Downers Grove Reporter, 31 Jan 1919, p. 2

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gm m mum E; m mun scum Cumu- lud many buuu. but they could hardly Dave caused mow trouble- “.- the mum: and pro-nouns. ”Whit does the angry mob any?" M I Junior. Wuud to know; Where a certain H. ll. get: his lies. Think of M To pass the exams with m. colon, and whip Napen'ille all h ”to same week. fly, but it feels good to have a M start. Wish I new semester m every week. irage Two : Suggestions are coming thick and ‘m ior I birthday gift for Hebe. Among those received this Week were: I fur coat. a bath, a subscription for tho ”(entry Digest. and a Inger rev “pitch! in which to hold the things tin-fly donated. Agent («the vaclcr's Insurance Company Life, Accident and Henllh. Fire and Tomad') lnrumncc. Companies the Bestâ€"- Inventions wanted! New yells! LOANS .:.- moo ~â€" Ste-an flouting - Sever Building Gus Fitting leghuo 9-K W. H. BLODGETT Fred D. Helnhe P L U M DING '00 years in business. For any seal) trouble, such as itch~ ing, (lundru and eczema, there is nothing to equal INDU scalp Emo- lient. lt corrects all scalp troubles that intcfm'c with a luxuriant. heal- thy growth of hair. Sent post pre- paid on receipt of price, 50 cents. 1'0 INSURE A HEALTHY SCALP lbwncrs Grove INIDU LABORATORY is always offnlivo, and we would like ll"- opportunity of showing yrm some of thorn ln our I310“ 800': of Ideas for Mnnumnnts. We will also make up some original stricken for you if ynn dn not me anything yum rare for in our Specimen Book. 89‘ timatps furnished on any mm or grow! Rim. ARTHUR R- BEIDELMAN A ROUGH STONE DESIGN Hum 35â€" n N‘ PERVIIJJL Tailor - Cleaner - Dyer flex! to the Post Office Phone 201-W 1 Mrs. Robbins. of the Chicago Wo- man's Club, spoke to tho Mxh school at the end of the seventh p -iod on Tuesday on the subject. of "miter Speech." We are xcnain that her words will have more than a pass- ing impression on the student body. to bed early once more, not having to May up all night lo pmparc for cums. i This is really when a fuller needs a friend: When he is called upon in thie.ns.~mmhly room u: give 1 speech. and can think of nothing more to say than just that. Have you notice-d how much better the electric lights are this week than they Wow Inst? That's harm: the little high school folk an: [flitting Now that the exams are over. we all like school again. What Fresh boat the Association out. of two cents a! the game Fri- day? Did you see R. Shurte make the last basket Friday night. and malm the score 19 to 20 in our favor? oh, Boy! We can [or and «live HIRSCH mnnoul N0. 24 CONVEYANCING nowmms GROVE REPORTER, Dowmsnswcnovgumms Illinois ILL The Autobiography of Colonel Roos- evelt, which in being read in the Eng- lish chases. is exceedingly interesting. We advI-e everyone to tend it. No, (hit in not In mm .nerely a friendly hint to those who enjoy t pod thing. Many worried exp-mica: were not- ed when it was unnamed flint the nportcudsmldheoutthismh Honor Roll for the Third Six Wash. A «Main Freshman is very glad that then; are In slivers in the lake. According to physiology, snorinx is classified .9 sheet music. Wn lose to Lynn: Township High School, Lanna“. on Tuesday after- noon . Better luck next time! be late; day": In “My; han- your lessons well 0 when. 0 rhea! m it he? Win-v. It come- to uniting I Reporter mam. 0 when, 0 W. has my little mind Notice: The following conventions an MM «wry noon in u.- MN! mom. All haunted an invited to join. mh bflngln. '60: Min a [oodly supply 0! brain: AM the anlty (0‘ "plain "n- WHY of Mn balk-ls. Con- nation for It” capturing of I pacing mark in (hour; Convention for help- ing the world lo ndly dnido W‘Mf or not Hamlet m ml!) inn-m; Cow venu-m cf Irma. than nnliu item; for um column. copiex of the 1mm Liter-r1 Digest. etc. etc" «I infmilnm. Valuing Delight In nanny I by product of bullet bl"? Beldclnun, Helen HM hill. Shimmy, Alice Vaughn, Paul Wheeler, Grace Gregory, Georgia Rolfe“. Chulotta Kohley, Veronic- Milnes, James Ilodjelh. Mind l lemma! nom- Hung.- jun! perfectly, (\ml «hm rum: mm on. The tundra nut-1| lho qmlhms I had mvor loolml upon; Whn (My runw- amum. tax-In urn Mme, Beasley, Fumes What is an exam? I! is only a test To find out what are don't And what we know but Most oven-one worried ‘Boul the «median: he'd get, But now its all over. Are we glnd? Well, you bet An unwttled question. and now every day; "What I: the date?" What 12¢ worm- Ihnn this? To find that your neighbor hm: been doing .aomv ailislif Io-unrdnx on your ell-an rollnr. 'l‘hu- playt-r who has been strutting around proudly with numbt'r l on hint lmskvl ball jum.‘y, wished Monday mun-mg that it hwl hem number umv [y umpstecn. ll Dont'a for (be new urn-ester: Don't What do you think of two Freahmen who don't know the meaning of a Busy sign? Course of special instruc- tion needed. we'd say. Rubber stamp: Did you flunk in anything? Too bad that Coach Curtis wasn't in the assembly Monday morning, but anyway, the day was a cold one. and perhaps he enjoyed having his ears born instead of freeze. If you need money. let Miss King collect. At the Napervifle game, she took in $84.08, which is a banner amount. First aid wan administered in a certain Juninr when he discovered that he had pmiscd in a" his (exams. 011 these nervous people. My head will ht- a dent. For I'll MM Md learn not mmoriu T“! I turn on.- hundnd per cent. l hlmlinl all my‘algu-bn. ’1 I Mutual English, loo; I n-xul my phyuloloxy And Lalin'lhru' and lhm. ‘l‘hc-n rmm- examination». AM u ulna]. it umnwd to mr, That. the things I Iludit'd harden! “Mr (M our»! I didn‘t we. Hie diddlu (fiddle, Napen'ille and the fiddle, Downers jumped over the moon; All the crowd laughed to ace such And we'll m". the cup, not the spoon. leaves me entirely «bn't fail to pvt-par"! . from 8 o’clock on indefinitely with mrmehdeeotnhohoppeuflng dimer. Bflngthehmflymduh formunglvhgnmndpfleu. Here it is! What we promised an to further particulars in reg-In! to I iCnfeterh Dinner to be served It the Congregational church basement. Thur my evening, Febnury 0th. The Inâ€" dies will be ready to fill your pines ‘gether for members and friends nnd ‘one o! the entertaining features of ’the acting will he I program given lby rm: mm. The hptist litfim Sock” met \Tllurndny It the home of In. Fred l‘rmky. a My number m we gaunt and the minim” topic “Clin- ‘pel Cars” led by In. lush-n wu cry interesting I: we" as finned". The next meeting of this society vfll ‘he he‘d M. the home of In. Floyd Wells. Topic will be "1w" led b: In. Little, Mrs. Wells and In 'l‘ifl'my. hostesses. 3 Downers Grove Lodge, No. 750. l. ‘0. 0. P. will hold An my: meeting on Monday evening, February ad in observance of the thirty-fifth anni- versary of the lodge. All brothers, their families and friends are invited. Itwillbeilthenhnofngetto- L The Him Gertrude Rick-rt and \Pearl Kammowr and tho Messrs John ‘and Rahvrt Rirkm! of Nay-Will:- and ‘Mr. J‘ Fwd Dmisbuch of Circleville. Ohio, look supper Sunday owning at the km of Mr. and (Mm. Ralph Rnsswrilon They attended "In Now in; service It the First Evangelical chum-h then anal M the study 0! Rev. R .K. S'chwab until ruin lime. Good moon ta luv;- ymr upm- sterlng and rushing done during Janu-ry and February. 0» account or dull period we allow 10 per an! rv- duction in mum-r prio- on «den: of 35110 or more. We I150 haw on ham! nice bargains in wlours and mm tries. all odors. Hinsdalc lpholstnr- in; Shop, Phom- 635. Mt. The monthly met-“I3 cf the It A. R‘s urn held Tuesday “(rm 0 (hr- homn of In. Ink! Plint- on Maple name. The subject of mu- ntmfim was dim and a pager rrnd by Mrs Whitohm on “Sm-ll Counlrk-n of Eur-p.” clonal (he pm Wu)... who w..- on My way tn Hot» In. N. J. when hr ts an Often in "w Naval Rann-cs. Mn. Delta Vlnflom. of Duhmur. Jon. {My of Downer: Gnu, vinflod {fiends Mr! nut! in Chm: I.» mi. 110-! object of her "in" was to and. her non. Elmer, of 8am: Emlyn N, L. Hull". who hu it"! Italian"! m Nru' York city for flu» put two month. n‘mh'rd and": Jun- uary :2! lo n-porl Ibo"! Un- U. B. 8. mum-rm as Communication (Mien. TM Nlnnmlnn i: a “.11an mi» “mm hlwwn Nl-v York and Bun-h Pam. Int. Goorn‘ Rvuu. of Anton. c-n- tart-fined Hm‘ F. N. KielM-IL Mr.” ‘R. E. EILM'u-fh and MI ‘ (3. J‘ ‘Winlcr nl «Hum-r In.“ 'l‘mwiuy in Omn- or of Mn. I'Inll Roma of Ynkh-‘n. Wuh. Mm. “mn- uun lonnvrl)‘ ”Im Null’w I‘hllow. 0. Anton and Wm Wvll known M "w 000w. 1 The H. l-L l’hiluthu Chm enter- ltninnwnt. pottponul bot-nu“ o! w ‘nluch nk‘km'u. will be Kin-n Pridnr Honing. February TM: in (hr )1, H. Church. ”011'! mist It. Do vuu nu mo'mlx'r how funny Elm “Parking Hu- )liulnmry Hutu-I" “ax? (700w nml laugh min. qu. Everybody push-m seeing Parn- ‘mount and Ancrafl pictures to any other. There's (mason! See them at the Diclm 'l‘honm'. Also bear in mind Mun all soldiers and sailors in uniform arr welcome and admitted {we of clmvgv. mlv. Additional locals on fifth page. Andaman, Edward Bogart. Ellsworth Bungc. George Conley, Alice Czu‘howuky, Helen Dot-gun, Margaret Drucs. Richard (:ollan. Evan ()mmhuus. Paul Knoblauch. Robert Modjcska. Lorraine Moore. Hex-nor Whiffen, Marjory Wimmer. Mymn Curtis. Mary Graves, Edwin Johnson, Ethel Knox, Marion Nielsen. Marie Oldfield, Mable Rude". Fannie Reed, Jack Fleming, Alwyn PER80NALS Sophomores Freshmen Georgr- Bunm‘. accompuniecl by Mar jory Whifien. rendered I wry brow tiful selection on the mayhem after which they gave a piano duet. Tea m served by the committee and a soda! hour mind by all. The attendance In. exceptionally Hrs. Knew-rd S. Sherman was elected chairman of the department for the ensuing year. The commit- h-e rrmains the same. Thr "mm and I'tlurational Duper!- rw-nt hold their ngular drpnrtmvnul ”voting on W Minsk). January 22nd. J. R. Shafl‘rr President al the Bonn! of Education. gave a wry 8H.- addrrss an I‘Our Boy's 1nd Git-is" which is- printed in anothm- column. An invimuon {mu 0r Nimble Woman‘s Club to Mr I k'dum by "mm Com". Belgian spy Ind n» form. n: responded to by the follow in. Ion! "tankers; Had-mos H. 8. Sin-mun. ll. P. Jones. J. P. Kid- wn". 8‘ Mount W, J. O'Noill. M H (.‘oioman Md T. F‘. Kelly. 0a Prlmnry I200 u (M an! rrgu‘ In timing of (he Wm? Chub. a why vi" be given ch. ”as In hr “In 51 duh Mn. It is . furr- My ltd 1|th m I drawing uni. "ungv. .‘drn. I'vlvrxon uml .\lr.‘ IL, | . '8. Shvrnzun \w-n‘ mum fmm [Munv' ‘ h ' en. (Brow. 1 W A number a! frkwln 0! Mn. 1.. II.‘ ‘Ul‘ll‘h' urn! Tm-r‘aluy ul’lrrmnm “MI W‘ m 'wl al lln- hmm- o! hvr IIaugMI-I. Mn. m m i”. W. Nulln, lr'll‘ ore-mum um .‘lr‘ ”W Ic-hvh-‘u nigh!) first birthday. Tm: lovrly [)OHPd plnnln wrn- guru hv'r lo mind ”P? of the bunny nrrnmm. Timur fflrml» hnw VII-MM hm- on hu-r cha’a thdly anahrmry for nvwml yr": A/”" and am In" .- yeah; and upry as mvrr n rhr mat Mr [unis ll1I.l||'Momtr-‘bnu EVCI" [by dooI l'h Inn-Au warn. Llrm'uru J.‘ S‘nlxrr. l'hil Modwl Augusta :I.::. and Evening at the H. H, Woolfvrshmm. L. Kluin.“ Wr-erhvr. ka 1001M, (wot; "emu J [(ibumkuth Julm Zinc". and P'LI "rmh. NOTES OF THE WOMAN‘S CLUB MN» (hun- I’vtomn, who is in ’eMrgo of tho Western Sprints Kin- :Icrgnm-n. entertained the mollu-m of her pupils and many friends from along tho lino. on last Friday afturâ€" noon in her kindergarten room. Mia-x Bah-r. l’rtnhh-nt of the Nullmml Kin- drrgnrlen Assucinlion, of (“I-Emu: . mum a slum talk after which :1 social hour wau n-Ivju)1'd.~ Mm I'u-lorson um ausiuhfl h, ”in! Jam-x. Mn. 1‘. l'" Knlly. Mru. Loulu Jom, Mr» (I. H. flange. Mn. I'vu-rnon and Mn: ll. 8. Sin-"nan wow gumm- from Donn- ent (how. The clergymon and two laymen rel» resenting each church in Downers Glove met last Sunday afternoon at Mm home of Rev. J. B. Little and ’discuued at some length the project of using the old ‘Congn‘galional chumh as a social center for the boys of tho village. Messrs Mills, Rus- wuilr rand Baker won.- appninlul M a commilu-u to cooperate with the Communily Welfare League in (he whole mam-r. One of our prominent local singers Miss Gwendolyn Griffiths, had the 'pleasure of being the soloist a: the ;Marion Street Baptist church at Aur- 013 last Sunday evening. Fifteen min- utes before each Sunday evening ser- vice is given to some artist fit this church. Miss Grilfiths sang three wonderful numbers which aptivnted the audience. Mrs. C. R. Briggs and daughter, Julia and Mr. Griffiths were} present at the service. The dancing.pnrty to be given by the Ladies of the Ihccabees {or the returned slums and Sailors will be held as a St. Patrick dance on Satur- day evening; March 15!]! in chke's. ‘Hall. In order to cover the expense ‘of hall vent, music. etc. a small fee ‘0! 25¢ a palm will be charged to all but “Our Boys" and their wives or sweethearts. The boys are urged to attend in uniform. Abe. if you would stop a few minutes and look over their true- tors and tools you would no that the 10-20 TITAN and the 8-10 l-flâ€"C truth!- and the nut study all Ida-tile toil- ben the l-fl-Co‘l. "do III-I. .WE KEEP 1‘33]! ALL! Wheynmhmnunlpm air-nth the rich {Ir-In. anti-kt- m- spring. you will notice that the but he)! farâ€"- and the most progressive fat-en have tndon nd the loot “Ho-due cool: they can get. Upon the lm'niIo-Hen lathehrlendfeedhgfllewufl M. can. yen. and with.“ InfameuItry:nd-rupbdnte {m In 1:: going “(animalâ€"uremia“. Hawkins 8: Hawkins The Implement House of Quality The 0mingor Jewel Point Needle eliminates the con- stant changing of needles produces a more beautiful, mellow tone to your repro- ductions. L V. 0rsinget It must be hard to be thoro- ughly appredated. . Houseman Drug Store Tel. I lT-W 1 Get your figures mady showing in detail all your income and expenn except personal expense. which is not deductible. When the law is passed and m forms are printed I willâ€"â€" Furnish Neécasu'y Form. Help you make out report Aunt your signature File ym report with colleen! Tun-it your tux Funk-h yo. 3 main has never been extend PHONOGRAPH” AUDITOR AND ACCOUNTANT NOTARY PI'BIJC Watch for this adv. IL ETHOLIN 136491,!!!19313114912 The Tone of the Phone330-J 9! W. Cnflifll S0-

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