Downers Grove Reporter, 14 Feb 1919, p. 6

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hm mull throughout a" m and hmhcmm.1'h m . “blown and straw Md mmâ€" :3; nu: long black velvet "Mom. .“ moth "Men-ta. clam-«MM m 0' lm Today um the III. a I! Nan Been Tum... WMQManflqfiermnf I'm on m- reglon used to V» m I"! the 1‘th mken any a! In and tho loot anthem a! Aflnnflr -. mod to up an in mm. mm ~11 of the Irish and the Welsh. the human are In manna. mm- ".3 m a race mm. m9. super m no 0mm and Man» I‘lno allur- ua film of the so". the an “a In: mind! much as tho" ”may mm the "My "men nf “If! In heal the km! of mum, .m- IM archludmpn. knights and h... mm and winds. cm- I“ no hm". All of mm ll! '10 “it"!!! filmmnllty mt CLW'Pmupz W Wiles Savior Patrol Lea-l 1 mad: l'fiday and Trump 2. WM- I‘hy fights in tho H. S. Gymnrr m. Pnul Priciflt. Senior Patrol Mr. Scribe Tronp L LITTLE CHANGE IN BRITTANY Ana. Mrs. TIP. Kelly. President; I‘- Janie Bryn, Sochnry. BOY GCOITTS VF AMERICA. Tro‘tp I'IOWNERS GROVE VONANS CLUR â€"Im new “(emu Wadi-«day. mm second Wednesday in M oh! and dosh. last WMV in i'zm ' nun“. mu. m... A Van! Omk Ilsa Helen E. can. Record lino: Camp. m. am. mm. m. w nod-y M'univw of wk mot-'0. my“. nmcnmns . -r' 431mm hand "In urn-kn 0mm" of I). dang" In W‘ In. Vem nah-Odd; n. l.'l\trl "Inlum. Mary. “If“!!! «u». Amok-cut Raul-a“ (hrâ€"HOMO monthly meeting n 0.» IBM Tug-{:7 a! rgrfn "~99. h (if "II-q at O o'chei In M can" I“. find cm:- anon. DOWN.” .0. FL. Hanan : Elm-tan. mum (move cnu'nzn. 5.1L 1.. L. Chev- llkr, Chincellor pammgnder; l_l_. F. Efihfliiéfi. R} 3i [1. a s. II AP PL E G R OVE LODGE No. 529. K. a! P. Meets first 1. Hal rd Wednesday litgh l in Zindt'l R. A. M. ~â€" Slatml mcotmg first Thursday of much month In Masonic hall at 8 o'clock \i p. m. Visiting Companions always wolcomr’. A. B. Snow, E. H. P., H. F. Lr‘genhuuscn; Secn‘tary. G i O. 824, A. F. J: A. M.-â€"-â€" Stated meetings: sec- uml and foulth Fri- days at 8 o’clock p. m. at Masonic hall, Cur- . this and Main sum-ts. Fwd Down, See. Chas. I“. Knoblauch, “'Jrshipful Muster. gRQVFLcHArTmL NO l'azrc Sh- LODGE G CLUB DIRECTORY Elijah-r; W. J. lk‘idc-lmul. I‘ll; George Stanley. Office- by. tho Cum-rial. 1W V. C. A. '26”. II. W. A, m IL- M “and. I! 0-1. month I. Zifi 'a in”. W. H. MAPLE CAI? N0. 898 . Commander; ‘1'}. W. ".1127. Officer of 058 day; R. W. Bond Ad- jutant; (Secure 8. than. NAPEH POST. No. 468 G A lLâ€"Mecu the sec- ond Satulday- 2: 30v P- I" a! each month in G A R hall. l-‘ A Row". Commander. Geom T- ”"3"?! fienior _Con}m_n a": P.’ hibundfllh, f1. VESTA CHAPTER. - No. 242, O. E. S.â€"Mect wound and fourth Tues- days of each month. Mrs. Minnie Ohwn. Worthy Matron; W. F. "cintz. Worthy Fab ron; 0m: Lower. Sec. REM/7,... Wink s As In .F. “Blane is closing my WI would ”Wt: n prompt m that favor-ad um tn ”amt”: cry-untran- The Mother's Club has postponed in regular meeting for February from the third Tuesday to the fourth, mak- ing the meeting for this month on Tuesday. February 25th. On that date in the afternoon at 2:30, Ilrs.‘ Jeanette Hall of Berwyn, will snail to the mothers of the village. Her subject will be “Home Problems." There will also be music and social ‘hour as usual. 3 All mothers and friends of the lather; Club are cordially invited to attend this afternoon meeting. I interesting MOTHER'S CLUB MEETING POST- PONED UNTIL PER. 25".. Y After the bushing meeting. an m‘ 'tortainmont will I» W" for childâ€" ren to the age.- of [2 years. as this ”a the "Children's Day” Ming which {was schfiduled for ”camber IS and postpom-d owing to the widow-5c of influenza whirl: was raging at that time. Mr‘ Bun" In: kindly consent- ed to dismiss the rhildrm from cussâ€" ... at 3 o‘dock and will announce an: ‘ in the schools. W9 have to have a lav-3a attend- ance u the program promises to hr Il Amcmg “no out of [mm mmts wm zlllrs. bnzior. of Wham In John 'F‘rtznr, of Hinadflv‘. In. F \l :Camphnll. of Oak Park Mrs. Cow-r! and Mrs Not“! of Chicago. TM Art and Liter-1mm anartmenl wiN hold I meeting at Library Hall. next Wednesday. February I9“: at 2:30 p‘ m. 1 Tho Club is greatly indebtad In the Srhonl Board for (he use of the Is- My hall: and aim with" to no imlovlge (hr mnyflimlmsm of II: . Bauer and Ir. Funky in m- utt-dim: uilh the mom. ‘ Th! autumn of ouch individual \'t‘n- thoroughly in keeping with (M various parts. TM High School Or- dwnlr- under Ibo dimuon of Miss Idlhcnny furnish! music five-pm- ‘iu three numb” which wen gmfly‘ enjoyed. Bohr! the ”Know It All1 Chm“ took the board. mu Vanni Goumr plum! a violin solo cramp-n- i~d by Min Elm: Knily. lklighl Verdcnlun ml Helm "IF per muck-Nd I difficult four MM ph- no ulmlon entitled, “Chopstich.” and Florida Wnplr- "cited ”Twinkle. flVinklr. Lime Bur.” “Mary Ann”. All" a quick :mmfomnlion. App-1r- «I u Maw. Schmcher and unload. ”Thu In! Rose of Summer" in Johny UM style. TM a“ o! chum-un- (outrun.- The past pronidvnt of th» club. Mm Wisdom, Wu well taken by Mrs. Bunn. Lack a! space prevents mon- tioning each part but then was nonc- ol the cut who «lid not appear to ad- unlam- in the unnamed min. from Mm. Pushm‘ (Mm Huntington). to Jim. larxmtte (um Stewart) who doxcd through (hr erudite locum- of (M "molly doctor" and stared haunt» lily at interruption Dr In. WI-tom ......... F. I. Bung. In [Muller ...... Lulu Huntington Mn (Thlflon ....... Elfndl Elston In fly-Lawn ...... lug-n! Dlvlu Iiu Anmu..8tmy Vedanta In lawn ...... Panny ann‘ n- luly .......... Mr! Harper r- I'Mhn Throw [an 3 Sherman "in Animal ...... WllMlmfu Boa! In- Woodbo ........ lam: Pam Mr Penman. "pod" label Jenn Mary Ann. "M hon. lym Column ”Ira. [Caxton and Mrs. Vordenius; Mrs 31-211an as Mrs Chifltm who did (not?) like to be written up in (he paw-r and Mm Verdem'us as a maiden Indy, Misr- ‘Anh‘quuuu who thought thst if any mm had been fortunate onuuuh to m-« cure a huuband shv should let him smoke in the front parlor ur anywhere he chose. 6 Mary Ann, thv mall! MN \u-ll lakK-n by Mrs. M‘ l‘). Cull-mun, who kvpt 1h“ audionu' in an upmur. Mrs. E. G. Lt-mon a» DP. Molly ('ult- guvo a 'lt'amvd mth-sn‘, so learned that must ‘of 1hr nu'mbvrs of “w “Know It All Cluh" wont to sloop. Mrs. H. P. Jones impersonutu-d tho purl, of Mr Penman, the ropoflor. and pron-d wry popular. not only with the audit-nee but with j 'l'h“ skit. for it was not a “wally" club meeting, was a part of tlw pmv gram 01' the Down-1'3; (iron- “human” club and Uu- various purtx in "34 Ht- lh- cumuly u'vn- tnkrn by mumbv-r'a of tho club. ENOTES OF THE 1 WOMANS CLUB “A day with Ihrr Know it all Club," Wednesday urn-moon [‘IHvd «wry nut in the school usst- mlyly mum and whr n lhv meeting “iln uu-r tin-xv w-r-w fr \\ dry (-yrs in the rmlm. Holly Culr NOTICE [)1in [Anon DQWNER'} GRCFVE RE $2 8. Math 8!. Downers Grove : Everything Complete for the table! 'm d; Eats}; fiiiily" MORRIS SHOE STORE Plume 183 Downers Grove. I". Funeral Pieces Ben-ti!!! Bonnets J. F. KIDWELL CO. 42 S. Main Si. Mn 24 Fire. Amide... Plate Glass. Alto. Wk "a other INSIYRANCE! REA I. ESTATE 3H S. Main 84. ZINDT’S DRUG STORE Prescriptions I..\_mss and GENTS TAILOR 21 S. Main Sc. M ”-3! \ In" line of Wtddinr fliflhdny . [firth (mgr-lilac“. ('ynrds 9am: Nah: 1 GM: Ru. Duds-III. -- Involving -- Sim" OUR HOME TOWN BOOSTERS ’ The First National Bank Frlendahlp. Frlomlxhlp II A firm": and hablflul Inclination In hm [u-rmun to pro- mo"- lho good nvul happiness of on. another.~8perulor. Lmlm'nu- )ir. llLu‘on will small: a! iho morn- inx session, Thursday, Feb. 20m on "Making tho farm food the cow.” In his work in the county in tho last five years he has had a chance to get the inside track on the dairy situa- tion and knows his subject thomuxhly. Many interesting speaker: will be heard wt this annual event which ‘ahould intemst the farmers of this county especially as the run to Jolie! can be made by auto in n frw hours. Yn'n M.“ “In low. III-- dnfi ol other mph all out the village In “I. the "no thing. Downers Grove Garage I‘m'l Nrnkc Icy KIM Mn E. H. Hralon, Dul'agv County Am ricultural Advisnr. will be one of [ht- sponkrrs at tho Illinois I-‘nrmt‘r’s In- stitutn to hv h-‘M at Jolid, February 19~20-21.l North Side Grocery and Market HEATON TO TALK at STATE FARMERS INSTITUTE, FEB. 20 ul' prrparg'tfqm. Tickx-LL; un- (m 511:“ man Drug Slow. W. H. BLODGE’I'I‘ My” Thx- annual Wunhingmn'ri Birthday Banquet will In» g'wn at tho Muha- Ilist church “1- m‘cning of i“4'b.u:::;\ 1th. A (Io-plow [hail-l Sonic-v TIIIH SPACE IS FOR SALE! ANMIAI. wmumq’l‘ox BANQE \ '1' FEB. 24?" 'rms SPACE IS FOR SALE! Dav-en Grove. Ill. Wholesale and Retail mm. I“ (‘0in Am.“ Mend JOSEPH MAZZA FIDRISTS :Ik L. “and, u (’xicug'o judge. bl, the .;~« 11 1,, \‘l' Inf ”1- 5'. mint: )1! plum un In thu- ( A we. PORTER, DOWNERS GROVE, ILLINOIS LOAN.“ at (I: 281-182 iioun ”final-Q. 1. fl. FRANKENFIELD PLUMBING â€" mum; donation nnnbnll game Picnic business men 104.00 Camp Fire Girls uniforms 437.46 Company Pictures 6.75 Conmbuuons from HANITAIY MEAT MARKET ‘1 FL Illi- Sc. M 21 Cash on hand July I. 1918 Note. l-‘nrmer: A! Merchants Bank 8300.00 Payment: on Sum-mom of (.‘o H. 2nd Inf. L R‘ M. July 1, 1918 to December 3!. 1918. Receipts Overcoats. belts and riflc‘s. Stm: is to hv at 9:30 prompt. By older of Major John I'. Hobbs. If m are not yet identified with this “Trade at Home” Isle- of editorials. gel in no... Your ndveflislnent Ulla-Id be filled to the» around this “nee. Be a live one! :xl Downers Grove, Sunday morning: '4: H310. Fn-hrual'y mm in front of H Company's Armory. Hike will be to Hinsdalt'. whoro Buflnliml will be dvmobilizml. in time to reach home‘ by l :00 p ln lieu of rcgular monthly llattaL ion Drill at the Armory, (luc Febru- ary Hill. the Battalion will mobilize TO ("HER ”OWNERS GROVE MERCHANTS:â€" ."nrn C. 0. 2m! Bat... 2nd Inr. 'l‘o (‘-. O. H Company, Sulujvct Butlah‘nn Formation. Fobru» :vry HM), 1911). , Fun Lighting Plum 'hxr regular monthly battalion drill. 'l‘hu following ortlvr from Major Hobbs. thr- battalion commander, Is the authority. The progressive business peo- ple whose advs. surround this space believe firmly in “Trade at Home” and in the village. They have paid {or a series of editorials to be run here, one every week. Read ’em, they will make you think. Co. H with other units of the 2nd Hn. 2nd “01:. l. R. M. will hike to Hinsdule Sunday morning in lieu of SECOND BN. T0 HIKE T0 HINSâ€" DALE SUNDAY VVatch 11ns Space Every VVeek - LOUIS KLEIN 100.00 79.53 354.83 Vegetables H. J. HAWKINS pumnmo _ Ian-mm “33. Mull-J Electric Wiring Writ PIIII)! ‘Mandel I) ma., equipment 69.40 A. G. Spunlding. mnttmsxes 32.64 Von Lengcrke h Antoine rifle- d nights 38.50 :1 N. Main RI. Hm I” Printing at every Iliad (or anyone. equipment 87.“ Due from members {or muip. (approx) those who hau- agmd to pay on time 460.00 ASSETS Cash in bank 842.63 Due from Tms. Co. for Cash on hand Dec 31, 1918 ammunition. c‘c. 41.59 (:0. L, Blh lnf., amni. 20.00 C. Um’tolin 16.50 Tanners 6': Merchants Bank Note inn-rust, 303.06 Miscellaneous 68.89 DISBURSEMENTS Carsnn, Piere Scott 00.. O’Coats and Shirts 438.27' "l‘lxomas E. Wilson Cm, unifonns 170.00 Lohmann Michel hats shirts 143.52 Mandel Bum, trams- pmt equipment 236.05 Ed. Armstrong Mfg. (30., uniforms 56.33 (on Logvrke Antoine, Surplus Picnié, rattle and rod and right wk- Tl": DOWNEIK GROVE Pl'BlJSHING Company Respchully submitted. 1!. K. Bush. Tn”. LIABILITIES 460.00 880.07 66.25 “I732 Auditing Committee ‘78953 $342.63 | E. H; Huntington, Jr. $1831.84_ W. W. Henderson l 40.54 1489.2! IIILLWOIK llâ€" LUMBER Hawkins Hawkins «3 3 Huh Ht. Hum. 15-. A elltlnl In nevus. R [gr-am! r7: Motor m. 2340 S. Main 30. Phone- 177-118 LEHMANN MICHEL REAL ESTATE AND LOANS 33 S. Main St. M M] Potter Manufacturing and Luigi-f: gonna” Fire lmnm Renting Cyclone lmnm Sdlry PIE“: HOI’SEWAN DRUG C0. The Corner Drug Store mince-um gm Mo l'rnrdfilown (‘ in" lio' Km. (1!" Hal. Bag Bal- MINI. Truth. C. PENN ER Mull! I W: n" KIDWELL GARAGE CO. Ont-Ill" -- liq-Mu -- Slang. Horne Shining Ind Repaid-g 128 S. Main St. Inventory of Quarter-master's Depart- ! nlent. Dec. 31. 1913 l 50,150 2202:]. short fil'o cartridges. 200 38 cal. Ct'nll‘l' l‘h'v blanks, 200 gal- lvry fire blanks, 200 38 cal. special fire, 250 :58 cal. cantor fire. 4500 22 cal. long firv. I target revolver, 4 target rifles, l drum and sticks, 2 wooden guns, 8 oll‘icer‘s lvulhm' bolts, [7 pr. lcggings. (old), 12 pr. leggings, (now) ,7 own-routs (new), 10 breaches (0M), 10 blouses (old), 8 huts (old), 2 wool shirt". (old), 3 webb bolts, old. ' 5 web!) belts, (new), 4 metal mmrods, L (old), 1 broom (old), 2 hair brushes (old), 1 pair fiohl glasses (old).1 tolnscope, (old). 8 pr (hm rons (new), 12 pr black shoe laces (new), 8 pr. tan shoe lam-s (new,) 4 sllk hat cords (new), 13 black ullk ties. (new), 6 hot cords, cotton. (new), 8 leather M lstraps new 5 pr. logging laces (new) 1 desk (old). 2 scum) (old). 2 swivel chains (old)." .. kilchcn chairs old). 28 musket» (old), 66 rifles (old). 3 rifle boxes. 0 xcmw drivers. 1 leather m- nlvor holder (old), I bulletin ban! in um, 9 rifli- racks in use, 1 flag and (st-(Y. 6 n-roh't‘w In use. PAY YOU]! BILLS BY CHECK 0d TIIII, mm. For Ironing Inn-n nml claim: fabric. an Iron hm: tum-n hmuum om In [Ear land In "w {arm of u pnlluhed and roller mm: with amm- hulln; nnlll. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Lowest Prices You're India. m. low. fluu' Ind- ol other "0* all over. the an... 1" doll. (he “-0 RM... THE FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK 0H"! am in Datum Gnu THIS SPACB IS FOR SALE! H. 0. SUPPER TRIS SPACE IH POI! SALE! CHAS. HALLER OLDHMOII LE AGENCY T. F. Kelley Friday, February 14,1919 HARNESS MAKER "I R. Huh 8!. BLACKSMITH For Sfle by Approved B. E. Balczynski. Captain Ghouls. Nave!!!“ COAL 1M

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