Downers Grove Reporter, 11 Jul 1919, p. 4

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Having Phone 212-W-2 HARRY H. MARTIN The flnry of Earl Singlou-rry. who was in the bank at tho limr the mbâ€" bery took plm. is intrrc-«Iium Ho m at the door just Inm-ing whrn four men walked in. GM of thom leveled a gun at him and said. "Back in the vault with you.” at tho same time pushing him back at the point of the mm. Singlotnrry was an intâ€" erested man of what foilowed He says. “Nam of the men mum] in the hast excited. they won evidently‘ following a prearranged pm as tlwy seam-d not In get in each other: way Roidy hm on the trail of U"- ml)- ban- 3" tho way but was too far b»- hind to rah-h sigh! of them. When (spun-9d one of tho men brush-d that they had mvorod 0w twang-Jive m’len in twenty-(Eva minutex Police 0f all mrrnumlinz lawn: havl be": notmovl and war on the look out for five car but I'm-y 'I‘rv “in in not (win through any inn-nu. The hart-lib: hlrnml was! rm Mayh- Avevmo than «and: «m "w East firm-r Md to tho I‘lainfloM mad whrvv Hwy turned vast ping thrvmgh Lynn: and Cicero inks (Mom lbw)- had [raw 0w bank's gun I. hr kfl. and commandvring Uw flrfl passing car. I Ruin-k brimming h the Cary-Sta! (‘11. and drum h\’ K. A. Strung M De Kalb. nnv nf "Wit "lam. nrr dun-n Glove Reporter W] 1nd S‘mfiflrrry had Mon W in "w nu" and Nw dam slum ed (a. Hun-x". Un- ions of Un- door on so find during 0w- dty that i! «and he lot-ind and thy 22m lorr- ed lb [rill dam mating nut on Main MM just u tho mum mr (mac-J the rumor It laple Avmno‘ While Hwy I‘FI'P in tho hunk an I "Hid!!! Cttlillk. IMrh Hwy M “0‘ lei the night bfum urn landing It W «vi. TM faur Jumvfii iMn ”IF cud-inc mil app-«Om! you”! rm Main Tho fol" no. vllkrd Into 1hr hall Ind driving main-rs form-d Dewy My. tho booth-err. lull Earl Wm. I muons". into un- mlt. Thy not "anus... in night Inn. mostly gown-mat hoods and Ulla of km mmlmhm. than If ht (In-6n out (In Cash drum-r in he! of (be tuitior'a m1- lhoy kn. 11w mhbrry which ntcutvd It 12: ."oq am )0 m an new (up-1m”, 0' at our" pulled ad I. this vicinity. In I”. Um smut ulna {rum "1-- hulk Than-tiny In {20.7% tllvldfll ll lollawu. Crank-Ira o! ImkMullu-m OHM. ”batty "out: 87.1!” Ind cu!- 321m. The Chicago police. who mulc- Hu- umlu upon information mn'ivni from lots! mumu. an convincrd Hut In Armu'vm than Ina-n they h.“ "It mic-n- o! - flux of I'm-my ur mom Similar holduya Ild crlmr-t or over) mun- haw W truce-1 lu thin nag. Two married cwplefl when flu- but dil- mm-d II’I' duo being m-m Thoue held for the rubbery aw Ar- thur Hum". formrrly of owner: Grove. G-rfleld Sulllv-n, Duvid City Ion, Thom O'Brien Anal Roy Slew- The five men who held up the First National Bank here but “lumlay are lying in the county jlil I'. Wham uniting trial. Their rich haul 0! bonds and money has been almost dl powered and sum Attorney Chm Hailey in plumlng I quick trill and the limit in the way u! a ”antena- for their crime. [mod every Friday morning from the office of the Downers Grove Publish- ing Company. 37 North Main street. Downers Grove. Illinois. Entered at the Downers Grove Post “ice as second class mail matter. Mnrfising rates made known upon application. Subscription rates $2.00 per year. Single copies 6c. BANK BANDIIS WMIING IRIM ”(011m Mll Downers vae R. R. l I Who Ila-Id Up Pint National Bank Lu! Thuuday Hue All Conformed. C. H. STAA'I'S, EDITOR Cultivating W» ALMOST bad a min Vedan- Jay nvpninx. Down Grave is ab- zolmnly the driest AM in the worm, \Vn «pm! an hour the Mhor night on tho lookout for a 1rd cellar. Naming It will mm hm dons. I fin- rmm flat and a motlvm huh-n plant. Th:- mmr “a", living moms and 4""! will hr "xv-(l by Mr. Ross. 'lm mm mmlm‘ts an un to data- baker) in l'al‘im TM all!" stow will In for wnl Wort will cnmmrv m soon as “w mMmMs are lot. TM- building. which will {mm for“ m» («-1 on Wan"! Atom-r. rm I» H!) (Pd loan. of modern bfick com *tmflhn. it I1" he pm story in bright but provision will be mask in IM annflwr ntory htrr‘ Ry (III a flu- bunlm Nod will any" the (‘npt Ronni (velar I! Wnrrm Amm- and Mail Bun-(V A. 0, Roan of mum. to panhan- M "n wordy and will ma not an 0' actual building. Mr and ”w arrhiu-d flu: that "to plus ww- iooliu mrr flu- [mad Tot-why If- “moon In! making Smirk-s mat m: "car-ling Ind building "that “I! not I or»! of the money or \bumln had bot-n neon-ml." «M J. ‘W. lluubm‘ pmMcnl of 1M Pint animul flank. “neither Hw- banl nor Hu- ukpouikoru would have lost u to un- mon- thln nmply punt-cud by "nut-arr? "In fact. w any null; mmv- imunm ”an the Merit)! of um." hull;- u m- mukkr minty a pn’nw "quiz-um o! a banking mu- tutmn.” NEW BUILDING WILL BE BUILT THIS SUMMER The grant! sentiment in flu- viii-x: favor» hanging u now- m (and for thll gang to net":- u I knoll Many hnvv unnamed I “(mine to help pull on Ch» rope. The pmbubiliuo- nu- um nu- thnn unto-Ice)! mll not be ova-r "(tutu yrunl. For that deal he was given two year: in Pontiac, when he was known In a modvl priwm-r. "1' fin- ished his term by bn-inx patella] to tho- Rock Island arsenal when he worked on munitions. ‘ The mere fact that he should tt~ ‘u‘mpl anything as bold as the robbing of the bank in brow! daylight where he is so well known mlunively proves him a hardened criminal and» one who has tnveled far since his check deal hen in 1917. ‘ For this job at lPut Hammil was 1thq- leads-r 0f the gang. He lived on a farm south of Raul Crow with his panama twa yo-am ago and had serv- ed a term in l’ontiav for check for- m-ry. Ho- was woll Imuwn in the village and a few minutes befom the holdup ulkt-d with fellow/s who um! 10 play ball with him here. but all had something to do and dill it." “I kept my eye on Hammil all the time." “He held the lug. I sort of flour suck. into which the other three dumped in money and securi- ties by the handuful." “I knew I had seen him before somewhere. knew that he formerly lived in town. but could not. for the life of me remember his rump." “For that reason I wat- chmi his r-very move. trying my host to rocolloct lllzi name and it wasn’t until ovorything was m'er and l “a: cut on the street that it came to me." In case resistance was met with the gang had orders from Hammil to shunt, but not otherwise. That they were prepaml to stave ofl pursuit was evident as Gibson was an expert marksman in the army and a high power rifle wax part of the equipment of the ear. This was to be used in ken-ping any pursuars m. a safe dia- tanw. puncturing times and in an em» ergency. I. I. GIBSON 2S1 CHICAGO AVENUE HINSDALE BATTERY SERVICE STATION for the rerharging. rrpairing and sale of all types 0! Storage Batt'rios. Expert work by an exva battery man. Plum. or drop us a card and we will call for your battery. furnishing you with a mu! battery gt a moderate charge. Estimates given on mir wart. Testing and refilling cheerfully done without charge. AGENCY FOR THE U. S. L. BATTERY HINSDALE Battery Service Station ANNOUNCEMENT 1": WISH TO ANNOUNCE “rm: OPENING or THE Tele’lnne Ell-duk- m nowmms GROVE REPORTER. DOWNERSMGROYE, 11.111191; Fm! szm \Ahn mnml uilh U»- (u ”w MTvn-N h) "2"“, mgpwhm." nmhan mhnln m S'br‘r-n v: Fun" u” probably q“ mm. m‘ m» "Whyâ€" Hmn am uthv‘r [vw'll lmv 3: ho um: m (‘hina‘ .lnnnn Run-u and Nth-rm ? I‘m-nim- Mhrv th‘r‘r kmmn land: l)r, Roy loom. who sv-n'rd in Us» Media! departmenc of Um M F'r‘H ArtINory anivod hm Monday own- 811. Major Rnrvmd Wham". who) nu sonic» with the ‘3‘. Division A" Sonics Wham“ nwr "NW. u had: for good. ('orporal lm Wnfley. a ml!" M' W MRI lm‘k :Hlth Engimrs rm tamed Monday ownim. Munro Damn (3m: bu).- uv n- ‘mmng Mmâ€" own- A.) and non Hwy will all h! bah. Ensign (That l’flVih who hm Iron «um! If. Park Island. arrivnl hm Saturday. MORE LOCAL BOYS RETURN mm SERVICE Ila-h homo lla- pafly (nu-In! tho)- hod not our nm‘hul (Warh- bunt M M- 'Ninwmuin-«l In In: than 5!!! All any they fished and hunted or played tlu- phonograph till evening and“ RI] o'er them too won at but by hull. 11w clay i! you mnembvr wu July number (in of flu- hour»! kind 0! miller you'll m- wlIllr you'rv allw. Chri- mlnrd a lol u! hlinu'rn upon hi: brawny urn". 0w plan-nu of that won mm I?" man in win- of all In charms. Tl"- nIgM tuna-d ‘MI. W)‘ nll Iurml in "W «me1 ‘III the car And (Thrill Ind non Wall: ‘1: mu m don-um vary hr. Thu night mm on it cold" (M and (Mn hot-n In fluke. Mn Minter» «and to hunt" Mm (hr mm krpt hum awalw. Another ully of Mlmm .nf‘ boating and of fun wu pawl-d by all and Sunday. Al..- hm man (n:- abno.‘ Chris. Staats who mm) the paper ,hud been working very ham, so ht." leaned his son Elan, a playing in the yanl, “Now son" he said “I've noticed you've been working like an ox. so we'll just go a. fishing down on thi- River Fox. Down thew we'll find Charles Hawkins and Edwanl Dunno- igan and I will bet a golf ball we’ll have a lot of fun." Now Elon is a sober youth, he did not smile a bit but hustled quickly upstairs and got his fishing kit. The trip to ancient ivorkville was made without evâ€"ent. ithey had no automobile so by the “Q" they went. Twas early Sat'day mom- iing that Elon and his Dad arrived at Hawkins’ camp ground and they were very glad for dinner was just ready with ham and eggs. galore and .nobody objected when Elan asked for imore. Chas. Huwkins and the Missus ‘and Sir and Mrs. Id. gave them a ilk-arty welcome and this is what they EMid: “Now Chris we'd like to have 'you do anything you wish just lie around the campfln- ur clue go out ‘aml fish.’ So C. H. tool: his cont ‘0'! and so surprised the croud. h.- :wore a fancy sport shirt of path-m; rith and hid. Said CharIN “(.‘o put fyour coat on or hide it In the grass,’ ‘No fish will stand for that thing at icept ii “Carlson bass." All day the uextette wandered a-[ long the flaw brinkâ€" “Did thvy» catch muiy fishes?" “They did 1| do not think.” Theonly Isaac Walton} wns Elan noble boy who landed four' black bass much to his. fathnr‘u joy.’ did. I). and (‘hnrlmt kept ll it but“ j(Thriu hr took in whirl at digging. clams botany“- he mid “l'erhqui I'll} find a pearl." { PHILIP fl. INA“. Jr. WONDER WHAT “C. H.” WILL SAY WHEN HINSDA LE. ILL] No!!! HE “LAMPS” THIS Telephone _3_9_ These machines are guaranteed and have proven for many years just what they will do. All you have to do is ask any owner of a Thor. just how they satisfy and they will tell you the same thing. Rnguhr Inn-ham: of (N- chapter will hu- MM during tho summon Tut‘s- :lay. Juiy 2204. is to.» no“ and it i; "ported that the mean will Insist The \wna Jnn'nn aw damning a lawn i'any for thumb): July I‘lth. '80 Wording u» mac-Wm 2 tom- num- br of child" mink-rs and RM mat. ,in( digmufiw nay-ml amend W bun-pd nu.- ufl n-hynl - WP.” A." u‘h-l 1mm. Dv'mu II'I'!‘ Nahum-d no Gurn- Myn «Mum 0m mmmm. PA- ID!!! "-1 Ind William 81hr. Pun Palm John ll. urmmu obligated the ran-lithe". Thn neon wluu nun! up gnarl of hmmr In tho pmwnlahnn n! m.- An. “mun (2mm! Munm \u-n' leyn flnm‘n. Mariam Butlrr. Ankna [WW “II. Ind. 0h... Innin- Topo. Ind Manner Uhlhorl‘ $23"??? an: 61 South Main Street "a Retailers of High Grade Merchandise llmlldou Un- Auuriau- Grand In!- mn llw ("Havana ulflu'r- Irvn- pm m-M: Rou- Holl, ”ran-l Marsh-ll; Shah Dlnérln. Grand Adah; (Ilnn (Y. Robin-«m. Grand Ruth; ml liv- Hnmilm, 6qu mm; Ih-p'vummhuu of ham” hm dumb-n I‘I'rv- mum-m at 0w mow-(mac. lemmlny. July 9th. urn‘ Uruml Mnm'x night at Vania (humor. 0. H. S. Vulun 8w", Axum-uh- (Ir-ml ”Mum of lllmon. mu "w gum: of lunar llhflu Nu- plum- nf Futile-rim- ('nmpbvll‘ “unhy Gram! Muhun. whu “as unable (a attend. That the view am confident of ulti- mate victory and that the drys an- n-joicing, ml. VEST.‘ CHAPTER W A S INSPECTED BY GRAN D MATRUN That. Missouri has uglin flotilla! to hang hut "mull-rem and wonder what thug old~tiuwr~s think when they re- lm-mber the necktie [amt-s they used to hold {or horse thieves. ‘ Thar. tho pm~'t.)ffice «lvpartmont was inuugumII-d v.0 give svn'ice and that wv are gutting very little of that. That Prosident Wilson has return- ed bringing mam.» and warns of “straps 0f paper." That Postmster-Gcnoml Burleson will not deny his resignation is writ- tvn out, and. That the postufl‘ico- dvpartment has been trying to make mom‘y and has maul“ mom-y, and. That Dempsey gave Willard an aw- ful bvu‘dmg at Toledo and a $100,000 bunting isn‘t so hard to take after all. That the famml “horse marines" of our boyhood are now an actual fact as the Marine Corps has mounted troops in Halli. That": grunt to haw vonfidv-nca S, S-ar i4 art-n1 a. BMW“ Wanner hamm rum-M m ”it wr Sfl BY "It was J. D. GILLESPIE 8: CO. A Itormtion Association having been formed in the village with pros- p-sctn of its becoming a healthful fac- tor in "II‘ villag» life. your committee recommends that :50 {u as is found. oxpedifllt the Department of Reena- tioa cooper-ta with,nd auxin the Re-l creation Association In itu artiviiien. Your i‘ommittw {unlit-r n‘nxmmu-ndu' that “om-c G. Ilutler. of Highland Awmm. hr lllflllt' chairman at th- lh-purtnu‘nt of llm‘rvalion with an- ithority tu win-ct hi; immnliuli- mash-- Janis. Your committn- futlhn-r n-nml- memln that the lkpartnu-nt uf Rec-mu- hon hr org-nixed in n .wpnmh- hovly i'mlnr Hu‘ll rub-a n» st Ilull m-léfl m- trmlinx the opportumty (or member nhip to all ”tinny. inlvnuu-cl and that it wpoit its Mtivitin to "w (‘om- munit) erfnrr lwaxun on nun-wt n! "w prr-Ming uflwv‘r 0! [hr lA-ngur. Yaur vmumttn' furthw magma; Hut :1 claplrlmv-nt at “"310 Inm- rlfl.VU I U. lw GAVE RECITAL The meal amt piano pupils of Mrs. H. S. Dum. entertained their pure-LI and friend! at he! harm- on Wed” (lay evi‘nlnx. July 2nd with a plusâ€" ing program. The piano numb", um? remkred by Helen Holloway. Mary lhhnt. An- n: Buhrn. Leona “ha, Mary Ram. Dorothy Brmly. Genevieve- firmly. Martha Bender. (‘uthc-rim Bock", Frank Strain. Charles Hahn and Min Melina Wimuu-r, while yin-ll talus wun- (awn by Min anrnnt Smith. Min. Amp-la Antkoviak. Mary Refill. l-ilvunor llama. Mary Kuhn 1nd I» lhu llo-mlu-v. 'l’hc- SI. (.‘l'o-lil Chem of I“: mm»! pang "Summrr Tim" unnl thr “Sol-lien ('hotun." can! a luiliw lrm rumpowd of Mm: Wilma" anal the Mina-1 Ann-la Ind Valeria Antkovmlt Kau- wu-rnl ill-ll'ladul numb-n. Your committa- furl’wr n-conh mom]; that the lk-partmcnt of Run-u- Uon bn- organized at - N'Pfll‘fllq- body rmivr mrh NIt‘a n» I! nlull n'lécl 1-s- lrmliux (hr opuor‘unil)‘ for member. uhip to all vain-n» inlvn-nlnl and that It "you its uuvit'w: to "w (‘om- mun“) Walla" Locum- on mm”! of flu- [mo-Ming when u! "Ir Lruur. That a department to be known as the Department 0! Recreation be add- ml to the league, its object being to improve the opportunities of residents of the village for healthful recreation. punicular attention to be paid by the department to community mrentiun with special ofiurt tu intrresling thi- yuuth of the villugv in athletics. Your committee, consisting of HA P. Jones. Mrs. John Gillespie. B. L. Kel- logg. M. K. Bush and W. F. James. appointed to consider extending the activities of the league from a war time basis to a peace foundation, pw sent the following recommendations: Downers Grove, Illinois. July 8th, 1919. Report of Special Commune Com. munity Welfare League. b'l‘o the President and members of the Community Welfare League of Down- t-rs firove: New departments establishing the Community Welfare League, on a peace basis were added at meeting Tuesday evening. The report of the committee appointed to do this work :5 as follows: COMMUNITY WEL- FARE LEAGUE ADDS NEW DEPARTMENTS ow CMMS ANN! mam "GREATEST FAIRZ "4"". °§§m§a§§mfi FA"! Get your order in before there is an more labor trouble. it may strike this factory as it as so many others at this time. SALVO Come in and see these machines run and let us tell you all about them. It won't cost you anything and it is sure worth seeing. Delivered to your order in one or two dozen lots Eh] l l, \V. .\l A R( ’l l1â€"\N l) This washer does not rub or scrub )our clothes in an) \\ m. They simply roll around m the cvlinder making it impossible tn injure the finest of linens or laces. THOR HICI'RIC WASHERS Have your own laundry and save your clothes by washing them the modern way and they will last you twice as long. You can buy this machine either for cash or :m time and the pnce IS soon saved. 'I'I‘ZIJCI'I “IND-2 232!- \\’ THE FAIR W QUALITY Cereal Beverage Ileana! Tenemce Drink The meal amt piano pupils of lira. H. S. Dum. entertained their pare-u and friends at he! honu- on Wednav day evening. July final with a plan:â€" inx program. The piano number. unn- rendered Your coutmiuee is not now able to place in nomination anyone for the chairmanship of this department and again crave: mom tima. lwspect'nlly submitted. nightly running. this league would b» the greatest factor for a bigger, better. brighter Downers Grove. EV< cry resident. should identify himself with thls organization. V 0 C A L A N D PIANO PUPILS GAVE RECITAL Your committee further recom- mends the creation of a civics oom~ mince department of the league, to be organized in the manner Butliud for the department of recreation. The department to take up the beautify- ing at the village and making it more comfortable. A suggested activity for the Civics Committee being a clvan up of the village creek. Your committee is not now able to present the name of a prospective chairman for such a department and craves further time in which to con- sider such a nomination. tufionsheaddedtothelmum an ammonium title its work having to do with furthering the interacts of the Public Library and other Vil- lage institutions such as a prospec- tive village or municipal building. WÂ¥2_,JE!!JM' I" WISON m Telephone 30 Day or Night

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