Downers Grove Reporter, 26 Sep 1919, p. 2

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33'5de ......... fl high team game m individual game in series Ten- Prizes. tor each one won. 60: ...... $168.00 i league {ram December 19“: ha Jul- ury 0th. on «mat of several par- deb-m spending holidays any from “I” for individual primes. which ~ In 8 of the ha 0 games bowled. Eta-m is n ma. short. 140 pins will My Ind ”54-7- M, he. 811”. Film of up ND. 75: par use! per min. mmrhuwmu" con-mkbbnhdwk-nvm" uhumu’dmfl'h'fl' dudflmmhbhfl. mmmuwmnifm' mum-Whit ‘lmw.hrdhd0""“ nah."- .u,~uuby~hw .hwmtpuhhnm Ion an: woo bu boon upon! by I. you!” the alkyl In no.“ The drive: Not! my- nd mllou Inoseb' hr huh-MMu-dadudn- w. M start It 8:“ p. m. Slurp! Party-eight hour no“! mm be Did! Tool (10.: C. A. Walters. Clute’l Clean Em: Bo. Schulu. Tbolln'l Hatters: Babe Running. Nochcl’s All Stars: Carl Sulger. Kldu'l Kola: Al. Stump. W for including team and indi- vidual prises m never below in the M a! local howling have those VI. prfldpnu and than who “Rh has. no enthuncd at the beginning or M bowl Tue-hr, Wedmhy. The- teaan and their aptains sign- Cd up are: Swearingen's Pace Makers: W. H. The fin: Annual Tournament of the Downers Grove Bowling league will ital-t next Tuesday evening. Septem~ her 30th and continue until April 23. next year. A regular schedule of games whereby eight five«man teams will bowl one night a week has been unused. The league will use al- leys numbers one and two at Dicke’s. where nll the fluxes will be played, on Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and‘ Pridny nights. Almhhnfladoanyu-l ‘Wrflve Men Ready [or Place ' 1'qu and Only Forty of them ‘ mm: ' - ' ‘ sum pm smmm 3qu lpflplunt: to No 10.0.. 10.00 the mat found, but admit: die and. This ought to boom ancient real mtg “and Wheaten. (minoin) Iiels first suggested a Cmie Libraâ€" ;I'r) that the hm cry m the law mld not all" taxpayers to be used more Ethan so many mills. she aid all right {and good let us all get together and {ray the diflerenee. WHEATON WORKMAN UNEARTHS LONG BURIED TREASURE you why people who are ready and drilling to help a Libnry feel that :it is not mud-tad. VMmeanyrithere.u-ulfow- gin; or money m apiul punk-hm! flier: would be mighty few in Dum- ‘cn Gm! alive. ,then is quite a let M never lose :«wmflyhnyflntlmn- {cl-My [- Dov-en Grove .M n? m In new. that I h." n" you that my house is I“ new. I paid my Wt! in (all some years ago. and I don‘t know anybody in the Hr” today that I owe one dol- hrta. Ql’ [My by m. tune of 0mm. Gmomuumpudtodouhlo-cn- I!" and hated the papa-duo- I. rut-IL With the halo of tho lu- Capt-h Muhammad-fir ‘uo- uh! uh Mtdflnvmnnd “n W the only grin-mi the rmodflonhul'ukdooay. Tho-bwuyuuflu-t ”v.50! Mlmmbmbw‘ enommr. III-"mud” Rd Cm- nd net-null; oh: that whammy-dunks“ mittmnmaueh loci-mun. Sham-"on! by!holntcln.A.P.Dcnhh-. She dcvotdugmtdudolthubpm- muCamghUbruthmnon Grove. 80!: Mann-nut my Chicago. September 30m, 1919. ‘Edllor Donner: Gme Reporter. Downers Grove, Illinois. Dear Sir: I have been very much interested in the editorhln 3mm; in your paper In word to the White “bury. l have before me the orlxilll pe- titioa that in circulated for “(an I only mention these things to show FORMER RESIDENT TELLS START OF PUBLIC LIBRARY Bertolin's Cubsâ€"- W. G. Ballow George Vix f. Bill McElroy Jay Allison Ralph Gregory ‘Kltlwell's Speedersâ€"- Albert Vix W. -Wells Art Peterson ' Open Open Lee Beidehnan Klein's Knits- ’ Stump I Vix Art Sovcrus Otto Vix R. Mochcl L. Hagen Open Mochel’s All Stirsâ€"â€" C. 'Btaig'er Clarke's Glenn W L. E. Shula A. Schlaudcr B. Druettel 8. Near Bulat M orhv' but Yours very truly. nyto I“ the [AW m in an miu. stim- I“ that can Ibo halter and mm long can fut driving and My um. All dun for [adieu nrfdnhhnmhtnulvu Wain-shy. 80ml»! m. the mun «St. huh [Adios' Md vb- bhd with In J. D. mailman: And Film"! to W (hm “until. Th Ruhr-nu. m loving for Gilda. WILJImeth-QMI!“ mmwnhwrhunuu. thm-bymldfinuum duos-l chum Itmur (of print: lunâ€" Iad Ad- flutehuhrchudm lm‘tolo year- of no. will he held from 9:16 to lo:li. The neon-d dun. for chil- dmfm "bum-clumwfll I! kid from 10:” to man. Ar- Wuyhnwvlfimb- ‘ [honing 1m will be given ev- ery Saturday marlin in lindt'n Hall. A haw (ms? this mommy. flue :om this m. was mucuiblc for 1"» starting of fumes» and My“ all over town. A brink fin rarely fdtgooduflmnirmmvlyu chilly u it usually I» in late November Doggerg ggoye Vulcanlzing Shop Dicke’s Hall is beautifully decorated {or the American Legion dance to- night. The chapemna for the party will be Dr. and Mrs. Bebb. Dr and Ilrs Pufier. Dr. and Mrs. Barber and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. James. The boy; have secured the best of dance music for the occasion and expect to have one of the best times enjoyed in the village {or years. 10,000-Miles on Racine Cord Tires and the one of fiMMihsonRadneFabfic'flma SINCERE GUARANTEE! Hurrah for the M. E. Philathea pic- nic in E. Mllnes’ woods, West Maple ‘avenue. on Saturday afternoon. Sep~ tember 27th. Wives bring your hus- bands and families. Girls bring some- one. It isn't leap year but bring a person that needs a cheerful hour. See if it don’t help you and others have a good time. Don’t forget to bring cats and a big smile along. WE MAKE OUR OWN ADJUSTMENTS ON Miss Ge‘rtrude Dowlc entertained a party of Chicago friends and mminisP waves and pictures of Estes Park. where all had spent a vanction. were theyhief interest of the afternoon. The guests were the Misses Currie and Elizabeth Becker. Miss Mary Kimble and Miss M. B. Shelton. 'V inflection of gun-game waist! to choose ‘ A “IP89 congregation will 8"?“ from. Handsome brassleres and am- Bishop Anderson upon his visit. to S. 530;“ Try a Barclay “mtfimost Andrew“ church on Sunday, October comfortable corset made. “mad-silk. 5“- at 11:00 -~ m It in “MM Pluto-silk and Duplemnk hosiery UM he “'3“ speak “PM his MP W for men. women and children. beat Europe and the East In the interests wearing hose made Mm. Emfich, 75 of the World Conferencr on Faith and- North pone“ me Idv, Order. 1 A_ __ ____‘ _ _ C. PENNER 101 South Main St. Downers Grove, Ill. C. Penner has engaged the services of an EX- PERT Shoe Repairer. who has been doetoring shoes for the last twenty years, and is now pre- paredtodoellkintkofrepeiringpronptlyend efliciently. - Bring your shoes to us. 108 South Main Street, near Maple A;enue THIS MAKES THE GUARANTEE OF Shoe Repairing Announcement We ABTHURRBEIDELMAN Photons-B, flute. Ifyouplunmemorlnlh mrplotwewfllshowyoungnat ndetyddefinstomtm are executed from a variety of 1e. capable designs end every W is looked after by experts. That is why our monuments alwnys appeal to good Our Monuments tic adult. Bud-r of China. Quit”- crowd motored oak fun Cite-go to CM Bflmc. In Cocky AM m «but- all In. Cam-cor. Ir. and In. Bun-r. Ir. and In. m It. and limitations. Ir. And I"- Malta-alum. land In. PM In In“ Bulk-rm. In. rem-u. In Bacon-u. I" d The demnd (or special care of the hair and map of the an women in Downers Grove an be satisfied Inn at m. l have given time and study to his very incoming work under the best teacher- ou the an of the uti- tnd hair. And now o'er my tag via. to u» my putkulu W hero in Dov-nu Gm. Have nude Itmwglnlhnpooinnh nut and dry *0 hair with "bung. Nobotnlruodnuuhflr. III‘V‘ In; hot oil cm I an the colon mu INDU Anus-vac Ofl. Ivy L‘ Yule. M No. Pond Av... Pint} for Wotan-t 9-H. Mm ‘ A than n- dm In: Sunni-y} and“ on the In“ of Ir. 8. N.’ Brown'- has 3! Mann. It vol 13me nth-H all A non! enjoy-s able um «lord. Am that p"- unt wore II. and In. am. In: .’ One of the most delightful outings ‘ of the mason was enjoyed by 42 mem~ ‘ hers and guests of the Congregational Ladies Aid Society on Thursday the 18th of September. when they wen: taken to the Cutten Farm in autos which met at the depot at 10:30. Soon !after reaching the hospitable home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Bensley Where the 'meeting was held, a bountiful Bohe~ 1min: Lunch was served which was: ’generously added to by Mrs. Bennie»: iThen followed a tour of the build- !ings where valuable stock is kept and rated for. The courtesy Ind kindness of the host and bone“ and of the ’Mfle who {numbed the autos nude this I Red utter Day for the anxiety. l Flode. Wells, who for more than inine months has been a “Y” Secretary in the service buildings at the Great Lakes Station, has been mans-cried [to ‘tlle headquarters staff as Camp {Business Secretary. He has charge 1of all the business. construction and nalvnge work for the "Y" ovet the mtire station. The work is mom conâ€" genial and he expects to remain with the Y. M. C. A. until after the first of the yea r. Within! [an]: on up five. immm 1m wool. thank-nth! TEACHER? INSTI. [ . ‘;wa.:.';‘:.‘ mm to 3.3.: Tm NEXT WEEK from. Handsome bmsiem Ind arm â€"â€"SCHOOIS CIDSE The next Community “Welcome Home" will be entirely dill'erent from those' which have preceeded it. The committee which has had charge of 1Hume affairs wen- delegated to pre- pane for the last one and approached the local post of the American Legion for advice. They requested the Le- gion. as the olficial mouthpiece of ex- senice men to any what form the‘ Welcome Home would take or i! the] Community Welf-n League Donates >Cost of 0m- Night’s Fun to be Used by Ex-Service Men. Almost every school teacher in the county will attend the sessions at the county seat . This year’s institute will be the largest ever attempted. NEXT WELCOME ‘ HOME WILL BE A JOLLY ONE L. B. GESNER, Agent 15 South Main Street - Dowmra Grove, Ill. The Annual Du Page County Tea- chen’ Institute will be held It When- ton all next week. Local teachers will “and and as p‘ consequence the local schools will be closed. Continental, Fidelity, Phenix, American Eaglg' Men constantly refer to this apparel shop as a place where Value is always found. The plural, Values, is also correct. The problem of being well shod in these days of high priced leather is a hard one. Particularly is this true because of the poor quality of shoes some man- ufacturers are putting on the market. We have (or years sold, only good shoes to our trade and our con- nections with wholesalers who sell only an honest product enables us to keep on with our established custom of selling GOOD Shoes Only! For the man. young in years and the man old in years but young in ideas, we have an endless variety of Fall and Winter Cape. They come in shades to suit the individual taste. Striped. checked or solid colored, they are great values at the prices asked. LOOK OVER OUR LINE OF CAPS FOB FALL AND WINTER WEAR Ste-an Heating - Sewer Building Gas Fitting Telephone 58-h TAILOR AND GEN'I‘S’ FURNISHINGS South Main Street Get into the habit of trading at ’l‘holin’s. FIRE â€"â€" LIGHTNQVG â€"- TORNADO -â€"AUTOMOBILE-â€" V. ~- THOLIN -Fred D. Heinfle PLU M BING INSURANCE $65,000,000 SECURITY E"? CAPS! The permanent quarters committee is now looking for a suitable loca- tion, and has In one solution the old Congregational church building. I There was left in the welcome home 'fund $76. 00 and to this was added 38425. 00 from the Welfare league's ‘treasury making a total of $500.00 which the boys can have when they are ready for it. To this sum the Rev. Ems B. Goodwin, in the lame of his pariah, has added 325.00 for the furnishing of suitable rooms. The only “string” attached to the gift was that when the club moms are opened the vfllage be given a chance at a regular old faalu‘oned house warming. That one evening he set aside when everyone could visit tthe rooms, inspect them and say how- dy to the boys. So with these facts' II View the next welcome home will be a jolly one. years they gladly accepted the otter club quarters would be pleasure for of money to help furnish such (IMF tern. [meat gutters. By a annulment vote at the last meeting the fellow! decided to accept the money .wifi a vote of thanks. Taking the attitude that a banquet or other tom of entertainment would be a pleasure for one night only and boy-‘ would utter have the my it wouldooutoholplltupthdrpub' for Fall and Winter Wu!

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