Downers Grove Reporter, 28 Mar 1919, p. 7

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Graduate Nurse Iv. moon“: mourn]. none “-1 0m 6 HM! Scrum. Om. Lindky Building; Phone I Res. 50 Onkwood Ave. Phone 16 WK! Hours 1:” to 5:30 p. 7». Evening omce hours by appointment. VETERINARIAN Downers Grove, mum J. I. cum, D. V. l! mtund nos-Iran- l5 0%“ A" rm m at"?! m: "In... Ina Mind-.- P.o.lu21. la. ”Angle. i; r. wonsuzv. M. D. Tuning 6 Hauling Ann-duo! oddjohn by the day or contract than firm, It. I, M ISLMJ lambcape Gardening our _ Specialty 3) Acres Tram, Shrubs, and Vines best for this climate. Uttleford Nutter}:- Phone 3214 nu: luv :01 s. Int- 8:. F. W. KETTENRING 8. NM Ave. But Glow Officé 67 E. Maple avenue Office hours 2 to 4 Do you want your garden plowed. u 5' p. m. The Bible and Christian sauce Bur-tun any h- m or pur- ehlodoldwmludum Visitor; G. a. 10132., n. D. My service, 11 3. BL; Wainw- dly. 8 p. m; My school. 10 I. I'll. qummroomilopentothepub- ‘Ie 9n loudly. and Fridays Inn: 3 MARY S. DEREK 9:45 I. III. Sunday School. DI. W. W. GOURLIY me u Reeds-re - M 77-] N. Ford A", and Fin“ 3'. M. L. PUFl'lR, M. D. meifl'lAS I SI 'Rflftfl,‘ Spring Plowing Physician 6 sin n ”I“ crave. . ”RYE. MARTIN “381' CHURCH OF CHRIST. ”ENNIS? HIST 1mm“ CHUDCI DIS. GREGG noun [humon- Gm: 7010...: I12 0f Heicn E. Gregg Downers Grove alZ-W-Z 1919 of UNITED 33mm CHURCH OF EAST GROVE the Congregation. All church mem- hmamnrgedandnqnemdtobe present. Wednesday, April 2nd. 3:45 p. m. (Zucchini. 7:45 p. m. Monthly Missionary Prayer fleeting. ‘ 8:30 p. In. Helium! for the Enter Cancun. Tuesday, April lst. 7:45 p. m. Annual 8. 8. Meeting followed hy the Annual fleeting of Sunday. Mam! 30th 9:46 a. m. Sunday School. ‘ Special mums” for the (herd Sunday Sthool Board. Song manic» {or Program. llrfl) a. m. Morning Worship. We will haw [lu- people in the audience sit by family groups and will have a special mm on “The Chriatian Home.” Have the whole family (mm 1 6 4.5 p. m. loung Peoples' Alliance. ‘ Topic: "0n the Peace." | Leader: hm: Palmer. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. A special owning service “2:. by :the members of the Student Volun- ‘uer Band from North Western Colâ€" lege. Napervlllo. Lots of extra mu- nic. '88udent speakers. Honky, flank am. 3:45 p. m. Catechism. 8:“) p. In. April Y. P. A. business “Incubus. 358.8%!!an Mywmfltm. Rn. llnlph Kendnll saw-b. Punt. FIRST EVANGSIJCAI. CflUlCfl "on hour 0-!!!th every Friday ’rmn I to i p. ll. sum!" 0! (he MII; Harriet] Women an 4” am Sunday; Young Lidia on '0» Serum! Sunday; Boys All! Girls at the "fin! Snmbr. Sunday» 4 A. In. In». "db; 0! 9M Gospel and Epistle of (h dly. vrm; no t N... High Inn. tad!" of {be (hep-l and Spin". 0! "no “7. gum; 3:30 p. um. um". benedic-‘ lion. um; hpuma. 2:3 pv nu. ¢ Week Illynâ€"afldy Communion. 7 I. «1.; Man. a I. m. Sunday School 9:“ r. a. ”will: 80*.“ 7:” 9. ll. (hm-brutal [Mum-Mono m flm by the parlor Tnoadny- and Thun- thyp ll 3:1!) p on 3nd Saturday- It 9:30 ., m. 81'. PAUL‘! IVANGBUCAL OIOVB mm CHURCH 8:00 p. m. Thursday. Chou who“. a! u u:- bone 0! lb. Tow-hr. rm. PM: of t» Nonm- Bap- nu Theological 89mm" will he tho MI: 0! the «out. Our boys who hr; return-l {m unite will to M at beau. azmnnIMythoc-nvuulc icommute-c um and It Uh Pan-um 8:80 p. a. Wed-ad”. April 25d. Ann“! Church Baum Medin- a: which may member is urged to in pm". A up." will be and by It. Min 0! tho that. A protru- Subka: “God's Opinion of n In Who [doodles “mm Thinn' with the mm Good.” dlvkung flu won! of truth. 7:80 p. m. Begulsr Preaching Ser- So come you; people one and III an! In. us “Study to minor «Inches ‘upm'od unto God workmen uh: Nm's Scam, and. n the am I’vefldelll Wilma has I.”- “A m hu deprived him-cl! of the best “It" is in the world who h” Mm!" mun a: Intimate hth‘ce of m Next Standby we are going to take up a regular course in Bible study. Our pastor ins been secured us teachv er. he inform: us tint the Synthetic lethal will be lollowed. This is an ‘oxcellent opponunity I» get an under- :mnding o! the Bible as 3 whole und‘ mhhooln;wlolouneenlnlts‘ "mum to thc other book: of the} 81'. IOSIPH'I CATHOLIC CHURCH 6:30 p. m. The Senior Young M pleu' Society; Next Sunday In the regular time for the election of ofl‘ioers {or the coming year. Let all interested be present. “:00 a. m. Homing Worship. Mess-gt; The Work of Our Church. 3:00 p. m. Junior 8. Y. P. U. ‘ Kenneth Morton, President. This‘ society is [moving both helpful and ninoeresting. Every member is requesâ€" ted to bring pencil Ind note book in order to keep a record of the work being done. The In. Wu. Gulch“. Pastor. y There I: no logo! and forum slavery ‘m In any Christan country. It sn- ivlveoln amid form In most lob-I9- Iiednn comma. The maze «yum of nun American cannula Is not much allot-ant mom slavery, but non madlflauttheory. Them. not supposed to be owned no property: be I- w to be working to m I Mt which In or. the m. ‘ I Ralph Yackley, eldesc son of ML] :and In John Yacht-y died at the. ‘honw of his parents last Sunday “up! noon aflpr seven! months sickness. AflMeonldhL-doneforhinm done at the mm! in Peoria all It the Kimble Quintin". all n he; by his loving parents. he had been: :home for the last fnw weeks. anâ€" , ‘eral services Item held It the 88. Peter Pull church Nmrvile, Weds-f nesday morning and burial was mule at the Narrville mmetery.1'hel1 young mun was mum your: 0'" Ros-a Rogvrs is enjoying a ten day vacation from his studies It "dial University and Romano [my in hum» from Chicago University. ‘ Fred Plumb Nu mtumd to Alma. Iowa to take up his farm position on the biry farm of Mr, Adams, state S‘mnbr of lawn. Holland. Mich Mr. and Mrs. \‘anDt-nburg luv: returned frmn a vim with nhtives at Ilinlvflong Nixs Chmhn’v llinvrlonz was a 3:6fics...‘ gamma” Nollie "0:. visit" :n. ”w homo «f Mr. Frank ms. wu illntl ut RM FM! Gm": and “1,, Miss Mary Klinl. of (‘himzm sprint the 'W‘k (M II the homo of ”r. and lira. Chas. Nude-l. IEVISY NOTES FROM [ISLE AND BELIOIT Study for Sand-u. larch m: Review. 00"; “tad '- I Nation's Life. ‘lor Iona. Inch In their than man every and" morning It 0:45 {or Bible IND". Visitor: and new W hen III-n vdm. In. On. Low". lather. (mu Sud-y. larch ”an. ”I! Rulwcllvr. Supt. ‘ mm L a. Public Won-Np. Hakka “The “hr of Jubilee“ W. F. I. 8. Annual Thank 0!- Imam EPISCOIML CIVIC- m_..- .n‘ 'nn In»: Hand «M Mr Bible School 9:” a. In. lamb; Service ":00 u m. Chri-thn Endeavor 0:30 p. In. Email: Service 7:80 p. -. WM)’: Pray" Service 8:00 p. m. 102’” a_ m. Sunday School. Hm a. m. Preaching Service 7-4.1 p. m. Bruin. Service. Minnel- C. Lewis. B. D.. Proton-or ‘of Ecclesiastical History. Polity Ind ‘Clnon Luv in the Western Mo- ‘ial Seminary. PM. [Alvin bears flu: ”Immortal-Icahn!!!” most brilliant adult“ in the Audio an Communion. and it wu. indeed. an honor to lave him visit 8!. An- dnw‘n Churn-h. Sand-y Services: 4.00 p. m. litany and Christian Doctrine. The Rev. H. A. [Appel- Ind to post- pone his visit until alter sum. The Saint Preacher at the Lenten Sch vice on lurch 260: m tho Rm. the Altu Guild. ‘April 2nd, 1919. Wednesday. 1 8:00 p. In. many and Sermon. The Rev. Wilbur Dean Ellie". Rector of Christ Church. Gary, Indiana. April 31!. [919. Thursday. 10:30 a. In. Holy Eucharist and Address. Tln I. E. mum. Clan. n clu- “Historical Chriaianity." April lat, 1919. Tuesdny meeting of Mud: 3081, I919._ Fourth Sunday in CONGRBGATIONAL CHURCH I. E. PHILA‘NIRA CLASS 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 7:80 p. m. Evening Prnyer and Ser- 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. The Bu. Hugh M. MuWh-flu- ! (2.4:: at Choir Immv in human-m I‘m woodéd lot. 88800. P' D. Hadley. 28 8. Huh St Phone 130. 3-284“ lqdern Homp._ on Gilbert A794, In: just outside m. with more than on «we tmund. 82500 sewn room comma. with fun-nee bath hulwood _floors, and Lot 66}: } plements an hand and win no" a! ”a discount his month barrows. salty ‘pim, discs com phntmx rumvl. tors. truck mums. wagon box. Jon V. Dieter. Tel. 1374!. 3-7-41) FOR SALEâ€"~Nice G mom cottage, FOR SAMEâ€"- Whitq Owingtons lay- ing I13. ct]! 23551. __3:28â€"I-p FOR SALEâ€"l have a lot of farm in- 100 E. Curtis! 3'... rhodium site! my cat with silwr chain amuml neck. brown spot Mwm mm. Plath or plan notfly Rob-n McVitty. Tel- ephone 534 mid receive mrd. cmssing sow-ml '1ka ago and then ‘er missing her dhmtmd rings. win-l rbonk and 1 hr 9 sum of why which fish“ Ind pinm an um ins‘do of her clothing. Ans-0M knowing the whom- bahwts cf any afliflm mnfiont-d 'wmrM can!" a favor by Muffin; -3Irs. Gym}. Bxflog’fiz, ”9 8. Grow STEE‘szâ€"Qr! Mzndav nixM- in": LOSTâ€"~Ilmh 15th. sterling sflver bar pin act with rid-atom Lost bo- tween Mien ”ace and the R. R. Stalin, Reward if "tunic-d (0 Evelyn B'own. 63 Reid": Place. 3-284-c Am. 0»: Park] in MEN ‘V’ANTED~«W¢ and ten m for Nun-"y and [Andre-pg work. Apply at MLI‘uk-fortl Numfil‘r. 3 mm- 3124. 3‘21-3â€"c myinxd that new bit into» lo "I“ ' god ml min Aime :uflhd' or purpose l w. unl tom of “autumn of I.” nun: that mum MN bu luau-d heroin Munch). b 0n flat day on "w (arm of mid ('mm to ho NH It tbv mrthww. In (In CM} a! Win- (an. “A mid CouMy. on the, .501 day of NuyA. . . 19") IM that aid in“ Is mu pmfl'm . A .A Kuhn. (Ink of "to CM!“ Cum. Bung". "um. I Schmhh. Pvlifion- ea Solicitors. : mum "z.- tuna; WyndcheSWKoIMons Tmahlp ”North. Milk-to! olSedoou'quIB'To 88 I- But South 78 degree: Wen annual with Southliu olCunJ-ust HM] thence North IK dogma Wed 11: as." ‘3' 8m: 2:: “.233 I an: on no. SouthllneolCuru-u. l .l thence South 3 ”dqm- End. 58. u n. (to corner per Deed 00:. IO’ :0»an Ncnh 89% dcgm- Wml 29. h talk-bulked fluid but 0; them South 1" m nut] along aid But in. 128.2 o'luv of beginning, located In the Village of “Down": Gm. Duran (Mal). In- nou - ‘ ‘ Public notice in nearby [Inn to II» lbw; mud Chm Katha-n Lulu .. WUIM Joan, LII“. ll. ‘ m.Wuuuu fl. “nuts. warn 0"!“ the min: thou! 4.101“.th MM. Mimi C H0). M- mlnigngqr o! Qu- ”(.549 _of (‘glylnnd 1!- Bhkkhri. W “ WWW» Mjmajjm; 5mg 7.. Hum}, \Nl‘l"l)~- Competmt hummer by 1\ or month. App '3! to ('harlvm A. v‘n. 0th 1 Poul-thy Sm. Hénsdalo 284 r f6? Minn'Iâ€"uâ€"nd‘wév'i‘oâ€"‘W "â€"W salm- "“ North. "Bug: "huddle“ 3-5" 0'"- ”Wm clad H‘sfldnu thence North “Lido; usu- Mama I!“ 0 said law an n dorfiorpl me. o! begin» won: “:3: M W t l mu 1': :21? [nu-MY? "in them Mr to marry in In the County Court. of Du Coulny. Hny Tenn. A. D. 1’19. I the matter of the am of Gayland H. Blukburn. decanted. Alfred C. Ho . ulna-funk" v: Clara KI tel. Luu E. Jones. William Joan. lllle B. Holmes. William H. Hands. and yang-n} Owl-{of the following STATE OF ILLIN018 u. COUNTY 0!" DUPAGE inted Executn‘x o! the lug: Will and eshment of Melville B. Downer late of the County of DuPnge and State of Illinois, deceased. herehy gives no- tice thnt she will aplgienr belon- the County Court of Du a County, at the Court House in W ton. at the June Tenn. on the first Mnndny in June next. at which time all per‘ *aous having claims against slid Exp tnte Ire notified ind “equated to It- tend {or the pun-Yon of hum: [M name adjusted. Al person: i bted to mid cantata are mated to nuke ingmedinte payment to the undenigm Dated this 20th day of November A .D. 1918‘ EXBCUTOB’S NOTICE Entang- of Melville B. Downer. De- The undernigged._ havipl been up; . I.) . . --... Addie F. Downer, Executrlx. 3-7-3 34-28-149 :LTH 8:. Laval. New law! in lhe lit-lemme mu mu: madman! moon or 11mm 3, (mm whlch elm-dons or Won on lhl am: If? mlmluml. Tho min and [Middle lune]. chh In govern- or!» authority on Inch subjects, lays: 'Ileun as. level may be defined as the lulu-face which would be. M h] mulmolthooemmn‘t mnthm‘ teem-tumult": wlndorhylhe tides «In to llm nltrnrtltm of n» moon and sun. The sea level surface I: at all polnn It fight angles to a freo- mnm; plummet." (Ilnvlv-r wild: hand w:- may Inflam- l" '79"th mm»: m‘ urn-IN) mum-s Mun .ho Latin fmmn. mimic ar Vllllll'. TM any FmIIIn-a lmmv nu» me at flu- .\ ill. and adnpwd it In tho man- "00 a! the «Dumas principle from Murat puma. hm cm- mmt IMMN‘ odor: rm drawn (mm mum-a! mum. and: as «abhor, myrrh Ind cumi- { Gerlv h- dawned. l'vim Ill-‘- lio ’u Ill fur days, Dan: has (In- Inlal Maul of flu- sLnluu- moved in ifmn M Mario's be! which .4”- mm: ,and vows in a..- mum"- of Hip mt Mess. D‘mu mars sun-3y rm. (ha yak hi and mow-s (”wards him. The: law r slim-a the in no vision. but his -m wife. "2 than her (a Mn. uni [Wk arr happy. rig“ be Inn-mum). Mm 6n "n Eariy AM PM“! the vow «rum "(0‘ man lm.‘ lawn! ”rm Mm. In Hu- nun:- m m1! 0' the burning of Inc's-1M» an "it alum and tho very ml yum-rumor) The «khan-s M Oufly nnd vmwll’ovnl culture In Irv-hm! "at a thlm-h- u: Milli“, 12.6“”. I‘Iulsdc“ "I Innalur-v hm "lath- nun-Iv" a! narrow an ‘l'mwe It I’m awn-y. who"- «m-n many of II elandl‘s unfit-m lk'ml. um! u-nuup (Mm My U‘t‘ommr. Un- hm l-in.’ [tn-r" la n "amen.- «ms-n «m. “M "in den and MM":- hv-My uf dhm‘ and my" and muva and hruuux n MW of the rhm‘mthm hum up will: '3 I'dnnd hug h"!“‘ "w Nnrlmn‘ m 1! to M Chum .iurh ""1."an ! Prince lurk. know- u a!” dam- ,Gnlmollr. Diu- m- 6.56:». sin! ‘3 “If: and nut Marlo “HM M In. With u In! “1er «Nut. lbw Prim (ll-gs Must-if ai 6.ka who numr- lad full- (mm 0- NIN in}. the "I. Dinn- NSMA to Mr Inns-had. 8h knot-l- k-Mr the unmsrioos f‘n‘m. be null lav“ Mr. Prim Mario m [on and 1.41 Nu m. M. dudy. Dian mflnln (‘aleo‘ “not IM- Pdnr with hull; bought I“ uh! ht Mu wih. _ Tha- mu day I.» n- luml to QM hind. on by the Print as hue-1m Dha- la Rana untidy. Mo Mk Mr M 'W In her. lb m vb- In loom u Illa. ‘ The Pfim Olen ("-0ka I luv nuu o! my a have the inland I'Nch '- dou. The mm [M can (in! Huh eon-club- In rm Inrh'n “nation. In. a low by- Inter. bu (utter db- and In In in. trouble, IN I. mum! ‘0 Inn to the Print. who be.- hcr to bonn- uh wile. M. In! I~ Malta. not I m like his nculptund gid- den. he would my bar. Dbl- overbun thin. Tho mm um huMflurmeflmwbb I’duo Into com to m the stu- uu. Ho (all: Douala “I“ 5! war he her to marry him ”truly. Inc. Dun M“ I Will! m d I." own nod-l nun-fin. 0- Mr nae w- . me 0! km a “h“ “3"" Dha'u bounty in a "vacation- trmP- mug. u Mm. H- arch to induce Glbricfle. down find out. [on to the Ill-MI. and for the first film in Im- } 0mm maul. as mm. the [swiping dissipated um, forge: 1"» duct: with Prince Inn-M's mm Ito ply his nmhllng debts. The Prince dhcmen the ywu mn'u crime. but beau“ anriellc'n tuber was his but friend In his youth he the Goddess. Prince Mute. million- line In collector, is flu: prospective watchmen Count Bubddlo di Hatched. the Dom: DI “Ireland. a sculptor of noble Italian binh. live: alone with his (Ingmar, Dian. on : muted is- l-nd in the Medium-n. Donna is at work on I mule of the Inland god- 3deu. ud his daughter is his model; On the day when Donat- {inishes hi5 statue, he antlers a stroke of numb“; sis. Hi: wealth has dwindled so that‘ he :- compelled m sell the m or] (hhrhlk 5mm u a We» [iv- “THE TWO BRIDES” PM!“ In“ lady Md- Ou'NV‘C. m cum of TM Tumult In sum-2d to to ” MHMM not la n» III-mu- on” and (Mn chant-tor pt I no“ 1‘ mhlmynnlgo. Am“ of n 3mm. shipping "no mu m fl Mchelzmdondockmuthom‘ 21 mod rem M ‘l‘nmnln to me. It mummy granting Mm a m h- moml of pmmpfly dying ho am "it [rm-Ion for 83 years. dying cuffs. maul: many at tho mu no at ROI. M an «new (In. I, h Ludh- Ubnry mm Inn 7»- Ihy 0min. In the audited... fl him. fun"! in Mr "I“ Ol- lhflc "m: In. Ronni". MB- ‘IQH; flint. Flood! Knuth: Ch. ‘. In: ”is. Iurhu Ron; Ir .Wdab Inn and Inn-nu aw. runn- ‘ WI. The coma-tum 6. M I." low-hm 1', H. Ion-n. P. C- Gullup. (hur- T‘ Hugh-a. In", WM!" and WA Gcnn‘r CM" nor! of Our mallo- in hon mum Nu ”It: ”“4500 uni In. M. U. H. Bola-malleabl‘ [Ill-umkuaudwfn-dd bl- Iiuor. In. Inn.- UM. C. E. Nom 0! “va10. VB. mud with u» J. I. flan Ian-Ar lr‘ and Ira. mm w d Nm‘n‘lfle. mm Ink (5* a.“ In. )1. li. Cn-cy. over my. I. R. Kan-ugh. W; C. W. Comer, mm: DIV“ I. M dcrthowol‘l'bemohfid“ with nut-l adieu [I m it C. H. Dick: ha may he.” and Huron-(WNW.- H. E. Shag" «any m a, ‘- oction Inc Suave-y {or pod-uh form-exchuryean . Thanh” an votes. W. ”I and mm:- W IN. Iii-lama!“- dud-Wadpin'unpndh upinnu 0! which t baker’s a... wenillhonaihlitflmm C. H . Dicko shipped In order of NI. celebrated Vulun Hut furl-coo to London, England. this week. The marriage of Hr. Chain 1.. Sharp to Mus. Katie E. Dunn "I wlnmnized leneminy. Munch am I” ”he Rev. Georg! C. Muor. at the 1'... idem o! J. B. Muckis. Th. mph left [at night on I “aiding nip 0. Oman: ud will mum: Ind nah that: home in use viflm when; any but I ., W0 WARSAW“ are well find favorably known. TOIITHIIIDIN Q. snub. a 89th. vain, nu... mm the Laue of April 1. 1m. risking Nu MIC-ts In.

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