Downers Grove Reporter, 26 Sep 1919, p. 3

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HOME SWEET HOME New International P 8: OTractor Plow Hawkins 8: Hawkins TITAN 10-20 Our low expense peymigs us to give 1 ,.____._ __,-.- u-4-‘vnc Our low expense permits us to give you 15191112“ SHOES for LESS MONEY! Pricesrangefrom...............;$2.25upto$7.00 Our new fall and winter line of'school and dress shoes for the younger members of the ~family is complete. We have the largest selection and our prices are very low in comparison with‘ the market prices at present. MORRIS SHOE STORE This means ample uric” of [ml- gcods. so dainty that even "no meat fastidious are delighted. Duy nnd Night Service; 34 s. Main Str. Teleph Whinnul's Philadel in: and Lama‘s. Mon: have up» winged u EXCIJTS VB "at: line. fu- Ibdr j-tly hum .1... £5.13... 33...!» I. .15 0|» 3*: A... '3 Etna... .323 .l w. u :3 0.. 903.23. SAY IT W CANDY ZINDT’S PHARMACY ‘ HOME l ya Ilia . ”OWNERS GROVE. ll.|.. Tdc’huc 231-. School and [Hess Shoes in the CLASSIFIED Column alive} m; on a» job. These "baby ads" are read c'very week by thousands of people in and around Downers Grove. For Sure in the Classified Column 0! The Reporter if you msh to buy anything, sell anything, rent anything. find any- thing. hire help or just to let lolks know you're still To thou who like "something diluent" we commend BIINTE'S DIANA STU" CONFECTIONR 1 hard candy that you don't tire of. ADVERTISE We are Agents for the 64 South Main Street. Downers Grove. Ill. BOYS, GIRLS AND CHILDREN Results ADVERTISE Telephone 282 i an.- .r W "Hwy. ' TM Mum-Io purport of the WM Lin-rank 811th". In has film!!! lit-en "imi'vulnl. is In pmdm within I rm~ immlh limo- : myrrh-Mi" history :o' "finals «inning (hr period o! “In ‘mr. inhaling W's eight or On- ‘volum. ad hating mry phat or war activity . It .in a moat striking «humanistic of modern warfare that to prov-«uh it m-mflully a": {0‘ 0h:- utiliufion of every available R- mnrce. mic and social. as we" as milihry. hm than I your can The State Legislature at its recent session appmprioted a sum of money to be used in the collection of ma- terial for a history of the part played by Illinois during the great war. The bill carrying the appropriation desig- nated the Illinois Suite Historical Liâ€" brary as the agency which should un- idertake the work. while the library has in turn established a War Re- cords Section, to be immediawa res- ponsible {or the task of collecting and preach-lug material. Mr. Wawne E. Stevens, recently associated with the historical branch of the general staff, has been appointed secretary to the War Records Section. with headquarâ€" ters in the State Capitol at Spring- field, and will have general supervi- sion of the project. As early as 1918 I the War History Committm of the State Council of Defemo 100a prelim- illnaij' steps to secure the prom-way lion of war material, but its activitiI-it} mmo‘to and end when the Council of Daren-cc wan dimlwd. Thus it be- came necessary to make other pun-5-; lion {or the continuation of the work and it in [or this purpose that firm War RA'COHIN Section has been createdf Nmity for a War History. A ‘- 'l‘he pmmwntlon of material to her r'cd in waiting the hiutory o! lllin-i niu‘ participation in tho World war! lis an undertaking which «lin-ctly con-l |comm ovary ritiun of tin- Staten for] mlmoat m’ury mun. ooman. and chin; had a part in tho winning of the wan! .It in inch-«l unthinkable that this along should be loot to (“tun narrationi 'thmouh the kiln!!! on the part 0!. .lhou- who uhaml in tho achievement! to inonl it. Them in warmly ‘l «ate in the Union but in making: [plan- (or the writinx of it:- n‘ar him; ltory. Human. (1)!"le by the Gen-f [ml sat at the l'nitncl sum Amyl ’uhow u... unmo- hold third piml among the stat": in the number of, tmnna t‘uinlnhflt. her quota twin: u- . rev-«Ind by only New York and l‘wnna‘l ‘pylrania . In tho many out" MENU of nor activity "it‘ Blah- had a «Ir-J1 n-npondinuly important shat-v. Thh,‘ nriltnn mmul of “link in the WI" ' nurt lu- M a mono and dignity l‘u ‘ (min-mud to the nmsuw of {m ' avliim animus. ‘ I I1 .5 32m ..'l'he Stale kgislature flu Ap- propriate! Money for a War Records Section. ‘ A “SIGN 0f ' OUR SIAIE'IN "If GRIN WAR era, with straw spreader attachment. Two and Three Ton Truck Wagons, Schumacher Feed, Baled Alfalfa Hay, 28 inch Wagon 30er FOR SALE BY Tractor Plows, Moline Manure Spread- Case Tractors 10=l8 and 15=27 JOSEPH V. 19113;pr wut I'LL Inc M wwr as 17- wow! You GONNA MAKE Tni’fiwzfir- Telephone Downers Grove l37-R fut the stunning can hardly In «awful. I! an In! I:- too “m- Iy mm "at anry ”me who roa- mm my mum! port-ill" to Ur- ‘n‘lr should phi-ewe it cut-fully In it will lu- mmry lo mm M h on!" In [undon- I history which shall 5" wqumlo in every tinned. WW? fiflt’! mum» In in form of Man I‘m m "I the union. «um om- :chl mm of var orgaduum m Hunters, or tub: not. it Mid h- nu- ed. m nova" b mm. m. M! trivial it may m. for in (chm! in." n my be wholes. .P'rm ! (how-tho MU. HM") dllua of [Ill-oh who but .1 than in 0:: win-In: of ”to war M: n pm! mm ,m min. that I 3mm: a! the tel-human of 0.. ma- I. guru-nod TM"! will hr af- ford“! to crow-yaw an opportunity b ”am "1,le In (ha ”and“ of 0w- mnlnin! mmry w n-rm- n M» (cry. Without may motivation. in Before any hfltory can be written. the necessary materials must be ax- n-mblml and it is to this land! that the War Records Section in already devoting itmll‘. There will he blot lugvthcr at Spn’ngficld a comprehen- rlw collwtlon or mutt-rial of all wrtn ;whivh will u-rvc not only In I hauix 5for writing the histnry but u a source Ia! information for thosr who will inv film futurv den-ire to lll'filtlfl'flu' any iphuse of llljuoin \ur hhtory. It will ,br lmpomtlble. however, to lmel'; nut my one place all of the d-u of\ :this non. The variouu rountin-u o! jtlw Stat:- mult he munnmdblc for tho ,rmwn'atlou of much of the lnloh finallcm "Influx tn tlwlr awn wnr blu- ‘rtory. In the Man (Man tlwn will Hx: nought the rooporntlon o! rrprr- lurntatlw rommlttm in ml; 0! 0w "Idols: math). “but «lath-u wlll he twofold: Hl' To unmblv- anal pn- rcrvc in local «It-mum data twist. in tn uu- \ur ndivlfin of the may tall (2) to M“ the Wu Ran-owl! Hutton In bulltllng up I mllectlon of muterhl at Sprlnxfi'ltl. arms,” unlted.‘ nitrous-ritual. cv- the nun-ma w W’ inch ’II! cn'poweratitsdispoaltonrdthethe American Red Grove. the State one end of bringing to a victorious Council of Defense, the Food Admin- conclusion a struggle or! unpreceden. ietration, or any one of a great mnny ted magnitude. ltnrcly in the history other: which might be named, ehould of the world has there been such unity be extremely awful not to destroy of purpose and hetion. Any adequate any correspondence. reports or records history of such an ellort must take of any sort which are still invthelr into account not only the achieve-«loustody. The ywill soon he called mantra of the army and the navy. hurlupon to account for all such ollicisl also the equally important work which records. Certain kinds of material was done at home. which constituted disappear very rapidly and can he the “fight behind the lime." Such a preserved only by a conscious efiort history must tell how public opinion to avoid their loss or destruction. In was welded into a driving force, de- this class are included newspapers. termined to "carry on” to the end;.letters, diaries. posters, circulars, eta. Jhow man power and industry were imohilized; and how there came about a concerted movement for the conser- ‘vation of resources in order to moire victory possible. it is proposed to tell, in these projected volumes of ill- inois’ War History, how all these things were accomplished. and to des- cribe how the resources of the State were organized to help save the world from the threat of Prussian militar- ism. To preserve such a history should not only be considered a privi- loge. but-should be regarder e- a duty which Illinois owes to her fu- ture citizens and to the Nation itself. The Collection of Materiel. Before any hintory can be written. the necessary materials must be usâ€" comblml and it is to this task that the War Records Section in already devoting itself. There will he blot together at Springfield 4: comprehen- sive collection of mull-rial of ull sorts which will serve not only an a basis {or writing the history but an a sauna- of infomurtion for those who will in' the future desire to inc-\‘ntiuutc any phase of Illimin “or history. It will be impossible, however, to Assemble [at any one place all of the tilt: of all of which should be most carefully preserved. no sooner or later every- thing of this sort may he used. Per- sons having material which they wish to contribute to the collection at Springfield. .or which they would be willing to loan for the purpose of copying, are invited to inform the secretary. Communications may be addressed to him at the War Records Section, Illinois State Historical Li- brary, Springfield. Illinois. ‘ Let Nothing be Destroyed. Such, in brief outline. in the project which has been undertaken. under the authority of the State Legislature and and with the hearty approval of Gov- ernor Lowden . Private concerns are!‘ planning the publication of state wnr ‘ historical as commercial ventures and such enterprises have nlrcady made‘ their appearanCc in Illinois. Without“ detracting from any such undertlkâ€" ings. it nevertheless serous nppropri- into to remind the citizens of the unu- thut the project here described iii pc- culiarly their own, and one in the car- rying out of which they will he in- vited to share; an such it deucrvcs l their first "wraith-ration. Further. unvlI monuments will he made from time] Too 1am A HR 1106“,; “law I. at. A. F...‘ A. II. MU... aflvmm and mu; cordon-M Sutunlay which run numb-d lowly M In"! my! mum: cvnflum. ln Um awning "mt law of CM- run. was pnnnl And duhnvd an ahinl dam". on tho Rm. 9. .1. firm- in‘. I»! ”w- F‘ir-t I. E. (thumb. TM flaw wort u "my!“ by this dr- In time concerning 1|" plu‘l'l‘fl of flu- worlt Ind the nor! of cooperation uhkh will b:- ntmll-d. lunwhlk. bum»; in mind {hm “ml: of collecfiu ”Id pun-r wing!» clat- whkh mull ‘ucrvv u the hubs for telling the “cry of "limit in the ("at war, the man» u! vvery [tn-non who ferlu n prick- iu‘ Mr Rhianna-Mn 1;th hr, ‘1“ mm»; be .mmm.“ GROVE IDDGE HELD BIG MEET- ! N G SATURDAY Honor lain 0! China. "an! And (‘0'!ch m Mm .- Between W Write your own head. it has us sh In. ll II. Vic-lug. vooflmr *me'n I'LL MAKE A 2,; ms? Fol ,1 or m n' drum-me In with a men In]. fi' tannin at m:- tn ream no at an ""1129"le .1 Intro". Yet I. ' days of manner dishes. «I. ." snare perhaps a! the he! the rmardu the dips"!!! of food I‘ ' 1 ”u «mum quanmy wm longs-bl? guilt-n by an mlnutm at lat. Mm r-Iu-rrlm tmtlu-r are MO [I y singularly harmful. and were “fl Imw was"! the «mm It _ l'iprt a. prrsident of the m may no; Continuum. ' ' :1 An Arxmfla'e dado! In I M mm: rum mm "m the. Io; many mum: of on In hot urn-69.5; I'M although mud Ind "M In llwmw' V»: are vmm'dl man no. mm mm with other filfl. )wryhody today remgnlnn tho i“, M unt- Mme (MI hm veguhr PM”! M k' "a... m or (run (Man I! rf luck or in w W U V‘ about I ha" hf! Jam-1 mtropdiu (Ind if the M 1‘ 'hy'g “my, K m il. position to tau-h the hide. Tho pmw-rty W ”H Swim offlervyn.1wgtd ”Q "a “abut-Nth V‘ 5m Marl and usual- “Q "I methiu” we" not w h. in. out '9“: 00' ml it. 1-. Miner’s, for only ‘7”. porch-ad tho dd Illbr but in; and will opul- - but,“ m the our [mu 8. A .m we.“ bud. Mn but I”. ““3 Hit-them”: ml: Inf-u ' ‘IIL Ir [mm In lath. fl tuna“. Ion-alto. MN “aw hat-tan- hllfln‘hlflom VII-i {III u pun-L j E The ad- 0! IM- onu Mi 3‘ nwumamma fig “E an. to up on unm- nun- an In wk. "hit” Iblkr III b fl. (one Milk! Tavern the". II V. g at: day on a! tho and m W nu Anon-“l Chicago. “I. hr. Mg mnmflkunhnwmw 0.91va I» 0.: mm, M‘ M- ny mum rat or (uh. ba‘ rum with W. ”any In the (Ill. W M “E E E :1 0M lime had-Ivy and m '10:.“ pmflflnr. I... I‘M V. ‘3 man sud m wont b M d HISTORIC MILLER CORNER HA8 3! ithoa- who m remain to tho “I in]: sension and span] the m name-n, I! pomfible. to In. W Higgins ch-imwl «new 0* HINGE. Com 1.! hear whit tho '. 013;! IV. bu burn Mug. And hip fl." flu- ‘nut Mali berm Ill. . Mm Julia W Hither. M Mn. (me- Bartholomew, It“ [Mutton In the evening the "am at W ludo" will be given by {our ' j from Nupervllle, followed by' u ‘0' logue. “Mr. 11th Wad." by O W and genlelman. There will III ‘06“ music chafing the afternoon and M inn session)». and to teachers». We will be (lid- wclcome those attending the era’ Institute Ind .ll other! _ ed in home, school und the no!!! In the “tel-noon superb“ will updrt the wnrk of their I meats, and at II p. m.. In. Dow will speak on "Home P: tion for School,” I subject a! interest l0 mothers of school a lift of humanity. 'The annual «Hammad: _ icny Hull. Wham. on . ‘tober 2. 1919. beginning it 10'” Reports hum Unions mil _ of outm- will occupy the j ' session after a sewn at W} by our County Evangelina: m County Unkn- '11. in» "all In m h! Entertainment will be M M Box luncheon and Social Haunt K. A. nut-t. In.” I! M- " Ibo m SOLD FOB BA}

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