Downers Grove Reporter, 7 Mar 1919, p. 8

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" Phflne on. Five II.- Mic: lfil lumber to. E: > “mall to 6 notion MCOAL' WWORK h. an' MM talk I‘m- ilr W by Into"! nlMc-s. loaned by W Yd)". HIM Grifith It (M ”I. Ila. Porter, of Link, [nw- n I“ I.“ OI RI"! "unu- Miss My h" the plmlo‘un Nu- knn man». "The Out Ind m 8m- that Wednesday nun Civics Dopam- ” d an Woman) Club guru I "‘7 am pm for the cluh “I! school (MUN: up to “HIM. Thodnywuindurr d . Imam". Minn Rather of "Wm nvn In intr i Thu will bun I very inn-wanna ”(In held tktunhy, Man-h Run II On Chub room- 0! u».- Municipal Art lac-o. Art lmtfluta. u mm Mr. Winn D. Moody. Inn-(in. Dirrdor Mo Plan Commits-Mm will [in- n a Hill!“ talk. wuh non-aptiun on .0 Chm Plan. Ewry om- ln wnl~ nu. Ind (”MW-fly many of thr In of IM- comnunny u well u Hu- Inla- tfll h. [lad to have the tumor- m to “(and (Mn mtlng. fi-When You Want Good Soft Coal A aunt a! Melody .......... Stile-r Ad.- THIt-y The n‘uhr new! mating Mn hold I. the club room on Monday. llrdl M. M. which the «err-nary Mull m truumlod. The Club u M to welcome flu- new mombnn who wen voted In at. thin mllnx. Chi-u. Tambourine ....... Knish-r Ebb- Sundsuum lam-o from "Jocelyn” ....(:odanl Ad. Tilloy Violin Obliuto by Mia: Sundatmm One Fine Dly ‘IMc- Butterfly ...... Avo luri- Don’t Forget Old Bar! 0 Think of Me A Birthdny .. humanlme Heavy Black W‘Innt Fuel Wood, $3.00 for 500159 KINDLIN G FOR SALE Min Ada Tilley, Sopmno Kiss Ebb: Sundstrom, Violinixl Ulla Ruth Bradley, Accompanint. The Wind: in the South ...... Sc Pint: Dmma ............. "man To a lea-finger ............ LaFor The regular meeting of the Club will be held It Library Hall on Wed- May if n, March 12th nt 2:30. will Reciprocity Day and M form vuious neighboring ciubug Vlll be present. There will be a not:- hl' hour following the program, which will lie furnished by the Bush Conser- vucory of Music. This will undoubted- ly be I very interesting meeting and ‘ Ill members of the club should plan to be present. Following is the pro- ‘ COKE! WELCOME HOME BOYS ONE AND ALL In at I! M In. our factory. "nail Moth Ind pieen or by It will plane you I! 33.00 per had delivered .' ! TO YOUR OWN BELOVED STATE Ebba Sundnllmm Ada Tilley ....... Shubert CASH DISCOUNT. 23 Cent: PER TON Ada Tflk-y "NM I'iUmut my wondrous story. Can he MM the Nation's glory. Illinois. lllilmés." COKE D‘A mbmsiv . Clerwonk y Weininwski . .Swphens: Czerwonky. . . . .Cowen ‘ Wilholm K mIIlI-r K raisin . . .Scotl .Huevter “Forge Puccini COKE BURNS LIKE HARD C0,“. AND IS CHEAPER! RUINS FREELY AND IS A HEAT PIODI'CER. MAKES VERY LITTLE ASH. MAKES NO SOOT 0R SMOKE! TM- Irind ‘1!- in IN HIM dim“ “on and nlarmly n pile nf Ming!” was nun..- who" Hu- fin- downturn: (M I In"! of Mum on "w shock. NM u-u- much dam-r was dom- nnd mt at "us can be easily and rum-Hy wpnm'd. and "u- lnch. Sunday nflomoon. 0""!va tn I'm-Md to It» hon! Imm- hI-r (any'n ylrvt A land! fin. I'Mdn “mu-d (mm monum- combustion in In“ ‘ loch-l5 ml mod: It Foml Am. LUMBER YARD THREATENED BY FIRE SUNDAY March 26th tho regular mmwting‘clny Ilot“ the Art and Litmutuw Department "lo! the Woman Club will be observed r as Exhibition Day. 'l'ht- plan in ta .hnva art work dom- by our local poo- plc on display. Such work to consist of paintings. photographic an chinn‘ painting and douigning. knitting, cm- Flu-ting. tatting, in fut indmxtrlal art of II" In'mln, Thc-n- will aim be rm Idinpl-y I collection of the Wofld War Ra-llcm The momberu solkit the hmrty m-optrntlon of tlw vlllngi- In mnklnk thin I day not soon (or'otteu her-mu- of thr Instruction obtalnfll uml plvuum n‘crivml. Th0 axhlbi- lion In {IN to I". It would AM the mmbnnl who huw- thin day in charm- ” tho-e who ltnw‘ m1 work to loan would notify Mru. L. [-2. Jam. chair- m-n of Burlington Group of thr Nu- ‘nicipal Art Irma Than- wlllin‘ ‘ lo lrnd World War rrllu plum notl. !y Mn Frank Frisbw, Art (Th-inn.» ' ur (tu- Wumnn- Club. Bun article ‘ lounnd nhould hr plainly may"! wlth ' ownort nanv- and l! pmmhlv n elm-crip- ‘ tum [ivrn WIN be an exhibition of skill in [that tying, drilling and answering the rar- iomI questions which Boy Scouts are supposed to know. Owing to the fact that the Boy Scout idea is to bring up the average of the Tmop and the poemst Scout to a higher, state of efficiency, it has been arranged that for the next contest no one will know!“ befomhnml who will take part. Each. Scout in the District in liable to In" called on and it is, therefore. new»; sary to him; up the “hole entirw 'l‘mop to a high state of efiicienq I In accordance with the plans lai'l’ out last fall, the \arious 'l'Ioopn a”! naked to make a record of their ob-' servation of nature during the month a of February. March, Apn'l and May.‘ Some of the boys in working on these: The Conservation Chairman nf the Civic» Department wishes to remind the children that hinl time is almost , here when bird houses must be elean- I ed and put up. String and small piece» of cloth put out on xhrubs so every bird can have soft material to [line Mr nest for the little eggs and 'then for her babies. Stormy days scatter crumbs and a little grain for {its hand to go out and hunt a meal in Irain and snow. Protect the nesting places fwm cats, and small boys with air rifles. Tell the boys how much Ithe little birds do toward destroying insect life and salt them to help too, linnte d of destroying our little friends. Have you a little bird ganlcn? If not start one this spring. It only taken a small space to have one and work the Audubon Soclety. o! Evnnntan, Miss Cnlgmllc operated the lantern. Mrs. Remmers talk was eapesclally adapted to the chlldmn as she brot in many little glories of her child- hood experiences which appealed to the little folks. Mrs. Alice Paine was (-lt-ctod chair- man of the Civics Department for 1919 anfl 1920. Mm. Rcmmcrs Sve- retm‘y. Mrs. Milk-r, 'l‘roaxurer. will fool wvfl mpald for yau'r “0.25 9.25 We "Mom Mr. Cadmn’s randidncy and recommend his election, Min» In; it to be in the interest of pro- gmm and wdfare of the village: 8. E. 8.1an Ernest Schultz Wm. A. thleo W“ R. Curtis: A. 8. 8m 0. Frisbie i‘our yours as anon-ivy for Albert‘ Pick Company has given Mr. Carl-z son a commercial experience whidm @111le with his knowledge of the lam? peculiarly fits him to m on the bench; and dispvnw justice in any situa‘ion: which' might arim with pmmptnm’ and dispatch. bringing about a an" ‘ in; of time and money to 1“ concern- Mr. Carlson‘s husinvss connection. In house attorney for Albert Pick 1 Company in sud: u will not interfere with the duties of Police Magistntc in holding court win-never necessary in Downers Gnu-e. i This exporil-nn‘ gives Mr. Carlson a {imam for (hp position whi¢h will "wait to the bandit of the vilhp in 1”!“ pmpor and upâ€"to-date admivustn‘ tinn of ”in law, and place us'lm an equal piano with other wide awake communities. M»: Carlson is a sorrowful lawyrrq a graduata of the Chimp Rom. Val-J logo of Law. ("lass l9“. was admit- I ml to tho bar in 19!] Ind has beenI ‘pmiring in Chicago and Dowmrs. Grow. approving Intern 1;" [ha counts: of Cook and [)qu Counties. in al \on with mate 0f mews , WE. THF. UNDERSIGNED cilimns of Dtm m‘rs Gmflo. brlinu- that in lhn ramlirlary of ('url A. Carlson, Altar. :m‘y. for l'nlicr Magnum!» for lhv ‘Villam‘ M‘ Don-nor: Grow. wo haw an opportunity tn vimâ€"t In Ibis impuri- nnt mitinn a man who is fitted for this work "nu Ma Inga! training. “CITIZENS" ENDORSED (7A RLSON FOR M A G l S 'l‘ R A T E from I book. Thv conwntioun of any “lion of the fort-most Mun-non! atom to he that the Boy Scout movrmrnl In a ("mentho- influcnm for good in: IN- Hvou of the boy. and "w rim-m- lhe school: can mantle with [hill ‘mowment IM brunt I! will be for: I“ rimmed. A good many whack! biw- nln-uly tux-nixed Roy Scout Troops in connection wflh (ho «heel. and win": this may not In- Ohr Mmll WI) 0! nary-airing a Roma! Troop, [3L mom that Hw- [mun-sh! mine-nun! IN‘ ultra to ”w \alm- of thin mm»? MM. The Nntioml Educational Ann-ada- lion mI-nlly hrld in Annual Mort- lnx in Chlcu'o uml om- whole afu‘r- noon was given m-rr to n clincuulon o! the Boy Scout movrmum In con- mtion with the neboolu. Somr of "up but known educator: In the roun- tn' spoke on thin whim and IJI urn-rc- In favor of "u- lloy Smut mow-- ‘IMM. uvnliflng that in romr nun-ch H. mu n Jump in adv-un- o! "It uhoolu n it won uni-in: the boy: by doin.‘ "Mun infield o! ulmply by lumlnu‘ While the past month has not. bcvn very favonble for hiking. a numbvr. of the Troops have. been out and on? Lincoln's birthday liownnm (2mm; look out over 45 Scouts for an afl' day hilw. Hinsdnle and Borwynt Troops have hath held fnlher and um ' banquc-ls with wry gratifying mum.“ The-re mm a signalling contest hr-ld. It Wontm‘u Springs holwov-n the WM- ‘u-rn Spring» Troop and Lah'rungv No. 2. The honors of thin cont-rut wen; :Iivirkd. u» “'t-ntvrn Spring“ won the! Drill pm! or thv- content and LaGrungs ‘ No. 2 lhv uignallinx MUM. plans have soon and identified ‘hirv teen varitit-s of wild birds and expect to triple thin number next month when tho «prim: migration Mginu. The Boy Scouts of the West Suv burbnn District have been active all , along the line and aiw at present pre- paring for In “Efficiency Contest" to he held in Riverside. Saturday own- ing, March 29th. At this content (have will be an exhibition of skill in knot tying. drilling and answering the var- ious questions which Boy Scouts are supposed to know. Owing to (ho l'xw!‘i that the Boy Scout idea is to brinxf up tho uvrragc of tho Troop and the poou‘s! Scout to a higher, state of: efficiency, it has been arranged that; for the next contest. no one will knowi befombnml who will lake part. Each: ‘Scoul in m District in liable to be: callt-d on and it is, thorofom, necei-f sary to bring- up the whole ontirw Troop to a high «into of cfiicionq-J I'OY ICOU‘V. 0" AMINO: "mm ' The White Elephant Sale closed its ' doors Saturday night having netted 3 the splendid sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. A whack for half of ‘ this sum, one hundmd and twentyn :five dollars, is now in the possession of Mr. Samuel Curtiss, Chairman of the Armenian and Syriln Relic! Com- mittee. and a theck for the same am- {ount has been banked by Mrs. B. L.) Kellogg. 'l‘masurer of the Philanthmâ€" fpy Committee of the Woman: Club. 'l‘lu-n- am 'mnny articles mmaininu unsold and these will be put on sale The auccess of the sale was due to the generofiity of Downers vae peo- ple who gave so h’bcrally and patron- iu-d so flu-1y. "all“! hh l lnIlIflMp," n nun-Mn him-ad mainly autmtu. in opu- I! (3T the ”Ii": '0 [Wing wlmrhm orcoumry home right up Iodulc. Pump- Inter [mm ‘dlu, «hm- h to I‘llt' lax-cl mun [tom I.’ In '50 If”. End supply ft um‘hr WHITE ELEPHANT . um.» 1m: in a. benefit oi m Public Library. SALE NET mom a . AMOUNTS TO 5250 m?om“$'c'"m'"'m“ 11$de . belongings in circulation. So when The Wlnte Elephant Sale closed its you are house cleaning will you "_ finnffimdffinÂ¥an$§nfifl member this Ind saw what ever you fifty dollars. A check for half of find that is not in use for this next, IZIJ'LTRIC WIIISG I‘I.I§MBI.\'G -â€" "EATING .12. 3L Main St. M I“ All walnut M“DURO." “DURO” Deep Well Systems HINSDALE, ILL. H. C. RAMIEYEB TOURING CAR PRICE 2: plunger .................. 1 1 mater .................. 2 WI" .................. 8 passenger Sedan ............ I manger Speedster ......... DWNERS GROV [aways LET US GIVE YOU A DEMONSTRATION C. W. Nash and Mn twinks. who look over the that Jclery fldnry It Km hive long been known in "I! indnnuy an and", mum of high grade "or vehicles. It is I ur and. as one would nun-I From m. H: well rqflppd factory. carrying out (he will of the NASH «rumination. From the “and power of In: nhe-in-hnd motor to the beauty and comfort of m (rm-rial. may 0nd] R exprnm high quality to the In! detail. ) BUILD CARS of exceptional value at a price which large volume production alone makes possible. This means a better car at a lower price. The NASH SIX at the price is one of the best automobile values on the market today. If twenty-five thousand and more NASH 30028 were not turned out this year the price would be much higher. No other organization is better fitted to build a great volume of high grade cars. THE NASH SIX ia'.fij.;...;.;:c.' about m. F. O. R. Factory VALUE AND VOLUME 81.49. 1.64. 1.490 2.25. 1.595 (‘umlidulm for the Election for Lilmny Directors and Police Magislrnh‘ o! the Villagr of Downers Grove at “I8 Primary ch‘ction. The following is a fac-similie of the Official Primary Ballot for the nomination of Library Directors and Police Mngistmtc, o! the Villm of Downers Grove. at the Priâ€" mary Election. to he held in the Village of Downers Grove, L‘ouMy of DuPago and Start- of Illinois, Tuesday, March Hill, A. D. "H". Sample Primary Ballot mu l'nl,l(‘l2 \lAGlKTRlTI': (\‘dr [or out) JOSEPH V. DIETER ("\Rl. A. (‘ARLSON The World Film: 0331].. F. 0. B. Factory run I .. ll. WELLS w. n. Towéun' EDNA M. PERRON I". ('. LANCASTER Hm LIBRARY DIRECTORS (Vole (or III) STANLEY J. BROWN WA LTER R. (‘URTIS TRUCK PRICES The date of the next announced later. [which were duplicates, Ind all I” ‘ other things which Ire cluttering up :3 your house' and in ynur way. GM: your cutâ€"0gb and W W Ewen’ the wedding pm“ m m liked, and the Christmas Mi; PHONE 16 . .81.“. .. 2.115

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