Downers Grove Reporter, 14 Mar 1919, p. 2

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I cum: Clemg led. you but with :- Auto-lei: WESTERN UNITED GAS lND EWC CO. in. You will me: Ind lbc "in 0‘ when you run it hot for bath. sin-poo or due. '30-! [MI will never WI! I. you Hot Wm: faucet - [and "’8‘ all I Halon? I M 0r du- It really mean who! it "13' "“5 «lid Wu" when you turn the valve? :8“! THAT REALLY MEANS HOT WATER amen! Altering Fire and Tornado Instance. Companies the '00 years in bouillon Agent fat the Trnvclcl's Jnsurmcc Compan Accident and Health DVERTISE w mnu LABORATORY «1- 9000 “Downers vae AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER Stenm floating - Sewer Building Gas Fitting Fred D. Heinlle PLU M DING Tclophono 53-h CONVIYANCING '. BLODGETT IN DU SCALP EMOLIENT in And let us explain our nut-eat. Specially clicacloun for Fall- ing Hair «and by flu. Cone ARTHUR R BEIDELMAN I: always «Hertha. and w valid Iflm tho oppovtuaiky of showing you stomp of them in our latest M of Mons for "mutants. We mm 8190 make! up some original sketches for you if you «In not w anything you are for in our Specimen M. Es- timates furnished on any monument or grave sumo. I ROUGH STONE DESIGN NAPEIVIIJI; Tailor - Cleaner - Dyer Int to ac Pu olflu none 2.74? Nobody deducted; Nobody killed; Nothing mysterious: We Inland the weakly orchmlrn r9- clul on My mint. 'II All) MIMI) THE HIGH SCHOOL Don‘t target the basket ball games on mu night. the Nth of March. Tho- ma! team will pk] Blue Island. then there wm be n name with [he Alumnt How can they expect tamlxnem Io understand our lanamxe? Here la a sample of It: “fleshed won-n.“ Mr. W’elmar donated flm dollars 10 [ha music fund 0! the orchestra. Th? gm was greatly apnn-claled. Just lwcause the faculty team won the sumo with the Sophs. that Is no align that there will not be a next time. Within a week or no there will b0 another Kama between these lwu teams. we can for and «liver HIRSCH TELEPHONE H0. 24 STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! A FUYURIST POEM Illinois DOWNERS GROVE REPORTEEAQQWNERS GROVE, ILLINOIS NMARY PUBLIC Phone 148R 181 N. lain K. E. Tholin HAVE YOU NEGLECTED TO FILE You'll INCOME TAX RETURN? You any. "Why Is It "m «by Inputs and Mver talk?" We know that day mm! surely fall. for does it not bred: In tho! full? Therefore. it must be mung when It breath. You ask why "on night ma. and In" mtg? nee-ans:- the desk dos» es softly around it When a I'll" need! a frloml. lhl! pal-ems naming one u the mm time! when the I'mfllionfil fuller is "m only mm hflnxing . uhIeQ to class. and [lo (em-her annmmcrs a written lesson . A Madam raised hath his hands‘ "Why ulst- huh?" I» teacher Inked "liuauav." nu the "My, "I have "m and-«Ions tn ask." Th tol‘o'lla named mo- Mung-st and" rm English «Influx mus-u pl: inks: Helm, Mlmm HICrMul-k. “rum-n Roe. mum Who-clot. no mun Whitney. Juniors. Alwyn Honing. Minna. Ellsworth no us". than” lieu. Bun Gun-n (ml Elms-km. Pun"- Rensley. (‘nlhr‘ Inc "allot, Audio:- and Accountant Pupil "I don‘t [I not" a 29"» hr tilt" 1":er "Sumter do I. In! I! Is the has! mu I an 31"- yo." If you tank to tan what Doro-ut- 0! (II. who mm to [elbow Ilo until um! nmw pub. road I mm. a In film All" l’m- II’IIIOVI by a IIG-A I" o! the Jnumr ring We tool on» «In that (M "I." M H II" mum an bum humu- hr nus-mil“ k.‘ thin but“ no.- ovnor n! n» Nuk- red Wumn [Jul-Ito"! In. a vlnllor on Friday. 000’! land to an (in linu- ohfill (or (be-mun rho. play which I. w to [Inn II [In Cunt: Tho-Ito. I...” \\'r road", In hoods Ind ml: uully made of lemma? Blunt! "on In origin-l llo'ue. written In a Junior. "le foot 91"!!! also“ run-[ma oath-loot. but lo could not mic and or null d an!" lru‘bor to pupil who In bun! with 0|fo ”What In- you doing." PI'II: "Trimming my neck." ‘ The C on Ted Cnnlu' Irena-r my null (or Chlc'l‘o. which u do“; Couch. which be In; Cum. vhkh b No ulna Bur plays”. an. by Jove; The score was twenty-three to (ten ly-two In (“or o! Downer: Grove. Yen. “tun ever no little. But we beat me Who-(on ulna. And we're pm to but Blue Island To all” up our lune. We all went home running. For happy Ill wen we; Who- wo but (be mea (an. N filled u all with glee. Hal-sue! (inmpbell was a mum at (he gm Inn Friday night. They're coming. they're coming. The basket be." banquet is w be given on Hm twenty-nit or March. 99.59; Study hull. 99.3; Botany Hun». 99.25: Freshman Latin. 99.01; Fresh mun Engflsh. 99.00. A SOPNOMORE BRAINSTORM The night was dark and gloomy. The null was shining bright. ”The snow mm mm: hPuvil)‘. And It rained all day (hm nlglu. The day was dark and dreary, The moon wu shining bright. A barefoot boy will; shoes on . Stood smlng down to fight. 1 Everybody now knows what his lust six weeks' work ls worth. Report cards appeared on Tm-ddn)‘. Nolhing hllxirioun: Got to write unmethlng; That Is moat serious; It t'an't be dune; ll (-un’l, he dum- The‘spellluz mport {or the week i4 :13 follows: Bonkâ€"keeping class. 99.“; "Emory clasg. 99.79: Sowing Plum-i. If so, telephone me at once. Reports are due March 15th. Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Boone anal Mrs. Morgan were high srhuol visitors on Thursday morning. "I don‘t think "ml I II.- Had Ira-o hr flung candy. Idlth'l aunt hld cone for dinner 11nd Wt the little girl I box of and}, but warning her not to out any of It until after the meal, :1 It would her appetite. mm turned to ‘ human! services were held from the Congregational church last Sunday morning. Rev. Armstrong of I‘- Gmge, an old friend of the funin oficiathlg. Burial was made at the West Side cemetery. ? Mrs. Nlnmom lived to celebrate 1th! 50th anniversary of the organiza- tion of the Congregational church and also the Golden anniversary of her wedded life which took place Febru- ary 3rd. Her lifo and her energies were de- voted to tho good of the village and her influence in the lives of the-young people whom she knew, will remain an a benediction as long as her mem- She wns an oficer in (M Inner society for the last thirty yran. Mrs. Hartman was one of "I" founders of the Dow-em Grow Lud- ie’s Library Amitfion. which m organized in 1891. and the growth and ‘drvdnpmt of the Library movement with us is largely due to her unfit-in; and enthusiastic work in its bells". ‘ Her life ms dented to promoting and fostering all (he maxâ€"m" of "an church especial)- than Sunday School. Christian Evident" Society and the Ladies AM. She and Mr husband “0":- ranmb'd with [he Congmstionnl rhuvrh from (ho flaw of its emanation in 18“, and 3M has been an Mir» mi usa- ful member all tho your: sine». 3’ was martial in 1319 to but" l’. Summon. who (In-n weigh-vi on a farm near Lisle am! in I876 Hwy nu moved In their prawn! harm in Down- I. rs Grout film Nnmmmv. Is ”is! Mary ll. Pinch". m born in England in it” no" mm» to Amrira with he! pur- vnls Ike-n a young girl. swmiinl hm wart" m.- in New Jewry. Shot (in west and was alumni m Whmloa College Ind \ru Iflemnnl a hadn‘t] Mr:- I l' Summon plus-w! I“ 5|) a! My homo m (mpumw Hrwl Thmwh) canning MAI-h “In that); bring cnnwvl In : pmahflr slmh‘ «huh 9hr l‘l‘fi‘h'fi' one wwk pn-tious. M the lumen! Sunday won many 0! Ms «mm. and many old {flan-in com to pay lbw-Ir Ian wupu‘kl lo I nun trim lull “no! In “9mm lifu. No \u- unhonflly nun-QM ad on hum. rfthrn. u Had nml 'm-img ft“!- m and hwhnnd. 1 "o «um in Co. [-2. of 0..- mm. Illlimfln Infantry In Primary. I!“ and was Inn-urn! out "I August of 1M?- Mn. Ln-lhunllgulh slinl July 9. I9" anal Mn. Fwd Bus-chm“. clu- Ilnu- [bu-r. I law your an. The ollwr rhildnn In: William and Lavlna. o! Chlcuo; Henry, of Maul-Ir: Iaulu. 1mm, George. John. Cora. Mn. link. In. boul- Kloln. ”fl. Jacob Klell. null Mn. [kn Wu-nllmhn. o! Downr- Gmw. In [865 he was married to Minx Carolina Anal and thirteen children, nix boy: ml nave- (M: were born be them. 0! the children. but one uni the moth" have lama-1M Mm1 that oflwr nhun‘. 1 MRS. l. l’. .VARAMORE )ed wen- enacted at the gave by his 1bmthlen 0! Curve Inigo. Born on Octobrr 7. 1342 in Alana.k Loraine. lu- ama- with his plums to America In It“. settling in Luce. 824. A. F. A. N. Tth. A. R. all-nice Wu held u! his home. ml then the body w” taken to the (nave ‘nm-t church where Rev. Wm Gmtev Md prnhed flu- !uneral nermon. The (solemn anic rite: (or the deport- 1 He was a veteran of the Civil Wm ‘nnd . membn- of Gnu-e Lodge. No. I Peter Leibundguth. for seventy-five yrars n nexiden! or Duwnem Grove towmhép. died at his home on East Maple avenue. lust Thurmlny morning and was burial at “In West Side cem- etery Sunday afternoon. 1 Two old resident): of Downers Grove Mrs. l.. P. Namnwn: and Mr. Peter Loibundguul. we]? laid in their land wasting place at the West Side ceme- lcry last Sunday. PETER LEIBUN DGUTH [W0 0") RESâ€" ‘ IDEMS BURIED [AS] SUNDAY Mm. Suamon- and l’clcr Leila-ml- guth in Ian! Ruling Place a! West Side Cemetery C8 8. Id- SL novmm GROVE. ILL. rm ”7-! By lllkilg - not of present or possible future requireâ€"ell- and n to a. before or during Repair and Inspection Weew. Havel. - s. we dull be nine to furnish you what you want vhen my"! It. If there is my item on your list we do not happen to carry In stock, we an procure it and how it in readiness for you. It takes the deny, and consequent loss of time out of form emergencies The question of a d: or two during the busy season 0 Mile farm is e serious one. ll up that fist now lid let us have it Hawkins 6: Hawkins How are your farm machines? Wouldn’t it be 3 wine precaution to look them over carefuily w assure yourself that than are no part: needing repllcement now or Inter on? BeforP long you are going to be very busy. To make your crop, you no going to need the service of every machine you hare. The is a little lull right now. This time an be put to mighty good use. “MRSâ€"Help Us to Hen) You and records for the occasion FREE OF CHARGE. in order to demonstrate the beautiful tone and re- producing quality of these instruments. I want you to be thoroughly convinced. If you will arrange 3 Dancing Party or a Musical in Your Home, I will gladly gfumill a SUPERBA We wish to express our apprecia- tion of the thoughtfuhess and loving sympathy shown us by the comrades of the G. A. IL, lhe brethren of the Masons and the neighbors and frielida in the last sickness and death ofour father, Peter Leibundguth. Superba Phonograph Your Credit is Good! Why Pay Cash? Littlofbrd Nurseries how they an I» mule man- at. (mum “any place- in £th ric- inty ludiy lo the Inuit: m- can wroduro. M Today “‘r hr Indy 1'. so". You. CARD OF THANKS 85.00 DOWN AND THE BALANCE IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS WILL MAKE YOU THE PROUD OWNER OF A OW I: (h;- Nme to plan 31"" (rounds. Lot m show you Devon: 016”; If" ‘M J]! J“ The 1111 lement House 0 Quality When speaking over the telephone speak directly into the trans- mitter with the' lips close to, but not touching it. Speak dis- tinctly, slowly and quietly. The vast majority of telephone calls are made for business reasons and conversations should be carried on in a businessdike way. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY A cigar in the mouth and an averted face don’t help in a tele- phone conversation. L. V. Orsinger THE CHILDREN Phone Bell we will give a discount of 5 per For every 10-20 Titan Tractor all and settled for before Much 8th. Friday, March 14. 1919 System HAWKINS HAWKINS FARMERS

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