ï¬g '3! a néi'aimi Raid n n. In. Bentham-4 don't hem" . warm 6‘ you om. Deanna-â€Thurs but 1*; a can“. I don‘t suppose Jonnh's «Ml. Mined the story he told her . _ ' he had spent three nights uln- Viv “ "do. Mrs. Durhamâ€"How do you in m Ind a wife? Muhamâ€" , MCI“: In“ been a Jonah If he . I†fun mnrfled.â€"â€"Brooklyn Life. A commuter was waking up mm M8 the platform wmulng for the train flat always mined to be. delay- ed. â€PM: u a lerribie road." he said. nut-min; n prosperous-mung by- under. "I've heard a great mnny â€plum: about M." was the reply. â€You." went on elm commuter. â€near- ly «or! morning rm late on mane-s, no when I get home at night the din- ner In mid. How do you and It?" “m.†Murat! the only. "I have no not coming I'm the president or the 1.! and I always travel In 1n mm." an m come in, "9’: my bushland?" â€PMInanpMa lnnnlror. “BM. darling.“ murmured the lav. lorn youth. “every night for two week- ] have be": on my bended kneel I» for. ya). Haw. you no pity?" “I nor- ulnly have, Harare," spoke up the pretty flirt. a: she marked for her bait-g; "here's a whole quarter. 60 Ian your um pressed. After so much bending they must ho hum a! no Inca.“-Wasp. Two India. prwflnu-Ily unavmmlntod, were mnvprslm: at a rer‘Pminn. An" I law conventional â€mark! the young. w exclaimed: "l mnnot Hunk that has up» that can Mnmle man over there. He was so mtemlw 3 mm while ago, but ho mm lmk at me new." "PM-ham." 9AM the other. "ho "And to "uni. Io tMnh." mmâ€. the. 'lm such bmwnly Min that [all m .1 Id mlxhl have â€rape-I m It»- lvar! Dem Hoh' Um I over 1le you u had â€W04 to ma Mira?" Then the Insymmthnun auditor ummprl an air of lumen-v. "IIMn’l you hmr Illa Hu- Nru Hmvf" she lnqnhed VIIUI Mud py'hrmu. “Jon's." MM «he rrvonnary sur- m. I‘IO had ram-d m alum! Joan-9' M riot. "er «Mm!!! lulu- hruer rum >1 um ranino‘a "mm" "“‘Mf' "km! Iona. "in you "link (buy an Imam In: deny-MT "So,“ maimed (In voluntary. “but jun. on I ma» ha he put most at them in my Inf-Ase. Loch Mr. '70- uy Il nu your 'donMo' um Mo on ï¬nk-hm?“ "Vow-uh.“ "Yul new I pu- )nu mm; day- Moro lo! allele» anally-a2" "Ah "Inc-mm, wk." "\V'". thin Hmo- yum p1 any. "in?! lhr court's doulnlc."~~l‘Mlndv-l~ all: Indy" "luck "on. your hm Inks. l m." Top." "I uruumr )MI (I! rump-d a “mu" 0! "mm?“ "NM. Map don't w mm mm In ml luv. mun-urn l M pmnnl (59 ï¬ts! Ink aIl rlnM eunuch. but u Im‘ run all vb» «(and I" In bfnk N nfl‘V-M‘adunclnn Mould â€mutual cnhmnunrr. don‘t all. - non-r bad man u n"! upon our emu“ [mun-l. Ham-mar (‘an'l “Iv ll. lulu Thanh my ur-kn \‘mu him an M In an!“ to ban.- um pram ant-1nd Io bonhultnn. not l-hlndry.“ "You ha'e an enormoul Ami-flu." nld n mm mm envhnuly. “Whu do you ulw rm IIT’ "In All any «uncri- cme." rrplh‘d Im plump menu. "I lune Ynuml null-Inn more Iulmbh- than loom“- I'leelphin lnquinu. ur‘ "mum and bla (anally no" sun-Mug In (mm of the "on (n30. ’Jnlmf' MM lln. "man. "I! "moo unmuh mum m "I‘m. Ihflm would [on um um ma or "no rhlldnn?" ".\Ie." annual John ulmoul. hank Hon." "II I: (no Ind um Pmry dld nut know Indore hls Ian dash for the pale that ('ouk had been than shear! of Mm" "Why?" “Hm-unto he would have bean hut all llw an! more and bark nnln" llouumn Poul. “0m! (:wrgo‘u Wooden leg'a been giving him lulu )nu-ly.“ "Don't you be lalkiu' no [00“le “'lllumf‘ “lt'l uurn c-nuugh. 'ln uwd wonmn been n-whumuu' 1m wt‘ “I'vl‘oudou 0mm Ion. ('usllicr- Tuu'll have In bring some one to hlwniry yuu before we can «15h um chm-k. (:0: any friends In um town. Stranuvr Not one, I’m the tax» collector.» Exchange. "Whvn you ï¬rst saw Niagara Falls. dill you full that abmosi lrroslsllblehu- [miss m throw ynnrm-H over the prod plu- Lhn! so many experience?" "So. I hadn‘t been my hmeHmI yet." "Why did you accept George?" "He was so much more original than the 9th“ “"0Ws." â€In what way?" "He was the one that asked me to be his wife. ~l'm-k. Servant (who has been sent to chas- tise u array (-an for stalking vulckeus) ~1 muhhfl «:uuh 'lm mumâ€"for the nearer I 1.1m to ‘Imv-the further '9 got away l’um-h. “You can't tell wlucl sort 01' a cook a win: will make." “And you can’t tell what sort of u wife a cook. will make, and there you m-u."-\Vash|ng- ton Herald. “can?" Bright Boy-449mg, slr, they're spelt. differentâ€"Punch. “Placed your order for an aeroplane yet?" "No. I'm warning to ï¬nd out what the 1910 style or house mortgage ls going ‘0 Defâ€"Detroit Free Praia. Emanclpued Womanâ€"But why won't you many me? Give me a dam nus mason. Dewroned Mawâ€"0h! just. because!â€"-Puck. Examiner-Now, children, What Is the difference between “pro" and VIâ€"I. who has A home that la “ am In sum†01 Im- friend an": mun Mm. Ital-"mm Amman: (u weltnm newspaper ofleel-l‘m hooking for a job. I an lat type uh! writ; wimpâ€"Good. Jun take A mt Annualâ€"Hue you an «shunt? Editor-d] m't tell yet. I Iain Mm mtwmtmmdmwm n on go oi! "m mountâ€"Lilo. 1110 word gazette Is from the name of In old Venetian coin worth about oath." com 0! our money. The name II nailed to nwmpers Manse It was the sum charged tor reading the ï¬rst written journals that made their â€ml-ante In 1550. After the nape! in: road It was handed back to the mar. who charged the next corner I â€to [or «king a peep a: It. Wald- In New. fro-- the Mn. Tho Hankâ€"We ll! rapidly becom- hg a union of boarders. There Is too mile of ‘the Mme life; to, lost; sight of car families: we are not In (Iona tmlrh with our parents There II touching lndesrrlhamy hauflml about the word "hams." with A" the minnow-s which It mm to mind,â€" It". George Bailey. Pro-hymns. Washington. The sun and Strips-4hr: ls pe- mllnrly n m of (Mom. and no true mu: rln look upon us Mulgrm “an and ruddy stripes without being In- spired by â€wh- prophfllr meaning. Thom thirteen stripes repregnt the tnditlonal prlnripiu a! llherty~4he birthright of our nation-«Rn. Ken- neth Brown. Presbyterian. E! Pun. Tax, ~RahM Rhythm Fl \VIQ, llelurpv, .‘Zn \‘Mk (My. Why rmm (‘ame The menu pur- pma M "It mmln: 01 Jun! Child was In Olorato manhood. to make men [mo and para and loving. '0 ho like Him. “'0- wanl mm and women of charm!" today: no matter nhmlt the chunh to Ihlr-h Hwy lwlong.-nev. s. 1). Palm, Methodist Inckmnrllle. nh-va Law of Lou- Tharr I- but «no hmdnmrnmi Iaw «f a Mable hw mun «Amy and nm 9: "In «Him In. of Ion. "n rho mum nut-M9 M Hula low. build. that tMt-h mm". mnly Humble Inln Ibo mm Rn, (‘ 0. Pier", “and". LI»! Ann-Ira. Pal. The Pan» Th! pm:- onzm m he "w anmwr ""1 (“Me 0' [mbllr op".- km It i! "w daily "with" M the inflow. lmnurfln: not only "so young, but all ms The prru la I mph“. "Inn"; mm nun-or mm- us than. Knmdmkn n! ( Inl~1‘n|th In God In not an «Mum: pmMrm. u I: Mun-I "I "In olally pnnuth M I!" “'0 mm. M "w mow-"Inn and any"? u gun! u in an- nmv m "m knack-4n 0! not!» "m P W. HIM". l‘rnbflorlan. Ivanflll'. Ky My | name: [1H would un- to Tho Nurlon‘n Rainy «Our at.†In a nnunn l1 not In mu InhIlfl". In" In our "do: no! In om- m‘nlth hot In our rilhImn-nm- The nullnn nml [mic- (MI an mu mum and shall path-h 4m II II l’nhw. Man-null“. Jnrhwnrmr (:h-In. In "In lmv! llo who ulna mum". In mo Lunl M- no â€renal wlm Ibo um! lnr whirl. M an rm- Imumy "pt-rt n Mun-Ina The Inn! rlnnnl we" bio-v nnthllm, R" I. ï¬t Zimmerman Luanwmu. “ammo". Md, Final Runny Many of the ï¬nal "null- 01 your Mr and Iurhln. will roman thcmwlvn lo you Inna nan urn-r )ou mm l-ohm' tha- judgment In! of God ll" Nair" "win! mun. Con'rwnlhmlm. Ilroolllnl. Knavlulge of God-(There In one kind of knowledge mu cannot b. M llllfl'h sought after. and nut ll tho lnorladuu o! â€01l""8\‘. Dr. Breath. mu. (‘onucpllouallm Alllnll. The Problem of the CI!) v-Bwry any the world In grow!“ hotter and flu INA! problm c! on any ill! slowly but uurnly b. Iolnd by "to Iron! 0! Gotl' u". Joan. Stronl. MthMln. Now York City. Manny and 'MOI’H'I-" American lather»: would spend less time making the murals of their “mum their chil- dren would he hem-r 01!. «Rev. W. W. nuutard, llnylhl. Hoalun. Missing um Markâ€"All (he trundlet of We are contained (n (hm "Iron words "Missing the lluk."â€"llcr, Al- fred Hem-y I'orler‘ llapual. Loulnvlllo. I." to ll-ve Fir-t Ann-Nd I- I.- cl-nl About 'l‘l-o o! Shake-mu. In primitive times, the only phoe- iu London where the public could bl entertained with food had been the cooks' shop. The famous Eu! Cheap wu I greet thmmmhlare. town which the nulls of the bombers alternated wick those of the cooks. You chose I joint a! the flesh market and you curled it next door to be cooked tor you by a vermin hour. If you wished for wine. you must. bring that with you. (or the cooks sold no liquor. ulv though they seem to have provided. as “me went on. more and more of ï¬lm natural mxommnlments or meat. such as bread. Vegetables and paelrx This habit conï¬rmed until well into the reign of Elizabeth. and no long as such an lncom‘enleut custom ple- wullod there (0qu have been no real comfort for any ruin-n who chose to dine nbmad. lie must have hnd as much trouble with porternge and hue Rem as a ooumry party has toâ€"duy at‘ I. pimic. lint about the (line that; Slmkesxmre rame up to London a re} markahle uhzmge took place in the customs of the (own. and tho predicts o! publlv hospitality and entomflm men: was singularly fanlliuued. The nature of this rlmngn lay in the anti den dei'vlopmeni of the tavern and the l-onseuuult withdrawal oi’ the mokshlp‘ The worehlpful rommny 3i Pastelnrs. as (he «mics were called, coaxed to enjoy the monopoly 0! pm riding hot meals. Bdflshnm~89lflshnm Is [he rofk upon which domenuc mm generally goes to plea-waâ€"nev. John L. Brun- der, Congregational!“ Jersey City. SHORT METER 81-3310â€. 03101]! 01‘ IMAM. no Wm (tonne. mm the. In the old dun. be- 'on 11.. gem-gum m ma. 3 le~ mendâ€"pound sturgeon In the Don- m. rim no a mum. In the mug men-hundred ma out-hulk [rod-MM m m the IN. N mu] m m handful and ï¬ll- mated you. of am can. I“ (mmwmm '0' Horace G. Knowles. menu: Unload 8mm mini-tor to Roumanu. Benn and Bulgaria. I: leadlng a. movement. no rdntroduce sturgeon Into the rlverl o! an Atlantic man. He obtained the consent of the Rmmnlan gnvmment to the shipmem of a cutout! at fry at the much an sturgeon, the bolt In the raid. to ma United Staten. The mut- ed Bate! nah commisdoner his and Mr. Knowlel that he ‘ balsam the alumina! sturgeon mnem- em be re- vived. The Black Sea uurgaon gm. to Major Sylvan". Washington's chief of police, has made what {in Post calls "a win- and timely suggestion." that the horde oi guides In the capital be subjected to examination as to their ï¬tness and in romwiiod to my a li. cents fro. TM Pant says: “It is a step which should have hem taken long ago. and the proposal an not he put into execution too soon. for some ‘of the Washington guides have dis. played a fund of information which, it generally muted. would necessitate the mvriting of many of the chapter. of national history. Not so long ago one of them historian was heard da- acribing to an open-mouthed ntherlnl at crodnlm victims how Sherman marched his army to the an over the Anaemia bridge. pointing to thnbridp in the distance to prove his new m dering of himry. 'hfle Ml auditor! rapondod with a chorus of ‘Oha' and Tho gala"- ol Ibo mnrlnl, In Tnln do. mm by Felipe II. to commemorate Ms vmmy over the Fund: II BL Quentin. In the only hulldlnx or m:- klnd In the world. It was vindicated to San lam-ma. and Juan lhpfllll. the mhltafl, look «I xvlrllmn as M- mmlol, The ban Into represented hy rows of mnmlfla-mly lmllt buildings. and Ihe Mm“: hy n mprrb rlumth. Tm palace bu mrly two thousand moms. our 5‘! thousand vlmlmn and doom and MIMI-three mlreun. vhllc unruly-norm fmmulns and the mnlmm- of lmlyleht wlne cellars help In Manage the mm of un- man- ner uldlmn'n occupiers. } [lo-«M uprlmouu ma flmwy now- ‘m Ilka tho poppy Inml In no. that I'm-cu no not I'lel unvaried Io luau- by the lit-lam!) mlond with. Jun rather by m:- mmmhm- dwhum by means of nmrllr um Ihm In bonny or when. in Num- ulmlvmmn I!" unngtnnl flown-rub!“ I! "he!†1! I nun MO. .0 Is In wow-rt It [mm In- mn. 1nd then H "panda Ibo you]: an awfully rvmonvl wllhonl much In "N "mum-g par“ with «In Inn on "of hen mom I flat" I! the "m" a! human Mon In to“ on It), uml Hu- wullvu flaw-n mm prur- Mtu u nun; land mm In In- cmuehed flown" Ga. Hm Arthur mm. M Now You. ll nu pmldvnt o! the [sly Club. which M- Jan opened I clubhouu nu. roan. women undying for u may ulna can MI 1 home In New York. A null charge (or bond 'III In man Ind Ibo cannula!- [or number-Mp hue to he vmmmn‘od by some on. gl tho ("dune- at "to my whoa] Ibo omnlud Iho club and Mn II In churn, TM "ppm-nun mm: In ll- lwmn Ior Inn pawn! urban! (am that In "In ham had In bu ukon u a mun". and than an um In "In Mighlnrhmd 0! on huudnd on "to walling "It Mn. lv‘nunlu Fern Andrew; at Boo Ion. ha: been unpainted Io like charm of tho prlu cameo: at the American School of Peace Lonuuo. The league bu oflvrad two nu o! throo prim curb. for the be»! «any- on the pom movement Sin. Andra" bu been minimum! In pun nodule: to: my yum HM mo In In cumin-tun: club- I'onun and an ardent “roam of equal IMIIIfl. ln Janu- government physicians make I thorough phylicnl examination oi all school children once | year, and than in A monthly inspection oi them by the medial corp! "cry month. There Is 11:0 a monthly unitary in- vulinlipn of All school building. their contents. inter lupply, lur- roundinfl. out. The Iowa urleultunl experiment union has found out that on rail- mds running out and want h. In noc- euuy to nlant a dllteren: kind of gnu on the north “do or embank- ment. from um south side. because of the dlflerent amount of sunlight that each side receives. The woman's nine hour luv has been signed by Governor Runny. 0! Naomi. 1: limit: the employment of women and girls In (Movies. re‘s- tnurants and such place- to nine hours I day, between 6 a. In. uni 10 p. m. All notes or legal papers executed In Mexlco must bear revenue stampfl. and all nape" executed In the Unload States or other countries mun hear those stamps before legal action can be commenced In Moxloo. The examination 0! over 400 ï¬les at the Connecticut agricultural experi- ment station showed that they curled an average or 1.250.000 bucterla each Athens hall nlhy native dentists. There are also three foreign dentists. who have mddem equipments. charge “8'1 â€feel. a‘nd have so many clients that they are obliged to turn acme 0! them nway. Summing been send on: menu to look (or desirable locations. When completed the new White Bin: linen will be the lamest vessels afloat. being 890 feet long aver all by ninety- lwo leer. beam. Thu lllllllll whaling «Itch n! pren- on! In about 150. Germ pianos colt In AMI-uh from 360 to 8200 wholesale. lnudnn’l an brludo oolu 81AM).- mmmo F03 EmYBOD! nawmms any :5- mum??? M: for n time the mutant!†ere-tum mammals 1393:11lele no Inn and Mac It mm In: about. ulmopenmgnwrocuum ï¬ction It ï¬xed hunt!) a In. "Rector: you“ re m Now add Ben. xivlu tho thy Nan-m m clutch. "I hope OI no In no Well. what not mind m no more atrium; that tho supra-ion of hummer-seeing“. mum-um hohm'mnpmthhmtm In» one .- kindly a. or mm Badly m.hdmrutednhhhtm He looked down Into the ban of t sleeping baby. There was no one (ML DI“ the cabin door noon! oven. Ind not» 9-- wed from the ntovepipe «Many. a. tween two ï¬ns swung n ruminant. II the center of which was a hallo. Ben and u] this cutlmnly. "stoned an h m mnvlnccd that than us no on. mt. men boldly m torrid. Curious to learn Int m In the ham- mock. ha polled spurt In “den and rivaled n roll of mm But an the blanket- eomtnod â€nothing In pulled um t corn" covering an and of the bundle and mundâ€" It "a ahom 10 o'rlnck In the m In; and I bright imam†day when Ben 19!! the road and Int-rt a mm through 1 wood which led to his chum. now but In" 3 mm dmmt. The birds vere Ilnxlnz In the Iraq and 0'2"- mm shout Mm "9 to menu um he appro-rhed the mat" More Mm wlth stl" mt" rel'rlnm, "In young tile was nu? mm In In thoughts. Ind he could not dismis- . picture of her ans-M If It vm fated mat aha should hour that he ha been mm w the jumpers. Afler so ".3 u (at an how-aback ts he dared. loll he attract Illeatlm. he dismount- ed and proceeded on foot push; M bind": tree In night at m. emu. m NI «Mn beï¬de N. man to ml" Impoullon. Dulles. ho had anon; mm In M. 'bok In "M ground." and rolled Iâ€. It Io lulu Mm In "no «In: his beloved Ulla. "a lode on. mddorin. will ha would do. He had my run: In put-ch! w area. for chlm jumper- wm not n tyecierl of make an mull: am not jump a rlnlm Inh- muted to maluuln their gum-ml He nmlly mn- chdod tn mot-noun the have" from I alumna um watrh for a good op Min!" to tn't‘h than apart. "I'vo. lint on. an 'un [melon you can hudlo without lrmlble. Ho's I ma. mu. Tonto! my data you.†non would but ulna morn oun- llonl. but Khulna mm! to be In I hurry um man ot "on In mm trouble. non tn 3 metal. ploddin- lun. Inland by bl. mlahbon. and the In! man In the wotld lo ï¬ght as. up! for his "nu. But be I“ not I “Howdy. lien?" laid Andy. xrmnlnt Illnbly. uni without loaning Mn pace Ida-d, "Yer rlnlm'n jumped? "Whl‘l out to laugh at?“ called Boa, sharp)» "How many of 'm?“ Baton hlm, comm: on bombs“. the broad brlm o! M. toll In! napping with etch lope, was I mu whom he reoogulzed u Andy lint-hon, the owner a! A claim no! [u from MI own. Ben Hallowell was returning to Ml claim. Ho hm been to Trim» for I month tryinx to induce some one with means to "gmbatake" him. but had failed. Thin was not. been“. he did not hive a good claim. but because the upiulistn be me! did not care to look into it. Ben nu very gloomy. A year before he had married the girl 0! his choico in the East and a week nicer his marriage had returned to his mining operation; He had hoped he- tore this to bring his ï¬nale to him. but the tale: hnd been against him. And now his (Ilium lo secure mean: will: which to nrooocuto his work nude him doubly descendant. The Wu bum blowing o'er. Ana tho wince-ulna“! Ian-null. ctr- cun. flow. A yard where an ax ï¬nd the aunt ring Thrown tho busy mum of the num- I'IIGI' dayl: A dimly duly. Mk. 3 living thing, that leap. to the ocean down on A ammow or black on the ocnn pub: A brawn can In the tropic any: A typhoon loo-ins Ill awful wrath; A lhlp that In shalt-rad whnu brave men dla. I The Claim Jumpers A Inoly ulna on a non-tum thou: Tho Mun nty llvlnc the land! Mt- A battered spar, by the currents spurned. Which has [lo-ted lu- on the surg- in; main; A Inudy beach where tha lid- Im- turned. And the northern pine In at home mm. ~Youth'l Companion. "It 'I‘O M “u. mwmuAmne-mm good work In flair 4mm 0‘ mmmmommt th- wu- tum-mudnmodmrmnâ€" mt maul. M tho cal-alm- .houmwnmmrmmm Mmmmfltydmml- mmaarmnm. “m. uurnwm. wommanymht dim-mast But the attending Is not conï¬ned to the editor: of «wrung m 1» go through the analogue of Inland word: flank! hr exceed tho llniu at any gamma nude. Yet on. an hnrdly late the subject without rt cording s mum: pram mind. the puns: "Armed with a wan-m.“ or the «ram! who "negotiate- . Mp†Around mo Wm. And one would "to in AM that â€Inaccurate." which manual: ones.“ not ham!†char-curing tho mm of I m run-om tum or flu ovum. an of autumn mimm. nmnla: ne- ts "dmy.’ It my In named by and critic am this van! flashed upon the sporting fraternity - a grant win through the rum! of the Olympic gum. Oral “than «'th book- no' knnvm a data. And by the am mun um: Athletic same: obtained a like amm. BIC why mm a prize MM ha a!†"Ms-yâ€? Prohbly "My word I a slang eqnlnk-nt 0! "high dun." M any nto. It In "ch!!!th and o!- !cndvo :- "hfllnl" WI.- “ Vanco- DM.‘ ï¬lo-M log!- I. urn-nor m The»: who! ï¬nd I nmrmmg plenum In reading on worn of W“, Addison, "llalllclllg 09¢!“ Block and ocv awn mm Irving unit «In mm“ Ilka "teary mm In (11mm; on? the m a! mo modern lawn-Inert In “at 0! mm the Bufldo Gun-menu! In: Why would the society editor Insist m a wedding “occur-d." Instead 0! mm. place? But thin mm M the word Isa-I venlnl cm to turn to the moving m and and that ovary omtmfmudogngmtou: 7 Def- clum timed out n Min-n. In mm M amnion! | company In cock It. um! M mulled It mo [Jule Jumperâ€"4k“. Elm-lo haul pmflhd m a mum lo mm.» mm rm: uhlah M pm can new. rlnlm. MM" hands In on. IN. bar In unto mom 04: M1- hem". A mm Ionlnt Mm 0! ln Inc-M journey Ind "va "n a†In" M. dflnflun Var Trim mm on her sum.» and!" Mm mm. almly [ml meet-Ion o! u- «bin I‘d um»! Ml rev-m. When M an Illa had me [or want "a u- no cum vllh (lb moon: and (M Inlay, In ‘gou In. M (am-Sod M could on mu 0! w thin plan-fly “mm-r. "I“ to «la no! Mr I loom" «:9er u M to MI a II“! lnorh an MI MN". lnulm-unly ill hm It. O0 in to vatnr n ho hum... Wild-Ina mm «M mm†Im a: MC WHO. Than In comm cram a..." .- mnflmn that In hamrllohlo. Nat "not the prom nor the mun: In m. an an M “In!†In var]; Nun was man man mmnlunly "and "on "w punk!" 0' link It: "all a! low. TM"- tn om- loom "Minn lhu ll woman! cult! mar mat. flu I m an! "Hamil-imam. In" nu OID‘IM‘ "out For I mum-on! M: [m tall. H m- "n no will In “accustom mu “03' Even the about!" I... Ind «- ported in not .0 ha u Ital. L .5..- . ",V _. ‘8! Human!†ho exclaimed. 'lnp pom tho bl. luv-p" In I wanna!†don Ne". HAKING A VESSEL 0P SMOKE FOR A DEAD EMPRESS. We here reproduce a photograph moving the burning or n gonna boat specially built. according to Chinm custom In full inner-ll. to coir vey the spirit 0! the hue Dowager Emumu a! China won the mystic river beyond which is believed to ii. the haven†Nirvuu. The hoot cont about “0,000. On Illa bo- mood a bun figure mom-emits; the guiding uplru or Heaven. and jun bohind it wu the imperinl yellow chtlr. On an dock were (our puiiiona. the ï¬rst mnulniu‘om oi IJIIIO twenty-nu coon India- or her mic-1y": Inin, the neon-i n numb" of when uiuliy won by in. [mun-I. the third mm a! priest- and the (out!!! (he Import] throne. The eniiro funeral 01510le in nearly $i.000.000.â€"â€"l|iuiniod Lon- [OH DOLLAR F 'ir DOM/AGED EMPRESS ~ ' Amnmmmmm‘aum mutmhudlmm ' mbumlmdMIm "with mun-tumult. WWW-“IMH- mdeMIMM «mm Hm.†Ho spun my 1.. In and: mad â€Bur! mxm Ill ï¬nally «and the plum-only such he would In our fan: nun II 3m luau. no u: m a" when hMâ€"Ym'nm The origin a! Buddhkm. nu mini-mummontmew» "non. of an world. In nipped In and uncut-luv. and mommy umhmrhmmorI-m [gumflywmmm mnmdtwtylnhm anamhmmmmm “a; of the HM coatury Hm Christ. "ovum SIM PMâ€! Holyoko Mum" (and the hob- and put than on the main post. wm Mom hand: menu†Malamute-columnar“ no. ofthoehenottunnrd lawman Wt on! only for WM! curs-o chmâ€"0mm- lem Monitor. Harm wagon. England‘s nut autumn wrote to . Mani, mm one d the- mrm cum In amulet. No b a he!" "of wood. (I. ml [flan hr. the buck. um m [an loaded um mm". and and and mm In the m0. mm and "annual loan." The whole question Is not «um 21! by tho mum! (but I! VII proh- My brought {an that â€M «tuna. but "In um numfl.†Bonhmln Ham. on. 0! Rant!!! hlmorhu. man-n the on" will 1 «mm arm, fir-lure loud in (M 6!an . M Duh-l II no In! 0! mm and "on w.- nlng of datum": call-rm The nun» an." no" In no n: In an» nod no In: [or count-ct than and Inuit-flo- mu- ll“ no we! «who II Nan-M would ho «mm “(but It PM dull Inn" on In It dun“ MI I. “an! «my but a II. M muamuummmm Tndmou an that n a... III. (I. mien o! "to ulna“, «mm In ndmlllur-llau M M‘s-«l “an... bu It In not Imn "ml; when not low. “fr-ome- lull Ian Illl I! no given in 5mm": "My“. '1 In. Sumac-r Tun", o! lemma. 3 n0.- un M at lumen. wkn wore anal Nev England‘s urinal mum m II m ('0 mmâ€- I’m-Mun deoh nun hound “Alasdair-â€mt!"- h- nlund by name mum at (I. W funny. HARVARD! mun can; n an .'I mun-rum mmmnofmmmlh with! II It PM WI M dmntnmunao 8h. Amer-tan canon a: mu“ m â€untoâ€"M â€I'll V mam sumac-1b. conego end [511th ‘ nunmunmm Wow V, ’ Mao-Iona! the m #1, luï¬Q hind! munmn‘ We†mmmmm-«m mmmmcnm autu- wmiubflcn‘ll . mmmmmm mqlrunnvlowmuni m bred lien In lflm lb city-Mich" typhoid. A“ cumin: poo! II b (I. I“ o! the metâ€"«d n hm pun-II Mar-u II we. W mu. “penal" to m, m was! mutton d no me so". Chm. Mr- " CO 01mg. «an. m d ‘ mm. In". (to an, has under the our. Miro! d... M pm! m with!- a nu. mil-Q. an In m â€out!" n- .6. mmnammnmwc m-u'm Alum-maul. anhmomenullhflï¬r annmmbmb nun , I’ ~01 m â€L21.“ a â€moth Inn-":2“: A. Do M “In. no New You no... a. all mu u a. ï¬lm in M Inn n mm." mt m h mum luau-too. no «I... Rum-C†II "II, I. '0" I - hlll. CM mm (M 060‘ ~ nan um. um uni-std mm "when chm. M In“ M. who mm M I I. «but u I.“ MIC I). 7". 00m. III. also rum â€0‘. i; Inn 0» marl M â€Ma: TM m d I). I... ~ am. no nun-a mu.- m on In. Mir mm! a. ‘ Mm mm. 00 the M‘ 9* (lot Old! 0m '11 II an!“ “ mhbuzmflalliqmbd‘ â€uncanny-1M" men! loll-CM M“ who undonmmmm men-mom ilk-In“ 0910‘!qu In mny “(mi Ibo mm mm to m- m IAIIIolIll the Now York Wall: suicide put- at you: louv- all murdm muted by “and“ In lovothrovnmnhrdrofm to!" about the WIDI 'W n The can Ingram. mm ’- (‘ook'l story of his dhcovtry 1‘“! Pole and II: no dlv'l uku- M to the New York Bush. M b automation-cumin" any“ In a; when Don M t On. an or man Ibo oi the one". at mm In In â€ll-i“ It any do not. for 2h manual to 0-0. 4 (ho cumm- W. (In t Wad Ion-r who MOI ha and: (h.- lm; on II. d caddy. z xi! ii i? Much wudom h own-led by an- 91109,“qu the We! Yuri “9- gram. but lomoumu mom-om my )0 In I: Md tut. In tho “a m voles or n newly rich clreul m lt-mnw'umehnhfl- cooking n). does an†mm fad! with It. he wouldn't need DI but mum mm the New You Fri-I. to b- mrm to woman. ' 8am on should Inform Kr. Hm!!- oock. rommenda tho Kama cm Bur. lb“ mo mu! GM “'1 mm ~10qu m Maurie-n a», In sum; a. North. Mo. undo:- Put, m «Bu-I! had. sunny. think- Ilo = Jonrml. 1: can. later. umber-Inmatnnum." Iver-‘0 man “mu-u 1'“ I“! hon than n you new. "on W Wan-am Timon. u I. :mflit m PM“