wm. bl: crow. m hank tun-comm and with prosperity reigning supreme 13 every mntry home, it in the (buy at every farmer to ‘ook around for op- ponlmuel whereby h|n children can [Mn Wong that 'IH prove bene- Idll to them through lilo And I! by «flu; mm 01 mm. he an. at a ‘me time secure for himself and a good wife much needed rest um 'tion it would mean that nun-h own-many should appeal to him . ' opportunity in Mend in connec- ‘ with an intern-Menu hive Block V Mon which will ha held in Chi- frum November 27 to December am» champions of the leading :a( are world. in m. the Hunt " Mame. hone- dleep and ï¬t m led produces will An omn'nmn 'ro 5mm: non nowumm-z m slum-Am. mm - The Thur-day (‘nrd ('luh Inn on lorulned luy .\ln-. \‘pmml. o! lllghland venue. Luncheon was gunned and I most mjoynhlr allemmn ‘1: mm. The prlm mar: hamll‘nl mm to“ lo Mrs. Kuhn!» Vmard um. Unlim- unl and. Mn Comm (MM. Thls rlnh mean mm A month and every- body mum um, -â€"1'here ls mat dimlluhdion mm the patrons M the Mare mm amt (he. mum" In whlrl‘ the data worn rmrvnl Alla-r upmsly stating that In «loom would own at 1 p. 111.. they were opt-1m! hflnre that time ntl blocks 0! mm 7 lo 20 ml. were taken by (“and names. and Ille (loin mda um "mervalkms can be m by one person (or Ms Imme- ‘hm hm"! only" »- A alrrumnn trun' "l'rawml. I. _.m IIIIM ('nmly ('0!!! ('url TIMI-'4 In wanna: imam-n- In my mum." Pun-na- nunly ulll rhwl: a mlcl. Of It. Input. In a van for hump All Mum»: nu' no unh- and him- I. No quinine. nnlhlna hat-h nor mun Pint (of Inofluh. nulls“! damn. am or u .1 2.?" Sold by, huh I almonmn ' â€"M|Mr Camp, No I9“ .\I. W. AJ mu m! Thursday nluhl \mremhrr‘ H. Al "mints m" (mm on! and' on our new man. TM. mm: In! pregnant-"y to IM olmlon 0! mm". In um will no dune II nut mnun: l‘nrds van In! mt premalnnly. hm do on! land "no date. â€Mr um plum W. n â€ARNHART. ('lprk, an,†I)" put Ink at Mn (fl V. ('1!- wulrr’l. "no home 0! Mn aunt, Hr I’M! Iran on lulunhy [or Europe. lo column-I- - comm or Ion-Ivy In cm. may. llulmrt (hummer. not! 0! Wm. Fun-ruin. ol Bvuulnn. um" I [Mr M1. and Mrs. J. H. mum-n en- Iurmuml Mr. [mum and Inmny and .\Ir nod 1m "mm-ll. at Henry". at alum-r 'l‘hurulm' ewulnx. â€"â€"Anuuul Holiday Bazaar. Dec. 9, M, (‘nnun-gat‘onal Church. to be held un- der the “mantra of the Ladleu‘ Am So- cirl,» Keep the «Into In mind. - “Mr 24ml Mu, H. W. Duunn. Mr‘ and NHL 0, I-). Gran-t. Mr. and Ilrl. J u“, ï¬rm-m mtulnlned n jolly party of Hallouu'rn merryumkvu on smur- du)’ rwulnx at 13-0 llluhlnnd Ive-nun. - mm Mum» and Anna Johnson. of Chicago. and Mrs. A, 3. Johnson. or Alexln. Ill,. went Sunday with Mrs. P. H. Johnson and son. "Frank Down In lahl up at home min-ring (run an at’rldt’n! that hag» Wln‘d whrn he was working on u huge «lump In his yard. â€"â€"-R W. Hummer. who was one of the delegates to the Deep Waterways mnwmion M New Orleans. returned hmne on Tuesday. -~Miwn Jomnhiue and Margaret O‘Donnell spent Sunday at. the home of their aunt, Mrs. Deegan. an Bel- mont street. ~Mins Aguns Roth gave a party to her little friends on Halloween. and Lllu Stanton won the prize for the best drum-d gm. -'I‘he Misses Lizzle and Emma Fichter. of Park Ridge. visited at the home a! Mrs. C. H. Stunts Wednesday. ~--Mlsses Helen and Margaret Dee Hm are at home after an extended visit. Wm: their grandmother In Wau« keun. Wilts» John Clifford, o! Wuukegan. lll.. visited her sister, Mrs. John Conâ€" an. and other friends for a. few days. ~~Dorothy E. Main visited her mother. Mrs. B. 0. While. She was accompanied by her grnndlather. â€Get a bottle of quuid Veneer tar your tumlture; it's ï¬ne. At Plevka‘s hardware store. sermons. whlch have been greatly eu- loyod. â€"l"£ne assortment of bread and cake boxes at l. Plevka l Cots. â€"â€"â€"Boru. to Mr. and Mrs. Vai Wander, Thursday mommy, Nov. 4. a. baby girl. â€"â€"â€"Freah corn meal. graham flour, rye and wheat flour at M. Plevka. (000nm from Page 0:») LOCAL HAPPENINGS. f mvous nosmnon. '10! mm and Inn Joseph Peterson. corner North Foot and Lincoln stream. Downers Grove. "L, says: "i had been a sufferer from kidney trouble hr twenty years. There were ulna In my lack and lolns, I had headaches and dilly mm and was very nervoul. The kidney secretions were irregular in m and distreeeing. Finally my attention m called to Doan'a Kidney Pills end I procured them at Bath Simonaou's drug store‘. They at once gave me re» llei and 1 nm now able to perform my duties without dimenlty. l firmly be- lieve that hy n continued one 0! Doen'e Kidney Pills i will be may cured." l ' --HIM Flu-«no mum mu m M» ' milk mm snmhw mornlnu nor muld Hm m "M jolt: ‘lwn ho am an "Inn Son (M Irlwhmo wlsn nnr l’ mu! {\or'n plmv \ou I!" hm» In mnku {Inflow-urn [or Hallo-1' 7:. Clint When Downers Grove citium Show the Certain Wny Out. There can he no ms reason why any reader of Huh; will , â€mm to mfler me tortures of an aching hack. the am nnynnce or urinary disorders. the dan- gers of ell-betas of any kidney "II when "IN Is so near at hand and the most positive proof given that they ma be curedr Read what a Downer: Grove ritlnn says. The convention from Winning to end was an Manhattan for better serv- St-e and with the pas-INN†before us for IIN‘I'Fï¬sed mivlty. we mm to do better service this coming year and u possibie reach we Mgr-cu ideals In Sunday School work The Downers Grove people were wry laflsh In their onterlalnhent. The dlflerem diarrhea seemed to tie with out-h other In giving good wings to am and they rorlalnly succeeded. Nalnnilie. Elmenury. Mrs l.. .‘i. (hole. "0'"- or: (Hove Home Visitation, [-1. Il‘ Bin‘hun. lllusdnle. Mission. Mil! Baldwin. Why-(om Rev. D. 3 Warner «scanned the Tomwnmm Work in the Sunday School. HI- spoke oi our onwortnuitie- In thin line and advised on to mile the moat of than. calling our attrition to the tart that even though we are getting rid oi the saloons. to must ever be on the alert In keeping them out and creating continually a amt!- ment against the liquor trailir‘ Rev. Warner was elected Superintendent M the Tenn-"mm [Muttment of the mnmy and we amt enthusiastic work in bi- department. SUNDAY 8011001. W0“ 0? DO INS com. Can Correspondence The best brain», the greatest mas» Writs of the live stock industry. the rurtmumt live «took specialists 'l" hem demonstrate what can be accom- plished. llld shrewd farmers will be gln to think or these things and en- deavor to make arrangements so that they can proï¬t by the tmhluss or this great lntvrnntionul Expotlltlon, The mmlng show given promise of being the greatest of this splat-tilt! m-rieu of events. and the management ht ulnnninx to alter a pmxnun (ht will tar eclipse anything that his over horn oflvretl lu the put--~-doltghtfui llllltih‘. duhinx txertornnum and bril- Ilnnl H'entnx entenulnments. com- hinwl with cdut-utltmnl opportunltlu unmualod tn'the world. Where: an n‘ urmttcr combination be lonnd Ii nut-h u nominal outln)‘ of money. l-ltluru- Hon. eulortulument. I plenum trip nml rvcrrullonâ€"all to am. Why not plum a Mutant mrpriw for the talk» ut lmmt- nnd lulu nth-autum- of tho-e t’\l‘l'|l"0n£‘l oppoflltnltlnt.‘ Mn. )3. P'. Wnllmn ht spawns. n In: dun In run. .‘ln‘ 1' Iii. (’nrno bu "burn"! an" a week'- mm In Wluomln‘ Run-n! n! ma l‘nu mph hum-4 um Wmhwuluy and chilled up “no :lnmh Tho Ium‘ punter (lkfl hold â€and“. honors. Do you know what this means? (fun you realize what a m» oral education such a collecuon pm duvet] by the world's lurenmst. feeders and breeders means to your bays? Wheamu far next conventlon (Inn-s (numb or money back. Jud breathe it in. Oomphate outï¬a, including inhaler“. WWW Drama Belchlng of gas. heartburn. sour (unto of food, walerbraah. foul breath and other dyspemlc symptoms vanish before the mighty power of Ml~o-na. Try MILO-nu. Bush Slmonson sell n and will refund your money 1! ll doesn't. cure. and only 50 cents a large Try Ml-o-na. tablehs. the money back cure. Ml-o-na. will cure your ner- vousness by drlvlng out. vtho cause. Ml- o-ua will give you rellel the ï¬rst hour. It will cure acute cases In a. few days. and chmnlc user: .111 a few weeks. Adan mm. mm. Rn. John Dlun. And It the nerves are not supplied th nourishment. they begin 00 re- bel. 'l‘hny kick up a. great dlalurb- ance.‘ They make you cirmnhlo and cranky, you worry about Miles. and you cannot. sleep soundly at night. you have bad dreams. and you set up wired In the morning. Your worn out atom new the mod on wlrhou! emu-mums enough nu- rt-rmous substance to slip“)! the blood and nerves. Indigestion Cami ltâ€"MI-o-In Will Curb It. It you have indigestion. you don’t get, all the mmflmem on at your food that you would. flYOMEl (W [AW-0'!!!) l0 REASON FOR IT. Cnmlnm-d from Page A nice nudwloh mixture an a made from ripe red curl-Its when with cram choc-o. sum: the inlet !mm the cut-nuts Ind mix with the cheese to a soft onto. If your room! are small. telnet Innings with horizontal stripe- or with very small flowered or one! putteml. Large pattern, It should ho remembered. «land from the H. of In making Punch seam m 1 small stitch. clip the goods with a pair at sharp sch-aura so the edge wm not be tagged whfln turned :31! stitch- ed the second time. "Shy" French mm: well to move“ them flpm It the ends. It mm an ugly nun when It comes â€an. the Don't new Ian Insoruon on I num- mer dress right over the muteflalv Do an any the mm from under- mth nnd give the Onsortion u chance to pronialm lune" as m, Austrh‘l sate runway- In no. an m u I Ion of 810,840,000. It takes "valve and one-half yards of naimcok forty “when wide. 'Hh (our yards M lave. m make drivers. Three-fourths or a yard of battate will be needed to mnke a moat cor er. Ribbon is varied In yum. ac- cord!“ to the taste of the designer Ribbons run lnrmuh hnlmholn are as dulnly as I! placed through lnserlion. wa yards 0! forty-inch muerhl. um: um yards late and flhhan. will makp one (momma. "mm. _ Bro-k "m an vm: : Immune ran-oi Tho rhnos um I" pun through Into an» howl below. and (I4- yonu will be lot! In m» funnel. 000 way 0' vomit-(Ila the n! plane I: the awn-Inn o! W cool «mini and common! any of dis- wslnp of donut-sue [arrange to pre vent m ucumuhllon In or "can the house. "PmOllflwf. a found «In eonml! all raw rdzmzs “‘th a «alloy: is pad-led and then hnumwholrd H In stranger Rolling and whipping "M heading to shMr mamfllln Is a good Iden. It takes four yards of forty-lack nalnsoox and three 7nd: of ribbon to make a main nightgown. Sumo": over neatly NIL guano le. damn“: Inn uhrwddwl smoked "Imam Mn! lulled whit» of egg cut an die-o. rbomml he". or Mum-d mirn. Sarn- mayonnaise nmntrly rlth 0M9 â€OMâ€"Not Yovk Pros! The tomato" Irv on! up In guru nr PM a pin-v- M buurr “no "u- IMo-r In "mu "m VOI’MIDN'I- u"- could whcn all Irv mall-d drain to". and (mt In lay-"I In I mil-4| howl. pvt-on will mp0". paprika. an". and a pinch at out», Mumm- IM thoâ€- 0' up Ingram-nu. lulu} in: IM- glm'lun and pick!“ val-M which are cut into an- flan-dc. In I"- onl mum-1 up". «war on! by" with mnynnulw sum l'mk u-par‘uoly In IH‘hlly uIIH‘I boiling Inn-r the num- wave-um. nn-ummy "nun-M; lbw rum! Ind mmlp rut 0M0 dirt or "In. Ibo rnuIIflom-r dtvldrd ""0 uprin or buds. Ihn mam" an. ranted And I!- lartudn rm mm on! mun. RI‘MIAN ï¬AIAD Two mph": 0! mmonuuw. on ï¬ll at 001,ka gn-vn gu-u. hall I null- nmu-r, mm mm potato-m. mm- In manna-9|. our phi-MI walnut. am am of mlh-d Humble-u «and. turnip and ln-nn-I. Ivm lhcrklnn, "mlâ€"hum. BPN‘I'H) BEEF. Fry thn'v or {mu like: of pork 5 Huh! brown; then lly In the beef um- round II xood luv [bu purpou) In om- plum. [4!“ ll bmtn u Null- on both lldml; Ihon cover u um. mu‘ er and 'let I! flew over 1 modenle nrv low or In hours In a coveted kelllu Add later a: n boll- guy to nuke "In. About In" an hour baton- II In dum- nu ma pepper lo Int»; mld one Qua-manta! of I'm-l manor-m um I! agreeable. om» hall or In nnlun III-«d. Pour "no "my ou-r the bum! Ind JIM-w wry hm mm mm Il'hl' plain bound pry â€In" ---\\'ub|nxlon Slur, CHILL] mum Throw a peck of ripe Immune: In- to bolllng water. vald pool. Peel eight white onion. then chop onlons and tomato“ mgather untu very ï¬rm Put over the ï¬re and cook a!- teen minutes before adding a pint of vinegar. a tablespoonlul emu pond. cred allsph'e. cinnamon and Mack peppvr and a leaslnoonlul cloves. Tie spices In a small bag a! cheesecloth. (‘mk gently [or about ï¬ve hours. tak- In; care not to let the sauce neon-n. Then remove the M2: or union. strnlu I! prulemd. add a tnhlespnonfnl ground mustard. a teaspoonlul car Nine. two wasmmnfuln whim slum-r Ind all! to rule ~New York Tel:L Into this put oneâ€"half 3 mph! each of potato. turnip and carrot dlcefl and sliced tomato. Have about lam pounds ol’ beet cut in a solid place from the round and lay it on the vegetables. Dredge liberally with flour and salt and pour in hot wat- er enough to come hall way up the melt. Cover closely and net in t moderate oven {or (our hourl. Thick- en the llquld In the kettle one: tak. lng up the mantâ€"Washln‘ton Bur. BRMSED MEAT. For bruising it Is necessary to have an Iron kettle on- an earthen baking dish. and euher must have n closeflttlng cover. One pound a! shoulder of lamb or beer cut into Novlnch squares, [our potatoes sllred thin as for trylug, one nulou cu! nnc. ln 8 deep dlih place in: a layer of meat. salt and pep- per; over this dmp one-half at the onion. then a layer or potatoes. Re~ peat. havlug a lhlck layer of pota- toes on top to brown nicely. Bake three hours In a rather slow oven. ~â€"Wlshlngton Star. TASTY HOTPO'I‘. DOWNERS GROW. REP Hundreds of the homes of mane-p on: and SI. Paul are equipped 'Hh outdoor open bedrooms. when the owners sleep In the coldest «that. ~Th¢ than“ Church choir I"! m; the 0mm at "David.“ by the ode- hrlted mg writer. Chariot M. (It hrlei. u the Bunny evening 1"va during (ho month 0! Remember. The pastor will give a strict of short ad- dresses on the life at Duld In mn- nmkm with the oratorlo. Next Sun- dny evening lhnI address wlll he. "The Youth. with Heart. "at! and ll-nd.‘ "The Philisllm’n Chum," chorus; "David and Goliath.†cola. duo! aid chums: "The Song of 'l'rhunph." 0K0 rus; "Thou Art My Trill." mic and chm-um Evoryone ls mnmlly Invited. In the morning the [tutor vm min on 'The Ominous of Jenna.‘ The prayer mama; topic will be. Dun and Care, » (‘onurmuml (ï¬nchâ€"Morning Imth II I‘D-30. (m. "The Duty of Samar-guru? Bitchy when! u l:. Rex-hr who“. man: and '0 men‘s bible elm “comma rnrmun Endeavor ll 0 3:. ll; [lo-ht (‘hrlsun Ends-var It 6:10 p. -.. lender Mics Rule 00"... Evan; Denice It 1530, “one. "Dani limp. 1rd.†Spatial milk: Welcome la "â€" waded. â€" (30mm Ennï¬nml HI Pnul'u dumb. on "you «ml. uni-day whoa! at 1:30 p. m: “(ï¬rm M 2:30 p m. Holy ammonia» wlll ho «le- baud REV. 'l’ll. â€ERHACII. rvmrvlm n BI. Aunt: chin-u Sunday. SM. 1. will h. .- lMIo'n. I" a. In. Sunday new: 7:30 p. m. "min: "my" Iml lemon. (to-ï¬rm. "on run will am! It the church Thursday. Sow. l. at 1'45 o'clock. «suntan ll the tin-pun! chum» nu Wat Mum “on“. (krmn pmrhlnx m H I‘ n; III“) that M w n. m; .lnlor AIM-m ll 2:!» .4". Jan-phi Putt. II- II 0-3) u. m. “In man- In! My 0! Death. ham: .1. A. noun-I. -â€"M 1-1. Uhurrhv-Ch- manual at 9‘30; public womlp u l0210. flun- Ihr ultimo! ll 13; Byronh In“. M I 30 3» IL; Sal-lot Allum It 674(- p. In English umrhlnu at 1:80 p ll £er one u urn-om, “£325: if: 1:! quasi-tumultum â€Par-Iliu- Inflat- There «Is no "cure-all" among the Rexall Remedies. There are dlflerem nud saturate mediolnes, each one de- vised {or a certain human ailment or a class of ailments closely allied. For instance. Raxall Dyspepnla Tablets are recommended for the pooillve roilei of stomach irritation. indlxestion. flatul- entzy and dyspepsia. They are rich in Bislnuthâ€"Subnitrate, Pemln and Car- mitmuves. They Ire prepared by at» rial â€racemes which perfect and en- hum-e the great remedial value or these well known medicinal agent; This mmedy hells (or 25 cents. {:0 rents and 31 per pneimxu. Every one suffering from mam disorder should try Kenn Dyspepsia Tableln. iuammn-h as they cost nothing it they do not uliuiy. Remember, Modal" Pharmacy In the only alone In Donner: Grove when; "new remedies «my be obtained. um every one in need of medicine is urged to Itwennxute and (Ale adv-tum n! the trunk and swam: manner In whloh they are gold. ~Chrhmn m dam. wlll moat ll Modif- lull Bands: at It“ I. III. Ever since this announcement Mu- dafl'a Pharmacy has been largely pat- ronized by people buy-Ins Rexafl Rem edles, an or which provu that this shore has the commence at the peoma and that honesty is the best uollcy. Modutl‘s Pharmacy has I ï¬rmly ea- tabllshed reputation {or square deal- lng and sterling honesty. When they told the people that Retell Remedies are the purest and most dependable medicines that It is mlhie tor mod- ern st‘lence to produce. and that they would tell the public what each one of these 300 or more remedles contained. and that they sold Renll Remedleu on their personal guarantee that they would give entire satisfaction or they would not cost the user a single cent, they were believed. The people have already demon- strategl that they would pum- lrunt a man who la naturally hone-t than pun wlâ€"I; Ivsflhoueat only because he had to Downon Grove Poop†(In-fly]:- teruted In the Gaul-om Ole:- ol Mod-H's Pharmacy. WEAK EYE8 63ng Among Me Chink: â€"3116 B! MISI ELLA KLEIN. llll. F. L. “0311.. - ml. mm gm at Your an In. Mala amymmu um Mudnd-hoteohwm ab- can: {our um "I. must of "our “walk-Which...†A slender polo In gamma on a lime mam which was [mad min“ the and of an room. hen gm m blindfolded in rm tun. sad In given A null In; which the VII told curl-nu m to pin to tho top a m. polo. Thedflvbonmmmw plnnlng the Anoma- m to am painted emblem of “the to» of the world" was “judged the mm- a!- plum. and m gwlrdod the who. A new union 0! In on! glue '1‘ recently pnnd 11 a party given by the gm. of n comm church In Chicago. They called It "Discovering the Pole." sad I! m phyed some'hat In my mast: , No one wouid mppose at ï¬rst light that they are perfectly straight and mrfllel. hm. they will mind. the test of I naught edge? The divergent run distract the VIM. A- T"! nun auuont? Are these four Hoes parfvcuy air-ï¬ght? IN min [or n '00.; than Ibo Wr- na m the- and (Ive than n hula. In Ibo purpo- oi mflu Ill eta-ea Ina-mm Aner m but- III “at an le dental, and are nu) [or market Tmthor (M call" no mm mm the man-hot an. Inma- IM rum and run It “an (no OMâ€; (he ran: In (In- wild lone from (In min. and own (It. [Inc In In the cilia". Thu m. work no. on until I Ito-Ho“ h Minot. and I!" may An mum nun. an M I: "I'll In In car“. TIC P'I'Il no um hy ulellu m at Mud- or unit-- lilo tho and M out M the tutor. 0' than II In nry an Thy ml- In the "nu- II“. "can!" manna. no the mm. M an“ any I- an we Ill M M m "dc Usually they m I.“ |I To I». ll. In (In. bottom I: (Inn! Auto the water. the Minna-u pun nu hull Inund hl- but. and than mm- M- bond duo In the bucket lo exclude the Hull. Then an Il'lyl "to m In ma dlnny; one lo I“ u "In-nun" and Us. other .- "heater." wum In walk-r provol- In. dluny “on very daily. (In Main. la a than“ no mica. In... M- head In â€In um mu. looking down In (M um. Wino - pod won†I. sum-a. Ibo hook" 31m - luau Ind Ibo Man-y Sponge. Ire usually obtained by Mhlns (or them. When a manual veuol min. at the Inning-ground In (ho humâ€. It In anchored, III! the crow lunmedlnoly gel may lot work. The Ivonne-ulnar“. onlnt con-tub at I small has! called I "dlnuy." a loan book. And 3 Inter-slum The woun- book In a than wound tron Ian It and to tho and of I way Ion: polo; the run-ruin- In umm I woodc- Iaur-buckcl with a hollmn 0! co.- mon window-glut Sponges are dmrlbutsd through all seas. And are clmmed. chiefly, w- cordinx to the qlrucmm o! the new ton. The fledllernnean and the Red Se. are the wanting-grounds of the old wotld; the ground: 0! the new world aria the Bahama. Boumem and Western Honda. And mm o! the West ladle; The bell. spouse of commerce is found in the Medlwrnnuu and u tuo‘m in Turkey. or Bmynu woun. n. In obtained by dIVera. who go elm In armor when dlviug. They are more active In fresh nun in still water, And die In a short time fl exposed w the air. The surface or a living sponge is covered with mln~ ute pores. through which water In In:- Mbed. carrying with It both the air and the organic particle: necemry (or the lupporl at We. 890nt do not have the powor or milieu possessed by most animals; they are nearly (“way- attached to submerged objects. 8mm It II impair Bible for them to so In march of food, they can grow only In places where there In plenty or food such as they require. The spouse: of commerce and the dried lpecimona of other Ipeciel Ire not the lotus! animall, But merely their skeletons. or tmmework. That which constitutes their vital purtl in removed in preparing them [or mar- ket. In. C. I“. Well. at Downer- Grove. Human and Chnrles Hols, of Chicago, and William Holl. of New Hampton. loan, and Gustave Hols. In the any; Ella. Lillie, mum, Rose. Florence and Charles Wont. grandchildren. and Viola Deatmann. grealvxuudc‘hfld. In. mun-n Hols. Intim- o! c. r. W9“. m m. om. “u. will In fulï¬ll hm. Oct. 3’.“ W huh. III-.8011. who w 01 tuna mar-mum flak all m to Indor- no nu operation, which resulted In her death of hurt lmubl'e. The running chlldnn survive to mourn 1:" Ian: 3E5 "Nat-(I Pate†81-0. null-t In Inna. Pm toms. mil date- cum to R. W. thlll. Phone on. Antioch. 111.. or 11 w. Mural. mm Grove. u once. Meta, employment; "but! terms. Experience um mun. um "um ct. mum. IJ. WANTED S.‘ Ida-n mm. one nu nub prin- .............. manly no «can naive! M «no. â€also. u (ha-o prim um on. â€.1901 and n" onion in Dov- m (Inn News Amy, I! Went Miro-d and. mm Grove. m. High Grade Duh. Don't delay. Iâ€, H. W. Walbaum Two I." Club Totheri‘lu man we have I III! NW; plenum employment at W†was." khvifl Butwemuuhavenrealworkgrnmm did" ; workandwholikutoworkbmueiniodoii‘ ' elf. If guanmnhndofimmmmaun’ whichv’nflopenthe Addmyour Imam chic um WHO’S NU 0m 2m 5. Woman'â€" "on. Oat-m no arm N0. 4, Won-um llom Comm. on Club 911:. . Ndfhn‘u. m ym Club who ..... . .. OHM N0, 4. â€rm-n" W. on m .leu 0"“ N0, 3. Mmlun’. WM. m nor â€om Womb "on. (humans. on nan-n1 on. in: ............ l Wan-I'- "can Only-In .- ("In to I sandal run III.“ on. ill in an able In Mr you (In [or low!" mbllulon on Mon: ovum NO. I. Rum of Rubia. on nu â€.8100 Woman's Hm (bi-moon. on "OX0“ CAMP. N0. 8070. ROYAL MORNINGâ€"Maul third Thur-OI] I. In- at- Hull. In. Holt. I. loan. One»; In. 0. RIM) Bur. KM". ARCADIA! CLUB. â€I! I'll- SOCIAL and nut-In saw-om at an on. I. Ila m d Dow-an ("on m nun-nu uni at m ball at "IBM Ilr. In, lulu. m1; In. Tun AI- dcnol. mu. DO'NIII anon worn“ cw:â€" Ilo-la mu Alton-u WM}, Iv noon-4 fled-cad- I- can." "a In! Wm Au“. ml. ll 3:1,†II. 14.0.; known It: undo IV. Till LAD!" lmll! AMOCIA‘I‘IO.‘ ..... "' '“‘ m“; a mam In mule... mu. w. c. 1.7 u. put- "(I-bâ€: 5mg I}. A. IL. NAPRB I'Ol‘l‘. N0. “8- xm-mmunuuuyaua-mu |- G. A. 5. I_I“|ll:_ oath; "on. m‘ d, _‘ .L- n--. a. (hunt. .LlIJ E. W 6’ FZ-Iii-inn'évéry su- urdny evening II B m. In the ("mom mu. .l u. Grimm. N. 0:; li: ï¬fsdi-ï¬er‘. ééerc'l'ar'i [onetime 6; I23“. “MINI!“ noun! MID“... VICTORY COUNCIL. N0. Ila. Royal Leagueâ€"4mm- ï¬rst aml third Way or encl- momll at Modafl'n “all. Jno. N‘ Mom. Art-mm; J. H. (Tinmpln. BcrIbe. w" un'u'r." one." '} "ci'ifc' bi; ; OI‘P‘IR N0, 1 VEfl'l‘A CHAPTER. NO. 242, 0. lat H.â€"â€")[eeln nu:- ond and four": Wyn. Mn. .1. ll. Grllmhl. W. M‘; Mrfl. Cora II. nun, Mmtury. Gumhnm m In "In ukd our , (have Hive. No. t 110. Ladle: o! the Mace-been -â€"Meem mom! and {om-u: Friday It Mo- - d-fl‘u Hull. Ilsa ( Corn B I o a ya I t. \ lady Commander: Mn. L. luanum. DOW]! Ens ".50 It" .15 Rheumatism “I'M mum- at Valvu- M Inn-u Ibo mum, o! m a... I ll. flea-My. mnllL. vol mu; 1. I I‘ll unn'huon L. KLEIN mu'su-Jmu-num'n run VAT“. )‘m humane-II hit-In II V have hau- nï¬y M . I hull-l um I m I ma- †M "a cell an nu my...“ an. n! J. w. W. I“. "a Wmâ€" ‘- um M, . . » L 1‘ ":3?an on}: â€' 'h ‘urt I at: . , ' Mluhhroum ‘moaern out mm um um "1001132. on Llnwofl u; «M nut run . . Bevan-mom house on Eamon. w. ‘ pl» nth, [nut WIMI‘. "Id m h? pm In wtoâ€"dau names; “.1“. ""“." â€WM“ M'Lm_°‘3Â¥: A H . -L‘m. ' 1"“...an v. u uunm. m nï¬ land uv M "I. w AKTmb-Jrn manor mo: In“ W M mmmï¬mï¬ï¬ alumna-W! It mun-I II.’ I‘d-lb h“ In. too m to at M tuna. I Inn-In- "n ilk-u “V-" d pug! Uri. . .. ._ ..-...._. ..- - "(12:33. ““8.‘.“°.3;‘.».‘;‘I on...“ 2 e at. .060. ' Auoud Mun IL 8m. MUG-m uml modern nu. um. but II and mum ofler. WIII “mun In! “I “at; 1mm. .. n... m... ( omen lnrxe lot», on atom mad. I an. in. .- pm. A um um" mm or eludi- '0' (union; “.509. NInu-mom madam home, on Ill-I an arr-um to: on. or two who; 3:. (me. um ugh wm mall's WEI-I"! “'7 7". mm puny. saw-arm as! from In... I M†H4. bloelu from Mot. M new" um! {um “VI. â€1 anI-_M‘d hfufl; Id. 7.9-"! an uvm a mlhn u. w.. in“. h.- t u" hlxh nun. vull mod I“ I‘IM on mad to.“ Amonu lumin- h vmnt lob l m Inn in n. mun. l. I an" and liar-wot. uu not '1‘ ha mm- In - mun l. I. w and Pair». in [or ml): and I can. Elma-M modal-tum.~fl u!- uulou for In cl". ha allow IM an cor-colu- - pncn. an not m7 the W cl 1* iéw I! run 11mg 1'0 gnu] PLAOE'VCB'IIE‘WKW’ nut-Hun" condition" 1' : I lmmlw m [Mortal 0M My: BALEâ€"4| mum (or IMA ligmy-ujn (gr-IL. glut! I. I. m i-nu'aF'bn 33in. n... 0 I00- Iumdau. 01.5». One on ‘1)“: mg: (m on IA_ M Ol._ ~ Not-":1 new 7400;; molt: h Ivor mm (II It!“ -. V“ §33ln Iota. mam dry ugl balmy} n7"m"" 'i'nii'ih. :10. 'iii to arm a In“. uhwn IO . Il.MKflll ~m wig-:6 we “LllyWQ'iâ€" b “Om. lad by .- Mr I ï¬nal..." Prlool Mohawk!†Mao-blast Mont Mark†CALI. UP m