Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Jul 1919, p. 8

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“on spanking of (:allipoli. 1M wr- M Md a! wing Lord Kiuhinor landing on Ch:- bvach M the 1mm»; m for Wanders and silomlr salut- I” flu- doaci Anton in tho (rava- ”NI lhm'o \hv Callipnh Mum}. This: '8 the last timo- "u- Ania“ I‘VOI' saw (he ("at Enflish lmkr. Botan- ha ha Lord Kitrhivwr um! (n the Anzacs “Come day thp work! will know "w m If 'hal you boys have dour kn ad then you win I» pmud.” an. FM unmpln .ho Mntngraphfll lard Ki‘rhimr in the tram lino tnmrh ‘ 61mm“. “In «My protngraph of the kiddo!“ in vximm. od Mn mnw of prnmflion. and his ml is not nwn in a gloomy 0r mm stnu'n. "I: pith-ms: an uni- Never ummvlrvl MM m-H r nun» ark. h. 50?? 5| rhnrmul 'lrl‘ ~w m1: hi- mud“ In" :Imuml ham up In I mortality of 90 [wr rrM. Drspitr hi< arm-mm Sm. hulrr-I lme rrmin- “I w” fighting ml» In pink wIlh Arm-Hum from "m 27”: «ml the 30th did-tom- on "w hunt in hack of (inm- bnl." be cut “Wr qul haw-n Inmâ€" ponrily rrpulml I-y Iwmy (in-man Wnlmnl. Om- Ammicnn Iml. wha l Inn lrurvwl um Jack th‘pIu-n, of "W 27th :Inunum «up 4!!“ m m. “ring on no man“ Ian-l, II.» Innthm who Imvl alnml) -:I':-I\ “-qude III" {Inblmv II-m‘h In and In- 'DIIIJIIII’ n} for Ivrlp anlh. Iw-I‘nu- I runlol Jug: IIIIII. IIan-Ivl Imnl your um. In¢ f.|"t‘l| Imnlm um": m.- 4...! ..r.| 4..“ .r ‘hf III‘I|0_ "I‘ Inwan‘I In Iwnlhw llfcl} unh H» mmh ‘mI up but Ibo"! II I-u‘m '- ,rf-I'. \ In" In tv'l JIM II“! ,I ImH. ' IIx'IIIIl'II III- In :1" ' Realm": Hw IuJ-uu \.|Im vvf IIvrw “Illa Iw ullur pIu-luvvnphul m «v' (“N vh-‘imgumlu Hf mum nf H..-.n "(WILL III“ ran prnIIJI-h rvu' ;| mm fompk'Ir Instr-n n" 'In n": ylum :m' "VIM 90M w r TM' Alum" (Ilhtm :Il-u- pamfl numr limo in mlm- Frnm- nu llu- MN! (ml. fuhlmg ul l':unl-r.n, .‘s'lv ()urll- “ll. Hill ("I Um Ann» rum! ~u|v b)‘ uh with Ibo Amrirann‘ acnly stmrk harm-d wn-v c-nkmulv- mu. which (ht- 'l’ulkn haul plan-d I”; ’9 fin; fw-l under “uh-r. Imme- dilh'ly “1- (uuml nurrrluw in lht‘ HIM-M n! :- Ivu'ml hvll uf unwind and flying: thpm-L 'l'lu- mmmnml \\':u~ given to my fnnvm-l. In llw {arr of . bhmlmu mazv 0! fm- m~ mvrm-clc-d in ramming Imr nhjm-(uv “ilh MI thorn-our In“ In Any-India's III->1," Sn. Luth'rs and that u' u run-puny a! 300 will (u plnn- u nun ml In Mr- uin (‘er but (mun-HI mun now u- livr upon lhr wrrrnful nrromplnh- mam 0' [hr run-mm. upon , I guess thvy mufl haw firm! of my number early in Uu- wur and men forgot to «lupliczm- it." “On l-nlc'rinu' lhz- harbor Dad-mall“. llosinm! rm my regiment h the vrvurrangml plum,“ mid Sgt. Laden. "W0, t-MOunlon-cl numt-mus unexpected difl’irultit-s. Wu \u-w upâ€" gmching lunvl. “ht-n the haul Mul- in "w Aoked how hp managvd m macaw bdng wuundml .Lmlors ri‘pan, “l‘ “5 jun bull Iuvk." “My numbl-r «l'ul mt show up‘ although on mun- than on. occasion I have had narrow vs- “ANZAC” WILL TELL ms WAR ' EXPERIENCES m, the first battalinn conflistt‘d of mmximmely 1200 men. 0! (hm number there an less than two smrw dive It the [mt-sent limo. 0m- uf than original "Anzanfifi Sgt. Fred Laden, win to" hm Mary and show fl. pictures at the Curtis‘s 'l'lu-alrc on Thursday, July 24th. Laden; spvnl 1,300 days of active ”Vice with his battalion. and did no! naive u «watch, llv son-rd in the were fighting on the short» of lhv Suez canal and at (:allipoli and law 11: anfl‘ and Flanders. When the first Australian infantry “don sailed from that country in October, 1914. to engage in the world UlCKIE SAYS Call on Mrs. Emrich. 75 North For- est Avenue for Georgette waists. a handsome assortment in Navy. Gray. ‘Flesh and White. all sizes. Children’s jdrexsps in many styles .in colon. also dainty white. sizes from two to xix year! Try my hosierv in thread silk plant» and duplex silk also cotton and silk lislo. Outâ€"size for stout la~ dies. Boat hosiery made for men. womo’n and childrvn. one pair will mitwnar two of othor makes. Order a comfort corset. any styln. lace front or back. or both. to your "wasum ments‘ guarantee for one yoar. Or- wm “213.qu -.~'.\'npsan_L uoqm slap gatuniays. adv. M ad 1 thousand wan to Wm W wealth. Mr. Arthur D. Hughes was home {rm-n California from Sunday to Thur- sday of this ml: visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Hughes of 59 Saratoga Avenue. He taunted to San Francisco and expects 1 sai! from there the latter part in July for Singapore. Federated Mum StatesAsia. in the employ of a lame New York campany conducting inven- tigatimu of mining property in that country. “mm.- Stalgor. Bob Mommy. and (Juries Diorks have returned fmm son'irp. Shin? and "ink! mn‘od in um A. E. F. and Mclflmy )rns in the nmy. Mcfilmy was rvloued from hi: ship u San Francisco and Mum- od to the Great Lakes for diuhlrgr. H» has mu ”wire on many seas besides six months in Fwnch waters. Do you want a masterpiece? Soc (iuiflith “Truo "part Susie“ at Dickt‘ Thratm Thursday adv. Mn ro-le: "n" ls \‘u‘llh 1hr local Ito) Sruuh .11 l'amp ('hvrungnu. Lib! urrk wr Hiwl ho imply that ".‘liflh Pl" ”a" “3:4 lhrrv Iml hum "Maw r)" and his mmhml (why-flu! .~o “1"“ make it vith “1- hair m alibi hut plvast- Mnmo mnmm- plus as the list «I firm-h» the ramp furnished us flmw- t-d ".‘Iirlmt~l." Thank WIMP... "mfg 06' our (M24. 1,4 Hauv- ".I-ml ".1 \\'um|m "qu (.lv-nn 'l'lmkv- nf H ‘11 l.'llll,~ and HI“: 4' [wHiHr and FI’HI A w \‘vm huwmun “row m In 8hr “no“ of u hmhlinx Imam which promlu-u In lmng \nmnl prom-Hy up in \‘nlur. M w "W nuininn 0! wall rut-lo mm hmv Hm! .‘HNKI i~¢ a fan pru‘r (m I {If- I" (nu: In! nn :1 wwml “the! \\'Hh all awn-«manh- paid. ’I'hour lots haw lmm urllmu nnyulwu' (mm {mu [0 A. u n humhul alollur.=. Additional Locals on Page 5 P m. and 3m. \\ 3, Ellis with Mr. “and Mrs. Ru)‘ 0‘ and Mr. and nMu. I". N. Dmis with Mr. and MIN. 0. A Swaps Inolon-ul to Camp Chm ltuuxuu on Sunday to visit "H'H‘ ream: whu :An- all Um Training (Karim for Sam.» :u “Alum" tn lln- ('nrhsn Thrallv- MI 'l'lun'ulny. Jul) 211th. "0 will Alum- ‘Juh‘s Inkrn by Ilimnc-I' uml “ill --\~ plain ”It'll! uml Iv" vun-rirnw on "N‘ ~luuv, .\!r:a. John Moor (-Im-rluimrcl .~omv littlv (Mk: um Salunlny fur hvr nit-c0. ”an! "NHL 'l'hmw pwwnt \\'(-ro~: Eh-nnm “’anth ('huulott Hurtlwvll. hon-thy and Human-l l'ulurur. llnry livmw-ivn- Snow um! ”mirth Stacy". (‘zmupln-Il um. "1-114an hun- l-(‘lifI-d .1 Ir“! in! in hring‘mx Sgt. Lmlvrh. g rung-l. Mr. Elan Comm-aw. rousin of Mr‘. (‘. J. Auxtin of Nashville. Tunnpflsrc. was in town Wednesday visiting :1! ”tr home of Mrs. Austin on W. .‘luph' \vrnuo. Mr. Converge is a prominent husim'n‘ man in Nashville “'hI-ro ho hm boon «manual in (M doctrinal ll'." for H'u-I'ul years. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrar and sun Gordon of Flint. Mich, \‘isin I'm. daughter Mrs. Horton McLaury w» < arm-Mar Stun-t. Mr. Farur and t-onlun roturnml in their car while Mrs. Farr." remained for a few day.- t. Are ynu hlur'.‘ Sw- Fairbanks a! Dicko Thcutrlr Saturday. adv. \Ir :mvl vnr: :Il um Mrs. Wm. Suaubo onlcnaimd the following cx-soldiers and young lad- ies at dinner Tuoaday evening. Goo. Nargnoy, Bob Carpenter, Grant Nash. Katherine Nash. Dorothy Burdwol) and Lorraine Tape. ’ A post of the Amt-rival: Legion will ‘be formed at the G. A. R. Hill next Monday evening. Every eat-service man in Downers vao and vicinity is urgI-d to amend the meeting and join. Funy Arbuckle will soon be at the Dicke Theatre. adv. ADMIN!“ IDEALS Maudie Thought. rr Tum-flu} alum" My .N’ulun ['le Hum": 00' .\'n . n.c-rlmm-d lluv ("Hun . :| humr VIVIHIII rvh‘» u )* ru‘nmk. .‘1 ~~ ‘r Lillian “ml Hm ‘I Smut and M" w ”mar and .“tw' :ml I..-m-|mf "f Na “0!" of Illnsllnlc- Nov \\ “Hm-n RI'I'| DOWNERS GROVE 5320181195 DOWNERS GROYEZ ILLINOIS wh 1"; That he was mmk of m stufl of "Zhomes is attested by his 01mm. "3 'His deeds am a hywonl in his former "' regiment. One mu. Strident will ex- “, plain his fearlessnem ”._ It «as last June when his compan- ts ins were subjeflod to I hell of fire ofvfor hours at a lime and 190 food tt all m icoming up to the lines. John was the lil only one in \olunteer for I! try I! a, fitting "chow" thru the lull of ma- z-chinr gun bullets and shrapnel to the :Wront lines. H:- M thru and back .” ‘without receiving a scratch “i The unites Sunday will be held under the auspices of the ex- mania !men. the Community League having Ir-‘tumed this work over to them. With his company, (he 76th of the 6th rr-Izimont he helped stop the Hun at Chateau Thierry and Balkan Wood- captured night Gov-mans single haml- ad. It was at Vieny in the Soiamn mtor that he was wounded and since then nothing has been heard from On April 23. 1917. not yet eighteen years old he volunteered his son'ices to his country joining the Man'm Corps. M'tm- training at Paris Is- land he sailed for” owrsr‘as in Septem- ber 1917. doing his first turn in tho trout-hos in March. ‘ John V. Bryan was born in Downâ€" ers Grove November 28. 1899. He received his education in the local schools. hbnuts until the letter printed alnvo was mived. This mmr N {00.1le in nu» of Iim Cook County met I‘mwrw hm":- aml i.- undvr tho «lirortinm nf lho ('M. raga hm- ‘mn ammcintinn. "Whom"- ;mu" is "w 0le Indian nmm- for Chi- (agn and is prnmmnfl‘d Hawks-con. Nll-‘JIOHIAI. SER- Flu; Raiding (anw in [animal SanHnu xiv-ullhily (hrouxlI III.- wuss. III-Minx from ”W (up... any 1min]: of primm'n null rumhmmg 1w- 3 mm!» muh krm mqu-r» III III! in-’ Irma pllrh n' I‘Xl'ill'l'll'lfl in (In- "mt; rnhlmu unnu- l-‘I'uluy uni-Inmm. Ar - In an hour and a ha" of nuhmus Mullins: lhv "llIf'ihfl\\kfi bv‘nl “w h" I'm-IA In Ihc- tuna nf ”-6. ‘ Amm‘g lIInIm who \ ism-II rump Sun‘ “03' wow: F. N. Dmu IIM family, II. M. lhlmhauuh. S. W. l‘ullvr nnd (amp Hutu-Its the Oak I‘mk Smut‘ «'Imp Int-nu «I in 1hr «amp [mason-v lmltlml \nlluntly to :lmxn Camp ('11 .umau‘.» cmck lmwhall trunl. but lhr-' ('hm'unmluum- Immghl humr (iu- lmtr’ guw u fitum:Valmosphow- for tho im- lun-n:i\'v talk on “’l‘nm\un1lnm-.~.«." by Seoulmnater \V. J. O'Neill of Troop 2 anm‘rs (imvt‘. Iliinols. ('amp Victorian: in Inlet-(imp (3am. I The pan-Ms were Very enthusias- {tie in lheir praise of the camp and of ilhc value of Scouting in (reir boys. ;A number of parents had their boyF ,onroll for another period. Night Tnilin: Game Cannes Much ‘ Excitement. 'l'hursday n-i-ning m dark llu- cam- pers were suddenly informed {hat lthny “‘ol‘t‘ going for a walk in tin» _\vmuls. After pvnvtmting (ho womb for almut :1 mile tin-y were as suddnn- I" told that lrvy m-ro 10 find camp. using what Scout knowlmlgo thvy haul learnt-d by bring guided by tho lh'qu‘ 1115. Tim)" dollurtod in pairs and “Y‘l‘l‘l in camp safr‘ly by 11:30 with ml-li tales of adventure with imaginary fln-I imnlsV stn-nms nn-l swamps. , Sunday Evening Church Seniccs. ' A cmrch service unique in il.~ rur-I roundings filled the owning camp fire! program Sunday. A rising moan. a, glowing rump fin-. lhc \rllixpvringl windsvin (hr surrounding two tops, 1 After a good camp dinner the parâ€" ents were entertained by a miniature daily program. including sotflngvups, drill .instruction, scout games and ra- ves .aml ending Willi a big swim in Lake Reinberg. Parents Invade Camp Cher-again. Camp Chccaugau spent. its first Sunday busily engaged in entertain- ing sixty parents and relatives. BOYS ENJOYING MANY SPORTS AT CAMP CHECAUGAU (rantinurd from page out) Iw III-hon VIPER FOR JUIIN' Slow“ um! family. J 1‘. Trim“! and “truth My Mr. 1.. Klvm :m: S. hum nml Vanni; um! “illium 3:. HIL- BRYAN .N'l 'Nl),~\ Y In “in "7‘ hr and Inns nf issur \'.'.nrl‘ inc-1min: npunn «f nrlvmmiun M lb” «“er plr-murr'. Tyw rnnifin-tr H. mm (vans: (Arabia. I! “I not n damp and rm wmhlw a hour! Mar! ”31', it Ema m toupnm. "Tho.“ tbr'lflrutra mnllr our 00' I’v- most attractive invnslnwnk rwr at fc-wd tho Amrn‘ran promo." said anilrr Mathmrs. vitaâ€"director. "Tho Hu- mn-shlunl m' "In funds of hm of doll-u lumullml Ivmul mmummlionn. " Imr unmn: m «I Thu! «ls-1‘ hm lm nfln-r rim .. ‘dl‘iill un-l whgmw u:- va n mun uhu In Ilauiutiom whirl. hm:- «gamut llw npnl rounu and II «Iv-irv :u imm'. in (hr - Itw-‘nmr‘lt no! [my than nu! NI . nut ”in Tm- .7 Windows Screens Millworlc Flooring Roofing Sidinz Moulding Lath Nails Etc Lumber Shingles :un insistam demand for a govem- men! security which would combine Iho safety and profit of War Savings stamps with convonivm-o in handling and rogislmtion‘.‘ The new svcul'itil-s hzn'o bovn issued in n-spomo (u that dvuv'nd and w provide a nmdium for TELEPHONE ONE FIVE Savings Certificates in denomina- lions of $100 and $1000 hmc just been put on (he markpt by (he Swings ‘Dhisinn of the Treasury Department. The 551%) War Savings Mumps are ronvortibIo in“! the new “baby bonds" which bear the same rate of inn-rest as the War Savings stamps. four per cent rumpuunded quarterly. The widespread and continued sax-- ing and investment in War Savings stamps throughout thr: rountr)‘ causal NEW U. S. “BABY BONDS” ISSUED BY TREASURY DEPT. mi. llu ‘m- EIW' «mum in!” 3| N" I" '1 m"~lm: M :2 1""! 1” h-u inn "I “I” in I0! I!" H" DON'T DELAY?! Building That Home You’ve Planned On! You can build as cheaply right now as any time in the future. We are at your service with illustrated house hooks, plans, estimates, etc. Lumber prices will not be lower. The great demand for reconstruction work in Europe has already caused advances within the past sixty days. Potter Mfg. 6: Lumber Co. NOW’S THE TIME! MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS LUMBER -â€" COAL -- MILLWORK OUR POLICY Prompt Service, Best Quality, Right Prices Goilfgl'o nfifii .0than Van» m Pen. Tho with-uh." n.( "w Iaruru pop. "on! in Ihr um‘h [:u: uf Jullnngl l1 rc-v‘fldnu murh s-HrfiH-vn. le on! I- .Iahl m Im n< murh n! L'flJll'l norm. “Ma-h "III," III- Imnl-h-Ivly :imlnml VI! narlmvlm, nml IIw vuvnl umwnts “was!!! he muh‘ulc-m In 231-».qu mm nf ml. Nvm- n man when hm clung» nl V'r npnl mun!) uml llw Mun 'IIHII-l- . no! [my Hum out “Mu-.1! mukin meIhr wwvt. h Inn hr-"I u i‘ u MUM! -’ " m-h n1 "1 In In [-.:|' It has lwcomo a habit of many who haw public office, to lump 00' the sum of money ele-mlml. get a few lim-s of totals printed. and end the trouble “that way. Tho lumping oil” has stomlily ’slu'unk. until of late :1 few lim-s all the story of thousands THOSE HANDLING P U B L l C F U N D S MUST MAKE REPORT [purchaser discounts the note of the fUnited States and receives interest ‘at a, rate of better than 4 per cent it held to maturity. It is further in the nature of a demand note with ten days’ grace, bearing interest at the rate of approximately three per cent if paid before maturity. It has the advantage of absolute security as each certificate is registered. As a savings device it has a" the advan- tage of the War Savings ’xtamps stamp." THE {ENAMEL ;'( m Uwrrnl n w pnwr. Tho- I n (In (I “' 'wr .v ll'pul! Minn I. l mu NEW" mm“ 3031" . ms mo rump Saying. .0 sun A pron; uumvm It a thin: M bounty ml a My (nrovrr-o' IM knows how rook n...” Ii limo-ad. "on? I! 0! Ion em. Coll-u a“ “I‘- nor hand of Ion Illul'ny gag-fog. rm have tnlmom to on!“ ourgdml Isl”)! A! 561.6185?“ nun! I m. to_ run one. I. ”w.‘ , it to San Francisco and the weatehl coast and stops at several western cities for visits with mlativea. IThey conwmplawd taking this trip when they were married. but on ac- count of sickness and death in the family it was postponed from year to your. They expect to be gone at least six weeks. Their itinerary ineludes n vil- Mr and Mrs. John L. Lehmlnn I.“ on their honeymoon trip yesterday I!- wrnoon, on the thirtieth annivetllry of {heir marriage. Mr Mrs LEHMAN N ARE TAKING POST- PON ED HONEYMOON Optlminfln Thought. it In lin- ,(Iuly of 1: award to pro- wrw- tranquility by punishing tho “11'de and protecting (be good. a Fridazz Jul; 1:3,. an“? TELEPHONE ONE Fl Cement Plasur Gravel Brick Etc.

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