Downers Grove Reporter, 15 Aug 1919, p. 5

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Qt‘ilgtiziuzlst.r:t.fi1.3.01: a; GI... r. - .39... 8-3. «0!. 3-2: {3.3: tan-«r81. 83 XI. PM An... IAN! PEOPLE 80071130 A'l' COLUSIBI'S BL'I' HI DISNVSIED 1113 LAND IN WHICH YOL' LIVE. A North Side Grocery Market 3. C. PITCHER, Proprietor Wednesday morning’s min give uh other little ray of hop! $0 km and Putty nm'bmwn eyed ml. Lee will be It niche Tim-mm Tuesdny. Id. In. Mil-is Barr of Chicago, visited nhthu here over the week end. Elm: Weasel is enjoying a vmtion It Pike: 'Peuk, Colo. In. Jerry Comm visited her sip ton in Chicago last mt. ‘liflllnflouComor-nofcmuco. MudhnmSunday. 'MERTZ é! MOCHEL CLEANING â€"- DYEING -â€"-â€" PRESSING andâ€"REPAIRING , flan-filth“ Mfl-I mmflflm . i “Anything from Kid Gloves to Large Bugs.” HARDWARE 36 8. Melt: Street Telephone No. 29 TO TAKE OUT SPOTS YOURSELF. WE ARE EXPERIENCED IN THIS LINE AND TURN OUT THE BEST POSSIBLE GRADE OF WORK. IN ADDITION TO THIS WE HAVE WON DERFULLY QUICK SERVICE. WE CAN HAVE YOUR GARMENTS READY FOR YOU AT ONE DAY’S NOTICE ORDER hem! ho I: d C O A f l :1": 3;MI£:€7EG; NOW 5917272,; 'S’AZJZJM WITH THE HIGH COST OF CLOTHING YOU CAN’T AFFORD T0_ RUIN THEM BY TRYING IF YOU ARE NOT NOW AMONG OUR SAT. [SHED CUSTOMERS, LET US DO YOUR CLEANING AND YOUR TROUBLES WILL BE AT AN END JOSEPII MAZZA mmmm! Salety First DISCOVERY 39,1! Betty Miss Pauiine Reine!- llu returned of G. 1!. Whitney. from a. two weeks mation with n~ Iatives and friends at Keokuk, Iowa. in... m... “A“. lraullrs. Mpwmyd “‘0 “m Highland Ivenue. “WM W “M!" In... \m-m To“... "0.! In. L. nah. 313.3. Wafiuerbea d‘mnsCmaflAM nest Dawmn are spending hm week-n gt Ranchester. Wye: The delight: of ranching and the aluminum keep- ing them occupied all the long dnys. A letter received by his pm from Will Schindler any: that be m opened} cobbling and ham shop gt Sat-nil. 8n.. and h Instill it ‘ W. J. Wmel is At Detmit, Mich. for four or fivg weeks. He in “new with a party {mm the J. T. Ryerm phat in Chicago. insufling new mah- has: pictures with the best machines on the best manâ€"nothing is too good for Dick: patrons. ‘ uh. Mrs. J. 0. Lewis of Highhnd are" gave Clam Earls. her nephew. and Arthur Grenier a myll tmt by uk- ing them €0.02 circus in‘Chiago on Wednefiday. Inns Bertha Cram- Suln. a primary supervisor of Wan-ho. [on visited at me Bemmer’s home Inst mt. Mrs. Ken-men 3nd Miss Stiles were dmmtes at Cohmiia Universrhy. a] sokliers to go new has Buried in Nov York ml is at Wuhingtnn. 10. C. uniting dim-ham. He is 9!- .‘pected hm um first of next week. I and Shanta. one of the fin! lo. ‘ Mrs. Srlma Smnh of New Brig/M- on. P... Mrs. Carrie Me: and Mrs. C. H. Suns were guests at n dimer Thursday at the home of Hrs. Mata Kramer .on Prince avenue. “pedal an. H. D. Ichk! rat to one We“ Sid: Mapiul in China» OI Tuesday . Dun an X-lhy uh- of her dim-Idler. to- and link WIN": have mama! In China'- Mr. and Mrs. J. 0min and so. at Iivvrfidt. mum] to Down"! Gm. Friday '6an with the I. C. Wet merino hmily. ‘uhuflltrâ€"nl vaoi. nu may. a m. min, visited Mud.- il Down-n ‘va over the val nod. Mm lodge (Junker! Ind Ilu Julia Alban- o! Grind anrn. Mk}... on- "w guru.- o! It uni In. H. G. Nk‘hoh of Milo. llyoucwldmtntinmmchu- 'h Cir-pull in “May-Ha” It the am Mu try nun “flannel-y at Thoma. .01. Hr. gal In. A. C. Into", and lunfly and In. sum: m a. mm for u u“ trip to vi.“ minivan u Kristin“ [AI-tin. Ohio. 001! McKee «rind home My wed-g from an“! mm in A. B. F. Hoinbolhclnndflodhh The American Legion um had a mating nut fluidly evening It the G. A. It Hall. A large “Wane! is Heckmm an gm!- of In. M. v. Cumur II bur mule It lb. Be- M Club near Chulcvoh. mm Everybody van to we, “Sunny- nbde" If the “Bold 0m” sip Mama you any 3: am moving m min nt th Thou": 11mm”. adv. Mr. no! In. Jon €15!an and uncut-nu Vio}. Ind Glulyn at Wh- n_“___. w Gm Bay, Wu. In. J. D. Gillpph and In. Alice l have a car 10d of Schumacker Dairy and Hog feed on the truck. Get your order in ally. Jon. V. Dieter. Phone. 137-3.. adv. In. F. C. launder left Tummy {or a (on day- vmt «Rh her sister. ‘lagtn‘rveek u the 1mm of her aunt. Mrs. Geo. T. Schindler. A. H. Baum-rt is enjoying 3 two weeks nation {mm his duties in the Corn Eicham Bulk. Mu. A. H. Blmhart is Waiting friends ut Fannington and Cunt-m Ill. Hu'old "Bike” Beidelmn Ind Er- Chi-lea Bayâ€"“Hay Foot. Straw Footâ€"Dim Thelma Sunday. 'adv. Miss Zada McAlliater of Western Springs, is visiting at the G‘ H. Whit- ney hm. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Moore nu! Hr; undlrs. ankMJhuminspentl-st Hines Winifred and Lottie m oISt.Pnu!,spentSundnyatthehome theater-ulna! load of Schumacker at uncanny. lade to 90'" 0"“ m. Gun-tee far one year. Mrs. Enrich. 75 No. Pomt Ave... has a numlx-r of high class garments, including suits. skirts and rain coats at grntly reduced prices. Now in the time a: leave your order for your fall summon-mute. m (afl- ored. Redrtoâ€"venr will, skirts and Pants. Also handsome dresses in ml ‘cotine. French new. Jersey. crepe- ‘de‘meteor. page!" and ull silk sa- tin. You can save money by unitar-j ing your nrmeuts of me. I have (Bron-gene mists in many styles and «flora. Drums for children from two to six years. Double knee hosiery {or school children. Best. quality hos- iery for men. women find qhildren in Duplex silk. Thread silk. mm silk. silk Hale. etc. Try a Bucky cor-let. a great comfort for all. ma: women lit posible to give dump» in so“ iwaur and dry clue hair with rubbing. 310 hot sir used on the hair. In giv- ing hot oil tantalum l im- fine colon bated INDU Antiseptic Oil. Mary L. Youth. 64 No. Forest Ave. final: for :ppointrnut can. adv. The demand for special care of the hair Ind gulp of the fine women in Downers Grove an be satisfied herr- at home. 1 have given u‘m Ind study to this an inbmathg Imrk undo Whimhenmtheandthe tin Ind hair. And nov MY" my car- virea to the many particular women hen- in Downers Grove. Rave made In. T. P. Kdly. prank-n1 of w noun-II Club. at the invitation o! m Con-mum Welt-n Hague, Ila-odd n "can; Toad-y of the Sup-whom and Calm-inn- in than of "to County Welcome “an to be In“ Separator uh. Mr: Gm;- h to furnish no Min 1nd fin W- of pub In!“ for the H; food. In. Kdly urn chain to Rpm Dov:- unfimn-Mwstklnrxut mm“ group of wanna m but village. The regular mean; u! the High- hnnl Avenue Homo Circle m In“ lm Thursday WM. August 7th at the horn of In Munster. The question of n day‘s outing for (he mantra. incmduad u a previous min; a! the homo of in. Knox. m M but no definite pngnm nu deem upon. the member: dia- mm a h the nature of th- ouL‘ fing. In. Lewis and Hrs. L'hlhorn favoring the airship route while the omen insisted upon hum firms. vi- ". Fliver. The matter will he wttkdl at the mt sossion. I In: L Youth um Mr ur- when to the ”Mr, m- o! Downers Grove in h" “1‘ of avian for w hdr and Sula. 3h uncul- they cum to Douu-n Gm:- to h mum ll 0:- vcddnug 0! Ir. an! In. Itch-rd landed. Min lash it in. one a! (he lanthanum. 1and m locum! near Friend. Nah. when they- no makinf them-elves liable to payment of In W m by the money the): are making with lhe muhlm. Neighbon a! C. .l. Winn-r on Prim ave. are gnudy interested in u “pm tam mu!" he and ye ed and [on 4:]: up. They m‘c planted the lowly when in layer- until u square mound of earth CXBXO In- dus: In on“: the qurioulty of the pan-"by. Thi- experimeut Ml! he winked by mun! Imluur gunk-urn. . Sclmn Smith Ind hubby. E tad Ila Am Hole 0! New Brighton. Pm. wan mu of u:- Val Wand" family the put watt. In. Smith in: a liner of Ir. Wank-’3 uul The Congregnflonnl Ladies Aid So- ciety will hold a pouch party at the resident» of Mrs. A. 8. 3mm. I73 ‘Highlnnd ave” on Thumny afternoon August 2!. You an: and“!!! invited to come bringing your own work and ‘Will Shutter and Fred Schindler, {owner residents of Downers Grove. .have purchased I Humming magi? Sunday was the occasion of a hip- py family party at the home of Mn. S. J. Dowle. The guests were Mr :and Mrs. George E Dowle and chil- dren and Mr. and Mn Fred Moore and children of Aaron. LleuL M. L. finder o! the U. S. 8. Minnesotan ha: pomplemd h'u work in the lrnnspofl service and is expect- ed home soon. On his last trip ac- ross he was fortunate enough a; be fist-Jinannm m d In; ad- :HI‘I. Qlon lrhnd. tended visit here and will return home Mrs. Harmer Du‘m eaten-ind in- finally on Momlay afternoon for her mother. Hrs. R L. Lyman of Topekl. Kansas. who has been making in ex- 7-244? NOTHING BUT THE BEST AT THEâ€"- Chas. Chaplin in. Sunny: Wmm D. ticke EVENING .â€" mo Commo- Alli-bl u and at: but” “The Love Bur: BRAY PICTOGRAPH A wealththief of time, becomes a thief of ham ' Great. ally Reidjs always great. ALSO WALLACE mam CHESTER OUTING, “Where an. Screen Tran GM?“ EVENING ~ 7:” Win..- Ad-id-I IS a! ”a “I U, Rose of The liner Lila Lee pictures need. no apokgy. They arg all WM Th9 bun} end but my Comedy. See this “W “I andbeg‘hdyoucamo. ALSO PARAMOUNT 3mm»: nouns mm m cmus'nn cousmrâ€" “APAII'I'IENT 2r : MATH!!! - mo Mulch. I. at I“ M It ‘ MKNINGâ€"Imtmm AnmlsmuIâ€"hugwfl Charles Ray Hay Foot, Straw Foot LILA LEE Pindly about dark the whole group [ahead about the southwest corner ‘of the school and joined in singing the popular Ind patriotic songs, A vow was aha that everybody Om! enjoyedagoodtimeundmkdm have amther such evening 0! Ipufl before the dnyu get no short. L \ Other Du Pug» nanny town will probably have plsy festivals herons While the smallevt- children were playing “rabbits' nest." and the older girls played “spoke why" and “num- ber change" the_ boys phyed “akin ‘the snake" and “swat tag." while the young men phyud volley ball under the trees. The okler men meanwhile had aomc exciting context- pitching horseshoe quoits, while other people enjoyed the {3m wnhzhing. school f0]: -' “Play Fem‘ul" under mo diréction ot the County v. Oi llonduy evening hundreds of Wheaton people gathered at the his?! . Saturday, August 16th Thursday, August 213: Tuesday, August 19th UNDER COUNTY Y ‘ Visitor's any in My. tho: . and boys my return by.” .-, viaiflora If they pnfer not“. w and help bmk camp Submit! w flag. Du Pm County expect. a “ W of its km“. boylfutfllw: in: up nation for the M n heron ndwol opal. -. Secretary W. H Richie at W by Monday noon. The an“. amp all: (or swimming “do. a games. mums My. wooden-fl. may. and hikes. while th- I“ annulment» include a new. low M1,: stunt-fight. M“ ad a dating haunt. ‘ ‘ ["8 I» u.'b_ A “M'WI-W 32. Regina-am should I:- y‘fi'r Quaâ€"mam w I! nioii- gt tor the under boil M M ‘ wanton. ‘A 'cout'imfihi . m w“ nppoinleq to M _“ um um mama tau! and ._ futwe ml :- ‘l‘heY u c: A. 0-month- It um mum-u tarymulflibnuw tum 01 a plan of «Moi Immwbyhv I. a“

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