Downers Grove Reporter, 10 Jan 1919, p. 5

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u, “d Mrs. Bot-dwell aluminod guests from Chicago "I 1‘" “"3 {at Gllman Larson, a! the 67;.“ 1mm vlsmd his flat". III-n Ruth [Arson «cranky. Ila-Paulinemdm Mr, E. 1'. Lawrence h“ been in New York on I business trip for the past week. «in. Mr: ilary Collier on Scum Avenue. Mrc. Roy Milkw- {s on the list of th‘ day. Mrs. A. P. Thofin is now can-iod- ing the slow at Ilinw'nh‘ whit-h for nor-b was in charm of her danghtor. ‘ Miss Marianna Ron is taking an minnow! Trldwr's (horse at the Chi ago Piano College. Mr. Chm. Phipps of Bmoldyn. wan the govt of his mwin. Mr. 600er Bridgman and fami‘y. Mr. and Mrs. Cowman of Highland Avenue ontfifiainod n houswful a! re- lative: on Sunday. In. g E. Wetmove sud daughter Mary Elizabeth. of Roll. visited thr PM!!!) Bockmnn family Last week. T. A. "Manning Mp gam- to h on I hue-inc” ln'p, BS Fowl l‘m1< 3"“ ‘Vr.-k l "llrhho‘l‘ Born on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clow- uer. Tuemlay. Jam-r37 7th. I (laugh Iln. ".11 Elton. 0! howdy "Ills. viplting rm- )!m lh‘tlo Mn. Whorv‘ k H! mu winter? Table and Pocket Cutlery Skates, Tools etc. Coaster Wagons and Sleds All Sizes of franldin County Solt Coal HARDWARE 36 S. Main Street Tole] Coke in all sizes MERTZ GMQCHEL I! LA 1 our :5 DON'T MAKE THE TEMI’TATION T00 GREAT mm! PERSONALS 0! mum "u- nantry Iv s all tho mon- 'ullmdlw linw pnn‘r "w RNA ulnlighl in u January ELM Hm! guy "at predicted an iho pantry dour an" :uu have onkmi {m “MI \‘gn ling-mom rim"! of E Curtis.- S\. w sick Pint-r Mon: Ford ray-air: at "inadalv. Plume ad. is now located "’;".‘"" "mm: 3m. "mm )lnflmmm. o! H‘Ilrhoro l'nday. ‘lHiuoh. was “so gut-st M I." conga" has M'rrrdfimrry Bruno" and flu. Bunsen x of tonsilitit'mw'r New \‘mm N, ha; mp (of We are lot-l am (or Yoruba» "p"; M‘Mfmon, let u Wat! m m. Tnlm‘xs. Flock I ”new; "inflhlv has Whlmd‘tm 5._ fir mri an (“(me place ‘0 \ usunu vu- nnd film": Mn. A from Mt hnnd who fillc‘d WI": { Mr. A. H. “‘alkvr, a! Hinsdalo. Irhn ram-d away on (.‘hflamnu [by had inmny frivmls in Dm'ntra Gm! Whit '1“:llm' sympathy {o "'0 family. Mr. (has. Kuhn of Marshall Wk ’nnd l'm loft on Wrdmsqhy for Grunt! ,Ilapid=. Mich. to attend the Fumi‘ H. D. Essex and Raymond Cullen Jackie: fro;.x the Great Lakes. wer. guests of Mr. and Mn. 1. ll. Have or Sunday. visited her hmum'. Philip Mm and family In." flashy. In. A. 8. My: hu "turned from her holiday whit um: h" hun- band who In a Y. I. (I. A. unto: ll hum-vim. WWI. Mn. Mtwfim and Mrs. firm-gm won "can of honor at a medium at tho \‘nmnn's Guild u flu- bovno of Mn. Plug". Row. B. H. Diemr was whim! to a :rriotls oprrai'mn at he EVangnli cal Ih‘aooms! Hmpilai. Wednesdl) manning. Mm. Andrew Devin and m HW- and. of Cicero, spent Thursday nflm- noon with her brother, C. I. Winter and family. go. spent mud days Int week with Miss Elm Kelly at M home on For- st Avenue. [and Mn. C. R. BfimolChv ago. «mm New You": buy with ‘12-. and Mrs. C. R. Briggs of War ”II Amne. Mrs. L. [-1 Jones and Mrs. T. F. Kelly attended a meeting at the In- akin! Art League I! hat-sue, Tueadty. Mr. (has. Knl and Ca“ loft on Rapid". Mich. 1 law Conrrnlion. Hour thr [one qualities of the "Sn porhn" at [he Famrrs Ind mental“ Hank building every evening Wm in; at 8:15. adv Watch the crowds leave the Dick! theatre. They always smile at] In mount Pictures. Mi.» Z‘tn Norpel, the very Milli-m innifl n' ma Curd”. announces spa n1 Ja. - “mic (or Rug-ell and Chang n cadre adv lia Maurine ”Antille- of (Na- Telephone No. uly “Md”. the gnod nah-u horn "IO younpm‘m m and Int ‘ We’d say Minter has no rival. See her at the Curlins Thursday. Coming wcry soon. Norma Talmadge in tin: WHcal‘t of Wetonn" u the Curtiss. Mrs. l. )1. Grey and children Irâ€" June Int. Our 0 rived here Monday evening after hav- 37 No. Main : in; spent the holidays with her mother Hotel building. in Detroit, Michigan. cash or money Classified advertisements are now 35: for one. insertion and 75a for 3. These advertisements will only be run for cash as the collection of them takes away the profit of running them. Now is the time fov love and laughâ€" ter, is the watchwond at Dicks The»~ tre. Apply this to their program on another page of this paper and you will want. to see them all. adv. Read the story of "Too Many lil- lions" in this paper and age this great iplctum at the Dicke 'l‘l'lcatm next Tuesday. It is a wonderful picture wlth la wonderful story. adv. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hansen. of lrrkann. Aux-m. Canada. ate home for a visit with “heir parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Johnson. of 186 Biodgett Avenue. Ray Clark was opernted on for up- pcmlicitus at the Presbyterian hospiâ€" tal, Chicago, Tuesday. Dr. Goudey. who had chum of the case. says he ‘in doing fine. Rev. B. K. Selma]: Mumcd MAJ?" Saturday In good IIMIIII and upiriui'i‘.‘ Irom hln Ohio mention to tulle up "d be null: of his lw‘omtc um n-new- 3;!“ .' 4 1! \Igor. ' 3-" Mn. W. Omen-aux mien-Ind I um. ('rw young (ollu lat )londay night m m, a, her ”he,“ an,“ ”,1 Frank Drum m hm M (m rcnux. 5 member of Uncle Sun’n the active to the ““4"” u“ o! “w le- (U. 8. Navy. He "velvet! bu Mum "and. I'ddly and po- bock to Ms pr Mr. and In. A. Woodud 0' Nut ““0. u (M [Iliad-n Sun-l Company. urn Paul. N. Y. havr Nlunnd tn lbrlr By dim. o! In"! plugging he “a "or \omv after \‘lumn‘ With Hnl. WM mlc a! CNN PM” 0ft”? ll Ck anl'a an. Emery [imam and ouwr‘l’u'mer’n Den-14mm. nlnlh‘u ovtr the holiday: I w ‘ 1'... . (om, ” 0' Mr. and In. Otto ”that“. 0! Al-’ hm City. Ion. who are mum bur. whnw limit (In): val-hug aunt- wrary u lbw home of Mr. and Mn. Loni» I'Ikhor-t. January mm II A! \M annual Hunk «mm»; M "u- “. l'l. Church 8am)! awning. Mn. (Madman will up“ In the Inn-mu mt Ibo Homo )Nutoufln. Inna-ad 01' llm [m u (annefly mm 5 Semi-t water sunm bu hum Much-run! {mm the «who! M w- lumd In: urn-k. N- m I! Cunp 'I‘Iylot. Winnie, Ky.. when Mr- ‘ Mr. Audience. am you taking d- amage affine new we of price- mintmntflannmAm mmemndndofpfioubmflt «mmmmmmnnm mtheflmruflbeuerl’hotofiayn. The subscription price a! the 129‘ «one: will p ea $2.00 per ya:- m. June 1¢Wenmghin¢thilmnee mentmflntdllmyhmnm mpyufu-indmuthcyde- dn at 0:me "b.0131.“ Pay mt nhscrlption in dune! utthepmantpfladSLflnd-u Mm.mncemum1 RN. Wm. B. GM. has [Mm up M. Y. I. C. A. work :1 Glut Labs ‘0 hi: the nu!" wtontv min :1 Pow-mun. Illinois. the place nude nun! by n..- pmkmn-d. uric.- m. wt 0! «a punt. Rev. E. I. Dtmr. Prints Cod! flihy. 'M M with 10 «(Mom 1! Port Rural. ‘ru opp Ital an [mm 5“ at the U. 8. Van-n! “swim, Pun halal. C. ‘le in fitting dong (be. M II I“)! I patient there. Thorn up may wander-(u! pictum wing to tho Dirt“! mu:- mdl as Wm. .1 Hart in “Branding Brandt". Douglas Fairhmks in “III Adult” 1nd Charles Ray in "String Beans.” Mr. H. B. Van of (Irv-stow. Iowa. ’vu “Ritual. lhmnfll F‘. D. Lind- ‘y. the G, A. Horn“ farm on th- "1anl road. and win mpy the same a the near future. Mr. Hm m to Downers Grove. Rev. and Mrs. P. Crush]: have m- wl choir household goods to Elmllurst‘ vlwre Mr. Cmsius will he Professor ~( English at the Elmhurst Seminary. 10 will continue tn fill the pnlpit at he Gm: Strut Church until hi: no 290? is selected. The local (hphr. Ill-(Morn of 1-. American Revolutm. «m no" 1! tho home of first. 1. R Frank»- :‘it-M, Tmrday nflrmoon. January M It 2 o'rk‘rl xlurp. Envy mm." [- xrgonfly rrqurfitwl to in pram”. Dicke mm ls Mag Walla! Reid in “Too Many Billions.” Lila 'm. NI.» dimming (M Mm» in Such a Little Pinto“ and [he vault-r ‘ul Cecil B. Deflillls' Pmdudion "11m haw Ian." nth. m- In June lsLOuromeeiamloutedu tar havâ€" 3? No. Main Street, the old Grove *mothor Hotel building. We welcome checks. cash or money elders. -â€" Reporter. vnl. 8:? A complete 1th of big special a!» Coming itractions which are coming m the cur- in tln: tiss will soon be published in this pnâ€" u‘tiss. 'per. Watch for them! You will gaze adv.‘in wonderment. If its wally big and \vm'thwhilv, you wlll see it at "m ""11 Mi“ lCurtlss. mu An nndcm. phllosopher once said [that “coal melts in January 1 (km ‘li‘hl faster ghnnfmow docu in June." glad If!" shoveling the Muck dia- -monds into ”I: hungry mat a! “u- mffice {um during “at below zero Weather. we In inclined to am with W. W. Lindlcy and family have sold their home. and left Wednenday {or their new llmne in Louisville, Ky. Mr. Lindlcy will run a large fruit (arm Henry Carner received his rekmse from active duty with the United States Navy on December 3th, and is now suck at his old am in the General Ofliccs of the Chicago 'l‘elo- phone Company. While in service Cara them. The home mus sold to a Tishart family {mm Chicago, who will take immediate possession. r.._", ncr was a \«thle member of Sousa’ a. tarmac naval band. bliss Harm-t Jones, who makes hr! home in Chicago, came out for I lit- lle visit with "3- M3. She is just had: from a hoh. y visit to her par» outs, fir. and Mrs. W. H. Jones, of Duluth, Ninth, whom Mr. Jones has in mail mau- and who Is much improv- [ed in health. I Mr. and Mrs. l. M. llnvn- w...» M Mrs. Rico and Mr Mother, Pri- min Wei-Ian C. Fain-MM. at dinner worthy awning u (Mir homo. on ;.‘"nrlh Main Sim. l'rimlr Inirrhil‘l ‘is home on a furlough 1mm Cnmp {Couwho-mo. I)! l‘nso, Toms, than: iho has bvvn slutiml for twenty manun. Ilrar the “Suprrhn”. the rcprodnt 'in machine that brings the grates! tsingers of the day right into your home. Conan: every evening begin ning at 8:15 at the Farmv‘rs and lor- |clmnts Bonk building. Curtiu Stm' entrance. Bring yum family not! friend 'nnd hear this wonderful ”Mr-omen! 1.; the mums. Shop L. v 0mg- ‘ uh. 1 er. W. A. Tone. I form-r W o! Dorm Gmund km to M- hay- bood {M Mm non funflhfiy b: We “do of “Lad", In and may" of the Stockton Tobacco Guava”. M when. (I‘lilornln. TN: ‘- I hunk of Clan" [baht-n4. of 8:0 l-‘rlncim {MWWMWWOIL II. I. "cover Ml mm word of the «lath of MI W", In Bur done “mm. a mhr a! (he 8 A. 1‘. C. It LMI, Nehru-h. "0 «u the flu! plum mm to the an Army “capital It "at w. No lul' ‘mmdmflmfwfinhynvhw ‘M Ward. (Inning dam Now that ”It dun n "at Cir “In My. William new In M: it; MAIN. (Th-r“! Win In .1 ‘0“ ”Va MUM. Fm flit-M. Th imam! Haunt-Pub: Nm Am: lm vny gunnin- nmm4~ ‘unlwlnl of prism. Mann". (-0“er {u m. Mun. 10c. mm no no no lr.;nGHrn.D.ll.Milht-.o{luh- tan. Wat, formerly "in Thelma hummmmm,lmm fomflydwcmmm Mummumm mmm When it Satan uld other cont mm. Thy more roses null "min. II Dam-M. The Young Peane's Mliam o! the Pin! Evangelical Church Md its January meeting last Tuesday mn- ing at me home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Schustcr on Grove Street. A fall} time «u had by Hm twmty m- ben present. A bohsk-igh rida in pim- M for Thursday night, over to Na» pen-vine And back. le-ving the Q de- pot here 1'. 7:2». "not" Cur-Mn "an {m Pram that new hos-Mm won-in “nu 3-H» mule! (kn-rum hrs In sin hunted with Bernard's “ring. He Ind hen [inn “w opponunity of "norm 9 Motor Tnmmrt Ollie": school in Fm. but Minn: Inc-nus; N- not: to com:- homo wim- hi: «ximnt an... Ila hows it trill he mu. If, my has W O WW tmmmmmmh“ mumm- V mmdln Ind ”n. Wilfllrr mm... mm 4mm“ waded Wed-uh! lid“ W 5" a” Nammmumhm W.Ahnehmm~l“ i'1W-mn ~ : NOW IS THE TIME FOR LOVE AND LAUGH!" L 1 1 a L e e “Such a Little Pirate” BURTON HOLMES mm mcrunn . uswmmn COMEDY “Dou Your st*m Walwlwéce Reid \MTINEB a :3. ~ Mai-u- no and In urn-Ab. n: m. KVI-mmc, 1:30(‘olfllnu~â€" Mun-ho u at»: Uni-uni“ A nun-cum new“ > z) ' 11.» .mcm n. or you mm In (In "raun- I‘M.” "M don-n- in mi! mm~~lnnl m um gun. a In Our i to whkhmthnmmnmeNhIW” ‘53 yard tattoo gobs. (or W may? You My ”I II“! E Q’ m: rt pmhody to kl": you 00 million sad at! . :ury, ”W and some My: usual whoa up:- wit! folks gee trench m with hut-I uln‘ tmihor conversation flown! (we W mung. F ly in a happy vein. Those press!“ beâ€" vm and: a! my. side the host and ham” wen; Mm was More an I“ and load-mes. Andy bees-n, James flee. Twohoy. Peter Gm ' r. Frank an Vicar L v . . . l 3511'. d M and Wallâ€"m Bender. child M“ d v The Community Christmas Tree, its and a W 1 unndles all “litter with nev fallen {out other m “M' maw, looked wry hrauhfnl for tho Gem. Vlmhn I. ll... half hour it was light-d Hunky lite. w all 30'. [Pub The pure white of the unstained now let, I!!! Mil d I. Th:- pure white of the unsumeu mow Ker, were I“ I“! q as a background, the green of the In! Why 11*! fig branches and light from the electric m 1. 1“ my.» a.“ globes casting I rsdience around n Deadly m 0- eh “ fivemtmlmmfmldIEWMmmw- « note of I fairy nee let there for m; Ll. ' '_ the pleasure and entenninmentafthe and m m of m 4:; “little people.” E Gnthmâ€"mdefioWth}; mun WEEKLY TWO FOX ml. count semduumzununma‘ 'IMadInommfiWh mfnstmebrfl'edfilfltlm \ademanhaleontfl'flmN" dual-MWBDM D'fE 1??”‘WEEWE Ceci IL Defle’s ""wYâ€"H , , figmmudmâ€"uh AN Amarrmmn .2: )y Elwin Ilia-Mk. Ammdl‘vhl.m~~ “I‘m-munhmewflhmlufluflflfinufim , rkn ynu are in Ml. Na aim. R's hush-l ltd. " V mmmc. mo mum ~ Ada-huh u an In hint-(fir gv yum, 7:30 (’inan â€" Admission II «I I: be... CIT“ Thursday, January 16“! .153 Saturday, January llth Tuesday, January 14th "383 L LA“? rum 138,88 L. LASKY mums 1838. L LASIY m A PARAIOUN'I' ncrun

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