Downers Grove Reporter, 16 May 1919, p. 6

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On day after his graduation as a lawyer. Roy-l gm: wont that Ding- well. hip benefactor, ha: been madv‘ a prisoner by the Rutherford hand of cattle mtlen who killed hiu father yearn below. "in hl'lp to rid the country of them.- molrlu'toni in mlic~ nut "In {our pmmpls him to refine. but he Indly announce: hi» intention to M the uw-uui-onk‘r mart-mm! and n-(umn to Now erim. a (While n'dl'ing in lhe country our day, Royni find- Bt-uluh Rutht'rflml Mu: ha boon (High! in I wall "hp. “0: ma hrr and when he «conn- hL-r but he in Inland lo lam Iwr 'ulc-u- lfly. ”ho 1m: rrmrm when the "nâ€" thcrkuh lunard Mn identity and or- 6" him {mm the «tub. Koyul Ivums that llimrl! In a priwr In the «1-0- hr of Jean ‘t'ixhv'n hoaw III-l mvmr UNIV. 'I'iulv‘ uni-‘71- !Ml Rayul h.- IilN. Mlnh my! of the Mo! and run- ‘0 nm “on! 9! Nu dunn- D‘n Iohlmm. - (mun-v mark-t Ind “hu- 0! lhr Rulbvrlom. .booln lord in the MM" when In con- auh lunar" m an «MM-m and Roy- al In uni-Sad (a My: ‘y I'll-nun. Thy Mun u the 11".:- kouu- ad "but [Nor-v" who mm lhynl - my I- N- am. and. Now let DUI Mn rub “My“ In! “or wlu'r‘th" Kuflwrfon! hyn. Mr W win- Mum-u lo ,1: but tu- L-bmd cow-nun uni flu «tin! «or Hunt" and ht- ...- hmn n I and: MI not, b «I. an cl Hm." \ Th all «In In ".0an I‘Iri II‘ M lav MA "I!" In min. ‘ M 5- up M Ibo old div-Ann ‘0‘ now, has Wau- mm In an Ink;- hdn. lit-club. out Mum anti.- OI hm ham and vi“! [albat- |~ now": am Into n «a pm:- pd bob 9: do" no! Mum 5.4 no dam h mud-IL ad in: (uh-r. It'd (7‘an and Umbra no" It- n-tfldvu In her "no In! Ray-l H. 6a "a Dual. Rnynl Div-rm bod Id Club" scar Imm IN min-hows mg n nfigM MM an My». but «Mia; and warm-u hm (mm "w prov In "no muim. 100an km: aha} 70-01 It" “d can- ni QM Haiku-(anti. N vi“ VIM mm Mr H!- MVP" be? In th- pit M In limit! In Mm! in. I'D-Gnu» MM “my math M land an" n' and (my in how lb hob. No rflum not! In“! M Ifldnnn and rho-n IN Ian" guts be. ta Ibo mm hob Ray-l fw- m him in!» IM- but; Mn..." I'm- 3.“ m m hr! M u- rum-h an“! ‘4 MD. ramp in Ur kill-(for nu- fic‘w Ho mint-II Ms malice ”I with I!!! "fun" i! he I!"! her 0' Mn Dow- '01 M M M "to much "1! Ruthvhrd} and final Mu- “ out than! I!» kin-1 I. a! Rnynl‘s labor, Rutherlonl‘ M! the story and “In informs Royal (Mt Beulah 5:: not his daughter In! N! M and "cat Ruy'n father as A?“ H"!!! his hmhfl' Ind Beulah“: Wt Nothing but the mry of ht. nun who mimmkrfloul nth “THE SHERIFF’S SON” hr OM "N hit «(and hflwmm than and M. nun-hp M the hm ms “50 \nsnaod~n'zhl into Hum No oflwr eve!“ of the year or of I «Peach has hum mom vitally wk!» :1 to “I! devoiopomnnl of flu- whlir new syrfvm than tho passag- n1 tho Manual rrvvnm- hi“ known as the Hkl'! bill. The whools warp fdrly strangling (or want of «IM- dent "venue to maintain Ihvmsn'vne. The pass-g" of this law (in: a my a! have in an otherwise flooded ma ”fly. [Inflmtheflocn‘lsof m to increase the tux levy for school Ind 'buildim purposes from Iblpermtbyavotoafthpeoâ€" $2 of the uhool dis‘rirt. Patina! m it no district in the mu no m In net-d of this «xtra on! por colt u in Donors Gm. Distrid 1'0. 5; More than 11» «mm mtâ€"J d hunbly on this propositinn on “0 Wu! Saturday in April. Others will Mn. Lot ml .n get b'llind this " and help the loo! schools “manuehhneodoffnmk é [E GREATEST EDI (“1103? AL EV- ENT 0]" THE YEAR “I k1 u" . -. him their low. wuu kept scent. i- One evening during a raging sum"- thc- simplr lm‘o story came to a «lit malir termination. 'l'hr anxious wal- ' Club Mambo" Lam Ion 11! them on the Iu'm'h saw lht- liule fish- ing boutx «nm- safely into van on»; by one. but Luke's was not. among; 'anarrd by the United mue- Depart- lhem and later his lifeless body mlsn' man 0' Arrh'ulmn.) "N upon “w was" , AurIo-ulturul pmduvlinn In no! the . w _ ‘ ' «mu Inn] at m-hlrrruwm by awn-mars ‘1’”. night, llom' “llh hm bmth‘u'} h! Imyu' rllllh ll llw SWINE. Th0“ l‘nllh wnfcm’d that Luke m hl‘l‘, )‘oDIflN’Yfl “an“. “W )Iumhlu-n UM l”““‘~“‘“‘ "*9 ‘WW ‘0 “8"“ 5'0"; min- am-al (mum; nlm. "my nm line mark-d In "ll' Spring. The fury of:llnll|,\'lH-1~\‘(-s and mammal plus. leir the “(flu man was terrible, and his} >lwcu “(V (v! nun-duel! breeds: Flu-Ir wrap-ann- ml‘als'lim. : mum; if of (he lwuer type-u; and (In! . ' mmhm [In-v cultivate Ir» model gm“ .. w,“ u.“ _ " “From now ml," ht- rrioul. “Yuu fih‘“ b.- an on‘mt from your kind. you phnll “we «think lhc‘ world. 500“!“ no one and bring m hr noun. ’I'Im- to Mn word he look lhr bruit-- c-nMum-«I (M lo a luvwiy Huinhouw in Hu- (‘nrribheln Son-Tron“ Shoal». “q'l't‘ little L'xr WM born. a plain m QM ul'lffln' mun-r o! Lukr'u low. New blpplm-xs wu phon‘llwd. how- lw'r 'nr (‘oflin ah'mumd the rhllsl in hr (M mm" a! a moumnmatr Mn and vein! "In! nhr aboultl pay (hr puny cl mum». (‘ouuult hula-l- ing CW!" IN- !nlo of her rh'fld «Imu- IM you“ menu-r h kak Ind Hula Eve u” left doll. with the autumn! "our nlk gr" ‘IIO Molina! [M- inot-v. (NM 0' Illun‘llfl math-â€" nobmmdthpnwmdkw he: «Ir fun-h the when“ nu... N'w-klhrnrflollho'mm. "or unde'n word In kph-dun an" ms nu hm- H01 in! Folk. Tron-rd «but m min I It"! In n”: in It” I» ICC-mm.“ an .1! am- uni dim-Ia. n» m- (mm 0., light in tho lmr. Eva, AM h in W‘lfl' M‘ Mara and am and um man: maul pun .r Iron-on. "In NH n, c. m mm no.» "It «rm-i in '0. m m n was! flat-ION! a"; “to hack” MI» at Town! ‘liIM. II In "u- no!" "Minnow"?! A m" but put- out rm "to I'M": law-C no. - Jung mun i< mun..- on "n- hnrh tun-ib- hl'r, “It sigh! of "to Ind"! mm- fimln- Ming! A mm In Ibr you" man‘: lin- bm In hr Dr in n rvwrlflim-Ja Own-6r fi‘ fun- how not nf W» '0! Th 3mm; no.» IM! mm:- 1.- l'Mlip lush. etphim l. Kw“! M Ihnt "a9 widow d "to ”M mlr in Mn. "w rut-M and h "de 159 Mr": at a rMM. "a fish pruninim Mn In“; her I. Ibo “(MI-w” in! ie [Indy raft“. Rv-“n "w wrath a! y..- .myvm. H! mm In Mllr‘ "7......" H l r I t my Mum... 9mm and mama: 0.- Evo brim "w mvfiy ”Mm. The I” "Mr W"‘" dw'ddnnnw ‘hhy is Dam and a strong ‘r n!) horn, and OM use of hunting torm- 3Mo~¢ship thrrhps hrhrm "u- yawn: WW ‘mMMr "4 n..- .MAM Ian-r fOr. mmn' IS .081 11M firal Have in h" m.- n‘llixing ’HVM she alm is a woman. TM? nemum ENE" handed". nub! her In! with sham "It lm'vsqiwmn nf her to)": cos- (umr and :hr "m6"! that err M mm m h W F” m m «M mum 5mm». to m h Baum Shin. mother in "k unit, These she puts! in and tho transformation is mh m m ”n. In M .1 M Iha: Philip is struck Wm. awn-arm»! Min «5-th 0' My .0 ., nu- henuty of the .M. W“ n m ._. . .A .. _.L, Outflow. "in low springs into bring and he finds that it is rflumd by En. .loh I‘ofiin rm»: in hoop mm apnfl. WM“ m"- Driftwood sails. Philip pmmins marry her As llw «law- :0 by aml Philip 400.4 not rv-(urn .loh WHS Hvo that I'ln'iip is d'ad. Months later \vhm hr sros thr- lh'ifluood drop anchor M the island. he haflon“ to hide Ere. When il‘hilip asks far hrr Job tells him that .JH- is dead. Brnkemhrartorl l'hilip rotums lo the yacht and is about to all when ho was two figures struggling in thp light tower. Hnrriully ”in; ash]? he finds Eve in the anth of Jim ’Smoot the bullying mate of the 1.31:!“ Knocking the man down ho, warm-s Eve and goes to demand an explanation from Job. The (-er- ment has been too much for the old man and they find him dead at (he foot of the stain. ‘ With nothing to hinder {hem Philip ,and Eve lave an inland which hu pun no long a prison for the girl. ind an I“! a quiet voiding him when In tho Ind! church In the vil- “OUT OF THE FOG” um hr will whim man and I“ and M AM . 1. Tm: mm uv mun-n "MV- HII MM cannula-4N 6nd "- ‘nm at rut Min. M I" (I!!! M Don I. III: «on Ch ‘Ml Inn-fly lads Wu ludic- .nd 'nnm Mum Tho Inna anal-n i | r §.o.f:1i-1§ .21: .‘t- i’ I? an .39 ”$3.. 1“ .1 25-; 3 .93.. .1: I: 243:... oi! .a 7.3).... g In. in .1: 5‘.) >3: ‘1 33-0.! '- f. ”.59 3:9 lit} tr: :3 T...- 2.. 36% ciuiéfiéfi m an Anomnusmv mm mm ms moanssswe mums --â€"- ¢ ----- V mow my :3! ntrrrdllml hm'dr. lhn-lr} wullry is_ 0‘ the Mlle! up”; and IM‘ gnnlm'm "my gulumle IN model gnu- drum man} 0! them yltldlu‘ tbry‘ wmgb-g'hllr pnulurv. ln dollars and wan. Ihv u-sult nl Ibo“! lat-3f eflurlu annually m‘numu up la many (In-w uuvln: ln ("ml mmuly ll II n! Inc-ul- ruluhk \‘nlm- lullw If) floulhm null-r. llul Ilnlu la nuly pun n! [he nunâ€"4 lmw rmmwmlmu nl mm! n! [In- ac- Ilvllln u! num- Sauna-m lath. 'flw Min-r [Incl la. n: alumhl he. more In- lo-rr-Ilux. In! It Ilrnlc will: lnlunull-k mlmmnllll'a-m-b-mrlvr. luluh talc-lulu. dumlloml "plum-nu. cull: MM»â€" nulwd "um um! delupwl through mo Ir-lnlu: rwvhm In l-ul'n' tllln. In "I o-flun In "rm-1mm nu unall- Innul rum-nun. lwnnlulmn "I" l'ull‘ 1% Hum drum-In! «I nut-1m". mu m lost-am I. now Oh lume- m- at mo lmyn‘ dub nod la the hull. MD". M m Ind! and mm! M -v to «than. Min-0 Mu g m M W at (am Myu‘ Huh ”MI-on I.» an I. «um-r. and Hm h mm- In um and". In Jer mm:- with m and m at": and MINE A In” a! II. mm flu!!! in." dawn-M rum WW. I.“ «or-Hm "I inhuman-I trunk-awn” uh» lam-4 no mun- MM «L (am at! final vHr nwvwv‘ I. m‘ "an. ”any mu m m In "I! nun-r1 m. "'9 bur um a! div mat-n "m .nv «In-rs II the Cam In”: army.“ rm" . ”Nun-p6 "an um. Sm hun- m mm! Min-h m "th ’! fill" you»: MM m '1- mo 0' our 9mâ€" mm II” MIMI. so"!!! all "nah: is up "Mr mule-o «turf dd. mar lm and It! use a! haiku (mu- «mam-rd my me hum! Sum m- .men! a! Agriculture.) Tho most than!!!" my M when. mm to up Hex-m- fly. in the «hem stair! can of the lllcdsqpm rh-rr and in warm! lit-9mm i! "v «nu-at juhn'Wurm. It Is a for: m“ :mh \VMH‘ lives in flu: stems of th-M. ffll'kinl the julrm of "70 plan" and cumin: :1 man“. In "VP mm. .uvlumgh :Ms 'm'u-fl is summivm-s num‘ wriums lhnn Hw- Hrwlnn If. mun #'fiuflk ”In“ [er "risk"! If, vmn-Jonally mns'in': mmpirtr- downw- fin". \‘vry lmlv Is clnm- at Frost-M M mum-l in vh-prMminm. The “mod has a mum-or nf mum-l memm. hm than." dumld an! be rnlivvl VIM. Far- Inn:.h~ly mo jnintwm‘m smut-ks «my “mt. «bk-h fad Wu «no of "It mm ruliaMr ruvurni rut-«mm. "Int «1' sulnmufing "ups In .1» mm- m pan M the Parson when MI 1h:- Iiwwvt may be routmllal by 9mm: mat Manila doc-ply nflrr hum-fl whrn this flan not nut-r10" «m. w- mvflnx a! rd down and grass. Th» «23 from wind. the 101mm hate-Im- In mm In cm- .«om by In Inâ€" m resounding a mu“ him-x nut with wings. “M a when: Mm am he mmo! Infected no nutwnrrl nlgn ma! appear. The W of the worm mm M Medea um "I! pun! in mfly mum hy otnmlnlag the Inside of "to am usllllv Just lhove flu mm of (NM MM {mm the mum! mlm mm.- mm at Iln'ahfl. I! '«'O;"c'-(_d Ibflr "tit-"In! M ‘ and «nu ma I. “Hr-Inn! Than Princbp‘n of Armature. "on, a mmnmn maroonâ€"use kind «I! hunkl: ,. 153‘ u. ha). “Luv hue nun" uder and knit; ' r n! the Mnonwsi {Ann "1‘ I.-.z’.r an d !"- wet-'1'). In lhl' rn -. l «m u m nmimom- nf moi Mmm «( .l mm; In ) In mind I. mrnfl Inning mm luv: “by mr p- my lufun- :Hiuu gown. UN".- lh Izul u Snip. "luv (-f lug-d 3|» “my .102 v «qr "” r‘ " ‘ ‘ um (I 1. MN In duh lu-J’u,’ 'ILcW‘ Kn . The Innm-m rlub hurl urn u|um‘ IMr [II'N‘N and npnu the “nmr- lu (Nlr “Mulllmflulnlu h \‘t‘l’!’ DJIO‘IWI. «at» nun! maul: uuu-nn my. I! I» «he Mud ul Influumv lhul. lnnmuh prur- flrnl demslmw-u. mm: vim-um In. In manna: lluu umkvi [mum-«due mum-r- am at ”um-4.14l-uu,'-tu~gunl- emshJot-uw" Inw. Influence 00 m em» But rum-mu «ml-s um an! m.- only mum um um» nun:- Inn-lum- H'unu. Mm M nflnm Imu- ll‘lu'flh‘ tho-m. and mm! um” I" Hwy tn u'u ul flvk- lmpnwrm nl-I. Mun mu. mun- mlw rhwiu‘. manta! lawns» lu lbw dun-nu) rut hflm' man-am. m Out-6m! «wand-u. was In tho annual-m M II." lumbar. Imm- mnnuk. m- lnmur urn-4. and n his} or "III at mum" luneâ€"all WI “not by hn' duh Id mu- .ulu MIMI. lot-mud Md]... ammo I "my ”on a! ulna-"ml nut-"w (a In loud”. ul mm W Midlkumhhmdikh pan-It Mr“..- d W flfi vat h 1|- mu. M In W m HM M human and Mn- u-o n m "dun-n! an“ M ma punâ€"in mm at no mud 1mm ”mum at uric-Oman not up um "fir-"ml «am And u I! Mal a-m- In "to may way paw Indyâ€"{Mm lb! Mini rm!“ 0‘; vy- my .1in «M an! M (II-"Mp MO l-mav «m- urmu- and W "n «om-um: pun-dun" «l no new. "um-"r. run- .9 WI“ I M- um M m. and: h mâ€" nltmmwl «In “<qu at m ma 0mm final Itrm l- UaM urn-n IN... Tim-In IN “um-y d "ww- hnya‘ man. OP nwmhrf‘ um- cum" MN" « tum am MN”. M an chum the ml "to. a! nun. damn-v. lb at "Mars «0 Mir-mm up mummy: --¢ hymn-Ir. n» climb" a! hm. 00 AW.” 0! (Wt-HM! In “no It ram nM new In Min-W Hm; In» "Mum. Mn- “ MW- you". for Incl «Mp not! Nutty ‘nnd mm In I‘M W I- }mva mm. mu not my in" 1» "mm at mim Ill. 1h tn! nu mat «and um and he» nu;â€" Mai. 7mm In M: m "y" dammit. uh mun.- a. the m. AMM rm and mm. It (ht mt i-tkMMM-nmuhmn It'll". rhl'fl. '5?»on dimmmhh madam-um flown-Moroc- mule. WWII!" who ”Aisha” d um! prawn W a! fit Hun-«rm. m: m h ti! East". 91am: of my van“ han- hm ahmfimfl at GM- "mm («not to a” Mom" «antral mm say mum! syn-Nam" “M {an mm In prank-MI "to We mum" tho pat Is burial dorply. than pron-nun: "v 1mm from emu-ring "w ("mm-la: «Mm. “WWW?! "1|! mflhod in ”“0"“ "N hmfly (Mona! when! should he cm high, so Hm mo gmun majority at] tho ,loimwonm «m be left an "to MM m m» "M mum- am my h- came-vi nndn and «immyrd. In mun-rm Kmmrky. Virginia. Tam Ind n'hrr 30“"!an and Snuth-anm «mu»: win-r9 «kmMHmmIlng system: an» In mm! use, It is pas-4M. tn pm and" "to stab”? without llm-r- !m'lng with 1M- "and“ 3mm. WNW-o (Ms In nat mfllmhlo. as h flmmlmv-t u..- use In tho num- North vrn 9m". mhsmuu- prams. such as ryo, Inn-1n m buckwheat Mk! M BETTER ROADS "I LOUISIANA Acctmflnx In Mum mild in tho «Mn- 0! we state Mgmuy cancer. ”.8741!!! VII! he spent on road I- pun-meat III Landm- In 1919 In tho «Instructing of m allot of highway um! “aware of m alla- Inna) ingrained. and mum-m 0mm Your. I. W may“ in flaking on lmnvlly mrmm areas. ILLINOIS DO "IT NOW! Why wait longer to enjoy the pleasure that a SUPERBA Phonograph [I you have children you Mme. is sure to bring? Kl‘cp them in lhrir musical cducflinn by bringinc inlo your home the reproduced voice: 0! the world‘s ables! Iflillt. Try this txpetimm! lo! six monlhs and sec how rapidly they advance. . Buy now and saw flfly Julian. Sent on approval nl your request. GET IN LINE FOR YOUBflAY 10018! Owing to the coId. rainy spring there is every indication of a bumper hay crop and one must get eve bit of the crop this year as other mull] grams will short. Why Pay More and Take Chances Hawkins 8: Hawkins“ We have a great nhuwing of cultivaton. com planters or moot anything in the wny of ’nrm tools. ttandnrd We handle all of the “old Mandard main.” eve-Inn will be closed Sunday afternoons mu MORRIS SHOE STORE a Th. "u'fltffl' mm!!! - "N 0'" .,Nu"~h.mumn. This nun ample warm! of fresh node, an dainty even the M (mun-u are delighted. Whl'nnn's. Philaddfln'l: and nggdt'n. Mon: have a”!- «l n EXCLI'SWI‘. agents here, for their hum unfin- Tn than who like "an-ding diluent" to anneal fit'N‘l‘E‘S DIASA 311'" CONVENTIONS â€"- I Ind and, (Int you don’t tire of. I.“ H. ['3'me GIIWN. ".1- I’m ”1» 348.“:in8tt. I. K. C. HAY 10018 GE'I‘S THE PROP IN THE RAIN BETTER THAN ANY OTIIBRS SAY IT WITH CANDY ' 64 South Mala Street. Downers Grove. Ill. Day and Night Service. V. Orsinger Phone 330-J Shoes are high and many of them are very poor. It takes 1m expert now-aâ€"days to know the difference. Our twenty years experience in the shoe imainess make as ex. pert in buying and fitting. Our low expense permits us to give you better shoes for '08 money. ue vitnlly inhaled in their "due” (at In) always Telephone 282 I huh I to 5. 0,6 In. *, May 16, I,” "In

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