Downers Grove Reporter, 19 Sep 1919, p. 5

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i “Seasonable Vegetables apd Emits ‘ Meats and Groceries 32 North Fan-«t Avenue North Side Grocery 8: Market M 8241 Mrs. A. Kramhs has beenkiuite in the past week . Him Ruth Ballard has been quite II! but is improving. Hr. Austin is now employed at lush.“ Field's. Cnrflss Theatre now open every night but Monday. adv. “Anything from Kid Gloves to Large Rugs.” Min Edna "Inn of Berwyn, spent the week end the guest of friends. In. Rose lekim was the gm: of In. IAe Beidelman on Sunni-y. New Fall and Winter samples for Ladies' and Gents’ have just arrived and are now on display. Step in and make your selection before the price goes up. Our Fall work is bginning now, so if you want work done early, bring it now! HARDWARE 36 S. Main Street Tale] IF SO. GET THEM in BEFORE the BIG RUSH! MERTZ é MOCHEL DOES YOUR WINTER SUIT NEED CLEANING ? PRESSING ? OR GENERAL REPAIRING ? DOES YOUR OVERCOA'I‘ NEED TO. BE CLEANED? PRESSED? RELINED? 0R NEED A NEW VELVET COLLAR? ORDER iiggsgmgf C 0 A f] :1": :fiveZhgaainga 8; NOW g‘epzmg‘xshtsvzd If you medal towns-J. ' PERSONALS Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing 7 oz. package, 4 for ........................ 25c NAVY BEANS, 2 pounds for ............... 25c 5 lbs. VIRGINIA SWEET POTATOES ..... 28c FARMHOUSE BAKED BEANS 11 oz. can. 10c DAYLIGHT or LENOX SOAP, 10 bars tor 57c COUNTRY EGGS, per 1102 ............... -. .55c QRANGES, per (102 ........................ 45c CORN FLAKES POST TOASTIES PUFFED CE I PUFFED HEAT , ' CREAM 0!" WHEAT, per package .......... 24c GOLDEN AGE MACCARON I 0R SPAGHET’I‘I. Sirens" to W. S. Wllnon CLEANING â€" DYEING â€" PRESSING and â€"- REPAIRING 21 South Main Street J ()SEPI I IV] AZZA FALL AND WINTER SUITS H. C. PITCHER, Proprietor Gnu-um Called for All Dellvcd. Charles Hawkim has purchased a garage at Pullman. Wash. and ex- pects to drive out them as soon as he settles his business affairs hone. Mn'fil'ms. c. A‘ Shambo and MN. Harry Darnley attended the fair at Swduich last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Damley and Helen visited relatives in Chicago on Sunday. See the classy vaudeville from the loop every “mud-y night :I the Cut- tis: Theatre. adv. mksnonMc-Iflnnli. and In. Geo. 3. Hum. ‘. liu Miriam Dude: wu hem to the Vesta Juniors on Wedneudly ev- Telephone No. 29 Telephone NumM‘r " y n. m ugh-any] munâ€"hounds. Miss Flow-non M. Jorlu-l and Mr. (Timothy A. Forge: of Chicago. were ”harried at tho Baptist parsonage l‘WHlm'sday vvnning by tho Rev. .1. ‘ Bl Littlw The couple are old friends ‘of the Little family uul wnm accom- lpaniod by {our elm» friends. A party of young folks mm, out south of tour to a ‘jduvnnfl lut Ink Thur-d” uni-k when quite I 9:15 a. m. Minn Bowie Nah will furnish the Inuit 9-5â€"3-P Studio of dnminz will open in Zindt's Hall. Saturday morning, Sip- member 20. n: 10:00 a..m. for regisâ€" tntion of pupils‘ Chasm will begin Saturday morninx. September 27. I! Judge Ninian H. Welch of Chira- ‘go. gave an oloquent address at the Sunday School Banquet at the Metho- dist church on Thursday ovnninm ’ud- g1- Welch was waists!“ to Judge Cut- ting of the Probate Court uf Cook County‘ Harold Lloyd (‘nmafies at Dicke Theatm every Friday. adv, I Mr. 0. P. Bbmlesson of Yuma. ‘Arizona. an old friend of Mr. and ‘Mrs. J‘ (7. DoWitt. is visiting them this week._ The friendship dates back about twentrtwo yvars whon both were taking up government land near Yuma. The Tahilrwa Camp Firv Girls mot int tho homo of Miss Vomn Death on ‘No. Forest. awn. Monday night. A littlv luncheon was served afto‘r thi- meeting in honor of Miss [)each's birthday, Hinsdah‘ Upholstering 4: Furniture Repair Shop. All work neatly done at Reasonable prices. Phone 635 or send postcard. Will call and deliver free of charge. 22â€"t£ ‘ Grow- Lodgv. A‘ ("I (z A‘ M.. will mt next Saturday affemoon. Sept‘ 2001. at 3 o'clock for a special session and in tho owning Honor Lodge, No. ""0 of Chicago. will bu the guests. 1 Mrs. E. M. Smart of 136 South Wushingmn sun-9: has n-turmwl homv' after spending seven weeks m Maniâ€" tou- Calm. with her Ilau‘hu'r. Mrs. J. A. Fitzpatrick of Chicago. I". Grow- Lodgv. A‘ F.’ I; A. M.. will Mia'ses Planner Lacey and Margar- ot Knux an1 spending two week» in Denver vixiling and sight seeing in the Rockies west of Colorado's cupi- tol. Dorothy Gish in “Nolrxody Humv" :n Dirln- Theatre Thursday. SI-pl. ’Zfithv min DDr. W. W. Gourh-y has changed his afternoon ofl'iw- hours {rum 3 to I; p. m. Thu «waning and morning hours are the aarmr and Sundays by vmmimmont . Bryant Washhurn in “Love Insur- ance" at Dicku Theatre Tumday. Sop. L adv. \thhan- born harvesting in and a- round Friend. Nab haw n-lurnml to the Grou- presumably to spend the wink-r. Mrs, H. P. Jonvs and Mrs. W. J. ()‘Niul won- amung Ch.» "()“Mrs (inm- poop!» who nut-mind the Play- ors Club entertainment, at Hinsnlulv lust \M-ek. Suptl and Mm. (2. P. Butler will g‘n'v- :ui informal wet-prion to the n-uchL-rs of our public schools and the members of the Board of Hlucation Ln Friday rvening of this ww-kV Mary Pickford in “The Hoodlum" at Dicke T heatrc this Friday and Saturday. adv. Walter Scott Bryan sounds the wa7'ning that them are chicken lhim’os around and for people who own barn- ard {owls tu kvep a close watch. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Staats moved into their new bungalow on V0. l-‘omst. aw. Monday and are grad- ually getting settled. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cerwig are ris- iting this wet-k with the John Sass family m. Austin and the Frank Pren- tiss family in Chicago. Coming to the Curtiss soonâ€"Mary Pickford in “The Hoodlum." adv. The Puffer Pharmacy and the First National Bank will receive subulip~ tions for the home service fund of the Salvation Army next. week. Fluielick Satkstedar wu the guest of the Nudelhoelfer family on Friday night Ind “tended the Class mum‘on in Library Hall. Dicke Theatre is the first theatre in the State of Illinois to show Mary Pickford in “The Hoodlum." adv. Frank A. Rogers and Dietrich Lau- mg attended the annual reunion of the 8th Cavalry. Thursday, Sept. 18. in the Public Library, Chics'go. his 'l‘huuday at (in Curtis. Clan Kimball Young in “The Better Wile" and loop Vaudeville. adv, dlmhwfllnoetol'l‘w.w. mutp.n.ufluhoucolln. Ron qulqs. Prince-“Prairie am. Fred Schindh-r and Will Srhuswr. The domaml for nporial am of the hair and scalp of flu- fino wnman in Dow-mm Grove m be satisfied hen. at home. I live given time and study to this vary interesting work under thebentteochnnonthemmotfln skin And hair. And now oflcr my ur- vie.- to the many Meal" m New fall styles for suits and mah for ladies 1nd misses. Sergr. Trico- tine. silk. utin and gmrgethe div-«s- rs, also a hanllromn assortment of reorgrtte waists kept an hand. I have a few suits in navy at guanine bargain pricea. Rain costs in «ilk, lrathvmthe. Try a Barclay mrsrt for comfort with guarantor! for one year. I have a fim ”gunmen! of camiaolrx Ind brush-res. Mallorh'a hosiery for‘ men. women and rhildrv‘n in Thmail- silk, Piano and Duplex Factory-MA you prim. You nrv invited in call whether you buy or mt. Mrsl Ernrlch.l 75 No. Forest Ave ldv.| l H. (L "alarm". or Downors (:mvc. was a visitor an St-ptvmbpr fith. at a his exhibit of Suuthorn California pmducu maintainml frr» tn the public in um [.05 Angpii-s ChambEr of Com- morcv. HP aim attemlr'l the lortunu and moving pictures that an- a part :0! the daily prom-am. The exhibit is the largest of any in the country maintained by a mmmomial organi« zation. Befom returning homer. Mr. (kissed visited severa lo! lhl‘ many ntht‘r places of inn-mat in 'hfi‘ South- lanil . Miss Nellie Bryan of Bowman, Montana. on Saturday visited hor grandfathc-r. Wallrr Scott Bryan. the hirst time Hwy vwr me: each other. and was a happy mmling lung tn be mmr-mhnred. Aft-Ir Iunchvon they whotomnl w Woodshh- Farm to 500 her uncle John‘ his wifl- and cou- ‘sins which tho lady had nflver NEIL The granting waa art-at. Thrn she wturm-d to Chica‘u with hI-r (hand for a frw days bn-furv rvturning horm- hy way of [.05 Angflk-s fur a change of mu tor . Mary l’ickfoni-«Friduy and Satur- dayâ€"«Dicky Theatm‘ adv. Thu Rnportvr job lit-parlmunt hwi Ju<t cumplouwl a hundsoml- “calendar” for th.- 1919-1920 season of flu- ;Dowm-rs Grow Woman's ('luh. It is printed on hom-y. 1'xpt'nsivv, enam- eled stuck and "w cow-r is emlmwl with our new pun-vs» of “blank" c-m- bussink. The calendar giws the pmâ€" gram for the year besides much othr-r information and shown that awry man-ting will_be a good unv. Mr. W‘ J. Quinn or (he Internal Rownuo Dopartmcnt will ii- in Down- rrs Crux-v at the First Natiunal Bank ievory swam! day, any mail shouldlln- ndtlruswd to him thrnu Any singl» man whu has an incom-i of $1.00 or more or a married man with an inâ€" como'uf $2.00!) or mom a ynar. who has not fill'd an inmnu- lax a-hmlulu, should do no at 00(15 Uitkn 'l'lwatfl- fur (and, whalesomv I-ntcnaimm-nt. adv. Mr. (human B. “cam whu sus- taing-l a fracture of the right leg some «rm-ks ago is sci" quite seriously ill at his home. Two of his bunkers. Mr. Frank chm and Mr. Smith Hn-artt. both of Monu'cellu. lmL. were here over Saturday and Sunday. His numerom frivmls are anxiously await- ing his commute recovery. Mr. E. (Z. (Evie-sort n'tumcd last Sunday from a two wm~ks' flip to has Angvlw and Hollywood, Cal. H.“ was very much enamored with the Western Slaw. its idoseribabh- beau- ties. etc. While tlmn- hl‘ visited with Mrs. Ruling and family. Miss (it-nu- rim‘e Clark.- nf Montana and numer- ous other fl'icnda. lms have nm “Thu Run" for lhms consecutive wa-kxu 'I'Yu- Dickt- Thra- tn- will have it for two big ¢luys~ matinee and evening. adv. Don't leave town ur have conflicting :ppuintmvms next.l"ri. Sat. Sep. 26 and 27thâ€"7Nuzimm‘a will lu- at Dicke ’l‘twanv in thy picture Chicago Thu» "'95 are begging to get. Sumo thea- Fred Rem-Ming has just complrted lthe mmodeling of the Hugh Wyllie flats on E. Maple me. The four flats are modern throughout. with large hunt porches and the mom: to the apanment suited for small famâ€" ilies just what Downers needed to ac- cumulate some of the many act-king homes in our village. board of trusuzes o! the M. E. chun‘h and has for some years been teacher of the Men's Bible Clnss‘ Mr. Joseph Tylnr of Oakwood Ive” has been quite seriously ill during the past week. He was. able to be up and received nuny callers on Sunday. all glad to know of his improved con- dition. Mr. Tylor is I member of the Chin-[fie Candies every Saturday at Dickens. adv. podium-daupm‘hhbuythm qunrtsolimcmm. D icfié’” 3‘33 RTE PERFECT PICTURES! BRAY PICTOGRAPH EVENING -4 1:3. Continuous Admin-kn l5 and 2.: including '1! I A lively Comedy based on SUPERSTITIOUS BELIEFS. A L S 0 Dorotlgy Gish Nobody Home EVENING â€"- 1230 Continuous Admission 15 and 2.!- indnding in t.- He guarantees your courtship to end in marriage. Th0 idea back of it is newâ€"â€"Sounds good, doesn't it? It [3 good. It’s great. Bryant Washburn never made a better picture. ~ Bryant Washbum Love Insurance HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY â€" “LOOK OUT BELOW” BURTON HOLMES TRAVEL PICTURE Matinee, both days, 3:30: 15 and 20 cents including tax. Both evenings. 7:30 9:15, 20 and 25 cents, inc. war tax. Mary Pickford’s latest success, direct from her studios. “The Hoodlum” MARY PICKFORD THE HOME ()l" BETTER PICTURES Thursday, September 25th History lull: how lw served well under (k-urgt- Washington aml huw his cmmtry aml ours honor him today. It was mostly thi- inspilation for “1'0- 4lom which he left behind which in- spired LhA- American people personally to enter the world war on the side of France for liberty and against op- pmssiun. BELMONT AND FOREST AVENI'BS ”OWNERS GROVE. ILLINOI. The Dicke Theatre I When the American colonies were‘ §in the :hmes of their struggle from Him domination n: England back in. 1776-77 any htlp they could get from file outside world was appwrialud.; ‘thn things looked Man-Rest the} young Chevalier 1k- ll Fayette. a pm! triot of France allow] his services to \ho young republic. In sip!» o!“ opposition of the French govvrnmnntj of his father and his frionds. he came} to the Uniu-d Stalin and offered his. pt-rson and his swonl to the caust- of 1 (rm-«hm. I No hot air and on th- W. In liv- mghotoiltnumblu-otheuh- brazed lNDU Antiseptic Oil. [try L. Youde. 54 No. Fore-t Ava, PhD-c {or apopinlment ‘3~I. IdV. D. A. R’s. HONORED MEMORY OF FRIEND OF YOUNG AMERICA September 61h was the anniversary Tuesday, September 23rd FRIDAY AND SATURDAY September 19th and 20th lBlockmrth-wutdthm CHESTER OUTING Tho I). A. R. not unly here, but mmughou! tho country Is inatnmlllt- a! in lit-oping ever given little Ind- dunts of our fight for indt‘pem which should not die {mm memory. l-‘ulluwing a social hour light to- l‘n-shlm-nts of trauma and wafer: m wn‘l-d. Miss Mariana Rue Tribute to Lafayette ....... . . . . . . . u James Milne-9 French songâ€" ........ My Murmur!” Miss Stover Violin Sohnw‘fonwlaunn. . . Dom!“ Mr. Geo. Namnoy French Minuet .......... ””4...” 'l‘ht' program follows: Sour-“America" ....By the G!“ Piano Soloâ€"Minuet ........ W An apphlpriute prognm Ivu 3". which was started when Mrs. In“ Hannum gnve a. shun Mk. Sh “t conned the more than 100 W told what the objm of the [the daring-munda- 'cubbnfionatmflnlufl ' ter couldn'tblooltmdly. . ”Fund-y evening My!!!“ gun-Ian My ml hold CI filo m ‘of the H. S. Pump“ all " Maple Ana, to commute tho “I. «(this true friend ole-"mm PLEASING MUSIC! FORD WEEKLY ‘< v

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