Downers Grove Reporter, 14 Mar 1919, p. 8

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Pugs Eight 'M in [he firmwar) um] rurayun-r muted - conntituuon and hy-lnwu Al lht- nit-«ting of ”II‘ Hu'mirul 80!:wa at Hu- Libmu ml ‘lm'minv evening ”w l’n-mh-ut Mr. Hm. ll. Heart! pvrninlrd. Mu. Wm. thlzel'. a: host?" um! Mm Hmu'hnt'. will have (lunar «I Hu- program . “a In- AM! I hath M nun-at “O! are Mr. uhn'n In.“ "on. .0 manpomnn «mm Tho up" m. I. M "no anal! ”Ch! .310! M nanny mid and um. I mun-rant bflm M mun. Pannie- m nun ribbon In "uno- n! pur- ’0. "In 91. Th. Inn-ran! Irn'mg h m M "u- m- vhm "cred 0.." pm: "It-«Inn Illh long m can and run. The M1 tell. In or! navy best ‘ Th0 Woml‘n'x Stu-”(5‘ of “In Hapv an thumb “ill hold (hnr monthly mlulonnry mH-ting I! ”m humn- of I“, A, H. VanVnh-n, '12!) We.“ Inple m-rnuv. 'l'hunsdny unvrvmon. Inn-h 20. Mn. Mud-"0r “'5" mud»: A «lining mom am! kito'hvu >-hom~r for lbq- Baptist rhurrh will ly- hold It the harm. of Mr. and Mn. Seymour Nnr, 125 ('anunlm' rlrm-L Tut-May evening. March I“. All inn-"mun: friends un- invilrd to IM‘ pH'N‘nL 1M MVP”): water level main in“ 21 P. to 150 (get. 4457' I. "M Iii: a hutkship," cramm- hl I'd entirely lmuc "‘ oper- The Rev. Hawnrd Sun-(want, ax- sistant to 0mm Lathmp of All Saints Clthfllrul. Milwaukm- nnd Hussmau- of the Rev. H M. MacWhmu-r, will be a vinitor in Downers (Emu: on Wednesday and uill pn-zu-h in S. Andrew's ('huwh m. (hr 8:00 o'clock Lenten m‘n'iro. Discharged mkllers and .«nilom ,. I will give you 20 pt-r (mm disvuunl on pressing, Naming and I'd-pairing your clothing for (hm-u- munlhs flfll‘l‘ your diu’hurg'n 0. Hirwh. â€"-A:l-.-. Mr. A. H. VnnVak-n hm: juul I'd-- ccivcd tho sad nrwx of thv- drum 0! Sin brother, R1 V. 'qul D. \‘nnVulo-n. mothodinl missionary in Indiu, ROCK m TWO MI!) U“ the thing to hrin‘ suhurhm a many home fight up to damn W VIM from went, VIM-rt! f..â€" 07 “DURO” Deep Well Systems PERSONALS “a... ._.. ~~rr , lamp-1mm Ibo-u the WIRING St. Patrick’s Day ? Entertainment Come and Bring Your Friends! .lvumnstrntilm tho (-nnm-rmtion nf heat. ofl'cring Wonder- ful ummrtnnitivs to one and all to 59mm an income thru the 1:30 nf his \mmlorful inventions by manufactm‘ingg. (~t('., us well as presenting an nppnrtunity for the improve- nwnt and rapid growth of yum‘ town. .\n interesting: stereo timn lecture will be given u! ”w Dicko 'l‘hvzuro «m Frlt :ly evening. March 21st. at 8:00 n'('ln('k sham by Frederick I. Mcflahan, lm-I hr did not huu' time In stop for um,- mm whllvnn nhilr burr. M" "““ W‘ mm“ M n“”""‘-‘ Mrs. M. K. llunh, chairman a! div ('olu.. has bm-n uniting hlu Hector Hn'An Commiltw of "w rlrvmth diu- l , . ‘llmry S. lllhn whilr nurndlng they‘l'k‘ and Mr!“ r: R lu'lln' "WNW In mowing of "w Weak-(oak Womnmu ‘(Tluh nn Momluy ulla‘moon. Mrs. _ . . ‘ V warm (0, m (Mr-go. Iln .Hobnlumh (mo 3 ‘ “ intolruling talk on ""‘° h"! an ""' K‘""“-‘- Dwr ""‘!'-"r|"Art" ll (Mu Int-Ming which ways )lnu film-n It. Hogw- and hunhlndflhighl)‘ rpolu‘n of by "an Woodstock o! (‘umu hunt. and lhur Iner. T. ilmhfl (‘ '11 'U. I I b. H - ‘ _ H 1“ i, Datum M " )wnxv‘r, Mum u! "11- nIIk-r nwmhv-rn of (hr “' """“"" "‘P “"‘ “ '"""‘"‘ "M'mm. “m In nn'rvml m Imam n! "w unmul muting a! 1hr "Info“! In.â€" om- nf the mo»! sun-rnh.‘ um! Dm- gr Jvu funny-n. in - Sum. "0 owm‘ and opt-rah“ 0w ”2 «la-Ha Stock aml (2min Rum" and run-w.- hon- o“- u'rl (W - nu Agncu' --' 9n Illl'r ‘anl. whirl: in 'I‘hl,: hn-hl at ‘1'. l'! 0.x Sunhny Maw): 11;. thlvu‘au-s fm'n l-vw-Iy gm Ir~h of ”w [\Ihllimvm- u'il' “Ht-ml “Il' cmuvnliun nf the Holy ‘anm' Snrirty at Hnly Amy’s Hail, [Unkwmul lhmhuu-v! mnl Vim-mum ‘mmmn, (Shh-ago. 'I'lu‘ mm-tim: \vi" Marl nmmplly at 2:30 [L m‘ as an I'nlin- m-w flilh‘ of "fliCl‘l‘n' for 1h!- A'Tlldilfl'fl'fiil'l l'nion num'l be I‘ll-Nod. Hirhop A. .l. Mrfiarick. apilitnal dir~ rrtm', will mah- n n-pnrl on the work .lnm- by ”w mcirty dun-mg 1hr mu: Mr. Arlhur I’lmmng m’ 1\';|'§. II. bmlhbr u! Hm. U H. Flr‘min" P. “M :u wvla)‘ fur ,I \‘rva \isil i Thv \\'mnnn‘.~' Auxiliary n'f Amln “"5 flnm'h. undv-r ”w vliwctimv of Mn. .‘lu I" (Min-r. hold an in- l.| Um: )m-Minu In,“ 'l'uI-sday artw- mu :1! ”in rn-z‘icll'ncn of MN. {ost- \Va'lh‘m A misiion Mudy ('L'lss «our writing lhv “-qu ul' Hu- rhun-h in th" Huvaiiun l, .‘lndr‘ \m.‘ mmdm'lml by .“l .. Anuwln Ilulnws. 'l‘lw miwimb any \un-k m “w l'hilimnim- Island~ \HH bu llu- (upir m ”11- April In ' fling. that had barn propared by a commit- tm- of Mm. "lodzvu and Mrs. H‘ S. Paine, this was adopw'l and “w mm! “wt-ting will he Ami! 1. L. '.l '8 urlock at Library Hail whrn an vnh-r‘uim nu-u' \' in In urn-n. “The Heat Unit Man” Brain, 8:“ o’clnek. Adm-45¢ 5 J FREE! for the benefit of St. Joseph’s Church Monday,March 17 DICKE THEATRE ox 1-. .\l. inning 4'. DOWNERSVGBOVVEHBEPORTEB, DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS Man) to! llu- fl'l'l‘r nwmhrl‘n o! 010‘ Club will In [HIWN' lo Imam n! "w pun-Inn away of Mr- Smoky «I Woodnlovk. Mn. SmiII-y wan wn-Il I Tim ufll‘l'nonn “wk on lln- :xspm'ts '01' a rocipmcily day um! \'i.~ilul':< from :3 number of rluhs w-ru- pvt-mm! a- ‘mum: llwm brlmz rt-pwwnlmivos 0" “hr Womvns clubs of (Zlvn Elh‘n. ('na- lyre" l‘mk Aunnu. Nuprhillo Ilinx- «lair; Hmokfiohl. lmnhmnl: JuliM: Elmhursl; lficm-yn; Western Swings mm! llu- )Iotht-r» l'lub uf liownm‘ Grow, UKhl M'fn'shmruls \u-rr sown-d. which follou'mf by a social hour, mm- pII-tn! Ihr day. 0f 1h;- innrunn-mal nunwlmns by Miss Sunndmm. Schubmt‘s “Aw- Mur- in" and lhn “Licbt-sll'id" by Kl‘fi'ir’i'l‘. u'mv palm-ulnrly ph‘il>i r. Tht- [hm-o, all from llw Rush ('(mâ€" wn'utm'y of Music‘. intt-rprvtmi numâ€" hm's with finding and t-xrrulilm st-L dam rxcr-HI-Il. In H xmiI-s nl“ l-xm'pliunzli nmril pm- imps‘ the most vnjoyublu‘ «If llu- rm‘ul "mum-rs sung by Eli» 'l'ilh-y was ‘hv "”1'|‘('l“.l~‘¢‘ from Jm‘niyn,” ((nulufil). in which (hu soft nnh-s of {hr \‘infin nblignto by Mi» Sunulslmm nwllral mm Hu- full rivh tom‘s of ”w .«ingrr nml “ilh (lw wondvrful :u'umpauiâ€" mom fun-‘Im-d a tnnul bm‘kuruund a:- gains! uhich the llll'|()ll_\' stood mu m Ium‘fm l‘inlinf‘ntws‘ A nu»! enjoyable pro(grammo of music was pw-sI-nh-vl last Wednesday :nl‘tvrnnnu m Hu- mgular meeting of: the Dawnm's (hum Woman's Club by" Miss Ada Tillv) soprano. Miss Elihu Sumhlmn, \‘iulinst and Hi.“ Ruth "mum-y, Tmnpanisl. THROBBING VIOLIN .km‘ ‘r Sm AND SWEET VOICE mm, CHARM HEARERS‘IW 0' NEWS OF THE “Y on DOWNERS GROVE _b.v' PICNIC IN CALIF. ,known in club circles thmughout the 1State and in her death the clubs of .this district have sustained a great :mrl- of gum} things for (harm who pun-hunk of tha- dinm'r N‘l'Vl'li, An impromptu program (alum-ml, during: 'hich It-v. Franklin Huling H-cnuntml mm 01.5” .9. «Q "9).qu ’h"‘ ,On March first thv mvmbcrs of (hp hmvm-rs vao Association assombiod at midday in Sycamore Grove. Lox Amp-kw. Fim- woaflwr enlmncml the ph-uâ€"uw nf ”ML-11' nsflcmbled, number- ing about! fifn‘. In n'v-spolmo m invitations. 1hr mom- luv.‘ and gm‘sts |)l‘0\ill('(l an abund- nn- of gumi things for than» whu TELEPHON E ON E FIVE Windowx Screens Millwork Flooring Roof ing Siding Moulding Lath Nails Etc Lumber Shingles mNsnALE, ILL. TOURING (‘AR PRICES 5 manager .................. 1 1 passenger .................. 2 ”my" .................. t passenger Sedan ............ 4 ”mg" Spain" ......... F. 0. B. Facury C. W. Nash and Mn loud-tn. who took over the (inn! Jolory factory It Keno-ht. In" long been III-own In u» industry an qndily km":- of Mg!- grade no»: vehicle; It is I car adv In one would "bed from this fix well equipped hater]. carrying Cl! the will If Ibo NAsH mtg-ninth". From the “uni '0"? o! m vulve-in-hefl motor I. the bounty and (0me of in l'lfl'fl'. roomy tidy it «pram high qnl'vty In "I: In! detail. LET US GIVE YOU A DEMONSTRATION ) BUILD (‘ARS of exceptional value at a price which large volume production alone makes possible. This means a better car at a lower price. The NASH SIX at the price is one of the best automobile values on the market today. If twenty-five thousand and more NASH SIXES were not} turned out this year the price would be much higher. No other organization is better fitted to build a great. volume of high grade ears. THE NASH SIX An opportunity to figure on your rmuiroinents in the line of Lumber and Building Material will be appreciated. The war i:: on“ and a period of reconstruction and expansion i3 now in order. Don't delay longer your plans to build, remodel or repair. The welfare and growth of our ('onnnuntiy centers around it's people having pleasant, up-to- «lute homes. Do your port now and complete those building plans? Potter Mfg. 6: Lumber Co. BUILDING SEASON MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS BUILDING MATERIALS 0!" ALL KINDS LUMBER -â€" (‘OAL -â€" MILLWORK OUR POLICY l‘rmnpt Service, Best Quality. Right l'rim-s VALUE AND VOLUME Begins Next Month “H.490 .. 1.64. .. L49. .. 2.250 . 1.595 Mrs. Chilvers, president of the as- ‘socintion. had asked members to bring fpicmrcs of presc‘nl and former mai- {dcnts of Downers (now. These pm- Evidcd entmlainment “hen passed a- round in a guessing contest to deter- ;mine who could identif) the most a. ‘mong the photographs._ ; A gold-fringed bunnm', bearing thI Inamc- o! Dou’nm's Grow, was conspic- [uously displayed to indicate to pass- ;orsby who the picnickers werr. Th4- ‘pwsident provided 5mm- handsome badgps mmh- 0! white satin ribbon. bt-urinp: (ho rillazn namv in gold lot- tors and nth-rum! with u hand-painted tk‘r’ign of golden rod, the Illinois slatt- fl n \\'r r. some a! the interesting experience: he had during his brief experience as an army chaplain. (‘mnvidl-ully, the Illinois .Asxocia H. C. KAMMEYER gfi PHONE 16 "I! World Fauna Quad ...... 3.250 rum TRUCK PRICES F. 0. B. Factory Thu Reporter's courtesy in almanac- ing the picnic bmught out some Vila olhc‘rwiso would not have known of (be enjoyable occasion. The necretary, Mrs. Ruling, was uu~ able to obtain I complete list of thou! present. but members of the following families were there: Riddler. Caldwell, Mann, Aldrich, Suchcr, Gilson. Gar- diner. Golish. Holfert, Sager. I’ridhlm, ‘Whitman; Johnson; Lindloy; Rogers: ‘Mailland; Marshall; Kenyon; 'l‘olznd: White; Common; Gumbn'l: Craig: Mitchel; Law; Rutherford; Franklin; L'hlcu; Stylm and Messman. It proved in the nature of a fare- well to Mr. and Mrs. l'“ D. Lindley. who lo-fl llw following day for home and will have been able to givl' first- haml I’vws of Um r‘vt‘nl. tion held u picnic reunion in Lincoln Park that (by. Friday. March 141 1919 TELEPHONE ONE FIVE ..Sl.‘50 .. 2.175 G rave! Cinders Cement Plaster (‘olte Etc.

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