Downers Grove Reporter, 11 Jul 1919, p. 7

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Graduate Nurse mm mm a momma H. L. Gran fluid!- l Surge... Olin, Hadley Building; me I Res. 50 Oahu-0d Are. Phone 10 Macao-rs 1:30m5:00p.m. Evening office hours by appointment. AM... Downers Grove, [11111011 Me ll J. 1cm,'n. v. I. VETERINARIAN if; r. wonsumr. n. n. Austin 1129 Landscape Gardening our Specialty Q 00 MWovndh-W OPTOMETRIST C 0'. cuss: VI on at. A60 30 Acres ’l'n-ocs. Shrubs, and Vines best far this climate. Link-ford Nurseries Phone 32I-J Edi-Inte- tun-Mm! on work. 21 S. Pom! Avenue Telcphone [OS-W Sundayâ€"J a. m., Mus, vending of flu Gospel and Epistle of "m day. Sunday July 131 9:15 a. m., s 10:30 a. m. (E 8:00 p. m. 5. Street Chumh." ST. PAULS EVANGEIJCAL GROVE STREET CHURCH UIu-dihg‘bme. I) IW hit-Ib- '” ‘c. a Ton. m. D. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH OF EAST GROVE Wednesday . 8:00 p. rm; Midweek Prayer Meet- Ins. Sunday. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. M. V. Morison. Supt. ' 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Sermon by the pastor. I urn v. 0.9mm In“);- VII-Op... Sâ€"hv Mull-An. 6mm hour: 2 to c Oflice 27 E. Cumin Street MARY S. DIENER 8T. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. In. Emu B. Goodwin, Putor. Tu: W. w. coon." 06.. a Read... . n...- 201 N. Fate! AR. and Fri-iii 3v. F. W. KET'I‘ENRING Contractor 8: Builder The Rev. Wm. Crotch-Id. Pastor PHYSICIAN SURGEON Ffidax, July 11, 1919 Sunday School 10:00 a‘ In. ' All are welcome. 7:45 p. m. Preaching Sonic-e. 8:00 p. m. Union Service. Pliyslclnn Sag-neon In. 12 E. Maple Ave. CHURCH floTlCES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. B. Little. Putor. DES. Gill-3“.“ Docum- Gnu. "Nada Telephone I12 L'ilh. , S-Imlm: School. (icrmun SI-rm-o. Survive at tho, “(7105M “den 3. Gregg Grove Mr. and Mrs. C. A .Carlson and daughter spent the week and camping below Phinfleld. with friends. The ownerafthefamwhentheyump- ed collected rent for the [and occu- pied hy‘the belt. ‘ Mr‘ and Mrs. H. E. Hunt, of San Francisco, Calif., while motoring to Toronto, Cainda. stopped here for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rem- mers. Mr. Hunt's dnugMer. Domhy llld Ruth. who man their home with Mr. Remmers. will accompany their father for the balance of the trip] Great preparations are being made for the Union Sunday School picnic of Mhe First Exangelical. Congregational Bnptist and Methodist congregations. It will he held at Napervillo Park, Saturday. July 19 and an even better time than last year is anticipated. } Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Carlson. Walter Kolzaw and Kins Helen Zell drove t0 the Desphines rive-r Saiurday for a days fishing. Bray Pictognph u Dicke’s Thurs- day. adv. Sunday. July 13th. 9215 u. m. Sunday School. W. W. "emu. Supt. 11:00 I. m. Honing Wcruhip. Sermon by die pastor. Subject 'Mmihflflies." 8:!!! p. m. Union Services at the "(march o! the Closed Sheet.“ - Rev. Wag will preach. Wednesday. July 10th lid ml: service of prayer uni prninc and discussion of matters per- taining to the Kingdom of God. Sunday July mu‘. Subkd: “Sacrament." sum! 843W ‘0'.” 3‘ m S-nirva. Sunday ”00 a. m "es-lay 8:“) p m. Reading mu. Monday and I'm 3 to 5 p m. Lihrary "all The M. P! l'hilalhu Clan. a class for “mum. moot: In "Mr clau- room m-ory Sunday morning It 0:“ for va dml)‘. \‘lnitoro and new mom- bvrs alwnyu \wleome. In. 0“ lawn. Inch-r. I! m um \ucution m-awn but unt‘ Mmhl warn-Dy sword it. The nl‘ '(rmlnma- in vu'clll'nt. llvmcmber llw l'haluihvn ('Ium. )ln. lpwvr. Tunchl-r. also flu- Frllnwuhip Claw. TmrIu-r Mn, 31mm. llolh Inn-N u! this hour. 11:00:: m l‘ublic Won-hip. ‘ 80mm» by the mrtor. H. m-ml "I'm-luv: “Tlms‘ Holy Haul» Minx." Sun-ml in d‘rh'a‘ "Thu- ”aunt; of llmutmkfl' 6:30 p. m Epmmh Launch [\ln‘m- u ”all mm‘hl‘lk. x no p. m. l'nion 31'th at "Thr- flnuth n! 1hr ('ltmwl SIM'L" .‘i. E. I‘IIIL.\TIIE.\ CLASS \ i 1 I A l . flam- wmlvr. Supt Sumhiy. July ml. METHODIST EPISCOI'AL CHURCH It". Tim-m )- Dun. Mild-tn. i A Children’s Day program will be ‘rcndorod at 10:00 a. m. The public is cordially invited to attend. 7:00 p. m. Y. P. A. Hzflo p. m. L'nion Son'ice a! the “Closed Slit-rt Church." Work Day St‘l'\'i(‘l‘si ("\QREI: \TIUNAI. CHURCH Sunday Servic FIRST EVANGELICAL CHURCH Holy hour adoration every Friday From 3 to 4 p. m. Men's Sodality méetn on the fifth Sunday of the month; Married Women on the first Sunday; Young Ladle: on the Second Sunday; Boys and Girls on the third Sunday. FIRST (‘lfl'RCfl 0' CHRIST. MEIENTIST sermon; 10 I. m.. High Mass, reading of the Gnspel and Epistle of the day, lemon; 3:30 ‘p.'m.. Vespers. benedic- tion. sermon; baptisms, 2:80 p. m. Week damâ€"How Communidn, 7 I. m.: Mass. 8 a. m. _\'or Mm‘ting ANDREWS l-II’ISCOI'AL CHURCH r The Rev. Hugh )1. MuWhotu-r Prion-i Charge Ru. II. II. Fleming. l’ulu. Rev. J. Alfred Nansen. Pastor. Sunday Svhool. II. E Monday nod Friday Wednesday Evening DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER, DOWNERS GRQYE." ILLINOIS Ladies and Misses summer drags- es. also “Nets. geomette and silk jersey gowns at reduced prices. Coats. rain-coats and suits in best mafia-ink at great reductim in price. I have a choice lot of geomette mists in navy. grey. flesh. white. all sizes. Why not let mffit you with a “Solid Com- fort" corset. Any style. choice in color and materitlâ€"vwifll flaunt-e for one year. Planto silk hosiery. the wear-ever kind. for men, women And whildmn. Women's out-aiz'e hosiery. ‘14-an thrend silk hosiery for men and men. the best quality made. at lam! possible price. Orders than Tuesday. Thursday md Saturday. In. Emrhh. 75 No. Forest Ave. adv. f. 'l'lm pmds d tomorrow‘s hall lpme between the Army and Navy representative: of Downers (have will ‘go to the loul pos‘ of the American Legion. It in expetted that one of the largest crowds which has uwr witnessed a hull one here will be at the field tomorww. Both mm‘ lune real plsyera and besides the nov- elty of the thing I ml nine of b.“ is expected. Ethel Clayton in “Vicky Van” at Dicke's Thursday. adv. 2 "1mm..- Gmu- Lam. No :30. I. :0. 0. l' is vividly gaming in (am a wr" n; nth-twin». last film-hr [0mm lulh fifty pm «at u! "w mum- ;b x mun-d out to m I!» lual de- . v tram eolfl-I' "I! "oinl «kgm-m .m k I m -n of Navel-HIM Indian T‘ut d~gm h‘um will haw a name along (I ‘ “Q" manly that wlil h: the emy‘ o‘ a'l (ho- other.“ in this Madrid. 1 'Inaixn H. I. Butler of the U. 8 S‘ Minman. left Boston Har- b" lu~( Till'h) on his 9-th hip 11. cm tho Allanfic um week he has m- "mum-Mal by his Caphh tn ”an Burr-nu a! 34::th for : pro~ mnfion in uni. This honor mm to him umxpecM and was told it wm‘ bxaua- of ntfieinm sen-6m he had‘ hat-{cred a: an Miter. Addition-l locals on hm 6 and 8. I “'m. Stun". (math shoot" for [he Hora! Irlrphnm- "an In in u nwfu! ‘pvwliramvm yous-"lay morning Hr- ‘rlimhnl n km I-lu'le fixing a for!!!" HM and 2 Huh- twig pin-Ml havoc n‘ilh his 7 armors and his dignity. A.- I mull mm farmer out .Julh is short a» 'mml uhhfu Bill "3-0erâ€" od" to war in lion of pants fish 11w night bellm- lbw AM. And all m- ind with us to alim- \\'n.- Fridays. Rhuborh wine. liman‘ t’u- 4": II iami‘y. 1 A merry puny of .mumz folks piw nice-l among: llw shady lrw-n of "N'- -¢ly'.: (:mn- ul Llfill' on ”11- {mu-1h. In ullw evening: dancing \\'ln enjoyml to lmunic {urnixlml by J. A. Naih- (Z. \\'. .l'klwawls and D. K, (.‘rnig. Tlmm- in ‘tlw party wa-rc. Min-wt Hon-m ,Fruvnkcl, I-Iun Elliott of (Thlrnuu ‘Hciahu. Maude fink-mun. Gonna-lo 'an-nln-l. "Ola Hulll‘hy 0! Ohm. "0â€" 'rl. Frm-nh-l, Ann" \\'Mlml. Edith Graham. Lam: lluglwx. Sum l'lnl- lip: of Chicago. )laybvl Cm-m-r [Im- llm l'rlm‘r. firm-vino Btirklc- of Yul- run. .\llrlI,. An’illu Swot-t. Kiln-l Eul- unnln. )In. J. A. Kath. Mom" Hr- nml .\l. Gallup. .l‘mnlx ll. \\'illanl, Emll (‘. \\'rtu‘n, \\'ill F. Canada. [my I). I’IiMm \\'nrn-n ll Jnmw. l-Iol. ll. llunlmmon. Will H. lllonlrrv' "(mm-l l‘. Jun”. lmr H. Sunlvy. film-m “I Edam-ls. Sam'l II, Woo-ll. [nuis \\'. llvlclvlmlm Hurry L. Illmlgru. I ,‘h'. and Mrs. R. J. Eben-Hm of lC‘luuagu. huvu- born gisiu'ng their «lau- mlm-r. Mm. J. ll. Iluhng. i l Hr. nuJ Mrs. I. ll ("'E'YI'HH wort.- vmdr- hapln' by '.ln~ an \‘nl of u lana- jmul good looking an and [Mr in Hwil ‘tnmily Ia". Thurmlm morning. ‘ Miss Genm‘it-w Stick!» of Vulcan, Mich. spent last week visiting with Miss Arvillu Swept. Tin-y In“ the fore pan 0" (ho work for “"11“? Pig- vml‘ Mich. for a month's \isll. M. Kim: gm: \ ia'ilod Founh. In the game with Hinsdulc on the fourth tln- following played \vi‘h the local team. E. Smith. C. E. Gram-s. II. M. Halemun, J, W. (Braves. E. H. Huntington .(.‘. llulhington. 1). Col- \ill(-. E. Cruuor and R. Nolan. From the issue of July Bill, 1897. Mrs. Sarah Ann Batcman, wife of William Bateman. one ul' the pioneer settlers of the township.‘ «lied at her home on Maple Avcnuv. Thursday. July [st at thu adVflnt‘t'll age of 7!) years. \Vn “WM! (our wan out In TWENTY-1W0 ' YEARS M30 IN THE REPORTER J“! n ”mm Chicago, ~;.« '1' v with C. (3 Gran-s Mu llush and Frank M. Slan- friumls at Jolivt uu-r Hu- In order to reduce his income tux Bradford Jones. owners of the Standâ€" ard Railroads Corporation. transl'rrg his interests 5» m. Wright. :3“) But she imish mun running the ma! herself. Amen-r hoe m Warn i< H‘nol! l‘arlrard. who ““5 a newspaper. H1: sends Scoop McCready, stnr report". to interview Susy. Old Jones t.‘ : wr» him out. but Susy falls in law wlth Scoop. who detests the daughters! of the idle rich. Susy promises him nev-l er to touch a dollar of her father's money, but meals the fact that shn has several millions in her own right. They marry 1nd go to live at Riviera. Packard fires Scoop. who gets a job ‘editing a paper designed to fight the railroad. Susy finally confesses thnt she owns the road. is forgiven by her W and both :12 happy. A" Men Hm Vat-o. No man In wlthout some with, the due "rule-Hon of whlcl he i At Dicko Thane Tuesday; July lath The love mwnwv of Ruth and Cal- houn pmspers and :h--;-‘ wand-me fol- low. In Vicky'i dining room Srhuylvr matches ofl lwr In)» wig. and turn- in‘ Hum-1y. rhokrs hm, Tibbtfls. who believe; Schuylor purvimu to murder Roth. picks up a game knife "I! stabs Sdmykr to «hath. Run». and Tihbtus disappear through thv secret door and find nefug» in Ruth' 3 mm. The hub of Srhuyler is duâ€" covemd and a police inquiry burn" with the mu" that the) srrl’“! door in discoverai. Ruth buys {in- housu- which adjoins Hw- Sdmyler mansion. and Imllmilll "w name of Victom \‘u Allen H'ic« ky Van). .ahe ma nth": about Mr :3 Bohemian sch inrhnhng Valium». ‘who become :nmn‘flml in Vicky. hr- rause of h -r n-wmhhncr 1» Mrs. Schuyler whom he had not am «Mr» their meeting in “It qu'y mouth! pon'huxly. Aflo-r Hm wnlulnm llu- rum-Ic- Ihfl for Xv“ Yolk m U».- lav-inhuman? powwful motor nr. On a lmly road in ”on wank. n..- mu-Mm W4 JuaMrd. anal uhilv Schuylvr gum in march of ”13.41"". Ruth and Til» fit“: in w mach-y «In his rw turn. M Hm: mm! Chester (‘IL ”mm aware: anal mruvol- in mm"- bug "to motor. (‘Ilhoun MNCVI?! Ruth In In Selim-let’s «laughter. mm! flu- rapibflfl gram; whim-win“ him on (In: point. Ruth Emllruu has Irwin n-uml by Ewr (in'ul Aunl HII'nn-Ir to and mam». .«wul ponnlinn mu! m-IMI. So who agrmm to Warn Ih- “'va u! llamlulph smug-1m. a man 0M «numb m h-- hc-r father. and wintully uln- l’iNu-ILI. hrr maul. "How do ymmn mvn makr low ."‘ than proving "ml rho L4 mu pert-wily nth-Md wifl! Ran-MIMI. mnn- m In.- cmnl M- tcmms. M llirkn 'l'hvmw. ‘I’humlay. July l7lh. Shrub-s man In pruned and Irlvu-n-d ‘Xl)“‘~l~'rui| 1m» in a In: week». In your ordm tn right III). Pn- rnnhlu rho.“ be onkM .\1' "SCH. E. SMITH. Trh'phom- 203-] lmwn Mon-cu Shann-nnd and Repair- «1. Mom-rs put in first claw concil- tiun. [218 N. Main s. l'hom- le-W. “verge Wum. ll “I’LL GET HIM YET” guod :u n-‘w. Apply to Mrs. Munin Long. Blacksmith Shop. Lislr "L. FOR SALEâ€"40¢!) Galsolim- c-nxine 0|: u r n (on Main mm mm; luxv llh- hm! busilww umwr in Hun‘nms (iruro', Al‘chiv Srhluudcr I’Imm' Lu W 2 FOR SALEâ€"llmwn Smyrna rug. 9 \12. Knoll condition. $16 also olmu dining room dump. 312.0”. 71’ (album Ana 7~HJ~C \\’.«\.\"I'EI) ’I‘O BL‘\'-~llum- and bug:- 2v. chm". l'honu “Midâ€"2.". 7-llâ€"l-(‘ WAN’ ’l-Il)~7.\lni{l for g.-n.’-ml work. no Washing £200}; I’hom' LEGS-J. 7 mu SAIJC~meh 'cow and calf. n. H. Kollug‘g. I’hom- 21244. 7-11-14: child’s xii-.1 'wiih béxmakéiacliid. Phum- may news with fruit tn-mx and lawn. burn and soppmle garage. threw blocks from depot, small puynn-m wiH handle. Addrms S. J. c 0 Reporter of- fice. 741-1-1’ FOR 7 SAerwuab'y "b5 and bungalow slricllv modem. steam lII‘at. lo). 5 :10. MN) u-rms. small initial Imtmcnt, l‘lmm- Hinsdulv‘lH. Clarendon Hills. lll. 7â€"11-7lâ€"l‘ FOR SAlfil-lâ€"a'yrqqm bungmofiv._ m1; FQR Sfilllâ€"Prosséd brick. 6-réom “VICKY VAN” I’hom' Lu W 2 7-1!-(‘ 4.3- ' huusv- wm-k . l I >1 -(‘ .1 (SEAL) Subscribed and sworn In before me fiil 8th «by a! 1.10”. (hurle- flnflor our, 2 mWAthat Tm?» .Ieposi'ci; 'iizb‘ec'c‘ u} fic’s'éééé ........ 18735.30 56. Liabilities other an that: above sated 40.83 Total ...... Q ................................. . , . 436146.!" State of lllinoin County of Du Page. 53: , 1; Samuel éuniss, Cashier of c . above named bank, do ”new nut that the above statement. is true tn the but of [ILL-”lbw” be“. ll. 13. lo. M Donors Gm: In the sac. of "Mn. .1 (hr that o! m on 1-. ”ti. I’ll CHARTER N0. 9725 Ll A I" hm KS 1‘ ('npilal Sloth I'nhl in. J 21mm 2.8a us Puntinuw.‘ mono 2L Fmirhlnfl l'mMa (III-U 3‘27.” ‘. limos“! ............. ”235.” To“! Liabilitivs . . .‘ .3352l12.” l. \i Sin-mam. ('unh'wr of "w Par mom ‘ Mnn‘hlnts flunk. d0 “010nm- l_\ «war that "w nbuvo antral-M 5.: true to flu- hs-s! of my known-Mgr and kph“. Suhfl'lihfld and swam to hrforv- m- lhi! 7"} day 0f Ju')‘ l9l9. Frank D. Llfldk‘)‘. Noury Public STATE 0!" ILIJNOIS I l . 2. 5. 7‘?“ RESOURCE? Lanna Md discounts. including Mia-mun“ ............ .5334” Overdrafls. unsecured .................................... .m U." 8. Honda (other than Liberty Bout; but including U. S. t “Mates of [Mable-hes; ................................ l n 8. Bork do Jud In wrurw cirruhtion (pr valor!) M.“ L'. 8. Bonds an: Cnnificltnx uf Imlohfiwhoss . . . , .. . . . . . . . owned .154 unfit-rim! ‘ ............................. Hm.“ Liberty Luau Bonds .......... , ..................... 5187” Bonds. SuturifiesV 00c. (other Hun If. S.) . . .. Bonds pk rig-1! In «turn: postal savings dn-posrm ‘ . . , . ,. m.“ Securi‘u'cw (not including stocks) mvnv-vl unplodxed . ...... 3m” R‘woh nth-r than Fl'lkrll Rnst-rw- Bank stock ........... I Vulu- or banking houzv. om! and unimbend ......... . fl Fun“! "'1‘ and Fixtures .................................. .00 Lawful reserve with Federal Rmrve Bank .............. MIL?! Cast in vault and net amounts duv from mm! bunks 2.6.” Chm in an other banks in the same cicy or town as reporting bank .................................................... m Chocks on banks outside of city or town of ................ reporting bank and other euh Menu ...................... l0.” wamMion fund with U. S. TM!" and due from ...... local-"l nl Doumwu (Brow. Stat» M lllimaln. at "u- chm- M bunincnn cm Hu- l'Mh any of Juan mm. .‘II and Mrs. W. 0. Brigg» t‘nh'lv laimwl .Iu-voml {Honda from (‘Mvnxo uml Hindu!" the 4th a! u pivnk din Two of our boy» wlumml ham" from ou-pu-ns In»: Week. 'l'hv)‘ arr Raymond Hit-9|” and (k‘orm- Hurt». .\hx and Mrs. A. (7. (irifl'in and soil lhlli-u of Chicago. un- I-njoying a va- catiun m. tlw home of Mr. and Mm. .-\. umrin Sr. ' .\li,. Aliw lh-hm uf Nupervillv, vi»- itml. Miss Hun-l Tn!» Friday mm Lora Chum-m at cm. was the guest of Mr. and Slut. L'u'w)‘ m'vr lhl' Wt'l‘k «ml. 'l'ln- Lisle Patriotic Sn-n'ifl! League iirls un- supporting u French orphan. ”i.~ mum is Alphonse Jan-quot and he {in-A in Hmdr-Savuiv. I-‘ranru. Burn to Mr, and Mrs. Burla- of (‘uunlry "PM. July find. a sown and one-half pound girl. Farmers 6: Mer- chants Bank livv. II. Hunt" in former pastor of Lisle Church. calla-d on friends hl‘ro Sunday. He is vnroute {rum Culi< I'umiu to Canada to visit his pun-[1t (‘1‘ culaiimz nob-s outsbndin; ‘. {Demand Deposits (other thnn bank deposits) gaining to fleseryg ....................... Capital stock 11%| in .. TIurplus 'und "riull-dpwfih ...... .. H . n‘ ma»! -;n-l flaunt coll-Med or ~r~li° d. m maturity and :m'. unwed (approximate) I}: ~:v:nt wwwed for taxe: mm"! ...... The Ladies Aid Sock-(y will meet m-xl Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Thus. Stanton. The reading room will be open as us- ual next. Tuesday and Thursday «vou- ing from 7:30 to 10:00 p. III. ‘ uawsv my mom usu: nun amour . u. lll;.~‘ulcl ...................... ... ............ Interest gnu-0! by! um collectoqqpprsximatoâ€"on Not": -«l 3.11 nemvahie mi in: J» W unerm rugs Cem'fiaus and 1hr n Stamps actually mun: otal RK‘KIII'ICIN Luann uml "Immanuummm (hm-Iran;- .......... l'. 8 [30min .. Lib-fly Loan “ouch. . (‘rr‘lflcalm of. [nah-Mull)":- \ ..... ' .1 .' War . vi Rump.- . . (Mar and Sloth :anklvm "mm. Funn- hm- and P'iltunm . . .. 7001!!! "NIH” 3.392.100 2m.IVI rum “Till? 2! “am [Mr hum [lulu ...... "mm" Carl: ......... 1am "mm “In County of Du P {SEAIJ a" (UH-‘ICIM. l‘l'lll.l('.\Tl0!\') lh-purt of "w condition of Sunday School at 10am :1. .m. Church Services at ”:00 u. m. Evening Warship at 8:00 p. m Jo! . 1‘. assure r First National Bank- ' V. summon. (1min 25 RESP. RYE 0381'th 1' N0 1 REPORT OF CONanN 0F ‘flfl‘ 2umm "mm" ”740. l I 833’." 32.9! Ll A Bl Ll TIES Dim “an": Mad-- f V a mom E Intal ‘ “H‘ m” Subsrnh-d III-l n-u n in h 40"! I“ ‘thix 7th Ar of July. l9l9 . Frank D. [Juno-y. Notary l‘uNic. 9 I mmhfimox "-50:11!" My «rm; It the {m .Ag-‘-4_. :A ”,4 __ «nu-mm: is lruo And m h m hm! of my kmwfi‘flfl and Mid. (SEAL) “alum Incidental rzifiififii Trvlmnrr ........ Comrmalionr of ..... 'Tmuun-r ........ Didn‘hutrvl to Didrku flnlnnn' . , . ......... mum-n. "mu Eu. .' i I I If FROM -- (‘mmly Suprrmlrmkat "akin"- 0mm. 3 2494.14 SupvrInIHMc-nk ......... 7m.” 'l'oachvrn ................ 61391“ Tut "all“. Sluliouur)‘, .. ‘ Suppliers, on. ........ 5013.“ huh-rm! on 'l’flu'lwr'x . . . . "Mum . ............ TM” humanâ€"vs. Enginm-nzc. Hun .. MILII Furl. Wulvr. luxhl. Eu. u IMO." Mafinn'nnnn- ur Malt . . H mm Librarian ................ a.“ Truchrr'u l'nnuon l-‘unvl .. M.” Nu-w “numb: l Rulldmn 1.1500.” Nn-w Handyman! ......... ”2|.” I’iutrit'l "und- ........ m.” Inlrrrfl on flowla . M.“ "alum ................. mam Hun-allure- Schonl llounl and Business num- Tmauuwrs ...... Sula- of School I'mpnrty 'al:» of Mall-rial ........ Dixlribulion of 'l‘runtm-s .. Dislrh-t 'l‘axo» .......... 'l'mnxft-rx. Tuition Fees and 'l'm.‘n.~'hi) 38. Rama-- ll. Du Pan (.‘ounly. H inms. fur Nu.- yenr ending Jum- 30th. “‘19, [inlnnw‘ I My um sad if i want a swimmin 'poul in this lu-m town so all us kids irun gu mvlnnuin when we wuntl. to {writ you :I lotor an to! you about If {so pious hun- mr Barber the any" for Mike wmml or somebody build I Ism’mmin place so uu kills can Mm when we wuntu. mnbe they can fix ‘thv lake with «more: on the hot-mu I’rsomvthlug. When we Want: swim ,now we harm go la the y at aner- rville. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATE- MENT OF THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER anther Ohmic-l. "Dom yere uvlauhs claim day Ill do ’Imut everything a hlrd kin." ob- :wrwd shlnbnnv: “but wlwn yn' am one ("3' asleep haldln' onto u branch WK his I‘m-l, MI sh" “12(st you'd L‘Ill am In hub 11 hmk."~lhmwu Transcript. [)l‘t‘l' I‘Idl'L'l‘ we sun: WOULD LIKE 1‘0 001(- Pu wm: THIS REQUEST TM a! Tali, Tut-l Tm-l Tlplul “mu; IIIHTRUBI'TIV” FUN" “MI,“ TUWNKIIIP Pl ‘3‘” My“ DISTRICT l-‘l’ NI) Receipt; lhmfl'nm ‘tz. man-ky- V. 35m..." vm”.'1‘reau‘ V' m. yours ’I'ruley, William -- Downers Gwve July 0. ....:Iaomm 161847.79 1 87472.46 mam 0 won . 109.10 8 ml." ‘ . ZCNJC 1500.00 8189!.” 601-1,“ 2253.18 am.“ 8 mm .3 4281.30 5 l 396(100 iébfli [27158.85 It.“

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