Downers Grove Reporter, 12 Nov 1909, p. 3

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ll human "Mum I‘m «In human! Ch «rum meal. Du- umnn of "w In! m mu m- prmlr omlmmvm and umhon- of I» Odom are In he manual VI”: 1: rerhinllltodc of "to must minute don". In may mnhâ€"wlan the nrmnmnm at 'Mflur" my In regarded as an ”non-Hm" In an ”min-pm" pm or the Holy [AMI during the m. ul‘ Clam. firm In «mun MUM n! "madam Imp. and peopled with a nut mllwnon at Mun-mu» my...» "all; «Iota. Roman. [human and Gavin‘s» math up n: lam-mgr” m mull-mm M Indra a: mu mm "bl; arena" of "to flu. mo chm: ran a! "w (‘lmu 0! Launch nnvl Hm Illl'lf'l' mm- on (no Mount 0! 0mm nun won nrv non-r emu-d Imm Ilw mommy. In «no gJHM'Ls of our memory. among Hus Impressions of dramas we hnn- raw". In-ro null tlu-rc. om, will klulul out vicar-rut. while the other: :m- dim and nIu-ertam. like (he phan- toms of nur lmunlnmlon. The lul- gin-scion ”In! (:cnvml IA'w \Villlm‘u'll "lu-n-Hur" malts-s m: In anallors Is (-uuwo-hkc in Its rlarlty. and tho two Miss Walsh's engagement will end Saturday, Nov. 20. She will be fol- lowed by the annual engagement of Wm. A. Brady's wonderful success. "\Vzu' Down East." the classic New l-ingluml drama. As usual. this play will be me ullrul'liflll on Tlmnksglvln: day when a special holiday mntlnee will by gin-n. llu: dale being Thursday. .\'m'. :17» "Way Down East" wlll re- nmm for mu l-‘ul Stock Show. Al‘IIlTORII'M THEATER, CHICAGO. The l'rr-vnIiIn-m (mowing 01' um Amer- lvuu Stage. Dealing with the problem of wom- an's wrong: and man's perndy. “The Test" is written along lines of thought uppermost in the public mind 10-day’ The play is in the modern style and gives Miss Wnlsh the opportunity {or which her great emotional powers have long waited. Two important. theater parties will mark the second week; ono of them. a private pariy for which the giver bought 800 seats, and the other a party or one thousand for Monday night, Nov. 15, given by the: Miriam M'ViCKEll'S THEATER. Blanche Walsh has won a complete ~triumph at. McVicker'a Theater, Chl- c550. where she is playing Emma Eltynge in ”film Test," her new and greatly successful drama. Again and again she is called beiore the curtain at the close or the intense emotional scene in the third act. and this coupon to The Reporter mile. within M can f!â€" at. And it vm count for TWENTY-m VOTES. No money 1. required with this mum A. a hay wonky to New a madman II your mum Voting Cutest, I present mu name with the distinct Inflemndlng and m: that the «mot shall not aim, my name. “I'll- Can not 0|!th no In any may WNW. Subscribe for THE REPORTER 5|.50 Per Year Brim-#[smm VOTED m............................................... Nominating Blank Popuht Voting Contest Vote Coupon I hereby men the mum at Friday. Nov. 13. 1909. 81nd ..... Adda-”u..." la main!" yams the pop-lano- ol lkrlln has tripled Null INII'I mm of Gov-Hen evasion of OM unpaid monk". ranch-In I. favor. "I! h «M "mun M hum to my. nor in may "MM; In! '- II mount. to "mun-w cm a Him up way 4m! «u must mommy. tannin". munuoln may" 1mm to «hull! III an"; and. lurflwr. to Mr. not only In M‘ "In" In pray" halo "00 M11. but '- Mm aloe M Ivlbvo IMI and don but an and um ant" an! mun ”ml [rm-Milly '0 but In mu m unsung In mm" “In Ibo Ink-NM h MMIM. and In m "min I). Mung“ Thu Coal-la Mercury. u nu-rcur)’ II” aural" Mn] m sense of small and commonly m “the whole system when antenna I! through the mucous “nut-n. sum artlrln Ilmuld never In laud «In-pl on un-m‘rlpuool trom "puluhln pin up- rlulu. Lu mu than.” um um an ll (an told to In god you an ,mn-M IIC'HI'Q 1mm (Mm Hull‘s ('nlunh CI". “DIM!!!“ by I". J. (‘tu-mv) I On, Tel-do. 0.. cont-In- no lm-r- um. and I- lulu-n Inlrrunlh. Arum: .nmm mum Hm Mood and mutual “M at the ”firm In mum»: mar. mum: Can In um: um um tho multw II In Islam Internally and Wild. In TnIHIn, Ullln, )v)‘ I" 1‘ Vhrnr) ‘ t'u 'l'rnllluofllula It". MM by Drain-UL l'flro. if» [not haul! Tuc- lhll'n rnmu; t'blln lar manu- mu“. MAJESTiC THEATER. Chevalier. the greatest of English character comedians, will stay over number :week at the..\lajentiu Theater. ('hlrngo. owing to a ouccess which has been unprecedented in the history of theatrical affairs in Chicago ills 003v ter (tong: have been the talk of the town. and of course it is naturally luv tormting to know just. how he ab sorbed that picturesque type of Damion life which he portrays no vividly on the stage. .\ir. (‘hevniier‘s own words ltoli the story best. “I never studied the roster. I simply absorbed him from the time my feet first touched the London pavements. The pictur- es'u'onvss in his dress drew my eye and his humor struck me as typical Fnzllsh humor. 0! nil the songs I sing. my favorite is ‘.\i,\' Old Dutrh.’ i feel this so thoroughly that some- times it brings the Ivan: to my eyes.” Dainty and pretty Anna l.muthiln.who has been idol-tilled in musical comedy produrtions. will lu- nnotlwr imponnnt ft-ztlnl‘t‘. zicr mil “1' even in their unique offer- ing at mmedy and music entitled "The .ia~~m-n;:t-r itoy." Maurice Freeman and (onipuny otter n pinyin-t of heart inn-mi u-ntitiml "Tony and the Stark." Tlu‘rt- nro hull a dozen others featured on tin» program who um well worth m-eing. Arthur Dunn and Marie (lilac1 Beware ol (DI-(menu lo’r Cat-fit The stay of “Ben-Hut" at the big Chicago Auditorium is a limiwd one. The engagement must positively (or- minate wlih Saturday evening's pea i'ormance. November 27th. In addi- tion 10 the regular Wednesday and Saturday matineea each week a spe- cm holiday matinee is announced for Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Milward Ad- ams. manager of tho Auditorium. has given special attention to out of town mail orders accompanied by remit‘ lance. unusunl performance. Not I hitch mar- the progress ot the drama. end the interest of the auditors ll keyed u1- to no high a pitch {but everyone ls compelled to remain spellbound un- til the and curtain. enthralled by Its mood-Hummus power. dramatic scenes and exciting climaxes. whlch "it one temporarily out of the calm routlne and mosaic entourage of every- day existence. .â€" filled [zed S In; V three men. The men applied blazing wet. to his shoulder: and abdomen. When the victim Ml unconsciou- um up bad m of ”00 and id. Robber- ‘l'ori-n Wlth Five. M. J. WflxM. farmer, was tortured 1nd robbed withln the city limits of Hamilton. Ohm, by hm unidentified I“ Klll- In)". Cello-g... A! caledonla. Minn. Jens Johnson, 8301! 33. allot and Instantly killed Mn lather. the bullet enterlng the head. Johnson admltml the shooung. Hg ls theme to be monlally imbalanced. flaw-r4 In Slny4lnt. King Edward of England on Tues- dny celebrated his nlnydghlh birth- day at Sandrlnflnm Palace. surround- ed by mom 0! the memhrrx M Ma hm- Ily Ind a In Intimate (rm ".m- Klllel In Much” .0“ Two mum of Italian minor: and with "Mind nix" liquor, terror- lud Steven-m. man” In a fight. dur- lng which one '18 shot to death at! three other! vandal Two vere‘ar than.» M In "Ivan-rd. Rob"! James. a non of Frank Jane- M mph" 0! Jen-0 James. was di- nm-ul In It» 8! Innis Circuit Court by Mary Sandhmt Jam 1m did not must tho sun. In 'Mch Mrs. Jami” («HM he had choked her and “mod hot ii": a revolver. Al...“ I"!- call .IM 0-. Harny L. Amiorsnn pro-mien! of the Anderson Harden ('nmmny and m o! the mm! wldoly known bul- nm no» In mv South. urns and and "mainly ink-ll by In "numb". In Atlanta. Ga 1'» Min? 0! the car In unknown. as he did um flop the. It. Anderson wm sum-k. but in- craunl Ms spew! and tar-awed below the arrival of the mike, Ind 00 1‘. n MI. Man-u.- lhm "and.“ n" INIMQ. Hunt Till-mi menu-m. a In ym- nld mothering My. no. with M! n. m" on a (main ,vlan'avlml. In. In» hofllpd RIM-AW» "nu "to estate M Mn lnndnmk. \anoy "um Tilloffi. I former ”to pmlvlom M the sum!- an! on Commnymm «ml last March. Inflvm an «In» worth mm than ”LMJW TM till 33'“ sin-um” ouINxM to "vary 1!. Tllhml. Ms mum. and Im- Nahum ls d'maul mg 0! Mr rohllwn woman 10 lemmas m. Int-II (1.0-. 7-5. TQM 0"- It.“ In. Mm !- I'm rullaulu‘ a tantrum": "ml M mul- dc-rvd )ln )lny I‘M" In I» ham «0 ninth: Inna-«Ian a! Mr pmwrly. rm! final“ In Tow-km Kna‘. Imp". mm, .‘lu Mlnnlq Mnllhh "I (M «In». and flu! nu mama! to an Ir- mm-llm Imam. In M. «mm! mull-nun- mm M w! poly-n! In Mn flmm'a rwfl'v Sou M «In-lam )ln tum». MM MI- but mwh might to up, and "ml M ("0‘ It" ".460 M .‘lrn shows man" funk-u Md pro [and In an Item I». rut-Inn! but. In tub Mn- mum-u Pit-uncut And Light Engine Onlh Whflo Going in Same Dincuon. Four pcmmu. u|| "K "mu mum-d Hulda)“ inn- Iullm! and an pumm- arr: u-rlmulp mu! :1 nmyu ntlghlly «.1. Jared In I rolhmm I-wnvn-u l’runuyl ran-m Itullmml mun No “II. [mm l‘mlmla-lphla. and an ammo running light on Hm «lent-«l lrnvku ol ”l-O uflrmul In Jun-y Wu The "win" tmd all n.» mu, ext-rm "w n-ar our. In" Ihu nnlx and um nnmkml cur um! ham Muslim: urn; mrrlumnl. Thu unwind In"! Inn nmuun: I! [Mr urn! Nut "rum-awn 41w! In on ulna vunmmx mm on Hu- mnulniu Marl, In (M umw «Hm-nun. and "m [um-nun lulu "MM-I Imflhvr. An Intr-Ilusmtm hr radium! aural- ind In [M nlrrlumllcm Ihal lhu w‘hhm! "I pm‘mhlv nut-ml M I Irwin-n ntl “VII IIPLICATfl A 'OIAI w. cannon I'm-bu lung! Gav- an»: annual o! mulls. W. Cameron Forum. or Manchu- uem. vlco governor general of tho Philippines. has been named by Fresh ‘ dent Taft as governor amoral to one- teed the present governor generll. James Smith, whose realgnnion bu been accepted to take eflect Nov. 11. at the oxplratlon of his leave of ab- sauce. KcCllntlmHarshall Concern Buy! ISO-Acre Site at Indian: Harbor. lndh-Ina Harbor. the Standard Oil town. which sprung, like its ndghlmr. Gary, from the lake (mm. sand dunes of Northern lmllnna, was given a boo-I Monday which was luck as it probably never tell before. Announce- ment was made that Hot!!!"I and MP ler Palmer, Jr.. have negotiated file sale of a tract mmprlsluu llfly awn-s In lntllzum Harlxn- m llw .\1<~(.‘IiInu-k- Marshall (‘unslrm-Iinu Hum-ally of l‘llthlnlru. I‘:L. nmnulm llll‘O‘l‘)’ of sum"- tuml H114 'l'lw llllrlhilhillg nnumny la la ervcl n ulnul slruuurul ult’el plant on llw gnu-ml m (Illre. The plant mnl the dark and railway :shi’u plug fll‘llllin-i lnrhh-m m It “ill or- cupy the HIHI'I‘ slum-o. and tho now Western hmnr u! m.~ limb-m mlm-rn II to be u~M:lMi--hrtl m n rust a! hull I mum». Ilullalfx uninlv (mm the pur- chlle lurk-e u! the lam]. The reason for Mr. Smith's resign:- tion lies in his desire to resume the practice or law. Mr. Forbes is a sum!- eon 0! Ralph Waldo Emerson. He WIS appointed by President Roosevelt in 1904 a member or the Philippine com- mission nnd sevretary of commerce and police. Till: appointment was made upon the recommendation or President Tait, who had high regard for Mr. Forbes' ability. As an official in the Philippines Mr. Forbes showed Judg- ment and tact. and the President is confident that his administration as governor general will be a success. mmorrmn'mu KILLED WHEN TRAINS HIT. STEEL PLANT TO GO UP. DO WNERVSAQQO 25 REPORTE Wain-shy A 25%“ coupon with each $1 purchase. Ask for coupons. Ladies’ $l0.00 Stag Handle Toilet Set A 25mm coupon with each 31 purchase. Bush Simonson m CLAQ LINE OF sumo m IRADE A 25am: coupon with etch $1.00 pur- chase. Be sure and ask for coupons. $I2.50 mfan'E'ss new In Lmnbet. Cod, Wood, Linn, Cannot, DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES WWW “Id attain! $25 Ladies’I7-Jewel Elgin 12’ TON 0F HARD COAL G OLD WA TC” Valued at £12.50 AN ELEGANT UPRIGHT $400 Oakland Pianoi; Great Prize Voting Contest Nearly $500 in A First Class Drug Store THIS IS THE BAPITAL PRIZE AIS-VobCo-pnvflifiuh 3|.00P'chn. lama-dulform FURN I TURE :UNDERTAKING: V. THOLIN C. F. DAVIS S. F. HALLER ‘3‘; Gents’ Furnishings Abofllenllflhmmk Damned by Donated by Donated hy THE DOWN ERS GROVE REPORTER DONATED BY Comps! 1:) run rm! lm than 90 My: mum: M' man-n wIH hp "mammal 25 «In In manure 0! «Main; The right in [an-0pm» In M clam In "new“ If maiden! mun mm occur The «mom I’ll" do" an a a." whirl wt" PA nrmmmn‘d later In Ibo mhmmn n! mu pawn Ten days prm to chum: mum-It. the W H" Qfl‘ lully Mrk m and ballot m. and uh the mute lo a bank. when the cum v!“ be kept In I. ma! whore mo mun: cm In me am: bunlnm hours and ":ka ”I I van" at Rm! 0"!" ("09 of comm. when (he man-w wm tum than! Ind mm" mm and almanac. In. young lulleâ€" wlnntng In V'Mr turn. 7 _ _ . _ The not an days all voting must he done In mo. mlod no: at bank n you do not mm In!- mm m km whmn you vote (or. place yrmr cash for mh-rflmon (anchor 'm- elm-r coupon In a sailed mwlmw «Mt-h wlll M furnished you. And put name In ballot box TM- wlll [Iva everyone a flit and can”. deal. The to" m g'nvmmom mum M2 man up In tho Mm nf the 1...:th mm.» durum MO’fl. For I» in! “My any: "w mm '1“ run a 2344”» "mm, flkh can ho V0011 (no: (or any lam! mntmnm. a A nomwmmmnmanmmx'nvmo rm» rmrcm- «mm m MM ha. In tho «mo: 07 any mm w"! pmmlvr-ly M W run any Inform- mn an I» wanna. M min mmrv'm 610. m:- gâ€"pr wm Iv nllnvod m m. .1 madman. In (M: canton or work for A mvmant. 5 VHTFL“ "LAKSHD - VIN-In '“l ht m M m:- mmm WIND: Not mhrwm ........ “I van-s for 3 1.: Ram-val mmrlmm no "ma for 1.5» want»! an" "an up. In? no «not Mr Ls. Hark yummy». . . 'mfllI Mmm .. . 300 mm for i In“ whom ..... . meow-far I l-‘h-o yard arm-«mm . 5.0M my" tar 750 TM ynn' mmmm, vmu {or ‘ T'mly yet" WWW mil". vows (nr 0 3 [5181' . 'I'ION from!!! as In slam can tun N hand If"? M clays, Kn rm" rm to amt-91M nl rm ran "my QM "Ruhr pflvv M mm W In this «on-«II. a... \‘mn an» Mag 701M mum! M "mush-"M In number . l. 1'18 111 VMFWM my M "II- mom- aMs m In "In. th- WNW lush I‘m! In” swat-1 a «um-r "I” h mar-hm Ink nan-flax 3M "hr a! final "mt. 1 PARIHDATVZH --\'nnmr hall's In IM' nM n4- hfinin' rwunHP‘I are ”Irma In on!" MR ramp". und the party- rmlvhu oh. larlm mmovr M um; «hall m!" [M mmflnl "MM (”Hand I'hm‘ and 01h" "mi-m '1" hp rlmrlhn'v' In arr-wanna- «my comma-Mt "null" at IM, In! qurm' Dealer In Ham. Robe. and Stock Food: A 25w“ coupon with each 81 "reign. 2 PRIZENTM «Mal pm 'I" Iv- an oak- Inml Ham- Mm Mhor "hum mlm‘ wul DI- lh-sn In an nmn‘ of now"! Inuit“! input“ which an "wanna-I hmvflh Rules Governing Contest. l ANWW'NU‘EIHNT AThl- Mam RM WW" bunn‘ \‘nmm "mum 'l“ b- rand-um! Mlvly T“'Y.""”'.".'§" W_wlm|fla fin-1 '1"! hrdivv- nM'tme-é in all' 'M'vrnovl “’le "n 1l-vvt- pinup», tho «mm .m M I. amt-Id mv to be Distributed by IN ITS rcmunnmramnnmm W793VILNAVETOCAumm P. A. Lord Lumber Co. A 1LVohC~cnvitl M “NP-chm. In? {or (nr A zs-vote coupon with each 81 punk... Be sure and uk for coupons. Ladies’ Pattern flat Donated by Miss F. M. Bates A New and First- Class Laundry WE GUARANTEE a" ofour WORK. Downers Grove laundry In Cash or In Trade A 25-Me coupon with ml 81 purchase. Be sure that you at for coupon. CHASE fANCY PLUSH ROBE, Value ..... DONATED IY C. PENNER Fine and Up-toDate MILLINERY Ask for coupons. Dona-I t, A PRIZE wonnl woman run ’.‘.".".'3 $9

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