Downers Grove Reporter, 14 Feb 1919, p. 8

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lSaveThIeeDollars _; | Don’t Forget Old Ben LUMBER COAL MILLWORK Building Materials of all Kinds --- Phone One Five ---- Pofter Mlg. I Lumber Co. When You Want Good Soft Coal of the department A defective chlmm-y la thought In and will have to be prm-tirully r0- luve been the cause of the fire and built from the foundation us the {in- it had Kain“! greal 51‘3"“‘33' ll'fflfi‘ not down bs-twum the walls, it WIS discovered by Mu. Vix u'.‘ Thorns was, hom-vor. onuugh insum work in the houso, Sh" im,m.dimp|)munm- on tho Mayo no that it can In- telephoned in an alarm but the muffin-built with but a small loss to lhv- mo! WI: ablaze before the urri\'ullow,r.wr' ..JI..‘..n ..r n... Water presume that was w-x; your to say the least. hampvrvu the hlu'a] fire department in fighting a blaze It 1h? Henry Vix homv, m: Rogvrs Street last Saturday manning. Henry W): Home, on Roan-s Sin-vi Almou Burned to Ground Sal. urday Morning will be given preferance for positions now open in our factory. lACK 0f WMER PRESSURE MUS fIREMEN'S WORK WELCOME HOME BOYS ONE AND ALL Page Eight Ont hopelessly Inadequate nppara Fifth Avenue Garage Pirates 5113 and 514 Sample Cars are now on Display at Our Show Rooms THE HUDSON SUPER-SD! 1'0 YOUR OWN BELOVED STATE Mnnufncfurers 0 Dealers THENEW BSD! “N01 without thy Wm: story. Cat- to [old tho Nutiul‘l glory. Illinois, "finch.” MEN IN UNIFORM have been added to Ihc popular line 0! can we 5c“. Thi- roh main wry link "In. m we gunntee it will not run 2. pet can slate and stone as doe: Md coal which the eastern end bar-m have complied n- to fmhh the no. Hug Ind try our “Hi-Hat" 0. You vri a" my and ho "tidied. pr tn by using rot: instead of hard (Imhrldtt) ml. 0" “Ill-flat“ Cake Ina wonderful heating value and 1.1;“ lgun it a! n nut saving over owm-r l'InIliIally all of tlu- furniture “as mwd by "('lg'thIS and volunteer workers. ’l‘hz~ housv is almost a total and will have to be prnrti'all' I'Iw-n afivr tho (IUI: . tho firn 11min; huw bet-u sucrvsJully oxlinguishod fmm Un- gmuntl had Un- walm' p112;â€" sun: hm-n sulTix-ivm, but Hm stn-m" hardy ram-hm! the runf. Ladders \n-w uwd um! “in “w fought from an up- .\tuirs window. Hud lhl' [n‘ossurv hvm‘ what it slunulrl bu :mulhvr Inn! of Rum could havr- bm'n brought into play um! (-fft-ctiwly u I. tus had trouble in getting to the scflnc and after u lead of hose had burn coupled to the fire hydrant in front of llll‘ house it was found the nozzle was out of "I’dl'l'. 'l‘ho am that “am quickly substitutl‘d was no? mut-h lwltor uml ovI-ryonc who haml- lvd the host- was wot to tho 9km from tho h-a LIGrange. m DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER.~ DOWNERS GRQYE, ILLINOIS According to DuPage com-{y om- cinls, the extent of Cmn’s estate was not known until after an invesâ€" flvigtiop ha been started by the public adminintratar. fioing ‘to the Conn farm near Wheaten, he opened 13 deal: to find deposit slip: a! the idny previous mating to $175,000. It m than learned that he nu 1130 the We of the all many. State’s Attorney Charles Hadley of Wham and Attorney George W. Thoma of Elmham are trying to mettle the estate, being mined as Attorney: for Alfred 3. Hey. a public administrator. Comn’s nearest rein-3 fives are cousin: of only moderate} means who reside in other states. His wife died in lurch 1917. not become public until after his death. Then it was learned his ea- tatc ms nluad at more than 31,500,â€" Stops to collect more than 82M.“ in back taxes on the estate of ch». late William P. Cowan. president of «he Standard Oil Company at Indiana. are being (then by DuPage county ofl'lcials, Conn died on his firm It Wheaten last August. He was known to be wealthy, but his holdings did {in- 3200.000 IN BACK TAX SOUGHT IN COWAN ESTATE Such a building must he «Malls locum .0! (MIN. and to tlo this .' would move ".0 unsightly "an yunl Whirl! makes mlr lowly lmlo \illch "to jolu- of all its miglflmn. Hake *ho building occupy I)» am (mm Han-luvs Garago to 0m cmkwpafl «0' this luring nlrrlvly Ibo prayed)- of (hr rillau, exp-vase for gram! mid be greatly It's-med. 11km 'â€" jwonlrl have a block more of which new could be proud m which mld fill a hug felt med in this mmum‘ty. A loynl rrxidvm of Dawners Grave. l'l’ Alan: I" this should h I lam hall with a nltory, a good run. dram-in. mm: and Imp rmgh lo sat at: Ior sown hundmi people a! Dust This is "m crying me! of our mm at "no pmwnt limr. If ”to" war-r oxtn mm, 0mm col-M he put in. a Md: would. again. pan-Inca income. nor tun m"; If“. i! Horn- in .5; mining W. I mm who“ run: .1 mm bring "no vfll-gv some in. TM main flow of IM- Wilding should main tho Village Olin: mutton for the flu chum; I Ming mm for by mu. MIC. A (Camp Pin (BM- if «My claim) _,. mromu- plan. no! loo lam ‘ Thenfon. .- a whtilufirl sub-l ‘ mil the followin: Plan: 7"“ "" ""' uMACCABEES Inge and A community center to m- , Mn tho followingâ€"4M- Inm we? ATTENTION! men: [hep enough for hula ball, "W“ and lawn enough to allow “.1. In" The dnh- and warn of our “Home an mac-w; um to main plmly «we-mu Raw-Won and Drum" to our “WWW“ f... ho": 50,-. .And M‘Monnlnx how have been rhann-‘l. Ind women and girls no bum nun: 7'" Commute 5" ”'3'!" WM“! 3,. movnblo (or huh! 5." “new." member: to turn out and Anon-l .M of mm n mm “.1“. . uwlm- '0.» next nu w. Pobmnry It. to Ilia- Minx any. 11,... gymmlum u, hr can: Nu- ptlm In Mull. for um «no at tho mm of n..- value. A- mm ‘- I KM" “11' 0' "M n“. M m“ “a the m... my emailed In math. this how mint; and “fl”! nymuulum than. 11,5, reception the mm: it than" to would unable (he whoa! to cut didn‘t k“ “d. on “f “‘ "d” °‘"’ bit“. lawn-n1 gymnasium “F" in“: d.“ by helping In vii-lover way wv ran. room ",1 Mm,- "M, magma-d m- Tickets will b:- rndy for Malt-ibu- mumâ€"m Inn! for "n “no bring. “‘5' 2nd-8uri a building should be «n- lnlly loan-(l, and than u no vmnt property in the heart 0! our village large enough for such I banding with the proper pound: “Joining. Islâ€"To be of Luv (0 Duwnorx Grow, to be a community u-nu-r, the build- ing would have to be IN Downers Grove and to thin. Him-duh: would never conscnl~thnl wwa cleariy do- monstmtcd when um movement wad started once brfon‘. l have been intc-n-stml in the artL ‘clos which Imu- rIppt-nrml so fur nu ganling a towmhip high srhool to be a memorial to our boys who have sor- ved their country in her time of need. I do not approve of the tou.,1hip Mon (or two n-umns: CEMETERY LAND SITE FOR MEMâ€" ORIAL BUILDING? The-first alarm came from (he home of Val Wundt-r on Prince Av- unuo and wag another caused by tho uhimm-y. Ni'igllbors noticed the ~smoke and flame and informed Mr. Wmulvr's «laughu-r. M155 Emma, Mm turnml in the alarm. It, was main- guislu-tl willmu: any tmublc and may link- damage was dono. False Alarm Tut-“day A falsv alarm was turned in 'l'Hl'rh (lay aftvrmmn that the old shack west 0f tlw (Tungrt-gulional churn-ll \ms filfiH‘. 'l'ho whisllo was not blown but the fall of lhv fin- bell drou' hun~ dumb; to the scene. If this eyesore cw'r vim-s ('ult'll firv let's 10! 'm' [(0. Two Alarms Saturday The Vix fire was the second tum- ul in last Saturday morning making a mtal of eight {or the last three wet-ks. i As their 6- I xmt «It-l of tori ‘muik-d In mm thin homo mint: reception lIu- mm it “not"?! to be. kl ouch m of u: "do our MI“, by halving In wit-lav" “my wv MIL TM (’ommme in durum M‘qurnlu I" number- to (um out and nm-n-l flu but nu w. Pebmnry It. to 1".“- ruu "w yum In Mall. Thanking you for handing the lot- tor to him and wishing you both the but, 0. luck I am. Hum haul nouw great old upcricm con but will not lx- uhh- l.) u Illv “bout them as my time In limited, will han- lo saw them and mlnto them lo you i! I am lucky enough to gr! back bv- fom they me under". hivtory. , I am in the best light field artil- lm’y rvgimont in the U. S. Army also the oldest. It was founded in I81]. 1) Battery film] the first shell in the Butth- of (h-tqurx. It is the best outfit 10 b0 with in time of war but the poowst nt pwscnt, I guess. But it is nllagnme of chm with me nov Can't trll when 1 will get out and when I go next. ‘l‘his war game might be worse but just the sum!- 1 bdim'o I would rather be braking on the old 5:50. l I am located at. a littel town called Luconay Le Duo. nour Dijon. “'0 ‘just arrived hero last week MIN :1 ”like of about 150 or 200 miles from south of Motz wht-rc- we were sla- rtioncd at the time the armistice was ’signml. [I was qum- a sln-numw luku ‘as we were shun of horses and many that we land, had been gassed so wv hall to walk and span- thcm all we could. The weather was also ball I came through in fine shape though,‘ and am at. present and always have been in fine health. l'lm'lom-d please find letter which which I shall be greatly obliged to you if you will hand to Uncle Lester personally. ' Dear Mr. White: ROY MOORE WITH OUTFIT ORGANIZJ ED BACK IN 1811 5 passenger Sedan... 4 passenger Speedster HINSDAL, ILL. H. C. KAMMEYER LET US GIVE YOU A DEMONSTRATION C. W. Final. and Mn amides. who took over the giant Jelery helm ll Ken-aha. In." long been known in ll» Ind-guy a quality UH"! 0‘ high M m vehicle; It is a car not a one would expat from this in well equipped tidal-y. turning out the will of the NASH mun-clan. PM (In III-sud power of Its valve-irked "or to the lye-fly and ell-hm at in graceful. roomy My ll um lllgll quality In Ck last detail. i) BUILD ('ARS of exceptional value at a priee which large volume production alone makes unable. This means a better car at a lower price. The NASH SIX at the price is one of the best automobile values on the market today. If twenty-five thousand and more NASH SIXES were not turned out this year the price would be much higher. No other organization is better fitted to build a great volume of high grade cars. THE NASH SIX TOUR! NG CAR PRICES hunger .................. l F. 0. B. Fldm numflflflfl鮧fiflflm Sincerely. R. Moon- Chairman VALUE AND VOLUME $1.490 1.5% However it has not all come in yet, and will you who have boys on the Sm‘vicv Plug bring your fifty cents. if you have not alrgmdy done so. to tho twasurcr of the fund, Mrs. G. l“. Hawkins, at the store at 43 So. 1,49. The mothers, wives and sisters of the boys in the service may well be pleased with the way that the money i~ coming in for the flag MONEY NEEDED FOR WORLD WAR VETERANS FLAG ”one 62..“ This is the second addres son the book of Revelation. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Next Sunday at 7:30 p. m. SUBJECT “The Judgment of the Wicked Living" l‘o hrcozne firm-r acquainted with utm- and Wu" cw loan" and that my nhilfly to plane “k. I will city! And pu- - “it or gown m: to: I" who till on!" I new unit a you: during lo womb. of February I“ Much. Joseph CLEANING -â€" DYEING â€" PRESSING and â€"- REPAIRING tarsal-Acquainted mm REV. J. B. LITTLE DON’T FAIL TO HEAR Ton ..................... 31.65. ft. Tan ..................... 1.115 The World Famous Qua ...... 3,250 P. 0. B. Factory W I. W. R. Wllm 11 South Mun 81nd Gina-MI (‘llkd [or III! [WM Ladies and Menu TRUCK PRICES AT The flag has been purchased “on credit" let’s pay {or it quick. Transcript. You will see that this voluntary action on your part will greatly but- cn and simplify the work of the com- mittee.' Had His “Ducts." Snnor (as )w gum-x m hiu portion of (‘tu'm-d horn~l wnmh-r I! this meat used lo moo or \\-lnlnny.~â€"-Boaton Main Fridq, February _1_4, 1919 PHONE 16

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