Downers Grove Reporter, 14 Feb 1919, p. 4

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mu. or A RIVER mm. or A RIVER m The weather in "rm. While I did ya a Hike of mow or two on Christâ€" .“ Day, we ya out every day with~ out I coat or hat to play football, huh" or some other outdoor sport. ‘ M combined with n little work to put me time may nfll ‘ hut teams up the MM. *1 u very mud: obfiged for the *- Junk, they «m. an read with W area. With very best regards fin all your wife and all the re}. >’ We! Irv in I link» town of About I” poop!!! and not v") far {mm [4' Inna. n city at 100,000. Wr go or" cu Hound-y Ind Sunday In lonl Hm to" 42v" and to no what we can. M II M wry much. But ml! K II the bolt plum up have "nu-k. and have m than I". We uw' Eng- hltl Md France. and law I" of IL ~-‘. Yes. In nlco rode an the min-v3 M Rail Rod‘. Evorytimn you (rt II American M5100" you can let other. In the other corner is n feL low that did not have room and had to stand up a" night. This feliow dun not he! very good and wishes hmheckhmoratlnnthda phnktoresthishndon. 011.1”, five had tome "ell times. hm every my eats three squares a day and Cd not get thin either. b 4-: Wm: am it i- 9!!!! and find am you have mind". foot in mm fun. Ind a nlher in you! but. why then you have had a per feet night's nit-op and can thank your stars that it was no! a whole board In your luck or that Windy did not use you for I pillow Alright to m up mmV and wide nuke. Sons Indy is ovn in one corner making a lion! lih a row or a nheep. while ”ting [7tu M! which is held in me hand and mm“ bmad in fine you was up u find mm" M be m m that you p: on. you an hear the fellows pay. “He Is I Frenchman " 3.] (hot: box can In- “momma. Yum“ Inc Alan. don the team Incl and I long {mtg-in you know the kind M make: all m:- delays to I pam‘ lung" train. Well. this one in '8“- ing for m. not mum. Well, W- body come: Along and says. "Well. boys. this in our train." In mi go III! if you [rt up thr mt momm' randy for I pod fut rkir. The I” do not him in going fut. You don't Inn- to at who in un- ngim when you get in uu- ho: an .1 light and the mt morning We“ Juk, yo I bumllw (If pupvrc .- u I (fine Now Yc-nr'u [In-amt, Ind It arrived on va Yonr'n Day. I! van no time Ind all the boy» won- mound wanting Io know if (mtmgo m It!" In the IIIIN‘ old plum. Soma- ny they bu! thought (but It Iran land. At my mu- Hu- l'oul ("Th-o. We ham not rmivrd 1m)- Irurrn (or “Inn ”Oh. "or flu: norm-thing um do" noon or um Mn bu writ In Idler: to ounu-lvmu. 1 Pang-o L Evequo, l-‘nncc, Jun, 3, l0. “BOB” DICKSON “LOVES" THOSE FRENCH RYS. lflIERS fROM OWNERS GROVE SOIDIER B015 “And The Star Slammed Banner Forever Shall Wave, O’er The Land of The Free and The Home of The Brave.” mum? .at the Downers Grove Post 0!”!!0 :19 Sl'l'ullll class mail mutter. Adverbsmg rates made known upnn application. Sulmcriplion rah-s $1.77. per year. Single copies 5v. rage Eon; Issued every Friday morning from Uu- ufl'ico of the Downt'rs Grove Publishing Company, 37 North Main Stu-ct, Downers Grove, Illinuls. Downers Grove Reporter C. H. STAA'I‘S, EDITOR 18. 1918. Vfitmber The 82nd Divldon, by the m. 3 quits - mutton m in may. Mules. The can B'rlgnde. mule up of the 126th and 1m [infamy wu called by the hunch “The Terfible‘ Brigade” because a! tile way they fought. ' m bunk, 5 171mm :” [underthhattheWisthe only National Guard thion on this ddeofflmkhmmammm inquitemhonor. helping to hold a portion of the bridgehead flung around the city of Coblem on the right hunk of the with mlybe here end the?! I mum-l suchu'mt'snhellofnriverto have come all this "y to see.” One of the most astonishing (Mugs ‘about (his country is the swarms cf rhildrrn which (not us in every lawn, large or uni". They are all . idy- fncevl nml sturdy too. I have ’9‘ to see any evidentes of under‘nourlsllv mm or privuion. The people seem '10 have enough to on! and an} upper- [Pnlly in no dangvr of sunning or any- llhing approarhinl it. Perhaps it my film diflorvnt in the large- citios, I new not say as to that as we have not‘ :passed through any of them. I The famous river looked dmry enough thgh the mist and then was no excitement or jubilation. The long columns of weary donghboyn‘ Mmply Modded on through the mud W0 cmssed tlu- Rhine on Friday aha 13th of Dennmher and the day ‘was surely miwmbk' ”rough for even that unlucky combination. It mined tho whole limo. somrtimos quite hard and sometimes a fine steaming mist which went through clothes am as though they men not there. W0 cmssed at Unâ€"itz near the large town of Anderuach. The arm old American grit I wrote you about in August which covers a multitudr of sins. Om of the mm: luv-dumps or; \"Ie man-h (or the men ha been “10' difficulty in getting shoes. I have! neon may men utually talking with: their in! on thv gmnd, the mic. or part of it being mplmly gone.| Who» we but an unusually long mun-h to make we usually issue A Imam mnd'kh for the m for the noon day men]. Otherwise they pt only the hm meals. hnakfm Ind supper width In mlly not enough. Ration: have Wuhan pt lime: but now "my on holler. W¢ M pn‘lly hungry nomtlmcn hofnrv "w hilt-Owns gr! mt up 131“! and working. 1 him "rt-quin‘uom'd" mmnlhing In at and some of the Harman parched [ruin "Mn" to drink many “am. We always pay for what “- I" but I than that they we on n (no! ml {or we lm bringing to than (he imwmb‘r Nor ulna: of Ann-dun Minn. ‘ Winn wv an~ on "w man-h um us- ‘uull, Dmn- bnukfnul at 4:10 or b .00 n 1".an mt. under nay by 0 or 7 «Clark wind» It in still dark. Then we usually fumh our march by l nr 2 o'docll in tho afternoon. Since the fins! any in Dvccmbcr wn have been on the march most of J;- linm Man-hm long and 5130”»- mini, fog. ruin. and nlwnys mud -_ mmMinu-n thv- uticky kiml. but generâ€" ally pom! and “slulhem” a! h but “(do thicker than water. I have go!- [on :o I do not own mind it my loum'r but plow on through it without n-vvn a fun-lime of mmoynnro. I ll sm'ma that the nun er shines} m r WNW, at Iu-nul a! thin mm! of tha- yn-nr. ll Mu I’m-n no long sinn- l ww nomr rvnl numb-no.- lhnl'l have alum-«l rurgnuvn huw il ,would seem. ; The larger towns are well built and “TH kl‘pl, up but the mnaller ones. Hike the one I am in now, are unbu- ‘anbly dirty and unkn-mpt. That such a prank: ever have thought Hwy had any “Kultur” to puns on to the rust of the world or rather to impou- on (h:- n-st of ‘hc World assume“ lhc- proportiona a! u monshmaily. DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. I like it very much but it is hard \mrk. We turn In the homing n’ 9 o'clock and flow at 12 noon and 70pm again at 2 and time at 5 and then open in the evening a“. 6230 do:- Jng up It 8 o'clork. So you are ‘1‘ don't have much time to ourselves fwlmn you consider that we have to H». the"! and restock the shelves lieâ€" [on opening etch time. ‘ The men are changing all the firm: as this is one of the hm embarks- tion points but this is a nearer one so that most of the boys will start from here when they go home. Had-hwâ€" “3!".â€" End-”fl!" ‘G‘QMW Denimâ€"- fldtwlnarcofifiâ€" sad-avuhuanmâ€" Laid In a stock of whisky- m‘huflsfflad’awifcuâ€" Con-mud nude. or mulletâ€"â€" hug-(ran ”aim.“- “name-connotat- Mien m. a legacy? The weather here is quite mild but the dampness makes it necessary to war warm dumbing. I m lemming marina that l m-rer had anything to do with Radon. Of course. we never know when my will be moved. I You an Judge Um "tent of lhnl ‘busimxs w do. The Hut I: open‘ from (to to five on Sunday- IM in: .um mm m» of u.- did om 32.000! lworth of busims m! it s. and m! cost no we had to handle mom node.» ‘I m 30min; to be quflo I store imp I gr. It bothered me fin! Io make changes as some of u i.- Amrrican and some French money. But I am gel- ting acquaint"! with it now so awry- lhing is going along fine. i One cannot help but wonder Mu! (Mir thmmhu Am I» filmy marrh lion; with Hu- oyra or their conquer- :onu upon "mm. But I guru It that |Hwy um bout-r 0!? than undrr "win on military ny-lnm. Hul I firs-â€" Flu-bouldâ€" } Well. I must HI you of my work. ‘ l ramn out how Month) formoon and: "pound to the dlmtor who nun-gnarl; me lo this Hm Cum . ID is just like my mu! store and we carry ovcryIMng 0m tho boyn Iran! bul H is ”In! to imp the IWR upf I It in Hue location of the barracks of Pontnnt-u-n which wrm Imilt by Napoleon and is the night or flu- larg- !oat military ramp in the world. It ‘woulul 1w tlilficull to den'hv- ”I” rump. ’l‘hv thing that impmm‘s on» is llu- mud. It lulnu «wry clay In-n- nomrtimo during Ilw day. I! In ul- moa! bewildering thin con-um murh- inx and mnrrhim: of mm. Mon. mrn. rw‘rywhcn um! now and Ila-u. a bunch of Grrmnn prinom-ru um: .‘fo mm} for one duly ar anolhvr. Everyone is waiting for the order As I mill. Mr. 'l'aylor said {or mo (0 gvt that attended to and (hr-n spend my time looking around [In-x! and re- port at (he lu‘udquum-rs ntxl morn- ing pn‘pmwl to mmu- (mt how.- to l'ontancxon. which is what an call at home. a uuburb of [In-st. j I leit Paris the let and arrived ihcrc in Brest, Franco. the 22nd on iSunday morning just a week ago to- 5day and rt‘portml to Mr. Taylor, our ‘rvgional director. He said I better ‘rr'port myself in to the proper miliâ€" itary authority which means one has lo rvport to the Provost Marhhul im- mvdiutoly upon nrriml at the sta- tion and receive your [u-rmit ulhvrwim- if one did not have it he would I)» _iinl)lo to arrest by the M. P. and ‘lhoy are very numvrous urn-“hum. They are cordially hand by every soldier. When one starts from any place he has to rvport to the same nulhon’licu for a permit to trawl. My dear ones at home: Here I am at. my destination at least for awhile. DR. WASHBURN, “Y" DIRECTOR, NOW AT BREST This letter has grown to a consider- able length and I must close. AL though it will not much ym; till long after the date I wish you and the children again A Merry, Merry Xmas from Dad. n and “Occupation of German territory. My service with the Division dovn' not. of course. include “Juviu‘ny” and the “Argonne" but I feel that I have 5mm some service at that. M’s laws! flasAnyOne Decvmbur 29. ӣ8 Lovingiy. Hurry (Slusscr) All Kinds of Duplicatg Keys Made on 8110.11. Notice! ,1; ‘l' l h 30 D rengmaegg gm 6: south Main Street “3.3.1312 3‘" ‘CARPET SWEEPERS. FOOD CHOPPERS. BREAD IIIXERS 1nd KAN? OTHER NEW GOODS COMING IN EVERY DAY. run line of the well known B. P. 8 Paints. the bent paint sold in America. Now is a good time to do your inerior work and get mad, {or he spy-In house clams. Come in and no In and keep posted an the mnny things in hardware to lighten work (or the housewife. ’Sewing Machines, electric $37.50 “ “ foot power 25.00 “ “ Motors 16.50 Vacuum Cleaners, electric up- 7.50 Electric Irons, American Beauty 700 ‘ For "may your: Ir. Cnmr has been I Dom" 0mm- Township membrr of tho County Board I: as. sistant Suprrrisor. Ho was always lttive in tho Main of tho County and waldv‘ll U"- ininrmzfr. of his mn- :U‘umnt! partlrulariy. Prom present plans funnrnl awn-ice..- will be MM Sunday. ; He had gone to bed “him-«lay 'ovnning fading thou: M mun! and thou! 5:00 I. m )Mtndn) manning EM In” mum“ Mn wifv he- didn't if”! very rrll. In. Cram" I'm [at up and m Mod him and about I ha" haur later he “M he was feeling M- !" nnd though! he would go bull to but! ipin. As Mrs. 2Crnm4-r was helping him h: the bed room M («II Md died a few minutes lacnr, ‘ It in thought hear! failuro. from whit-h he had sum-Nd for ymrs, m "no can» of M.- «ham. Frank N. (Tr-mar. long a rm-irlc-m of this township, dropped dud M hi‘ homo south of the villa". urb- yo;- trnhy morning. FRANK H. (‘RAMER DIED SUDDENLY. EARLY YESTERDAY Our mum um ulnml inc-[w fm‘l nqunrr, Inn of uh In u mum. We film." on cots. It is film “4- lam-1| to do out in $0th l’ukmu whvn “1‘ mm on our dam” in .hzm-s. llul in uln‘uhl wa- av! alum: (Inn. l how you an- all \u-IL I nm ulnghl lml haw not bro" .1qu In url inln lam-h uith (Snlr' 3N. "yo lbw. This is a beautiful country. But (Ivt'rything is done in a dinoront WI) that what we are used to. The (arms are out up into small lots and must of the fences are made by building up walls out of stone or just making the wall of dirt and planting bushes or trees on It. There arv about 45 “ '“ men in this one division 30 you can sm- thx-n- is quite a family if us. WI: all men: logu-thor and have good food too. Thom am new ones coming in all the limo and then- am three Huts now and they are planning {or ten. When you realize (hat the": will‘ be from one to one humln-«l and fifty lhousnml men hl‘l‘t‘ all the limo Ilur~ ,ing omharkution you can see tho m-t‘vl Io! plvnty of provision» to take curo of tin-m. 'l'ln-y lim- up in (will of our mutt-on sometimes so that (ha- ’lino is half u block long and stand ‘lhc-rc in the min wailing lo “VI in 'I’hon- uu- "luv 0' u.. mvn ‘ 1| liu I , rulhor room in (ho hack part of ”It: Hut and \u- gvl louclhvr "wry niqlu' in ono room and haw a rhuplur u?‘ Scriplun- row! and mnn- min lrual~ in pmyq-r. l rnjny i! will in for! n. all «lo. ,to embark always and sometimes iti ’eonu's in the middle of the night. But: it don’t make any‘dill'erence when it comes, they always send up a yell that can be heanl all over the camp- and then pretty soon you “ill hear them going by mnuhing and sing- ing and yellng and all the. time the! band is playing. 1:, is really wonder-l ful the spirit the men (hi-play umleIi the most atlxeise circumstances. If can't help but marvel at them all thei time and it makes me feel that I want: to share in some measure their hard- 5hips. They deserve the very best that Uncle Sam can do for them. But - I feel that the most of them will go back with a lal'gct‘ outlook and on the whole will be bigger men than? they otherwise would have been \riIh‘ out this exp'ansion. And the counâ€"i try at large will be the gainer by 31.! DOWNERS GROVE, ILLINOIS 66 J. D. GILLESPIE 6: Co. Lovingly. Dad All the above are distinct features selected for family reâ€" view. Coming very soon to the Curtiss, “The Common Cause" and Mary Pickford in “Daddy lnnglegs." THURSDA Y. FEBRUARY 20th ‘ Constance Talmadge “Who Cams” Ham Morey “The Silent Strength” ' " TUESDAY, FEBRUA RY l8“: The above attractions are moving pictures of smiles and tears for every man and everv woman and everv child who loves and laughs. Wonderful and appe.’ tling is the fact that you can see all of the above at the Curtiss this Saturday. Can you afford to miss such an entertainment? Price of Admission. a! the Matinee. Children 5:. Adults_ 10 Night. l0 and 20c Henry B. Walthal “A Still Small Voice” Charley CHAPLIN Advertise! Advertise! Curtiss this Saturday, Special Matinee at 2:45 Saturday, February 15th IN HIS REISSUE 0|" “THE CURE” C‘lfliSS Vaudeville! Children, 5c; Adults. 15c. net Children. 5c; Adults, 15c, not and Two Acts of Direction Hilliard Campbell. and Friday, February 14, 1919

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