Downers Grove Reporter, 15 Aug 1919, p. 1

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m window Niven-Uses to the mood». The shaves-e to that finally I- the lion. cm). I moment atria Win. of let- Qua”! mm- " 1”Home .1 ALL "" Window adv. {12:52.3 is good advertising. Showcase advertising in good advertldlg. A friend of cars onto said: “I do not we newspaper advertising. I tannin through my windows.” AN ADVRA-TORIAL FOR LOCAL MERCHANTS ‘ VOL. XXXVI. N0. 32 THE CORNER GROCERY J. W. NASH Phon Dry Goods, Groceries and neneral Merchandise 28-30 South Main Slreel Two Phones 117-178 Lehmann 8: Ml THE “BIG” ME.\\S "BIG \ \LI' 1"" THE “NIVE” ‘IE .\\S THE “ONTHS 0R YE AR.“ YUU WILL 1' ’10? THEM! ‘ NOTHING HIT THE BEST CANVAS. HORREHIDI'L AND RI‘BBER GOES INTO THESE SHOES AND YOU WILL GET NOTHING Bl'T COMFORT AND GOOD SERVICE OUT OF THEM. MAKE YOUR FEET AND POCKETBOOK G WITH A PAIR OF “BIG NINES” THE SUN M BR SHOE TM:- bonk ht small amu'gh tu cmm you and um: mohlrmu. I!» "mum for - ufl-ufluminh-«I cull. Auhu run to pmpvrly pmtrr! llu- untrnwl- of large or mm". \'our financial “"51"; am- ronwthinx \er} porn-mu wan you, and you wnm mmmul u-mun'n- In mull-nu them. X9 rllborltc un- lam can like Ihx- plun- 0! Ann": one: m-nuinc listen-t. 7h :1! ".2 ifl‘ "hn't‘ T'n To Our Many Patrons and Friends-â€" ml FIRST NATIONAL BANK mungrm- 'l 'V Small Enough to Know You SEE THEM IN THE WINDOW AT n rwlam'um ;‘ in nu!" J Hum of mu mum-n» ' 'n HI ”-3 p-rnprr :rnvrv- 4min; “If rad hut “nil (Wham-nun?) Downers Grove. llllnolm Wm! I'gh lu cnnu- inlo nu. pc'ntonal lam-h um: I!» ntfuvn Inc It )‘Wl’ wrvkvo-comc in ALHW rurm- Hum (he bani In llr‘r «though mirnwl- n! “I nil-poplin". no mat!" how L' mun-thing \‘e'n per-tonal with you, nwl r pru- ,tl' «1‘ (m rmphpmn n h rvflm’n Mr!!!» «I' h‘mn. \“n mymfua u‘mnctru "unfit, I'm (“I a)‘ = .ms 'fhl lehrminn : Michel Phone 59 - M lun human .4: a" r In in furl PM]! ‘ any at an DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1919 HA I) We take this method of thinking the voters of Downers Gmev women andm.forthemppartgimun the election held he‘rc Int Wu. GIVE THANKS FOR SUPPORT AT ELECTION Tentatiw- plans for the lmzt Union Service to be held August -3l.¢t in- clude a song mrvicp. The best sing- er: of the village will entertain with solos, ducts and chorus work. RAW. Nansvn. whm turn it was tn much. is away on a vacation. He will be the speaker on August 24th. .\'n an akm has an wt Mn svl- -' an»! f-n nml Sunda) viewings ew- ‘ fire. The pmarhors n! the roof-mut- ing diuretics. with the excopticm hf Rl‘v, Nam-m. of the First Evangeli- 1ral, have all had an evening. A‘good speaker is in view for Sunday and "rose who attend mlafly can hr as. enmi that a mancapablo of oxporuml- in; the doctrine of Christianity will ho on hand. bl “an" Arming hs :iisrnw‘r U“ .:p«~:a\«- madr a few hnmumus nu mukk wgnnl-m: fln‘ rrft‘n‘ndum \ntv of tho [mm-inn: 11.1) H‘- saul [53! mn :nrml fimi v‘xcitr-rm-m anywhtm. m Downers (Prnx'n as: “NI as in Chira- go. "b Hr. Wm. (Err'nO’nM 3.98 m at it. I .'u -D.mntvvlvra' cm =vh up "u sunk" z". "W! r" " 'w (lurrtl Quad" Six-why M'rnmr. Mn spak- n "Juan. In R- fauna“? "pun-lint“ :ho Inn-hints M Jr.-..« rmwvi'nMI rh- 1‘2Mnih. “atrial!" :Ind' Pun ' ‘lzaml mumn going in to mm. Al limw‘qlzvn lu [ha High say“): “you...“ If ‘th- Dim :lm-blnl «In men and aruhvulxghy Huh. IM‘II‘LV (0 Uk- utm't. ‘ 'lluny nulmnobilfl u'cn- uml to an ‘ T'“"" (out. I)‘ -h- um I,- Io m- pom-x plur. an! A MW 'K‘enuh ('uun ic bola; mm- :n haw lo 9mm nun" which Ind Dirt"! am (he Loni Lumber ('om- ran)‘ and M” In ready fur unl- IM- htn mn-Iu hy out): nub. pn-pu-hll “ha- n to haul in jull flun'r own Iup- {one "I" u! ”H: new. an. Theron" In u, rm“ dam! not! will hr in nu lpounv. Innmnlmm pointml In a drum» fu almost mmlmul')‘. ll MI I “out Mr Amman lA-p‘m («ha briaIfIm-h um: I \m ”M Imndnlian and IM mum! at (M unlinnm) only tn H" ha a fun dun mun. an no!“ hr \oling and b) b. .10 unit-M wri- «mm 0r posit-d In rmrd to "to an of ~n of flu- umi- Sunday Mamba" with th: mu" m nnlxr In liva- “Mom "an daft-at. 'mu m owurtunuy m u.» u an al- Ordium mu. 'm to lump M in romlum H 4'. wunlnr mnltng at (he Nb} 1- nm- nhow um'y run hr and IMln 'ur l "um-fl MM Mon-hr you!“ "w Na: 11: on lbw rva. In 0w mom-u rnlvmnrr in quhmv WM mm. M ‘Uvr pvt-m: pawl nmk mg in flu? ofli~ Nu naohvlitm m; king i! VhHI ' .. ‘ 30â€" {(v- ?,:|l haw. un-lmvnr Al “my hau- w'cvhw-wl '3} ram" when" Hallm- aml 'm ougnh‘mh' lfin-uth-C "Ir day In“ '! ‘ulni luv. r- 2 VI. “r aw r~m’vu"y Inim: In. REV. (JR-”TENN." SPOKE HUN!“ \' AT OPEN AIR SERVH‘I' ‘9 fly! \lxnr a'kawd l.ul Haul \dévm-r n1 'I’Uo (Nut'u M n.» (Io-w! Nut-M. From the limo the pollu "penal Ill:hu\'nt’n (how: whit-rt to "lo rule: on: u'clovk unul they chum! u! pix-Pu,“ u.“ by pmml am the nmrutun‘ them was a continual sin-um o! mrnflnhrm mu It‘lumpuny [heir rhil- It was the large»! wt» in the his. Imy of tlm villnge a! an olu-tion and lo cup tlu- climax was not Ian). I! n: ulmply an expression of the rosi- I‘D‘fltr'iw lo lhrir Ila-ling.- m the matâ€" . (or And the \lllu‘v «until “wt pledged to abate b3 the tlvc- alon of flu- \oterl. One thousand. one. hundn‘d and mvcnlyâ€"eight (\‘omx, were out last Saturday afternoon on tlw question ‘0! repelling the ordinance prohibiting like playing of baseball and football ‘un Sundéym 715 mm! for the repeal and 356 again“. loan g no doubt a‘ bout the Int-ling u! Ill public on the question at issue. Hottest Village Election in Years Bring: On! Record VotewEu-h Side Artivc. ‘ ' SUNDAY BAll ‘ (ARRIH) BY BIG MAJORIIY The Am Legion. Pant motley. Secretary. 100w fine m Lo! 7M! M ‘Teuns Chestnuts Friday’s Games: Doughnuf.‘ ”mum's 13. Peanuts mam-um 18. NI! Lotus-c. The Chestnuts had too hi: a Mai to 'ho ovmmnn by their opponenti, awn though they lost tho last two pm" of the seam. The Doughnuts were getting well underway and would have been contenders for the title had the league lasted hanger. One game m‘ postponed because of (brine-s and played Monday night. the Peanut winning frmn the Walnuts 21 to 18. Team Huskerx Planter: Th fathers levns'ors Thxr 4'3) 'x tianwu.‘ "in“u r: ’97 Warrntru 2H L’utkr‘rk IowThrvchmm‘ 2R. fimhy‘s Gama: Hn-fkors RSVâ€"Hanhrs IR. ”RENE: Llhn'ostrrs 7 vain pa“. Th“ rh E" "W M who be" ”nu-um The frame Inn the (Mowing piece- "! uppnm'lup: luo uh'lnxu, tings. rud- ,uu: polo. climbing ladder. [our lad- I‘l‘ r .und horiwntul bu. Th5: «wip- ‘11 cut will be our" to I" clalldtrn in ‘Dm-m-n (how. rubji‘c! to the rule: huh"! 6am. Tm 'la; awning TJMH m'vo mu~ .‘x w m I'r Mich 84 an! fldd. 'aK’l v - mu» ["3 ml in 1hr mm. A My mm» Mink ran i1 onjogmnul As . drum -n amntin. 3mm tooth." 1m :1 i (to Imm‘vnmhfity "my :.I ‘ : 1hr: hmly for (M flit n4 [mm H nshrs winners in Tu the joy of many youngsters who are anxiously waiting fur the piny- ground equipment to be. completed, the apparatus has arrived. It is in pine and uhnil be ready {or use Sntw unlny, Augun 18(h. Concrete b94565; haw been manned which shall n- uuin- about two days to dry and than all will he muly for the fun, A por« (able a-lhlu, or toboggan in all-o unonx um equipmvm which Bhl" he primal by thy younger on“. ~91 l‘ w «- pl: .' (ml .... cam-n an r obf- la main MIN-me, man m Thur Appanlu flu Been Inst-fled and Childm Can ['31- Outfit sun- ‘ in! lelormw. PMYGRMMD [- QUIPMENI READY f0R YOUNG ’IINS LEAGUE LEAH” "F: ST} NDING n Inv ('Jrn I aftmvmon 1M- boys will and hound at». “an M u an «lorph' intone" ' uctivih’I-n mminp. WM}: :uv‘ Mold». in fan'- : to hmm'am mm,»- in)! 'fiI Imam- Fiflv or arm will N DING M "to «by (n "y trying: in . h Hr v.1 .- «ho-n AM Han-mt” L Pei. 2 819 Pc 5 555 lam words. it carries your Wl‘im "In BUYERS. It ruthe- 1M: ”at! tho twentie- all (MI-flu. gum”:- lint-thing m A CHECKING Accent Saves My AI ‘llnnecessuy Delay Coal for the kitchen stove, the base bum: the furnace, or the hot blast stove. ' ‘ Thme Is a great qulm â€"production of all M and kinds of coal. The gmmnment has sent I ",4 ings to lay in supplies emly. If you want in; “7;; sure of an adequate supply for your use . -. :i ORDER COAL NOW ! We have the best grade-xx of all kinds of and --"' It's Cheaper, Futcr and Wet. OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT! 'armer's and Merchant‘s Bank Weather sharps :ll‘f‘ prmlinting a long, mid wintnv. «mo th It vill run! cm ly and stay with ii :1 [mm time. Yr 0 mm; In no such a winter and we um}: nut bu? nu mz‘ Herâ€"COAL “ ".L BE “A” TO GET nnco wintel (.333 are with us. i These beautiful summer (13 5'3 may seem a fun; ny timv to change for talking: about winter " coal-BUT-rcmmnlwr winter is: just around QC corner. «~00 Phone Day 20 Lord Lumber company Order Now ! Oldest Balls In Downer. Grove ORDER? COAL‘ NOMI Foryouanpaybiflnor-IhHh” dunes by mail without waiting to it a Money Order. Phone after 6 P. 142 J ' WHOLE

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