Downers Grove Reporter, 11 Jul 1913, p. 2

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legal Notices The party numbered some 50 Miss and 14 chfldren. besides the pastor and mother lone mun who was well looked after and had the time of bin life. About 5 p. In. Mr Brooks ap- peared with the mammoth auto and the Mygvere whirled back In time to more dinner for their respective Milieu. it was a rhsnning daylâ€"hotâ€"red blitrbm who rams for the but when llghtly clul. seated under the shade 0! trees and woood hy the gentle wins. The lunch Ins all that could he desired; spread in the shade. . table and chairs for some hull down elderly miles. the others rs- cllniug 0a the mas each side of the long white cloth spread with all the good things that heart could wish. Perfect stillness reigned for a few moments while Gnndms Puller re- turned thanks, then all psi-took heart- lly of the bountiful least. Arts! lunch the party formed in groups mil chatted pleasantly or were entertained m music in the house. Then sll “tiered on the Inn: to listen to sev- snl selections by Mrs. Genevieve Putsr Hood. After being duly photographed by Mr. w. H. mm. "In. .qu sped not“ to (he punk road. than in! and out to the delightful (arm of Grandm- Puflet. when.» Grandma hemp" m 30er .m- many members of her funny welcomed the party moat heartily. may. Jana 270:. III a day long to be "numbered by "no ladln' Md Gould; 01 m ":9th (thumb. noun CI GronL {lull-Ind u the ml- ma “ulna n 10:10 a. «1.. clad l- Mruhluly cool nulm to countencl no lawn-o but at old lol. the light In I mm! plant“ on, Will. all us" hiking and lauhln. It. llrmk‘u mum"! amount". can nnnrtlnu ud mum. along and; inched up to ma curl! to late lbw My aboard. The lunch In: flowed any Ind-2r the null. (he rhlldren (W of la onlof-umtwu comer: m the lull" ware persuaded lo «limb tho Map-ladder um: mny u "mm that u wu perlpctly ule‘ OUTING OF THE Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist Church Wochcl Donal!) rum. manic-d ladle-z In. Harry Bells. om. pomolltm’ by Mort: lochnl. Hrs. Olllon. second. In: of flour by 1'. 00nd; nun loaned "C0 Emory Khln Ind Ed. lochoi, box of cigar: by E Tenth nee. married men: Hulben Jon-I. fir-l, net of screw driver: by Blake Tool (To. loulu flchmnlcke. mud. razor by J. l)‘ Ollie-ole Co. Math nee. young ladies: Arllne (haul. Ilr-l. bottle of perfume by J. 0. Butler. mm: Koltenrtnl. sec- and, home of perfume by J, R. Mort“. light race. young men: H. H. (hr-k. first. $2.00 In cub by l-‘. Wer- ut. A. C. Black. second. 81.00 In M by V. Tholln. Seventh rlcu. girls: Myrtle Nell-on. flat. I {an by Lehmnun 1 Michel. Alice Zen, second, 1m. 8110: race. 14-year-old boys: Earl Klein, first. mtcher‘s mitt. Raymond Retaining, second. baseball but. mm me. lZ-yearold girls: Evelyn Gaul. first, box of candy by C. Ber- bfln. Emma Shuster. second, chain Third race. 10-year-old boys: Geo. Denny. flrat; pocket knife by B. E. Keillor. Sidney Larson, second. Baseball. Fourth race: Agnes Shaler. first, in: by Miss Clara Sells. Edith Denny second, drawing book. Indoor ball, 2nd race: Margaret. le. first. 3 yards hair ribbon. donated by Hill Anna Meyers. Margaret Ketten mg. second, post card album. The winners of the races were: Beven-year-old boys: First, Harvey Mackinaworth, catcher'a mm. Frank Slider. sec'ond. The fire department is indebted to the kindness of Dr. Goodwin of St. Joseph‘s Church, who donated the use of the platform; also to A. P. Mehren tor assistance in putting up the wires for electric light and to the Village Board for allowing them the use of m firemen'm whlch started an mplctoully on the afternoon or the .Fourth wan spoiled by an untime- ly tun storm about 7:45 in the even- 1h. The crowds of people In attend- nnce were drenched, there being no my to get out of the raln whlch con- tinued tor about an hour. This was n his disappointment to everybody ind more especially to the firemen ”who saw all their profit washed away by the raln which was pretty dis~ oouraglng after all the work and ex- pense they had gone to in preparing the grounds for thle event. They have decided to run a. plcnlc and dance on Saturday, July 12th. ‘ ADJUDIOATION NOT! fAI!_0l'_mmAll _J. _:I milk-m "Ali 80 It Still Further Resolved: That um resolutions of our esteem and good wishes be communicated to himself. the public and the people a! his new charge." "And Be It Further Resolved: Tint we wish Jar film a continuum of the same Meanings ud emectlveneu that has made Ms pastorate here memor‘ ‘Tberalon be u resolved um we express our appreciation of Ms per- mmy and most efficient service and vonmnd bin to the peopk at his new field of labor In deservlng every conldenco. “Am! three“ during the period of Ms term or one. he Inn shown Mu. self in In unusual degree to be loyal. helpful nd eflocuve in Ms rel-Hons Io our mum Imam“ both In I member Ind president at the sue-tor Mlnkuer'l Union. "Whom”. Rev. Mo swam. after hula; beau h chug. of (he unor- Ill' o! the fin! finnsvflcal thumb of Slmlor (or "so full term of Me yun, In. been Iran-torrid to another new by union 0! Mn countenance. Resolution: were and mm by the now. W. (T. MI)". Secretary of Ibo Minna-11' Union. which were ndoplad. Ind nluo be published In Um Donner- (Jrovr flown". and In acknowhdxo maul o! ulna lo M um lo the Min- Ism-n' Union at film-tor. Ill. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED On July “h the Final Evangelical B. H. o! Downers Grove held its up nmi picnic I! Lisle. it had been the inieniion oi the conumuiion lo ten- der in new pastor. Rev. Schmm. I re ‘c-epiion. Owing. however. to the loci that some of the children new to flu- inh their taboo! a! bureau"- part or the family wow obliged lo rain-in. It wan then decided to use this opportu- nity or weicomln. nmi Schmiu in our church on wall In in our community. W. C. Mines Sect-cur] o! the Union. First Evangelical Church Picnic Downers Grove Methodist vs. Down- ers Grove Baptist at Downers Grove. Downers Grove Cong. vs. Brook- new M. E. a! Brookfleld. Games scheduled for July 12th as follows: Hlnndale Presbyterian vs. Congress Park M. E. at Congress Park. While Congress Park was slaying the Cong. Brookfleld M. E. also beat Downers Grove Methodist at Downers Grove to a tune of 17 to 14. Through a few errors and wild pitching by Lamott. Brookfleld was able to gain a seven run lead in the first inning. but after that inning. and especially when Maciean came in in the Fourth. Brookfleld realized that the Methodist bunch can play a little ball yet and can play diluent. than in the nm‘ game at their home town. .‘ - _".n_..-... w. .-â€".â€"_ .râ€".. .7. â€" 7â€"wâ€" BY THE STREATOR MIN- .1 to tho Nation-l museum. [Io m to cum- 0. “menu. new"; a! u» “TE-3'3 ”MON APRIL "Janus-mm.) mun-«on. In cm at 1913. ‘0» menu. sun; that (ho applia- ]«on would he on public view Inna-d “Wham“. Rev. "9° lid-mm, mum stat-:7: l:- :nbmlgtm m; boom in charge of (he mum» M fit (our Pin. m m. ”9““. ' 0' lb. r1!!! EVII‘I‘I'IICII rhumb’mt ."d n I. III II m . mm “ Stmlor "If .hfl fll" (9'1“ 0' n'¢,mm .8 n u m m 'n“.' In. In. bean (uniform to Another I month an ",1 “a" m. on but) Id by union of MI canton-nee. gm of ",9 WW. which .- ”9' din. ‘ “And whmn during the period “3mm fm’. n,“ be mm m. m,i .,AA,, A. ,-, AA L74 4 Saturday afternoon July 5th. Con- gress Park M. E. gained the final count of 6 to 5 over the Downers Grove Cong. at Congress Park in a In inning game. Fourth of July i’orenoon the Metho- and tin dist boys prayed on the li-insdale urea to Presbyterian at West Hinsdale with July the result 0! il to 5 in their favor in . no all: a seven inning game. Hinsdale wus‘these i! late in coming to the tield whichldroppet‘ caused the game to be shortened toflnninim seven innings. All told Downers telnber. stole 12 bases and got 6 bases‘on YNovemi balls. like llgl Hits 011’ Gardiner in 3 inning, 3; of! ' 521-360- Maci.ean in 4 innings. 2. Struck out F01" by Gardiner. «I: Machean. 5. that thl Brookfleld M. E ........ Congress Park M. E. Downers Grove Cong. Downers Grove Baptlst l)‘wn‘s Gr’ve Methodist Hinadale Presbyterian wu'r wwnaAN cHuncH Luann. sanding of the Tums. REV. LEO SCHMITT L. Pet. 0 1 .000 2 .667 .400 .286 .250 m signature In may ”and h the right hand corner of tho Infla- uon and read; “A. Bun.” L H. mm that in m undo lieuten- ant mionei by General Wuhlncion. an: ink health beams impaired Ind me no Ill-do sever-i “temp“ to rain on that ncmnnt. and hi. valuation was occupied conditionally Ind with m by Omani Washington. lie- for. tho resignation toot riled. the up. [mention says. Colonel Burr was pct- mded to undertake the destruction or! I British blorlxhonue on me Bronx riv- er. which be accomplished. and (in: was persuaded to delay his mutation until 1781‘ m'v-m . m...- -..... m. m... w. : I h h' n... 0' "'9 ”W’ mm. b ital ‘ Inglis. Ingmar-n (no pouch of man. forth that In qult w. my mm a. m... of colonel. am 1.. m I 3:; mghémfi'fig": a: “I ”a”. shim 'm m,nbcnrhofherha,unnlndm. «Moon your: old. and m: at "at “no 0' m IWMUOII ha '” monty- halt 1 gm at vinegar. half a gill o! 'I- fight. ' u: or «act and two am at I..- Washingtonâ€"Franklin K. um. one mm of the nuance. bu Wand (ho Imam-um: of Aaron non- for I m Appliance llama Wanamaslmflm. The man Immediately darted In aaarch o! a park attendant. but Mr. one could be found the monkey bad Danton the face and taken out all the Vanda aa well an the malnupflnz. with which he waa playing when (ha attendant put In an appearance. ,Amud Owner Stand. by and 80.8 Timopioco Dntroyod. . Spokane. Wash. June 21-M- lng a sliver match In the presence 0! ,7: rapid], Increasing crowd. much to ‘tho chagrin and displeasure of the Iowan. In one of the latest trick: of ,the monkeys n: Natatoflum park PENSION PAPERS 0F i Bllflfl T0 BE DISPUYED Inna! owner could mover from MI Jack. one of the monkey: which I“ captured a couple of week- ago attu- bolng at large .0va days. was In the case when I man with u silver much swung the timepiece In front of the monkey (or a minute. Sudden- ly the slmlln sailed the Witch and bonnmukelttoploceubolomtho Fear on the part of the Importer] that they will have to [my a hlgbol' duty on gems under the Underwood tarm' bl" hm: caused them to Import large qunntltlvs of precious stones. In May tho rvwlpts totaled 84.606323. record figures fur that month. In April thv Imports "mounted to 33.8986 68): Mun-la. $4.34LI79: February. “r 299.485. and January. $3399.995. July Imports totaled $5.547,116. and no other month aim-e has reached these figures. In August the receipt! dropped tn $3,317.055 and In the re- manning months in 1912 were: Sep- tember. $8.8m356; October. $3,988,645; November. $3315.53). and December. the lightest mouth of the year. 82.- The appraised value of diamond- and other previous ntonea which ul- rozuiy have palm-led through the New York custom house totals $43,086.28). and these are record establishing flg~ urea for u nimilur period in any year. Dulu- In Gun. Buy Huvfly to 1" up. Now Tum. New Yorkâ€"Tue Import. of preciou- stoum for the last fiscal year amount to SEUAWJKK). according to an author!~ tatlve euflnmte. may 'nlmouns trimaran; MONKEY RUINS A WATCH. distillery or a brewery In all mum. VIC! It'll-h Flflloflol. About 25,000 boats are employed h Mill: fisheries, which employ crawl a! more an 100.000 man and hon. l Country With One Jail. Iceland I. altogether a law-shim place. There in only one ”than! thtt nrely'ever has more dun two people In it. This In to be largely mounted for by the fact that more In not t from burning. When the gravy an attuned an up with boiling water. In! It came to I boll gently, akin: m pot‘well. then add a spoonful 0! mixed mica-nanny lentortwo. such. thboddooftheflreto-tewllow- for a couple of hour-v This dish my be thickened. Ilka Irish mw. with ”tumor" my banned with tho M at fried chopped “pubis. TEWI II" uk- I! dumpilnp In mad to than. Elana". Cum 5' “up may In man by unu no. a nu ham and adding to It I -uuoooutul of out. two tantamount. 'd mm [widow and floor W (o ' Inn n um, um lawn Float. all fund bulb. man about hound I» i “ml ‘ 5 Th. um: mm! In boll!" who. m; | mmpllnp In dump“! II. [A Ml I‘u :twemy minutâ€" lflu um. than n- Lnonmmotorthoflnnndutu :hck alum unm may to corn Us: Any cheap cm Yankee mew. ~Tnke any pm of heel god! for flowing. eat It Into an." mecca. slice two or three large onions and put them Into the stewpnn '10» ancesofbutterorgmd botany)- ping. When matted dredge In come flour. add the meat (III!) M with servo with a ring of the tomb!” mm the dish. the meat In the m pal the gravy poured round after I: In) fltlt been thkkened by mixing the flour mmthly with a lime 'ltet. nddlng I: to the gravy nnd then allow In; It to ball well on tho no“ law neat Men about two Inches oqnan Prepar- the vec- dlblondnnhen manna“ Immutminnmmudm mbla Ind out than Ila-mt In tho hot f“ In: ten minutes Then dd the no“. lint-t. om small teaspoonfll of cum-dunofmmundthvhqn Ind start. Cover tightly Ind in." very gently for It least three hours. The trousers mttem (1230) I- cm In one: 3 to 7 years without a fly and 8 to M years with a. m. Medium size requires 95 yard or 54 Inch maul-Isl. All boys need a spring overcoat, and here In an exéellent pattern for mak- lng one. It Is a Magic breasted modâ€" el, and can be made In either 0‘ two lengths [Practical Fashionsl Bod luv "uh Dunstan“ Ill-M mum. Pout. Dunedin" and [(-th Isl-d. LII-ht"! Chub“. Col-t BOV’B OVERCOA‘I‘. Lucky Chm Life offers some men a bed 0! to... And send. u up on approval. too. Mnny There Who Could Do It. “H II said that the devil never taken a. vacation.” “Well, If he doesn't. It Isn't because he can't find anybody to run the place in his absence."â€"Judge. Not Alwayl Perhaps. In the long run it In with a prom} slon as with marriage; we cease to re- mark anything but us drawbacks- Valerius Maxhnus. Never! V Wife-“In a battle of tongue. I woman can hold her own." Husband~ Mâ€"yea. p'r'apl she can; but she nova Cause for Worry. Friendâ€"“Why, Elvira. what's the miter?" Elviraâ€"“0h. I don't know. only i'm worried to death! i've had the same girl six weeks, and she doesn‘t talk about leaving yet!" Friend~â€""She doesn't?” Elviraâ€"“No. not a word! she must be in love with my husband!"â€"Loudon Opinion. To Keep out flower. Pnell. An interested reader writes that. whether the Item: 0! flower: be alth- er hard or salt. they may be kept Ire-h longer It the stone ate cut on about a quarter or an Inn): after pho- lnx them In water. Use a. sharp pair or scissors, and be eure that the out and II not exposed to the air at all. F. A. EDGEWORTH The Photographer in your tau 3 80. Main Street Phone 62-M Open Tuesday: and Fridays Sunday. until 12 What he means to you now, he will also mean to others some day,. and the little collection-J‘taken at’ ' Various ages-will be I priceless treasure for generations to come. But, whether or no, he is .your son and photographs that preserve his boyhood and youth will mean everything to you in after years. “He may be President." That is the proud privilege of every American born boy. An Imporum Room. Mr. McCorkle was showing mo visitors over the house. Arriving at the nursery he remarked. '"l‘hln. sow demon. II the haw! waifâ€"Twain Super URI-a. The hot pollol people may be law'- sued in the subway advertiser who“ product "has been awarded the Grand Prlx prize (or the last. nve‘yeau." Gaul. Fm: to Shoe Horus. It is not known who were the nut horseshoers, but historians declare that the Gauls before the Chrlstlm on. were the first to apply artificial pro- tection of the boot. The art was first introduced into England by William the Conqueror. who lived during the years 1021-1087.~Horseahoer’a Jour- Government “Rakeofl.” Out of one pound of compound nickel and copper, costing about 28 cents, the government coins $4.65 worth at five-cent pieces. Hm I- a "Mater" given to I «rant on leaving her Int mun-um: “The bearer bu been In my house a your. Ian 11 month. During MI time she bu shown her-elf diligent at the house door. frugnl In work. mind- ful at herself. prompt in annual. friendly towardl men, mmm to he! lovers. and honest when everythln; was out or the my."-London Tit-Btu.

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