The ï¬nenker laid hotel-e the Home the following telegram which was or m unread upon the Journal: "Downers Grove. lll‘. Jan. 28. 1908. "Will be absent tomorrow, Have no (Him to witness death of party or- fllhflm should direct plurality hill mm mm»: votes. Have been con- «at III thrmmh ï¬ght and vote 'Nï¬' GUY Ll HUSH." In July of 1908 Governor Demon m I trip through DuPage County. ' hx' levers! speeches attacking Mr. ma “ting the people to vote It lill nominsflon on account of ,‘wmnntmpmmortne _' law then referred to. which [to new with 88 m ’ ‘. . _ district In mun-ed a '11! and Dam. On page 1695, Houun Journal of Jan an 23. â€08. appears the following. In this connection the noun) of (ha DnPaxe County repmnuu in the Legislature Is In ahqufe harmony VIM the deliberate Judgmnt of oflm‘ nprmutive animus after several nth primary his ha" been tried on‘ ltd east aside. M this ï¬rm than n in tho «pm 0!! Intention of the Governor of the Stats 0! "Hoots to call upon (M In;- mature in mortal msinn to past an- other primary lat. it may be we!) to ma" more of the rirmmtanres mr- rounding other primary laws thkfl haw burdened the citinns of the 81an only to he (Inland void and un- munmkmai hr the highest tribunal of the mmmonteakh. PllIBAUTY PRIMARIES. Annie "an“, KI. 8"th 80mm. m. Au»: Dunn Ml. Punk I‘hllmy â€In 0mm W". Mm "Mu mm. man "an! Paton. MI- lmh (Min-1 Ila Mm Hun. m Margaux mm â€a 3hr] lam-h. HI. Huh mm; Asm- Jul-m I»: am. â€in. â€In m. (9qu (lemma?! Hm NW mm um Finn-rt PM!" Iflm Norm [balls-y Mt:- Nuflhn Hillard Mm Mn- lhmu â€M [.mw lbwâ€! . I“ $ Mann. . m In“: ï¬r'nr, ,‘Jm mm \‘u â€in â€My “up-r MI. Mm: Guinea, . Rembfl' us! have your Mutt undo nm: "34' man-hum: um) In- ulflu m rout-nu Thu I" roughl- Indu- mug-to. and no .n lullovm: P. A, lam lamb" Co. "mum tic-«w Laundry K I" "III" â€In [hm limb O mum-non (‘ 9’ mm 0. Man flown" Mn VMnI "I“j'7'1‘ Tho toimm goal-anon In" hon undo: nowxrzun GROVE Don't fall to look up IW mrrrhanu. also, I'm-o who do nol “my hinder-um! IM I'M-I Ind regulations at IN. mint. and ml! at. ‘pmom- 01' um. 0M- oflu. And The Rowan all! ho Maud to m om Ibo pruw vino. with Hum 'Every Young Lady May Work for a Prize -â€"'l‘o Win Re- quires Uncwiug Work. VOL. XXVI -N0. l2 “number: (but me 0! III» mains awn-Mm. o! Downer. Unm- nro Imam-la! In this come“. Ind [In A 23 vol. coupon Inn nth II N pun-hue. Tm 1m 0' what And vulva and malndon- will In [00“ on u» nth-r (an o! m. Input. A lam-r and rule- at the count Mn boon mailed to one! come-sum and u unn- be In)‘ Ibo have not "rowed w. rule: at this mum “at “2|â€!le will l. [M m mppIy th- um. The Reporter offers this great opporlunily to its friend». If»: yours. “Mu un- comlux Into this om“. by the thousands Ind lhe cameo! ls Juï¬l thrw “who am. Wuwh for the next mum at The Reporter. [or in n will be announced the lumen of me three judges 111 me (‘nllh’riL They will be honest men. of good standing In the community. and will have charge or rum-Um: the bullet. and award the prlwu. The prim to M given Il’O wmly worth the mull elon mulnd. Us: rm‘h mama-M than the maple that 536 has an «unnum- tn urn-aw! In nnylmng III. undertake: and Nu: m I- out «4: 'Il. While it is a fact the mntestants were nominated and names put» “shod In the last issue of The Reporter. many are working hard to Win the “mum Oakland Mano. w some 0! UN: other valuable prizes donated _hy the llbt‘l’l'llflllls of Downers Grove. Tu own a magniï¬cent $400.00 Oakland piano will in: the privilege of some Indy 0! this section through The Reporter contest. To secure at iim- $2.3m watch. u $1000 tollet not. or some of tin) otlu-r in; prizes which are offered, will be the privilege of other young ladies In the con. teat and work it mquired to will. that": all. Many people are willlng to help (Houd- In this mutant. Ind Ire only “ultln: tn be tutu-d. The om candidate to ink, of counts. will be m um- !» wt tho mutants of friends. Thu-o who desire to enlnm um count Would not out among their Mend. and make their want: Ito-I. in great demund.1‘he town and country are being scoured for them, and the mu‘rlmllls who are giving prlzeu aw continually being naked tor (‘uupuns Nolhmg is more talked about In this community at present than the great Iwile voting contest. Inaugurated by The Heporlelz Coupons are The Town and Country Being Scoured fortoupons -=-There ls St“! a Good Chance. HOW TO GET COUPONS IS TALK OF THE TOWN For Further Patient-r! and Rain Governing Comâ€! Sec Page J HINSDLIP R. P D R. R n. Na â€fl R r D No. “In â€In: Mm .‘ll‘ 3"!- RTDS’n “Resolved. That we are opposed M the enantmmt of any plurality prl- mary eleotlon law. and that the Clerk of lhls Board be and is here-lay in- strnrted tn notll'y om- nwmemadves in the Legislature of our ml and ask tlmn to ma mum such lcglalauon, and to use all .m ruble means to defeat any Incl: propose-l leglslntlon." Thu claimants of these reunlntlons "Whereas. The said laws have an truly been expensive. but have caused largo loss of time. and have proven a dismrbmg element; therefore, be It "Whore-A Tho last three primarv elections In DuPagn County have «M the people of the (‘OI'Hy 33,000: and "Whereas. The purposes of mm priâ€" mary law have not aervpd the purposes for think may were handed; and "Whereas. it is carton"; rum-w“! that a special mam or the 1221M: Mr: of Mr State Is no he com-med for me puma», among other things. of passing a plurality primary 01mm" luv; and On Now-mi!" .3. 190'). the Board at Suppl-visors of ImPnzI' County. with but «no dissenting vole, "amt! thn following "solutions: On Sept ill 1m. "tr “ward of 8:! pontoon of WI" (‘mmly passed m buttons manning Mains! the mar:- mnt M any inrflwr nth-nary pin-hon la‘s tho. m carry into ohm. will m- In any way a lmrtkn In tho rump-era, or at the expanse M the taxmyen. or that will. In any ray. intorferv with "we sat-M rights M an and a" rim» am: to mmirlor his: parn ammmn Ms own mrnrl prorwfly and privilogo MM Lillie â€forks. Mb! Larry M». m. [m ï¬lmmaker ML. â€a“ â€ell-natal. .‘llm nan-u- Mmtnnh. Miss mm: Abram MN â€In NH. mu .\l|~u um \I n- “In. H In MI!- Mama Hum-rt Purl Kllwm-i. Abbie Tun-p. \hrmx "my. 90pm. mm, Hath" Mm" Rn"! Vowlrr "0mm “CK" Amanda Nah! Vial.- Nauru-m HA HMMIm-nh l-muhvm Wltllu Luna undu- I'v-Ior John-on. Ann: Willnlnt Hanan H Kim hm"! (‘len its friendn, If» yours. Ind lha women In Just Reporter. [or ï¬n It will In the Interest of [W Emanuel and Ticket: 75 cents. Reserved Jun without extra elm-u n! Kolly‘l drug store. The Blind Man [Slog-em. at Town mu. Ln Grange. November I9. Thomas P. Gore. the ï¬rst ('nited States Senator from Oklahoma. "the blind man eloquent." will lecture at the Town Hall In La Grange. Friday evening. Nov. 19. Come and hear one o! the foremost onton of the present mm. UNITED STATES SENATOR GORE OF OKLAHOIA. Prawn-Hans urn, Ming made Mr a amial maxim) pmzram. The NHL dre‘n M the Sunday 30th n! the vi!- lage win he mind to mum! in a body as â€my did last year. Another an- nnnnremmt will he marlp In the next numb" of m" lam! pawn Th9 annual Thankcgiflng vrrim m which "w Hum-ha nr rho villa!» mm“ s)†In hv‘ltl mh spar at tho Bantut (‘hurrh va. )lr. hawk-r. msmr of the! “0th!“ l-Zpismml (‘hnrr-h, ‘id munch thw sermon u would haw Mn tho dot-ism“ of rho minimum in hold «he servivv a! x p, m on Thanhv zh‘ing M'ening. hm wore prevented by an narlirr (Int-him: of the mmmhvw. 0’ the Town Emerminmom ('mrrza‘ who had urannd for a number of UM mums. on that. Mum, The servin- m will hr MM at 10:43 1 m.. and um close at 12 m, m0! THAIKSGWING SERVICE. m nun-nu. .umvnn. tn "w mm «mm» MI than you IM A can! rutha'..m-Ir I. Mlurv and In (II-um mm "on rmfl. don't n m- yo- Ihmzh and mm» "In this M" M nln row "at. “0n "on [mm-1m lo tympani». Allard?†“'"I m- spit" run! and worn by .» has"! lumb- hnrr. than you not "to Mm: hm 0! â€Made. don't u all run In" 0! mm in! to no can Mn Inn. cm. m mr prune. mm: M tomâ€"um ruck? I'M» you ï¬nd a prime (In far from My ban-tn 0! upon. and mum: out In “up: mmniml notch in cm. «lo-M ‘0‘" M9! mm In (all nml ynur‘ Mn»! «mm tall I'm» than awlnl‘ "\‘nu'rr not wanna!" um m. w“ [m "DP n" Hum-vs! Mat-o M w"! mm ymu In t» lav-9, with m rm" and Morn‘ lnjmrruon. "Nov you II!" hm†’0‘ make you mumwrhat sick. 1m to know mama" m: Ik-k. Mr "n ma» whn I‘M'fll nn- “Miami snrv h In Rm chow my. In [apn- ‘ro ran 30» "w [and hywnd. war up yonder tar nl-nn- oh. sum» and rim-d, Tharp tp'll wand» thm we Non-m, ‘mvh the vvofllvin Mn“ and not on» who sixn»".\'n "N- masinl anon-Ml," 8, T I). "emu! Non an mm. It ho an erlIy lml mm In mm or me Swat" Mr and In mm In": “no. at In my and: 0' Ana on "w nmm mun In nu "ma. m um“ I“. Halt-"r A nun mun-mm M on“: Mam:- Is In no" the tool for (can mlnmu II n nllon of no" rum. to «but. an Own MM aqua! nun. at hlvw Hula. and no» walnut Mm "mot!" lllr [mm mmuum "on "u- toIIIHO‘ "a" shall! h1- {MM with a lorlulm l-omonml It". tum; I- mm: oflwurr mm: In In pry-"mun: van-r. . A mum “M of "no 0“"!!! 10 ha ant-HM Inc-Ivan: A won hum In l‘rlun'n mmwhhm. llw mum Inn-h. an outlaw mam-n. Im- anuybon‘ "Mary and lulu out lb? loin. Ila-(inning will; lin- neu inane o! (lain column them will in a writ-I of articles mulribulrd in) an old maul". «immune ot arly happening; in (in: villlxv. 'nw mic-I will deu‘rme Id' \‘vnlurn In Ibo mrly dz," baton I‘m lawn inn-mi 0! run #0015. «iw-lrlr lixm- av paved urn“. and when n» mm: um- undrmmvd 0! In I nae walk nun-rial. And I! ll please your hunumlnln- body lo gram nus. our million. 11 ulmll be well with gun In the any or â€yawn“ ya. we will all alum] by and vote (or "we ‘ \Vhprelore we berm-ch ,uru, corn- luznd now my highway connnhmlomr [EILHO “ï¬x a guard rail. men n bun- km 01 {iron at the danger npot um! do no In an exrwdinx hurry. yen. M Mm w a move on. For we do Wm unlo you and say u wlth a. loud, albeit an humble voice, that there Is xn-at danger at me nluremeulwned pull]! that some art-Idem befall l'lw hupless waylarer and (In- vlllugo. 3n: the ('orpornliun thvreol‘. be muleml in heavy duuuuws Levant†ul‘ suL'h misadventure. Greetings and saiumtious.’ We, the residents or the village who walk the streets thereof, to and from our sev- eral places of abode. do most earnest- ly eutreat you to give heed unto our petition, which is to say. that there is great and urgent need of I. com- meted railing over against the cement bridge or culvert which nouns the stream known as the Roaring'Bt. Jo- seph. where it interacts South Wash- ington street. at or about midway be tween the streets known u Curtis: street and Maple Hem-2.. â€SE All! fllflERWISE Tu 'I'IIE HONORABLE. 'l'lfl’." PRESIDENT A)" MEMBERS 0|" THE WARD I)!†TRITS‘ TEES 0|" THE. VILLAGE 0|" DOWNS†“BUM-:2 DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE 00 The Ladles' Md Society of the Con- gregational Church wm ham a ho†day bazaar In the church basement on Thursday. Dec. 9. Various nucy arti- cles um be on Isle, halides aunts. rugs. aprons, able-mun. etc. There wnl also he 1 has mum: of home-made bread. who and MOI. Pur- chmmyumflum 10 to 4 o’clock. Do Not Mb. It. The following moving plrmros win b0 shown at mate's Hall tomorrow night: Dourhexd Clancy. Love Bantu. Fuse (hm, Dentist's Devin. A ï¬ne musical program will be rendered. Ad- mission. as usual. 10 men. Presiding Elder of Naperville Dish-“:2. “a mu Pnrtieiplto In Cornet Stone Laying of the ï¬rst Evnngelicnl Church, by I“! “am. Ibo â€and“ We" npymmul by H». mamma- m"; :k mm. Tail»: m- tantalum! as n OW, It Has anneal hm Mi» Mn: «0 oval. The D"! «um-Inna" 'III hp N0 rpmhpr 2.204. "The f‘wflvmk (mar-3n mmr ('mrofl manually." HA3". Imus-rays. Gov-ï¬r _.,._ v. «-H...“ le â€Imam: by 31‘" ammo, Jar up, Wain Ind Charla-Ivor": 'll 0! 1; high nun-mud and ya worn-luau A» u rad" Mr Barry J llumll Ian Inner! In his peculiar Ind m; oulo o! delh'zu-r) The ï¬rst muenalu‘oul of mo 59::- sun ulwn by [he RON English Ilaml Bell IUnxerx at (he fAudllorIum on Thursday ewulug. N . “h. In u (1% clam! ant-«m. 1‘): 0! our com- munlly who nenMM lo be Chore missed a rum- munlual trout. The com «mm: of opinion vu‘lnlnlmotu that lulu comm-n) â€and all previous cu- lerlnlnmrnl: xlwn ‘I’IIII "no. ROYAL ENGLISH HAND BELL mam. that met at esday even- the Welcome "Firms a marry the Baptllt mm lng to give amui' which they tool'tor r new pastor and hi: vlre. A joiner-aux lrivl< union was extended in": ladies hav- ing the matter in . and appar- ently all who had 11 viously made other engagements ' present. The rooms were heautlf .decoruted; the ladies served n dnln luncheon; the atmosphere or hotuel anesu was man [rest evt-rywhero; 21 Rev. and Mrs. llnlu'ock proved the elves charming mtertnlners. In i it was an 04-- caslon not soon ta forgotten. for; ienrh guest did his or er purl toward making it n sun-res: ' a way whivh said to Mr. Bulx-m-k _ plainly than words: "We helluva you, and are 'asnsureul Ilmt llle iieï¬euly Father in His wisdom has sen Jan to us. W3 believe (mm what ybu have already mid and done that 3‘: have the alt- uulion here thoroughly within your grasp and wish vou tn know that me .In‘ with _lall in h In prayer in «'flnrfl' â€aft RECEPTION 1‘0 T011. REV. B. CBIS‘DIAS BAZAAR. A TREAT FOR YOU. PM" of "no lint ‘VQI‘QHCI! Church REV, w. B. BILLING. I“. 1. t "A“. ILLINOIS. NOVEMBER l2. 1909 {W PAS~ ~Annourm butterfly: for ale u L. Klein'l. -â€"Mn. Wm. Stunts ermine; friend: m mm on load» $.- um he MM M the thunk H. M u I)» can-or k nanny the [ordinal-cu strut†II" hr MM I. "n VII-III )l K Hum-h on Wm mm "mm. Milk- will I- furnished hy the chair on! the rmzmulnn and by "on male quart PM North'mom Calm... attend these exerclses The [oral may tors and their mmuons are on- poflauy invited Don't forget. the mm. next Sunday alter-noon I! 2:43 o‘clock. Everybody In welcome. “Mb-0*“...- p-HhI-nâ€"nd .- *zUI-‘h Mâ€"uuwd'flun-- dill“. 'fl-ï¬-m‘d-†. mm-mud‘bï¬ This nnmnmmmt Is .- hut-Non In tho Hmong M [Miners “ton to 1m, w a. “mum. pmlalu' em: 0' Summit“ Muriel. Illl tho I). mama! and tank-lune In the «rum. ll Ibo «mm In nlro all the nrvlm "not and “IN. avenue. :1 1:15 1'» n annuity. Nov. mi. or lending, I... Who Will L- (In Comr Mono at th. Hm II- gollcal Chunk. Cor-or Into mm and lap!- Avenue. land-y nur- noon. lonmhr 1t Bishop S. C. Breyfogel of Reading. Pa" will lay the cornerstone at the Fir»: Evangelical Chum-II. now under conmrucllon at the corner of Main Lora! Hapfming: I; '1!de amnflWclalb BISHOP I. 0. nlnrooxx. OWNER SHINE lAYlNG. â€" sped-I mmr’rk carnation of the 11m Enigma! Church, now “In, etaâ€"no rent Ma: II It flan In lavur«ls "undo In I III-m" No 1* on M alum; (dim tailing. flun- ph Pm. J. W. Nut. ~34. anon! rub no lulu“ I... hr the lawn. 0! mar... hi- yurrhllnduhmrnbbm him. You and an. a and It n mic to In. you" We. ~«wuudâ€"r‘f- mt It. of (km pkg-m "'me nous 1m. and Manly m m- innow II n Mt mm»: snn. nae mm. P. 0 M I96. or mlln u Runner 0.". 4». Mi Ila-hi Calm In em:- a! 1m- nn panned mm. Inn, «In. Am. Mud: nun-lad Ibo mum rho" u M m on Main var-n hut rm†"no... A Minimal "uh; I. nut-L ad cm in; In mum-hm. - Km In nra'u 0.!"th no "WON' who mam-I In nut-cut. numfloa. on u out III-"nun a“ In M. to.†In on. at our mu mm «mm. m m M In tho mm m at tho anon-r. II" [than Ill. lulu "Il! an}. In (In. nu with can pun-luâ€" only. ~1ln. 8. I). Kinky in I... II Immor- ("an Iro- Auron In I Int I“. DO! DMD-II. M 1'. I. Hagen. J, W. Rum and V. A‘ It“. I". do“. hum. and «Miami cloth-I I and-II]. vlll do I‘I u all on In mm. "n. I! W. In]. um... â€I- ~~Tho MI 0! Dr. R. L. Bhphud'o motivatio- Inn sun-lad no" u» um o! no Ma‘s (flab of (M Hm Pro-bunk- (hurt. cl What... Ill. "A rec-option In Ibo lor- ol u no u-Iql limo In NH u the â€no-mu on Tuesday evening (or the a". It. lhhcorl 3M Illo‘ «Try I pack-p 0! Wu Don Calm now. «noel-fly mu. lot In rut-u. I“... hand IN III!" 0! All um I (tonic. M1. «mum. Auullu or MAM? avenue. who was badly [nub-0d by falling (mm lu-r rurrhlue a week «:0. II now couval~ awn-u. mm. mm Dunnagln Ind Mm Hurlmlw (mu-r I‘ere xuuu lam week at Mr». Mary Dunn-sin": on l-‘nir‘ maul avenue. ~11)? quarwrly conference of (he Evnugelk'al Church on West Maple un-nue will be held next Frlday even- tux, ~-Kc-nt Wylllu bu returned from MI Wanna Irlp. Kent Wylllo In to In one at "us lumu Malnu- nul o! Dov/non 0mm ~ Miss Theresa Gokey of West CM mm; was the guest of her aunt. Mm I). C. Stanley. Saturday and Sunday. ~Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pause or Hlnsv dale visited at the home of their moth- er. Mrl. Auutln. last Sunday. mum. ll. E. Falnvenuhor In spend- ing the week at Manoon. "L. n the (neural. of Mrs. J. ley. Hairs. J. ll. Barr of Fludley. 0.. than rmurned home after a low days“ visit with Mrs. J. H. Herman. -â€"I{all‘ the things we groan over It night will right themselves by ï¬rmer row night, It In". alone. -â€"~The Arcadian Club will meet on Suturday, Nov. 13. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ll'ttleford. ~~Mra. H. E. Falrwonther amen-um. ed thirty-two of her friends (mm Chl- cago last Saturday. Lumber-Paints-Oilâ€"Coalâ€"W vâ€"Look up the burg-Jun and watch the For Sale ads; It will be worth your while. An 0.- Iullu ml: min. (Guam-ed a use 5.) P. A. LORD LUIBEB Ofï¬ce: FOO’I‘E and RAILROAD nthtflrâ€"mmww ml at It. “in All all to II!!! m IMO-g ml It to ban in. that ii. W I It... be» alr-M can. to II I. Nunavut-ill: I- m to $6 â€on m.- M in“. call. "can not"! ll. curt-n II 7. flrlnlty um «an I». a.- unit amended at Ibo III “ll 1 (Bl. ram-m. gun and I- hull! lien MunnManâ€"muchv rumba: to. but of the In)! I“ .- chuhd In the data! all. 7" my truly, I. A. Will“... ' In (to m to E's-ii" (nun. .00" II. “mm. d III (Thr- ll Null. In! W l M m bun-um on union tot-Inc .- Nachos“ by INNO‘IMO‘ um. mm H In an In.“ with pun-Ind I In an. m . hat-Illa": mm labia. an at ml with (Id! luv. 0! M cocoa Ivm pun-mo an!†M mm In rad-rd vu no“ u C hour ta It. you don. In Ibo a. In-Illhlo‘QCoh-M omen 0? "A" mom m “4 an“ woven. I Put jaw-l, I. ma In M In In Iolum. M pct-In mm. A. m at «Hall. lam In. to In. mm. 0. bill. t um tn- In â€or I. all“ 111:1: I u d M. It. cla- M I "run. on bull What“; In m. m In. that tho Put Inn-o «I m In. a M nu ma: W I the wolf." at tho m. This hall; the molly-ninth W nary a! the am up. whlch In. “K L. White Ill Initiated um tho o! the Zulu": Eur, Ibo loot m, mloulonuwbunlluhm†" on!" and acted u the «um ' ' the mummy WI. ' <T ' The music In mm II II “I; «Item. manor by n canon. 0.. 3% pound ol III- Vllnmu Halal. Q] 1‘ l.‘ pnno: In. Mol- Duchh. um: I‘- vm 0mm. mm. m Ir. 1. n. 0“ am. has: ll- uu-od all In. mum tho Iluiu mum d... : ‘ Vesta Ola-plot. No. In. 0. I. If spent one at the plenum «only In the history or the mm on Tue. day evening. Nov. 1!, un- bdu IIII' annual omen-nee of Pat mm and Past Puronl' alum. m clean of the chapter vacated their m for thls event. sad the put “I ï¬lled them. In. Bun F. M's:- 1lng .- Worthy Mum: Mr. 0. G. ‘Graves, Worthy Patron; Mrs. ll.» 4,. (Bravos. Auocluu Matron; B. C. may Secretary; 1. a. Grllths, W Mrs. Caroline Mockel, mam Mrs. Julln Monomer. A. mm, Mrs. Escher. o! Multan. 00%., M laln; Mm. Ell: ï¬ller. Mum; lm‘ï¬k Helen Dulhle. 0mm“; lrl. Om‘. madman. Adah; Mu. was. It. mm Ruth; Mn. liming J. ulnar. m Mrs. M. Louln uni-on. Mum: III. (for: 3!. Burt. Elna: Mn. him A, l-‘outer, Warden and Bro. Chu. "with *1 flrntlnel. Put Matronn' and Put Hm‘ Nllil. VESTA GIMME“ N0. 242. 0. [.1 FIVE CENTS A mm a... ennui-blur.»