"Wu Dn- Fau." m. min! at tho mom plan. will hula A Inrv‘ Ilnl‘n mm! ll IcVIrhn'I T‘s-«n. ('nmn. ï¬nd". 360', u. I). prod nut-«d In In um I» emu. an "In Milky mum on TRIM!!!“ in. n“ - mm" arr [mam “m4" "Ont Saw. 2!, m (be [ml drama will bum m play"! 000 Hm In Chicago. I“ 150 In “fl’kin'n. The “mph «my 0! Mm: Macro and Dam Rattle" Mn born as“ may Up. In the then" Man the flue wflmnam M I» play. Nov 1?. H97. In! It never guns on And (I. III and the nulurnlly Puma": and Inter- miu Ilmn In Ih‘ch "llawllut" h lull enthmll m amino". hr bu no! my gnu Md lur III nu luau-turn: chm: n mam: upm- Iod an“ our mural and “may num- umn the pron-It: dolm or our on limo? TM «mum-u o! “Hon-Mur' M "to III: I‘hmaw Auditorium nul- In no urn“. Ibo In! wflmmm lulu nth-duh! for sat-Inky «mun; Nev "ml-or 27th In mm... to "w Wodwhy and Satan!» mum In ho [Inn during the rum-"ll“ Inn "on a holiday mum In almmw lar m-mlflu. “andâ€. Noum- hor :sm. 'l'ha new And ampliï¬ed production 0! “Ben-Hm," tint magniï¬cent. Inso- tack founded on General Law Wal- hoo'n renowned romance. In attracting Immense throne: to the Big Auditor!- nm, Chum. In ï¬le beauty 01 It: scenery and the splendor 0! Its mount.- Ing thin Bhbllcnl play his the dlstlne Non of being the fluent stage prodne “on America has ever seen. added to which It poms“- great. drmmuc tome and other elements that are most elective. The Hie. color. action and love Interest permeating "Ben- Hur†quicken our pulses and we feel the thrill of glorious days and deeds, ol' dunner and delight. Action In a preeminent essential In any romance, " n: exciting chrlu are new a. Kluv a Erhlgcr'u new nu [nun production at Lew Wnllue‘n world um dun. “Be. "or." which I; scheduled I. III the ulln malt ol Nova-her at [In 81; chic-go haunt... T-cnly homo drive. I- quadruple In. to ï¬ve clarion III-lube: - Chrillllg Ira-cl: Oh! “up." every In“ In the Junk ol the all-uncut wovld. Th content in upnnuy la no talk“: and "In ankle-II. n u the gun nus one urn-«m on the H: "ul- ol Suntan. Stoop-bud my. or Bel-toll Put. Send an eouaon to The Reporter once with“ M day- an «a and It will count (or TWENTY-FIVE VOTES. No money I: required with m: mm A: a lady worthy to become I randidaie in your Popular Voting Contest, I present this name with the distinct “ï¬nancing and mum that "to editor shall not divulge my name. Till lea not own“ no in any any whitey“. Subscribe for THE REPORTER 8.50 Per Year wm‘romm Imam [7!ch mum VOTED NB... Nominating Blank ma: mm Contest Vote Coupon [hereby mat u on IO- -. con-o. u-. 4. an QOIIOI u-s no I Friday. Nov. 1:. 1m. Adan-â€n..." Add“. . ol grantin- onwrlammrnt I'mlncnl on (M um cm In (00nd nah-l mu. ‘0": o! «In moat mumm- nod nun-m ‘luu comm-u m on the flu. â€In! [an equally mum and with: ‘hmband. mu Doulln. who In In" rover!" him" will! u III-ch ulory behind the tool lulu u he did chu- ‘nmnu‘ "w unllurm 0! Nu New Yo!!! (than TM- nuoo am- Imo In! â€I Donna no luv-Id!“ In I nut nu. ï¬lled nun human-I Illunlloln AM "In. Ibo mm of which In "A 1|an Nun " m. Mam! nom. 0! m. In Ib- mth no I. n clan by chm- nivn [nub William. who a» nun m In many Imvorunl Magnum prmlnrllonn. I: l mm mm" H: "mun mu. am- has a om u! play by flu: mum! lily onmkd. "0- Sunny Gnu-d." which I.- mld In lull I nary a! "nun! Imeml Thom nd (‘nrk- loo. "N: American Men, “any ilk-hank um! coup-«r up“! "I n (um um. muck harm: II» odd nm of "In" a In Nah," mm Wan-n all M. hum-yam can»: "wont u not- flly m In which lulmlc‘ MOV'HJ mum. an pm Ohmic n tum?!" M "In" new"; Tine IN! MI! a damn am no" known «u on u» M". flak-j is well '0'"! miss. Alarm" 3 "MW In ('llmm a very unnam- lnn Min-noon nr "Pnlnx I)! an min-fluted Mk at tho Nu 'flnlhml country-Id. than In. pk! In: In loo-lo h .- wholesome and u laughter-mu“ u when u VIII [rah mm m. “Way Down East" VIII temaIn at. McVIcker'a M tho ï¬rst week of the Fat stock show. me souvenir u- lecmed for ma 400m performance of the play In I cram plmhor In the form or a cow. It. come: In brown. blue and Mick. and II I annty and very useful uncle. Ind particularly appmprlule lot “Wuy Down East." which has It: drove or con and Its flock of show, beside- Iho other Ilvo stockâ€"the horses and dost. alway- soon In the door yard or a line farm. Sent. tor the Thanksglvlng perfomr anus: and {or the souvenir ulght wIIl Ive on sale altar Thursday. Nov. 18. Vaudeville, u it will be altered at the Manama menus. Chicago. the week 0! Nov. 22nd, vaflllm nome- lhing out of the ordinary In the way no “me o! It In well known that the long neâ€" tle wlutar. Wm: It! amounts elem on body um and. often upset: the but III-need nemn Imam. even of the “then. But um hmrh un- lsnas with tho mm. ' Explore" have [Md In the an. wâ€. and two Mn mama! mad; 1; un- not Influe- gt no m1“; Iona mm In an m n “Bilge?! ‘57": in 5: proved I valuable food (or laying hens. accord- Ing to experiments at the Virginln ox- norlnem mum Tale Hall'- Panlly Pill: [or cont! m. "an WM“ mly dismay-d try me (one: o! [no nah. 0 TM- Omnivotnn 0!». hear my on! mdmlolmmuâ€"thhkhfl Rm»: shove the dark wk of defeat. Slandlnx secure we" the ï¬erce lem- pat: hon. That Satan's power my Inn! may defy. Lead me m the Rock that h Nth" u mun II" manly donor (M was: at mo" and malady «an! m. vboh "II. when nun-x ll “mph the lam "rum Bum ankles MM In" to up! no"! on ore-"1mm. (m "plum mm than, u the damn they um 40 II (2‘ mau‘mwdmunauduy Mite [m lieu. Hall's mm run. Inn-locum by P. J. Chem! A 0... Tote“. 0. can!" no Ina» um, and In ulen Internally. mm dimly Im the Maui and I'm am of the m In tuna; mm can". Cure in an you get the genuine. I! In mm Inca-ally and uncle In Toledo. Ohio. hy F. 1. ('Mmy 1 Co Mimi-n tra- 30†by Drum Pm. 75¢ per home. Courage at"! memh to my heart (M "Wâ€. had me to the Rock that n Mallet than I. Rock M the Am "Ill "er shall mud. Relate and rest m a lone. weary land. Wham-o rune the strum that me than I. ~Morley L Swan. mntlnulng, "But about Rogerâ€"4mm what made me recall the whole bull- new. I went down to Tnylor'rvlth hlm the other day and got him a sult Imh long trousers. I wanted m see that he hnd the rlght lhlnu. became women. you knowâ€"well. MIY'I)’. I "link men not more about nwn'l vlothen. no mailer what their when say. A! the slots be Med them 03. and mu very much excited About them. It Ill a' stunt" Ittcrnoon. and Roger was to war them mum 'M (M flat time on Sundayâ€"4M way you and I am. 80 I thought. I night I: well kl Mm In: than home. no- Ing he Iliad than." The lav: That It "It." IIII I. Whonrtrh'e dun-l mom of mo. o'or- and. W. Lend me to the Rock that In liner It. in. Men unduly perceived. In the family precinct; the! Roger mum won have long tremors. He wen u the use and sin when short trowel-I were beginning to look vety short. indeed. When oomuiud than! the Pmpouod change, linger smiled in u: ominrrmed rubric . and said in "guessed he ought" m don the more digniï¬ed garment. There was a.- evi- dent reluctanceâ€"Wm ; shade of regret at the passing of extreme youth. Still. the other boys were talking about inviug ions trousers. too. On the whoia Boyer looked termini with pleasure at the km~ “Yuu Iouldinltwhuo done that.†nu Mn "lend. hulhlng ".\'or you.“ "turned Roar'a mm. "Why. you "tidal. you dldn’l duo um- oul of «ho ho.“ ml I «no “on! Nov II" you ho good? But In no flnl-h about nun, and he went on along homo. l atom-M Io vmh Mm (or I to! 3mm». luv! In no how he landed. you Im. M MI! ho nun-h up Ibo Ilnd II I! in mum! It. um" um" MI bad lo um Inn in hum-ml". 1m. Inn - hundred yum. on her Mold 0! Ma la than Iron-on In! Nu. I“ mad. (an o! Mm, Ammo! boy nun“ um Irma â€mum. and Ibo In! "no: I I“ mu Ibo llm [dug up nu mm. an." II In“. II. Ibo (to cum: manna M HIM. mm"!!! Ind WM" Rm“. mun rum-um. Run" .0 (Nil-nu Mr mm Thu mm mm. Whom the flame me of «mantle» When through the vale of Inflation .-., __._- “ ' at has he been doIng?" Inqulted the other, shining his chair no as to set out of the glue or the street light. They were sitting on the veranda. "ï¬g“ right," said the other; ‘that'l right!" There was I pause. suddenly broken by the same voice 'And when I no! “In.†mun-d flog-r- rum". "I (mud Ibo boy un- llu In "M wry cult. "all. I hoot "a budâ€"3' "‘Why.†sald the father, "he's been putting on long trousers. It makes me think of when I put on long trousers. tooâ€"‘psms' we called them then. Rev member. Fred! We put. 'em on the sum Sundny. and wont. to church to- gather." “l romelï¬bcr.†said the other smu- Ins. “In fact. I don't. thlnk I shall ever target. You name to my house to get me. wasn't that m“ “Hum. nun.“ mun-MM N: "load. man, "lost ulunl (Mu II (In cam. They could hon Mac It to n It '0 haul-‘1 (on India." “The non an?" curled no "MC. "Boys are odd things." um men “that. some day- later to n old frland, who was calllnx me one even- lnx. "There‘s Roger. one of the most reasonuble boys I luv: ever seemâ€" very mm nonsense about. him." than L no 191N533 anal†\JIEPOR 1 Great Prize Voting" Contest" f â€om-w A 25-vote «upon with each 31 purchase. Ask for coupons. Ladies’ $l0.00 Stag Handle Toilet Set DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES $0.00 In mam: A 25-10“ coupon with each 81 purchase. A 25“»: coupon with each $1.00 pur- chase. Be sure and ask for coupons. $400 Oakland Piano! $25 iadies' I7-Jewel Elgin 1; TON or HARD COAL (:0 L D WA TC H Valued at £12.50 $|2.50 Mm'raiassm Bush Simonson fl“ CLASS use 0' THIS IS TIIE GAPI'I'AL PRIZE A First Class Drug Store Aâ€-Vohmetha¢hfl.NMh-o. ï¬nd-oil.†F URN l TUR E :UNDERTAKING: S. F‘. HALLER V. TflOLIN . F. DAVIS 2 Gents’ Furnishings Donated by Donate! by Donated by THE DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER DONATED BY mm m! ly $500 i AN ELEGANT UPRIGHT to be Diuhibuted by mun Mannhwmmqumwmhhmhn In than H» mm; ran an done during nun km": and Irv-ltd! In a "anâ€? Mdht mm] down a! mum. than um Mr- V (Mn chum and mat um and announce cm ymma lume- running In thflr hm" Thehwttmmnallvoflnnmhamh rho- mm! box I! bank. I! you do not can any- mmmm mammal-«mam I'm-mm t mmmmmm. "and m .w Ivh um be «unkind you. no mumâ€"eh mm.mmmmu mr and «can «a. for ‘5'an «min. to MM Mn. qny nnv will m‘flvfly II»! ["0 ma an (M mum. » l "ï¬fth. mm mm Jan 0» n1!" '5‘" m ‘ mum m, mum on b- vote-l m- !o' In! IMy moo-um. .n, mum-u"... (warm to vun an! m- man ’0 any». norm of rumor! will hp nnnmnrï¬l 25 do In mm at r-Mnlrm. The ï¬rm to Wu! 0» M (loam: II man-val w rumâ€"n! gun Mpyagr‘.‘ ____ h 'Fvl-“l n u-uuvv mu witâ€"1 -“_.. Th: mg». m" done on 1 due 'Mrh um m 170va hm in Me mummy of (MI Mm. m Mn W to dating content. the vm mn- h-“y wt or mm! hallo! m. the nine .3 [M Vonom lfh rhfl'nl ......... . . . . Flvn mn’ "mm. ‘ . 5.009 Mn (M Ton raw “VIMMHJQJM mew Mr I . Tmmy yaw Mann.“ mm far ".00 l I‘N'fRFTCTION’. km!!! as to sum ~Mns t!“ hp hood an" u anâ€. r'n 1-010! 'm I» am“! at loll nun "can "In mm or!" M yam W III EN! «Into-1 .\’n m «worm 'nh (Mu my" will b! mm“ m hmw-~ 1 mMHIteln "Humor In"! for I WIMIM. A , _ _ -, , ,- x-w nm-rrvpvm- ........ ‘60 new"! W no Row"! man than a. y- I.“ Ran! mmm ...... I.“ ml amm . . . I... I... 7.50 I. on 1 'ï¬I'k-Tn 6n '0‘le mum m mu n. in tho mm of the timing m our!!! ' \‘wn ma. m van-d cum v. M anol‘wt O 77!: IN me my 1 1h mm- nnn I» In «in. "or W lune runway am mourn a Mr mm m Mare mm sum RM "[u- ILanlJ-nnm. .Il‘a.v¢§3i§£zt§ lien:l£tli£ti..i.t «3555 8‘93†é; rt». I3: I in l «5 gt!â€" 2. 2.... .55.. .2. 9.28 s 89!! 8.. 2.5!! 23:1 .1. I... I... i I‘m {bl-traiEvaL . :1»...- ..>L.D.LE... L... FL:I 2 PRIZEFVATM "ï¬ll "I. rm W- III (II- vaml Plum AL-n mm vimâ€"N- m '9“ h [from m 0» mm at nun! m Mun. «Mu-h 1» am WNH,_ Rules Governing Contest. ’ ANV'W'NU‘EIERTWTMII M In. Ma! L141"! vmm 0-va rm ‘1 (AIM-HM HIM! and WW on W . “duly. a“! lvn'k. an! ram u. a W W!“ QM an" WW the mm 'm h- n M an:- IN ITS P. A. Lord Lumber Co. m Mr ma fut Au-VohCowuvflbd‘lmw lambar,€od,Wood.Lino,Cmi, Wumlndfluggiu «mun III!- A 25>er coupon with etc-I“ Be an and ml: for at Miss F. M. Bates A New and Flat- Chu Laundry WE GUARARTEE d1 of our WORK. Ask for coupons. Ladies’ Pattern flat CHASE fANCV PLUSH ROBE, Value ..... A 2540“ coupon with etc! 81 mt... Be are that you at for mm In Cash or In Trad. Doubt! by C. PENNER Dealer In Harness. Robe. 0mm mm laundry DONATED IY Fine and Up-toM MILLINERY Stock Foals Donna! by Dun-l by A m: viom mm run T593}? $9