' In mm visited high school In: the mighty ML Ask Alger “I'd if this in not a). l m m ‘ My ID"! IM'IH‘OZ â€1:13: for sunk-Uni -. he Senior class In: dim Arthur M for mumm‘ he pufly given Friday night by hrmmtmmnhmuw u I mi m After several M the piano m mllod to the “dim“.muwmtof In evening was out in dancing. In. O'Neill Vinitnl up Mg!- school - Values-hr ,Mm Prick-u not! In Keno“ Ibo visits! some a! the dune- on um my â€in "port: "iflnry. 9 9.3â€; Why. 98; l-‘mnhmnn English, not; Freshman Latin, M1; Study “I, â€.I7; Bob-y Q.“ _’Harboyto80dorhoy:'0ane [b you who in (oven-amt “R4 «In. «I railroads? Mr m do .1- â€, you should have Man! that fl «.1 "pm dam lid to I! w b shine with K! luau-m. I. .10 vi“ (7th [Al-flight" 0' M kw u not the ham in min. ' “THAI TN m d lights in Un- l‘ of 0â€" My II In: hm- con- ï¬e Sophomores ante-1am the high A combination cl mum clamp and [#1501 (it: "Maw '00 your wpod .1?†'No. but I‘ll in“ I! In- Live- 0! Sonion all mmmd us We can mh- our livos sublime Ail by taking foolish questions ï¬ll! up Inflation time. Ir. P‘im'n lntun on "w \I‘flyï¬ of I â€we mm m.- mmt IMr “in. and Vila-bk ta lbw mlrrww H h M "M of “It. Th! (30m- m C195 0! u» Nah whom um wry (manta in mung Mu wr- ho“. IM \vu “-th Io «uh nut mlhelk lllrnlm h) u Intr- M)" of "law hath" 'uumunum u "a in I (but yu-ur plum-M. and hi I. Ivar-gr of â€LIN. Vu-mmm My. In“!!! "In-'- yvm aludrnl‘ h Nd. will a murmur of 00‘. TM U Dunbar on the magnum I‘ln - m M" by Vrlm'wn llflulry. Wu by IMMI Vn‘hmus‘ pm I and mum" all: on his W mr than [N'hghl Ver- “u and Thelma lior pin“! :4 piano duet lad mpondld to In NWO". Ir. My mount“! llu' annual-ax a! than in flu- ng‘or claw. Punt hon» on “at to Thelma "or. a four yrnr w. "er IVC'I'III‘ (or the (om â€I" I: 9““. Jun-x Miller; In mn‘ Vldud I! the hivt schoo‘ on lunt M} The naming meld." wan- My Impeding. Norman Ander- “And The Star Spangled Banner Forever Shall Wave. 0'0! The land of The Free and The Home of The Brave." ad My from the olice of the Downers Grove Puuiahing play, Noni: ldn reel, Downers Grove, Illinois. II: the Downers Grove Fox: mm» as second clans mail matter. 3 rue: nude known upon application. Subscrimion rates $1.75 m year. Single muss 5c. â€n- Vordvumu and Hm. I 'nrl‘ C. H. STAA‘I'S, EDITOR “I‘m \ Regular meeting of the Board of Education of School Dash-id No. 58, u the Mk Avenue Schoal Building. 1am. May 0. 1919. tin-{dent J. R. Shale!- My. Edge. 3. 6. Butler. H. E. Tint. W. OFFICIAL PRO- CEEDINGS OF SCHOOL BOARD Freshmen ‘Bogart. mlwonth-umhnm. Pm! ‘Bunge. George Morgan. Catharina Damn. Hu-gamtï¬ingleterry. Ted Dim. Richard Vix. Hamlet Drew. Don-Id Whiï¬m. Inflorie Conan. Evan Wolf. Robert Butler. Catherine Cnrtin, Mary Gram PM Johnson. libel Knox. Marion Juniors Heidehnln. Helen Wolf‘ Margaret Phelps. Dorothy Fleming. Alwyn Putnam. Harriett Seniors Knhhy. Vanda Iodkaka. Roland mm lune: Ron. Thelma A Friedman Chant of Thachï¬ving. WP flunk wr lucky aun- lint n- ‘Mw only one month mom in which to ho u: lawman I'mhie. We thank our muting Input-aw: um I" no we" recall “I! Indignities which have hum taped upon us this year. We thank the kind FIRM for sendâ€" in. in a now class of Fmshien next ynr. A ("Quin Itudvnt bu m in! my lo know Iht owryflmm m In (cum! in Un- ulktioury. W. diam-pr- M Mr lhe och" day. (mix to loan- mo- of Her-1' [comm more. Good Duck I. In"! Why has It.- Sophommo clan [mun Mont nuddruly [min Mful.‘ Wr haw “ on good Ouflmrfl) um who ha» \ lhwan'l M rufflc- ywr lam-l dill)"- ‘ .1 -m to rmm In trim-1| rally cm Fri- ‘ln; woman. to look ow-r your mark. aml mm fin-l Hut Unm- Irv m In- no upvmng mmn‘ima? And "my m} jag-RH Fur Uu- summon of aim-hr: Mu- dnnln. (‘un you who (hi. aim-hm!- ‘rulh 7 H our who ran-A for erp In nllml I flpru-nl why I'm'l. am- who run-:- lor - mm culled u M'IM. 'l’hr-y (Ill! alum! â€w rain m â€am "on about 5| m Dawn-rd (Provo? Honor Roll for the Fifth Period A uut‘dl‘n nn-h hum tht nhinay. A mum-m nid fmm Hu- hall. lly lhl'u doom loft unfulnï¬ol. â€'lhr) «mun lhv study Ml- From my ml. h flu- unmbly lkwwï¬ng tha- rigm. hall xtair l m- 'l‘lu-Ima and laughing (‘hmloth- AM flvmy with Kohlon hair. 'I‘m- path-r or Sc-nlor's fort; 'l‘hu wund of u door that ï¬x ops-Md, And Jun-u Milux' voice so I'M. a W. Id. In": 'l'u llu- Smuinrxr - With npulogivs lo M. W. Innxh-lluw. I heard in Mint ng'n mom nlun'r m0 My put [wow-z To got mm from class for roam-[hing that I didn't do. Familiar flh: That pm- nn oul Sophomons lhut Junéor Ill’l! play Kohley. Elinheth Mormon. lieu-ville Nielsen. Marie .nowmnmï¬mm mm .oowums snow. mums mnmmmrmum» mammal-annual†Ian-nun. um'rr. um. w Emil. tunnel ‘Shnewmemhera wenï¬edtothe chblnellhnhip. league and In F. W. Harper. clam held Holiday Afternoon In 51hr! Hall. New ofï¬cers and Department ‘hends being present Hand-nos L. E. Jones and W. J. O'Neill were I'- pointcd delegat- to (he Hamlet’s! Art he present The Art 1nd Literature Dcputmnt of the Woman: Club will have in re- omniution meeting on WM. Iny 14. at 2:30 o’clock in the â€but, Hull. All members nre reqnentad to NOTES 0!" THE work with special mtion of Ruth lnman. Tillie Hm. Wm. Kenn ‘nnd one Mine: in Immaculate Concep- tion School. Inn-hunt for getter-I I" amnd high grade with special new no: of Catherine Bum and In Dam and with honorable mention of Wm. Butler and Wm. J. O'Neil. Jr. from Downers Grove School. Mrs. S. H. Grate Hr. E. E. R. Tnpman ‘ Committee. Damn Grow Pub. (30.. [hymn Grow I". Ana-r awful examination of the ‘I‘mys submitted by the pupils of the County an the 50: Victory 1m. It '11 decided to In"! one Germ-I Mme! to “(new Sch»! of Wham“. for orgimlity and good quality of 0n mulnr motinn UN Run-ling and Mann-1A (hummus «an Imlmctnl ,‘Io mn- Ndn (on ma]. Raceived 527;]! 6le I. m. 83 I‘d. Night Letter 8 Extra Wheaten. I". The Executive Bonn! meeting an LOCAL BOYS WIN HONORABLE MEN- No funk-r bod-«u wot-Irina. on Indian "to “an! mourns-wt ()0 n-[ullr mnliun lhr nmlutionn wrn- mloplnl. Ana Mrs‘ Print-u ll‘ (5. Ilullor. N. 03‘ Tank. W R Curt“. II. I: Luann-ii". F H. Dan? . In nfemu- to aim othrr Harm-rm ‘flu- (.‘ommiltn- hwl mm-q-yml tu llwm ilhe dosin- that lhry n‘ann‘ The 3(‘0mmm0v name»! furflwr mm- to grunshlm‘ Ilium-â€" Tho P'lnum‘o ('ummhlm my": "u- fattening nwflutiom: ' I “£301.th Thu! lhcr‘ N- ~ul|mil IlHï¬OIJ'HIL Thu! (IIIM for Sulunvh). {mm to lo 6 p. m 'tnl Io Un- wh-N of School "Irwin ‘Vo. 0N. llw pronoun-on of inflmhu: "u- lnu-s for l-‘clm-ulio'ul and Build- in: put-pom" {rum .5 lnvr rvnl w I pfl' «n! in .mnhnn- uith m. “win um nmtly gum-«1| by lhv Shun Im- (Mnluw‘ Nu“ Tum] :l':!. on \1LJt‘ht‘l‘a‘ ’luz. on \'l)b(‘h¢‘l:~ or. m (Zn-uh Ou-nhufl s 379.12 "nu-hm! and plan"! on fih‘. . 'Ahu- Cammitiw on Tun-hers uml‘ Schools "1:0": that (ho following- (om-hers had Avoided that “my would not Ix With us m.“ yum: Mia-a Smith. Mina King and MM: r‘ishw m the High School; MI» Johlumn. 8th Gado- .“lr'l‘ liobt-nmn. 7m (hula. Min Bur. 6th (ha-Iv mu! HI» Walk, Village of u. 0.. Wator ...... Gas Co.. Gas ................ Village of D. (2.. Rice. Light Zimlls Pharmacy. Disinfectant [M9112 6: Mocha-l. Supplies. . .. J. l). Gillespie (50.- Sup~ .. J H. Frankcnï¬vhl. Supplim 11min rs Salariw {tom April 14 to May 9 ................ 2:1 {focal ................. $3145.63 0» n'gular motivm {he bilLu- \u-n- unit-Nd paid. Ayes Mrs. Prince, ll. G. Bultnr. M. 1-1. 'l'unk. W, R. (‘urâ€" (h. IL E‘ â€:15qu Her. F. [L Howe. noun. Tho 'l'uwmhip ‘l‘x1~n.<un-r submitted [hr following amt-mum: Malamu- on hand Mar. 2‘." 1173 125.34 lnr'd {mm “150.) ..... .. . .. (3952.62; :Gust Johnson. same†. ...... 70.00 ‘l’nr- l: Mer. Bank. box rent. 2.00 Downers Grove Pub. Cm. Print- in); mm» ................ 1.75 A. Flanagan (30.. Supphea. 1.2:} Garden City Ed. Co. Sun. . . . 254.21 Chm Tel. Co.. Rentals tolls 6.30 Lord Ll". (30.. Coal and Lbr.. 396.02 nu..." “um-w. "Wu"... . 3 Julms F, Srnbtankn of (Mu-ax». roll u... no. journal m n! M . loctor II Mrmll nn’rqiw. hm- inn“. P. Ir, Ilovw. Set. A .. ~n «naphtha â€planning “luahlv †[sad "non-lanflo" r-o-h iwnlnln 31“: BOYS WlN :dr‘ills- Tin- inï¬rm-Mom alm mum 'M a hint to so... wnkr burner: Mnl‘ {ONWBLE “Eh tr.- on how (0 aw mom-y by "lmlg “ON WITH ESSAYS In†Two nah turn â€M far 5) on- “‘“H 'pemn all; for - a-cern tax hm Western Union Telc‘rm 6' rad- rnm NY! for Ni "-00 m. flue ax will be two mu on m; .57" 608 . m end: drink But (hr pusih'lily of an N. mm [mm s rum-dc “W drinker- â€hunt" ‘0 “M"... m [aha-r at fountains 'or nun m foreseen and mm": of sum have then warned to prawn! it and" pn- rn Grow Pub. (30.. m; Grow I". WOMAN S CLUB 05 I936. ) tha- Film-hon h- Slay â€I". ""9. In lhv \‘Il'um- Sltblï¬l 12.94 10.50 2.8! 2.16 HIGH aï¬ï¬i'mmsn WE WILL SAVE YOU PART OF THE PRICE ON THESE m- mumm'rs IF YOU WILL CALL AND SEE Us AND HEAR om: SALES PLAN. THE LARGE 8150.00 KIND. 5 PLY MAHOGANY VENEER, FUMED OR GOLDEN OAK. EQUIPPED WITH WORLD PAT- ENT HORN AND THE WORLD IMPROVED MOTOR. MULTIPLE SPRING. CONSTANT SPEED. NON - VIBRATING 50 INCHES HIGH. 219/, WIDE, AND 22% INCHES IN DEPTH. THE WORLD PHONOGRAPH that the very punctuality of the artist is revealed. repmdncu the human voice, vioï¬n. and all other instruments SO DIS'l'lNC’l'LY The World Phonograph MUST NOT TREAT AT SOFT DRINK PA L-\(‘E-â€"LATEST Tam" [mu nmml m Mm: kind. For Moth-r dmr, In um u'v low. And mvn "no )‘ou'n- up uhow, Anny fmm mw nml mi! and alrifv Am, \tn' nn- hy‘vv A II in "Ha lv'v‘ \‘uuv low chum hm '7 Wm "rt". AM lninw u,- ju) mu! how um. clwn llrnry \\. "mm. Anal o-n-n (ho rll'.‘ n'lv- no pay. For doing a!) "wu- mnny lhimu. 5“" in rum-ml “MI “hut lllu' â€will: Amt “in-I. .aln-‘x (om- lhvn firul you’ll "ml Bu! Motlwr known. jun! ad: and mu SM'I always waiting um sonu‘om‘. "9" work in Iu-wr. mum «Iomv, All hall in mural. awn-t Mmhm than. We shall try hard and bring lwr dm-r Ry doing “DIM wr ought to do. By twin; Mud and nu-fl and true. \Vr'“ lou- hc-r mum and mow mwh «lay alsomnmï¬vsrmm “Wham and a special invitation to all our good Mothers of Downers Grove and ‘ vicinity, the sewice will begin pxmupt- ‘ [5' at 10 a. m. If your good Mother is still with lynu. do her homage- by tuning with lher, if yuu will call 79‘.‘ a my will‘ glu- srnt lo get her and bring her back] llwnw. if sin-2 has joint-ll the xwat‘ Ill-mug beyond the clouds. hunur her; :blvasml nu-mnry by bring prusrnl at} (his ant-rial Noun-rs Day Sx'rVin'. l ; NIIYTHHRS HAY 'Eu-Iy day is .‘Iallu'l'd Day. ‘Aml n-u-n lhn .~hr w-ts nu pa). She's always an llw jab; ' § Shu‘ (uh-1 for Susw. Fltd and 801).; Wmmls hnul'lf and thin!“ of NIH l .(ka~ fruit and spud: and (hinkou: i >l1-u. é 8mm Imlluns on «Ivar ukul‘» nhl shim Srmlm awn-pa :uul (lugs out all Hu- l 1 i l Thu! SUrlI' Ion in mrm-m lir. Anal vu-n Um meI' Bub flow rrr. To shim his slums and «nah hi: hui: Tit Mulhvr IIN‘V hnu' Molhm [Eu-nu 11w lmnh is gone. the mmb u bnoku. Am! uh “nu-i quI' it in no jukr, 'l‘o L‘mm‘ “In-r0 all Hun-r blnmu (Ilium. 1 Special Mothers Day Service It the First. Brnngvlical Chumh. next Sun- day, May [1. Special numbers by Sons and Daughtels- in honor of our Mothers. special Mothers Day Sermon by the" new pastor Rev. A. J. Nansen. SPECIAL MOTHER’S DAY SERVICE AT 181' EVANGELICAL dirt ('UR’I'ISS NEXT THURSDAY. MAY 1m ALICE BRADY at her best in MARIE, LTD. end the Great Chester Outing Travelogues Featuring Flam Reed. If you had just been married and discovered the photograph of another woman in you: husband's hand. what would you do? \c Hun Mink-d \Hmdhfl- for "van, lbw (‘Irlu- till h" 2 uh d Imp \‘uudrdlle. \ [3‘34 I-MO mun". "w "um-I'Ilh \n- and 3 Id; 3. a! un- mpl‘mr \‘nmlnih An- ". Ilw mum; Loni IN. prun- 0'. run-“nil, and â€a null duh-b um non-r trim On [Do-Irr- h‘m- bu (MI- um olrni ,w unit an "Ira-(ht Int-n l-Mcfltilmrnl. Set our '0‘ “all mar on. drug†mun! In "or oilin- J hour duct. (Ion- rlfl; Sunday. ('URTISS NEXT TUESDAY. MAY liuh Doll \‘an's Syn-hi Slate-Right Production Yum Imu- nil luul Ih.- Mama 0." Hum , an: a ywrfonmxm- nmrlnm I ulhrr «of mi. nomlmlul Jup-nflur an un- n'tn-n and â€no how III-on "MM and manual with lm- a-mmuuhly and m "Hm";- m "I“II" ho- mon (I. bun-ll! an) M m. punt o-flmv. Amfluu‘nt Iflh Mm in IN: flay no i. - Dinette» otllttlbrd w (‘URTISS, THIS SATURDAY. MAY 10th Engagement Extrgordinary. Entertainment Snare-c «m- ‘l‘mm Aukr, 016‘ “Ifâ€. ,\ mm! mlvmlp‘ Inuit "mum-r «‘3' It‘d» ‘ Ammivu. llnpnkuwn'n urn-Mr»! Irhh-vmm-m We wish to than: our many friends. also "w tom-her and whoa! children of width thus our link boy was a membmz for their kindness and the fldrul pica-s in our rem-n! bureau» mom. Hot chinks, such as hat chocolate. loan and cofl'ée are not taxable, nor is bullion, bmth or malted milk that contains no amounted water. I Only drinks having to d» with Vichy {or carbonated water an: taxable. Soft drinks bottled at the factory are not taxable. Ice cream carried may in regular containers is not. subject to tax, but ice cream eaten at the {aun- tain or on the premises and ice cream corms muxt be taxed. any. “WIVES OF MEN†CARD 0F THANKS “HEARTS IN FAWN†Prices, Children at the Matinee 50. Adults 10c Night Prices, 10 and 20 cents SESSUA HAYAKAWA Mr. and M In m» Ii; Nair-Rim Ml ('ha . Loren-ma A short time was spent in dancing and the ladies went home on the 11:20 train. promising to n‘pt-at the trip. Victory Council has added 30 new members. in :hv last four months and is now in a flourishing cunditiun. Five candidates wen initiated and the visiting ladies enjoyed the deuce work immenu-Iy. After the initiation work was unspendt-d and sandwiches. cake. colfee and ice UPI"! were aerw Victory Council, No. no Ron! league, entertained Opal Council of Bmokfickl, thp Ladles Auxillilry of the Royal League. on Tuesday evening. VICTORY COUNCIL. ROYAL LEAGUE. ENc TERTAINS LADIES Fruity, flux 9, 191’