Haul“. minimâ€"mulch"! Kauai“. in IQ. may. ,, ,7.” kind. The loan. slim on. with plenty of hunk or hull In poor Ind (or any‘ lhlux, but the plump. meaty on I: a load Iced [or all mock. tntludlul poul- Iry. 0-!- I Poultry Fund, Oat: make an excellent (nod for lhe poultry, providing they no 0! the “(hi These tutu will astonl'm many per- son: who have supposed that (he growth or the automobile Interest has been very adverse to the horse breed- ers and to the market denund tor horse». 0!: the contrary. the prices obtained [or good horns. especially for heavy dun unimAIs at blood and stamina. have risen (or beyond the hopes of horse dealer-I a few years ago. Harm are worth about 50 per cent more HI proporttuu to their num- ber than they vwre in 189:. ' all: m b. "move 3.3;... 1am- ot tn" unno- llcmll.‘ In VII-e. A table hm! been conullled [mm the utatlatlcu o! the Centms Bureau and line Department of Agriculture, which shows that the flue In the market value of horse» has been out of all pmportlon In the Ian Mteeu years to the Increase In, theIr number In the quued States. From I893 to I908 the horn .populatlon so to ape-k, In- ur 1,785,000. or 23 per cent. In the e perIod the gnln In the num‘ Inch": human Inhabitants was 21,979; 000, or 3:! per cent. But the Increase‘ In the value of the horses In thIs coun~ ‘ try was no less Ihun $875,300,000, or 88 per mm . hue been carefully studied by the de- partment in Wfihinsizon. and we have some pretty definite Information on the mattéf. The treatment for both is that ’0! removing all the combo and starting the ban fresh without my contaminated honey In a new hive, and the use at the old comb: ior wnx. "011': It"! 1‘ ll". E REPORTER xii; m to mum the W5 web In M purposes are and. I our?! Living In limo-l, Llle Saw. When the dimples were on the Mount of Tnn-Iguntlon. they wanted to stay there and continue the transfix- n'ntlon and commuter-ship and glory. But they cauld not do'fllinâ€"Jhey had to return to the struggles and temp cation of the low-tr world. We. too. have our (rum-mum vision. but they come only to [Ive nu naw mm- nee and Mb We m Pawn, min to our '3! And our dilly life of are. But the later wants us always to It" the tnnflnntlon life, to {In an moment in I! the holy vision were chi-mg um. our am. We are to any mammal.” met and mlrlt with an to our hm We no to flu the Immortal I". whim we 8‘1 Fnrm Mnds'for nirvana; tho grain and mm rrops in Callfofnla are lurker than ever. fl "flu: France [)0 "M 39" a faithful. wonwml horse to a peddler. Five non"! is usually one must he will (he for such a ham. and few men 'onld are to he ken! awake at ninu by (numbing thoughts of how Charisma by the Me damn. Mann ymr farm Mm. Thu- shonld he alike In em and shape. hm hy far tho most Important part is (M! they should m [Ike characterkflg‘ n' temp"- and disposition In (M! an" unit In harmony 4 A spit-ind ham wm In n» «M he and: slow and spit-Men hy roman! muting. mum“: a! ".0 "ms. [II-ov- Inh urging and Mhor wearing mm that Irv-(ml drlwrs nut-(Ice. Go dawn In tho Mable hem"- but "me sad a» mat oven-"mm In all rum cm. "no harm You may nu- : (nod how by just that me "We thing. "of! mm mm homo has Mn rulnul for "In M bring made to pull Mn! who" Wmfll. Thorn In an sum «mm M scams than Mr" fwd m"! Ra urumkms iv an" ax to mus. Omaha and "n [nod mod In fading you": ml”: M will save "no Irmvhlo M rlrrflng mite: (hmulh, no"! In?!" "M mlm am! your!- lnns "In” in" "win out II We to" nlnm um" "my an- plmbod and hm ”rd, Tho ms that have the mod mm 'nfl are n.- mm- "m give no "MT the mm mm, (‘0'! nm "v aunt"! In 3:: dry on. Ina: m" rmln "wlr M0 MIST?! mn WK OWXP‘JH. An «any '11 In ml II" II lo at!" dawn ml- ": m. "M; find on 004 Dan Inch maid in crude km about u :14 kt the up do I» run. Tho mu Hm you "II up min! I mlmrr in. nu Mon- to no 1:"th a rim. Into Ibo rum. Iry (ho Iona-Ina phu mu: a turd hr lot or" M: MINI I“ I» rm hr! ”nubâ€"tr mu nu Mm 10 no. fly I "Mo mmwnvln- your run Nan "I! M: m m» tum Man- ho hum" u. mm: mm- doflw '0? suuplylna nm In n» .ano lot Nu- m no not mad Ill m. an. ouch" day- On plclllu. mnuvlu. ban-o- rlnulnu ot Influx. bul era-loan)" nth" up the child!" Ind so [or I 'Ilk or I Mn (Moan the woods. I“ "w: by up I law!) at balm and manual numeric- Ior III III!" nonltu to «m TIM- mm. o! 0.0 notlhhov‘l rhlldm Aloe-u Io halo II" I mod "an, “M50! um II no rm: I mum will not b- Ipmd Io- lon yam on. [or mun" nu. In «joy u II". you w. Gru-n tomato pickle: Tnko one mock green totnnton. Illm and uprln. title with all; put In Jar. pm Hub! and keep our night; In the marlin; drIln-thmuxh col-Mar; Idd one do:- m mead onions. half ounce black pop- por. our ounn ground nut-um. 1 quart" [mound mutant nod. one ton- Ipooulul "4 paper. on. ounce dun. om- ounc- nlllpln And on mund bmu uuur. Put In kettle. cover with loud fluent and ball until ton- To mend china: Disaolve half an ounce of gum arable |n three labia spoonfuls o! balling water and mm mouxh plaster of Parts to make a lhlck watt. Then moisten the nur- he» of the broken piece: wllh at am- el‘wlmlr brush and apply a thin (to-t- mx 0! Ihe cement. Pres: the edges lightly togelhvr and him! wllh a cord. When dry remove the con] and clean lhe crack with a Math ulpped In warm water. Green tomatoes wlll make ex'lrellent' plea next winter If you pare then];- cul In lhlck sllcea. and to seve'u poundl of them Add lhreé pounds of sugar and molt very. slowly ml clear and tender. Do not add any w.ater_ When me plea are mqe..lhln sheen: of lemon added wlll Improve the fla~‘ var. Sheets Ind long tablecloths are bad ‘thlngu to take from the boiler to the In!) on wash days. Dld you ever thlnk o! looping themnun In a bl: loose knot belore placing them into the holler? Try thu and see I! you don't find It a great improvemem. Soaking the hands above the wrilts in hot water will sometimes relieve a. headache. i found this out while washing dishes and clothes when my head was aching. Keeping the feet warm at the same time also helps. WOMANLY WISDOMA The flowers are wlthered now and sear, Ht ls the autumn of the year; The wind I: moaning through the sinus, There are no leaves on bush or trackâ€" The seasons come, the seasons mes. Many {olkx pm. salt In the water In which they boll green corn and then they ‘wonder what make» the kernels no hard. Try leaving the salt out and see It that doesn't fix the matter all right. The following In tarnished by the Farm Journal. l'luludelphll. Pm: HINTS ma FARMERS. rm mm nnd m unfl- b a. wan-um ”mm H. W. Mwnrdl. H. W., .Walbhum Dr. Glenn HS rfikaunpion AViaI the recent winn Souf the lot II Air ShipCon- Dr. f. A. Cook, mscov'mr ot the rum Polq Mochel 8: McCabe. $7. 3°39 "Mai: 3‘31 FRESH AND SALT MEATS VEGETABLES AND FRUITS ' SERVES '* YOU ' . RIGHT " I IEIEIII: Ill §chool Supplies of All Kinds M“; wnfonii‘ft'rlqy MRS. MARIE WIMMER‘Tg the recent winna' of the Inurfllonalâ€"Air Shit? Coo- tesls. will mv fofir flights October 6. 7 8 an! 9 in an aeroplane lII id! be wm these races I. 9m!!! 09:- Airsdolm-fiv-z-d 3'!!! will for the first time from my platform (“I the world how be reached the Pole. nous-um In addition to the Veiled Prophet. the Industrial. Military and Water pageants. and the other apecial features announced for the above occasion. III Cen- tennial Committee announce that m Given ' Tu}; f6 GARRETT’S IDEAL LAUNDRY Phone 093 LA GRAlcE, ILLIIOIS Phone I.- Cnngo 40 40-4 ass-0M8 A Fine Line of Fancy Stationery firoceries. Fruits and Tobaccos J. J. SULLIVAN. Agent ms 8. MAIN STREET I II I. Main Gt. M W uh! mine-l m- "benefit-mutton...” t clinch-and 3" whit .- m w ICentennial; finnudh’cdm C.B.Q.I.I. WHEN YOUR MD P039“? mm m" m Wm” wnmm .mmm M: ”IV You'll N! " Them Ya never (that 40-42-44 qul. A". ”Willi. GIOVI

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