(milgzgÃ©ï¬‚Ã©ï¬ W pm Eitht Save on your Christmas purchass by buying at home. SH ETLA N I) “all Slim" u .......... In bottles 0 ............ 36, 60 79c Bulk perfumes in various odors For {Juliet}, Misses and ' prices that save you money SHOP EARLY LEHMANN and MICHEL WE ARE READY FOR THE BUSIEST CHRISTMAS SELLING SEASON WE HAVE EVER HAD. EXTRAORDINARY PREPARATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE TO SUPPLY YOU WITH SUITABLE GIFTSâ€"SENSIBLE AND PRACTICALâ€"~ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY OR YOUR FRIENDS. IT‘S GOING TO BE A GREAT CHRISTMAS AND YOU WANT TO JOIN THE CHRISTMAS THRONG AND SHOP AT THE BIGGEST CHRISTMAS STORE READY WITH BIG STOCKS. BEST VARIE'I‘IES. BEST VALUES, READY TO SERVE YOU PROPERLY. mm wan m ovum. THE BOYS WILL SOON BE BACK, LET’S MAKE 11‘ THE BEST CHRISTMAS THIS OLD WORLD HAS EVER SEEN : x x llluu I I'll IL; u - ‘I---. -vâ€"-- -â€" Â¥HE WAR IS OVER. THE lioYé’WlLL SOON BE imrr mun OWN mm HOUSE; SLIPPERS PERFUMES SWEATERS Misses and Children PLAIN RIBBONS ALL Gowns WIDTHS Spool .Tying .Ribbons, Green and Red. Just the *thing for puttinx the ï¬nishing touch to your Christmas Indians. Baby RibboMetc. Fancy Plï¬ds, Stripes Cheeks from 25c to per yard. Ea» aggwgmggbwwmw at the Christmas Store â€KERRY Knitted sets in coats, sweaters, leggins and caps. Garters Booties Rattles Blankets Stockings Shoes Ribbons -â€" Hosiery â€"- Sweaters Pencil sets €" 159757;, 85c $1.00 8; $1.25 Paint sets. Allp Gloves Great variety to choose from. Hundreds of other articles on display :for Boys and Girls. FA NCY TRINKl-ITS Hat Pin Holders Hair Brushes Bud Vases Ivory Goods Candle Holders Ashry Tray 9 ’Pin Cushions Shavinï¬Sets Mirrors and many other oliday arti- cles for Women and Men FANCY MP msxms You must see these to up minte them at ............... 29 J: uprtijâ€"W» Muslin gowns '9 ..... 1.. 75c to $200 Flannel E 'ns 3 ....... $250 to $3.00 Flannel dies' pajamas 1‘ ..... $2.50 Brnssiem @ ...... 39. 50. 65c $1.00 illk Bodlcea @ ........ $1.00 a 81.25 Hoaic um suitable gifts. Silk boot and A: sun («3 .......... 60c £031.75 Blujk, brown, um, white. grey khaki, 3m " V 0.12, bronzé, etc. KNIT GOODS 0:5) 5: Scarf sets for Women, Misses a Children @ $1.00, 1.25, 1.85 J: 2.00 Knitted Caps for Ladies. Misses and Children from .......... 35c to $2.50 Childs knitted cap, sweater (v. n- sets 6’ ................. $4.50 , 700 Envelope was: in various sizesâ€"- Worth 82. @ ................ $1.75 Patent leather belts ........ 50 5 65¢ Black silk chain handle bags Worth 3150 e ......... .7 ....... 96c MUSLIN AND mum-EITGOWNS “OWNERS GROVE REPORTER. DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS GIFTS FOR ALL LEATHER GOODS ETC. CHILDREN'S GOODS Fl N E "08le UMBRELLAS Candies-Large assortment just arrived Fresh fruitsâ€"Oranges, Bananas, Tan- gerine-s, Grapefmits, fancy barrel and box apples- Fancy cheese and canned goods. A variety. Cigars for Xmas presents in boxes. Tobaccos in glass humidors. Headquarters for Christmas trees, table trees, holly, holly wreathes and Xmas decorations. Fancy English walnuts, r lb 35 40c F extra in . was ed mils. per .............. 38c Fancy mixed nuts, per lb ........ 38c Extra large Jumbo Pecans, per lb 75c Fancy No. I, Pecans. per lb ...... 35c Barcelona Filberts. r lb ........ 30c Fancy California A monï¬s, per lb 40c Fancy Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans, Pea- nuts Black Walnut meats. salted or fresh. Fancy dried fruitsâ€"New arrivals. Prunes, Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Nee. tarines, Figs. Black Mission Figs, Rai- sins and Currants. _ _ Suit cases from ........ $1.50 to $1200 Bags (0 ............... $6.50 $7.25 Trunks @ ..... ..... $5.50 to $15.00 lat .. ‘um mm 0' Hunt-l mm. In KIM-I16. Cu“. 11ml Md . .vy. fl ..1 ............ ILLâ€: lo M. GROCERIES IMen‘s gloves. Dressed kid and suede [at ..................... $2.00 W Men's silk giovcs, grey, double tip Heavy GD ..................... $160 Men’s knitted gloves mini AA -n Ilen- Neclmr. Special Holkhy Pull-mu. .. ..... ........................ (9 we. ’1“. s...» d Slfl‘b 1300d lot of sweater coats to select from. Prices from ..... $3.00 to $10.5) Leather house slippers in all styles From ................. $150. to $3.00 Felt slippers from ...... $100 to $2.50 Eun- mans. BAGS mums GIFT 5 FOR HIM MEN’S SWEATERS FLANNEL SHIRTS MEN’S SUPPERS NECKWEAB ............ 66c to $250 GLOVES Store where the Christmas Spirit exists! Fine Silk and Lisle Hose in Black, Tans, Brown, White, Navy and other light colors 35c to $1.00 ROSIERY FOR MEN Hosiery for Men UNDERWEAR Union suits in ribbed cotton at ..................... 81.86 to $3.00 Union suits, wool @ . . . $3.25 to $61!) Suspenders at 50. 65, ........ 75c and $1.00 Dm shirts in soft cuff and stiff cuff stvles @ .............. $1. 25 to $1 75 Big assortment to choose from. Silk mufflers in dark new patterns. , Also black. white I: grey 3’ 750 to Knitted mufflers “‘ ...... 50c to $1.50 Men’s soft link cut? buttons 0 50¢ each Men's flannel gowns and pajamas from .................. 81.00 to $31!} Muslin gowns (z pajamas 31.00 to 82.50 MUFFLERS SHIRTS Ladies. Fancy at 10c to 86¢ lnltia nt15.26. O 8’- Children! Boxed at 18 SHOP EARLY