Downers Grove Reporter, 25 Jul 1919, p. 2

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“BIMHMHQCJM ’ “Whip-finish “in hotly can Ill-vain through .dfl‘wn Msfefllfltl It"! was... hell door and Ir. bummmdwwimud mum-L “Maul-mwmc A. 8. Snow, vbllar “hwy. whom lie. I o. the and floor a! the In- ” Kuhn-n hufldlnx. was at ofla window necking the mul- of an um. wn‘m u» .m- hp'e-«L 0.120!th- [5‘ pulls-i by fright. B- M mm the flanne- am no one an“ munch bar. 8?. we finally b don In" which mu were used 0. W! 0a- (In that wu- and" “I” Downer: Grove People Witnes- _ led Aocklentqo Bil-pp Late » Monday Anal-nob“. h. fil- m quickly til-polled by the in which followed. One a! the girl duh h N- WM wu natur- fil via: the burning Mint and “I! Won their cya- 1 living huh. cm Ila-u M. Ir. Prick“! wu busy at his desk ml; to In". M the II'III ul- of the wreck Ind explosion Mi my death would hum Madden ' lucky have Pn- MIL Chunben m ltlfldlllg u the our .mmuokmmweex- Mdthewhnkudthefim lollwed Impaled him to rush ulddowhthooouldllthowott m. MM. Ind Plur- desks I. the rotundl uldor the Ikyllght which the am an ad Ind be. than nerim injury und‘ 5:; 33 fm rumours ; or WRKKWBMK [SMPE un‘uum W Injury PM [and drudy ”this dcnkuld m on his way to if? train when the accident huppened learning 0! it until liq "rived Three local men. Harvey Chambers. George Prickntt and Hamid Pfutf. Ill employed in the bunk and luckily hnk’l emplome and injuring many dd-t wn’witneamd by hundreds of Downers Grove people . It had been filling around in the lit most of the Afternoon and following the explosion flu huvy engines and gas unk crash- d am: the roof of the Illinois Trust O Bovinga Bank killing eight of thei When the Goodyear “blimp" Wing- !oot, exploded in the nit over Chi~ «go’s looLMonday afternoon the an: “Emma. I' IIIJBVI) IN GIVING Mm 1'0 STRANGERS Got Muck. hull.- Ind Ir. :1 for I He INSTRUCTION : Bat-ace on 711m ......... 8 144.” EXPENDITURES: mm to Ola”. GENERAL wNTRACl': School Board Expense ....$ 254.0! I‘m-um. The Tmskip Treasurer submitted the following mien-ah Real from G. C. Bauer 24.“ School Board of Educ-firm for sum. 37 b? m Racn’v-xl and placed on file II! Voting no: Nona. - COMHIINICATIONS: Fm C. A. Bowman. County Supt. 0n min:- motion the bills were oak-"v4! p.64. Vnfinc Aye: In I. H. Prim. H. G. Bud". H. 8. Tank. R .E’ Rana-veil". F. PT. no“. J. H. "anti”. Suppl»: 155.50 Suhstltufl- Tad: or ...... Mafia “metal. Sum!!!” .. k To": ................. 12.“ PM. Bah-r. Rep. (led ...... 475 J. H. Panto-field. Suwlm . [LN nmndscTnanu Ca. In. .. Diplomas ................ O.“ Lord Lbr. Co.. Lumber O 73 Mn. N. E. WNW-n. . G. C. Butler. Incidental- 13422 D. G. M. 00.. I” luv. .. too (1mm. TM. C0,. Remus I'llvvtric light .......... C. H. Shlyvm. lie-L or II .E. Chan-h 5i” . [1 6. Laundry. Laundry .0 Pm! C .Wlu. Tool: ........ 22.90 Thus. Running. Freight dun. .fl Gun-t Jnhmum. um ........ Villam- of Dowmn va». .. Tha' following hills wen: neoivsl. h-vinu Irma approved by the "use. (Io-“mitten. Pmiden! J. R. Shaker presiding and the “flowing member! pm: Mr». I. H. Prince. H .6. Butler. H. ‘|-:. 1'“. R. E. Mil" In! P .E. jlhowr. About: W. ll. Curtis. 1 TM miauum of an angular union 0! June 5d and of Spain! 89min of; Jun 29!. men um! and approval. ( Fwd C. wm. Jmltor'n Set. . JIM.” The Boon! met In regulu nation at the Maple An. School Building. by Ilr. Tut that the BuiWu Ind Grounds Committee In given authori- by 31:. Cum: um the bid submitted by the Advanced Roofing 5 Shoot Metal Work- for complete repair: 0! gum”. conduits am, he accepted. Motion carded. loved by Mrs. Prince and seconded Estimted cost of wove 111099 ”60000. , loved by Mrs. Prince And amomled the President J. R. Shaffer presiding and the following members present: Mrs. M. H .Prince, W. R. Curtiss. H. E. Tank and R. E. meeiler. Ab- sent: H. G. Butler and F. E. Dowe. Mr. H. E. Tank reported that the following repairs would be necessary and that the Committee had received eatimates: Painting North Side Building. New gutters and repairs. Electric light installed in eight rooms in South Building. Decorating both buildings. New Chimneys. Plastering one room and repairs to. The Board met in Special Session at the Maple Ave. School Building. on the request of the Building and Grounds Committee to consider re- pairs 90 buildings. ' OFFICIAL mo- c DINGS BOARD . v; EDUCATION lemon carried. On motion the Bonn! “Journal. Fwd l1. Dove. Secretary. July II. 1919. TM! Tooln for Janitor. Hire necessary labor to assist J1m- out the plan of repair" June 28‘ 1919. WISMBO'E ION 5.42 [Everything Calida futkuik! 32 N. M Ave. lit-n2 ISM. MAT! L01 W. R. BIDDGE'I'I' usual-so. hon-amass ZIND‘T'S DRUG STORE ”Kid-8L OUR HOME TOWN BOOSTERS No. of Print: Schools in lab I Gun 8-. 0'le -- Bop-Mu .. m Downcn Glove Gull! tn”! 90'1“!!! Volumes in School Library Vfluo o! Sduol Propertyâ€"- Sites on! Bugs. ....... 83 Equipments ............ F . pupils . H. S. Graduates ...... 10 10 H. S. Tuition pupils ..11 10 Total days atmmlanceâ€"114313. High School Courses»â€" Academicâ€"4 years‘ Commercial-3 years. Domestic Scienceâ€"~2 yeam. No. of School House- No. of Seats .................. The First National Bank min? Exams 1 mnoco a a ma. so. nu... ma pramotions Elementary tuition Wu .0an ady' on all. Total 359 429 788 Length of school year-J9 months. Actual number of days in sessionâ€"â€" 180 Number of Teachersâ€"Men: 2; Women 21; Total: 23. No. of 81h Grade Total under 21 years 714 680 1394 Total 6 tn 2! years 547 628 1075 Enroll-lent 19184919 Boys Girls Tot. l to 8 Grades 292 343 635 High School 67 88 153 Total 359 429 788 Schopl census taken {lane 39.7 {919: 'I -' - ’Jily 1'. 1919. Ann-ll W of lit-Id H mm School Dbtflct- No. 58. '01P." "limit. ' North Side Grocery and lluket A (Io-dd;- lulldll Santa J. L. SWEARINGEH Total ....... . . . . . Levy in Aug. l9l8 Mn“ All Comm Account- Wed JOSEPH IAZZA m‘ and cm nun: Fth W Boys Girls .. .. . .38 26 Boys Girls Tot. LOANS 385,000.00 . 28.0“.“ the Dist..â€" Tot. Isaiah-st coma-am QMIQMMA numbing-luv- nincmwulltm man-o. non-not ,c5 :23 ‘88.“.- at, b be educated In (In M mammmmmg 20 2 l Mhfimamhmmm MW in... 3 1!}; 5i}? i 13:: I z 3 3%: ”hummus. Tana-nei- Innunly mil-all. we I: a mus-umlmu-nm I“ Noun-Iliugm bet-(many. mailman-mum mummumcona- (Ions. Cm UV. Entiuy Unto HM. WE IS EWE All! FAKE PMPflSITIflN Science ................. 1080.00 Florence A .Crane. Music .. 785.00 Rica Sandbag. 8th ........ 810.00 Hope Milligtn. 7th ........ 810.00 Mavis Reed, «h ...... 765.00 Ethel Sweeny. ls: ........ 787.50 Mom] and mottled that the Su- perintendent be wthorind to put- chgae eight (8) typewriters. Motion carried. The Superintendent reports that it will In necuury w maven the girl- lochr mom into I claim for the Training . .............. Ruth Mchan. Commercial Dorothy Roberta, English a French ................ Elizabeth Harvia. Domestic Moved and seconded that the Com- mittee be authorized to allow onehalf of amount claimed. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that the Com-: mittee be authorized to have single.H ‘party telephone installed in both of 1 the School Buildings. Motion carried. 'l‘cachers’ Committee reports that the following had been engaged and contracts signed: ' E. D. Winh. Manual ...... SAwTAIV HBA‘I’ IAIIEI' (2 8. “all SI. PI... :10 ‘ The Committee rem “int 3. H. Frankenfield clnims that his bid for installing electric lights is $25. 00 un‘ der the actual cost. REPORT OF COMMITTEES: Buildings 6‘: Gmnds- Committee reports that the repairs on both build~ ings were progressing very favorably. ‘Bomus GROVE. znmm In No. of Tehbhuâ€"Wonnh: 3. Pupillâ€" Boys: 59; 61:13:44, Ton! 103. ' LOUIS KLEIN ileum ulnthfonld Vent-Nu $1500.00 1125.00 1080.00 765.00 810.00 810.00 765.00 ii 15 iiéégii i g: ii: ta:£;!i giiii ifiigw %§;E§ a3: “tul- MM “imam-mummy: 'E‘£“i 23??! g?! E t ,2!!! g: 5%: i ”is ii “iii laiglli mm. rrwanmthmu WI living. be In M "Olin"! ”mammmwmm lollowhnmtommm“ urn-m no cum nac- llvlfll "Elia“. Ml“ Printing CI "of! kill to: «your. High School. '-‘ " lloved Ind seconded M the Build- lng Grounds Commune be instruc- tedtonquoqt (hmpmyflhmte :the mom. to as Do enable them to make the mainly alterations. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that‘the Teach- ers' Committee,be authorized co en~ gage Mira Armstrong as Physical H. J. HAWKINS 0nd net and mum m: nowuaas caovr. winisiiflc chm} This” I“ Steun Honing - Sewer Building Gas Fitting Toluphuo 53-3 Fred B. Heinke P L U M BING‘ fl$ldnfi “hem-1 ”-80 5. Hall a. M "1-!" LEHHANN mam. 031mm. nae-am REAL ”TAT! AND IOAKI ”SM-St. “no” Cid-nev‘l-uua“ rum: MAMACY Ill. I 0-“- 8h. PI OLDSIOIILB AGINCY Ink l Hum h... “Ml .. Md“ - at" KIDWELL GARAGE CO. ARTHUR R- BEIDELMAN For 8:10 in, Hawkins Hurtin- are executed from a variety of ac? ceptable designs and every detail ll looked after by experts. That is why our monuments slways appeal to good taste. If you plan a memorial in your plot We will show you 3.3m“ variety of designs to éhoose horn. PAY YOU. BILLS BY calcu Oahu Wm. Guano Win. 0- W .mmm ."ClnnulCo-hdhu S. A. DEXTER VARIETY “'8. ll]. 80 Our Monuments The Secretary presented the follow: in; report which was ordomd pnblhb’ ed in the Downers Grove Reporter, On motion the Board'ldjoumd. 3 “Muslim maid-8. mmr at 875.00 pot-month we; the understanding that outside um!- tributlons m not wanted to be In.- plied to her salary. Notional-tied. Phone 35- R NAPEIVILLE. THE FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK magma-mom. I“ 8. IMO I. mum-o nus I“ mm 00AM“ C. PENNBR Fred E. Dove, Scent-m. ILL.

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