Downers Grove Reporter, 10 Jan 1919, p. 2

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mm In - n «5‘52? $175 meaAmolnn-crmlus NWTYlfim “IIâ€"with the lJCANâ€"A Wonderful New Inâ€" 3 I m w“ h [dig to In a min-runny and an the safety n. 8". The Ind No.11. UCAN Safety Hair Cutter Cut Your Own Hair Game! Altering Gnu Clem: Fire and Tornado Insurance, Companies the Bestâ€" IOO years in business. Agent for the Traveler's Insurance Company Life. Accident and Health. LOANS ‘ Shun flouting - Sewer Building Gus Fitting Tllopho-o ”l W. H. BLODGETT Fred D. Heinhe PL U M DING T0 INSURE A HEALTHY SCALP ins, (13.11de and eczema, there is nothin to equal INDU scalp Emoâ€" t. corrects all scalp troubles that intefere with a luxuriant, heal- growth of hair. Sent post pre- on receipt of price, 50 cents. For a_ny §calp trquble, such its itch- INDU LABORATORY Downers Grove ”ADWAGINTB ”Add” with I. dun «mun, AM we wouu Tom I" the mph who up“ to und- llln the opportunity of Ami" you‘wa tonight.” 0%. 0|]- u no Judd"! m a! “will in our Ink-M. Book of ‘‘‘‘‘ Man for Ion-amt; Na will Lino COM. '0' 3 ml! M "‘1' ‘0'“! min up noun original shit-in for GM: To filuh Just I". OI I “In. F0“ilywdoanafihbngymMMdlmoerh-th an (or In our Swath-urn Book. III- WY- «mm («mm on any mm! --- or gnu m. A Pushâ€"a- nw . "Junior” II."- ARTHUR n. BEIDELMAN :1 it“: 2.5;: ...."‘“"‘.'.."‘.-"‘° Am 51mm Phat. I‘- I NAPIIVILI.‘ Tailor - Cleaner - Dyer let! to the M Office Phone 207-“ We can for and deliver HIRSCH TELEPHONE N0. 24 CONVEYANCING mwums GROVE REPORTER. Dowwnms 939v; ILLINOIS Illinois ’ _...,. .. ., moms does'not'" rise. .lmlg-irg (mm the v 'petuous velocity wifl laur mm thM A; Al.â€" _--:I 4.-.... ‘Atmrmmrflved ‘M'Mnnmh, ‘ Andbl‘wmlhmehho'ur. me an flihtlng for u, then: did their dune. fit 0! “mother Allfour apartyDeeambetn. mmnom. r aid ‘ PM why he Mum.” the English elm.) When can think of than exams, it chills you more than the cold in the study In“. “dual 1 fun fledged member of the H. 8. until he has had the ramps. Judging from tha- wfwmmt cud imâ€" petuous velocity with which one of 0111' Wide Freshman turn- the crank of the pencil sharpener. we no in- clined (o holicve lint he forgets that he is not winding up his Ford. but is engnged in a more peaceful eaten prise. Sumo thm In pin; to be spanked ifhcdoen't put- his thinl- 1lug up. 'Wml "can! from the 80p!" every morn‘ in: "Hurry along. I Inn-“t got all of my Cum? M. Tha high uhool authovflies may i:- xue overcoat: if the amp-gnu"? in the mummy and sauna at the class gunman-tom Andmliea {Mont'lkwdomkmou ‘UIuimdnhth-ann Aquatic?" apply: -mmuumm lsthoxhoolbdmcryhgu‘c‘w (kWâ€"cu” | Mr Wcimar and Ir. Ska-For um Ruth White ha. hoe- . {mu-em HUN." ll "I9 “(5 W5 I.“ PH” visitor .1 Ike high uhool thin mt. Member of Du- faulty: “I'd Illa to mdlmmplowhonpmugnd- nun b.5351.” 0h. Chl- u no «Mu! The auger pupil: critd; “Bu-um: the Sophu m bright you “What who: the MM Iovo Cant: dag" “0h. heart. but low!" (Felt in the "Hush. oh my heart!” (Heard in Don‘t forget to wfifie 1919. 1M" "0‘ WW II "ll uum any. III“ Section B WWW 8‘7 Stumps; P“ ”hm ‘° W Becfion A puma-d eon lumps; - Smtion D purchased 000 swap; ‘ The Sophomonu think the the Considering the all: of our Ichool. Frames. en muse, mun have m- we an very proud of the mum. AIâ€" coin-d fountain pen: for Chdumu, tor allowing our pockvtbooh to fill (or since that time. the Sophomon-i again, we In: going to have many hue been It". in new with tin-in. cannula. Is this your little pet peeve? To know your Cuur perfectly for two days and not be called upon to recite. then not know it the third dty. and be embarrassed to «lath. fixed on wash for us." Sing I mg 0! dupe”, ' in the new. A pocket full of junk: â€"-â€"~ It yau haven't undid, Thehuhn‘tbuflgum-Mud!“~ You're surely gain to flunk. (h! 5'9“!“ W {Milt m; "- __.. 8. ”. Ami n. One of the students :sked a cemln Saphomore if he knew (begin “(lb "I fill) mom THE HIGH SW01". um TM! it own npliod. 7‘ th No. I “What did you get In ~â€" Nun?" The first frequently heard mark at week: “Isn’t it cold? Bâ€"râ€"r-r-r." Poor, Wee_lilt|e Freshioa. Studying, oh. so hard, No wonder that they get .11 5'3 On their monthly card. He studied books salon. Until at length he did attain The rank of Sophomore. There was a wuth in our town Who was so very young That. when he first to high school went. But when he hand how small his brain. They that. he’d lost his tongue. 9. “His .wife Miss Ruth Hughes took charge of. the Englifll classes last week. too?“ he s72 silent. patiently listen. and wait i_ of ’1'!!! win ’II'I me, III, “E. i .â€" fu the strength "In! I: bottomed on I“. It In like me ruhy in nine. 3 pflcelenn censureâ€"1| llfe force, In other words. which make: genius-ea of men and men. Begin tonnrmw. Go slow but Int-e. knowing you In dolng the right thing. Pit aside all nervousness and hum. You will be amazed M the mum: [ample win come to you because that force being mnxnetic wlll (ll-Iv ull good thing; In your diam. Some my any, “I cannot do this. There in toomuchtohedonelnnnhonume.‘ 'We need not n to the other um. and become mm; but ”nu-mu tic mail-unlu- down at «In. but "Out of silence am my durum." [t bring- wonderful mum "mm that «how n how our power In II- mm. Try to he mm for 1 few can and vuteh the in». You (In marvel at your “rennin. be "taunted at your mecca. The Irnrld In alt-y! in n hnhhnh; We rushing hm and thhv In that union” to h:- n rmm- (”Man Why do we not mnsorw um «norm, an our time and sin-math for H: lhlngs? What the: UN- hustte and hump nmnnnt tn, when “‘0 do I“ ma And wit and think? Roth"!!! hot-aw we mum have alt-no what In- IIM withmtt that tan.» nonmmm whlrh so many of In think we must assume, to make nlhpnx think wr have lmpnrtnnt business on hnnd. If we only know how murh mon- (am. strength and nhlllu Hes hohlnd I calm exterior our all» would be In ammo that pose until It became our rightful Inheritance. Tho high school uar savings mm- :pnign. which lasted six math. closed ”this noel: with the following mull»; Section C purchased 1092 Stamps; To-nlgm then is I game between the". S. MWutChicap. Alto mm bun-«n our [rule mm “III that of Norm-mo. M anervllle the team ‘hofl. our grad” by six. and when th‘ saw lmm play-d hone. we won h..- nu- umo margin. Cm out tonight and m as bnnk ”'1‘ H0. TOO MUCH WASTE!) ENERGY Writer HI. lick! Men In mm. on Folly d It: Mmtoay Ninth and M52. ht'o mm. In: and (out! do- What-dud. WM it comes to vigil-n. the mefickulnflnmmplm Aduhrfll‘hcboywho sun It Jhefucnddthelahunuldlthc Palm-r flit: 'l did-1 Mn “no to My my trolling." Sancho-i)": than taking tho [07 ‘out at Me. “1 do "w toughen col- i-muy mind a that own- In The “mm-bl sum-mu of flu- uh- Mk Annotation nu ma! one «by thin week. We hum I balance of forty with! dollnn. hall who can wrltu notes. study I'- gebru. chew gum and watch the clock. all a! the same time. ' Speaking of human achievements; them is a certain [xenon in tho study 8. students after school hours. Since the lake has been frozen over. it hasn’t. been had to locate the H. It is the Amish, not the start. that mums in things. Witness the result in the W. S. 8. Campaign. file Mood for true democracy, ; For right and justice. too; j"America first" was in his hem-t; To America, always true. Matilde Bender visited school one day last week. PM No. 2 “I! l wun'l ml‘AkaI. Alas, I wrote a poem, But they thought it wouldn't do; So I’ll not write another. Would you. if it Were you? Fund the fore pan of the week the weather was moderate. We have had ‘occuional mow nunm since but we ‘uuuk um no mm this winter will ‘wn got weather as cold as that we hive had. Saturday morning, however. was the heartbreak". All the way from twen- ty to twenty-five below zero m the tale told by the mercury in the little tubes. It was cold, but that quiet cold that deceive; Homily any wind wu blowing and that was one good thing as with a slit! western or norther- ‘bneze, twenty below in this climn'w. an be awfully cold. 1 Saturday urn-moon it moderated The coldest Weather of the winter hit Downers Grove I“ unprepared last Thursday morning when the first chill lbluts of wiutnr cane down from the {men north. Friday morning the mercury- in the thermometers around town showed that it wu from ten to fifteen below put! all day Friday the tempenture ‘did not rise shove the an: mark. MERCURY HITS 22 BELOW ZERO IN COLD SNAP ---- Phone One Five ---- Potter mg. Lumber Co. LUMBER COAL MILLWORK Building Materials of all Kinda We sell “01d Ben” Cool exclusively in Downers l mmammam-anamwmm"u~ Whmcumdmnl no. In: M... mm 5 i 5 g m In MN 1. h I. tho exclusively «and run '0 ID." no "on In colaâ€"4h an at am on ma. dov- on the lot! to- I. Mm a In: duh m1 0. the rat! a my and the. d bmammmvnloomtktukm “Old Ben” Coal Only One Place “Not without thy wondrus story. can be told the Nation's Glory. Illinois. Illinois." Welmme Home BOYS 0M flfld Ml Dropping Them Below Shoe Tops Ill Y0"! 0W" BEIOVEII State nanufacfurera 6 Dealers mine was “OLD BEN" and they I '4 it producenthepunstJiutmdm carefully prepared coal in E is mined hy the Old Ben Coal Corâ€" poration. The largest mining concern in the State of Illinois. They mine and cell under crude mutt mmâ€" “OLD BEN”â€"â€""PURITY" and “Chris- In Downers Grove where you can buy GENUINE I'0LD BEN" coal. It gives perfect snfisfutiol to 90!! coal Inn’s. Because of Wu purityâ€"are- fulwpreplration And excellent burl- ing and hating properties. ‘ The people and clergy of Downers vac simply ask Rev. Crusiun to tell them when iv.- wlll be here for tho last Sunday Honing. We nut to arrange for the usual Internal unlo- fan-woll chunk service, when Inc will deliver his {unwell message for us. and we will have the chance to bid him “Godspeed." | Rev. Paul N. Crusius of the St. Paul's Evangelical Chunh hua moved with his household goods and funny to Elmhurst, Illinois when: he m is the Professor in Church History and English. in the Evangellul PN- will continue to preach here on Sun- parlwry Theologial Snminnry. B. ”a" and to conduct the Confim» lion Class on Thursday afternoon- un- til I successor has been selected. Our congratulations and best wishes go to Rev. Cmsius. lie has been 1 our oesstul and much lwed Marker! for u ymr and four months. His peo- ple would hue kept him here. but they are the larger field of service which he enters for the £11an Synod of Nurth America. REV. P. N. CRUSIUS NOW PROFESSOR AT ELMHURST COLLEGE Farm. January 10. 1919 oar-w"-

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