Downers Grove Reporter, 1 Aug 1919, p. 5

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Q; I . ' CLEANING â€"â€" DYEING â€" Puma . and â€" REPAIRING . Ili- lat-m Kn» 0' Chm!“ mat I In! din viii III-u Infilda and but: "W'- In. flan-hon Ind Uh- huh" w an. Mao-Mlle ”W M‘ m Thur-hr. III-d mm, and... Ann“ 2. It Mf- lllll. A good an. (or all a a. sum-an hm. Wu Ir. and In. H. 8. Pdne Ill mini-g their «lumbar. In. 0. 3. Mon at Denver, Colorado. my {rotar- lhort undo: a Fox in: m: We no aim comma! to all ‘flulu fi- I‘MMI issoez' i! you I In. Irwin Bnndenburg is at High- lauh at the ‘unityrium. - The Peterson family spept Sunday at the lake) It. Wm. PIl’filh visibd his fumi- ly the m waging Um summer with It. und In. A. Oflefle went to Shun Lake. 15., Int Saturday {or moral weeks nay. In. A. E. Olson is spending the wash with relatives in Geneseo. Ill. Hr. Kettenring ls remodeling the Wyllis houses on- E. Maple Avenue. Thoweenie must at M. V. Morton's jut Friday was fun for the children. In. John Gollan, who has; been quite ill is recovering. Bor'n m Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sev- erul‘ .Thunday, July 25th, a son. “Anything from Kid Gloves to Large Rugs.” Cm Woehrl is spending a two weeks vacation in Streamr, Ill. WE CAN DO YOUR CLEANING ON SHORT NOTICE! NO MORE WAITING FOR THE CLEANER WHO DOESN’T SHOW UP WITH THE WORK WHEN YOU WANT IT! WE HAVE TRIED LONG» AND HARD TO GET THIS SERVICE FOR YOU â€" IT IS NOW READY AT YOUR COMMAND! TRY IT!! HARDWARE. 36 S. Mela Street Telephone No. 29 A FIRST cuss CLEANER IS NOW SEND- ING ms CAR MORNING AND AFTERNOON, MERTZ 6 MOCHEL AT LAST WE HAVE SECURED THE KIND OF SERVICE YOU WANT! Elllc Ferguson at her bestâ€"Satur- ORDER C O A L 2",?" NOWf fuel condilions in (he U. 5. Follow their advice! PERSONALS STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! JOSEPH MAZZA Every Day! Dickes . adv. If; and In. W. P. Kw in. «around by Ir. lad In. D. D. Kuhn of mu... Color-do. Illulhbolkklhumwlalnd NHL, h M- tho (sully who have been a: hair manor home (or lov- enl Ml. Got busy-00 it I: onceâ€"m: your ndn-th and: a nil" 1 See the Chm:- Outing “chm: It Dicks: every Tuesday. they help no!" the vacation pmblem. adv. Ins-uh.“ Murmur-ob ohm-Mag lot-W‘Mnnloh uflmhnm‘vedum. Henry Lehman of Jamaville, Hr .uul Mn. Fred Wei: and funi- Ilinn., “muted the {mg-.1 o! u. ly hnvo returned {mm a two weeks sister. mu Emmi wanna in: Sun- mm wflh relatives at Ft. Wale. day. Ind. Almr linen 'ot Berwyn. visited at the Snyder home on Oakwood ave. the morning last week. The Jay Allison: will occupy their new home on Oakvood avenue this week. Ruth Smith is visiting with her nia- ter, Mrs. J . Burkhart at Bumflo, N. (re Saturday . Alfonse Engelschall of Lisle, arriv- ed home Wednesday from service in the A. E. F. Burton Holmes shows us 1000 feet of Paris as it is now, at Dicke Thea- K is the advice of , the govcmmenl men who have made an [nmligaliqn pf Al Kimhgamr of Oak Park. a for- mer resident, visited the SWIG! fam- ilies here last Sundty. [ Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Dewey and daughter 0! La Grunge. viaihed at the 0. J . Dewey home last Sunday. ’ . Ila-M Mama! «TWM Kr. and In. Punk It. Man «amend» Mm IkthuhleflWaduad-yforavifltwiflllr Vail-nee last Sunday. Duncan's mother and other relatives ' at Plainmll, Midi. ‘ n- ___I a... “‘4-.. n. ..... .l It Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Murray wen eek end guests an the uncut" . and In. John [Amman-ad I-l-3-C their daughter, Alice. to It. Paul D. m. Shanty. Aw 2nd. Kr. and In. Pdne will Inside 31 Don- ‘erl Gm after find: mm film ‘ It. and In. June: Edwin Smith of Chicago, announce the marriage of Charlie Win-â€" "Suuyfide" ~ Dittiesâ€"August 9 and 21. advl mu 1min mm and mm. EQ- fther from Hartford. Itch, returned 10 their home “and” 8M 1 tonr‘ weeks visit vim their Mr, Hm.l.E.1‘uénhll mind om: te- lufm. Tho Wan! Indie- Aid 81» detywiflsamnufetemdhmrin ‘21.. W ‘of the church next Thursday «min. August 7th a six o'clock. A welcome is extended to hermflnMoftheSt-tel’ublic Utfliduistlnn. Ir. Mia's Ir. m In. H. s. Hickok of Grand Haven. lid... flaked at the home of his plant: near Lido hi! reek. Ir. Nidmk is editor of the‘ Grand Even Dnfly Tribute and the Weekly Courier-Journal. ily of Detroit. flick- motored to our tillage to visit In. llelkr'n plum Ir. and In. Our Potter and Ir. all In. Adolph luellu and It. and In. Fasten In. Wm. maul: MM ‘ party of nuns We "a" °" ‘ ‘nry flaunt mic Pl"? ‘1 m such. After enjoying the MM"! 3 good lunch was elbfld 5’ “"- ‘or chm a... In. 1.0.. P par-kt It Inuit». Colorado. Ir. and In. VI. 1’. low and lint Albeth Sun“ an m } Don-thy Munâ€"Didaâ€" Thun- MIV- I". Rudd of Vldllh. Ind” Mid mt My viii a. Caner Ind Whack! mu. m. n..AuI-hn lack- vm hold I oputhlafi-G. A. R. Hall Mmfluwwlonrvubum use ”In“ chm. [Very n- nrvico - h and “RM- ‘IY‘I. SuCflloMbl-nw ammuflahm. Ila mums Ii- Clilud in! It. mmmmnnthfic-n “'1 Ir In: In. M- umn o! a. 9'"!- ..'... u u 1' Ir. ad In. Alb-n Atwood all Ir. uni In. Goo. Barb. III In Ir. ad In. W. P. Kw nth-dd c lad-3 cl tho m Inlay mneu !!de tho Oahu-cc m n bud (005M match. Ruh- Din-r and Walter John-um jthelr m. In. Mr Gaul; M II- nu. Ml Int My. ‘ The Woman’s Guild of 8. Andrew- ‘cbnnh will meet in the Sunday School too-m “murky utter-non. AW :4 I Don't forget the “32.1an Par- ‘ty” Saturday night gt Dicke'a Hull. Fitzgerald's Orchenm. A good time assured, W. Mr. and In. T‘ ”caller“ fum- A family dinner at the‘ home of Mrs. G. C. Munher Wednesday is a pleuant memory (or all those for- tunate enough to be them. Ruth and Esther Hamilton. Ellen Tumbull. Mervillo. In, Kenneth Ind Douglas Morton enjoyed an evening at River-view Park but week. Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Carr of Chicago. motomd to the Village Wednesday to visit their parents M‘l‘. and Mrs. W. 0. Corah. Last week Mrs. M. V. Morton entertained a few Indies for luncheon in honor of Mrs. Elizabeth Morton's birthday. 3 The Phflnthn Class of the II. E. Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Lower on Oakwood Avenue Monday evening, August 4th. Ethel Claymâ€"Dlehuâ€"Tuudny . L. E. Bond“ won Ibo club chun- lemSenltotfluperviu-ild Inhwnuthe Loon-lam. mun! mthofDomnvae nllhyncn‘ Navy, any. Patch-Hm. Apricot, flesh tad white. Best wearing hoa- iery made. for men. women ad dul- dm. in thud um. M Duplex. xilk lide and cm Octane {or mt m. Children's school home withdoubhknoe. betmnpplyyou with a ‘Wort” corset. Select my style and material. height and length. ecc. Shunt ltdien tell me Huey have never ha! one so comfortable. Gm- .Iteod W rust and break In. Enrich. 75 Nonl- Fomst Ave. adv. Hawkins Hawkins. the implement ldale". will give u tractor demonstra- tion st Edpfield Firm, formerly I hve In stock for children. than two “home. lhnvcgivenflmemdm to thin very imitating work under the hit when oa‘the an a! the till and hair. ‘ad now of" my ur- via; to the many plumb: value- here In Downers Grove. Hue indie itposdhletogiveshampooinsofl‘ mr and dry the hair with nhhing.‘ No hot air used on the hair. I- giv- ing hot an autumn- I use the ark- bnud INDU Antiseptic on. ’Iuy L YMQ. '54 No. Fires: Ave. Phone for 1mm 03-! adv. 'I-MP luthenâ€"Cdlandseethe‘dn-u “edemndIorWur-um Urmmpfimfimmh Whammhnflsfldkn lheln. dey mom!" I dun a! four. 831». Brown at! punk: lull- ums. W. I". Roi-u and mm mm: but ad uttered up ankle- }for their use from the homes. A change of mulcrvnr mu! m. Mn.‘ phving vie-tilt, Wuhan all 00m persons! "tides. I Lint. l. W.f_or-odyphd- *ummwuncmumw III M ho- ll- urvh 1 Cup amt. load-y. no a hen Mancunian-(Indira. N. C. mmwmmcm Ilium“. Ir. Mb.- rw Iflpuflkl‘u tutu-nor fl" Jude-a u the Khan“. Township High School. WhaCo.llvuantdbCMe-fl (heatherdaynda-cllhulhd Triad- on Fflby that“ for In. 1'. Hurry Blunt who lam soon for hrmmhflonndhrt. Tho In. unified. Kenn. Willi.- Inq..-l Cohan. ‘ J“ train! to h- I1"- . (“pic-- for lac-nut work In mun. com In. 0. C. luau of No. Id. 81.. cot-lulu“ I f"! am An! Etytrllltluinflo Ullfiegogggfi). géiinnuii Funâ€"inc... .Blvgni Uziâ€"auenclcigt iwill play {or the benefit of the helm An Artcraft Picture luau Almanac. Watch for an “a mm... 1: willbowll orth Elsie Fe 11 is considered the most beautiful I will: Pia-"Nth" - ' actme. eknow her work onthencreonispertoet, emuâ€"am Ventilatedâ€"(Ileana -and Judge! W ad 044 Fellow India. They will play {or the benefit of the 30cm ntlan Auociadou. Watch for an ‘COHING SOON~An indoor-outdoor gums of bush" has been proposed to be played between members of (M William Horton. non of 'Mr. and Mn. J.VD. Horton. former residents 10! Damn; Grove. visited old friend: Ihen Tuesdny. This in his first night of Downers Grove since the tunily moved to Ft. Smith, Ark" routine]: years ago. llr. Horton is employed by the Genus! Electric 00.. Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Heartt enter- tained Rev. Stephen' Riser :nd wife of Karts-a, Monday also Rev Ind Mn. ‘L. B. Lott. and'son Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Kiser am preparing to go to Africa as missionaries from the Methodist church. Mr. D. D. Kimball. a former mi- dent of the village. now located at Pullman, Wash. when he is one of the pmperoua business men, has been visiting his mother, Mrs. J. J. Kimâ€" 1bail and meeting old friends and ac- qualntencea. Wuyiatéhh M'Itflfi :Gmo strut Church Sunday wot int, Ami: ninth. ' . 144+? Itummwhmm luvLYouh-mhrur- Perfect Picturesâ€"Dishes. adv . 0mm mum in ............... “sum? um LEE in ....... “A DAUGHTER or m macaw: aunt: in.... ............ .. ”:1 BRYANT WASHBURN In “A Very L ‘,_ CHARLES In news“ mot; ‘ Norma BUTTEBISQAT ., n mummy-gun ' ALSO ‘Mfi pmovm-numu mums mm Hamil : “IN GAY ‘PAREE' mu m wan . 2313 011313112 comm «or: WHAT A mamâ€" :39 Lunmâ€"am “mutate-lava“; [.mnumoqmoww Mummfl-finfi1 l?Â¥-8A§ I" BRAY PICTOGBAPH m WI mannaâ€"190mm..- Amanda.“ WINGâ€"hum mmlnumwu‘ COMING PICTURES“ Tuesday, August 5th ,. Ethel Clayton MONEY” an m.- ... , A Pmmount Picture ' " 1.3m... ALSO -' cuss”: ova-um u. “omcomusmcoonmvs” " Thursday, August 7th; .3,- Saturday, August 2nd " “MEN, thcypunuehd . WOMEN dreytrickhfi' “n wall-built sto vita-manta 33-101} gox rothy Dalton w ted. You know every new ' “ her lastâ€"thenâ€"Yon are our: ofi Dicke Thatre Thursday 70'. '11

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