Downers Grove Reporter, 19 Sep 1919, p. 4

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A: for the unnvoidable accident I‘Ndl unified out the life of one 9! fir bright boys, it was an accident. R‘eould have happened on a teeter tower in your own back yard. Beâ€" “a a boy is drowned while in swim- I”. do you condemn all swimming? Inc-me n batted lull strikes a spec Mr and killa him, do you condemn fl bunch-ll? Becnuse a man while ”I; tennis falls and hits his term *0: the net post. killing him do fin condemn all hem-is! Then: mum to be in this village a movement to discredit the Recrea- h Anociation and especially the in» mm which they erected on the "Id. of the South Side School. We would like to say a few words h the men and women who are now Idling against the Recreation Aw m This movement is in Downers Grove to stay. with or without their help. financial or otherwise. It is a“ good'movement and one which has the endorsement of the really big men of (he United States; 111E PLAY GROUND ,wmmn's Myudn rolled into one big smell. That was enough for her. She abso- lately refused to go Ahead with an) hiking plans us long as that odor win the \Hicinity I! you nje really interested take a stroll down below the sewage plant in lihe woods on Sunday to Belmont. Note the ofl‘ensive odor. to be rous- unable. which Irises frum tho almost and ‘walaerf’ Here is an illustration: A m from Iowa purchaaexl seven It!!! along the cmek. After thn uleal I'll closed he brought his wife hon- “ look over the pmpclty and m-lu't‘ I building lite. She came and after: Mug the pllce for her futurt‘é M at dawn on a tree stump for a flat before coming back to town ’ While they wen‘, sitting them chub: ting the wind changed direction and! walked to her the scout. of a hnmlmll M why not use the samc- fair I] 0! Wing at thingn in thp case pint. Do not condemn the Recreaâ€" Taking it from a public standpoint 41 public health, we as a community. Mid be ashamed to do anything which will endanger the health of any Downers Grove is much better 011' M Wheaton in this respect. We live the treatment works when- Whetton In: not. Let us use them “1* this over. fair-minded ciul pl! Downers vae. and render blnlp of men who nre trying to w for the boys and girls of , fill-g», whst nuisance you can‘. ”7. financially. physictlly or Wheaton is now undemoing a lit- ‘tle taste of what. we will gvt if m.- dm't get hgsy and use the swamp dismal plnnt as it should be um]. Wheaten is dummy-ed that “tm- mat- h:- will be refund to the Anon-my General with the View or enjoining the be of the sewerage nynlcu until Wat works :re built." The way the sewage is disposed of now is wrong and the State Depart- wt of Public Health has investiga- ted Ill sewer systems in the county. Ynu may wonder what the Suite has in do with our sewer system. Here‘s the Amer. Every stream in Illin- ois it under the direct jurisdiction of the Sum, When a municipality" dumps its waste into a stream as we1 are doing it is called. “Stream l‘ollu~{ flan." Certain measures are thun talkâ€"j an by the state to unmet the wrong.: Downers Grove has a fine sewer ”stem and it also has soptic tanks tad finer beds to take carc of the Village sewage. The filter beds. howâ€" ever, are never used. After a little sojourn. if‘ any. in the septic tanks. the sewage is run into St. .102 (heck to be carried away if the water is high enough and if not than to stand in the deeper pools below the plant in the woods. 'W at the Downers Grove Post '0” .8 second class mil matter. Minx mm made known upon unification. Suhucription rates $2.00 pr year. Single copies 6c. 'ALES - WORLEY Lou Vale. of Conunille, n. Q h We!!!» of Dom-em _ m in Chicago hat m. 8"! North Ini- street. MI Gme. Illinois. Do'un Grove Publish- C. H. STAA‘I'S. EDITOR in. It. and In. W. W. STREAM POLLUTION Tfiig'v‘sze‘rs“ f," *‘H‘fi" um! IE 5:: n m 00de Nana! Gladys Whitney , Y. M. C. A. Collegeâ€"Chitin Leo Rog?” Colunlia School of Musicâ€"Chicago Thelm- Roe [on State Collegeâ€"Amen. Iowa Warren Liulafnnl James Milne: Luis lnatitu‘eâ€"Chicngo Winston Rnth Edward Waples Paul Vaughan University of Chicago Edwin Cunisn lohn Morhel Romanzo [my Northwestern Won :0 anorvilk Ruby lehl Esther Tholin Wisconsin Uninnily Helen Mnhoney Fred Sackstedor Earl Prince Ruth DnWitt Charles DeWitt Frank Drees Burr Eichelmln Roland Modjeska Mildred Rotter 0f the number seventeen of tho young men have been in the military service of the United States and are 'now continuing their education. The list follows: Northwestern l’nlvemly Norman Amkrson'Hans l‘ahl (School Molvin Butler of Pharmacy) (School of Corn.) Raymond Schultz ; Charlotte Drees Gordon Swanson Arthur Jenness Myron 'l‘owsley Roland Modjeska Adelaide Walter Alfier Barnard Texas has been visited by anotht‘r hurriranv. One can an a little mow dial“ on tho death roll if one will jmmgint‘ that a high wind went thru .‘Dowmrs Grow lenvimz about 100 of ‘amr people dvnd in its whke and the ’I'est homelrss. These lmgic occur- fances do not set-m so had until unv 'applic-s them to local camlitinns, J Many graduates of DownI-rs Grow, Bligh School are entering collagen and unlw‘rsilim this fall. MANY “PURPLE" GRAIN T0 .\'l‘- TEN" COLLEHE ! Thu! Chicago‘s ticket sculpcrs are ‘ah‘eudy planning on making a mint {of moan out of the Womb-x series baseball gunu-s 3 An organization cnmlmsml of memâ€" Ibows of the! A. F. of L. are asking 1that all strikes he called off, that ll’crsinlcnt Wilson be mark- a member inf the American Federation of IAI- rbor and that reform be instituted tn [xtop the high cost of living and the fgeneral unn’xl. Now wally we «lun‘t see how they adopted our ideas so won‘ It is only a few weeks ago} that we alh'ocath that in they very columns. i In spin. of the fact that Europe is Maupposvrl to be at peace, then: is _alâ€" 'n;0:<l. as much war going on as beforv ‘Novembcr llth. last. Do we, who 'abhor war anal all its conquuonces. ‘wish to be forever mixed up with the fquarw-ls and tribulations of that “ml :01" thing? Seems as if our fathers- :l‘oumleql this great nation so as to he ’~epvratul form-er hum potty waIs. The“ lined NJ long umlt-I the shadow iul‘ military law and the things it ’mcxmt in the éountlies they calm“ from that tho “fxce' land owr the '50:: heacom-Il and called in a \mv! V\\"lli(h thoy Louhl not Iosist. A determined opposiliun to the zone postal mix-z: is being made by the big national publications and mail order journals. The country [rim-.5 is al- nlost a unit in asking the gm'i-rnmvnt tu leave second class mks \rherc they are at present ‘ President Wilson does not seem to 1he hnving very much success in changing the opinion of the coun‘ry regarding the league of nations. The thing which sucks In most of our «mum is that British statesmen re- gard the Monroe Doctrine as a dead issue. which it will be if the league draft goes, thlu. Our Northeastern neighbor, May- vmod, is in the throes of a sensational murder mystery. Dempsey. heavyweight champ. has been given an offer of a battle to be ~tagml in old I-Indland. SALVO mam Deflvered to your order in one or two dozen lots EMHLMQMA RCIIANI) Illinois l'nivenity PAPERS TIIAT Owen Grifl‘iths l-‘red Howe Rnscoe Morton Linne Thofin TELEPHONE 23347 Haying Phone 212-W«2 However. Mr. Little pliant-d tn V8" M. Rhondes, dracon of the Baptiflt :rhurch at Western Springs. a request for the use (if thr rhurch. This waz mdily gunk-d and the wedding par- ty entned two large automihiles and drove to our neighboring villago. Hon- 9 Ngular church wedding was per- formod and aftpr a little delay Mr. and Mrs. Lioret were pmnounced man I l-Ivnrything was in roadim-ss at the hump of Mrs. Lowey. The minister 'was waiting and asked Mr. Lion-2 fur a peek at. the license. After giv- ing it a rumsory oxaminntion Mr. Littlr said. “Why young man, you can't be married tonight." The bald ‘anmuncoment without any PXP‘tflI-i ‘tion caused the pranpectivo benedict to wonder why. Miss Berkwith. set-- inz somothing was wrong came for- ward anal naked the reason for the «Inlay. Mr. Little mix-Med his statu- mont and then n-xplairml why. Mr. Lion-t had pnmiml.a Cook County licens'o in Chicago. either not realiz- ing or not thinking about County linm. The have announcement of tho ty- ing of the matrimonial knot does not give an adequam ulvscription of thc- findings of the bride and gmona an hour befon- the cert-many was per- {on-mod. Miss Isabel Bcckwith and Mr. Ed- muml J. Lion-t, who have been making their hnnw with Mrs. Lt-wvy on Ly- man awn. were married by Rm; J‘ D. Little 0" "10 Bapti>t church Wm)- ncsllay Honing, HAPPILY MARRIED IN SPITE 0F LIT- TLE DIFFICULTY His next appearance “'5" be Sunday evening at the Methodist church in a solo part in tho canmta. “The Holy City." E Mr. Castcrton while a resident of ‘tho village for sowrnl yours is new ‘to the musical public and his first :‘ppoamncn befon' a Downms (Imu- umlionco was greeted with enthusiasm and his Voice. ;:| barylomr. shim-mi wonderful natural tuna! qualities. supâ€" plemented by oawful training. Two vm‘al numh-rs mmlorml by W. J. Caatm‘t'on wow a part of tlul pl'uv yram 01‘ [hp urn-moon. 'l‘hv mugs» "Thn Arm“- nnd the Song." by Haifa. and “Racquivm” armngml by Homm: were Imiw-d with piensurv. Increased flexibilitywmaking it 1055 difficult to amend. rteâ€"casting of 1hr newline iaws~ln substituting a sim- ‘plor and morn vquitnblc- sistvm of taxation. l’rmiding for home rule of municipalities. Displacing the prexent cumbersome ballut with a .th‘t ballot. Making equal suffrage a part of the stain constitution .thus doing away with “W pix-son! absurd~ ity of grunting women the right to vote for presiilvnl and pmhibitinyz tin-m from voting for county rim-k or a state legislator. Incorporating the rufr'n‘mium in lrgislatiw affairs. Chief among Hm noct-ssary changu-s be listed the following points: Thl' meeting was. a special gaunt-r- ing of the Don'm'rs Grove Woman's Club. the first of the new club/year and a lungs: and attentive audience listened to 'he words of the eminent juriat‘ who (l1‘l‘lfll‘l‘1l that only in a few particulars was the-re nml of changv in the pn-scnt constitution What a new constitution means to the State of Illinois and why the great“! can» shuuld be exemised by it! Tumors was expiainwl last Wedâ€" nesday afternoon at Library Hall by Judgv Orrin Ni Curler. Chief Jus‘ tics of the Supivmc (‘uun of tin- Stale. W. J. Cute-1m. [oral Singer. Muck First Paine Aunt-race Ind Hand Audience. WOMAN'S CLUB HELD SPECIAL MEETING WED. HARRY H. MARTIN Downers Grove R. R. ] Cultivating Te!ephone g9 ELECTRIC WASHERS AND VACUUM CLEANERS alonx,r with saving devices for the household, always on hand. ‘This soap is ONLY carried by agents of the THOR WASHER where there is an agency and is not for sale in grocery stores and the places where you usually buy soap. Come in and let us explain this to you. No more melting soap at nine or ten cents a bar -â€" just use three table spoon fulls of this powder and get BETTER results for seven cents than you can possible get by using any kind of soap. You save from ten to eleven cents every time you wash and theltrouble of melting the soap. Something New! Made in pow- der form especially for use in Washing Machines! 32;“; mt 61 South Main Street ":5 Retailers of High Grade Merchandise “WASHER MAID” “ s 0 A P The sarvicu will begin at 7:30 0' clock. It is expertml that the largo auditorium will be filled. A few amateur Voices will be in- tmducvd a! this timv, The public not worshipping e150- whvre is invited. It will lu- unlk‘r Um direction of Mrs. ll E. Rasswe-ilor. om- of our Inoat competent and best known local musi 'ans‘ The Iarge chorus choir of um. church wm render a Cantata eutiflud “The Holy City" next Sunday evening Suplcmber 21m. ‘home of Mn. [away fur their belu- ‘ed wedding supper which was served it midnight instead of 9:80 a: had “THE HOLY CITY” BY M. E. CHORUS SUNDAY EVENING The happy couple will make their home in Chicago when: both are em- plond. WESTERN I‘NITED GAS AND ELECTRIC CUHPANY ley consume but a trifling amount prtyumbukhthecmnuflw They t‘liminate flw danger mum-i. ed with the me 0" matches and help you In keep your kitchen clean W:- nre installing hundreds of "new convenient SELFJJGHTEHS on GAS RANGES. non Scratch a latch to Light Your Gas Range no match Mums linen-d about Pless A Button! J. D. GILLESPIE 8: CO. (‘oming Very Soon â€"- Mary Pickford in “The Hoodlqu The Chicago papers do say that the Musical Man is the very best picture ever Shawn. We were wise to that fact, and it is for that self-same reamn that we paid the price that the patrons of The Curtiss may have the opportuno ity of seeing all of the big Artcraft-I"aranwunt pictures on this season's program. The date for Doug Fairbanks, in “His Majesty, The American" has been set fur Friday and Saturday, October 3rd and 4th, two days. FRIDAY. SEPT. 26th. “WANTED FOR MU RDER” at THE CURTISS. We surely have some prugrmns. Huh? in her latest success the “BETTER WIFE.” Some night, this Thursday. geljhe Curtiss idea and habit. there's a reason. THURSDAY. SEPT. 25. Special Big Double Attraction This is Bessie at her bestest best. Don't fail to see it. (‘URTISS THEATRE. NEXT WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24 We Offer the Big Downers Grove Favorite Bessie Baniscale in The Woman Michael Mania LOOP \'.-\L'DE\'ILE AND CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG Stewan Holmes in “The other Man’s Wile” The Challenge of Chance BEGINNING THIS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23h! '1‘ he Curtiss will be open every night but Monday, showing the best that can be selected on each occasion. This Tues. JESS ' WILLARD A Big Romance of the Mexican Border showing Jess Wil- lzu'd as a hard riding courageous cowboy who matches his wits and strength against a notorious band of Outlaws. The fastest moving western ever brought to Downers. A $200,000 production of cyclonic action in 7 great acts. CURTISS THEATR CURTISS THEATRE. THIS SATURDAY, SEPT. 20“: Telephone 30 Day or Night other labor. n!

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