Downers Grove Reporter, 24 Jan 1919, p. 5

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lickinbedlntheputweekwith Iagflppe, in slowly recovering. Mrs. John Just of Mmimwbc. Wig, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Herman Kruger. Mn. lary vaer of lane P-‘Jce‘ who In: been quite ill with Spanish inflmn. is able to be out again. In. Thoma Timid spent Sunday {q Chicago (visiting her sister and In. Frank was in Chicago last week caring for her daughter who hm been very sick. Hrs. Wlmn Pinch left for Pu- toll, Illinois. Thurfihy, to visit friends and trauma. business. Ford Pam and Ford repuin It Fleck Buchholz. Rinaldo. Phone Ir. Arthur Green. of Lisle Town- idp, spent meal days in Peorh attending the Agriculture Convention In. Sibioy Minn entertained a few friends at luncheon on Tuesday It her home on No. lain Street. In. H. I. AIR-n has been ill tine! Sunday st her home on lidâ€" dongh Avenue. John L. Ramon In: unconfin- Ir. William Elwin-u is making Another trip to Cdifomia for the Ex- pnm Company. Mrs. 1. ll. ankonflrld and son have been quih‘ ill this I'm-k. In. W. J. Beidelman, who ha been Carl mer is «mules-in: from I new" attack of influflua Mn. 1‘ W. "ugh-s has hon this “wk. also Mm Guy L flush Ear! flea-"um has hora on m- sick list this ml. Ir. null Mrs. Elmer ('hrumnn arr "an"! Walt had his cum": And to". s â€" of "n. H _ minnows "mowed at 1hr West Suhar- "ff'm ' Inn Hospital ’14 urn-k. Hula Au: (‘rumn in: naming I “mm“, 'afl'wh‘unh; are a! mumps. \n- -_J n“ nc,A,n m m .u-u.'..â€". Mr. and Mn. Punk Allm. of CM- Mnn. Char!“ Hrinh and son ti!- rmm. farm" torn! rmidrnts. mum-d fled mm“ "13“", Friday. "no ".an family In! Saturday. Fudm‘l'ouringfiouddmor mflinmmflneekl In. (1am Show!» has born on [he ski list. I’m-shyness uf Stock is. one of our bids for your trade. 0m- pumhascs of stock are 30 adjusted to the de- mands that our m-m'ories are always fresh. ' HARDWARE 36 8. Main Street Telephone No. 29 PERSONALS MERTZ ('5 MOCHEL franldin County Solt Coal Table and Pocket Cutlery ‘ Skates, Tools etc. Coaster Wagons and Sleds All Sizes of WE POSTIV ELY REFUSE TO KEEP GOODS ON 0 [I R SH E l. V ES. 13!:an 24. 1919 Coke in all sizes Min Christina [Iv-mm of Chicago S-II‘M Sunday with Mr old ffwm‘lfl in Mrs. (‘ ll Sluts. lit. and In. Win. Summer! Pu- ;adevn, Gallium: we Vidal. than [ The Rogers brother: are refitting 1the house on Maple Avenue In? Main Street that their hfller recently bur. chased. Miss Ruth Lancaster entertaimd at i("timer an Wednesday evening in humor 9! Mr. and In. Wm. Stevens, of We are local agent: for Ford.“ \‘I‘ractora, let In manta "a use- ‘fulnm. Heck I Moll. “We. W for particular-1‘ . adv. The Woman: Guild of St. Andrew's Church will meet with In. Earnest Gallup. 150 Highland Avenue. Thun- (by. January 30th. at 2 o’clock. [the [flinch Baptist Cénvention occu- pied the pulpit of the First HOMES! Church last Sunday. H. C. Taylor, teacher of Voice. Cor- pet and Saxaphone. Studio "8 Gilâ€" sidv. He is now in a southern amp and expats to be home soon. Tho Fc‘llowship (Wat: of the I. E. Church will have a Victory In. '1 on Frkhy evening. January mm It Gn- Dmme of Mrs. L G. Hunt. Capt. I. L. Puffer has arrived safn‘ly in the sum hum the other Mr. Ind Mrs. Wm. Lehman" and fumil)‘. of 03k Park. visited It the J L. lmhmann hm otvr (M ml: The Slough family harp med to flu- Oun hows:- on Blank avenue from Forest avmme. Mrs. Pmnk Kick?" "Ht-named a number of [Howls II - mwing Ivor on Wodnmahy m‘rninl. ml Imflwr mllNl on Miss (Rundown Ni.“ 2.40:: "vim. truth" In (luv norm ”do primal. is nuflrring I’m an mum-I of m Spunk-h flu. «I In his bu! :bnn‘ lul Saturday with a hm! mm. I‘mfmmr Noam. o! ”vie-go. VG E. P. Brand. Suwfintendm of 1. CilifbflliI. Wednesthy. Plume 299- DOWNEBS GROVE REPORTELDOWNERSGRQYW; Do you nine your health? Suva in in chum of Ovurcim'ge Freight you do! “'3 your biggest use: but Claim; you need have no fear in attending Thai-adding“: infernal. Ind pmâ€" the Dicke Theatre for it in ”caption- vet! to be quite n surprise to their any well ventilued. In M, we "mlffienda in both Downer- Gme and intomeahythesmlwucmammbflde Ind mm Mmthatitisthebeotmflklfllepmtuemidm'lfi In. Mdthutmhomrinm “thin: nam,uw. ”Am, “Due Nsperville high school best St. Charles in basket ball last Saturday evening at Nsperville by the more of 83w13.Wewilldoonrbesttohe-t thebutenflmtheycmnetoour gymnasium this Friday evening. Be‘ there to root and help us win. Mr. snd Mrs. J. H. Grimm: reâ€" ceived n telegram Wednesday [from their son. Owen. who has been in Italy with the Nnvsl Aviation Sec- tion for mounts. He lsndet‘ in New York Tuesthy but says nothing shout coming home. The Dick-3 Theatre shows the Ford Erlucntiorinl Weewiy before the most prominent Chicago Thutm. And. ‘whih we. think a! it - look for the ‘advertisemt in next week's Reporter of "The Grates! Thing in Life" pro- duced by D. W. Griffiths. dv. Mrs. C. H. Sums entertuined on Thursday. In. Johhl Just, of Haul- 1m. Wm. “rs. Herman Kim-gov. Mrs. "one". In. Tnpky, Miss Em- ma Wander and Mrs. C. J. Winter. of the Grove and Mrs. Katy Winter. of Cicero. Mrs. Wm. H. Blotlgen had (ht- misfortum In dip on the ice Sunday mowing and nuflt-n-d I double frlc~ Inn of the left wrist. Dr. Won-Icy sot the arm and the xray taken on Monday shown! a parts-ct position of tho bmk. ‘ Mr. "on" G. Bllflor's Inn-r anon! H):- Tmrmhip High Soho»! w“ trad .tilh [MIC interns! hy many (If our .‘fliapns who thoroughly agree with Ms Man and think hi: mlutkm (If this pmh'om [mforr us. "to man foasihlr «1 far truncated. Rm‘. J. ll. Little. mam." with We MM.- Qunrm of the Ilapmt {( wrnl to the Grant Lats-n Tran» “nu Station last Thursday owning and 9“:st r .u .Wc‘lls in w mun. EM (’nmp l‘rrry Y. N, C‘ A. i lea-'01 Main. of (11503.0. 3 MM: and mu “not. bu pun-haul the ship and good till of W. 8. Wilson nnd hm taken pox-rum "o. In M nod"! with a lama Chicago dran- iu‘ establish-I'M and pruning good work. (o "w Dido Thulrv lo we “Th Knight: 91’ (hr Squaw Talia." Given '0' the local Boy Scout: an Friday. January 31. m9. adv. Do you “a! to m an “In good mow? Than Mn "an linv “hid. Iraqis Thu- ('onun-gnllnnul Phil-(Mn (‘13::- um c-Mvruin "wit hunhamh- ml fut-wh- n! 3 “Kit" Io hu' mum at IN- humr of Mr. and Mn. F. (f‘ bury. ll‘: Nuuhlnml Awmm Frhhy mum bog. January 3M. On January mm. a little daughter, a lrm- minialun- at Mr mother, came In Hu- honw «If Mr. and NH. W. A. Mummy: 0! Oak Park. Iln. Manic-n \uu funm-Ily known In An"- Aldon" l0". String Bonn Now what can Hu- lowly slrimphmu punibly have to do with a farmer pom. u nmvupupcr. lhc- Manor 0! lhv town, a pwlly girl und a crook? Came In lhv lhdm 1100mm Suluuluy and “ml 00!. adv. Last Thumlny aflemoon at her Mum on Suruloga Ava. Mrs. Mom-t! vnturlninml Mrs. Tnplt-y. Mm. firm-â€" Ker. Miss Emma Wamlvr and Mm. (I. ll. Slzmls. Mrs. .\I. K‘ Itwh and Mrs. T. I”. Kelly nuvmhwl a ronfrn-mn- on Un- Smtv Wnrk of (hr lllhmln' I-‘nlm'utl-m of “’0an Chal» u! the Mot-l Mop rim" lust ThurNIA). Privulo Cori! J. Miloy, who is with (he U. S. Marines, left Monday {or Paris Island. S. C. after spending a ton day furlough visiting mlatives and friends here. Watch for particulars in next weeks Reporter of n Cafeteria Dinner to be newt-d at thv Congregational church by the Ladies Aid Sociexy on Friday February 61h. How many of us know how our boys were trained to fight the Hun? Find out by seeing “Camp Dixon" .1! the Dicks Theatre on Friday. January 3], l9l9. adv. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas ll. Tucker have gone to their farm recently va- cated by their son Harry. Their many friends hope i‘. will be only a temp‘ omry move. Have you ever seen Muuty Suffer? We", then you’re missing something if you don’t see him at the Dickc Theatre. Given by the local Boy Sm us on Friday, January 31. 1919 adv 1 The monthly meeting of the Jolly Jays was held at. the home of Miss Eleanor Barron, last Sunday after- noon. relatives. Mrs. C. V. Carpenter and Mrs. L. C. Fun-1r. residence of Ir. W. F. Clnpin. 821 South Tayior Avenue, Oak Park. Both Mr. and Mrs. William: are Department Head: in the Auditor of Freight Accounts Ofice, C. B. Q Q. General Office: in Chicago: In. Wil- liams Inning chm-3e of the Compton‘- ‘eter Department, whfle Hr. Wlflhmn in in chm-[e of Overchrge Freight Claims~ 1 Miss Nettie P. Reader and Ir. 1. T. Williams, were married Saturday afternoon, January 18th. in The Gale Pamage. by the Rev. William J. Taylor, of Unity Church, Oak Park. Illinois. line Mildred 0. Beth acted as bride-maid, and Ir. Walter F. Cha- pln. accompanied the grown. After the} Foamy. luncheon was served at the! Howard E .Fnirwmthrr. 1 Ft Wan‘m, lnrl., as Sunday Schooi Dis- trirt Director of tinI North Indian: Confluence of the Hahn-list Church. has been attending the Centenary ‘Mmtings of that church in Chicago. whore are pthered mum from all over the wot-Id. It in this con- rention that is making bitten by pledging the raising of such n vast amount of money for reconstruction Mr. and Mn. w. v Burflv- rm: lvnmvml at dim Saturday Mon. and «waning in honor of [Mir forty; W990") todding Inniwmry. Am: (hr mm In MIMI! (Mir hut wright-9 on this msim war-r: Hr. L. l‘. Nammorr. Mrs, MrNau‘M. of Wilw mrttn. Mrs. Lucy Stanky. Mr .501” am. c. a leigru. mm: Lmfisr' and May Palm". Miss Rob-Hm Ind! Mr. and Mrs‘ W. I). Harri-l andI family. i I RM John Orvfl'l'khof. - mm wrath" I’m North Wmnom Cdkgv- iannflo filled "to pulp“ of (he Fin-t Er-ngwlkal rum-00 lat 80-day Fun-In. n (M mum of "no min 'mstor. RM: R. K. Refit“ ht! ht. lulled In (.‘Mngo to min "at runâ€" lnz at tho .Enflmunl llnmlical thurrll for Rm 1 ZippM-n. who I1! a pastor here in Down-rs Gme about (hm) yum m. READER â€"â€" WILLIAMS I "flu- Wn)‘ of I "In wm. n I‘M" 'by Ida M Aviva-u. nmml la 0.» Saturday [Eu-1mm Post. As you Im. Iain M‘ Evan: in one of out human Iain-II author:- and Ibo Ewan. Pout our of our loading magnum Th: 63 mighty good um! um the fiery ismlaudmopmuniougm as "to Hwy. an H II "or filth Thain ms! Tum-thy. Idl‘ , Cu. II. I. R. I "trod: n tonihl invitation to every Donna-n (inw- midi" or umlor who Dw- hu'n 41mm. ed 1mm u-n‘ifl' or “dough-d to "w n-nvrw and (hour Imma- oo law Io hr [mm-at in unifmm. It A mmlwr In be hold at Ihr Armory (M0. School) no” Mun-lay owning. 1M- ouy 2m. ‘ William A. Ih-mlvr, n corporal of (to. L, of (M rmh Infantry, write» to ‘frh-ndn hrn' Hm! hp It Ill-Noam! III llrvmm, (Bl-many. “a pretty mu..- Iown on “w llmolk riw-r. not In from (fohh-Iu. on "w “hint. The v"- lumv m’tu In a Hula \‘luoy fin 0w Mll- on the haul of lhv rlvor. and «ruin- Iy in n pn-uy plum." Good season to have your uphol- ‘su-n'ng and mpairing done during Munuory and February. On account of ‘dull period we allow I0 per cent ro- duclion in regular price on orders of $5.00 or more. We also have on hum! nice bargains in velour: and tapes- ln'os, all colors. Hinudalo Upholster- ing Shop, Phone 635. adv. l'rivuu- lk-un Kimmy of Gm-n Brunch, Chm-101w. N. C. Tank R»- m‘nwnl nnnl Stanley Bouibormrr of "Ir Nnrth Wonk-m ('ulloxo Muilary Chum of Nulx-n'illv and Miran Marion Boui- lwrunr. nivn- um! m'plmw of Miss Nvlliv lhvhh-Inmn. upon! Sunday at tho- I-mm- of Mr‘ Olin-r lkulvlmun um! (Emil, at. IU Warn-n Awnun. \ Mr. A. H. Wimcr leceived the sad ‘nowx of the death of his brother. Sergeant Prank Winter in France where he has been with the regular army during the War. Mr. Frank Winter has been in the service for 30 seam and died on November 28 from the result of an accident. I At tho annual meeting of the Iota ‘Theta l'i sorority held last Friday evening at the home of Mr». llolund Schultz the following ofl’icers mm: elected for the ensuing year: Mad!“L lim- llughes. President; Henrietta Schultz, Secretary; and Florence ,Uhl- horn, Tn‘usnmr. The l. E. Philathea Clan enter- ‘tainment, postponed because of so much sickness, will be given Friday evening, February 7th in the M. E. Church. Don't miss it. Do vou rc~ member how funny the “Packing the Missionary Btu-rel" was? Com» and laugh again. adv. mmMWMhCI-I Dicke T112359} Musty Sufl'erer Comedy, “Musty’u Vacation” V ‘1 Boy Scouts will visit you with tickets m and: cum; Ebony Comedy, “Spooks,” with real coloted m! : Training at Camp Dixon ,4 Knights oflhe Square Table Friday, January 31“. BOY SCOUTS BENEFIT ENTERTAINMENT Given under the auspices of Downer- Gtove Boy South, , Troops Numbers One and Two FEATURE MATINEE _ mo Adm-kn u a u: been. m an. “' svssmc â€" mo Cons... uni-um Is an a. ban... war in. FOX COMEDY An oxcefitional story written exclusively for Dorothy Dal- ton in w ich she appears to splendid advantage and loot- “ decisive hit. Dorothy Dalton " “QUICKSAND” GOODWYN TWO-REEL (TOHEDY ‘SHILING BILL' EVRMNG w 1:30 vum".- MD-hnh- " all 1.: M o- h Twenty-one dollars a week isn’t a vast amount at but all when on have a girl to entertain is seem la. than M 'et. 9 thought money was the only th she and lot, {mtâ€"why not come and see the picture? t'l good! “The Way of a Man . With a Maid” Bryant Washburn' : MATINHE ~ 1:). Auk-bl l. and II: W W C“- EVENING ~-« 1:1. (Thu-cou- Ada“.- II .I '1' M 'If an. That clumsy dud-hopping farmer boy aspired to be a poet and ended up by being nothing but aâ€"Hem! Where do the beans come in? That “hem” too long a story to an. Come and see for yourself. PARAMOUNT-BURTON HOLMES Travel "can CHRISTY COMEDY “SOME CAVE MAN" “String Beans” Charles Ray Thursday, January 30th Tic.- II. In! PM. FORD EDUCATIONAL WEEKLY TWO REEL FEATURE Tuesday, January 28th Saturday, January 25th Tho-nu ll. lice I’m-u JmLu-tym “BATHHOUSE TANGLI'

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